How to organize a toilet and washbasin on a hike. Garbage on the banks of the Akhtuba, Volga, Don and other small and large rivers! Do-it-yourself camping folding toilet

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If you go for a long walk or hike, you will most likely need to go to the toilet, but do it in a certain way to keep the environment (and yourself) clean. Bring a bag with personal care items such as toilet paper, hand sanitizer and plastic bags, and be sure to stay away from any water bodies, hiking trails or campsites when you need to use the restroom. Select a good place and clean up after yourself, and then continue to enjoy nature.


Choose a place

  1. Take a bag with the necessary personal hygiene items. These include any materials that can be used to dry yourself, such as toilet paper, paper or wet wipes, as well as a small dustpan, hand sanitizer, and resealable plastic bags. It is better to choose a colored or opaque bag.

    • If you wish, look for plastic bags to store used toilet paper at a hiking supply store or online.
  2. Stop at least 60 meters from bodies of water, hiking trails or campsites. This is necessary to prevent water pollution and the spread of disease, as well as not to spoil the hiking trail and not disturb other tourists. Before choosing a site, look around to make sure you are not near bodies of water such as streams, lakes, or rivers, or any hiking trails or campsites.

    • A distance of 200 paces should ensure that you are far enough away.
  3. Find a secluded place to be alone. A cluster of bushes or tall trees is great to give you some privacy while you go to the bathroom. Look for a place that won't be completely visible and where there will be a relatively flat surface. You may need to go further into the forest to find a secluded spot, so pay attention to your location.

    • Another a good option for privacy - a high stone or a large tree trunk.
  4. Beware of poison ivy, anthills and bee nests. These are the things you should definitely avoid when choosing where to go to the bathroom. It's also a good idea to check for any other dangerous or poisonous plants or animals around so you don't have to worry about getting hurt.

    • Recognize poison ivy by looking for a plant with a bunch of three leaves.

    Do your deeds

    1. Stay on level ground if you are urinating. Look for level ground, especially if you are a woman, and you will need to sit down. If you can't find a flat surface, at least position yourself facing the downward slope so nothing drips on you.

      • If you urinate, there is no need to dig a hole, but you can dig it if you wish.
    2. Dig a small hole at least 15 cm deep to empty your bowels. In addition, the hole should be about 15–20 cm wide. Dig the hole with a small shovel (or spatula). If not, use a stone.

      • Here's a good rule of thumb: make sure the dimple is at least as deep as the length of your palm.
      • If you are in the forest during the snowy season, the hole should go 15 cm underground, and not just under the snow.
    3. Squat down and make sure your clothes don't interfere with your business. Sit down as low as possible to make it easier for you to relieve yourself. Clothes lowered at least slightly below the knees should not interfere. Men can drop their pants and get down to business. Be sure to cover your perineum so as not to expose your private parts.

      • If you can't manage to squat, lock your feet on soft ground.
    4. Dry off with toilet paper or wet wipes. If you brought these items with you, take them out of your bag to use them. If you don't have toilet paper or paper/wet tissues with you, find a smooth piece of paper as a substitute (make sure it's not poisonous).

      • If you're not sure if a leaf is poisonous or not, it's best not to use it.

    Tidy up the place

    1. Do not bury used toilet paper in the hole. It's best to place your used toilet paper or wet wipes in an airtight plastic bag. If you're in the woods for a few days, then either take a few separate, empty plastic bags with you, or one large bag that will hold all the paper you've used.

      • This must be done so that the used toilet paper is not dug up by animals.
      • The sachets should be stored in your toiletry bag.
      • If you are using leaves found nearby, you can drop them directly into the hole.

The dream of a city dweller is to buy a country house where you can relax from the hustle and bustle. Well, now you are the owner of the site and the most requested part is the toilet. What if it doesn't exist?

But there is a way out - to build a toilet with your own hands, using improvised means, by creating a drawing yourself. With your own hands to provide comfortable living conditions.

How to make a toilet in the country?

A string of questions immediately arise in my head, which drawing to choose, which design to give, what materials will go. In this article, we will reveal the basis and rules for developing your project.

The main types of booths

First, let's look at what types of structures exist. The simplest type, a building with a cesspool.

But before we start, we take into account the sanitary standards that apply in Russia: think over the method of cleaning, proper waterproofing. Clarify the requirements of the neighbors so that there are no conflict situations.

A toilet in the country with your own hands can be made in several ways.

We list the types of buildings:

  • The birdhouse is an economical version with a shed roof located on a box. Summer option;
  • The hut is a complex structure with a large selection of designs that retains heat in the cold. Requires more material costs;
  • Hut - a simple form with a gable roof, a wind-resistant model;
  • House - a design with increased strength, a warm option;
  • Double - a complex building with a second department;
  • Toilet with shower - an additional extension for washing is attached to the main booth;
  • Dry closet - can be installed even inside the house. Dry closets are gaining popularity, as there is no particular fuss with them.

There are three types of dry closets: peat, chemical and electrical models. This option is first aid when construction is underway.

Then you can proceed to the capital toilet with a reliable septic tank, serving for years.

Where to start building?

The summer resident needs a toilet that is hygienic, clean and pleasing to the eye, in compliance with the environmental situation, waste neutralization, and compliance with the requirements for external design.

Capital septic tank with a complex of tanks in the ground

To do this, most often do three concrete rings, which are immersed in the ground in turn. The upper ones become settling tanks, the third filters sewage that goes into the ground without harming groundwater.

Such septic tanks contain anaerobic bacteria that process waste and neutralize harmful bacteria.

You have the following tasks:

  • choose a system for the removal, discharge and disposal of sewage;
  • determine a place for the toilet and it is better to choose far from home;
  • decide what type of construction is suitable, dismantled above;
  • choose a design that you can do with your own hands;
  • select suitable materials;
  • determine the size of the toilet in the country;
  • calculate the construction cost estimate.

Decide for yourself how the waste pit will be cleaned if you do not install a septic tank. How can a sewage truck drive up, pumping out sewage.

Decided and answered questions? Now you can start building, let's take it step by step.

Practice: start of construction

We decided on the place, we will choose the desired design. The builders have already developed a certain gold standard of size, the ratio: 2.2x1x1.4 m.

Look at the photo of the country toilet. We decided on the form, we will prepare the necessary tool:


  • perforator, can be replaced with a crowbar, for crushing hard ground;
  • a shovel, preferably with a short handle, it is so convenient to dig;
  • capacity for a pit with waste, the optimal capacity is 200 l;

If you use electrical appliances, take care of the power source.

Make drawings of a country toilet or use the data in the figure. Consider installing ventilation, insulation. Let's start construction with a waste pit.

Stage one - hole

We dig a deep waste pit for sewage. The standard shape is square, the depth is not less than 2 m. Be sure to strengthen the walls after digging, you can use reinforced concrete material, boards or make masonry from stone, brick.

We provide the bottom of the pit with tightness, fill it with rubble or make a concrete screed.

If there is a risk of contaminating groundwater, then we will make the walls and the bottom waterproof, seal it with a special material.


The second stage - the frame

The pit has been prepared, we will begin to build a protective external structure. The prepared frame must be fixed, it is better to make it wooden. We will make markings and drill holes in which we install the supporting pillars. They will provide stability for future construction.

The foundation itself is necessary if you visit the country house all year round, to serve a long time. First, it must be deepened, then bricks or blocks should be placed in the corners, waterproofing will be provided by a roofing material overlay.

Place the material between the prepared frame and the foundation. Immediately begin to install the bottom frame so that the roofing material does not dry out from the sun.

Lay the floor, prepare the seat skeleton in place and attach it. Nail the front frame to the posts. After sheathe the toilet seat, make a hole.

Now sheathe the facade of the toilet directly, you can choose lining, profiled sheet, siding and other materials for this. Install the crate for the roof and put on it any roof made of slate, metal tiles.


Finish up by hanging the door on the hinges and the wooden outdoor toilet is almost ready.

The third stage - ventilation

To unpleasant odors did not disturb you, we will develop a ventilation system in the design of the toilet. We use a plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm for this.

Take tin clamps and pull it to the hole made on the roof of the building. The lower end of the pipe must be drawn 15 cm into the waste pit, cutting a hole of the required diameter into the seat.

A deflector nozzle will additionally help to strengthen the draft. There is nothing complicated in the construction, anyone can build a simple toilet.

DIY toilet photo

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Camping toilet and shower: urban comfort in the field

Greetings, comrades. Camping, as you know, is useful - 2-3 hours in the fresh air will not hurt anyone. But longer events, such as a multi-day hike, will require participants to provide effective method maintaining personal hygiene. Indeed, even in the forest it is not always possible to find a secluded place for these purposes, not to mention a tourist camp in the open.

And today we will look at what a camping version of the toilet can be, and get acquainted with its multifunctional portable counterparts in the form of a tent, which can be both a room for natural needs and a shower.

Personal hygiene

Of course, you can object that 1-2 days can be dispensed with without a shower in camping trip, But seasoned tourists they will object to you and argue their arguments:

  1. On a hike, you can get dirty much faster than at home;
  2. Dirty skin will not allow your body to fully recover overnight;
  3. Lunch shower invigorates, which is important during long transitions;
  4. In extreme heat, you just need to cool off.

The situation is the same with the toilet:

  1. It is not safe to go far from the camp for natural needs every time, especially at night;
  2. It is unhygienic to adapt bushes right at the place of lodging for the night;
  3. In open areas, the problem of arranging a secluded place only intensifies.

Captain Evidence informs: in the treasury of arguments about the need to take a camping bathroom, you can add protection from adverse weather conditions. Agree, it is unlikely that anyone will like the rain dripping down the collar and the soggy ground under their feet.

Constructive tandem

In the apartment, as you know, the shower and toilet are separated. On a hike, where every kilogram of weight matters, the most preferred would be a joint design - a camping shower-toilet.

What it is?

  • Waterproof tent with dimensions 100x100x250 cm;
  • Container for water made of rubberized fabric with shower head and hose;
  • Toilet paper holders (inside) and coat hooks (outside).

With a shower, everything is more or less clear: they hung a bag-tank filled with water, went inside and you can wash. And the toilet?

Most of the time, the tent is used precisely as a toilet - a latrine is equipped inside it.

What it will be - you decide. It could be:

  1. Peat dry closet;
  2. Folding toilet seat;
  3. Tourist cardboard toilet box.


Experienced tourists can tell you many ways to arrange a latrine while parking. Instead of a portable toilet, you can dig a hole and set up a tent on top. For such cases, there are folding toilet seats, but their design provides for securing bags, which is much simpler and more convenient than arranging a pit.

Captain Evidence informs: if you do not want to combine a shower with a toilet, then you can arrange a tandem, for example, set up 2 tents together. They should not be separated from each other - water for washing hands after visiting the toilet can be taken from the shower.

How to choose

It is clear that it is best to buy camping equipment in specialized stores. But before you go shopping, you should determine the acceptable parameters for yourself:

  1. If you are going to travel by car, then you have practically no weight restrictions. If the trunk allows, and you like comfort, feel free to take a full dry closet and a tent. If there is not enough space in the car, choose folding options;

A tent is necessary not only to create privacy, but also to protect from rain, wind and the scorching sun. You can’t refuse it, if only because it weighs 1.5 kg and is installed in a couple of minutes.

  1. For traveling on motorcycles or bicycles, only folding options are suitable. Why? Lack of a spacious trunk;
  2. Hiking requires models with minimum weight and dimensions.

Let's take a closer look at which toilet models can be purchased for travel.

For autotourists

For autotourists in shops selling tourist equipment, the following models of camping toilets and shower devices are offered.

As I said, on long trips, it is most important to have a full-fledged toilet available. First of all, these are:

  1. dry closets;
  2. Toilet-bucket;
  3. Folding seats with waste container.

I won’t talk about dry closets in detail - such information is in other articles on our website. I will focus on highly specialized models designed exclusively for travel.

My verdict: the best simple model, the idea for which is borrowed from the classic chamber pot. It is enough to remove the lid with your own hands, fix the waste bag and you can use it.

My verdict: to combine a latrine with a stool, in my opinion, is debatable. If we consider the model solely as a toilet, then overall it’s not bad. Of the pluses, I note the possibility of using ordinary plastic bags.

As for the soul, everything is simple here:

  1. The tent should have a hole for the hose to enter and an eyelet for attaching a shower head;
  2. Choose the color of the water bag in black - in it the water heats up faster;
  3. For a company of 3-4 people, 40 liter bags are preferred.

The instructions for the tent-toilet contain information about the maximum possible load. If the weight of a rubberized water bag exceeds the allowable value, set up a tent near a tree from which you can hang it.

For motorcycle and cyclists

My verdict: it is clear that you have to pay for compactness, but, in my opinion, the price is too high.

My verdict: the model is interesting due to its compact size and the presence of a lid. Its appearance is more classic, maintenance is the simplest.

Another one interesting model for transportation - a toilet suitcase from an American manufacturer. When assembled, it does not look much like a bathroom.

My verdict: original solution. The cost is justified by the versatility.

For hiking

Tourists who go hiking “on their own two feet” prefer secluded places for relaxation, climbing into the very wilderness. Accordingly, tents of "hidden" colors are chosen.

Regardless of the model of a folding toilet you choose, you need to deal with odor issues on a hike. Having a bathroom at a great distance from the camp is not an option, so it is more logical to use special kits for the disposal of human waste.

What is included in such a kit?

  1. Double bag for disposal made of durable material:
    • The outer bag is used to transport waste;
    • The inner contains a filler - a disposal agent that absorbs odors;
  1. Toilet paper set - 4 meters;
  2. Hand sanitizer in a plastic bag.

Captain Evidence informs: the cost of such a solution is 1400 rubles per pack of 12 bags. As for me, for such a complete set - quite reasonable money.

For construction lovers

A couple of tips on how even in field conditions you can bring yourself closer to civilization:

  1. Take a strong and opaque polyethylene film on a hike;
  2. Make a rectangular one from branches and cover it with a film;
  3. Hang it from a tree for wind resistance;
  4. Secure the lower part with stakes;
  5. Install a folding toilet inside or hang a rubber bag with a watering can and use it.

In Russia, unfortunately, there are very few areas for outdoor recreation., where can
use a ready-made waste collection system (bins, toilets, etc.), therefore,
going on a picnic, a walk or a hike, you need to have a good idea,
what will you do with the garbage that you will produce during the trip.
If you are going for one day, in our opinion it is best to pick up all the rubbish
take it with you and take it to the nearest trash can in your city.
If you do not like this option, you need to grab a sapper shovel with you.
All organic waste (including waste products) must be buried,
With a spatula, this is much easier to do.

It is very common to find such an opinion."Apple core (banana
peel, etc.) can be safely thrown away - it will rot anyway.
Indeed, it will rot.
It will only rot for several months. in front of everyone passing by
places. Agree, it is not very pleasant to see peel and cores in the forest on the ground,
and most importantly traces of life, so try to bury the entire
organic trash.
Do not bury plastic containers (bottles, bags, etc.).
If you can't carry it, burn it.
If you made a fire (naturally, without destroying living trees), and are going to
burn some of the garbage in it, make sure that it burns all the way to the end.
Glass and cans should preferably be taken away.
If you cannot do this, the glass must be buried deep, and canning
jars are good to burn, flatten and bury.
Think before you burn anything maybe it's better to carefully pack and deliver
to the city urn than to rake out the unburned remnants of “this” (for example, diapers)
from the fire.
We try to do just that, and we carry empty plastic bottles,
wet diapers and other similar garbage.
Of course, it is better to build a fire where there is already a fire.
Here you often have to face a difficult choice, because. campfires very often
are polluted, but we absolutely do not want to sit in the trash.
If there is no way to bring someone else's fire into a decent shape and you kindled your own,
try to keep it clean - do not leave anything in the fire except ashes and firewood.
On the one hand, multi-day trips simplify the task, because. it is unprofitable to use glass containers and cans for packaging, and on the other hand, they complicate it, because there is usually no time and energy to collect garbage, and a sapper shovel is far from always taken on a hike.
It is useful when one of the participants in the campaign is appointed "environmentalist".
If you go with children, they usually play this role with joy and very diligently.
If you go without a fire (on gas) and do not take the cylinders with you, then after
use the cylinder must be pierced (naturally making sure that it is empty) and
bury (fill up with stones, throw into a crack on the glacier).
In the mountains, in the zone of snow and ice, garbage is usually carried with them (fortunately, there is not much of it), and they are burned down on the moraine or already on the green.
In conclusion, I would like to point out that none of the good advice garbage collection
in nature will not help if a person is used to littering in the city or does not think
what the place will look like after visiting it.

Lenya Fishkis

To all outdoor enthusiasts!
Comrades, do not "litter" our nature, our mother, because we ourselves live in it!

Many travelers and lovers of outdoor activities consider the purchase of a dry closet a waste of money, and besides, an extra load. The usual ways of organizing a latrine seem to be cheaper and more practical. But progressive and experienced tourists have long understood all the advantages of dry closets and are happy to use them on a hike.

Using a dry closet has undeniable advantages:

  • there is no need to look for a secluded place in the bushes or under a tree every time (especially true when there are a lot of people in the company, and there are also small children);
  • there is no need to dig a hole for the toilet, which looks unaesthetic and smells bad;
  • easy to dispose of waste;
  • this toilet can be used a large number of of people;
  • there are many compact models with a weight of up to 20 kg.

The cost of portable toilets starts at 5 thousand rubles - this is quite a bit, given that the service life is unlimited. The principle of operation of dry closets is based on the use of biological or natural fillers, which process waste into compost, neutralize odor and allow a long time not to empty the tank.

Types of portable toilets

Dry closets for hiking differ from similar devices, first of all, in their compact dimensions - height - up to 40 cm, width up to 50 cm.

All models can be grouped into three types according to the filler and the method of waste disposal;

  • peat and wood;
  • chemical - with powder or liquid filler;
  • without fillers.

Peat fillers are designed for processing waste into compost. They have a loose texture that absorbs moisture and promotes the decomposition of solid waste while neutralizing odor.

After emptying the storage tank, the compost is buried in the ground - this is a good fertilizer for plants.

Chemical fillers act on the principle of bacteria - they decompose waste into a liquid mass, which is then poured out. At the same time, the smell is eliminated by various fragrances and fragrances. Such excipients may be in liquid or powder form. The first is the most common.

Waste disposal systems in unfilled toilets are based on the use of special bags that quickly decompose in the ground or burn without emitting harmful substances. This is the most advanced technology, which is just gaining production momentum.

How to choose the right portable toilet for your camping trip

Before buying, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics of a dry closet:

Biolan Populet dimensions
  • dimensions;
  • type of filler;
  • storage tank capacity;
  • price.

For a hiking option, an important parameter when choosing a model is compactness and light weight. On the road, tourists collect only the most necessary things, but there are always a lot of things, and if a hike is planned, and even a multi-day one, then you will have to carry all the equipment: food, dishes and personal belongings. Every overweight will cause inconvenience.

The filler is the next important point. Liquid can recycle waste faster chemical composition, it eliminates odor more reliably. But such fillers are several times more expensive than peat ones and their consumption is also higher. Peat and wood fillers are environmentally friendly, natural substances that do not harm the environment at all, on the contrary, they produce quite effective fertilizer.

Portable dry closets Thetford

Depending on how many people will use the dry closet, you need to select a model with a larger or smaller storage tank.

The cost is important criterion because everyone can build on their own capabilities. The most primitive models can cost from 5,000 rubles, a more advanced version - up to 60,000 rubles. On Russian market there are models, both domestic production and imported - Japanese, Swedish, German, American.

It is clear that a dry closet from a Russian manufacturer will cost half as much, but despite this, it is quite a bit inferior to foreign analogues.

Description of the most suitable models

Based on the above criteria, you can opt for one of the following models.

Mister Little Mini optimal solution- light, compact, inexpensive dry closet. Characteristics:

  • the volume of the storage tank - 18 l;
  • water drain - manual piston pump;
  • height - 34 cm;
  • width - 42 cm;
  • depth -37 cm;
  • weight - 5 kg;
  • filler - liquid chemistry;
  • country of production - Canada;
  • cost - 6000 rubles.

Dry closet DTW-01 is an economical travel option, but it meets all quality criteria. Characteristics:

  • the volume of the storage tank - 21 l;
  • capacity for water intended for draining - 15 l;
  • fullness indicator - yes;
  • height - 41 cm;
  • width - 42 cm;
  • depth - 37 cm;
  • weight - 4.4 kg;
  • country of production - China;
  • cost - 2400 rubles.

Convenient and functional dry closet Campingaz Maronum Small is a budget import option. Characteristics:

  • the volume of the storage tank - 13 l;
  • capacity for water intended for draining - 13 l;
  • water drain - manual mechanical pump;
  • height - 38 cm;
  • width - 36 cm;
  • depth - 33 cm;
  • weight - 4.39 kg;
  • disposal system - liquid chemistry;
  • country of production - France;
  • cost - 4800 rubles.

Domestic dry closet from the BIONIK company - Compact WC 12-10. Characteristics:

  • the volume of the storage tank - 10l;
  • capacity for water intended for draining - 12 l;
  • water drain - manual pump;
  • height - 30.5 cm;
  • width - 41.5 cm;
  • depth - 36.5 cm;
  • weight - 4.39 kg;
  • disposal system - liquid chemistry;
  • country of production - Russia;
  • cost - 4200 rubles.

Peat dry closet for a large group of people - Duomatic Kekkila. Characteristics:

Dry closet Duomatic Kekkila
  • the volume of the storage tank - two containers of 80 liters each;
  • capacity for water intended for draining - 30 l;
  • height - 87.5 cm;
  • width - 78 cm;
  • depth - 90 cm;
  • filler - peat;
  • country of production - Finland;
  • cost - 46,000 rubles.

Dry closet accessories

When going camping with a portable toilet, you need to take care of some useful accessories:

  • if children are present, you should purchase a special child seat, which is installed on a standard one;
  • in a large company, you should take care of personal hygiene - buy disposable pads for the toilet seat;
  • if the trip is planned in the cold season, then a thermal seat will be appropriate. It is made of a material similar to foam, sitting on it, you will feel pleasant warmth;
  • a tent for a toilet and a shower - light and compact, it will be much more convenient than a film stretched over sticks;
  • liquid filler is an indispensable thing. The required volume is determined by the duration of the hike and the number of people who will use the toilet;
  • washing liquid - quickly removes dirt and odors, and also disinfects.

The dry closet complete with accessories will bring such necessary comfort in limited field conditions.

Video: Camping dry closet
