Women's power. Levels of female power

In this article, I want to sit with you in a time machine and move to those times when wisdom dominated, and people built their lives not on knowledge, but on feeling the laws of life, intuition and wisdom.

Today I want to talk to you about female power, about what makes a woman strong and omnipotent, about where to get this power, how to accumulate and save it.

Perhaps you will agree with me, and perhaps the article will cause you a storm of indignant emotions - I will see this in the comments. But to talk about female power, let's take the present time with its realities and the ancient past with its history.

Modern society dictates new rules of the game to us. But living by these rules, women do not become happier. On the contrary, they forget about their nature, their origins, stop hearing the voice of wisdom, do not follow the experience accumulated by entire generations, experiment on themselves and their lives. Destroy marriages, drain relationships, raise a new generation of unhappy people.

Why am I writing all this, blaming only a woman, you ask? Because a woman rules the world. Neither more nor less! Not just a woman, but that true woman who knows and understands her nature, her role and why she came into this world. And if she does not understand, then she destroys this world.

As the famous saying goes: “A woman can turn any fool into a wise man, and a wise man into a fool.”

The woman gives birth and regenerates life. A woman gives birth to new people, educates them, prepares them for life in this world. Other women connect their lives with these people, build relationships and new people appear again. Woman is the source of life.

Project for women

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The more female energy in a woman, the more successful, strong man she can attract. Women with colossal female energy become the wives of entrepreneurs, bankers, millionaires. For some, such energy is given from birth, while for others it takes years of training to accumulate it and reach the same level.

There are seven levels of female power. We will consider them from the point of view of the elements of Water. Water, which allows us to increase our inner strength. Water that is able to support our man and lift him to higher energy levels.

Water is flexibility, plasticity, the ability to fill any space, take any form, be warm and cold. Different and unexpected. And all these are the qualities of water, and they cannot be crossed, just like the manifestations of a woman.

The first level of female power (a sip of water)

Meaning: physical power, the ability to attract.

A man is attracted to her only once. For example, she attracted a man who dreams of quenching his thirst. They had their first sex, he drank it with pleasure and wants more, but it is empty. And until it fills up again - in a month, in five, in a year - all this time a woman will not have a relationship with a man.

The woman begins to look for a way out, suffers, suffers, and even goes to witches in the hope of attracting attention, but all to no avail. The point is the presence of internal female power. If a man no longer quenches his thirst, it makes no sense for him to come to her again. He leaves and doesn't come back. A man is such an egoist by nature, because the fire itself is selfish. And this is a normal quality, otherwise he would not be a Man. This water gives, these female energies are aimed at completely surrendering to a loved one. And a man, by virtue of his initial weakness, is a consumer in relation to a woman. So the story begins in the spirit of the way to a man, lies through his stomach.

This level is given to us from birth and depends on our physical attractiveness. But physical attractiveness is far from the most important thing. More important is the strength of our sexual energy, which determines who we attract - a beggar or a businessman.

Men have their own levels of power, but behind every such man is a woman who raises him to such heights or can deprive him of everything. The main male force has fiery energy. It is believed that the more fiery qualities a man has, the higher his testosterone is. Therefore, testosterone and fire are constant allies, bright masculine qualities which are manifested and activated with the help of fire.

Men's favorite places are a fireplace, a bathhouse, a fire, the sun - it's all fire. Women's favorite places are bath, pool, sea, ocean. The element of manifested female power is water. Between these polar elements there is an eternal confrontation, but also mutual attraction, excitement. Life is a unity and struggle of opposites, where one invariably replaces and complements the other. Fire and its unbridled passion are pacified by water, and so it will always be, as long as there is life.

Male Power Levels:

First level (candle) - A man earns a living.

As a rule, a man of the first level has no strength, weak capabilities, the energy is slightly warm and there is not even a desire to create any kind of relationship. If we are talking about its implementation in society, then it is aimed only at getting bread. If he wanted to eat, he went to beg or, at best, unloaded the wagons. His inclination is a primitive way of life: he got a penny, bought something to eat, ate and is satisfied. He is neither good nor bad, and in case of extreme need a strong woman, with the help of her mother, can even pull him to a higher level, but, as a rule, she does not, and thank God. Because when this happens, he is invariably overcome with pride, and the point is not that he has become ungrateful, but that he was not initially ready for this.

Second level (fire in the fireplace) - a man earns for his house, family, as a rule, this is a hired worker.

This fire is stable, it gives warmth and can warm people around it. As a rule, men of the second level are able to marry. Feed the children, earn money for the necessities - a modest apartment, a small car. They fill the lowest (or maximum - the middle) link, which is content with its life, and if dissatisfied, then does nothing to change it. A man of this type will complain about the low salary in the state structure, but at the same time he will not even try to kindle his fire, trying to change something in life.

Third level (fire) - a man has his own business, which brings a stable income, he begins to hire workers.

A very dangerous level for a woman. At this stage, a man begins to feel his strength, his power. He has money in his family: not only enough for bread for relatives, but also for other hobbies ... A mistress may appear. It is important to go through this period - when a man rises from the second level and consolidates on the third, he will certainly pass through the sieve of many temptations. And a woman needs to understand this and try to bring a man to the fourth level as soon as possible so that he recovers from this fire. And this is really a fire that can not only heat, but also destroy.

Fourth level (shine of the sun) - a man is well-groomed, educated, gains fame, fame and money flow to him like a river. If a man does not rise to the fifth level, then glory passes.

His fire is so abundant that the fire space is under his control. And he goes on, being born a new star. It is at this level that a man really activates responsibility, and most importantly, a desire arises to master a large space. One restaurant is not enough for him, he wants to have a restaurant chain, he develops his business to the level of corporations. His brains begin to think globally. And if there is a wise woman next to him, who has preserved beauty, attractiveness and strength, he reveres her as a muse and bestows love. If his companion ceased to improve, take care of herself, learn the science of love, but remained in the status of a stable keeper of goodness, respect is maintained for her. But in this version, a lover will certainly start, and sex stops with her. If a woman has exceeded her authority and, forgetting about herself, began to live for the well-being of her husband, completely wasting herself, they leave her.

Fifth level (sun) - these are ministers, men who have affairs worth millions.

A man who is able to take care of the welfare of the state. He is interested not only in wealth, but also in the desire to become a famous politician. This man is known throughout the country, and from all over the world people come to bow to him. Or they are admired by crowds of fans. Famous actors, musicians. Some of them influence the minds and hearts of viewers and listeners, and some of them influence the worldview of the whole country.

Sixth level (star) - these are kings, emperors, as well as philosophers, writers, artists. The names of these men have been remembered for centuries. These are people whose thoughts and ideas have influenced humanity, they have left a mark on history.

In fact, every man subconsciously strives to grow to the level of a star. This information is embedded in his subconscious - to express himself and achieve world fame. He wants to do something global, to invent a perpetual motion machine, to become a superfinancier who will shock everyone with his idea. And then he will be satisfied, because he believes that he has fulfilled his evolutionary task.

Seventh level (chosen by the spirit) - this is the one for whom the spirit has become more important than worldly problems.

These are great saints. Such men are rarely born and, as a rule, for great missions. They choose their own path Our feminine possibilities extend only to men of the sixth level.

The main thing - it is important to understand that, despite the enormous difference, male and female forces are closely related to each other. And a man will not be able to climb the ladder of success if he does not interact with female power. The higher the status of a man, the more stories about his female adventures. This happens because his chosen wife is not able to energetically move him further. And he is forced, thus, to acquire the power of matter from other women in order to reach a higher energy level.

If the spouse wants to be unique and desirable, she has no choice but to evolve in her perfection.

The more energy a woman has, the higher the level of a man she can attract. Each level has its own number. Making a funnel to accumulate energy and making the right number of turns, you increase your energy potential, rebuild the cells of your body.

Funnel to Attract Men

As you inhale, join your hands in front of your chest, as in prayer. As you exhale, raise your arms out to your sides and enter the energy flow, joining your palms above your head. When inhaling, you lower them again to chest level, while holding your breath, turn them down and lower them to the level of the center of passion (four fingers below the navel), focus the energy by spreading your palms and connecting your fingers, as if forming a triangle around this center, and as you exhale, open the funnel, hands up and elbows slightly bent.And you turn clockwise. The number of turns depends on who you want to attract: 3 times for the first level, 7 times for the second level, 17 for the third level, 34 for the fourth level, 72 for the fifth level, 108 for the sixth level. Cells take 28 days to change from one level to another. Try to start with 7 times, and if it is easy, increase to 17. Do not forget to thank and mentally close the space after practice.

You can attract a man, but to keep it is more difficult.

The second level of female power (deep well)

Meaning: the ability to hold a man, money, space.

This level determines what kind of space we occupy - someone lives in a hut, someone in a palace. This is a different kind of energy. The strength of the one that lives in the palace corresponds to the number 108. It depends on the woman whose wife she will become.

If you are already married, it still depends on you what heights your spouse will achieve with you.

Imagine a situation, a girl is full, which means she is ready to get married, and her water is enough to attract a man of the second level. But even a man of this stage requires a lot of water, and it is no longer easy to quench his thirst. And if a woman hopes that her volume is enough for life, then she is deeply mistaken. It only at first glance seems that there is a lot of water in the well, but if you do not take care of it and deepen it, it quickly becomes shallow and dries up.

So it is with the woman of the second level. Suppose her man is striving for development - he wanted change. Support is required, which means a lot of additional water, but his chosen one was not ready for this. And a man faces a choice: either be content with what they give, or strive for heights with the help of additional nourishment. Most often, men of the second stage agree to small things, but if he is a fighter, expect love affairs.

The task of a woman is not to become shallow herself. Hoping for someone's help is a vain illusion. And if a man began to grow with the help of this woman, then she will have to rely only on her own efforts. This is the essence of our energy. What do men say when a woman's well is dry? “She is empty. None." The woman, in response, is indignant, and says that she gave him everything ... And in fact she gave everything, so her well dried up. But a man needs to move on, he needs new support again and now, like gasoline to a car. And he demands it. And again he is right in his own way. For you will not be full of past merits, therefore he will not appreciate them at this moment. And there's nothing you can do about it.

Fair, unfair, but the past no longer exists and you can’t scoop it up with a bucket. Only memory remains, and it is not material. Every second we begin to live anew - now and today. This is the essence of our life. Therefore, we must move on so as not to be waste material.

Funnel to hold a man

You do the same funnel as you did for attraction, only you open the funnel down and spin counterclockwise. It is desirable to do the same number of turns up and down. After finishing, do not forget to close the space, and then be sure to thank him.

It is easier for someone to attract men, and for someone to retain, when performing this technique, this becomes obvious.

The third level of female power (lake)

Meaning: social power, the ability to make money.

If a woman grows with a man, then her energy corresponds to a man-fire. Often a woman whose man reaches the third level tries to help him. For example, he says: “Let me do bookkeeping.” That is, he wants to help, like water, finances - this is the element of water. Such a woman is sure to join the projects of her man, and this is the third level: when you have perfectly realized yourself in the family. And there is enough strength to build a production or corporate family, that is, to create such a warm atmosphere inside the team so that everything is trusting and friendly, like in a good family.

Or another option - the lake starts its own business and draws a lot of people into its whirlpool. In addition, this level also allows you to participate in social life, that is, she has enough strength for this.

money whirlwind

As you inhale, join your hands in front of your chest, as in prayer. As you exhale, raise your hands and enter the energy flow, joining your palms above your head. While inhaling, lower your hands again to chest level, while holding your breath, turn your hands palms down and lower them to the level of the solar plexus. While holding your breath, focus the energy and while inhaling again through the sides, raise your hands above your head and connect them, interlacing and pointing all your fingers up. Rising on tiptoe, do the appropriate number of turns - 3, 7, 17, 34, 73, 108, 117.

At the third level, a woman can earn several thousand dollars. The problem of the third level - as soon as you reach it, it begins to dominate male energy. And if you direct all your efforts to earning money, then the energy of sexuality will begin to disappear. The result - a man will no longer perceive you as a woman, he will perceive you as a partner or friend. This is the main problem of all business women.

To understand what energy prevails in you, perform the following technique.

Technique for calculating the prevailing energy

Close your eyes and imagine that you are standing in front of a canvas with your own portrait. You have in your hands a palette with two colors - red and white. You take a brush and start painting your figure - head, arms, torso, legs. When you finish coloring, you open your eyes.

What color is predominant in your portrait? White is masculine energy, red is feminine energy. Ideally, male energy should not be more than 25%, female - 75%. If this ratio is violated, then the male energy begins to displace the female, and the man next to such a woman turns into a “rag”, and the woman suffers from female diseases.

To earn money and at the same time remain a woman, you need to discover talents in yourself and engage in creativity, and it doesn’t matter in what area.

To deal with your energies, separating the male from the female, to overcome all fears - the fear of success, the fear of publicity, the fear of fame, follow the ancient Rooster technique, which will help you accept and love yourself.

Technique "Roosters" (done in the early morning)

We close our eyes. Legs are parallel, exhale, raise your arms above your head and connect them into a triangle. As you inhale, lower the triangle to chest level, mentally dividing the energy in half, white - to the right side, red - to the left. As you exhale, turn the triangle down and lower it to the ground. We repeat this 3 times. Then we sit down, put our elbows in the dimples above the knees and wait until the hands join. Which hand goes faster shows which energy prevails in you. When the hands are connected, we raise them to the chin and put our thumbs under the chin, and with our index fingers we press on the point under the nose (great-memory point). The rest of the fingers are folded into a horn. And in this mouthpiece we make 5 exhalations and shout “Crow” three times, welcoming the sunrise. Shouting "Crow" thumbs we rise along the face to the level of the crown, from the crown we straighten our fingers and raise our hands, as if the sun were rising. We open our eyes.

The fourth level of female power (river)

Meaning: emotional power, fame.

Having reached this level, a woman becomes famous, an idol, many are in love with her. Money appears by itself.

If a man of the fourth step reaches the level of a corporation, then a woman at this level also has a desire to have something of her own. Usually she starts to create something - her own fitness club, beauty salon, beautiful restaurant. The fourth level is a demon in the ribs for a woman. If for a man it is the third, then for a woman it is the fourth, since here a transition to fiery energy is possible. A whirlwind man, a hurricane. It's hard to argue with her. If a desire arises, not for the soul, but for well-being, to create something, so that your name shines - this is already the predominance of the element of fire. And don't expect a family idyll here. But if at a high level water begins to prevail, then a woman, in order not to fall into a fiery hell, also begins to engage in charity work.

Opening the funnel for emotional power (down to the level of the heart)

As always, we get up, legs are parallel to each other. As you exhale, raise your hands and connect them above your head. On the inhale we lower the triangle to the heart and on the exhale we open the horizontal funnel. While holding our breath, we imagine how admiring admirers applaud us, take autographs from us, how we bathe in the rays of glory, then, while inhaling, we close the funnel and fold our hands on our chests. We close the space and thank him.

Fifth level of female power (sea)

Meaning: spatio-temporal power.

Having reached this level, a woman has a lot of power, these are women prime ministers, governors and owners of large corporations.

If this woman chooses the path of power and becomes a star that she learns about great amount people who want to look at her and imitate her, she is the sea, but often the cold sea.

And if her mastery, no matter what, is the enjoyment and development of the inner world, then this is a truly feminine path that brings harmony to the family and the whole country. That is why it is so important that the wives of presidents, prime ministers, ministers live in love with their husbands. Then they are the warm seas of love, feeding the oceans, without which life on earth is impossible.

Sixth level of female power (ocean)

Meaning: mental power.

Having reached this level, a woman determines what and how humanity thinks, creates new country, expands the physical and intellectual boundaries. These are Coco Chanel, Catherine the Great, and others. These women leave a mark in the memory of mankind.

The seventh level of female power (World Ocean)

Meaning: spiritual power, connection between higher powers and people.

These women are the spiritual teachers of mankind, for example, Helena Blavatsky, Helena Roerich, Mother Teresa. These women come into this world with a spiritual mission. As a rule, God does not give these women children of their own. If this woman comes to earth, then her task is to realize that all of humanity is her children.

The woman herself decides what level she wants to reach. It all depends on the amount of her female energy and the ability to direct it in the right direction. The more energy, the more a woman can achieve.

“The strength of a woman is in her weakness,” some people tell us. “Women are not the weaker sex. The weaker sex is rotten boards,” others gush with folk wisdom. But you and I hear one and the other, we grow, we mature, we get married with these attitudes that are opposite to each other. As usual, in the early years life together we try on the role of fragile and defenseless ladies, but over time we like the image of the one who “... stops a galloping horse, enters a burning hut”, and then goes to her husband to talk about her exploits and remarkable female strength. And there are those who use these settings with the cunning characteristic of the beautiful half of humanity. We deftly juggle the concepts of “weakness” and “strength” and at the right time use what we think is more profitable or simply amuses our pride. For example: “... if you marry her, you will forever break my heart,” a woman says to her husband, while rolling her eyes and fainting.

Or another situation: “... yes, if it weren’t for me, what would happen to our children in general! And the house is on me, and I work for two!” - says the same person to her husband, but under different circumstances.

That's it interesting position of things. Today, the little wife is weak and defenseless, you need to feel sorry for her and wipe your tears. And tomorrow he can turn into a soldier in a skirt, and with whom is he fighting - with his own husband ?! Everything proves that she has a higher salary and higher education. Agree, an impartial spectacle, but for us, Muslim women, completely unacceptable. You and I are well aware that our main strength is a strong iman. Let's try to look at the concepts of "female weakness" and " female power through the lens of our faith.

I am a weak woman

“Our strength is in our weakness, and our weakness is limitless,” Shakespeare put these words into his mouth. main character play "The Taming of the Shrew".

But what is weakness? Can't lift a thirty-kilogram weight and run a cross-country? Or are you unable to attend a divine service on time or wake up for work? No! Of course, this is not about that. Women's weakness, which was mentioned by the great classic, is softness, suppleness. A truly "weak" woman is always submissive, and not only when it is necessary to please her husband so that he will help in the implementation of our super-important plan. A "weak" woman becomes soft clay in the hands of an experienced master, obeys the main person of life meekly and unconditionally. This "weakness" is beautiful and bright, and soon it is reborn into a huge strength.

But when we endlessly complain about our fate, we cannot endure even the slightest test, then we also show impotence - destructive, gloomy, meaningless. It is even worse when we try to put pressure on the husband's pity, we arrange tearful tragedies, spoiling the mood for ourselves and our spouse for no reason. We must bypass such weakness at a distant place and in no case show it to our loved ones.

I am a strong woman

The theme of female power is extremely popular these days. All kinds of experts are trying to prove to men that in our time it is necessary to look for a daring, fearless, fighting girlfriend for life. The image of such a warrior is actively promoted in various media. However, our husbands still, for the most part, want to see next to them the most ordinary obedient woman. But we, on the contrary, are beginning to believe foreign psychologists who call humility - oppression and in every possible way try to replace the concepts in our minds.

Well, if you want to be strong women, be them. Let's just clarify what this concept includes in terms of our perfect religion.

A strong woman unwaveringly follows all the precepts of Islam, shows patience in difficulties, knows how to be content with little, she will never allow herself to be disrespectful towards her husband and constantly struggles with her shortcomings. The strong one is not the one who struts proudly with her chin up, not afraid to face danger. And certainly not the one that endlessly reminds the world of their "feats" and "masculinity."

A strong woman bashfully hides her eyes, and she always has a shield with her, with which she protects herself from everything destructive that is in this world.

Yes, it is not easy to be a strong woman these days, just as it is not easy to be weak. But if we learn to harmoniously combine these two qualities in ourselves, then happiness will always live next to us - in the person of a husband, children and the contentment of our Lord!

Who is the “weaker” sex today? The “weak” fight for their rights, while the “strong” want to give the rest of the responsibility to those “who care” . With all this, everyone suffers and everyone is unhappy. After all, we are told lies about what it means to be a woman or a man. Let's try to figure out why this is happening and what is the manifestation of the incorrectness of a modern woman.

Any woman has a direct channel of communication with the "divine". In our modern reality, basically, this channel is polluted by the emotional and mental developments of a person who is under the great influence of the world around him. For a rare woman, this channel is now clear.

But such a channel is blocked due to the following wrong actions of a woman:

  • Cloth. It is acceptable for a woman to dress clean and nice. But often many of the women dress up, playing along with their own lustfulness, flaunting certain parts of their bodies. Thus, they give "them" permission. Lustful looks are thrown at them. Unlike loving glance, a lustful look can hit and can pierce a person's energy field, as a result - a bodily or mental illness. True female beauty will never cause a feeling of lust, it evokes feelings of charm and admiration at any age.
  • Family relationships. When a woman “takes dirty linen out of the hut”, reveals the secret of what is happening in the family, about her husband or her children to strangers, then by doing so she unlocks her strength, the protective circle of her family. And then the voluntary or involuntary intervention of another person can affect and destroy peace in the family. You can only tell those who can really help: you can consult with a mentor, trust a woman who has Divine grace, trust your man if he does not show feminine qualities- that is, he himself does not tell others what he was told.
  • It is important to be “FOR THE HUSBAND” , and not in front of him, as happens in the main. When a woman is in front, a man loses his sense of being a trailblazer. It is important for a woman to reveal his masculine qualities in a man, to help him create harmony of will and love.
  • Know how to keep your secrets . A woman should share her innermost, because the secret should be in front of her man. If a man comprehends the secret of a woman, she loses interest for him. In the presence of a man, you should not put on makeup, you should not walk in front of him in an untidy form. All the best should be worn at home for your man. It is important and necessary to maintain your intimacy in front of a man. Everything must ripen first and the opening must be gradual. The quality of the relationship should then develop from sexual to fellowship.
  • list, because it is essentially a struggle, she fights with a man. This is what a woman does men's movement and destroys its essence. Showing male will, a woman destroys her space, her relationship with a close man falls apart. Any illegal use of female power immediately affects the man. A man throws it off through irritation and aggressiveness. If a woman sincerely supports a man, even if she believes that he made the wrong decision, further circumstances will lead to the fact that there will either be no losses, or they will be the least.
  • A strong and obvious manifestation of female power. What is characteristic of female power? Femininity and softness. Excessive femininity - when a woman is often capricious, often cries - by this she destroys her environment, her energy field.
  • Assignment. This is when a woman tries to decide a lot for a man and children. The man must decide and take responsibility for this decision.
  • Gossip. The consequence of gossip and gossip about others will be their own troubles. When a woman condemns other people, she herself falls under the influence of the forces of evil and attracts negative energy into your life.
  • impure desires and thoughts. It manifests itself in the demands of love, affection, jewelry, attention, a better fate, coming from our ego. We must realize that what we have now is a payment that is given for the Path that was chosen earlier. If a woman can reveal herself at a higher level, then she will be given more. We must learn to accept our Gift and our path. If you rejoice in the little, then the greater opens up. You can only receive what you yourself know how to give and give, because the attitude of another person is a mirror of your attitude.
  • Man's actions. When a woman is engaged in men's affairs, her female power opens, the female energy is disturbed. A woman is much stronger when she comes from the essence of her feminine power, that is, through love, and then a man is confident in such a woman, he perceives her as a strong rear.
  • Power. The daughter learns from the example of her mother and family relationships. If the mother is powerful, then the daughter is also powerful. Will and love must be brought up in a boy, he must be taught to make decisions and bear responsibility for them. And if a boy can be explained, taught, and he will understand everything, then everything is different with a girl. No explanations and educational measures will help - only a living example is important to her. Girls, in particular, on the outside often show those qualities that their parents actually have, but stubbornly hide. Therefore, one should not think that if one hides them, no one will see negative thoughts and feelings - children will show everything in their actions and words.

with love,

Victoria Paradise

The first source is the Psychic Power of a Woman.

Since ancient times, one simple truth has been known: a woman stronger than a man on the energy plane, that is, the mental strength of a woman is several orders of magnitude higher than that of a man.

No wonder the Vedas say that the thought of a woman is equivalent to the action performed by a man.

A woman herself creates her Life, her Reality, her Destiny - in a feminine way: with her thoughts, feelings, sensations, intentions.

What the inner space of a woman is filled with is manifested in her life, those events take place in her reality.

And if the task of a man is to manifest himself in the material, physical world (in this he is at times stronger than a woman), then the task of a woman is to shape her life on subtle planes, with her thoughts, feelings, desires.

A woman is connected to God through her Heart. Therefore, it is very important for a woman to live with her Heart, Soul, understand what she really wants and make decisions based on the desires of her Soul. This is the woman's responsibility. Many of us know the saying: "What a woman wants, God wants."

A woman is a Witch, a Knowing mother - because the power of her thought is equal to the action of a man. She is able to change the world only with your thoughts. The power of a woman's thought is colossal and cannot be compared with the power of a man's thought. Because the tasks of men and women are different.

The second source is Caring for loved ones in joy, Love and Kindness.

Caring for and serving close people is the basis of happiness for a woman. This is confirmed at the level of physiology.

When a woman shows care, her body produces the hormone oxytocin, which contributes to the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness and Have a good mood which reduce the amount of the stress hormone cortisol.

The good heart of a woman is a source of Love, Joy and Happy life for the woman and her loved ones. This is the natural state of a woman - the state of the Divine.

The main strength of a Woman is Love and Gentleness. The most powerful force in the Universe is the energy of Love and mercy.

Love can change everything, can work miracles. From time immemorial, it was believed that a woman wins without a fight, wins with Love.

To love and be Loved is the natural state of a true Woman.

When a woman achieves what she wants with insults, reproaches, cunning, manipulation, she loses her feminine power, loses her energy.

The third source: Sacred ancient knowledge, possessing which the Woman found harmony, peace and tranquility. This knowledge says: “A woman is a Soul connected through her Heart with God.”

A woman is a Divine being, this is her true nature, which allows her to find Happiness, Love and Peace.

What is the female soul?

First, the Female Soul is filled with Love. Love is born in the heart of a Woman and pours into the space surrounding her, forming the Space of Love.

With her Love, a Woman fills a Man and helps him to see his Purpose, his Tasks.

The more Love pours out around, the happier close Women become. Love is an inexhaustible source of Happiness.

Secondly, the Female Soul is eternal, therefore all life's difficulties are temporary. They are given for good, to increase the level of awareness, to understand what is going wrong in a woman's life.

All unpleasant situations are beacons, signs. Realizing the reason for what is happening, the Woman learns Acceptance and Gratitude.

When a Woman learns to find the cause and effect relationship of everything that happens to her, she begins to live in Acceptance.

Thirdly, the Female Soul is Happy, Beautiful and Kind.

Happiness is the natural state of a woman. To be beautiful and keep your Body in Beauty is also a natural need of Any Woman.

To love your Body, to feel it is one of the facets of the creation of Fate in a feminine way, based on the sensations of your body.

Kindness, warmth, gentleness, purity - these are the qualities of a free, manifested Female Soul, which from time immemorial have been the guarantor of the serene happiness of a woman and attracted a True Strong Noble man into her life. This sacred, long-forgotten knowledge is the Law of Harmony in the life of a Woman.

Edited by Marina Belaya.
