How to leave everything bad in the old year. Congratulations on the old new year to friends in prose

In the run-up to New Year's Eve, the internet is flooded with annual "getting rid of" advice, from old stuff to bad luck and toxic relationships. The authors of the articles propose to get rid of everything at once, to start living "from scratch", completely "zeroing" oneself. But how realistic is it? How not to fall into the trap of mandatory changes that never come? Why don't they come at all? New Year comes, but there is no change?

On the eve of last New Year, I wrote about . In this, I would like to focus on one specific topic: how can you still leave this old, something that, like a leech, squeezes out all the juice from year to year.

pirate torture

There is a story about such a terrible torture that was used in ancient times by pirates: they tied a corpse to a living person. The victim was gradually saturated with the stench and decay of the corpse and either died herself, or she could be released. However, even the released prisoner was haunted by the smell and panic, he could never come to his senses.

Perhaps this is a rather harsh example of how some past relationships, scenarios of behavior do not allow going forward and haunt a person from year to year. The habit of failure may be stronger than the thirst for development, and then no techniques and rituals will help.

love trap

The second tail, which does not allow to go forward, is the illusion of "as if nothing." In relations with the fact that it is high time to let go, the main argument is "love": "but I love this old holey dress so much, I love my man (woman) who constantly humiliates me, I love my job so much, which does not bring any money or development. How can I change something? It will be a betrayal? And everything seems to be nothing, nothing particularly terrible is happening, you can be patient, get used to it, close your eyes and pay attention only to the good !!! "

I remember the example of one of my clients, who did not throw things away on the balcony, but covered everything ugly with cloth and rags. As a result, she hid heaps of garbage and vegetables that rotted, and the whole family could not find the source of the stench for a long time, until the youngest daughter pulled off the covers and found a surprise.

Throw everything away

In contrast to such stories, there are people who are so zealously trying to move into a new one that they constantly throw something away. Nothing stays at home. Everything goes "in the furnace". Everything needs to be thrown out immediately. And you know what? Does not help. Throwing away everything, especially what you really need, but it is old, does not lead anywhere. What to do?

"Does it bring me joy?"

A Japanese woman invented a method for getting rid of old things in the house according to the principle of "joy". All things in the house were supposed to be reviewed, asking the question: "Does this bring me joy?" The key innovation in this simple method are the categories. It is important to sort things out not by room, but by category: all books, all shoes, all clothes, all accessories, etc. A person dumps all his "good" on a pile and then reviews each item, weighing: "Does he feel happy reading this book? Putting on this jacket? Pants?"

This method gave me the idea that intangible things are important and should be reviewed as well. If you are NOT good with a friend, partner, work, then you need to get rid of it. If you understand that all the good that was has already passed, and the new is no longer born, then it's time to say goodbye.

"Not so easy"

It may seem impossible: how can you get rid of something familiar just by the criterion of "not happy." However, the criterion can be expanded: you have ceased to be easy next to a person, a friend, at work. Everything goes through a titanic effort on oneself. After a while, you become irritable, as most of the energy is spent on adjusting to the "dear" heart. And even if you pause in communication or switch attention, it still does not help.

How to leave and let go?

1. old stories it is important to review for repetition: if you notice that from year to year some moments are literally repeated, like the movie "Groundhog Day" - it's time to say goodbye. To do this, you need to deal with your resentment. There is a ship technique for visualizing farewell to a loved one.

Imagine a person for whom there are feelings, but the relationship is destructive. In your imagination, put him on a ship that will have everything that this person needs: what he loves, his family, his hobbies, his clothes. Imagine how good it is for him there, how he or she rejoices in such abundance. You stand on the pier and say goodbye: say whatever you want. Wave your hand to the departing ship as it sails forever to another country and you will never see each other again.

This simple technique helps to say goodbye and accept the inevitable, because a person is sailing away from you, and he will be fine WITHOUT YOU, he is happy without you.

2.Old installations. If you have any beliefs that have ceased to be effective, you also need to say goodbye to them. To do this, write them down on paper: what exactly is stopping you in life. Beliefs most often correspond to some part of your personality. You can visualize it or use an object that can symbolize it. Look at your image and thank you. For a long time, an attitude or a concept, an image, saved you. But you don't need it anymore. Mentally or out loud, say how grateful you are for the help (I remind you that you do not criticize yourself for the fact that something in you interferes with development), but you will go further in life without it. Turn away and walk away: you can do this either in your imagination or literally by playing the situation in the room. Don't turn around. Remember how Orpheus left the realm of the dead: if he turns around, he will remain there forever.

How to deal with longing?

Sadness and melancholy are indispensable conditions of the transitional stage. If you leave something or someone you once loved, it can't be easy. However, the freedom is worth it. At some point, you will feel lightness, some inexplicable joy from the free space both inside and outside. And at that moment, something good, new and beautiful will happen, which was just waiting for you to make room for it. Happy New Year, friends, and be happy!

My dear and wonderful friends, I congratulate you on the Old New Year. May all bad things remain in the past, may all good and magical things happen to you in the new year. I wish you all peace and happiness, strong love and good luck, good miracles and great hopes, high successes and excellent health.

My dear friends, I congratulate you on the Old New Year. I wish you to leave everything bad and unnecessary in the past, step into the new year with great luck and a wonderful mood. I wish you good and happiness, great success and wonderful desires, amazing ideas and great happiness.

Dear friends, I congratulate you on the Old New Year. I wish you to leave all the bad things behind, and take your own in the new year. inner strength, confidence and focus. And let there be a bag with luck, health and perseverance under the tree, then you, dear ones, will certainly be able to achieve everything you want in the coming year. Good luck, friends, love and prosperity!

Friends, I congratulate you on the Old New Year and I want to wish everyone to get rid of sad memories and all sorts of mistakes, as if from a heavy and unnecessary burden. I wish everyone to start a new path to their successes and victories, and may everyone, in pursuit of their dreams, not forget about happiness, joy, friendship and love in the new year.

My beloved, good and faithful friends, I congratulate you on the Old New Year. May all bad weather and sorrows remain in the past, may incredible love and kind joy, great happiness and great success, great luck and brave fun await you ahead.

My dear and dear friends, let the Old New Year step on the threshold in a big way, let all the past become cunning, this year will bring us good luck and happiness. May our hearts become kinder, may there be no joy of limit and end. I wish everyone bright smiles and great miracles.

The Old New Year is a great occasion to congratulate you again, my beloved friends, on the holiday! I want to wish our company to be the same friendly and cheerful for decades! I wish all of us to love and be loved passionately, I wish you a romantic personal life and great success in our hard work! Let the sun rise and set, it rains, snows, hail, and our friendship does not weaken, but only grows stronger and grows!

Feng Shui expert Natalya Pravdina recommends entering the New Year 2015 with renewed vigor and pure intentions, and for this you need to take several important steps that will help you free yourself from all bad things and joyfully celebrate the New Year 2015.

Clear the space

Natalya Pravdina recommends starting with this. If you want to free yourself from negativity and bad memories, then change your space! This can be general cleaning with the expulsion of unnecessary rubbish from the house, minor repairs, interior decoration, or simply rearranging furniture.

Return debts

You should not drag old debts with you into the New Year, otherwise their financial situation in 2015 will remain at the same level. Also, we are talking not only about material debts, but also about given promises. Keep all these promises, this will free you from the burden on your soul.

Forgive offenses and ask for forgiveness yourself

Do not take with you to the New Year the bitterness of resentment, bad thoughts about someone, disappointment and guilt. If someone holds a grudge against you, apologize. If they hurt you, forgive this person, because nothing poisons a person’s soul like resentment and a desire for revenge.

Leave in the old year all the bad

Take a piece of paper with a pen and write down what you would not like to see in your life in the New 2015. It can be bad habits, activities that do not benefit you, people with whom it is unpleasant for you to communicate, and so on. Natalya Pravdina advises to make a list of the most unnecessary things in your life and burn it in a candle flame. This ritual will help you get rid of past negativity and unnecessary deeds.

Treat yourself

New Year is the time of miracles! Be your own Santa Claus and make your wish come true. Treat yourself to the gift you've been dreaming of for a long time. Do not spare money on yourself, then the Universe will see how you rejoice in new acquisitions, and in the New Year will send you even more wealth and prospects.

Buy gifts for loved ones

Don't leave this matter for later. Natalya Pravdina advises to take care of gifts in advance. Make a list of gifts in advance and make sure that your loved ones like them. Giving the desired gifts, you will attract a lot of positive energy, which will undoubtedly come in handy in the New Year 2015.

Do a good deed

Do a good deed for someone you don't know well or don't know at all. Take care of animals that need help. Kindness always comes back, remember that.

Send a postcard or letter to your old friend

In this age of the Internet, mail is already out of fashion. But how pleasant it will be for your old friend, who lives thousands of kilometers from you, to receive New Year's greetings!

Wrap up the year

Natalya Pravdina advises not to be cunning to yourself and to honestly admit to yourself the mistakes and failures of the past year. Celebrate your achievements too! Ask yourself what you have done useful this year, what has happened bad in your life, and what is good. Thank the Universe for its gifts.

“Let all the bad things remain in the old year” - such a wish sounds on December 31 more often than the usual “happiness, health”. At first glance, these words seem banal and “just to say”, but if you think about it, you understand: how great it would really be to leave all the negativity in the outgoing year.
And we will show you how to do it.
Of course, you won’t be able to get rid of serious mental wounds in a couple of days. But nothing stops you from at least starting. We have collected several psychological tricks thanks to which you can get rid of old grievances and unpleasant emotions and enter the New Year 2017 with a light heart.


Do you know what half of the grievances that have settled in your head are based on? On innuendo. A carelessly thrown word, not in time question asked"what did you mean?", and that's all - you can no longer get rid of the unpleasant sensation that occurs every time you think about your offender.

Why not find out right now - before the New Year? Meet, call or write - it doesn’t matter how, but most importantly, talk to the one you hold a grudge against. Tell about your experiences, ask “why?”, listen calmly and try to accept everything that the interlocutor says. You'll see, half of your experiences are not worth a damn. No wonder they say that sometimes only one conversation separates a person from happiness.


In many countries, before the New Year, it is customary to get rid of old trash. No "what if it comes in handy." In Italy, for example, people simply throw out unnecessary dishes, interior elements and even small-sized furniture out of the windows. Have you ever wondered what it is great way to free not only the place in the apartment, but also the head from bad thoughts? We're not suggesting that you throw chairs out the window of a high-rise building, but why not finally get rid of things that remind you of your ex and your difficult breakup? If it's about something expensive, place an ad for sale. If it's old T-shirts or stupid postcards, just throw them in the trash. You'll see, the unpleasant emotions that you experienced when bumping into this or that thing will instantly disappear.


Psychologists say that this method perfectly helps to get rid of negativity. Take a piece of paper, a pen or pencil and write down all your grievances, fears and doubts. Do not choose words, let thoughts flow freely. Write whatever comes to mind. Offended by a colleague? Are you angry with your husband? Do you blame yourself for rarely calling your mom? Are you afraid you will lose your job? Write everything.

Ready? Now take matches or a lighter and burn all the negativity written on the piece of paper. Shake out the remaining ashes in the window. Someone is sure that the matter is self-hypnosis. Others say that in this way we actually get rid of the negativity that has been accumulating in us for years. Be that as it may, such a ritual really helps. Not always the first time. Sometimes you have to repeat it over and over again, but you have to start somewhere. The main thing is to follow the fire safety technique so as not to add problems to yourself before the New Year.


You know that it is very important not to hush up grievances, but what if it is impossible for some reason to talk to the person who hurt you? Then the empty chair technique comes to the rescue. Everything is very simple: you need to stay alone in the room (or even better - in the apartment), put a chair in front of you and imagine that your offender is sitting on it. Sit opposite, choose a comfortable position and start a monologue. Tell about your feelings, cry, scream, throw pillows at the chair, you can even kick it if you want - throw out all the negative emotions that have settled inside. You will see, at some point you will feel tired and empty. This will be a signal that the "session" was not in vain. You may want to repeat the “conversation with an empty chair” more than once or twice, you yourself will feel when enough is enough. The main thing is to allow yourself to release the negative, do not keep destructive emotions inside.
Despite the fact that the days before the New Year will be filled with work, buying gifts and hectic preparations for the holiday, try to devote at least a couple of hours to yourself. Let this time the wish “leave all the bad things in the old year” turn out to be not an empty phrase for you. With a little effort, you can enter 2017 a little happier than before.

P.S. Dear my friends! Happy New Year 2017!
I wish you well, health, family well-being.
Thank you for being with me! Be happy! Good luck!

There is very little left before the New Year, but there is much to do. Feng Shui expert Natalya Pravdina recommends entering the New Year 2015 with renewed vigor and pure intentions, and for this you need to take several important steps that will help you free yourself from all bad things and joyfully celebrate the New Year 2015.

Clear the space

Natalya Pravdina recommends starting with this. If you want to free yourself from negativity and bad memories, then change your space! This can be general cleaning with the expulsion of unnecessary rubbish from the house, minor repairs, interior decoration, or simply rearranging furniture.

Return debts

You should not drag old debts with you into the New Year, otherwise their financial situation in 2015 will remain at the same level. Also, we are talking not only about material debts, but also about given promises. Keep all these promises, this will free you from the burden on your soul.

Forgive offenses and ask for forgiveness yourself

Do not take with you to the New Year the bitterness of resentment, bad thoughts about someone, disappointment and guilt. If someone holds a grudge against you, apologize. If they hurt you, forgive this person, because nothing poisons a person’s soul like resentment and a desire for revenge.

Leave in the old year all the bad

Take a piece of paper with a pen and write down what you would not like to see in your life in the New Year 2015. These can be bad habits, activities that do not benefit you, people with whom it is unpleasant for you to communicate, and so on. Natalya Pravdina advises to make a list of the most unnecessary things in your life and burn it in a candle flame. This ritual will help you get rid of past negativity and unnecessary deeds.

Treat yourself

New Year is the time of miracles! Be your own Santa Claus and make your wish come true. Treat yourself to the gift you've been dreaming of for a long time. Do not spare money on yourself, then the Universe will see how you rejoice in new acquisitions, and in the New Year will send you even more wealth and prospects.

Buy gifts for loved ones

Don't leave this matter for later. Natalya Pravdina advises to take care of gifts in advance. Make a list of gifts in advance and make sure that your loved ones like them. Giving the desired gifts, you will attract a lot of positive energy, which will undoubtedly come in handy in the New Year 2015.

Do a good deed

Do a good deed for someone you don't know well or don't know at all. Take care of animals that need help. Kindness always comes back, remember that.

Send a postcard or letter to your old friend

In this age of the Internet, mail is already out of fashion. But how nice it will be for your old friend, who lives thousands of kilometers away from you, to receive New Year's greetings!

Wrap up the year

Natalya Pravdina advises not to be cunning to yourself and to honestly admit to yourself the mistakes and failures of the past year. Celebrate your achievements too! Ask yourself what you have done useful this year, what has happened bad in your life, and what is good. Thank the Universe for its gifts.

Make a wish

Of course, one of the most important things before the New Year is the ritual of making a wish. Write on a piece of paper what you want to achieve in the New Year 2015 and keep this piece of paper for the whole year. After a year, you will be surprised how many items on your list have come true!

Natalya Pravdina advises before the New Year 2015 to complete all unfinished business and draw up an action plan for the New Year. All bad things must be forgotten, burned in the fire, thrown out of the house along with old things in order to meet the holiday with renewed vigor and positive emotions! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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