How to spend your birthday in Paris. How to celebrate a birthday in Paris? Ten rules for preparing for an independent trip

I had an idiotic dream to celebrate my birthday in Paris. This dream came true last year.
It’s true that we weren’t particularly lucky with the weather, but sitting in an open cafe under a canopy and drinking hot tea is also very cool.

Although, it was in my DR that I did not sit in a cafe. In my DR, I rode the rides at Disneyland and the weather was wonderful)

It was overcast all the time and a cold wind was blowing.

And so I went to the same thing, because all the other things were designed for warmer weather (well, I prepared for a trip to the fashion capital ...)

But apparently there are many who do not bother with clothes, even brides)

As expected in this weather, I spent all the time in the shops. Gallery Lafayette is a whole Grand Theatre. No, it's tougher. True, after the reconstruction I have not yet been to the Bolshoi.

And in principle, the whole of Paris (the center anyway) is very rich in beautiful architecture and cultural landscape.

It was there that I bought my famous outfit in narrow circles) I made myself a gift for DR))

These cars can be rented for 89 euros for 20 minutes.

But I'd rather rent one to feel like a Parisian from an old movie.

I climbed the Eiffel Tower, yes I did. To the very top! There is a beautiful view from there.

But it was very scary to go there. Perhaps this short video will be able to convey the horror of what is happening:

And we lived in an apartment that we rented from a nice woman, Francoise, near Notre Dame de Paris. The house was from the time of D "Artagnan, old and cool)

For my birthday, we went to Disneyland.

Not a drop of rain fell that day and even the sun came out.

It’s a pity there are few photos, there weren’t before, but there is a video of the closing of Disneyland. True, it is also short, the very beginning.

Of course, the trip itself is already a holiday and a lot of the brightest emotions, but you can make this day even more magical.

Happy Birthday service at Disneyland

All have the “Happy Birthday” service, it costs about 70 euros and includes a birthday cake with candles and the image of Mickey, the cake is taken out solemnly, loudly and cheerfully singing “Happy Birthday”, and all restaurant visitors clap their hands loudly. In ordinary restaurants, waiters take out the cake, and in restaurants with Disney characters, heroes do it. In Inventions and Café Micke, Mickey and his friends take out the cake, in the Auberge De Cendrillon restaurant - Cinderella and other princesses.

Please note that tables at all Disney restaurants must be booked in advance (ideally 2-3 weeks in advance). To do this, you need to call the single call center of Disneyland. If you don't feel like calling France and making a reservation in English or French, you can always use, which include the selection and reservation of tables for the entire duration of your stay at Disneyland. If you order a package with a photo shoot, you will also receive great professional photos of your child's birthday!

Birthday with your favorite Disney character

If you want to make this day truly unforgettable, you can book a meeting with one of the Disney characters. In this case, a character of your choice will bring a gift to your child, he will also sing "Happy Birthday" and spend about 30 minutes with your child. The cost of the service varies depending on the season and the popularity of the chosen character. You can order the service

In June, a family trip to Paris is planned to celebrate the birthday of her daughter and husband. And if the daughter clearly expressed her wishes, then the husband does not know what he would like. Actually, the question is: what to come up with. A day trip option from Paris is being considered, but the place should be very interesting and accessible by public transport, preferably by train. Interesting in terms of nature or architecture. We definitely do not want to go to museums in June. If Paris itself, then something memorable. It can be both extreme and relaxation. But not a museum! The husband will definitely not forgive this. From the experience of previous DRs, to make it clear: we drove buggies through the mountains, spent a day in a thermal park, went on a safari, parachuted, scuba dived, went to different pretty towns. To do this again?

Visit the wine cellars of Madame Clicquot:"

Or someone else's cellar)

maximum half an hour

So a tour to Reims won't work either.
You can go to Reims by train, and even taste on the spot)

But I want to note that bus trips are somehow easier to endure there, either it pumps less, or it’s not so stuffy, I don’t know.

This site is banned fnac, Mademoiselle only lets)

How do you like castles? Vaux de Vicomte - predecessor of Versailles, beautiful park + in summer evenings dinner a la Louis14 by candlelight, look at their official website. The only thing - I don’t know how it is with public transport, I myself was in a car. From Paris somewhere +/-60 km

Here's about dinners, but only in French
And so
And on the Russian-language page it says how to get there not by car

Many typical buildings of the 20th century

Millions of people dream of visiting France at least once. "See Paris and die" - few cities you hear like that. France is associated with romance, art, bohemianism and fine cuisine. If you are planning to throw a party and want it to be unconventional and stylish, while at the same time cheerful and romantic, perhaps a French theme is what you need.

A French-style party would be appropriate on the occasion of the birthday of a beautiful lady, in honor of St. Valentine's Day, on the occasion of the New Year and Christmas holidays, etc.

Various narrowings of the main theme are possible. So, you can spend more than just "french party", A "Paris style party". A theme can be chosen for a women's anniversary, bachelorette party or second wedding day Provence. In accordance with the chosen concept, the entourage is formed.

French Party Venue Decor

If this is exactly Parisian theme, stylization as a city cafe would be appropriate: cozy tables, striped or checkered tablecloths, cute bouquets, baskets and boxes with flowers, bottles of wine. The walls can be decorated with posters with cityscapes of Paris and an original menu.

For french style parties you can use mixed decor. Anything related to France will do: for example, images and figurines of the Eiffel Tower, the colors of the French tricolor, reproductions of the famous paintings of the Louvre, bottles of wine, fake cheese, plastic grapes and much more.

As a decor Provencal style parties lavender flowers, wicker accessories (vases, boxes, baskets), marine attributes, a rooster figurine can be involved. Lavender can become the main color.

Don't forget to pick up the music. Fortunately, there are plenty to choose from: chanson, jazz, rock, hip-hop and even rap in French. For any audience, you can create a suitable playlist.

More than appropriate for a French party photo props: glasses, mustaches, lips, hats, berets, etc. on sticks.

French Style Party: Treats

France is famous for its cheeses, so a hearty cheese plate is a must-have for a French party. Ideally, you should include the most famous cheeses in its assortment: Camembert, Brie, Roquefort, Beaufort, Comte, etc. However, more than 500 varieties of cheeses are produced in France, so there are plenty to choose from, including inexpensive options.

In addition, you can serve a salad with any vegetables, cheese and olives for an appetizer, which is also typical for France, where Mediterranean cuisine prevails.

If possible, it is worth offering guests such a treat as fondue.

Onion soup and, of course, French meat with mushrooms and Bechamel sauce can be served hot. For dessert - meringue, croissants with sweet filling, profiteroles, eclairs, creme brulee.

Drinks are French wines. For those who do not drink alcohol, grape juices and mineral water"Perrier".

French party clothes

The French style traditionally includes such elements as a beret, a hat, a scarf, neckerchief and "vest" (horizontal striped clothing). Girls can try on a corset. For men, a costume of a Parisian mime or a French sailor.

Scenario of a French party: contests, games, entertainment

Team competition: "French in spirit"

Party members are divided into 2-4 teams. Both groups and pairs can compete (one pair = one team). We find out which of the teams is more French in spirit.

Task 1. Presentation

Participants should state their names in French manner (you can modify the name or focus only on pronunciation). It is especially important to pay attention to grasing (pronunciation of the "r" sound as the French do). Next, the facilitator counts how many times the sound “r” occurs in the names of the members of each team. Which team has more "p" - it gets 1 point.

Task 2. Abstract art

Most tourists who come to France tend to visit not only the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower, but also Montmartre, occupied by street artists. Any Frenchman, if he runs out of money, can earn some extra money by painting tourists. If he has no ability, he will draw abstractions. You do not believe me? So you are not French! Or is it French? Let's see if you can make a quality abstraction.

Each team gets a clean slate Finger paint and wet wipes. One participant becomes a model, and the rest of the team members become artists. They must draw an abstract portrait of the model using their fingers as a tool. For everything about everything, 3-5 minutes are given.

The paintings are shown, discussed and left as a memento for the sitters. Each team, in the abstraction of which the portrait of the model is clearly guessed, gets 1 point.

Task 3. French lovers

Teams receive cards on which the names of the French are written. Participants must remember their lovers and mistresses. Perhaps it was unrequited love or a strong relationship. Maybe the relationship was extramarital. A loved one could not be a Frenchman at all. The main thing is that their names are firmly associated with each other.

Each name can be written on a separate card and invited teams to draw several of them.

1. Constance (Dartagnan)
2. Vanessa Paradis (Johnny Depp)
3. Quasimodo (Esmeralda)
4. Carla Bruni (Nicolas Sarkozy)
5. Napoleon (Josephine)
6. Vincent Cassel (Monica Bellucci)
7. Geoffrey de Peyrac (Angelica)
8. Pierre Curie (Maria Sklodowska-Curie)
9. Duchess de Lavalière (Louis 14th)

For each correct answer, the team earns 1 point.

Task 4. Construction of the Eiffel Tower

Every Frenchman should be able to build the Eiffel Tower. Yes, yes, I'm not kidding. They are already taught this primary school. Now let's see how you can handle it.

Teams are given 50-100 paper cups with or without lids (preferably with lids). The task is to build a tower out of them.

Which team can do it faster, using all the glasses, wins, getting 3 points. The team that completes the task second earns 1 point. An additional point for creativity and originality can be awarded if any of the teams show these qualities when building their tower.

Task 5. Pantomime

Have you been to Paris? Then you, of course, saw Parisian mimes entertaining the public. Every Frenchman should be a little mime. And how else, because France is filled with tourists who do not know a word of French. You have to somehow get out, explaining the way to them.

The team selects one mime. He draws a card with a task that contains 3-4 words related to France. Next, the mime, through pantomime, demonstrates these words to the members of his team, and they try to understand what it is about. The leader keeps time. How quickly will all the words be guessed?

At the end, the scores are compared. The team that guessed the words faster than the others gets 2 points.

Example words for pantomime:

  • Croissant
  • Eiffel Tower
  • Grape
  • Musketeer
  • Bastille
  • Cancan
  • Gerard Depardieu

Based on the results of 5 tasks, the results are summed up. Members of the winning team receive medals with the inscription "True French". Prizes are awarded to everyone who took part.

After the team competition, other entertainment can be held.

funny croissants

Couples male + female participate. Ladies receive a very long and narrow piece of fabric. Men depict the filling of a croissant. The fabric is the “dough” with which the participants must wrap the filling.

First, the host asks the men to come up with what kind of filling they are. Then the women quickly wrap their "tasty" men in dough - so that it does not unfold. The winner is the participant who wraps the croissant faster than others.

The entertainment doesn't end there. The presenter brings to the attention of the audience the show "Dancing Croissants". The music turns on. Men wrapped in cloth are dancing. The host sets the movements, offering croissants to show themselves in all their glory:
- show that you are lush (dance like fat girls)
- show that you are seductively delicious (erotically stroke yourself)
- show that you are hot (jump a little)
- offer to eat yourself (use inviting gestures)
- show how dizzy with happiness for anyone who treats you (spin).

catching frogs

As you know, the French are not averse to eating frog legs. Now we will arrange a traditional French fun - frog hunting.

Volunteers-hunters are called - two people. All others remain in their places. The leader passes near those sitting and distributes chips to them, each of which depicts one or another animal. Hunters do not see the contents of the chips. Only one of those present receives a token with a frog.

At the sign of the host, those sitting begin to make the sounds of the animals that they got in chorus. Someone meows, someone barks, someone hums, someone grunts, someone bleats, etc. And only one of them croaks. However, this sound is drowned in animal cacophony. The task of the hunters is to find the frog as quickly as possible and take it by the hand (catch the paw).

Who is faster is the prize. You can repeat the hunt several times, changing hunters if the guests are interested. Each time the chips are collected, shuffled and distributed again to the participants.

Louvre paintings

We need 2-3 pairs of guests. Either only men can participate (it turns out more fun), or mixed couples.

Each couple will receive a printed image of a painting in the Louvre. The task is to reproduce its plot as realistically as possible (naturally, without undressing). It's an old "Live Picture" entertainment. Viewers evaluate which of the couples was closest to the original.

Examples of paintings for "revival":

  • Reni Guido: Hercules fighting Achelous
  • Pico Francois-Edouard: Cupid and Psyche
  • David Jacques-Louis: Paris and Helena
  • Pierre Mignard: Madonna with grapes

Cupid and Psyche


This is a joke contest that can be held if several men came to the party wearing scarves. After all, the scarf is considered a typical French accessory.

So, the Host invites men with scarves to participate in the competition. But about scarves - not a word! Eyeliner: "Now we will evaluate which of the men has the longest French dignity." Men and spectators are a little confused. After that, the Host clarifies the situation: “We are talking about your French scarves! And what did you think about?

A measuring tape is taken out, with which the length of the scarves is measured. Whoever has the longest one gets a funny prize and a standing ovation as a man with the most impressive dignity.

French cinema

Participants are invited to guess the name of the film from a quote from it.

Do you love painting?
- Yes very. I love Rafael.
- And I like the other ninja turtles better.

Which beautiful flowers. Can they be smoked?

These new Romans fly better. This is probably due to the more streamlined shape of the helmet.
(Asterix and Obelix)

Please don't kill me! I'm on vacation!
(Fifth Element)

He is a tree... a singing tree... Also in German.

These hieroglyphs all look the same.
(Asterix and Obelix)

- Boom, yes, I understand.
(Fifth Element)

Sorry, my microwave is calling.

You called me a grim assassin. Me, such a cheerful, cheerful creature! Of course, I love to kill, but I do it with a smile.

If I said "kill the goat", kill the goat!
(From Paris with love)

- ... I'm in position.
- What?.. How could I not notice this?!
- I've been trying to tell you this for 8 months!

Take them away! And pour an aperitif for the sacred crocodiles.
(Asterix and Obelix)

©2014 Attention! The script of the French party is designed specifically for this site. Full or partial reprinting of the material and its publication on other websites is possible only with the written consent of its author and the editors of the website site.

1. I wake up early - I still can’t change to European time, although we have been traveling for the third week already. On the iPhone is a photo from Bad Gastein, a small town in the Austrian Alps where we spent the previous few days. We arrived from Salzburg on Monday, January 14th.

2. I wake up in an apartment in the Saint-Germain district of Paris, but I won’t show it to you - the light here is unimportant, and the results of hectic shopping are scattered literally over the entire area. I won’t show the fees either, because I didn’t manage to take at least one decent photo of my freshly washed myself in the mirror. Therefore, we go straight to breakfast in the historic Parisian cafe Les Duex Magots on Place Saint-Germain-des-Prés. For breakfast I have croissants, a baguette, coffee with milk and freshly squeezed juice. Delicious!

3. Okay, this is not only for me, a hungry husband is sitting next to me. Although what to hide - I myself really like croissants and baguettes. Breakfast, by the way, happened only at the eleventh hour - before that I answered congratulations, sat on the net and waited for my husband to wake up.

4. Let's look around. The cafe is atmospheric, cozy, very convenient to watch people. Here, for example, are our neighbors on the right.

5. And here is our neighbor on the left.

6. And this is actually me.

7. I look forward to the joys of the holiday;)

8. In Paris, the terrible cold, although the sun. We managed to take a walk for just over an hour - I didn’t take pictures on the street, because. hands were very cold even with gloves - and we decided to move towards dinner. Lunch here is early - it’s only 12.30 on the clock, I honestly don’t want to eat, but where to go? Therefore, we find ourselves near the Seine in the gastrobistro L "ami Jean with a Basque twist.

9. My husband chose it especially for me - I asked for something unpretentious and with interesting cuisine. Let's see what they eat here. Or rather, my husband will watch - I don’t understand French, so I trust him with the choice.

10. This is what a bistro looks like - everyone is sitting at the same table and yelling terribly. In Moscow, I would not be able to sit like that.

11. They brought me a snack - eggs with truffles. Delicious! True, I waited 10 minutes to start eating, causing bewilderment of the waiter: he ran several times and looked into my plate. And I just got a call with congratulations from one good person.

12. And this is wine. I love burgundy.

13. This main course is pigeon. Dehydrated little french pigeon. Okay, I'm joking, it's not a dove, it's just a plate where they will put it in just a couple of minutes for me.

14. Here is the bird! Came to me in a tureen. Delicious!

15. Choose a digestif. Everything in the bistro is very funny - the menu, the wine list, the pictures on the walls. We ended up choosing 2 glasses of Sauternes.

16. This is some kind of citrus dessert, very tasty.

17. And these are cookies from the institution.

18. And this is me - in complete happiness and satiety.

19. After dinner we go for a walk. It's still cold and sunny outside, though it's still nothing compared to the snow that started the very next day and didn't stop all weekend.

20. Beautiful Paris! Unfortunately, I didn't get to the tower again this time.

21. I take pictures for memory. The bag is a gift from my husband.

22. Jumping in a sheepskin coat is not very convenient, but you have to - the beauty of photographs requires sacrifice! Passers-by squint, but I don't care - I'm having fun and also very warm!

23. We crossed the Seine and went towards the Champs Elysees. Yesterday I had the idea to buy a perfume in Paris, the smell of which I will associate with this particular day, so we go to the Creed store. Probably, an English perfume in order to remember Paris is not the most correct solution, but there was no other store along the way.

24. Here it is - tangerine with spices, citrus, but warm.

25. You will laugh, but we are going to eat again! We froze and on the Champs Elysees we went to drink tea at the Kousmichov cafe.

26. Delicious! Only I can’t eat anymore, I still have dinner ahead of me.

27. I just warm myself with tea, dessert goes to my husband.

28. It's already five o'clock on the clock, so we're heading home (in the sense of the apartment we rent in Paris), rest and get ready for the evening. This is my outfit.

29. Exactly at seven we go into the lobby of the Plaza Athenee hotel, in the restaurant of which we have a table booked in an hour. We arrive an hour in advance because we have a meeting with a photographer - we really want to capture the moment. First, we take pictures on the street.

30. The place, frankly, is not the best - the sidewalk is narrow, there are many passers-by, and even the flower seller got attached, began to give advice to the photographer and call me Miss Russia. It's still cold, and I'm in shoes and without gloves!

31. Moved to the lobby. What a small lobby at the Plaza Athenee and how many people there! The husband begins to get noticeably nervous, because the photographer and I obviously do not go unnoticed here. I also feel uncomfortable, but I reassure myself that the staff here have seen and not like that. Moreover, we have permission to shoot even from the local communications director.

32. Gradually we got used to it and even began to smile.

33. The husband, however, is still dissatisfied with something.

34. In the end, we found less crowded corners of the hotel and moved there.
