We make the application “Chicken. Cheerful chicken in applications from different materials Chicken template for applique

If you want to teach your little one new skills, we recommend making a joint application "Chicken". Making such works is very interesting for most children. In addition, thematic application is a way early development child. It is not without reason that the kindergarten program provides for the production by pupils various crafts from colored paper, including "Mimosa", "Verba", "Clown", "Butterfly", "Ship" and others. There are classic techniques that allow you to make such applications.

If you want to spend interesting and useful time with the baby, then create a joint craft. It can be kept as a keepsake to show to the child when he grows up. The degree of mother's intervention in the process should be determined by the age of the baby. The more complex the application, the more help will be needed. To make the work "Chicken", you will need several colors of colored paper, glue, scissors and a sheet of cardboard.

A simple version of the craft is suitable for the smallest children who are only 1.5 - 2 years old. Other colored paper drawings, including Mimosa, Clown, Willow, Butterfly, Boat, are more complex. For this reason, we recommend mastering the "Chicken" pattern, and then proceeding to more complex compositions. We suggest using a simple circuit. You will need the following stationery:

Before starting classes with the baby, you need to prepare the details. Using scissors, you need to cut out all parts of the future drawing. If the little one is already 3 years old, he can cut out all the necessary elements himself. Start work from the background. Glue a light yellow or light blue sheet of colored paper onto the cardboard. Thanks to this, the application will turn out bright. The chicken consists of a head and a body, which are represented in the figure by two yellow circles. They should be glued to the background, then add the beak and paws. If you are making an application with a small child, small parts can be added, because it is sometimes very difficult for babies to work with small details, because their motor skills are not as well developed as in an adult.

You can diversify the pattern with grass or mushrooms. Such elements will look great on crafts "Mimosa", "Willow", "Butterfly", "Ship", "Clown". Please note that if you want to create a bird sitting on the grass, the first thing you need to do is glue the grass to the background.

And do not forget to teach him names during the lesson with the little one. geometric shapes. The paws are an oval, the beak is a triangle, the head and body are a circle. As you can see, such lessons broaden the horizons of your child.

Template examples

There is another example that can be done with a toddler. To bring it to life, it is necessary to cut out two triangles, two circles and a semicircle from yellow colored paper, and then alternately glue them to the background. It is desirable, as in the first example, to use cardboard with a glued sheet of colored paper. On sale you can also find multi-colored cardboard, which will be more convenient to work with.

If you are looking for a more complex example, you can depict a composition where the chicken has just hatched from the shell. You can decorate the work with an image of flowers or a forest. The main thing in the lesson with the little one is to show imagination. Only in this case the application will come out beautiful and interesting. And after you master such a simple figure, you can learn how to make works that depict a mimosa, a clown, a boat, a willow, a butterfly and other interesting fairy-tale elements.

Classes with your child will allow him to quickly gain the necessary knowledge and skills. They develop well Creative skills and prepare the child for kindergarten and school. We recommend doing this as often as possible beautiful drawings with a toddler, because it is also a very exciting activity.

Anna Volodina

Easter chicken (compendium of GCD on design and application)


Production of a chicken by the method of volumetric application.

Program content:

arouse interest in manual creativity and the desire to create various crafts yourself;

teach some techniques for working with paper - volumetric applications, follow the correct sequence of work;

develop creative imagination, artistic taste, fine motor skills, eye;

to form concepts about the Easter holiday, its attributes and expand vocabulary - Easter, Easter cake, easter egg, easter chick, easter bunny;

to cultivate the following qualities: diligence, accuracy, perseverance, self-confidence;

to cultivate interest in the world around, politeness and goodwill.



1) A pre-made craft - a chicken in an egg.

2) Slides or video presentation about the celebration of Easter, its traditions and symbols.


1) Templates for cutting, colored paper, rhinestones and ribbons for decoration;

2) Scissors, pencils, felt-tip pens, PVA glue.


Easter is one of the main Christian holidays, celebrated in the spring and marking the arrival of new life.

Easter cake - a specially prepared rich loaf, decorated with icing and sprinkling.

Easter egg - a specially colored chicken egg with various options design and decor.

Easter chicken (rabbit) - the hero of the Easter holiday, traditionally hiding Easter eggs in various places that children need to find.

Abstract of the lesson on designing the method of volumetric application "Easter Chicken"

1. Conversation(Goal: vocabulary replenishment, work with geometric shapes).

Questions for children:

1) Before we start work, you must tell me: what holiday will we celebrate soon? (Feast of Easter.)

2) That's right, this is a great Christian holiday, along with Christmas, which we celebrate in the spring. (There is a slideshow or video about this holiday in progress) The holiday is very important for Christians: it symbolizes the beginning of a new life. That is why it is so widely celebrated in all countries where Christians live, including in our country.

3) Easter is very ancient holiday, originating from pagan times, when people worshiped not Gods, but the forces of nature - the Sun, water, wind, earth. When various religions appeared, one of which is the Christian religion, many pagan holidays were changed and included under new names as religious. The Easter holiday according to the Bible books began to be celebrated when Jesus Christ - the Son of God - suffered for all mankind and was crucified on the cross, but did not die, but resurrected and ascended to heaven, to Paradise - the most beautiful place. On that day, they began to celebrate this holiday for the first time. And since all this happened on Sunday, this holiday is also called the Resurrection of Christ. On this day, everyone gives each other and then eat specially colored chicken eggs - pysanky or krashenka - and baked Easter cakes - paska. In some countries, according to tradition, Easter eggs should not be given, but found: they are hidden easter bunnies or chickens.

4) And today we will make such an Easter chicken that you see. It will not be ordinary, but voluminous.

2. Fizminutka "Chicken"(Goal: mobile gymnastics for relaxation).

The chicken walked along the path

(steps in place)

He jumped on a thin leg,

(jumping on one leg)

And still circling boldly,

(spin around in place)

He skillfully flapped his wings.

(flap arms like wings)

He hurried to his home

(run in place)

To mother chicken pockmarked!

(we hug ourselves)

3. The progress of the chicken(Goal: teach how to work with paper and create voluminous application by templates)

Stage 1- Trace the chick detail templates on colored paper and cut them out.

(All templates should be monoprinted on cardboard so that it is more convenient for children to circle them and they do not tear)

Egg (can be cut from white or colored cardboard)

Chicken body (made of yellow, orange, pink paper, you can use velvet or self-adhesive paper)

wings paper (black, brown, white)

Legs and beaks of chickens (from red paper)

Stage 2- stick all the details in the correct sequence, as per the model shown by the teacher (in the figure).

Stage 3- decorate the egg on the outside with rhinestones, pencil or felt-tip pen drawings, ribbons and bows.

Stage 4- exhibition of finished works.

Well done boys! Here are some wonderful chickens you have. Let's wish everyone together: "Happy Easter!"

Ready chicken (when open, the wings can be folded inward and the egg closed on the slot: you get an "egg with a surprise")

4. The results of the lesson.

What did we do today?

What holiday did you hear about today?

Did you enjoy making chickens?

What craft did you make?

Happy creativity!

Related publications:

Holy holiday Easter - bright and great day. Everyone is looking forward to it and loves it. Every family prepares for it. He has long ceased to be a church.

Summary of the GCD on the application using ICT "Chicken" (second junior group) Summary of GCD on applications using ICT (educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development") for the second junior group.

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Abstract of the lesson on appliqué and paper design in senior group. Talented fingers. Theme "Ship" Tasks: To teach children to form.

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Synopsis of organized educational activities

Application "Chick"

Target: teach children to applique using cut threads.


develop the ability to solve riddles;

develop fine and general motor skills, creativity;

to consolidate the ability of children to glue pieces of cotton wool without going beyond the outline of the picture;

Artistic work, communication, socialization, knowledge.



Synopsis of organized educational activities.

Application "Chicken".

Target: teach children to applique using cut threads.


develop the ability to solve riddles;

develop fine and general motor skills, creativity;

to consolidate the ability of children to glue pieces of cotton wool without going beyond the outline of the picture;

Integration educational areas:

Artistic work, communication, socialization, knowledge.

Material : laptop, chopped yellow threads, a sheet of paper with a contour image of a chicken, a red colored pencil, glue, a brush.

1. Organizing time.

Riddle guessing.

Born in a yellow coat

Goodbye two shells (chicken)


Now sit back and listen carefully. I'll tell you the tale "Chicken's Birthday".

(as the story is told, slides on its content are shown on the laptop)

Once upon a time there was a chicken (1 slide: chicken). He had many true friends. One day the chicken invited his friends to a birthday party. All of them were very happy about this invitation and began to think about what to give him.

The bee decided (2 slide: bee) that you need to give the chicken fragrant, sweet honey - after all, all kids love sweets (3 slide: honey). Puppy (slide 4: puppy) wanted to give a chicken such that it was yellow and fluffy, like the chicken itself. And I decided to give him a dandelion. (5 slide: dandelion). The kitten (slide 6: kitten) offered to give the chicken a sunflower (slide 7: sunflower), because the chicken loves to peck grains and bask in the sun. But the sunflower is so similar to the sun! They thought about it and decided that they would give the chicken both honey and a dandelion and a sunflower. They also took a small violin with them (8 slide: violin), and sang a funny song to the chicken.

The chicken was very happy with his friends. He thanked the guests for lovely gifts and treated them to a delicious cake (9 slide: cake) and tea with lemon (10 slide: tea with lemon).

Children, let's also prepare a gift for the chicken. We will make such a portrait of him (showing a sample).

2. Physical education minute.

Our ducks in the morning - go in a circle waddling;

Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!

Our geese by the pond - walk in a circle, stretching their necks forward and

Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha! putting hands - "wings" back;

Our chickens in the window - stop, stand facing in

Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko! circle, beat with hands on the sides;

And how does Petya - a cockerel - stand with their backs in a circle, stretch

Early in the morning neck up, stand on tiptoe.

We will sing: ku-ka-re-ku!

3. Stages work.

A) the beak and legs of the chicken are painted with a red pencil;

B) glue small areas of the chicken's body with glue and apply threads, slightly pressing them, without going beyond the contour.

4. Finger gymnastics.

There was a duck shore, - index and middle fingers of both hands

Went gray on a steep. "walk" on the table;

She led the children behind her - with the index fingers of both hands

“draw a snake on the table”;

And small ... - they knock with their little fingers on the table;

And big ... - they knock thumbs on the table;

And the most beloved. - knocking with ring fingers on the table.

5. Repetition by children of the sequence of applications.


What will we do first?

And then what?

Application from velvet colored paper "Chicken in a hat". Master class with step by step photo.

Travneva Olga Yurievna, teacher primary school KSU " high school No. 21 p. Saryozek Osakarovskiy district Karaganda region Kazakhstan
Description: this master class teachers can use in their work preparatory groups V kindergarten, primary school teachers and parents. The work is designed for children 7-9 years old. Making applications from colored paper develops accuracy, perseverance, and imagination.
Purpose of the master class: gift, work for the exhibition.
Target: production of applique from velvet colored paper "Chicken in a hat".
- to form practical skills in working with velvet colored paper, scissors, glue, the ability to work with templates;
- develop aesthetic taste, creativity, fantasy, imagination, fine motor skills of hands;
- to cultivate independence, patience, perseverance, love for the living world of nature.
Materials and tools needed to make the application:
colored cardboard,
velvet colored paper,
work sample.

I'm all golden
Soft and fluffy.
I'm a chicken's baby
And my name is... (chick)

From eggs, as from diapers,
The chicken just got out -
And the fluff went on foot
A real rooster.
(L. Safronov)
I want to propose to make an application from velvet colored paper "Chicken in a Hat". If velvet paper is not available, you can make an application from plain colored paper.
We will be working with scissors, so we need to remember how to handle scissors while working.
When working with scissors, observe the following rules:
1. Keep order in your workplace.
2. Before work, check the serviceability of the tools.
3. Do not work with loose scissors. Use scissors with rounded ends.
4. Work only with serviceable tools: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.
5. Use scissors only at your workplace.
6. Watch the movement of the blades as you work.
7. Put the scissors with the rings towards you.
8. Feed the scissors with the rings forward.
9. Don't leave scissors open.
10. Store your scissors in their sheath with the blades down.
11. Do not play with scissors, do not bring scissors to your face.
12. Use scissors for their intended purpose.

Application "Chicken in a hat".

Prepare templates for the application.

Using the templates, we will cut out the details necessary for the application from velvet colored paper.
For the chicken itself, choose yellow. Cut out the legs (feet) of the chicken from brown or orange paper. For the details of the eye, prepare white and black paper (or Brown). Any color that you like is suitable for a hat, the main thing is that it matches in color against the general background of the application. The bow can be cut out of red, pink or burgundy paper. For grass, stems and leaves of flowers, you need to take paper Green colour. Only for grass choose paper of a slightly different shade. For flowers, choose paper in orange, blue and yellow color. We choose cardboard of any color, the main thing is that the application is clearly visible.

So let's start our application.
1. Glue the grass cut out according to the template onto a sheet of cardboard from below.

2. Now we begin to collect the chicken. Cut out and glue the body of the chicken.

3. Cut out according to the template and glue the legs (feet) of the chicken.

4. Cut out and glue the head of the chicken.

5. Glue the bow cut out according to the template.

6. Cut out and glue the chicken wing.

7. Prepare the details for the eyes. Glue in the following order:
- glue white parts;

- glue the black parts.

8. Cut out the beak according to the template and stick it on.

9. Cut and glue the brows.

10. We will “put on” a hat for our chicken. Cut out the details of the hat and glue in the following sequence:
- glue a large part of the hat;

- Glue the brim of the hat.

11. Decorate the lawn with flowers. Cut out the details and glue the orange flower.

12. Cut out the details of the blue bells according to the templates and glue them.
Glue on the first flower.

Glue on the second flower.

Our application "Chicken in a hat" is ready.

Yellow ball on the grass
Rolled merrily.
They say to the white light
He was born yesterday.
He is happy with the sun and warmth
Like any child
Midges, crumbs, worms...
After all, the baby is a chicken.
(R. Aldonina)
Thank you for your attention!

Master class "Application" Easter chick"from office colored paper.

The material is intended for teachers working with pupils of the senior preschool age and also for primary school teachers.
Office paper was chosen by me for making the application due to the fact that it is bright and double-sided.
Integration of educational areas:"cognitive development" constructive activity); "artistic and aesthetic development" (application); "social and communicative development".

Target: familiarity with Christian traditions; creation of conditions for the artistic and aesthetic development of pupils.

Tasks: continue acquaintance with the tradition of celebrating Orthodox Easter; learn to compose an object from different parts; to consolidate the ability to accurately cut and glue parts together; cultivate aesthetic feelings.

Materials and equipment: templates, appliqué details; glue, scissors, pencils, felt-tip pens, colored office paper.

Chicken patterns:

Before performing the application with children, you can conversation.
-Guys, what do you know about Easter?
What crafts are usually done for this holiday?
How many of you know what the egg symbolizes? (The egg is a symbol of the continuation of life)
-Why? (Because an egg hatches into a chick and it grows into a hen that will lay eggs again...)
-So today we will do the craft - "Easter Chicken"
-Remember that my sample is only my vision of a chicken. And yours may be completely different. I will be glad if you make the chicken your own way!

Before working with children, it is necessary to conduct a safety briefing.
Rules for working with scissors
1. Scissors must be stored in a case.
2. You can not walk with scissors in a group.
3. Do not wave scissors.
4. Pass the scissors to each other with the rings forward.
5. Upon completion of work, the scissors must be removed in a case.
6. Work together!
Rules for working with glue
1. Prepare a special oilcloth.
2. To open the glue, you need to unscrew the cap a little.
3.Glue must be used carefully.
4. Upon completion of work, you need to twist the bottom and close the glue with a lid.
5. Wash your hands after class.
6. Work together!

The order of the work.

Preparing templates.
We circle the templates, cut out the details - paws, torso, wings, scallop.

We glue the details on the landscape sheet.
The wings are glued on first.

Then comes the scallop.

After that, the paws are glued.

Only now we glue the body of the chicken.

Now our chicken should be revived. Glue on the eyes.

To make the eyes look alive and shiny, we glue white highlights on them.

Then comes the nose.

Lastly, the mouth is glued.

As an option, I suggest gluing the parts together, without a landscape base.

I never "drive" my pupils into strict limits when doing crafts, so they tirelessly amaze me with their diverse and unique works!

Shortly before doing the Easter Chick craft, the guys and I made an Easter Cockerel from "children's hands", and our chickens organically fit into the overall composition, which we placed on the wall.

Outcome: work was carried out to familiarize with the tradition of celebrating Orthodox Easter, the development of speech and the development fine motor skills; children have a positive emotional mood when doing crafts.
