Crafts from vegetables and fruits for school. Fruit crafts

We invite you to participate in 2019.

"Though you go around half the world, you will not find a more useful cake." Kulik Vitaly.

The cake in five tiers is made of fresh vegetables, berries and herbs. The base of the tiers is made of pumpkin, zucchini, squash, eggplant, bell pepper. The carrots in the form of a spiral and the base for a water lily, tomatoes, parsley, beans, onions in the shape of a water lily, raspberries, bell peppers and hot Bell pepper. Fastening is made with wooden sticks and skewers. The cake can take a central place on the exhibition table, and the children will look at it with interest and think about when it will be possible to eat it 🙂

Pankrats Svetlana Alexandrovna. "Garden Bunny" - .

Crafts from a pumpkin

Pumpkins make wonderful crafts - houses, carriages for Cinderella, fantastic characters and, of course, :). In addition, pumpkins have a different shape depending on the variety.

“Pumpkin House” by Elizar Polyakov, submitted to the 2018 competition ()

"Turkey". Grachev Vyacheslav.
The work is made of pumpkins and leaves.

"Magic house". Ignatiev Vladislav.
Pumpkin, paints, potatoes, onions, plasticine.

"Cinderella on the way to the ball." Ikonnikova Yessenia.
From vegetables with the addition pumpkin seeds, colors.

"Kolobok". Nikolenko Maxim, 5 years old.
MDOBU d / s 48 "Kapitoshka" r.p. Chunsky
The work is made of natural material: pumpkins and pine branches.

"Autumn Mister Kolobok". Kozlova Maria 3.5 years.
The work is made of a pumpkin, a nose of carrots, hair of grass plucked from a flower bed. Hat - weaving from newspaper tubes. The eyes are blueberries.

“My name is Julia Berdnikova. Recently, at school, we had an exhibition of works made from vegetables made by our own hands, and I took part in it.

The first work is made of pumpkins, mountain ash, zucchini peel and orange peel.

Group No. 6. Educator Zarifullina E.A.

Kandaeva Natalya Viktorovna, Moscow. The main character looks like Kopatych from Smeshariki 🙂
Autumn gifts. This craft is made with love for autumn. For a long time they will remind us of the outgoing autumn.

Smeshariki and Minion from vegetables. Children's work preparatory group No. 2 of the Izhevsk kindergarten No. 267. Vegetables were used for work: potatoes, pumpkins, carrots, beets and lemon. Educator Kochurova G.V.


"House of the Spider". Esipova Polina.
The house is made of pumpkins, the spider is made of bulbs, the landscape is made of moss, beans, dry leaves.

"Minion - pumpkin." Grebennikov Borya.
Pumpkin, plasticine.

"Moose". Ordova Alice.

Pumpkin, twigs.

"Turtle Tortilla". Teamwork Chamomile group.
The craft is made of pumpkin and potatoes. Some details (eyes, mouth, shell elements) are made of plasticine. Hat - from an openwork napkin, glasses - from soft wire. Here is what a beauty turned out to be!

"Wonder Bird". Timofeeva Ulyana, 9 years old.
The work is made of pumpkin and squash. The bird is decorated with calendula flowers.

"Kittens". Perestoronina Arina.

Pumpkin, turnip, rowan, pepper, apples.

"Hen-hen". Volkova Ludmila.
The work is made of pumpkin, zucchini, maple leaves.

"Glamorous snail". Grigorenko Daria.
The snail's house is made of a pumpkin, the head and neck are made of zucchini, and the horns are made of oak berries. The work is decorated with rhinestones and other decorative elements.

"Who, who lives in the little house?" Berezanov Daniel.
Teremok is made of pumpkin, decorated with oak-like mountain ash, red pepper and leaves. The animals are made of onion, potato and apple + plasticine. Under the tower are leaves, fir twigs and flowers.

"Funny Penguin" Lityago Elena.
Pumpkin, potatoes, bell pepper.

"Autumn Ship" Vanya Chernykh.
The craft is made of pumpkin and paper. Figures of heroes from Kinder Surprise.

"On hot-air balloon in autumn." Timofeev Andrey Nikolaevich.
From natural material: pumpkin, acorns, apples, mountain ash, leaves.

Oseeva Anya, Krasnoyarsk. "Flashlight".

Pupil of the senior group MBOU NShDS No. 37, teacher Naumova Svetlana Viktorovna. The craft is made of pumpkin.

Sergienko Ilya - "Madame Snail"

Pankrats Alexey - "Kopatych"

Knysh Tatiana "Waiting for a miracle"

Taranova Julia - "Madame Pumpkin"

Crafts from zucchini

Zucchini and zucchini also delight us with a variety of shapes and shades.

"Whale floating on the waves." Dmitriev Timofey.
When performing the work, vegetables were used: cabbage, zucchini.

"Merry Rat". Klochkova Sasha.
The work is made of green zucchini, nose, ears, paws and tail are made of carrots, eyes and teeth are cut out of white cardboard. An antennae from a fishing line was inserted into the nose.

Boat of vegetables:

Margarita Generalova, 5 years old, made it with her own hands, with her father's help, plane from a zucchini grown by grandfather(on the picture).

Vegetables used:

  • Fuselage, wing, stabilizers - zucchini;
  • Cabin glazing, portholes, door, side number - zucchini;
  • Landing gear - potatoes;
  • Wheels - carrots;
  • Engine nacelles - cucumber;
  • Screws, identification marks of the Russian Air Force ("asterisks") - Bulgarian pepper.

vegetable rabbit, kindergarten№267 Izhevsk

"Gnome House" Kirill Radostev.
House made of zucchini, decorated with plasticine.

“What a company…..” Tsintserova Alena Gennadievna
Zucchini, straw, chicken fluff, bird cherry.

Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka. Polyakov Elizar.
Crocodile Gena is made from zucchini, carrots. Eyes from chicken protein and black pepper.
Cheburashka is made of white eggplant, carnation eyes, an acorn hat, stands on a squash.

"Here I am". Isaeva Ekaterina Olegovna

"Minion". Trofimova Polina 5 years old. Cherepanova Anastasia 13 years old.
For our craft, we chose the ripest yellow zucchini. They painted it with gouache, made hair from toothpicks, eyes from corks. Everything is simple and very beautiful!

"Pig". Andriychuk Daria.

"Racing machine". Klochkov Alexander, 6 years old.
The car was made from zucchini, tomatoes. The details of the machine are made of paper. The man in the car is made of plasticine.

"The Boat of Knowledge". Solovyov Alexey.
The Boat of Knowledge craft is made of zucchini, carrots, cabbage, thread, sticks, plasticine.

Anokhina Maria, 4 years old, MKDOU kindergarten "Fairy Tale", town. Tuzha, Kirov region.
Artwork: Black Pearl.

"Into the sky". Marchenko Kirill.
Aircraft made of natural material.

"The steam locomotive from the zucchini." Lonsky Artyom.
The work is made of zucchini with the addition of small details.

"Car". Maksimov Dmitry.
The work is made of zucchini, a man of carrots, onions and tomatoes.

"Boat". Group number 2. Educator Kochurova G.V.

Kovtun Sveta. "Firebird". The craft is made of vegetables, berries and leaves.

Makar Mikhailov. Blooming cactus. Made by hand from zucchini and aster, which is fed by zucchini. And the needles of the cactus are made of pine needles.

Isakov Ilya, 5 years old. MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 4" of the city of Kirov. Leaders: Komaritsyna Olga Alekseevna and Chistyakova Anna Alexandrovna. Mom - Isakova Olga Sergeevna.

idea to create minions originated with Elijah. They made characters with interest. The base is a zucchini, the eyes are plasticine, pants are made of fabric, the legs are salt dough.

Pochepko Vanya, Krasnoyarsk. Craft "Beauty" is made of zucchini, decorated with plasticine.

"Hedgehog", Alexandra Kopytova

Komarova Alena, 4 years old, town. Tuzha, Kirov region.
Artwork: "Penguin Asshole".

Chikisheva Sofia, 3 years old, MKDOU kindergarten "Fairy Tale", town. Tuzha, Kirov region.
Work: “Ah - two! Ah - two! The road - Potatoes in their uniforms.

Eggplant crafts

Berdnikova Julia. Second work ( penguin) is made from zucchini. I also used ready-made plastic eyes, a hat, a ribbon. I hope you enjoy my work."

"Traveling as a family" Unloved Darina.
Eggplant, onions, carrots, matches, plasticine.

IA's birthday. Guskova Elizabeth.
Donkey: potatoes, eggplant, plasticine; owl: eggplant, buttons, beans; lake: mirror, birch leaves, roses.

"Machine". Galkin Mikhail.
The car is made of eggplant, the work is decorated with rowan berries, next to the car is a tomato caterpillar.

Bakharev Pavel, Smolensk. "Penguin with a cart."

Crafts from potatoes

Mom and dad Kartoshkins on an autumn walk. Trofimov Vova and Polina.
Our crafts are made of very interesting, unusual potatoes. We dressed them up for an autumn walk and came up with umbrellas in case it rains.

G.Izhevsk. The works were made for an exhibition in our kindergarten MBDOU No. 267 in Izhevsk, it was called: “Miracle Vegetables”.

Two dogs and a fox with an umbrella and a bag))), made from simple vegetables, potatoes and carrots, decorated with mountain ash and physalis. The parts are connected to the body with toothpicks.

Cockerel from vegetables:

"Behind the harvest." Sirotkin Artem Vyacheslavovich, 4 years old.
The work is made of vegetables: the car is made of potatoes, carrots, the girl sitting in the car is made of vegetables and waste material.

"Roses in a vase". Knysh Natalya Viktorovna.
The work is made of potatoes. "Roses" are colored with beetroot juice.

What kind of shape are there potatoes! "My friend Trezor." Bakirov Azat.

"Pigs", Borisova Kira.

Crafts from carrots

This root crop also sometimes grows into intricate shapes. This is just a godsend for lovers of creativity.

Crafts from MBDOU 267 Izhevsk. Carrot fox.

Carrot Indian 🙂

"Dancing Carrot" Bogdanov Maxim, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 1", Gatchina, curator: Lysogorova Lyudmila Alekseevna.

Veliotsinskaya Varvara, Rybinsk.

Crafts from carrots "I invite you to a tea party" and "Cheerful little fox".

I love helping my parents to harvest at our dacha, because I always find a lot of interesting vegetables and fruits. So this year I found interesting results. Their shape immediately helped me come up with the plot of the craft.

Dog, details are impaled on toothpicks:

Crafts from cabbage

"Bunny". Chernoyarova Natalya Alexandrovna, 10 years old.
The craft is made of natural materials- it all grows in our country house. Main character- the bunny is made of cabbage (torso), ears and paws are made of zucchini and the whole composition is supplemented with viburnum berries, autumn leaves, inflorescence and corn cob. so colorful and bright craft will decorate the "Autumn Festival!"

Lukoshkov Kirill.

When our group had a contest of crafts from vegetables, I made this Kolobok. The head is made of cabbage, the eyes and nose are buttons, the hat is made of straw.

"Bunny Smile". Moskalev Platon, MBOU "Secondary School No. 21 named after. N.I. Rylenkov, city of Smolensk.
the work is made of vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, carrots), fruits (apples), flowers (asters).

Ena Nikolay. "Bunny" is made from cabbage.

"Hare", Bardakov Matvey

Ulybyshev Mikhail, 5 years old, Tambov region, Michurinsk.
Work: "Smesharik Krosh".

From cucumbers and tomatoes

"On a visit to Cheburashka." Ivanova Daria.
Made of vegetables (zucchini, cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots), plastic, moss, flowers, plasticine.

"Pointe". Kalycheva Victoria.
The work is made of cucumber. decorated satin ribbon, sequins.

Cucumber car:

"Autumn mood". Ivanov Artyom.
The leg of the mushroom is a daikon, the cap is a tomato, the dots are mayonnaise.

Kozlova Daria, 9 years old, town. Tuzha of the Kirov region.
Work: "Signor Tomato".

From corn

Sitnikov Andrey. My horse is made of corn and carrots.

"Minions". Rybin Artem.
Material: Boiled corn and plasticine.

From beets

Khalimov Demid Sergeevich, 4.4 years old, Kindergarten 31, Magnitogorsk.

Nyusha from beets:

Adamson Olesya, c. Novopervomaiskoye, Tatar district, Novosibirsk region. "Mr Beet".

Mom and I came up with such an unusual little man and called him Mr. Beetroot.

Crafts from apples and pears

"Apple caterpillar". Kozlova Maria, 3.5 years old.
For work it was required: apples, toothpicks for connection, hawthorn fruits, chokeberry fruits, carrot tops, plasticine.

Do-it-yourself pig from an apple:

Ilyina Alena.

My craft is called "Caterpillar House". I made a caterpillar from grapes that I collected on a string. I made a hole in the apple, planted a caterpillar. It turned out a house for the caterpillar.

Golubeva Ulyana, Krasnoyarsk. "Caterpillar" of apples and ranetki:

"Funny Hedgehogs". Filippova Sofia.
Pear, grapes, vegetation.

from watermelon

"Roma in a wheelchair". Strizhova Polina.
The work is made of delicious gifts of autumn))) A stroller made of watermelon, wheels made of zucchini, decorated with radish and carrot flowers.

"Delicious basket" Ibraeva Natalia.
A watermelon basket is filled with what has ripened in the garden.

Watermelon Turtle:

From other vegetables and fruits


And more prefabricated crafts from different vegetables and fruits:

Group number 12. Educators Essaulova L.V. Strelkova I.P. Vegetable animals.

Hedgehog and bunny from vegetables:

Group No. 10. Educators Gerasimova E.A., Shumilova O.A. Figures from vegetables and fruits.

"Smeshariki in the forest". Surovtsev Anton.
The work is made of plasticine, pear, apple, nuts, cedar, garlic, onion, potato, mushroom, leaves, mountain ash.

"Hedgehog in the meadow":

"Merry Family"

Miracle Carrot:

Group Pictures #4.

Pumpkin carriage(fake :))

"In the Fairy Field"

Group #3.

Apple caterpillars:

Autumn freak:

"Parsley" from different products (eggplant, peppers, carrots, parsley, potatoes, blueberries, beans).

"Beautiful pumpkin carriage"

Tomato ladybugs:

Kosareva Natalya Ivanovna, Belaya Kalitva, art director Chapaev. "Doll Lucy"

"I'am a teacher primary school, with my daughter for the competition did this work with their own hands. The body is a zucchini, the head is an onion, the hair is made of dry grass, the hat is a cap, and around the grapes, viburnum beads, the buttons are elderberry, the skirt is decorated with foliage, flowers, hops and tomatoes. We hope you enjoy our photo. Beautiful craft!

"Forest Tale", Barkova Daria Evgenievna, 8 years old, Beregovskaya secondary school.

The craft was prepared from potatoes, toothpicks, dry autumn leaves and plasticine.

"Wedding Carriage" Malygina Sveta, 8 years old.

“This work was created for a school exhibition of fruits and vegetables. Having gone to the garden, my daughter and I first began to collect vegetables, and when we saw the shape of a plucked eggplant, we compared it with a horse's head. From the cucumber the body of the horse, and from the carrots of the legs. For a long time Sveta picked up carrots of the same length for her legs. And so that the horse would not be lonely, they harnessed it to a zucchini carriage, in which they put the pepper groom, drawing his mustache and gluing the hair from yarn, and the wife carrot, which was decorated with white hairpins. The carriage was also decorated with bows and flowers. Sveta wove a colored harness for the horse from rubber bands. They also found a heart-shaped potato. A leaf of rhubarb was inserted on top of the zucchini - this is an umbrella. The carriage is ready."

Averyanov Vyacheslav, Krasnoyarsk. "Smeshariki from vegetables and fruits" (tangerine, tomato, potato).

Karpenko Lev, Krasnoyarsk. "Cheerful bun"

The craft is made of a small pumpkin, using a green tomato, autumn leaves, cones.

"Herbs". Craft for registration of a site in remote control. Kolomiets Ekaterina Alexandrovna, Grodno, Belarus.

Pour earth into ordinary stockings, plant grass seedlings or lawn grass seeds, tie, water, wait for seedlings.
Stocking decorate various materials, preferably from . Water often, make sure that there is water in the tray all the time.

"My name is Lopatin Zakhar I am almost 4 years old. Mom and I did crafts with our own hands in the kindergarten for the competition " Golden autumn". The first craft is called "Carriage for Cinderella." We made a carriage from a pumpkin, wheels from potatoes, connected everything with sticks. The horse was carved from Styrofoam, with a mane and tail made from maple earrings.

"Cipollino". Poroshin Artem.

"Reddy Mouse". Kapustkina Yulia Denisovna

I am a 5th grade student of MBOU "Gymnasium", I made my craft using white eggplant, grapes, potatoes, tinder fungi - these are inedible mushrooms that grow on hardwood and coniferous wood.

Works from the village of B. Anisimovo, Arkhangelsk region, Primorsky district:

Zhevelyauskaite Albina.

I go to kindergarten. For a vegetable craft contest, I made a pig out of potatoes and carrots.

Karpov Arseny.

My name is Arseniy, I am 6 years old. To do this hedgehog, I took a large potato, stuck toothpicks-needles into it, made my face out of plasticine. On pins and needles, the Hedgehog carries apples.

Teacher Glazyrina Anastasia Borisovna: “Works from vegetables from my children. We have an exhibition in the kindergarten MBDOU No. 97 of the city of Irkutsk and in my group. Senior group"Sunflower".

Victoria Tarbeeva. "The Cinderella Fairy Tale".

Victoria Kalycheva. "Fish hedgehog" from toothpicks, potatoes and plasticine.

"Apple caterpillar". The craft was done by Agata Gorodnicheva, a student of the 1st grade of the secondary school 5 in Millerovo, together with her parents.

"Fashionista" from a pumpkin.

"Caterpillar", "Hedgehog". Sofya Ilikbaeva, teacher Gavchuk Svetlana Alexandrovna and Statsenko Victoria Konstantinovna, MADOU Kindergarten No. 32 "Duslyk", Belebey city.

"Autumn Basket of Wonders". Tarasova Sofia, teacher Blinyaeva Tatyana Nikolaevna and Ermolaeva Galina Georgievna, MBDOU kindergarten No. 201 "Island of Childhood", Cheboksary.

"Floating Garden" Ananyeva Dasha, teacher Blinyaeva Tatyana Nikolaevna and Ermolaeva Galina Georgievna MBDOU Kindergarten No. 201 "Island of Childhood", Cheboksary.

Bittseva Asiyat Nazirovna. GBU YaNAO "Center Good Light" in the municipality Nadymsky district:

Banana dolphin, apple peel fins.

The ship is made from zucchini, skewers and cabbage leaves, the captain on the ship is made from cucumber and carrots.

Hedgehog from an apple, toothpicks and dry mushrooms and an apple for decoration.

Ponamarev Sergey, Krasnoyarsk. "Fashionista".

The craft was made by a pupil of the preparatory group of the MBOU "Primary School - Kindergarten No. 37" in Krasnoyarsk Ponamarev Sergey. Teacher Pyatkovskaya Natalya Gennadievna. The craft is made of carrots, beets and cabbage.

The works were made by pupils of MADOU "Kindergarten No. 86" in Berezniki from vegetables and fruits:

Avrusevich Anton, Berezniki. Composition "What autumn gave us."

Babikov Alexander. "Happy Pumpkin"

Craft " Lady "Autumn» made by the teacher additional education MUDO "Children's Ecological and Biological Center of Cheremkhovo" Kuzmina Irina Alexandrovna to participate in the fair-exhibition "Harvest 2015" Cheremkhovo, Irkutsk region. Vegetables (cabbage, eggplant, zucchini, ornamental pumpkin, peppers) and flower plants (dahlia-wreath, clematis-hair, ornamental cabbage) were used to create the "lady". Here is such a "lady" met the guests of the exhibition-fair.

Tashkina Polina, Novopervomayskoye village, Tatar district, Novosibirsk region. "Thrifty hedgehog."

My hedgehog carries apples from the forest. So he prepares for hibernation. The hedgehog is made of pumpkin and straw.

Tolmachev Platon. Autumn colors.

Evdokimovskaya Natasha. Hedgehog from an apple.

Works of students MAOUSOSH No. 59. Tyumen. Head: Zhusupova Zaure Tyulegenovna.
Alekseeva Alexandra. Grade 5 Work "Caterpillar".
The work is made of apples, olives, corn and carrots, fastened with toothpicks.

Udartsev Maxim. Grade 5 Work "Hedgehogs".
The work is made of pears, potatoes and grapes fastened with toothpicks.

"Forest clearing". Oksana Belousova and Artem Belousov (2 years 8 months)

Pechnikova Kristina, 23 kindergarten of the central district of the city of St. Petersburg.

Yasinko Alexandra. "Teremok in a new way". Curator Novikova Olga Alexandrovna, educator of GBDOU No. 23 in St. Petersburg.

"Carriage for the Little Prince"
Mustafin Ilmir Ilnarovich, 3 years old, Mamadysh.

Do pumpkin carriage with your own hands? It's not difficult at all. All you need is a pumpkin, a handy sharp knife, and toys.

The process of making a carriage for the little prince:

Taking a pumpkin, you need to take out its contents, then mark the windows on the pumpkin and draw a pattern on the surface of the “carriage”. Then, using a sharp knife, you can cut out a carving pattern and, if desired, decorate it with gouache. Next, wheels are cut out of the squash (it can be ready-made, like mine) and attached to the pumpkin-carriage with the help of toothpicks. Of course, without the prince and the horse, the carriage would be empty. Attach a children's horse toy to the carriage with a ribbon, and then to the carriage, in which we put the prince, also made of a pumpkin. The fabulous pumpkin carriage is ready for adventure!

Submit your photos

Do the same beautiful crafts? Submit photos of your work. Best photos we will publish and send you the diploma of the participant of the competition.

Fruit bouquet - original decoration festive table, delicious treats and unusual gift, worthy replacement traditional flower arrangements. It is a picturesque bunch of beautifully cut fruits that match in shape and color. The bouquet can also use greens, sweets or toys if it is intended for a child. In addition, creating a fruit bouquet with your own hands is a very interesting activity that can turn into a hobby for the whole family if children are involved in culinary creativity. A bright and stylish dessert will surprise guests and decorate any feast.

The secrets of creating fruit bouquets with your own hands

Even a novice cook will easily understand how to make a fruit bouquet with their own hands if they use our instructions.

Cooking fruits for a spectacular bouquet

To create bouquets, you will need any and berries - for example, strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, melon, grapes and all the fruits that you or the hero of the occasion like. Fruits should be beautiful, ripe, without spots and damage, and most importantly - not too juicy, otherwise the pieces will not stick to the skewers. Naturally, fruits need to be washed well, dried and peeled (if we are talking about pineapple and citrus fruits), seeds and stalks, so buy seedless grapes to facilitate the process. It is best to cut the fruit just before serving to prevent it from turning brown and retaining its attractive appearance, and if this is not possible, drizzle it. lemon juice, which will save natural color fruits. By the way, a banana darkens anyway, so it can be used in fruit bouquets only if it is glazed.

For better preservation and a pleasant gloss, pieces of fruit and berries can be dipped in an acidified gelatin solution of water, lemon juice, gelatin and a small amount of cognac. After freezing in the cold, you can make a second layer of jelly.

When stringing pieces of fruit on skewers, sharp tips are sometimes visible, which can be covered with halves of grapes. Grapes are also used to support large elements - such as pineapple flowers. If they slide down the skewer, they need to be strengthened with grapes by placing the berries under the "flowers". If you are preparing a bouquet for an adult, you can inject a few drops of alcohol into the grapes with a syringe - for piquancy and an unforgettable taste. Pieces of fruit are also sometimes soaked in wine or strong alcohol.

Devices for beautiful cutting

You can cut fruits beautifully with an ordinary knife, as well as with a slicer, a slicer for curly cutting vegetables and fruits, special graters, a Thai knife for cutting patterns and other carving tools. The stores sell universal and multifunctional sets, which contain a whole arsenal of knives for creating a relief ornament on fruits, as well as a variety of carvings for removing the core of fruits, stones and pulp from citrus fruits.

There are kitchen tools that help cut flowers, petals and animal figures from fruits - it all depends on the design idea of ​​the chef. To work with pineapple, for example, metal molds with sharp edges are used to make cookies, and melon balls are formed with an ice cream scoop. Figured pieces of fruit are strung on long wooden skewers - one at a time or several pieces, depending on the fantasy.

Choosing a vase for a fruit arrangement

Fruit bouquets are usually served in a wide and low vase or basket, in which a soft base is placed, where fruit skewers are stuck. It can be a piece of tight dough, a head of lettuce or an “oasis” for flowers, from which the base is cut out in the shape of a container. Such an "oasis" can be bought at any flower shop, the most important thing is to cover it with cling film so that this material does not come into contact with the edible elements of the composition. When composing fruit bouquets, you can do without a base, using tall vases and very long skewers.

If you decide to use a transparent vase, hide the unsightly dough or "oasis" at the bottom of the container by wrapping the base in a beautiful napkin. Grapes can be strung on the lower end of wooden skewers placed in a high transparent container, and then the bottom of the container can be left uncovered - the bouquet will look stylish and unusual. You can do it even easier - put a vase or glass on a napkin, lift its edges and tie a bright ribbon around the container.

Additional decorating techniques

To create fruit bouquets, vegetables, flowers, herbs, sweets, chocolate, cookies, toys, ribbons and bows are often used. Such compositions are created for wedding celebrations and other holidays. Often, chocolate icing is used, into which pieces of fruit are dipped on skewers, then they are dried in air using a special stand.

Before glazing, the berries can be soaked for 10 minutes in cognac or rum, roll in powdered sugar and only then dipped in chocolate icing. Try dipping part of the fruit in white chocolate, and the other part in dark chocolate, it will turn out very original. After dipping fruits and berries in the icing, they are often sprinkled with coconut, poppy seeds, chopped nuts or other powders, but this should be done immediately, before the icing has frozen.

A fruity bouquet turns out to be very beautiful, in which pieces of fruits and berries are decorated with patterns of chocolate, cream or fudge - such patterns can be made using a cornet, a paper cone-shaped tube.

When composing a bouquet, evenly alternate long and short skewers, different shapes and shades, so that the bouquet looks harmonious. The gaps between the elements of the bouquet and wooden skewers are covered with greenery, so the composition looks more natural.

A miniature fruit bouquet on one skewer looks very stylish to decorate cocktails, juices, compotes, jelly and fruit drinks.

DIY fruit bouquets: step by step instructions

At the master class on making fruit bouquets, you will see how simple and beautiful fruit bouquets are created, which are then arranged into a single composition. So, we will learn how to make a fruit bouquet with our own hands step by step.

For the bouquet you will need: large pineapple with greenish spots on the skin. Such fruits are denser and do not fall apart in a bouquet, round seedless grapes, strawberries, oranges, green and red apples, lemon for juice, grapefruit, lettuce, long wooden skewers for kebabs, flour, water, salt, vegetable oil for unleavened dough .

Tools: sharp knife, slicer, basket, long wooden skewers for skewers, cookie cutters or carving.


1. Wash the fruits well.

2. Knead a tight dough, similar in consistency to plasticine, so that the skewers hold steady in it. Let the dough rest a little under the towel.

3. Form a ball of dough and place it on the bottom of the basket.

4. Cut the pineapple into slices about 1.5 cm thick and cut flowers and hearts out of them with molds.

5. Put pineapple flowers on skewers paired with grapes, which will become the core of the flower.

6. Pierce pineapple hearts with skewers not across, but along.

7. Cut green and red apples with a knife or slicer, drizzle with lemon juice and put on skewers.

8. Prick 5-6 grapes on each skewer.

9. Cut the orange and grapefruit into slices and rings right in the peel and also put them on skewers.

10. Prick strawberries on skewers without removing green tails - they will give the bouquet a more interesting look.

11. Assemble the fruit composition by inserting skewers into the dough, while experimenting with their length.

12. Decorate the free space between the skewers with lettuce leaves.

Fruit carving bouquets are short-lived, so they will have to be eaten as quickly as possible, and this is usually not a problem, especially if there are many children in the house. And so that luxurious fruit compositions “survive” until tasting, after cooking, sprinkle them with ice water mixed with lemon juice. This DIY Fruit Bouquet Workshop will teach you the basic rules for creating stylish and appetizing fruit arrangements, and you can use these techniques to make your own unique arrangements. Show your imagination and let your festive table will always look spectacular!

Greetings, my dears! You and I fully plunged into autumn worries: we made preservation for the winter (compotes, jams, pickles). But since September 1, new concerns have come to all homes where there are children. They are connected with kindergarten and school. And I myself know firsthand how unexpected it is to always hear from a tutor or teacher what to bring autumn crafts from vegetables or fruits. Because you need to participate in an exhibition on the theme "Autumn". And the care of moms and dads begins. They think what to do so quickly, beautifully and simply. Vegetables and fruits are taken out of the cabinets. Each fruit is carefully selected, and the head of the family goes to the neighbors or just looks for the right idea in the Internet. In general, it is clearly not to be bored.

I want to make this task easier for parents and did large selection photos of different ideas and crafts from fruits. There are easier options, but there are also more difficult ones. When you need to collect all your neatness to make it beautiful. But the chance to get some kind of nomination immediately grows.

Thanks in advance to all the parents, grandparents, and siblings who share their creativity on social media and the internet in general. Thanks to your desire to show co-creation on one of those sleepless nights, other parents get a lot of new ideas for their crafts.

Let's look at the options for crafts by type of vegetable. There are a lot of ideas and often, in addition to the fruit itself, you need to take a wire, a toothpick, paper or cloth. You can create a separate character of a fairy tale, or you can make a whole composition.

Crafts from a pumpkin

The easiest way is to make a recognizable character of cartoons and fairy tales. And often all you need is paint. You can also print some elements on the printer and stick on the character.

To your attention a cute minion. Toothpicks are stuck on the top of the head, and instead of handles there is a lace.

The Mouse family also looks very memorable. The ears are made of colored cardboard. And stuck in a pumpkin with skewers for skewers. They are sold in most hardware stores. You can use any thick paint. But, if your craft will delight the children on the street. Then varnish it.

The boys come in to make this ninja turtle. I think that dad will not refuse to help his son in this undertaking.

Simple cute faces that for some reason remind me of the Scarecrow from the fairy tale about the Emerald City.

The creators of the cartoon "Smeshariki" helped us parents a lot. After all, there are as many as ten round characters. They can all be made from vegetables: potatoes, pumpkins or cabbage.

In front of you is Kopatych in a hat with autumn leaves.

Another cute face with sad eyes. All additional details can be made from plasticine or paper. And you can stick them on double-sided tape. To decorate the hat, there are a sunflower flower, artificial and live grass.

By the way, you can use felt for the sides of the hat, eyes and nose.

I also found this wise owl interesting. Instead of eyes, you can use small squash or heads of garlic.

In order for the fake to last longer, the pulp with seeds is removed from it.

More character options. I think that it will take no more than an hour of parental time to make them.

Unusual ideas of black cats, mice and hares also disperse the imagination. Not needed here at all. additional tools, even a knife is not always needed.

These are excellent examples for the development of children's imagination. How to look at an ordinary product and see an animal in it.

If you try a little longer, you can sculpt the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland.

Now let's move away from the characters, and move on to the compositions. So pumpkins make very beautiful houses.

These crafts take longer to make, but you can make a fabulous hobbit hole.

And in this house live creatures from bulbs.

For happy parents daughters have an idea that does not depend on time - this is a carriage for Cinderella.

For decoration, you can take absolutely everything: beads, leaves, berries and ribbons.

Another version of the composition is to make a basket or vase for other fruits and flowers. In autumn, there are a lot of different buds: asters, dahlias, gladioli, septembers and others. Let's make up autumn bouquet and put it in a pumpkin vase.

Use ranetki, mountain ash and different colors leaves. A bouquet of red, yellow, green and orange leaves will look so beautiful.

Could not pass by this honey lover. I think he looks a lot like Winnie the Pooh.

Well, with a preschooler, you can make a turtle Tortilla from a fairy tale about Pinocchio. You can also use assorted vegetables: carrots and potatoes. Moreover, they are attached in such a way that all environments are covered, which means that the darkened pulp will not be visible and the craft will remain bright and beautiful for a long time.

You can also make duck. Sometimes the very shape of a vegetable reminds us of something. The main thing is to understand what

Look, nature has done everything for us. The main thing is to give the right features and in front of you is already a beautiful goose with beads from rowan berries.

Ideas from zucchini

You can combine vegetables. For example, take a zucchini and a small pumpkin. And from these vegetables, parents were able to come up with such snails.

You make a shape, and let the child decorate the “shell”, make horns and eyes. Yes, there is work for everyone.

And how is such a simple, but very interesting pig?

Or maybe Daddy Pig. The main thing is that he stay on his short legs.

Another version of a pig with ears and a paper tail. And instead of a spout, they attached a half from Kinder eggs.

Found a couple of zucchini whale ideas. See how simple and without unnecessary details. Fins and tail from pea pods, and instead of a fountain of water, you can attach a stem of parsley or dill.

Or you can cut it all out of cardboard, as the authors of this whale did.

For boys, there are ideas for airplanes and ships. By the way, a similar airplane can be made from a cucumber.

And put the crocodile Gena in the pilot's seat. This craft surprised me a little with its red beet star. Oh, and inventors these parents!

Here Gena is from a zucchini, not from a cucumber. And next to it is a pumpkin cheburashka and a squash tree. And the tangerines complete the plot. How can we do without them if we recreate a fairy tale?

How do you like the ship? I think that the child will not want to take him to kindergarten, but will start playing corsairs already at home. Cabbage sails always catch the wind, and carrot rudder never stray off course.

Another idea with Smeshariki who went on a trip in zucchini cars.

You can send such a donkey to the exhibition. He is carrying a basket full of autumn fruits.

My daughter loves the resilient snowman Olaf. Apparently, he won the hearts of many girls, since his parents sculpt him from a zucchini. And how it looks like the original, just a feast for the eyes.

Earlier in the kindergarten we made a penguin. But you can repeat it with vegetables.

You can do simple things that will look like fabulous. For example, such shoes or sandals.

Oh, and here mom obviously tried and reproduced those happy days when her baby was still sleeping in cribs.

Idea with a bunch of cabbage. With the right approach, it turned out to be a duck.

Now let's move on to the blue ones, from which you can make all the ideas that were shown above.

eggplant ideas

The color of eggplant immediately gives a certain direction to fantasy. And I met a lot of varieties of whales, penguins from this vegetable.

See how it looks like real birds. They simply correctly conveyed the habits of these creatures.

Eggplant and potato friends.

Another idea of ​​a penguin from the cartoon "Madagascar". The same fearless gaze and disobedience to fate.

If you know the art of carving (vegetable carving), then you can safely sculpt such a zebra. An important condition here will be the availability of special tools that easily cut the skin and have narrow sharp blades.

The king whale floats on the sea. And your kid will love it.

Is it bad for you to make a poodle? With a bell pepper bow and a cauliflower muzzle.

More simple craft to kindergarten or primary school in the form of a helicopter. The propeller is made from carrots and is held together by toothpicks.

Let's move on to the next vegetables.

Several varieties of carrots

Carrots are often used to make parts for other crafts. But it can itself present interesting forms. How do you like a giraffe with matchstick horns? Very cute.

Or a horse with an onion mane. All parts are held on by toothpicks.

More unusual idea in the form of a goldfish.

from cabbage

You can make cute rabbits or such a baby elephant from white cabbage. Beets are suitable for the head.

Here is another cute animal from two heads of cabbage.

A jumping bunny with cucumber ears will definitely conquer the teacher with her sweet smile. Only it will be somewhat heavy for the child, yet two cabbages.

Here is another rabbit with potato paws. The nose is made from a tomato, and the eyes are made from boiled eggs. They can be replaced with onions.

Cute poodle ideas from cauliflower sprigs.

The inflorescences themselves are very reminiscent of lamb wool. So let's play it back.

Here is a sheep standing on a green meadow.

The muzzle can be made from potatoes, peppers or carrots.

Even champignon mushrooms can serve as a face for a cute animal.

It's a pity that we are all cauliflower already eaten, cooked.

From corn

An ear of corn in September costs 20 rubles. I think that it can turn out to be a very budget craft. What can be done? Well, for example, a rocket.

Or a horse that grazes on a bow.

Sweet bunny. I apologize for the quality of the photo, but I really liked the idea.

And how do you minions in denim sundresses?. I think it turned out very funny.

What about this animal? He is very similar to a squirrel.

Only now you need to make sure that the corn is fresh, otherwise the grains may fall out and the craft will not be so neat.

From potatoes

Pigs made from tubers and plasticine are very similar to real pigs.

And, if there is absolutely no time, but there is a healthy sense of humor. Make such a family. After all, the main thing is the idea and presentation, it is the freshness and unusualness of the craft that fascinates.

The bizarre forms of tubers can very much resemble some kind of animal. For example, if you combine two potatoes, you can get such a dog.

Or a heroic horse.

I also found such a funny hippo.

from cucumbers

A little higher we saw a cucumber crocodile, but you can also make a shark.

Continuing nautical theme, I'll show you a beautiful killer whale.

Or funny frog princesses.

Well, the cucumber turtle in glasses and a cap will definitely conquer everyone. She will definitely sing now: "Three hundred years ago ..."

Crafts from onions and other vegetables

Now I will show you many more options. interesting crafts. They are made from onion, pepper, sunflower seeds.

Look how funny Luntik turns out.

If you have chestnuts growing, then you can safely make a hedgehog with them.

A beautiful hedgehog can also be made from patisson and toothpicks.

And how do you like the needles on the back of an animal in the form of a sunflower.

Or like this.

Funny bell pepper parrot.

Bell peppers make beautiful tulips.

When only chestnuts are at hand, see how they can be beaten. It turned out an oak from autumn leaves, at the roots of which lie "acorns".

Palms from olives and peppers will also win many hearts at the exhibition.

Dedok from chestnuts and cones is very similar to the goblin.

The plot from the fairy tale about Chipollino with Countess Cherry.

And I also liked the set of different vegetables. Pretty fast, but very interesting and varied.

The eyes are cut out of paper.

There are also many ideas here.

Topiary, magic mugs

I wrote how to make topiary. This idea can also be taken as a basis and made from garlic and hot peppers.

Or chestnuts and rowan berries.

By the way, such crafts can not only be sent to the exhibition, but also left for home decor.

Another idea with a magic bowl. The photographs show artificial fruits, but fresh analogues can also be used.

Agree, such crafts deserve attention.

Queens of autumn

I think that when there is very little time, you can take an ordinary doll as a basis and decorate it with an autumn theme. Add berries and leaves, fruits and flowers.

Make a whole composition After all, the doll will personify Autumn itself.

A fun idea for queens with leaf crowns and watermelon dresses.

And now let's come close to small fruit crafts.

Beautiful and quick do-it-yourself crafts from fruits

Fruits are most often small in size, with the exception of melon and watermelon berries. That's where we'll start our delicious selection.

Minions are very easy to make, so they are sculpted from different types vegetables and even watermelon.

The melon bunny is also very cute.

Sweet boat.

So many interesting ideas can be found from an apple. It is dense and holds its shape well. But its flesh quickly darkens. To prevent this from happening, the craft can be lowered into a solution of citric acid.

The caterpillar family looks very dignified.

Funny little frog. And what if you make a whole pond with them.

More ladybug ideas.

Funny elephant from an apple tree.

From half an apple and a banana, the craftsmen came up with such a phone.

Seasonal apples have merged into a wise caterpillar.

The idea of ​​a snake from the peel of an apple.

Yes, another cute caterpillar with carrot legs.

What can be done from a banana? I liked the dolphin idea.

Or another handsome guy.

Original lop-eared dachshund puppy. Maybe he will inspire someone to repeat this idea.

Make funny parrots out of a pear.

Or hedgehog.

Here detailed wizard their creation class. You will need the pear itself, toothpicks, grapes of any color, and carnation inflorescences.

You can make a panel from pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Why not an autumn craft?

Lemon fish turned out very bright.

Well, the kiwi koala just won me over. Kiwi should be taken hard and sour. Otherwise, all the pulp will flow out.

My dear, but that's not all. Indeed, the fantasies of parents can be simply envied.

Master class of a mouse from a lemon in a garden

For young children, it is difficult to come up with compositions with big amount decorations and details. I want to offer you to make a little yellow lemon mouse with your baby.

Only mom works with sharp objects. And even a three-year-old kid can insert parts into the slots.

We will need:

  • lemon,
  • 2 inflorescences of cloves,
  • wire or thick thread.

First, cut a quarter of the lemon lengthwise. So we made the base so that the mouse body does not fall. From a small part, we cut the zest so that we have enough for small ears and a tail.

From one edge of the lemon, where we have a sharp tip, we stick a clove. She acts as our eyes.

We make a slot in the peel and insert the ears. Attach the tail to the body with a toothpick.

The antennae can be made with wire by simply piercing the muzzle through. Or you can make them from a thread by stitching a fruit with a needle.

That's the whole craft. Fast and interesting.

Video on making crafts from vegetables

For joint creativity, I picked up two videos. See how a cucumber crocodile is made.

And cute lambs from potatoes.

I thank you for your attention. And I will be glad if you find the right solution here and save your time.

A bouquet of fruits and vegetables is a fashionable and useful trend in the world of gifts, which you can always congratulate in an original way, surprise and feed the hero of the occasion. The advantage of fruit bouquets over flower bouquets is obvious: fruits do not fade as quickly as flowers, and besides, they can be eaten and shared with guests.

The fruit composition looks just as bright, elegant and beautiful as the floral one, while it can bring as much joy and positive emotions. And even more: if you like juicy fruits, bright colors and fragrant smells, you will get incredible pleasure from such a gift. Flower bouquets are also pleasing to the eye and smell good, but sooner or later you will have to part with any fresh flowers, sending their withered buds to the trash can. And you can simply eat fruits, having previously captured them in bright and unforgettable photos.

Today, designers, florists and craftsmen have come up with many ways to replace flowers with tasty, healthy and no less beautiful gifts. In this article, we will teach you how to make a fruit bouquet from affordable, beautiful, bright and, most importantly, edible ingredients.

The secrets of making a fruit bouquet with your own hands

Traditionally - the best way for demonstration step by step instructions is detailed master class, after watching which you will definitely want to make a bright fruit bouquet with your own hands. We will talk about the technique of making a bouquet a little later. Now I want to talk about the ingredients and the principles of their combination.

What is used in the manufacture of bouquets?

For the manufacture of edible bouquets, not only seasonal or exotic fruits and berries are used, but also other tasty, bright, fragrant ingredients.

  • Vegetables: broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, beets, cucumbers, turnips, zucchini, garlic.
  • Greenery: lettuce, parsley, dill, mint, arugula, basil.
  • Spices and aromatic herbs: vanilla, cinnamon, bay leaf.
  • Mushrooms: mushrooms, oyster mushrooms.
  • nuts: almonds, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, cedar.
  • Candies and sweets: marshmallow, macarons, rafaello, marshmallow, chocolate, meringue.
  • Flowers: live, paper, dried flowers.

The principle of making bouquets can be completely different: you can select fruits and vegetables according to the color or “to the taste” of the person for whom you are preparing a gift. The main thing is that the ingredients are combined in size and look harmonious in one composition.

To fix all the details of the bouquet, various auxiliary tools and materials are used.

  • Skewers or bamboo sticks- for fruits.
  • Vases, baskets, cardboard boxes- for installing skewers.
  • Hard dough, styrofoam, floral sponge- for the base.
  • cling film, craft paper, foil, sisal fiber- for package.
  • Wire, twine, colored ribbons, scotch- for fastening.

Fruit bouquets are a fairly new fad and should be decorated with a few simple rules.

  • Fruits and vegetables for a bouquet can be pre-cut or used as a whole. Be sure all the ingredients must be ripe, fresh, without stains and damage.
  • Before you start making a gift composition, the ingredients must be rinse thoroughly and dry.
  • Some masters in creating fruit bouquets use figured cutting, cookie cutters, shredding knives.
  • Do not take too juicy fruits and berries, because soft pieces will fall off the skewer. To attach soft fruits and berries, such as strawberries, to the skewer, first put a small slice of apple on a skewer or other hard fruit.
  • And sometimes half of the grapes are strung on top of the main fruits - to mask the punctures.
  • Sliced ​​fruit wrapped in cling film so that the product does not weather and does not darken. Also, the finished fruit composition can be sprinkled with lemon juice.
  • For greater effect, the berries are covered with chocolate or glaze with water, gelatin and lemon juice.
  • When composing a bouquet for adults, you can inject a few drops of alcohol into the middle of the fruit using a syringe.

How to make a bouquet of fruits: step by step for beginners

After you have learned a few secrets of composing fruit arrangements, it's time to move on to practice and try to make a bouquet of fruits with your own hands: a step-by-step photo for beginners will just help you in this lesson.

For composition you will need:

  • fruits;
  • bamboo sticks or skewers;
  • scotch;
  • gift wrap;
  • greens, flowers, sweets for decoration.

Citrus fruits for a bouquet can be cut - in this form they will look spectacular.

We string fruits: large ones on bamboo sticks, smaller ones on skewers. You can also use several skewers at once so that the composition does not break under the weight of fruit.

We begin to collect a fruit bouquet - in the middle are the largest fruits, smaller - on the sides. While your hand is still “not stuffed”, use fruits and vegetables that are more or less suitable in shape.

Place the pomegranate, orange and grapefruit in the middle and secure them with tape.

Pack the finished bouquet in paper, fasten it with tape and decorate with a ribbon.

Your colorful and chic gift is ready.

A bouquet of fruits or vegetables is original and delicious gift, which can be made in any style, from any seasonal plants and for every taste and budget.

Video: how to make a fruit bouquet with your own hands?

An original addition to the gift can be a hand-made fruit bouquet. Its creation is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, if you follow step by step photo or video tutorial. In addition, this activity will not take much time and effort.


A bouquet of fruits or vegetables can be presented to a girl, boyfriend and even a child. In this case, they will differ in their design and set of components. For a girl and a child, you can use:

  • favorite fruits;
  • chocolate treats;
  • marshmallow;
  • marmalade.

In addition, fruit bouquets with the addition of flowers are popular. In order for the present to look harmonious, their colors must match or, on the contrary, set off each other.

Worth knowing! In addition, the fruits in the bouquet can be either whole or decoratively cut. There are special knives for this.

For men, other components can be used. Eg:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • sausage, bakery and cheese products;
  • shrimps.

It can be originally designed as a composition in a basket or a decorative box. If you picked up enough a large number of fruits, then you should think about creating a frame. It will provide a denser shape of the product and will not allow its components to fall out.

How to do

When you have already decided on a set for a bouquet, you can start making it. It is better to pick up several master classes in advance and study everything in detail key points. All necessary materials and tools can be purchased at specialized florist shops.

from fruits

Fruits for a bouquet should be bought exclusively fresh, without visible defects and not frozen. They must keep their shape. If there are small leaves, as in the case of strawberries, then they should also have good view. To make a bouquet you will need:

  • fruits and berries (apples, grapes, pears, lime);
  • long wooden skewers;
  • scissors;
  • tight rope;
  • wrapping;
  • decorative elements as desired.
  1. First, wash the fruits thoroughly and dry them.
  2. Then take a wooden skewer and fasten each individual fruit onto it.

  3. Place all the skewers one by one. Some of them can be placed higher or lower, which will give additional volume to the bouquet.
  4. Then tie tightly with a rope at the base.

  5. Using scissors, carefully trim the ends of the skewers to the same level.

  6. Wrap the design with decorative paper. Add ribbons if you like. The bouquet is ready!

With flowers

Bouquets combined with flowers are also very popular. They are created on the same principle. Flowers in this case should be selected in the appropriate size. They should not cover fruit. It is also worth remembering that many flowers have a strong smell, which can lead to headaches. This should be taken into account when choosing them. The best option would be:

  • roses;
  • chamomile;
  • chrysanthemums;
  • cloves;
  • small branches of hydrangea.

To further strengthen the flower stem, it can also be wound on a wooden skewer and fixed with floral tape.

From vegetables

Vegetables can also be a great alternative to fruits. In a bouquet, they look no less original. They can also be combined with flowers and other decorative elements. To create such a bouquet you will need:

  • vegetables and fruits (broccoli, sweet peppers of different colors, garlic, green apples, grapes, dill, cauliflower);
  • wooden skewers;
  • teip tape;
  • tight rope;
  • scissors;
  • wrapping paper and decorative elements.

When all the materials and tools are prepared, you can start creating a bouquet.

  1. Wash and dry vegetables and fruits.
  2. We string them alternately on wooden skewers. For greater convenience, broccoli and cauliflower can be divided into several inflorescences. Their size should approximately correspond to the size of apples. We wrap the skewers with teip tape.
  3. We collect skewers, moving in a spiral. Fasten with a tight rope.
  4. We decorate the resulting design with wrapping paper and decorative elements.

On the frame

If you decide to use a large number of fruits or vegetables in combination with flowers, then it is better to play it safe and make a metal frame for this design. It will provide the ideal shape of the bouquet and will not allow its components to fall out. Its creation will not take much time and effort. To make a bouquet on a frame you will need:

  • selected fruits or vegetables;
  • metal wire;
  • flowers;
  • wooden skewers;
  • tight rope;
  • green tame tape;
  • wire cutters and pliers;
  • wrapping;
  • decor elements.

Now you can get to work.

  1. From the wire, make a frame with a rounded handle. Remove unnecessary parts with wire cutters or pliers.
  2. Wash fruits and vegetables, dry. Fasten them tightly to wooden skewers.
  3. Remove the lower branches and leaves from the flowers. If desired, their stems can also be strengthened with skewers and teip tape.
  4. Then start collecting the bouquet in the frame.
  5. Trim all the skewers at the same length and secure them with a tight rope.
  6. Add wrapping paper and decorations.

in the form of a basket

In addition to frames, when creating bouquets, you can use decorative baskets. They are different sizes and forms. Flowers and decorative elements can be placed in them. To create such a composition you will need:

  • decorative basket of any size;
  • a set of any fruits and vegetables;
  • teip tape;
  • scissors;
  • wooden skewers;
  • foam or floral sponge;
  • decor elements;
  • wrapping paper.

When all the materials and tools are prepared, you can get to work.

  1. Place a styrofoam or floral sponge in the bottom of your basket. For convenience, the material can be divided into several parts.
  2. Wash fruits and vegetables, pat dry.
  3. Fasten them on wooden skewers and wrap her leg with teip tape.
  4. Now you can install the prepared fruits and vegetables in the base. For more variety, place them at different levels and at different angles.
  5. The remaining gaps between the sticks can be decorated with herbs. For example, mint or basil.
  6. Add wrapping paper around the edges of the basket to hide them and place the prepared decor elements. The basket is ready.

in a vase

Fruits and vegetables cut with the help of special molds or knives look no less original in bouquets or compositions. It is more convenient to place them not in a bouquet, but in a composition, for example, in a vase. To create it you will need:

Stages of work.

  1. Wash and dry all fruits and vegetables thoroughly.
  2. Place a head of Beijing cabbage in a vase so that it fills the entire space. If you have taken a large enough container, then the cabbage can be cut into two parts for convenience.

  3. Peel the fruit and use the molds to give them the desired shape. Cut out the centers using a round knife.
