Grapefruit marmalade. Do-it-yourself orange decor, many ideas Crafts from vegetables to school: potato ponies

Orange peel box

Unusual caskets self made for jewelry can be made from orange peel!

To make the box you will need:

- orange (or other citrus),
- jars to be used as a mold (glass or plastic),
- oil or acrylic paints, contour, beads, sequins (for painting the box),
- soda (sodium bicarbonate),
- rubber bands

How to make a box with your own hands:

1. Cut an orange in half and scoop out the pulp with a spoon.

2. Place the orange peel in a cup of hot water, add 1 tablespoon of soda (without a slide).

Leave the orange peels in the soda solution for about twelve hours - you need to wait until they become elastic and soft. In this case, when forming the box and the lid, the zest did not crack.

3. Turn the crust out and “stretch” it onto the jars that you prepared as a mold for the box. In this case, one of the halves of the orange will be the box, and the other will be its lid. Experiment with bottom caps,

Fasten the halves orange peel on the form with the help of pharmaceutical gum.

4. Now leave the peel to dry completely. They must dry naturally, so the process will take a long time - about one to two weeks. Drying time will depend on air humidity.
After complete drying, remove the molded peel.

5, 6. Now you need to decorate the lid of the box with some kind of ornament using a pen with a thin tip, for example, a gel pen.

Then paint the lid with acrylic or oil paints, outline. You can use beads (glue on the "moment-crystal"), silicone gun).

The original do-it-yourself box is ready.

Desserts based on natural citrus fresh juice and agar-agar are a good option for creating homemade jelly sweets. Grapefruit enriches the taste of marmalade, gives it a spicy light bitterness and a delicate aroma. By the same principle, you can make sweetness with any citrus fruits. You can use tangerines, kumquats, limes, or oranges to make the treat. You can also enrich the taste of a jelly dessert by adding a pinch of nutmeg, cinnamon, or a spoon or two of coconut flakes to the blank.
Due to the fact that agar-agar is included in the composition of grapefruit marmalade, marmalade turns out to be more useful and natural than a blank with the addition of gelatin. Such sweetness can be given to small children, vegetarians and those who fast. Grapefruit sweets are a good way to enjoy a savory sweetness without the risk of gaining extra pounds.

Adjust the amount of granulated sugar in the recipe yourself, depending on your taste. If you are on a diet, replace sugar with any natural sweetener. This will help you enjoy the sweetness without endangering your hips and waist.
It is advisable to buy agar-agar for marmalade in trusted markets or natural food stores.

  • - grapefruit juice (200 ml);
  • - water (40 ml);
  • - agar (1.25 tsp);
  • - sugar (30-40 grams).

Cooking marmalade

1. Pour agar-agar powder into a ceramic bowl, pour cold water. We are waiting for 12-17 minutes. During this time, the algae powder will swell, the mass will become homogeneous.

2. We extract juice from grapefruit by any method convenient for ourselves. For marmalade, we can use both a strained product and juice with pieces of fruit.

3. Pour the recommended amount of sweetener into the container.

4. Pour ½ of the grapefruit juice.

5. We are waiting for the natural preparation to boil and the sweetener to dissolve. Pour agar-agar into a container. We boil the natural preparation for another 30 seconds.

6. Pour the remaining 100 ml of grapefruit juice, quickly combine the components.

We are sure that the idea of ​​making a grapefruit vase is simply ingenious and so simple to implement that you are guaranteed to find everything you need to implement it in the nearest store. Detailed, step by step master class will help you create a great decoration for any holiday table whether it's a wedding, birthday or children's party.

Bouquet in a vase of grapefruit

Materials needed for work:

  • grapefruit;
  • knife for peeling vegetables;
  • floral foam;
  • cellophane;
  • greenery;
  • garden rose;
  • carnation;
  • ranunculus - garden buttercup;
  • orchid.

Description of work
Step 1. Choose a grapefruit with a flat bottom.

Step 2 Using a knife, cut a round hole in the top of the grapefruit about 5-7 centimeters deep. Remove the fruit pulp from the hole. You do not need to remove the pulp of the entire grapefruit, just the one in the hole.

Step 3 Cut a piece of floral foam large enough to fit snugly into the hole you made in the grapefruit and 1 cm higher than the depth of the hole. Place a piece of cellophane into the hole in the grapefruit, and then place the piece of floral foam you cut out, abundantly moistened with water, into the hole. Cut off excess cellophane if you don't want it to be visible.

Step 4 Start creating your flower arrangement from sprigs of greenery, simply sticking them into the floral foam. Your task at this stage is to hide the foam under the greenery and provide a good base for the flowers.

Helpful Hints

Can be made from fruits and vegetables great amount various crafts.

Many of these crafts can be made together with children - this will not only bring pleasure, but also positively affect the child's imagination.

Here you will find crafts for every taste and color.

arm yourself the right materials and use the accumulated information to create beautiful and original crafts.

Read also:

Crafts from autumn vegetables for children

Children will love to play with paints. To make them have fun, make vegetable seals for them.

Potatoes, for example, can be cut in half and cut out a certain pattern in each half - the child will dip the potatoes in paint and stamp on paper.

In addition to potatoes, there are other vegetables that can be used.

Look closely at the pictures to see how you can surprise kids with simple vegetables and paints.

Crafts from vegetables in kindergarten: eggplant man

You will need:

1 eggplant

Glue stick

pom poms

Plastic (toy) eyes

Everything is very simple, and even small children can do the craft.

1. Glue the toy eyes to the eggplant.

2. To make a nose, you can glue a large pom-pom or cut a circle out of paper and glue it on.

3. Small pom-poms can be glued in the shape of a man's mouth. Can also be used in place of pom poms. colored paper, cardboard or even other vegetables - a strip cut off from a carrot, for example.

DIY vegetable crafts: potato men

Making eyes

* To make eyes potato man, you can use small buttons of any color (except white), which should first be sewn to a piece of fabric white color- then cut the fabric in a circle, grease it with glue and stick it to the potato.

* Also, eyes can be made from: peas, berries, black pepper, seeds, colored paper, or pieces of carrot, which are fixed with a toothpick.

Making a nose

To make a bulging nose, use a button sewn to a piece of fabric - cut the fabric in a circle a couple of millimeters larger than the button. Spread the fabric with glue and attach to the potato.

Making ears

To make the ears, use pumpkin seeds - just insert them into the potato with the sharp end down. You can also make ears with plasticine.

Making hair

Hair can be made from different materials, for example, from threads, paper (by cutting a fringe) or thin wire.

Crafts from vegetables to school: potato ponies

INwe will need:

Three potatoes



1. Insert one toothpick into a small potato - this will be the head.

2. To make the neck, take out a small potato and insert the other side of the toothpick (from step 1) into it.

3. For the body you will need a large potato. Attach it the same way.

4. Use toothpicks to make the horse's legs. Insert them into a large potato, i.e. the body of a horse.

5. To make the horse stand, attach small pieces of carrot to the toothpicks that play the role of the horse's legs.

6. You can also make ears out of carrots. Insert the ears into the pre-cut holes.

7. For the mane and tail, use knitting threads. Just cut as much as you need and stick to the craft.

How to make vegetable craft: radish flower

Before you start cutting the radishes, hold them in cold water a couple of hours - it will become firmer and fresher.

1. Cut off the bottom of the radish. Decide how many petals you want for your future flower, and think about where you will make the incisions.

2. Take a knife and start making cuts from the bottom up (see image).

* You may need to practice a little so that later all the petals of the radish flower turn out to be even.

* If you want the petals to be more loose, gently move them with your finger from the center of the flower in the opposite direction.

3. Cut the petals with scissors so that you get "arrows" (see image).

4. Repeat the previous steps to make a second layer of petals from the middle of the flower, but this time the petals should be between the outer petals.

A similar flower can be made from the peel of a tomato or kiwi:

How to make a flower from a tomato - video:

Crafts from vegetables instruction: flower decorations from vegetables

These crafts can be used as a decoration for dishes or simply as a pretty serving of vegetables for kids who are not known to be very fond of vegetables.

You can use different vegetables. In this example, cucumber and carrot are used. You will also need a toothpick.

Food Crafts: Egg Snowman

You will need:

6 large boiled eggs

6 small boiled eggs

Black pepper (peas)

1 carrot

1 skewer

1. Peel one large and one small egg from the shell and cut off the top and bottom of them.

3. Put a small egg on a large one and secure them with a skewer - thread it through.

4. Make a hat out of carrot rings. To secure it to the snowman, first make one hole with a skewer through the circles. Now put the hat on the protruding skewer.

* You can safely cut off the excess part of the skewer.

* Instead of a skewer, you can use thick, uncooked pasta.

5. Make eyes, nose and buttons using black pepper, and for the nose you can use a small piece of carrot.

6. Parsley can be used as hands for a snowman.

Children's fruit crafts: decorations from dried orange slices

You will need:



Oven rack

Satin ribbon

1. Cut the orange into several slices about 1-1.5 cm wide.

2. Place the orange slices on the wire rack.

* Do not use a baking sheet, otherwise the slices may burn.

3. Put the slices in the oven and keep them there at 130 degrees Celsius for a couple of hours (check them periodically).

4. Remove the orange slices from the oven and let them cool. You can put them on a plate to cool.

5. Now the slices can be used to decorate dishes or for a Christmas tree or interior - they not only look beautiful, but also smell good.

6. You can make holes in them and thread the tape so that the slices can be hung.

DIY fruit crafts: fruit cup

You will need:

orange or grapefruit

1. Take an apple and put it on the table with the handle down. Cut off the top part and the bottom part will act as a cup.

2. Using a knife, cut out the core of the apple.

3. To prevent the apple from turning black inside, brush it with lemon juice.

4. Make a hole in your "apple" cup for the handle. Cut a slice of kiwi and insert it into this cutout - it will act as a handle.

5. For a saucer, just cut a slice of orange or grapefruit.

You can also make such a fruit cup to decorate the table:

Crafts from berries: strawberry Christmas tree

You will need:


Baking paper

Paper (lace) napkin

Adhesive tape (adhesive tape)



1. Make a cone out of cardboard. To learn how to make a cone, you can go to our article: Paper cone. Also cut a circle out of cardboard - this will be the base of the Christmas tree.

* Instead of paper cone You can look for a Styrofoam cone in stores.

2. Cover the cone with baking paper. You can push the ends of the paper inside the cone. To fix the paper on the cone, you can use adhesive tape(scotch).

3. Melt the chocolate to stick the cone to the base.

4. In a napkin, cut a circle with the same diameter as the base of the cone and push the cone through the napkin.

5. Prepare strawberries and divide them by size. Remove ponytails.

6. Start gluing strawberries from bottom to top, starting with the largest berries. Dip strawberries in melted chocolate and stick to the cone (wrapping paper).

* Save the smallest berries for the top of the tree.

7. You can also attach other chocolate decorations (ready-made or handmade) to the tree.

Children's crafts from vegetables and fruits: butterflies

You will need:


Toy (plastic) eyes

PVA glue

Sealed bag (zippered bag)

Fine brush or wire (optional)

Paints (optional)

1. Using glue, attach the toy eyes to one side of the clothespin and let the glue dry.

2. Put your favorite treats (yours or the children's) in a bag with a fastener - you can distribute them on the sides, but this is not necessary.

3. With a clothespin, grab the bag, as shown in the image.

4. If you wish, you can make a butterfly antennae from a thin brush or wire. You can also paint the clothespin if you think it's necessary.

Crafts from vegetables: pumpkin faces

Dessert for breakfast in layers
At the bottom of two glasses put a spoonful of thick natural yogurt. Sprinkle each with two tablespoons of muesli. Divide 1 banana into glasses. Pour 100 g of yogurt on top, add segments of 2 pink grapefruits and sprinkle with 1 tbsp of clear honey.

Salad with chicken and grapefruit
Heat 2 tbsp oil in a frying pan and fry 2 slices of diced white bread until golden color. Arrange lettuce leaves in a salad bowl, top with 2 baked chicken breasts, cut into pieces and 2 grapefruits, peeled and cut into segments. Stir in 2 tbsp mayonnaise, 2 tbsp white wine vinegar, 1 tbsp grated Parmesan and salt and black pepper. Drizzle dressing over salad and sprinkle with croutons.

Orange and grapefruit juice
Squeeze the juice of 2 oranges into a pitcher. Cut the grapefruit in half, cut out the pulp and add to the juice. Add 2 tbsp honey and serve in tall glasses with mint and celery stick.

baked grapefruit
Cut 1 pink grapefruit in half across the wedges and remove the seeds from each wedge with a sharp knife. Sprinkle with sugar and 1 tsp of cinnamon and put a piece of butter on each half. Put each half on a bowl, put in the microwave and heat for 1.5-2 minutes at 100%, until it warms up completely. Serve warm.

Fruit salad
For syrup - bring 2 cups of water to a boil, dissolve 10 pieces of sugar in it, add orange zest. Boil 3 minutes and cool. Peel and cut (disassemble into slices) fruits - 2 oranges, 1 apple, 1 pear, 1 grapefruit, 2 bananas, 2 fresh figs (figs), 2 slices of pineapple (fresh or canned). Put the fruit in a glass bowl, add 0.25 cups of cherry liqueur (maraschino, or any other) and prepared syrup. Cool well.

grapefruit compote
Peel the grapefruits, divide into slices and peel each of them from the films. Peel the apple and cut into small pieces. Combine fruits, pour water, bring to a boil, sweeten and cook compote. When it's ready, strain. Serve chilled.

Grapefruit salad with strawberries
For a refreshing start to the day, try this fruit salad. Wash and cut strawberries in half. Mix with white, pink or red grapefruit segments and mint leaves.

Crispy squares with grapefruit
Beat 59 g butter and 50 g brown sugar. Gradually, while whisking, add 1 egg. Add 175 g crunchy rolled oats, 50 g plain flour, 1 pink grapefruit, segmented and finely chopped, and transfer the whole dough into a flat 15 cm square dish, greased with oil. Bake at 180°C for 25 minutes until golden brown. Cut into 12 squares and cool on a wire rack. Beat 75g cream cheese with 75g icing sugar, spread into chilled squares and garnish with grapefruit slices.

Waffles with grapefruit and pineapple
Arrange 4 crispy toasted waffles on 4 plates. Put 1 tbsp of natural yogurt on each waffle, top with 350 g of canned pineapple and 2 red grapefruits, peeled and divided into segments. Sprinkle with 125g blueberries and serve immediately.

Cabbage salad with grapefruit
Finely chop 350 gr white cabbage. Cut in half and pit 175 g white grapes. Cut into segments 1 red grapefruit. Mix it all in a bowl. Separately, whisk together the juice of 1 lemon, 1 teaspoon Tabasco sauce, 1 teaspoon paprika and 1 crushed garlic clove. Toss salad with dressing.

