How do women go to the toilet around the world. Women's solidarity is manifested even when going to the toilet Why do girls go to the toilet together

For 19-year-old Flora, who lives in Maputo with her mother and other relatives, the toilet is shared by her family and several other neighbor families.

On Wednesday, November 19, the world celebrated unusual holiday, Toilet Day. And BBC World published a photo study by Panos Pivtures on how women go to the toilet in different countries peace.

According to BBC journalists, about 2.5 billion people in the world do not use civilized bathrooms and toilets, because they simply do not have such an opportunity. It is clear that this situation is especially inconvenient for women.

World Toilet Day is the occasion for a photo exhibition inspired by how women in different countries suffer from the lack of proper toilet facilities.

Renee's bathroom is an ordinary nook in her rural home near Sydney. Since there are no neighbors nearby, the lack of walls does not create any particular problems for Rene.

A 65-year-old Bangladeshi woman named Sukurbanu uses a "natural" toilet built near her home in Rupnagar. Numerous diseases of a woman are the result of using this, so to speak, toilet.

Sukurbanu lives with three daughters, so the morning toilet begins with a long queue to a hole in the ground.

Isabella lives in a luxurious penthouse. A 33-year-old woman from Rio de Janeiro has no idea how you can do without a clean hot water and a comfortable toilet.

Fabiola (69) lives near the capital of Ecuador, the city of Quito. The woman spent her childhood and youth in poverty, when one toilet had to be shared with two dozen people. Now Fabiola lives in an apartment with five bathrooms.

Meseret of Ethiopia, who lives in the country's capital, has a shared toilet in her backyard, which she shares with her mother, two brothers and two sons.

For 47-year-old Ima, the toilet is a place of work. A Ghanaian woman lives in an apartment with her husband and four children that has no toilet at all. Therefore, when she comes to work, Ima takes advantage of her official position and visits the “working” toilet with pleasure.

The crime situation in Ghana forces Ima and her family to defecate in plastic bags at night so as not to be on the street next to the criminals.

Haitian Martin, 27 years old, uses a thicket near her house as a toilet. Arranged there cesspool- but this is a night "toilet". During the day, Martin, like her neighbors, goes to the public restroom, located a 15-minute walk from the house.

Shangita, who is 35, moved to New Delhi 10 years ago. A special pride of a woman is a cozy toilet in her new apartment, which was not even close in his native village.

61-year-old Japanese woman Eiko lives in Tokyo. She often uses the public restroom, which has heated seats and music. In the relaxation room next to the restrooms, Eiko can recharge her phone, watch TV, and even get a foot massage.

In a Kenyan school, the toilet is designed for 250 students. It is clear that the condition of these latrines is, to put it mildly, deplorable, so children prefer to relieve themselves in secluded corners right on the street.

Eunice (the woman in the photo) is the founder of the school. She arranged with her husband special small toilets that make it difficult for adults to use them. Now it is difficult for the neighbors of the school to come to it to shit in the children's toilet.

Romanian Pana (49 years old) from Buzescu, like half of the country's inhabitants, lives in a village where there are no running water. Pana has a toilet inside the house, but it is only used when guests arrive. The rest of the time, the woman's family goes to the toilet outside.

Nombini's home in South Africa has two dry closets, portable toilets, used by 12 people in her family.

Young writer Maria from New York used to live in Beijing, where she used a shared toilet, so now she is happy to have such a small but personal one in her small bathroom. Ah, no... Two friends live with the girl.

The 46-year-old Zambian is disabled, but Susan is also the founder of a school for children with physical and mental disabilities. The toilet at the school is located on a hill, because during the rainy season, water can wash out the latrine.


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Modern youth likes to relax in cafes, restaurants or on dance floors. Everything is going great, and strong drinks are conducive to cheerful conversations, laughter and good mood. The holiday was a success. But at one moment when bladder finally filled up and nature calls to freshen up, interesting events begin to occur: ladies begin to visit the restroom in pairs. Probably, you have watched this picture more than once, and asked each other: why do girls go to the toilet together? Consider the most popular reasons explaining this unusual phenomenon.

The first option: female mutual assistance

Anything can happen during the evening. That's what it exists for girlfriend, hiding with which in the toilet you can correct the situation:

  • Makeup problems. The staying power of makeup leaves much to be desired. Suddenly, the shadows begin to crumble, and the mascara has flowed and smeared. Even a time-tested cosmetic brand can misfire in an unventilated area with high temperature air.
  • critical days. Any woman approaches the choice of hygiene products competently. But pads with a low degree of protection, in combination with white clothes, can not only ruin the evening, but also put the girl in a very unpleasant position.
  • Hair problems. During active dancing, there may be an opportunity with a hairdo. In this case, the use of hair accessories will help: an invisibility, a hairpin or a hoop.

These and other problems can be listed for a long time. But you have a real friend who will lend you her makeup, give you a spare sanitary napkin, and fix the "traitorous" hairstyle.

Option 2: Boy related issues

It is the strong half of humanity that can cause the girls to be forced to retreat to the restroom. Let's stop at frequently occurring situations:



Pair selection.

The situation arises if the company has just met, and a couple is being selected. In the toilet, you can speak out about your preferences, and, how ridiculous it sounds, “share” the guys.


Everyone liked one guy, and the second did not impress any of the girls. The situation is solved in two ways:

  1. Lot. By blind lot, or in any other way, the girlfriends "share" the guy. The unfortunate lady is serving the room until the end of the evening.
  2. Lot with escape. Everything is repeated, as in the first paragraph, with the only difference being that the outsider is so uninteresting that the losing girl leaves the entertainment room under any pretext: a headache, a toothache, her mother called, etc.

The new acquaintances initially liked the girlfriends, but in the process of communication, unpleasant moments began to arise. This may be due to the rude behavior of strangers or vulgar hints. With words - " We are in the restroom to powder our noses”, the girls leave the club.

The third option: poor landscaping of the restroom

For lovers of unusual explanations why girls like to go to the toilet together, it will be useful to know that a simple physiological impulse of the body can become the reason. And here our cleaning services can unpleasantly surprise beautiful ladies:

  1. Hooks. Women tend to keep their handbag next to them. In the toilet, this accessory must be hung on a hook, the absence of which can spoil the girl's mood.
  2. Mirror. It sounds absurd in our time, but it also happens - there is no mirror in the bathroom. Renewing makeup and fixing your hair becomes an impossible mission.
  3. Queue. The small number of stalls will almost certainly result in a queue for the women's restroom. And in the queue, as you know, it's not so boring to stand.
  4. Lock. The lock on the cubicle door may not work. The situation is especially unpleasant if you need to change sanitary napkin- at this moment, by chance, another person can open the door.

Women's solidarity comes first, and a fellow traveler will: support a bag or coat, wipe lipstick from her cheek and guard near a faulty door.

Fourth option: support over the toilet seat

This is probably the most famous and popular version of women going to the toilet, which goes among the guys. And how many humorous sketches on television have been made on this topic, and how many humorous photo collages have been posted on the Internet! We hasten to upset people who gloat over this fact. In 99% of cases - it is a myth:

  • Any adult girl able to cope with a small need to squat, hovering over the toilet.
  • Buy disposable pads on the toilet seat, which can easily fit in your purse.
  • Toilet paper, along the perimeter of the top of the toilet, laid out a protective layer.
  • In extreme cases, you can climb onto the toilet with your feet. Although guys usually do it.
  • The top of the toilet seat is treated with an antibacterial wipe.

Although, public toilets are different. In especially neglected cases, when it is undesirable to come into contact with the surface of the toilet bowl, it is a friend, holding a fellow traveler by the hands, helps her in the restroom.

3 more reasons why girls go to the bathroom together

The listed situations are not basic, but still have their right to exist:

  1. bored alone. This is what you can hear if you ask - “Why are you going together?”
  2. Safety. It is unlikely that the restroom will be empty, and a maniac will be waiting for his victim in it, but with a faithful companion it will always be calmer.
  3. New territory. Fashion designers can work so hard to create a new modern entertainment center that it's hard to find a restroom when you're in it for the first time. Guided by the rule - "one head is good, but two are better" - the ladies go on a search together.

Summing up, we can state a fact - there is no unambiguous answer to the question why girls go to the toilet together. It so happened historically, and representatives of the beautiful half of humanity go to the restroom in pairs.

Video of girls going to the toilet in pairs

Quite standard is the situation when in a company, somewhere in a bar, cafe or club, from time to time someone goes to the toilet. However, in the vast majority of cases, girls go to the ladies' room in pairs, and almost never alone. If there are a lot of them, then the three of them can. And this does not depend on the company, since this “paired” procedure is repeated from company to company.

Alone, young ladies leave the company only when they need to receive or make a phone call.

This can be explained by following similar trips in a home company, where the opposite is true. The home party is characterized by single trips to the toilet, together the ladies visit this institution in exceptional cases. This can be explained simply, because at home, usually, there is only one toilet and the second young lady simply cannot accommodate there. In addition, there are other secluded places at home where you can chat in relative solitude - a balcony, a kitchen, etc.

In various public places, gossiping and exchanging secrets without the presence of guys is possible only in the toilet or adjacent space.

Why do women go to the toilet in pairs?

Experts on girls identify several reasons for this behavior:

  • Firstly, the girls never leave the desire to talk. Especially about things that cannot be discussed at a common table with guys. There are many such topics - and the exchange of opinions about their boyfriends, many other stories. This conversation, which began on the way to the toilet room, continues there, and its end coincides with the return to the common table.
  • Secondly, the girls cannot help but discuss the guys sitting next to them. If this does not happen, the evening can be crossed out as a failed one. The conversation can touch on their strengths and weaknesses, the subtleties of clothing and behavior, whether they like it or not, are given and comparative characteristics. In accordance with the research, they can divide the guys among themselves, both temporarily and forever.
  • Thirdly, a very common reason is that few girls want to be alone with guys in such a situation, they don’t like it and are simply afraid. Left alone with the guys, they may feel uncomfortable, because they have to maintain a non-sticky conversation, and the general atmosphere. In order not to get into a similar situation, they follow their friend, even if she ventured to go to the toilet alone.
  • Fourthly, a girl may be afraid that in a single trip to the toilet, someone may start pestering her, and together it will be easier to solve this problem. That is, this is a salvation from a possible awkward situation.
  • Fifthly, sometimes there is a queue for the toilet, and in order not to get bored on the way there and back, and even in the queue, the girls take a girlfriend with them, who at that moment is a kind of substitute for an iPhone. This way the time goes by faster and not so boring.
  • Sixth, without even hoping for a sincere answer, millet girls are required to consult each other about their own make-up and clothing, hoping to receive a pleasant compliment.
  • Seventh, the girls have a constant need to discuss their plans, at least for this evening. This may be due to the guys, perhaps the suspicion is creeping in that this company is better left, . Or maybe on the contrary, you should go with the guys to another, more intimate, or more fun place, where you can more successfully continue the party. The topics can be very different, but these are topics that guys should not hear. And you can discuss them only in the toilet and only together.
