How to know if a man likes you. How to know if a guy likes you

In this case, you need to move feelings into the background, become attentive and extremely careful. Pay attention to what he says and does. So, the main signs that he does not see you as a future lover.

1. If he mentions other girls to you

This is the very first sign and do not think that he does this so that you are jealous, no! The man who needs you will try not to talk about his past relationships at all. He wants to make the best impression.

2. He doesn't like you if he doesn't reply to messages for a long time.

In this case, you can wait a day, or maybe two, for an answer. The text in the messages will be extremely short: “everything is ok” or “hello”, regardless of the number of characters in your petition. He just won't make contact because he doesn't want to impress you.

3. He's not interested in you if he only writes when he has free time.

Any guy will “turn mountains” for the girl he needs, even take time off from work and answer messages, albeit under the table during an important meeting. If you don't, you don't like him.

4. A man doesn't like you if he's only dating you for sex.

“Honey, hello, this is the case, come to me, meet me near the house.” Briefly and clearly, he didn’t even bother to pick you up and organize the evening normally. Quick sex, about once a week, and then disappears again, because he is very busy. This format clearly does not take you seriously and will not be beaten even if you leave forever.

5. He is not interested in you if he carries on a conversation without compliments and warmth in his voice.

Ordinary and simple phrases, without a hint that you are beautiful and attractive. Most likely, he does it for sex or because he is completely bored.

6. A man doesn't like you if he acts too confident during a meeting.

Yes, it is, a man cannot hide his feelings and will often look completely confused, maybe even pathetic, because he is afraid to scare you away. Otherwise, don't expect an answer.

7. He won't call first

If you do this, you will hear in response: "Oh, I'm so busy, I have things to do, there's no time to have lunch." It's a lie.

8. During the meeting, he will only talk about himself.

He just doesn’t care about what you are and how diverse your inner world is, he doesn’t see a girl in you, period. Best not to waste your time on this.

9. Doesn't help or take the initiative - he doesn't like you

Helping a woman you like is given to men by nature. It doesn't matter what it is - at work, at home, personal matters, everything that he can do - he will do. Otherwise, alas, you did not charm him.

Honey, do not waste time on such a man, you deserve better!

Any girl, having met a pretty and well-built guy, at least once asked herself the question: how to understand that a guy likes you? After all, if sympathy has appeared, interest will certainly arise, but does the potential chosen one experience similar feelings or is he completely not interested in you?

How to understand the true emotions and experiences of a man if he does not give any obvious signs and, at first glance, does not show his sympathy in any way? You need to conduct a simple attachment test, identify some characteristic signs that indicate male feelings and maybe just talk to him about it.

Revealing the interest of a teenager or a guy is not an easy task. Indeed, many of them are not eager to show their emotions to others, continuing to secretly dream of the girl’s favor, which, in turn, may very well not mind, but ... However, not everything is so bad, because hiding such a strong feeling as sympathy or falling in love, without showing any signs, almost impossible. We will help you learn to pay attention to these very signs that make it clear that a guy likes you and draw the right conclusions.


They say that the eyes are a reflection of our soul ... They say it right, because the guy will not miss the opportunity to see the girl he likes more often. Or just a dreamy look will stealthily admire the object of sighing.

The amorous inclinations of a man will give out his own look. A guy who knows or doesn't know you likes you if he:

  • now and then strives to look in your direction, even when he is talking with other people;
  • looks at you when he thinks you won't notice (but peripheral vision will help you out).

Another subtle, but obvious sign that a guy likes you is dilated pupils when looking at you. In individual situations, such “symptoms” indicate not only primary attraction, but also full-fledged love.


Try to take a closer look at his manner of communicating with you. The following signs will help you know if a guy likes you or not.

  1. Check the "strength" of his look. Is eye contact maintained during communication, or does he continually strive to look anywhere but in your eyes? However, remember that shy guys can be embarrassed by a direct look, especially if he really likes you.
  2. Pay attention to how easily he is distracted by other people who are nearby and stops the conversation he has begun. If, after another person has contacted him, he does not continue the conversation with you, or immediately answers the call, not allowing you to finish even a word, most likely, communication with you is far from the first place (the exception is the long-awaited and important call or a more relevant interlocutor in this situation).
  3. To understand if a guy likes you, it is important to filter the content of your conversations as well. Hints, compliments, personal interest are also an important indicator of interest in a girl. Sympathy is evidenced by:

● light teasing and harmless banter;
● touching in a conversation personal problems(the information that is not shared with just anyone);
● compliments, hints, admiration and just pleasant words;
● asking questions about your relationship with your ex.


How to understand if a guy likes me if he is not very talkative? Sometimes words are not so necessary to understand it. After all, you can watch the body language, which is no less willing to tell you about his feelings.

  1. Leg put forward. First of all, such a stance testifies to the indecision that a guy experiences in the presence of a young lady who has liked him (thus he creates support). And secondly, the toe of the exposed leg - unconsciously points to the girl you like.
  2. Every young man wants to appear stronger, taller, fitter and, in general, more successful next to a girl he likes. A kind of peacock from the world of people. Only instead of a tail, he tries to spread his shoulders as wide as possible, straighten his back and draw in his stomach, if any.
  3. Another clear signal of a guy's sympathy is the involuntary duplication of your movements. For example, you straightened a strand of your hair - he unconsciously touches his hair, pulls out the phone - and he also reaches for the smartphone.
  4. The position of the body in space when communicating with you will also indicate that the young man liked you. If during the conversation the guy is completely turned towards you, his arms and legs are not crossed, this indicates his openness, which means he will carefully listen to any nonsense. An even more obvious sign of sympathy is a slight lean in your direction when he says something to you.

Another important area where you can understand that a guy likes you is social networks. In correspondence with a girl he likes, the guy will try to joke more, be courteous, gallant and funny. Will subscribe and be added wherever he finds. In addition, he will appreciate many of your photos, and not only avatars, perhaps he will throw something interesting or funny on the wall. In general, it will show interest in your activity on the network. However, to draw conclusions only on communication in in social networks- is fraught with disappointment. It is better to make sure of the adequacy and transparency of intentions in a personal meeting.

Interest test

How to know if a guy likes you? In addition to the external signs that we discussed above, we can refer to more precise definitions of interest. young man to you. To do this, you will need to conduct some kind of "experiment". It is associated with direct interaction with you, and therefore sympathy will be more obvious.


This is more of a psychological test, requiring the attention of a handsome young man. Let's simulate the situation: you are sitting together at the table during the lunch break at work or at the university, you have a casual conversation. Now catch the guy's eye and immediately look at the phone, then look at him again. If a man also looked at your smartphone, and then back at you, this is another clear sign of sympathy.

"Request for help"

To understand how much a young person sympathizes with you, try breaking, say, a pencil and asking the guy you like to fix the situation by sharpening it (you can also "accidentally" break the lock on your purse). If a young man gets down to business without further ado, we can conclude that he likes you.


The next test will require you to do a little bit of acting, but you won't go far to find out if a guy likes you or not. Come up with a banal but believable story about how you and your girlfriend were going to go to the premiere of a new movie (do not forget to read it), but in the end you were left without a company. If a young man likes you, he will offer himself in the place of his girlfriend without any hesitation.

Do not get too carried away with such testing, otherwise the guy may see through you and understand that you are conducting “experiments” on him. To be a guinea pig - few people like it.

How to understand if a man likes me?

It is much easier to find out about the attitude of an already mature man towards you, because his period of understatement and indecision has long been left behind, so he will not hide his intentions. If he liked you and aroused interest, then he will try to take the first step as quickly as possible.

To make sure that a man likes you, pay attention to:

  1. Courtship - key moment in any relationship. Gifts for any occasion, lush bouquets, gatherings in cafes and restaurants are obvious signs of romantic affection for a girl.
  2. A less striking, but no less characteristic attribute of a man's sympathy is a high interest in all spheres of life of the object of sigh - the girl. A man usually asks about his studies or work, hobbies or interests, family problems and affairs, does not miss the opportunity to offer help or in any other way participate in her life.
  3. The tactile aspect is also very important. If a man likes you, then he will not miss a single opportunity to touch you. For example, to give a hand not only when leaving the car, but also when going down the stairs. This also includes assistance with putting on outerwear.

Mature, accomplished men who are self-confident and know what they are doing, as a rule, do not take too long with confessions of sympathy and an offer to meet.

Correct inference from male behavior

There are a lot of tips on how to understand that a guy likes you. However, it would seem that even with obvious signs, not everyone is able to draw objective conclusions, discarding feelings and fantasy. This happens because girls, following their tender feelings, take ordinary politeness for sympathy, and modesty, due to high expectations, for indifference.

Examples will make it clearer:

  1. Let's simulate the situation, a guy you have known for a long time, at each of your meetings, greets you warmly and asks about your successes at work or study. With a high degree of probability, this is a sign of a good upbringing. No more and no less.
  2. Are you convinced that a guy does not admit his sympathy only because of innate modesty? What if he just doesn't care about you? Once again, go through the signs of sympathy, conduct a small experiment, give a couple of not too intrusive signs. If there is no reaction, most likely he does not feel anything for you.
  3. If a man does not miss even the slightest reason for a compliment, this does not mean that it is time to pick up Wedding Dress. Perhaps this is a hallmark of his character - courtesy. In addition, many modern guys are not shy about expressing their admiration for good-looking girls.

Yes, the more of the above signs in the behavior of men you notice, the higher the chance of his attraction and romantic intentions for you. However, remember that observation is a rather subjective thing and is usually interpreted in your favor, especially if you yourself are filled with tender feelings for the object of sighing.

And yet, no cunning test, fortune-telling or clever trick can replace a simple sincere conversation. If the story of your love is considered to begin, then it will come precisely from this frank conversation, otherwise, you can quickly let go and forget the failed relationship, so that later you can pay attention to another guy who, perhaps, has been waiting for this all his life ...

To understand when a woman likes a man, and at what stage of this “like” he is, is quite important and interest Ask. Men's instinctive "courtship" of a woman is significantly different from what women think of them. Briefly, I have already written about this in other articles on the Solar Hands website, but in this article I will try to combine everything into one.

So the man starts the African gorilla dance. This can be expressed in completely different ways. But if you understand general principle and read a few examples, you will start to find such dances much more often than before.

The main task of the "dance" is to attract the attention of the girl. How can this happen?

- A man can literally do something unusual, related to the movements of the body. That is, this is a dance, demonstration performances of karatekas (when they are not needed, of course). The younger the man, the easier it is to see this. The older, the more difficult. In more experienced guys, this can be expressed in much stronger facial expressions, gestures, and a louder voice than usual.

That is, if a man comes in and, in front of some girl, starts talking louder than usual, waving his arms more than usual (while the situation does not favor this), then this is an indirect sign of “dance” and so you can understand that this man likes you. In combination with other signs (looks for a long time, for example), you can already draw some conclusions and actions.

Practice on the young and inexperienced, and the facial expressions of the more experienced will no longer remain unsolved.

The man does something brave.

Here everything is not as obvious as it seems. What is a bold move? It seems to be clear to everyone.

In fact, this is absolutely not the case. The fact that for one is a super-bold act, which demanded from him an extraordinary exertion of all his strength, for another it is a completely natural and ordinary thing. And the point here is not only in character, but also simply in skills.

Skydiving, performing in front of an audience, rescuing someone, that's about the standard set of courageous acts. However, for some, even these actions are a common professional routine..

Therefore, we need to define not a bold act in general, but in relation to a specific man. How to do this, given that men and their skills are completely different? After all, we do not know what kind of person this is in reality and cannot determine whether this act is brave or not.

In fact, everything is usually a little simpler than it seems.

First, we can rely on the reactions of others. For example, if others are very surprised by such an act (a long silence, or vice versa, if they react aggressively, then it is very possible that this act is unusual for a person).

Second, look at the man himself. A person who is in a state of severe stress is still different from the usual. Overexcitation, somewhere a slight tremor of the hands, etc.

A bold act, as you probably already understand, often does not carry a rational meaning.. That is, because of this act, relations with the leader, with other people may (not necessarily) deteriorate, there may be a risk to health, etc.

The whole point of this act is only to attract the attention of the woman you like, and not to earn more, etc. (sometimes such motives are only to divert attention from the dance)

If attention is drawn, then the task is completed. If not, then perhaps the next act will be or the man will go looking for another woman.

As you, I hope, have already understood, at this stage a woman needs to notice the act and respond correctly. That's right - it does not have to be praised. That's right - to notice and be surprised. Surprise and look at a man with different eyes. That is, turn to him, look at him, ask something about the act, maybe even scold (not very seriously). That is, a woman’s feeling should be something like this: “It turns out that it lies inside him. It turns out that this is not an ordinary man, but a hero, etc.”

If you didn’t notice a male act (which is elementary to do, since this is usually a series of actions), then you made a mistake. You reacted incorrectly, and you made a second mistake. In this case, the transition to the next stage of the relationship is hardly possible or at least complicated. After all, jumping over stairs is easy only in the movies. In life, jumping through several stages is quite difficult.

Accordingly, and vice versa. If you do not want to move to another stage of the relationship, then ignore the dances or comment on them in the spirit: “You are doing nonsense, there is nothing else to do or what”?

Stage 3. Communication breakthrough.

Well, everything is more or less clear here, so I will not paint in detail. At this stage, a man can somehow, albeit not too freely, communicate with a girl.

Of course, free communication can occur outside of this sequence of actions. However, we are talking about the stages of courtship between a man and a woman, not the stages of communication. These are different things and they have their own stages of development of relationships, although sometimes they are similar.

It is best, of course, if communication does not begin with talking about the weather (although this will do), but with talking about the exploits of a man that he accomplished at a previous stage or, in principle, in life.

Do you think that men do not perform feats? This is wrong. You simply set the bar too high for this, or you don’t notice at all what is. If by a feat we mean any overcoming of oneself for the sake of a woman, then you will notice feats almost daily.

Stage 4. The man pulls the woman's pigtails.

How else to understand that a man likes you? This is when a man begins to "pull your pigtails." To some extent, this stage overlaps with the second stage. That is, a man also attracts attention to himself, but already more intense. After all, it is one thing to dance the dances of African gorillas in the distance, which the girl may not even notice, as she looks in the other direction. Quite another thing is to pull the pigtail. There is nowhere to go now. Attention will be almost guaranteed to be drawn to the man.

What interesting thing I noticed. If a boy pulled a girl's pigtail in kindergarten or in the lower grades of school, then, as a rule, girls do not even doubt what this means. Of course, this is a sign of attention and courtship. And the girls react accordingly. But if something the same, in fact, happens at an older age, then the man is immediately ranked as a company of enemies.

Why is this happening? Most likely in childhood we are closer to our instincts and easier to understand what's what. In adulthood, this connection is somewhat lost, and we view the behavior of other people through the prism of "how to behave."

But understand one thing. If a woman really likes a man a lot, if a man is not over 35-40 years old, then he simply cannot resist pulling the pigtail of the girl he likes. After all, he likes you. It's all so simple.

Think for yourself. After all, men do not resent women for many of their instincts. For example, you are afraid and even scream at the sight of large bugs, rats and something else. Well, you scream loudly, sometimes even very loudly. None of the men are offended by this instinctive reaction of yours. It is also pointless to be offended by men for their natural behavior.

How does it all happen as an adult?

Of course, in the literal sense, the man will not pull the pigtails (I hope so, otherwise the person is completely stuck in childhood). But the instinct is strong and moves to action.

The most common action that is similar to pulling pigtails is arguing with a girl, banter, teasing, harsh jokes (by your standards, of course), etc. There are, of course, those for whom this behavior is natural in the same way as breathing and is not at all connected with any particular girl. These need to be cut off.

So, let's say that a man appeared in your environment, who devotes a significant part of your communication to somehow making fun of you or arguing. Take a closer look at this man. It may very well be that he has already gone through the first stages of courtship without your knowledge.

How is something being done without your knowledge? It is not right. Nothing should happen without your knowledge. If a man is suitable, then you need to take him and educate him. If not suitable, then you need to cool it before it jumps too quickly to the next stages and starts to give you problems.

This concludes the first part of this article. In the following parts, I will talk about other stages of men's instinctive courtship of women. I hope you find it interesting and informative.

Read the second part of the article "How to understand that he needs you" read.

Sincerely, Rashid Kirranov.

Every girl in love wants to know if her passion has reciprocal feelings towards her. Some shy guys may try to hide their sympathy, but gestures, actions, words that seem completely ordinary betray a fan.

So how to understand that a guy likes you if he stubbornly refuses to admit it? Suspicions may arise that there is no interest on his part at all, but there is no need to rush to give up. It is worth finding out what manners, behavioral characteristics may indicate that there is still sympathy.

Teen in love

There are exceptions, of course, but if a boy doesn't confess, here's how you can tell he likes you.

It is worth paying attention to facial expressions. If a boy likes a girl, in his gestures she can catch the gestures inherent in her. The thing is, the guy subconscious level tries to copy the gestures of the girl he likes. Often girls are offended by guys if they joke about them. In vain, because this is also a sign of sympathy, and he just wants to cheer up his passion.

The guy noticed new manicure Or minor hair changes? There is no doubt that he is in love. All these are signs of how you can understand that a teenager likes you, but how do adults behave?


If earlier girls needed to know how to recognize a guy in love in personal communication, then in the modern world they have to master new skills - learn to identify a fan by correspondence on the Internet.

As with personal communication, the young man will try to joke, make compliments. The latter may manifest itself in the form that it will “like” your posts and photos.


He never deceives, even if the young man tries his best to hide his sympathy. You can catch sneaky glances at yourself, and it's okay if the guy is shy. A more relaxed young man will not look away if you catch his eye on you, which will also tell you about the guy's location.

If you notice that when communicating with you, the pupils of a young man dilate, then you have received one more proof that he likes you. A sliding look from lips to eyes and from eyes to lips is another sign of sympathy.

Noticing that the young man looks mainly at his forehead, you can start looking for another passion for yourself - perhaps you will be more lucky with other guys, because this one sees in you a friend, a business partner, but not an object of sympathy.

If you are in the same company, the guy will always be somewhere nearby, looking for you with a look among others.


If the views were not enough for conclusions, pay attention to them.

And the man straightens his shoulders, wanting to appear more solid, stronger, taller.


There is an opinion that only the female half of humanity seeks to change outwardly in order to please the opposite sex. This is not so, because men also begin to monitor their appearance.

For example, you may notice that he has become stylishly dressed, always clean-shaven, wears perfume.

Whether he is trying for your sake is easy to check. Gently give a compliment, for example, that the shirt in which you saw him yesterday fits perfectly. Most likely, the next time you see a young man in it.


Married man

Even if your guesses are correct, don't force things. Let the young man himself take the initiative, invite you on dates, give flowers and gifts.

Let's say there is a guy that you like, but you don't know if he has feelings for you in return. Body language, eye contact, and a willingness to pay attention to you will reveal how he feels. Of course, you can just ask him directly, but that would be very embarrassing. Therefore, before showing your feelings, pay attention to some signs that will tell you that your sympathy is mutual. If you do not notice the manifestation of these signs, most likely this guy is not interested in you.


Watch body language

    So start talking to him. Strike up a conversation and pay attention to how he communicates with you. If he's a fairly open person and likes you, he'll likely try to playfully touch you during a conversation. An occasional touch on the shoulder or arm is a standard sign of affection. If the guy is shy, these signs won't be as obvious. In this case, he may blush and look at you all the time while you are telling something.

    Pay attention to his smile. A genuine sincere smile is usually very wide and shows teeth. If you notice that a smile has spread all over your face, most likely he likes you. If a guy smiles without baring his teeth, it's probably just a forced smile. This means that he just plays along with you and is not interested in you.

    Pay attention to his posture. When talking to you, the guy will try to tighten all the muscles and tighten the body to look in front of you. in the best way and impress you. In this case, the guy will often stand with his hands on his hips to appear more confident. If a person is interested in you, they will stand right in front of you to show their attention and be able to lean towards you to get closer. If a guy doesn't like you, chances are his shoulders will be turned the other way.

    Watch how often the guy looks as if "past" you. He may not always look you in the eye when he is talking to you, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like you. If you notice that he constantly shifts his gaze, pay attention to what he is looking at. If it seemed to you that he was looking "past" you, this is not a good sign. This suggests that he is in a hurry to run away from the conversation.

Watch for readiness to pay attention to you

    Introduce yourself to his friends. After you get to know his friends, spend time with his company to see how the guy behaves. If he immediately starts to amuse everyone and fool around, most likely he wants to get your attention. It means that he likes you. If a guy seems quiet and confused, he may be uncomfortable because he is not interested in you, and he is not very comfortable being with you in the company of friends.

    Talk on the phone. Notice how often he texts or calls you when you're not together. If he only calls you when he needs your help, chances are he only sees you as a friend. If he calls you to find out how you are doing, to talk a little - perhaps you are really interesting to him.

    Watch how he communicates with you. Does he not always answer your calls? Does he sometimes get irritable and ready to hang up? If so, he is most likely not interested in you. If he likes you, he will listen to you carefully.

Be direct

    Find out what he likes. Ask him directly what he is looking for in girls. This will give you an accurate idea of ​​what attracts him (pay attention to whether you have these qualities). Also, don't forget to also ask him what he doesn't like about girls. Try to keep this conversation as casual as possible, but be sure to find out his preferences.

    Ask him what he thinks of you. If he says that he is not sure of himself and does not know how he feels, most likely this is not a very good sign. Perhaps he knows very well what he feels, but does not know how to tell you about it so as not to offend you. If a guy says he thinks you a good man, ask if he finds you attractive.
