What hair color to dye. Beautiful ways to dye brown hair, photos of fashion options

Women are often prone to changes in appearance. Therefore, sooner or later, the natural hair color bothers. Do you want to paint over the curls in a darker color after the blond or return your shade? We will tell you what color to dye your hair so that the result is as positive as possible.

How to choose a hair color after lightening

If you have dyed your hair in light shades for a long time, it will be quite difficult to return to a dark color. Do not expect instant results: there is a long and painstaking work ahead.

Wondering how to choose a hair color? First, decide on the end result.

If you want to:

  • Get back your natural hair color.

Tired of being blonde? Then it's time to go back to natural color, especially since naturalness is now in vogue.

Of course, the best option Stop dyeing your hair and let it grow back slowly. However, this does not always look aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, girls prefer coloring.

The choice of paint depends on the natural shade of the hair. If you were light blond, then immediately purchase foundation as close to your natural color as possible. However, most likely, you will have to dye your hair a couple of times.

If your hair is naturally dark in color, do not rush to immediately buy a dye that is close to your hair color. Start with a light blond tone and gradually color your hair in more dark shades until you get the desired effect.

  • Dyed in a darker shade.

As in the previous case, it all depends on the hair color you want to get. Light blond tones will fall on the curls faster and better, but you will have to work harder on the dark hair color.

To choose the right tone, use professional paints- you can choose several shades and mix with each other to achieve the desired color. In addition, such products less injure the hair. However, be prepared for the fact that the paint will gradually wash off.

Often girls run into trouble after leaving the blond - the hair becomes green or red. To prevent this from happening, add a special red tint corrector to the paint.

If trouble with color has already occurred, tonics will save the situation. They do not destroy the natural pigments of curls, giving them only a shade that is washed off with every shampoo.

However, be careful - first test the effect of the tonic on a separate strand. If the result is satisfactory, then apply to all hair.

Do you want to dye your curls in light brown color? Choose both cold and warm shades, as this will not affect the quality of the coloring.

Hazelnut, caramel, cream soda hair looks good. Also, after the blond, honey and copper tones perfectly fit on the hair. But note: the color will be bright. To avoid yellowness, choose ashy shades.

Change the color smoothly - paint over your hair with paint, the shade of which is darker than the previous one by 2-3 tones. It is impossible to sharply change the color, because it will quickly wash off the hair and lead to an undesirable result. Also keep in mind that you should not paint several times in a row.

Do not use for coloring natural paints(henna and basma), otherwise you risk getting a green shade of hair.

You have learned how to choose a hair color for dyeing after lightening. Give preference to the most suitable shade, but try not to harm the hair.

When can I dye my hair after bleaching?

To go from a brunette to a blonde or to get a lighter hair color, the bleaching procedure is first carried out. A special aggressive composition is applied to the hair, which destroys the hair pigments. This procedure is detrimental even for healthy curls.

Hairdressers advise dyeing bleached hair at least two weeks after bleaching. This is explained by the fact that the hair becomes brittle and depleted, so before applying the paint they need time to recover.

Lightening hair often gives unpredictable results. Therefore, if the color turned out to be yellow or red, girls tend to immediately dye their hair in the desired color.

Theoretically, the paint can be applied immediately after the lightening procedure, but this has a bad effect on the structure of the hair. Therefore, it is still strongly recommended to wait a couple of weeks before the next staining.

Sometimes it happens that the hair is so healthy that it is practically not affected by the bleaching procedure - only in this case it is possible to apply paint immediately.

As a rule, hair lightening takes place in several stages. The number of procedures depends on the natural shade of the hair, as well as the effect that you want to achieve after dyeing.

The natural color of hair depends on the pigments eumelanin and pheomelanin. If the hair is naturally dark, then it has more eumelanin, which consists of several shades. Therefore, when lightening hair, keep in mind that the pigments in the hair are destroyed gradually - first the red tint goes away, then orange, and then yellow. That is why, after bleaching, the curls acquire ugly reddish shades or yellowness.

After the procedures of lightening and coloring behind the hair, it is necessary proper care. It includes the following procedures:

  • Regularly make masks from castor or burdock oil. You can add honey and yolk.

  • Trim dry ends of your hair at least once a month.
  • Avoid hair dryers, flat irons, and curling irons.
  • Rinse curls with water with lemon juice or a weak decoction of nettle.
  • Purchase special shampoos and conditioners for colored hair without sodium sulfate.

Proper hair care will ensure their beauty and rapid recovery.

You learned what shade to dye your hair after bleaching and how to choose the right shade of paint. Responsibly approach the procedure, and if necessary, consult a professional hairdresser.

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“If you dye your hair, you will soon go bald.” Probably every girl who has ever changed her hair color has heard this phrase. In fact, modern paints nourish, give shine and even laminate. But, unfortunately, dyeing at home can lead to unpleasant consequences, ranging from an unexpected color to brittle and split hair. To avoid this, you need to follow a number of simple rules.

website collected tips that will help you dye your hair at home no worse than in the salon, and do without unpleasant surprises.

Decide on the type of dye

Before you dye your hair, you need to decide not only on the color, but also on the type of dye. They can be divided into four categories: blond, physical, chemical and natural. They vary in variety color palette, resistance, depth of penetration into the hair.

To buy a dye, it is better to go to the store professional cosmetics for hair, where sales assistants will help you choose the right shade and oxide, which will cause minimal damage to your hair.

Blonding dyes

Blonde dyes can lighten your hair by three or more tones. They work by removing the natural pigment melanin from the hair. Blonding dyes should be applied to dry and dirty hair, but heating curls during staining is extremely harmful and even dangerous. For special blondes, oxides of high percentages are used - from 6% and above.

Remember that paint does not lighten paint. And to lighten previously dyed hair, it is better to use powder, which should be purchased at a specialized store. It is mixed with oxide in a ratio of 1: 2, where one part is powder, and two parts are oxide.

Apply brightening powder start from the back of the head, stepping back 3-5 cm from the roots. The roots are painted over last. The temperature at the roots is higher, the reaction there is faster. It is better to lighten on oxides up to 6%. A high percentage of oxide can simply fold the protein, causing the hair to become yellow, and all further manipulations with discoloration will not bring the desired result. Never add water, shampoo or conditioner to the mixture. This violates the clarification technology, and the result becomes unpredictable.

Chemical dyes

This group of dyes also consists of two components: paint and oxide. The change in hair color occurs by the penetration of dye molecules into the hair. Chemical dyes paint over gray hair well and have a varied palette of shades. Before applying them to the hair, be sure to do an allergy test on the bend of the elbow.

Apply a chemical dye to dry, dirty hair, starting from the back of the head and moving towards the forehead. Comb through your hair with a non-metallic comb to evenly distribute the color.

These include tinted hair dyes. These are coloring tonics, foams, gels, masks. They envelop the hair from the outside with a film and do not react with the hair pigment. Such dyes are one-component, they are not mixed with oxide. They won't lighten your hair, so the resulting colors can be either darker or tone on tone.

Physical dyes are applied to freshly washed hair. They can be mixed with each other to get new interesting shades and toning hair after lightening. Unfortunately too dark hair are not exposed to physical dyes, preliminary clarification is required. The longer the exposure of the dye on the hair, the brighter and richer the color.

natural dyes

We have chosen the paint, and this is already half the success. The second half is a competent application.

  • Before you start coloring, drink hot tea, coffee or mulled wine to improve blood circulation in the vessels of the scalp.
  • Do not forget about protection - gloves and a cape on the shoulders. Apply oily cream or petroleum jelly to your ears, neck, and hairline. They will not allow the paint to soak into the skin.
  • If you are in doubt about whether a color will suit you and how it will fall on your hair, then do a strand test. Dye a small section of hair and evaluate the result after 24 hours.
  • Add a vitamin complex or auxiliary substances that protect the hair to the coloring mixture. You can also buy them in specialized stores.
  • Mix the hair dye in a non-metallic container and apply to your hair immediately.
  • Divide the hair into 4 parts: the back of the head, two temporal and frontal. The paint should be applied along the partings from the back of the head, moving towards the forehead. At the back of the head, the body temperature is lower, which means that the staining process will be slower. Whiskey is dyed last. Start coloring the strand from the roots - and to the ends of the hair. The exposure time should be counted only after the entire composition has been applied to the hair.
  • Micellar water, alcohol or makeup remover will help to wipe the paint from the scalp, hands and neck.

Don't forget about care

Care after dyeing will help preserve not only the color of the hair, but also their quality. Shampoos against dandruff and detergents For oily hair irritate the scalp and wash out the color very quickly. Therefore, it is better to use a ruler for colored hair or baby shampoo.

The market for hair care products now includes balms and masks containing pigments., which support hair color or neutralize yellowness. Apply them in the same way as conventional care formulations, hold for a few minutes and rinse off.

Do you have your own hair coloring hacks?

What color should you dye your brown hair? - this question is asked by many women in Russia. Indeed, by nature, our hair is often blond, and no one has canceled the craving for experiments.

What color to dye blond hair, and is it worth it

What hair color suits you?

Before deciding what color to dye, first of all, it should be noted that light brown hair color is beautiful in itself.

Natural shades have their own charm, don't they? Credit: Rex by Shutterstock

And do not always paint over blond hair - the most best idea. Many have heard the expression "mouse color", meaning not too bright shade, which does not decorate the exterior.

Perhaps the so-called mouse hair color has now become a real trend. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock

But since it appeared, many girls have managed to dye their hair more bright colors, then get disappointed, and then the trend was to "grow your own color."

By the way, perhaps, ashy hair will be revived by light coloring. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock

Can you dye your hair back to blonde?

Dyeing back to blond is not so easy.

In fact, growing your hair color is another challenge, and achieving a native light brown tone with the help of dyeing is an almost impossible task. The fact is that light brown shades so unique and varied. Even the best colorist will not mix the paint that nature has given you.

Dying back to that shade can be tricky. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock

There are a lot of natural shades of light brown, they are both warm, dark, light and reddish, won't you regret yours? Here's what to think about before you start choosing what color to dye your blonde hair.

For example, golden blond hair color can be slightly revived with blonding. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock

Dye blond hair: pros and cons

Before moving on to coloring blond hair weigh the pros and cons.

The arguments against dyeing light brown hair are such that this soft color really goes well with the natural color of the exterior. To “stretch” it, you do not need to apply a dense tone and bright makeup.

Definitely, blonde hair has its own beauty. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock

Moreover, this color is widespread only in the eastern part of Europe, in all other parts of the world it is rare. If you are wondering what color to dye your blonde hair, remember that your shade is unique, and it will be very difficult to return to it.

What now, no one dye their hair? Of course, paint. These were just warnings, and now you can let go of your imagination and dream about the most daring options, what color to dye your blond hair. If you want to change the shade of your hair, you definitely need to do it. Not to mention the fact that if you want to disguise, you can’t do without staining.

True, remember that coloring, especially successful and one that you want to keep for a long time, obliges you to take care of your hair a little differently.

Editor's tip: for example, pick and . The formula of these products includes the Vibrant Color Lock complex, which helps to prolong the brightness and freshness of the new shade.

What color to dye light brown hair: according to the color type or at the behest of the soul

Follow the color type or the call of the heart?

If you follow the theory, then the owners of blond hair are mainly of the "spring" or "summer" types, depending on the color of the eyes and skin tone. And, perhaps, following the recommended combinations, you will find the answer in what color to dye your blond hair. However, sometimes our desires run counter to the recommendations. For example, platinum, dramatic or bright, according to the rules of color, do not go to almost anyone.

Many girls dream of a platinum blonde. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock

But the girls who decide on these shades will not be stopped by any color types. - it's a lot of character. Therefore, when choosing what color to dye light brown hair, follow your heart, especially if you have long wanted to get a particular shade.

Of course, even the most daring ideas deserve to become reality. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock

If you don't like it, well, you can repaint again, eh modern facilities to restore hair will help them withstand more than one coloring. In addition, if you want to get a brighter and more contrasting shade of hair than your natural appearance, more expressive makeup can always “make friends” with them.

Bright blonde

Definitely not a gray mouse!

Many girls, answering the question of what color to dye their blond hair, dream of getting bright. True, it is immediately worth noting that not everyone succeeds in this. or slightly golden, like a princess, require not at all fabulous sacrifices. This is necessarily bleaching, sometimes more than one, which in one way or another injures the hair, followed by constant tinting of the roots and hair restoration.

Editor's tip: it’s good that you can prevent the appearance of yellowness today with the help of shampoo at home. Let's say, such as with purple particles, which, according to the rules of color, neutralize the yellow pigment.

This is especially important if you want to achieve a beautiful cool shade of hair. you need to keep it on your hair for up to 10 minutes before rinsing it off, and do not use it every time you wash your hair, but alternate with regular shampoo.

After dyeing in blond hair will require more care. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock

Highlighting and color stretching

Stretching color as a method of gently lightening hair.

It is much easier to switch from light brown hair to blond using highlighting or fashionable types of stains such as, and. These techniques do not require such frequent updates as full ones, and do not injure the hair as much. It is worth trying them if you are thinking what color to dye your blond hair, leaning towards blond, but are not completely sure.

Color stretching can be not only a compromise, but also the most best solution. Credit: Rex by Shutterstock

Unusual shades

Bleaching + toning.

On the other hand, if the hair is light blond, and bleaching is easy for them, this can open up real scope for experimentation. By bleaching your hair, you can literally tone it in all the colors of the rainbow. Here are the most daring and current preferences, what color to dye light brown hair if it is already bleached - as well as pastel shades of pink, lilac, and so on.

Tinted products tend to wash out rather quickly, but try to keep the shade longer with shampoo.

Editor's tip: for example, take a look at for colored hair with camellia extract and rooibos leaves, acai oil and vitamins E, C and B5. It will help not only prevent the color from fading quickly, but also strengthen the hair and give it shine.

dark shades

Dark hair color will emphasize the blue eyes characteristic of fair-haired girls.

Not so often, when choosing what color to dye blond hair, women choose a shade much darker than their own. At the same time, chestnut or dark wood colors can sometimes reveal the potential of appearance to one hundred percent. Especially beautiful and fair skin, typical for fair-haired girls.

Hey baby, I'm a brunette now!


From light brown to red is not so difficult to go.

What color to dye brown hair? Of course, in . Light brown hair itself sometimes has a reddish tint, so it is not at all difficult for a fair-haired girl to become red-haired. For a light redhead, it is sometimes enough to hold henna on the hair for about five minutes, but it is easier to achieve a bright lasting result with permanent dyes.

There are no less shades of red than light brown, so you can definitely choose the right one!

Leading stylist-technologist of Sharm Distributors

"Unfortunately, solve the problem gray hair without resorting to staining is impossible. Or you can accept yourself in all its glory, as many Europeans do, who do not pay attention to gray hair - they are for natural beauty. Russian standards of beauty and attractiveness differ from European ones. In our country, gray hair color (that is, they completely stop dyeing and painting over silver strands) is chosen by 90% of women who are over 60. But what about young beauties ?! Today, there are many coloring techniques that are suitable for neutralizing gray hair.”

Classic coloring in one tone

Here the law is this: the greater the percentage of gray hair on the head, the lighter the shade must be chosen so that the regrown roots do not stand out so clearly. Burning brunettes with gray roots look extremely ridiculous, in which case you will have to, like Marilyn Monroe, tint the roots too often. On average, this will have to be done every 3-4 weeks.


Fortunately, technology is advancing, and today there is great amount sprays that retouch, camouflage gray hair. For example, if you do not have time to get to your stylist, and an important event is expected ahead, then you can purchase a bottle of such a spray to match your hair color and apply it along the partings. But be prepared that its action will last until the next shampooing.

Classical highlighting and lightening of individual strands

The higher the percentage of gray hair, the thinner and more often the lightened strands should be. Such staining allows you to make the border of regrown roots more blurred and visit a beauty salon less often than when staining in one tone. On average, the highlighting procedure must be repeated every 2-3 months.

Important: staining of gray roots is done only with permanent dyes. Tinting dyes or henna do not have the ability to paint over gray hair.

Coloring and 3-D staining

Mikhail Zolotarev, creative partner of L'Oreal Professionnel

These color creation techniques involve coloring individual strands in different shades (from 2 to 10 tones) of the same color direction). Such techniques visually make the hair more voluminous. But they will not be able to completely hide or level the regrown gray hair. Therefore, staining the roots will have to be repeated every 3-4 weeks.

As the world-famous Coco Chanel said: "If a woman has changed her hairstyle, then soon she will change her lifestyle." This phrase has rightfully become winged, because as soon as we want to make any adjustments in our lives, we first of all go to a beauty salon. You can dye your hair in any color, the main thing is that it skillfully emphasizes all your advantages and hides flaws.

At first glance it seems that hair coloring is a very simple matter, but it is not at all the case. Before choosing what color to dye your hair, you need to take into account many nuances so that the new image brings you only pleasure and attracts the admiring glances of others.

Choosing a hair color according to the rules, taking into account the color type of appearance

As you know, stylists distinguish four main color types of appearance:

  • spring;
  • autumn;
  • summer;
  • winter.

Let's look at each type in detail.

What hair color is suitable for a girl with the type of appearance "spring"?

As a rule, female representatives with the type of appearance "spring" have light skin tones and green, hazel or blue eyes. The natural shade of the hair of such girls is from light tones (blond) to dark brown. The skin mostly has warm honey, light beige or golden tones.

Women with natural shades are best to paint in the same color scheme. You can choose from the following tones:

  • honey-bronze;

  • golden;

  • light shades of brown;
  • dark red.

Light red tones are best not to choose, as the skin will appear pale, and the appearance will be inexpressive. Girls belonging to the spring color type are not recommended to dye in black colors, as well as in cold ash and platinum tones.

The key to obtaining a beautiful and attractive new look will be dyeing your hair in colors that are close to natural (natural) shades. In this way, you can give your natural color extra depth and shine.

Autumn girl: choose hair color according to appearance

As a rule, girls with the color type of skin and hair of "autumn tones" have green, brown, dark blue and black eyes.

What color is best to dye the hair of the owners of brown or black eyes? The skin of girls with this color type is swarthy or yellow, so it is best to choose the following shades for dyeing hair:

  • chestnut;

  • mahogany;

  • dark red;

  • chocolate.

Girls with brown eyes and a swarthy skin tone, you need to emphasize the expressiveness of your eyes, but you should still choose the color for dyeing your hair carefully. So, red and reddish tones attract a lot of attention, so if you often encounter the problem of reddening of the skin, then it is best to refuse to dye your hair in such colors.

Choosing shades for the type of appearance "girl-summer"

The type of appearance "summer" includes the fair sex, with blue or light gray eyes and very light skin, one might even say pale. As a rule, natural hair color can vary from light shades of blond to dark brown. The best option is to dye your hair light brown with an ashy tint.

For this type of appearance, all shades of blond are very well suited. They can be pure or with added tone. In order to emphasize, you can paint over a few strands of a darker color through your hair. Today, experts use various coloring techniques and will help you choose the right shade so that it blends harmoniously with the main hair color and fits your image as a whole.

Some of the fair sex with this type of appearance have a dull hair color, you can say "mouse". In this case, the hair does not need to be dyed. You can use any tinting agent that will give your hair the desired shade and shine.

Winter girl, or what color is better to dye blond hair?

Perhaps, it is girls with the “winter” type of appearance who can afford to dye their hair in any shades of dark. colors. As a rule, a winter girl has a dark eye color or, on the contrary, blue and very light skin. Representatives of the "winter" color type are in no case recommended to experiment with shades of blond, red, light blond or reddish hair color.

A great option - all shades of light brown and black. A great addition to the image will be the coloring of several strands with a contrasting color using the coloring technique or amber. If a winter girl prefers to dye her hair black, then her skin must be flawless, since this hair color will always focus on her face.

What color to dye your hair to look younger?

Unfortunately, with age, hair loses its natural beauty, and when looking in the mirror, we notice gray hair. Before you start covering gray hair, be sure to consult with a stylist or your permanent master hairdresser. There is a rule among specialists in this field: the older the woman, the lighter the shade of her hair should be. However, this rule does not always work: if you naturally had tar or dark blond hair, then you won’t be able to become a blonde abruptly, if only because this color simply won’t suit you.

It is very important to choose the right hair color so that all the elements in the image are combined harmoniously, and for this you need to follow some rules:

  • if you are the owner blonde hair, then for coloring you can choose a paint darker by a couple of tones, but no more;
  • if there is no more than ¼ of gray hair, then for a start you can use a tinting agent, choosing the right shade;
  • be sure the tone of the paint should emphasize the beauty of your skin, but not the flaws;
  • painting in the lightest shades of blond for women of mature age is not recommended, since the skin may seem unhealthy pale;
  • if, nevertheless, you choose dark shades, then stylists recommend introducing a couple of strands of another, maybe even a contrasting color;
  • to make sure which color will suit, for example, to brown eyes, you can see photos of the owners of this shade of eyes.

To properly care for your hair after the dyeing procedure, stylists advise taking into account some features:

  • nessesary to use special masks, balms and hair conditioners, but not too often, since the substances they contain can wash out the color;
  • roots need to be constantly tinted at intervals of once every 4-5 weeks;
  • after dyeing, you should take care of the color of the eyebrows, for example, too dark eyebrows do not fit the fiery red shades of hair;
  • you can change the color of your hair by re-dyeing or washing;
  • for the shine of dyed hair, rinses should be used (you can natural remedies home-cooked);
  • split ends need to be trimmed periodically so that the hair structure does not collapse further.

As you can see, choosing a color for dyeing hair is a whole science. Be sure to consider your type of appearance: the color of the skin, eyes and natural hair, because the result should please you, emphasize all the advantages and be in harmony with in a feminine way generally. Currently, hair coloring can be entrusted to specialists or done at home. In the latter case, be sure to purchase a proven paint and pass a test for an allergic reaction in advance.

Remember, every woman is charming in her own way, and by nature all the fair sex is beautiful and graceful, and changing hair color is just a small adjustment to your image.
