How to look older at 13 years old girl. How to look older

Are you a grown woman and have a cute baby face? Do you dream of looking more mature for your age? There are several tricks to help you look older.

Some ladies want to know how to look older. This is a very strange desire these days. After all, you see, most women, on the contrary, want to know how to look younger.

So, here are some tips and tricks for you to help you look older and get rid of your baby face faster.

Don't wear tons of makeup on your face

This is the most common mistake many women make. Before applying makeup to your face, remember a simple rule: the less makeup, the better. Yes, you want to look older, but that doesn't mean you have to use everything in your makeup bag.

You don't have to wear high heels because it makes you look younger.

Surely you have heard that girls look older in high heels, but in fact this is not true. Women who wear high heels and a lot of make-up really look younger. But young women use the same tactics to look older. Do you understand what is meant? Wearing high heels and a lot of makeup will actually prove that you are younger than you look.

Change your wardrobe

If you want to look older, choose a strict, not too stylish clothes. No, you don't have to dress like you've just joined the ranks of the book club, but don't go overboard with classic outfits. bright colors. Dark straight jeans paired with a plain white t-shirt and low heels will add a couple of extra years to your present age.

Focus on one area of ​​the face

Yes, it might be a little difficult for you at the very beginning, especially if you are used to wearing a lot of makeup. But instead of putting all the makeup on your face, focus on one area. For example, tint your lashes a little and line your lips with dark lipstick, or vice versa. This type of eye or lip makeup only makes you look like you're trying too hard to hide your age.

Stay away from fashion trends

It may sound unexpected to you, but it really needs to be done. Yes, as a rule, all girls are big fashionistas who follow the latest trends but you don't have to be. No matter how hard it is for you, still try not to litter the closet with unnecessary things. You must stick to one style. All young fashionistas follow the latest trends, but you don't have to. If you're unsure about certain trends, you don't have to follow them, instead try to stick to a classic, simple style.

Should I change my haircut?

Well, in most cases, yes. For example, a bob haircut is very fashionable this season. This is a kind of caret - short haircut, which adds age. It is especially popular with young women. The advantage of this haircut is that it suits almost any face shape and looks good on both curly and straight hair.

Forget the high ponytail

Yes, almost every girl likes to wear her hair high. ponytail, but in fact, such a playful look makes you look younger. Your best bet is to wear your hair in a low ponytail - this will make you look a little older.

Wear as little jewelry as possible

This does not mean that you should completely give up jewelry. Jewelry should be selected exclusively for each image, and not wear everything that you have in your jewelry box. If you wear too much jewelry, you will feel cheap and tasteless. So, wear only those products and accessories that are in harmony with your outfits.

Get a formal cashmere coat

You have no idea how much you need this thing in your wardrobe! Used to wearing a warm sweater or denim jacket? Fine, but you should also have a coat in your wardrobe. Do not buy a bright coat. It should be either gray light, or black, or camel. Why? After all, it is these colors that go well with all classic outfits.

Never wear uggs

Yes, these boots are really comfortable, but if you want to look like an adult and not a fourteen year old, just forget about them and that's it. But wait! You can wear them around the house. But seriously, then tight pants and ugg boots are not the most suitable outfit for adult women. If you want to look older, stop wearing clothes that are meant for teenagers.

Watch your posture

Your posture changes everything. Adult women stand and sit straight, do not slouch. If you slouch, you are not emitting this vibration. When you stand or sit up straight, you automatically start to look older. So, constantly check that your head is slightly raised and your shoulders are even.

The combination of the color of the bra and clothes

If you're wearing a black bra under a red T-shirt, you're probably sixteen. You see, people do not even need to know how old you are, everything is already visible. Yes, it's a small and insignificant thing, but trust me, people notice it. So, make sure your bra matches well with your blouse and your chest is fully covered. Believe me, this way you look more neat.

Now that you know how to look older, use some of these tips in your Everyday life. But do not overdo it so that the opposite does not happen. It may be difficult for you at first, but over time you will do all these things automatically.

Most people go out of their way to look younger, but most are far from all. There are plenty of reasons to look older than your age. There are people, and these are both women and men, who look much younger than their years and not everyone is happy about this.

Agree, it’s not pleasant when a guy at almost 30 years old cannot buy a can of beer without a passport, and the mother of a 10-year-old child looks like him elder sister which makes it not taken seriously. Of course, all this is not fatal ... but the image of an eternal teenager will one day get bored with anyone. I suggest you talk about how to get rid of this label and look, if not older than your age, then at least not younger.

Image details to work on

We live in a time when people in their 20s and 50s dress about the same. That is why it is difficult to determine the age of a person, especially with a superficial glance. And yet, there are such details of the image that really “young”.


A classic haircut does not age, but it does not make you younger either.

The girl is very "young" with a short haircut (see photo), therefore, in order to look older, it is enough for her to grow her hair at least to a short bob. Not all, but most girls, bangs make them visually younger.

As for guys, the more creative the haircut (elongated, requiring styling products, as in the photo, etc.), the younger he will look. Do you want to look older? Choose your haircut!


Constantly wear classics, thanks to which you can look older, impractical and uncomfortable. But, extremes do not interest us - it is much more important to think over your own image and correctly select the details of the wardrobe.

Sportswear, if it is a suit with stripes and other “eloquent” elements (see photo on the right), is good for playing sports. Yes, it is convenient and youthful, but visually it is younger.

To look older, you need clothes more impressive. No, not a business suit, for going out to the feast, and to the world, and to good people, but just normal clothes, without cartoon characters, funny inscriptions, bright prints that hurt the eyes, etc. Just normal clothes.

The same applies to shoes. If you like sneakers, choose not high-tops, but regular ones and experiment less with lacing.


It's a bag, not a backpack! The backpack is young, even if it is made of leather, in one color and without a bunch of badges.

A sports bag with a long belt won't make you look older either, but it certainly won't "rejuvenate" you by a few years. A person with a backpack looks like a student, especially if he is close to this age.


A straight back is a sign of self-confidence, which is inherent in an adult. Dropped shoulders and a relaxed gait until the appearance of gray hair will not let you part with the image of an eternal girl or boy.

So, if you want to look older, keep your back straight!

manner of speaking

Not everyone has perfect diction, and someone has stuttered since childhood, but at the same time communicates like an adult, because he does not use newfangled, but dubious phrases and knows how to clearly formulate his thought. To look older than your years, it is enough to develop a reasonable and restrained style of communication, but do not be clever and do not pretend to be an expert who understands everything! Everything should be as natural as possible.

How to look older than your age

People experiment with age both in their youth, trying to look older, and in old age, doing everything necessary to visually look younger. This article will focus on how young people can have a more adult look, and how to achieve this difficult, but such a desirable goal. In most cases, the question of how to look older is asked by teenagers who believe that they have already matured and are trying to get rid of their parents' overprotectiveness. Often they choose simple and not very correct methods, such as bright makeup, catchy and provocative clothes, and not very modest demeanor. Undoubtedly, a 15-year-old girl who behaves this way will seem older, but she is unlikely to appear in front of others in a favorable light and be able to succeed in life and career. That is why the girl is looking for other ways to look older. The guy, according to many, is much easier: bristles and a solid appearance will do their job.

Work and age

Appearance, of course, affects the relationship in the workforce. Note that work is different: in some positions it is better to look younger, in others - older. You need to correctly place the accents and decide what goal you are pursuing. For example, if you are working with people younger than you, it is better to look more solid. If the position is not too serious or involves working with peers, it is better not to play with age. Nevertheless, the fact that the older a person looks, the more they will listen to him is undeniable.

How to look older with hair and makeup?

It is the hairstyle and makeup that are the starting points for those who want to visually add a couple of years to themselves. Remember that too short or long hair young, and curly hair refreshes the face. If you are aiming to visually grow up, give preference to a smooth bob or hairstyle called "bob". Visually add age dark shades, so if a blonde wants to look older, she should seriously think about changing her hair color to the opposite. The same applies to makeup: give preference to dark (brown or beige) shadows. You need to be very careful with black shadows, as they can turn you into a schoolgirl who overdid her smoky eyes makeup. Lipstick should be selected according to skin tone and whiteness of the smile. Undoubtedly, red lipstick will make you older. With the help of blush, you can hide the swelling of the cheeks and outline the cheekbones.

How to look older with clothes and behavior?

Meet, whatever one may say, by clothes. It is clothing that affects the first impression, which is considered the strongest. Therefore, if a person wants to make a solid impression, it is better to give preference to business style: classic suits of discreet colors, wide trousers, pencil skirts, light blouses. Girls who are thinking about how to look older than their years should forget about jeans and flat shoes, just like sportswear.


Hello! I look much younger than my age. What makeup and hairstyle can I choose to remove this effect? The matter is further complicated by the fact that oily skin and a square-shaped face, but I would like to look more elegant! Thank you in advance!

Anna, good afternoon!

What an interesting problem! I have never met women who want to look their age and consider youthfulness a disadvantage. As a rule, this is characteristic of men who want to make a more serious impression on others. Perhaps your field of activity (teacher, doctor, researcher) requires increased seriousness. In addition, you want to look not only older, but also more elegant. The task is difficult, but interesting. I'll try to help you.

First of all, let's deal with the shape of the face. According to what I see in the photo you sent, your face is not square at all, but rectangular at the top and oval at the bottom. You perfectly mask the forehead line without my help: side parting and long oblique bangs are ideal. The chin and jaw do not require correction.

Makeup: how to look older

Now I will tell you about simple tricks that will help you grow up visually. At the same time, for sure, you want to look older, but not worse than now. Therefore, in my recommendations, I observed the golden mean.

1.A darker skin tone will instantly make you look years older. But it doesn't need a darker one Foundation, and tan. You do not want to see the difference between the color of the face and neck.

2. Wide eyebrows are also a sign of youth. With age, eyebrows, on the contrary, become thinner. Therefore, you can slightly correct their shape by making them a little thinner at the base (in no case make the eyebrows “thread”). Also, for your purpose, the eyebrows should be given a more rigid horizontal shape and not with a rounded soft base, but with an angular one. This will give the face masculine features: authority, strength. Approximately such straightened (albeit wide) eyebrows Natalie Portman And Miranda Kerr . Although, in my opinion, the current form suits you perfectly.

3. Wrinkles around the eyes (and in other areas of the face too) are invisible in your photo, so you can use mother-of-pearl shadows. However, you will look older thanks to matte shades in brown tones. You will achieve the same effect by swiping your eyes with a black pencil along the upper and lower eyelids at the same time. But make sure that the eyes do not become smaller, because the glasses already reduce their size.

4. Dark lipsticks with a radiant finish. Dark tones(wine, eggplant, brown-red) always add age. However, they also visually reduce the surface of the lips, so I pointed out that the texture should in no case be matte (but not glossy either, since lip glosses look younger). If you draw a clear outline with pronounced corners upper lip you will appear more mature.

5. Blush dark beige, brown, reddish-red tones visually make the cheekbones higher, and their owner - older.

An incorrectly applied make-up adds age, and a competent make-up gives maturity. No matter how much you want to seem older than your years, you should not use techniques in practice that will not adorn anyone. This is too thick a layer of foundation and corrector, too light foundation, completely matte complexion.

Hair: adult color and cut

Anna, you have a feminine romantic hairstyle with long curls. It is better to make a symmetrical haircut: a graphic bob with a side parting, a bob with untwisted ends. Make a tight bun with hair slicked back.

It is better to make the hair color two or three shades darker, and also choose a more saturated shade of red. The more olive pigment in your skin, the deeper red you can afford. And the darker your eyes, the lighter it should be. I propose a ginger shade, like the star of the series "Desperate Housewives" by Marcia Cross. A uniform color, of course, will add age to you, but it will take away some of the attractiveness and naturalness. Therefore, do not overdo it and opt for coloring.

And a few tips on clothing. Instead of t-shirts and jeans, wear elegant classics: business suits with a pencil skirt or trousers, shirts and blouses, a classic silhouette coat (possible with a belt). Accessories also should not be teenage. Choose handbags or shopping bags, clutches, high-heeled shoes, gloves made of soft leather or suede, cashmere scarves.

Give preference to the classic style. If you want to look older, then start with your wardrobe. When shopping, opt for classic pieces like trousers or sophisticated pencil skirts and frilly blouses.

  • Try pairing straight pants with a tailored button-down blouse and flats for an older look without overdoing it.
  • Avoid teenage clothes like crop tops and graphic t-shirts.
  • Choose clothes in neutral colors and jewel tones. Neutral colors like black, white, navy and camel always look sophisticated. if you love bright colors, give preference to shades of jewelry like emerald green, sapphire blue or ruby ​​red. Such rich colors have a rich and mature look.

    • Discard caramel and neon shades, which are preferred by young people.
  • Wear clothes that are the right size and flatter your figure. Young people often prefer baggy things. If you want to look older, choose clothes that fit your body but are not too tight.

    • Clothing should not look provocative to emphasize your figure. Pair a fitted boat neck sweater with slim fit flared jeans and flat ankle boots for a business-like look without looking too old for your age.
  • Choose smart shoes instead of sneakers. You don't have to wear heels all the time, although they will help you look taller. Wear appropriate, attractive flats, loafers, boots, or sandals.

    • Choose shoes with heels that are comfortable for you to walk in. An unsteady gait in too high heels will give the impression that you are dressed for a masquerade. It's better to start with low heel or platforms that provide stability when walking.
  • Wear sophisticated accessories. No need to wear all available jewelry in an attempt to look impressive. It is better to choose simple yet thoughtful accessories that will successfully emphasize your image, such as a light scarf, a bright watch or a cute bracelet.

    • Pearl studs will add sophistication to any look.
  • In cold weather, wear a fitted jacket or coat. Avoid sweatshirts in cold weather. It is better to give preference to fitted outerwear like a jacket with a belt or a coat with a narrow waist.

    • The trench coat has a belt classic look and is suitable for any figure. A feminine outfit on an autumn day will be a trench coat over a dress or skirt with stockings and high boots.
  • Carry a cute bag. It is not necessary to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a designer handbag, but the right handbag will make you look older. Choose a handbag made of natural or faux leather a neutral color like black or brown.

    • If you go to school with a backpack, then select simple model neutral color.

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