The best places to celebrate graduation. Graduation: how it takes place in ordinary schools and elite Graduation celebration options

“I have been working in the market for 10 years, and almost always everything goes as standard. Graduation is a ball, no one is perverted at it. Alas, in the mentality of the Russian people the concept prom dresses and everything else. Unfortunately (or fortunately), our graduates are princes and princesses. The fact is that a very large number of people participate in the organization: the parent committee, parents, school management. Different parties are looking for a compromise, and as a rule, it turns out to be a standard option.

We came up with the idea of ​​holding graduations - their official part - in the Oscar format. Each student who graduates from school becomes a nominee, and we talk directly about the graduate. Because usually at the school ceremony they talk about excellent students, but they forget about average students.

A few years ago there was an original order - an open-air on the banks of the Istra reservoir. It was held like the Day of Neptune. It was ordered by an entire school, from where about five parallel classes were produced. At the beginning there was a ball, and then there was an open air right on the sand, it was very cool and beautiful, there was a fire show. Usually the most non-standard orders are received not for graduation, but for the last calls. They did the “Fear Factor”, and quests, and everything else. ”

According to the website of the Department of Culture, this is what the citywide graduation ceremony in Gorky Park will look like

host of the holiday agency SV Prazdnik

“Graduations are boring. There are laws Russian Federation, which prohibit the student from leaving the territory of the place where they are. That is, graduation takes place within the walls of the school from 8 pm to 6 am, the child will be released from school until 6 only if there is a note from the parents.

Restaurants are reluctant to host proms. Schoolchildren should not drink, if there is alcohol on the menu even for parents, the restaurant can be fined. Before the ball, the restaurant must pass a test, it is very difficult to pass, so graduation is often celebrated in the school assembly hall. This option is economical and in some ways even touching, but graduation celebrations at school sometimes lack pomp and festivity. Children hide alcohol wherever possible, they are 17-18 years old, at that age they already fought, got married. Teachers and parents also give in, graduates feel more relaxed, as they will not return to school again and can behave more openly.

I have never seen a good banquet on a ship. Imagine what happens to people who marinate on a ship for 9 hours, they can only go out on deck to breathe fresh air, but this does not always help. Drinking and dancing - that's what's left. Graduation for children is more of an obligation than a holiday, a stage that needs to be passed.

Parental committee- this is a man of 10 crazy mothers who come to the agency already with their own ideas. TO As a rule, they think about how to save money and protect children, there is no question of fun here. The most budget graduation - 30-50 thousand rubles. This is a DJ, music, presenter.

The Parents' Committee is 10 crazy mothers who come to the agency with their own ideas. As a rule, they think about how to save money and protect children, there is no question of fun here.

Of course, you should think over the graduation program so that it does not turn into a banal feast with dancing, but most often it happens. We come up with contests, cut out shocking politicians who congratulate graduates (children really like it). One of our best graduations was at the bowling alley, the kids were chasing balls with their parents and teachers. When the solemn part ended, they changed into more comfortable clothes, it was fun.”

“An unusual order came to our agency around the end of October. There were long negotiations with the parents. There were many options: dudes, pirates, Hawaii, mafia - only the topic was chosen for two months. As a result, they chose a party in the style of the "Great Gatsby" based on a recent movie. Everyone plunged into the study of the material, a script plan was drawn up and offered to the graduates.

One of the conditions for the female half of the class was that the host of the evening should look like the main character, that is, Leonardo DiCaprio. For a long time we looked at our entire base of hosts, looked around the entire Internet, but we could not find a host suitable for us, and then we looked very carefully at our CEO- here he is our DiCaprio, the rest is only to grow hair.

Our decorators decorated the hall, taking into account the wishes of the children. These were and Balloons, mirrors, ribbons, flower arrangements. The graduates also wished for a mini-pool in the center of the hall. But it was technically difficult to implement, so it was decided to just have a foam party at the end of the evening. The site we proposed was two-level, where the second floor is a beautiful, wide balcony.

Naturally, the party was without alcohol, and we thought for a long time how to make ordinary juices and water fun to drink, and we came up with. We found from personal bartenders who came up with a luminous bar, and juices and water can be drunk from luminous cones and test tubes, and a crazy professor, he was a bartender, was constantly stirring, mixing and stirring something! Everyone was completely delighted. Throughout the night, in addition to the leader, the children were entertained by a magician and there were several numbers with aerialists.

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They say that graduation only happens once in a person's life - at school. We are ready to argue with this statement! After all, after school, many people go to university, after which they will have another graduation. And we see no convincing reasons to celebrate it less brightly and incendiary than the school one.

Graduation from the university - is it expensive?

The myth that graduation requires large financial investments is just a myth, and we are ready to dispel it. You can celebrate in different ways: with chic, brilliance and scope, or modestly, at home. And the last option does not guarantee that graduation will be boring! You can rent a yacht, buy black caviar and hire a first-class host, but spend the whole holiday in awkward silence, without leaving the table. And you can get together in an ordinary city canteen and light it up so that the memories will last for a year.

To prove our point, we have collected ideas for any budget - from the cheapest to the most expensive. Go!

Idea #1: House Party

The most budgetary way, but it is suitable only for those who are going to celebrate with a group of 20-25 people. If you plan to collect the entire stream, where there are 40 or more students, skip this option right away.

There is one more condition: there must be enough trust in your group so that everyone feels comfortable. Home party - the event is still more friendly than official.

A natural question - where to find an apartment? It's simple. Arrange with one of your classmates who lives separately and has a living space large enough to fit a crowd of 25 people. If there are no people who want to host a party, you can chip in and rent an apartment for a day. Given the number of people, the amount will be small - 200-300 rubles.

Agree that everyone comes with a treat. And in order not to get confused, separate the “spheres of influence”: some bring an appetizer, others bring salad ingredients, and others bring dessert.

What to do at a party like this? Here you are limited only by your imagination. But we will offer several options:

  • Play "Crocodile", "Twister" or "Mafia";
  • Dance;
  • Sing in a choir or karaoke;
  • View student photos and videos;
  • Remember the funniest, touching and bright moments students.

Idea #2: Picnic

A picnic is a good option in all respects. You only spend money on food and travel, so it can be compared to a house party in terms of cost. But in nature you will not have restrictions on the area - gather at least with the whole stream!

What can be done? Swim, sunbathe, play ball, dance, take pictures, spend the night with tents. Do not forget to agree in advance about who will take the music, speakers, ball, skewers or grill.

If you want to go to nature, but you cannot live without amenities, go to the camp site. It's a little more expensive, but much more comfortable than a picnic.

Idea number 3: gatherings in a cafe or restaurant

This method has several advantages. It will also cost you inexpensively, 1000-1500 per person. More people can fit in a cafe than in an apartment - you can celebrate in a whole stream, and at the same time you don’t have to crowd five of us on a small sofa or sit on the floor. Finally, no effort on your part - you just need to come, and the food will be prepared and served to you.

If you are going to celebrate without a leader, think in advance what you will be doing. Prepare ideas for games, write a list of songs to dance to. But the central place on your holiday, of course, will be occupied by gatherings at the table.

The lead option is more expensive, but easier for you. If you don’t want to conjure over the script yourself, but you have money, then spend it on the presenter - then you definitely won’t get bored.

Idea #4: Nightclub

Are you and your classmates easy-going and like to have a good fire? Then you are in a nightclub. In terms of cost, such a graduation is comparable to a restaurant: you pay about 300 rubles for entry, while you need to have another 1000-1500 with you to spend them on alcohol. If there are a lot of non-drinkers in the group, there is no point in going to a nightclub - let's be honest, this is not the most suitable place for non-alcoholic parties.

Well, if your graduation coincides with an event at the club, then you get immediately and entertainment program, and a DJ. If not - just come, you will still have the opportunity to drink and dance.

After the club, you can go for a walk and meet the sunrise. Many people did this at high school graduation, but why not repeat the tradition after university? Agree, getting some air after a stuffy club is a good idea.

Idea #5: Boat Party

The most expensive and most luxurious option in our selection. What do you think of when you hear "boat party"? We immediately imagine the setting sun, a light cool breeze, a beautifully laid table - in a word, a frame from a movie. And you can arrange it for yourself!

Expensive? Alas, yes. We cannot tell you how much it costs to rent a boat - prices differ in different cities. But we know for sure that at least once in your life you can afford to become the hero of a film. Just imagine what photos - and what memories - you will have!

This is the end of our collection. We hope you were able to draw from it practical ideas that suit your price. We wish you a great graduation 😉

Graduation in the 11th grade is usually celebrated all together: graduates, parents and teachers. There are clearly not enough new ideas for organizing and holding this significant event, and everything goes according to the traditional program that has been tested over the years: a solemn part, a banquet and dances. What are the formats of the celebration, what you need to pay attention to while preparing for the prom, what not to forget, and also where to find inspiration for new ideas, let's try to find out in our article.

school format

If the school administration, in accordance with the order of the district leadership, insists on holding a graduation party entirely within the walls educational institution, then the solemn part and a banquet with a disco are organized either in the classroom or in the assembly hall.

For the solemn part, namely presentation of certificates about leaving school, all graduates are usually invited (this can be several classes), their parents, subject teachers who taught students, and the school administration and representatives of the district education department are always present on the stage. During the ceremony, each student is invited to the stage, where, to the applause of the audience, he receives a certificate of secondary education from the hands of the director, words of congratulations and gratitude, parting words from class teachers and parents are heard.

Holding the official part of the event better rehearse and double-check everything, because a hitch can occur at any time: classroom teacher from excitement, he cannot find a medal or a certificate, the teacher who was supposed to say important words has not yet approached, the graduates do not know who is giving flowers to whom, they turned on the musical screensaver in the wrong place. Get ready for the fact that if more than one class is issued, then the process of awarding certificates can be delayed and quite tedious.

Important nuance : do not forget that for the official part of the graduation it is necessary take care of the bouquets flowers that graduates present to teachers, as well as decorate the hall where the event will take place. A new trend of fashion shows, presentations and various parties - to be photographed against the backdrop press wall , this is a design made of chrome-plated pipes, on which a large banner is attached. On the banner you can write the school number, city, year of graduation, they are photographed for memory with teachers, parents, the whole class and in splendid isolation. The advantages of such a design are its mobility and presentability, the disadvantages are manufacturing costs. Budget option: use the walls of the assembly hall as a press wall, on which you can hang self-made inscriptions and photographs.

After the official part usually begins concert , the development of the scenario of which falls on the shoulders of the Deputy Director for educational work or a teacher-organizer, music teachers, class teachers of graduating classes and talented graduates who will perform on stage in front of classmates and parents are also involved in the work.

In the teaching staff or among the students there is a talented leading ? This is already half the success, because he will be able to conduct the program in a fun and relaxed way. The second and no less important part good evening- cool individual scenario , a successful creative "skit": bright numbers from schoolchildren, parents and teachers. Funny jokes, dances and songs, creative performances - on this day, graduates will be able to show all their talents, which, perhaps, no one had ever guessed before.

At the end of the concert, children and teachers are invited to banquet which is traditionally organized by the parents of graduates. The format of treats, their number, as well as the amount to be spent on this, are discussed in advance at parent meetings . Of course, it is unrealistic to imagine that teenagers spend a holiday sitting at a table and eating cutlets with potatoes, so a light buffet and snack format in this case will be the most successful solution.

Parents can buy food, cut and cover everything themselves, and if the budget allows, you can consider offers from off-site restaurants , in this case, there will be much less problems for parents: they will offer you a menu, coordinate dishes and accessories. Depending on the amount that parents are willing to spend, the number of services provided by catering companies also varies: in addition to preparing and serving meals, they can, for example, bring furniture for the holiday, build a pyramid of champagne glasses, and establish the smooth operation of a chocolate fountain.

Important nuance : sweet for festive table must be present at the prom. Pay attention not only to appearance cakes, although this is important, but also on their freshness, because in summer period products with cream layers can spoil quickly. Small cupcakes with sweet layers are a great way for such an event, schoolchildren will not have to suffer with pieces of cakes on plates, and sweet fillings and icing on cupcakes do not spoil indoors.

The most important graduation moment for boys and girls, of course disco . And here, too, there are options for holding: a disco will be run by a school DJ or you can use the services of a guest. As a rule, the more experienced the "musical genius" is, the less problems with equipment, sound and playlist will arise at the holiday. Be sure to tell the invited DJ the area of ​​​​the room in which the disco is held and the number of invited people, as well as specify its technical capabilities not only in terms of equipment, microphones and speakers, but also in terms of lighting solutions. To take into account the musical wishes of graduates, you can conduct a survey in advance in each class and transfer this information to the DJ.

Usually the holiday lasts until the morning, after which the rather tired, but happy (we hope so) graduates gather meet the dawn . Parents also need to prepare this part of the graduation: agree on exactly where this event will take place, how to deliver the children to the place, which of the adults will be there with them, and also how to deliver the graduates home after a sunny morning.

Important nuance : clothes for a festive evening and dawn morning should be different. If possible, prepare things that the child can change into, offer the child comfortable shoes and a warm jacket that can be thrown over the shoulders on a chilly morning.

Away format

Does the school administration mind if graduates spend a holiday in a restaurant or cafe? In this case the official part will be held at the school with the presentation of certificates and a concert, and already for a banquet and a disco, graduates, parents and teachers will go to the chosen institution.

The choice of a cafe or restaurant also falls on the shoulders of the parents, and decide on the institution necessary in advance to reserve the day. This is important, because proms are held throughout the city on the same day, so a good trusted cafe can be occupied by the graduating class of a neighboring school.

Due to the fact that in cafes and restaurants payment is made depending on the number of people, then update guest list , will be necessary. If all the students of the class go to the institution, which is also not always the case, you need to clarify which parent will be present in the restaurant, which teachers you invite, and do not forget to include a representative of the school administration, a DJ and a photographer in the list.

Speaking of photographer - this is an important person at the prom, because the quality of your memories depends on his skill. In addition to the usual school albums, which are necessarily offered in the vast majority of educational institutions, if you wish, you can invite a photographer and videographer who will shoot prom your children.

A camera in the hands of worried parents is also a good and budget option, but if finances allow and you want to get high-quality pictures, choose a professional. Choose trusted people, look at portfolios, collect reviews, use the advice of last year's graduates. Remember that shooting in the semi-darkness at a disco rarely turns out to be interesting, so it’s best to demonstrate outfits and hairstyles in the first half of the holiday , which means, calculate in advance the number of working hours of the photographer.

Specify the technical equipment of the invited specialist, because working with various spotlights and reflectors significantly improves the quality of photographs, especially if there is insufficient lighting in the room. The videographer often works in tandem with the photographer and captures best moments holiday, from which you can then make a small film.

In the chosen institution you have to spend almost the whole night, so be sure to check your work schedule , and entertainment program which will be able to support and improve the mood of the guests. It is important that the employees of a cafe or restaurant can organize an entertainment program according to the age of the guests, because if on graduation day you hear a restaurant singer whose repertoire is “Blue Fog” or “Blue Hoarfrost”, this is unlikely to please 16-17-year-old teenagers .

To please young music lovers is quite simple - it is necessary organize a good disco with various special effects. Just a disco ball and a laser may not be enough, now you can rent smoke machines, generators soap bubbles, confetti cannons, cool table and floor “fountains” look great - columns of silver sparks.

You also need to rest from dancing, and you don’t always want to spend this time at the table. Try to connect with the future, for example, make a video during which each graduate tells how he sees himself in 10 or 20 years. Give the record on a common disk to the class teacher or one of the students in the class, and at the reunion of graduates, when everyone forgets what they said on the air that day, this disk will become an unforgettable highlight of the program. Another entertainment option is a comic lottery with original and funny predictions for the future of each graduate. The pulled out lot can be signed to remember who got what and also leave it as a “highlight” for future alumni meetings.

Not like everyone else : it is absolutely not necessary to hold a graduation party in a traditional format. Celebrate on a ship with a night disco, hold a beach party in an institution near the water, organize a quest, a themed party in the style of gangsters or vampires - if children and parents agree with such an unusual format, and you also have a trusted person who will organize the holiday, your graduation is sure to be a bright and unforgettable event.

The state is obliged to make sure that every citizen has a secondary education - 9 classes. In grades 10–11, students study according to own will Therefore, graduation is organized for both 11th and 9th grade.

More children drop out of school

Statistics recent years indicates that after the end of the 9th grade, an increasing number of children leave school. Former schoolchildren enter technical schools and colleges, where they continue to study the same subjects as at school, but with an emphasis on some area.

At the end of 2 or 3 years of study, they receive a diploma, which makes it not easy to continue their studies at a higher educational institution, but also to go to work as a specialist with a certain level of knowledge.

Graduation for such students will be a real farewell to childhood. They will return to school only as parents or teachers of the next generation. Whether or not to arrange a holiday for this category of schoolchildren, they decide for themselves, their parents and the school staff. So, if out of 30 students in a class, only 5 enter 10, then there is a reason for organizing graduation.

But if the majority decides to continue their studies, then there is no point in a big holiday, so we will consider the main ideas and options for celebrating graduation in grade 9.

As mentioned above, they organize a big graduation party only if the majority of students in grade 9 leave the school. For 2-3 people (rural exception) it does not make sense to do this, they can just sit with classmates in a cafe or take a walk around memorable places. In order for the holiday to be a success, the following points must be taken into account:

  1. The number of graduates. Necessary for ordering a restaurant, raising funds for gifts and flowers.
  2. Decide on the menu. Cooked meals must be of high quality and not perishable (graduation takes place in the summer). Cooking can be entrusted to school cooks (for a fee) or parents will take over this business.
  3. Take care of the leader. Graduation party without a host is impossible. It can be one of the teachers, senior students or an invited person (professional).
  4. Find a good DJ and photographer. beautiful holiday will remain in memory for a long time, but over time it will be forgotten anyway, which is why it is so important that a professional photographer and videographer be present at the graduation. The whole tone of the evening depends on the DJ, you should not save on it.

Perhaps the students will want to mark the end of the evening and their farewell to the school with a grand salute, so you need to choose a place for it in advance. If the school is located inside a residential area, then it is best to move the fireworks to a more remote location.

It is advisable to hold several rehearsals of the holiday, so that when the solemn moment comes, no one feels constrained.

How to celebrate graduation at school

If after 9 classes more than 15-20 students plan to leave the school, then it makes sense to take care of organizing a real graduation with outfits, a buffet table and a flourishing meeting.

You can celebrate graduation in the following ways:

The banquet and dances are excluded from it or transferred to another place at the request of certain groups of students (the number of participants in this part of the event does not matter, in any case, the decision to continue the holiday in a restaurant or at someone's house will be spontaneous).

Kapustnik is organized jointly with teachers and students of other classes. For originality, you can ask to take part in it as leading students in grade 11. The traditional cabbage soup consists of:

  • greetings to teachers, parents and students themselves from the leaders and the school administration;
  • presentation of certificates (they can be awarded before the holiday or directly at its beginning);
  • showing a film or slideshow about the time spent within the walls of the school (composed of old and new photos of students, teachers, photos of their awards and a demonstration of the achievements made possible by schooling);
  • scenes dedicated to individual subjects or teachers;
  • songs about school;
  • songs about parents;
  • about teachers and school life;
  • dance numbers (ballroom and modern dances);
  • farewell song (all students sing);
  • festive photo session with teachers and parents.

It takes no more than 2–2.5 hours to conduct a skit. It is advisable to start it after dinner in order to finish at the festive table at home or in a restaurant. You can compose songs and poems suitable for a skit on your own or remake existing ones that are well known to everyone.

At the beginning of the evening, the hosts come on stage with the following words:

“Attention, Attention, passengers with tickets for the flight (year of issue) “Goodbye childhood - hello adulthood” are invited to go to the check-in point. Our airline (number and name of the school), represented by the general director (name of the school director), the pilot of the aircraft (class teacher) and flight attendants (names of teachers) have prepared for you a special holiday program which will brighten up your stay on board and make you repeatedly use the services of our airline.”

Graduates make their way to a makeshift registration area, where they are awarded certificates to much fanfare. After the ceremony is over, the director delivers a parting speech, and the hosts invite everyone to take part in the celebration:

“Passengers are asked to take their seats and buckle up, our holiday begins. What will he be like?

The students run out onto the stage and sing:

"Under the sad lowing, under the cheerful growl
Under friendly neighing is born into the world
Our holiday for the company,
For such a friendly company,
For such a glorious company -
And there is no place for sadness. (La-la-la-la…)"

After the end of the song, the projector turns on and the best pictures related to the school life of students and teachers begin to flash on the screen (you can pre-record a special video for graduation).

The presenters take the reins of government into their own hands and offer to remember to whom exactly the graduates owe their knowledge and achievements. A poem dedicated to the first teacher is performed.

Grown up, we are no longer children,

Years passed imperceptibly.

First the best teacher in the world,

We will always remember you with warmth.

I was careless and naive

But I couldn't take my eyes off you.

You seemed to me sweet and wonderful,

It's the same as it is right now.

You taught, scolded, regretted,

They were our mother and sister.

We have grown up before your eyes

We choose our own path.

The poem ends with the exit of all the students to the stage and a bow to the first teacher.

Graduation in the 9th grade is not as large-scale as in the 11th, therefore, after expressing gratitude to the rest of the teachers and parents (orally or in the form of a musical composition, dance, skit) former students come on stage and sing Eduard Khil's song "Under the Wing of an Airplane".

At parting, the hosts make the following speech: “We hope that the time spent on board our aircraft did not pass without a trace for you. You have learned to value friendship, to be decent and faithful. You have acquired knowledge with which you will go through life and which you will pass on to future generations. We are waiting for you on our board, but already as pilots and stewardesses, as well as in the waiting area, as parents of our future passengers.”

Ideas for graduation ninth graders (ball, disco)

To make graduation memorable for a long time, you can organize a real ball. An event of this kind can be themed or just entertaining. Not only graduates themselves, teachers and their parents are invited to participate in the ball, but also students of senior or junior classes. What is required for the ball:

  • ball gowns and;
  • room;
  • drinks and snacks;
  • musical arrangement;
  • photographer and operator;
  • invitation cards.

Preparation for the ball will take at least 2-3 months, so it is better to start it in December and January. During the school holidays, it will be possible not only to think over the scenario of the ball, but also to sew costumes. Closer to summer, preparation for exams will begin and there will be no time left for the holiday.

Preparing for the ball

A successful ball, like a successful performance, begins with a dressing room. The role of the cloakroom attendant - master of ceremonies (responsible for the guest list, dishes, drinks, hall rental, music and other important little things) can be the most active student or parent. The ball can be held in the school sports (assembly) hall or rent a separate room (rent will require money). By the way, you can also make good money at this event. To do this, you need to make entrance tickets paid. The proceeds will be a gift for the king and queen of the ball. The cost of the ticket depends on the financial capabilities of the ball participants and invited guests. Availability of invitation cards is required. In addition, students under the age of 14 cannot take part in the holiday, which will make it even more popular and in demand.

Beautiful representatives of the class can come to the ball in a carriage - a limousine. How men will get to the ball is up to them to decide.

Before the ball, it is advisable to take several dance lessons so that the graduates do not feel constrained (not everyone is able to perform intricate pirouettes on the dance floor).

At the end of the ball, everyone will have not only the most pleasant memories, but also photos and videos. At the same time, they will not be staged, but alive and real. The ball can become a tradition for graduating grade 9.

If 9th graders are limited in funds, but you still want a holiday, you can arrange a disco instead of a ball with a paid entrance (in the west, entrance to some parties is paid even for friends). As payment, you can bring a ball to decorate the hall, confetti, a cake for several people, homemade cakes. The disco can take the form of a beach or pajama party.

How to spend this day

Extreme graduation day options

If there are a lot of active guys in the class who dream of remembering the graduation party for a long time, then the following ideas will suit them:

  1. Walk around the city with huge amount balls. After the presentation of certificates, former schoolchildren buy bundles of balloons and go with them to memorable places, not forgetting to give a balloon to everyone they meet on the way. Such an action will definitely attract attention, cheer you up and allow you to share the joy of holiday with dozens of passers-by.
  2. Trip to Orphanage or baby house. The visit will have to be agreed in advance, but it's worth it. Graduates do not need to stock up big amount gifts, the main thing is attention and the desire to do good. Spending a few hours in the company of children deprived of parental support, schoolchildren will not only gain valuable life experience, but also help improve the emotional situation in the orphanage. Small children really lack attention, so visiting orphanage it would be a good idea to spend the day when the first document in life was received, indicating maturity.
  3. Planting trees in the park or around the school. If desired, you can create a nominal alley. Everyone who subsequently rests in the shade of these trees will remember what the students of a particular class and school planted.
  4. Organize a bike ride or a flash mob to raise funds for children in need of treatment. The public reacts sharply to such actions, especially those that take place in honor of any date. This date may be the day of receipt of the certificate. Grown-up children will raise funds for those who are just entering this life and also dream of getting a certificate in the future.

More extreme graduation day options are also possible, such as:

  • parachute jump, bungee jumping by the whole class;
  • rafting on a mountain river;
  • kayaking and rafting.

Ninth grade is a special time. Some schoolchildren still feel like children and are not ready to leave the friendly walls of their native educational institution, while others strive for new discoveries and achievements. For them, the school milestone has already been passed, and the last bell rang. I want to break out of the school walls as soon as possible, despite the persuasion of older comrades and adults. Sometimes this desire is so strong that ninth-graders refuse graduation and only dream of getting a certificate.

As they grow up a little, they will realize that the time spent at school was the most wonderful and worth celebrating it in the company of best friends, at a grand ball, in the bustle of a beach party, or doing previously completely unusual, but useful and memorable things.

Graduation can be different - budget and luxurious, large and small, but the main goal of this holiday is not at all to put a mark on the calendar, but to say goodbye. Farewell, after which a new and even more exciting life will begin. And as they say, as you meet the holiday, so you will spend it. Using one of the above ideas, you can make the prom evening unforgettable, but what else do you need?

Graduation example in the following video:

A pre-selected place is the key to a successful graduation

Graduation from high school is always an important and exciting period. I want it to be remembered for the rest of my life. Graduation party is a kind of point set by the guys at the end of school life. In preparation for this evening, the first question that arises is how to hold a graduation.

One of the most important points in preparing for graduation is finding a suitable place in which the atmosphere of the evening will be pleasant and conducive to good mood and desire to have fun.

So, where to spend the graduation party, we will tell you. In the article we will consider the best places that students and guests will remember and become a pleasant memory for a lifetime.

Where can you have a graduation party?

There are many options where you can spend the last school evening. It all depends on finances and on the desire of students and parents. So, the graduation ball can be held:

At school

Celebration at school In this case, the event must be approached with all responsibility and seriousness:
  • First you need to make a list of those who will be at the prom. This is necessary for the purchase of gifts and flowers for the administration, teachers and parents. The amount that will be spent on this is distributed among the students in advance.
  • One of the first things in organizing a graduation party at school will be decorating and decorating the hall. To do this, use balls, photographs, multi-colored ribbons, sparkles.
  • Festive menu design the right way make graduation even brighter if it is drawn up correctly and tastefully. It would be appropriate to serve only exclusive dishes prepared from quality products by good chefs at the graduation.
  • It is important to find a good host for such an event. In his role can be both an employee of the school and a specially trained person who was hired by the organizers of the graduation. The presenter can both write texts himself, of course, for a fee, and voice an already written speech. He must first convey this speech so that the person has time to get acquainted with it and pronounce it with high quality.
  • If you want to have a truly unforgettable party, then you can invite a DJ for this. It is important that he be a professional in his field, and the music and sound effects turn on at the right time and at the right time. For high-quality sound accompaniment, it is important to use high-quality equipment. As a rule, a professional in his field has one, so you don’t have to worry about it. Lighting can also be included in the cost of DJ services.
  • You can not ignore the photo and video of graduation. This is an important and responsible moment. It is necessary to study all possible portfolios of operators and choose the best one. This must be done in order not to be disappointed with the quality of the video later and not to wait for the material for several months. There should be several photographers and cameramen, since very often at the most crucial moment someone obscures the graduation process. In this case, shooting made by another operator is very useful.
  • Salute at the school graduation. The organization of special effects will make your prom a real event in the lives of many people. What is worth only salute, which defuses the atmosphere and pleases the eye after a long fun disco. A soap bubble generator will help guests and graduates plunge into childhood. Machines that produce smoke will bring an atmosphere of mystery to the holiday. Turn on the flight of fancy and make the event unforgettable.
  • The rehearsal of the official part should start a few months before the event. In order for everything to go smoothly, the performance of each student, each parent, teacher and guest must be coordinated. Every dance, every song and poem should not be forgotten. Each performance should flow into the atmosphere of the holiday and only improve the overall impression of the event.

These holiday preparation items are suitable not only for prom at school. There are other, more expensive and brighter options. We will consider them below.

On a boat

Of course, renting a boat would be a great idea, but very expensive. A night disco in warm weather on the ship will be remembered by everyone for a lifetime. With this option, the preparation for the prom will cover the same points that have already been outlined above, but renting a ship will cost a tidy sum.

Riding in a luxury limousine

This kind of organization prom suggests that there is no need to prepare for it. Enough to rent a limousine, book a nightclub. After riding in a luxury car through the city at night, you can dance in a nightclub, and then go all in the same limousine to meet the dawn.

At the beach party

Another non-standard place for the prom will be some huge house or villa outside the city, which must be rented in advance and decorated in accordance with the wishes of the children. The pool near this villa will be very appropriate, and it will not be a shame to tell children and grandchildren about such a graduation.

At a theme party

You can organize a vampire, cowboy or retro party. There are a lot of such options, but they will all be to the taste of graduates. As a theme for the party, you can choose any favorite movie or series of the class.

Participating in a live quest

This way of holding graduation is unusual, but, as experience shows, graduates like it. They unite, become one team and go on adventures, putting a memorable point at the end of the school.

At the restaurant

Graduation at a restaurant differs from graduation at school in that you can choose a place with the atmosphere you like. By inviting a professional host, you will enjoy the holiday and forget about anything else.

At a real ball

A real ball, where everyone can feel like princes and princesses, is preferred by many graduates. It is not difficult to organize such an event, you just need to find a suitable room, and dress the graduates in formal attire. At the end of such an evening, you need to choose the king and queen of the ball, summing up with the help of the coronation and the first waltz of the winners. In this case, guests will feel like heroes of old films about valiant knights and kings.

In the film studio

Now you can visit a film studio and shoot your own talk show as a prom in almost any city. Invite a leading and professional operator. In the center of the show will be shared memories, interests and summing up for all 11 years. Graduates will be the participants of the show, and teachers and parents will be the guests.


Outdoor recreation is well suited for a friendly and small graduating class. The guys for the last time will be able to relax in full force, remember all the past and enjoy each other's company.

On the rink

For lovers of extreme and mobile entertainment, there is an option to celebrate the graduation party at the rink. But at the same time, you need to monitor the amount of alcohol you drink very well, as guests risk injury.

Oscar style

Evening in the style of "Oscar"

A party of this kind implies that each student will be called and presented with an Oscar statuette, talking about him in best paints and making you feel like a star. The red carpet and constant camera flashes are the hallmark of such a party.

So, in the article, we examined in detail where and how best to spend a graduation party so that graduates and guests will remember it. All these options will cost some money, but the last day as students of the school is worth it.

Video: Oscar-style graduation ceremony
