Masks with mineral water: recipes for all skin types. Pressed face masks Mineral water face mask

Based masks mineral water very beneficial effect on the skin. Good mineral water has no less useful properties than thermal water, however, mineral water is much more affordable and can be bought at any store.

Mineral water significantly moisturizes the skin, makes it supple, young, toned and silky. But in order to prepare a mask from mineral water, the water itself needs non-carbonated water. To do this, simply pour the required amount of mineral water into a glass and let it stand for half an hour before using.

  • Mask with mineral water for problem skin. In a glass of mineral water, dilute the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of glycerin. Store this lotion in the refrigerator and use daily to cleanse your face, morning and evening.
  • Mask for normal skin. For 50 ml of mineral water - one teaspoon of oatmeal and 5 drops of lemon juice. Mix thoroughly and leave for half an hour for the mixture to infuse. Apply to face, hold for 15 minutes. Rinse and wipe the skin with chilled mineral water.
  • Mineral water mask for dry skin. Add 2 teaspoons of honey to 50 ml of mineral water. Apply to the face for 10 minutes, rinse and wipe the skin with cool mineral water. This mask perfectly moisturizes, softens and prevents premature aging.
  • Express mask with mineral water. Take two small towels and two cups, one with hot mineral water and the other with cold, you can add ice cubes. Before each compress, apply a layer of nourishing cream. First moisten one towel with hot mineral water and apply it to your face, after waiting a little, take the second towel with cold water and put it on your face too. Repeat this 5-6 times. This contrasting mask restores firmness, improves complexion and perfectly refreshes.
  • Rejuvenating mask with mineral water. First, mix 50 g of fresh yeast diluted in warm water, a teaspoon of flour and sugar. Dilute the gruel with a glass of mineral water and leave to ferment in a warm place for about 3 hours. Apply to face, hold for 20 minutes, rinse, wash again with mineral water and apply nutritious cream.

Hello dear girls!
Masks are my integral and perhaps the most favorite part of facial skin care. There are some favorites among them for a long time, but still I constantly buy something new. So the real discovery of the year was for me such pressed baby masks in the form of tablets.

You can find a great many of them on the Internet, I tried 2 types and I can say that if they are not identical, then they are very, very similar to each other. Sold in transparent bags in quantity from 5 to 100 pieces. In the first order, I bought myself 24 masks to try, and then I ordered a large package of 100 masks, now I have enough of them for the next couple of years

Each mask is pressed into a small puck that really does look like an effervescent tablet. Its size corresponds to a coin of 1 ruble.

For the penetration of active substances into the skin in the mask, a non-woven fabric (100% viscose) was used, cut to the shape of the face, with slits for the mouth and eyes.
In order for the tablet to open, it must be thoroughly soaked with any liquid agent care (in the pictures I will give examples of the means that I use to impregnate masks myself):
- lotion (Japanese lotions are ideal for this purpose),
-your favorite facial toner,
-softner (according to my feelings, softner is something between a moose and a tonic, so I singled it out in a separate category),
serum (if it is sufficiently liquid and flowing),
- concentrates (for example, in ampoules),

- juice of vegetables and fruits (I am not a fan of food on the face, so I did not use this item).

It takes me about 5 ml of liquid to open one mask. To reduce the consumption of the impregnation agent, the mask can be opened with hot water and only then impregnated with the active ingredient.

Mode of application:
1. place the mask-tablet in a small container, add the selected liquid and allow the liquid to be completely absorbed.

2. Gently unfold the mask, distribute and press firmly to the face.
3. leave for 10-15 minutes, then remove from the surface of the skin.

Well, now about the result:
As you understand, it will directly depend on the impregnation of the mask, so you yourself can adapt to the needs of your skin. I can only say that the action of the tonic / serum / concentrate doubles, if not triples.
Let me give you an example: I once bought myself a famous lotion with hyaluronic acid from Hada Labo. So much good has been written about him, but for me he turned out to be a completely useless thing, and even left a terrible film on his face. I was about to throw it away, but just then the first batch of pressed masks arrived and I decided to give the lotion one more chance as an impregnation for them. After that, I fell in love with him, it turned out that he is really able to deeply moisturize the skin, I don’t even want to apply the cream after such a mask, of course there is stickiness, but it is not as critical as if you apply the lotion directly on the face.

Outcome: I was very pleased with the masks, I advise absolutely everyone to try them. At a minimum, you will get a lot of pleasure, as a maximum, additional nutrition and care.

Price: 10$ for 100 pieces
Test period: about 10 months
Grade: 5 and a sea of ​​positive emotions.

Thank you for your attention!

Fabric face masks simultaneously solve several problems with the epidermis and are referred to as express care products. Popularity is explained by the ease of use and the depth of penetration into the layers of the skin. There are a lot of disposable products on the shelves of pharmacies and retail chains, but you should select them taking into account some parameters. It is also possible to independently manufacture using improvised materials and components. About how to choose the best remedies Japanese and Korean brands, how to do it yourself, how to apply it correctly, the information is presented in the text below.

What are cloth face masks

Sheet media ( sheet masks) are a dense material in which there are slots for the mouth, eyes, nasal openings, impregnated with a certain composition. Depending on the base, the mask can fit very tightly and not very tightly, the effect on the epidermis is determined by impregnation. There are such products on the market that are produced in the USA, European countries, Korea, Japan. Each brand has its own secret and manufacturing technology. It is also possible to purchase individual bases for making impregnation at home.

The effectiveness of sheet masks with constant use is explained by a snug fit, due to which nutrients penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis. Main advantages:

  • depth of impact;
  • ease of use - you should distribute the finished product over the face;
  • high concentration of active substances;
  • aimed at solving specific problems;
  • act quickly;
  • do not require washing after removing the adjacent material.

Such masks are not without drawbacks - the products do not have an exfoliating effect, so preparation of the dermis is required.

Rules for the use of sheet masks

The rules of use differ for funds purchased ready-made in a retail or pharmacy chain and prepared independently. Recommendations for the use of sheet masks are presented in the table:

Parameter Actions
Pretest (for home remedies) It is necessary to prepare the mixture, apply to the area located behind the auricle or on the inside of the forearm, leave for fifteen to twenty minutes. In the absence of itching, burning, urticaria, further use is indicated.
Expiration dates, sequence, proportions

Ingredients for the preparation of only natural origin, without additives flavor and color enhancers.

It is forbidden to use components that do not correspond to the expiration date.

Strict observance of the proportions prescribed by the recipe is necessary - a violation will lead to a loss of effect.

It is highly undesirable to store leftovers.


First, the dermis must be treated with a cleanser, a toning solution (tonic or lotion), apply a cleanser to the wet epidermis. deep cleaning, wash off, apply mask.

  1. Cleansing.
  2. Toning.
  3. Steaming.
  4. Deep cleaning.
  5. Mask.
  6. Removal without washing.
  7. Massage.
  8. Applying skin care cream.
Fit density The mask should lie tightly, air bubbles should be eliminated
holding time Exceeding the time recommended for exposure to the agent will lead to drying of the material and subsequent loss of moisture by the dermis
Use of two sides After ten minutes, you should turn the mask over, this will give a cooling effect and an opportunity for the epidermis to get the maximum of useful components.

The presence of wounds, irritations can lead to inflammation due to the favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria in the absence of oxygen in the heat.

It is also necessary to take into account the contraindications listed in the instructions for use.

No need to wash After the time period necessary for exposure, the product should be removed without washing and a moisturizer (cream or gel) should be distributed over the epidermis
Regularity of procedures A single use is not enough to get the expected result. To achieve the effect of the application, the procedure should be performed constantly, taking into account all the steps of daily care.
Compound Selection only in accordance with the typical type of skin, age group, the problem to be solved, taking into account contraindications

From the above data it follows that the agent acts in a complex way, but in order to achieve results, attention should be paid to the rules for use.

When wondering whether it is necessary to wash off a fabric face mask after application, one must consider the absence of the need for this action.

How to soak a sheet mask

To prepare the mask yourself, you can use the appropriate material or purchase the base in finished form. Repeated use of a previously used mask leads to the appearance of bacteria, so it is advisable to use sterile tablet discs. Various component mixtures are suitable for creating impregnation. The tablet disc should be placed in the impregnation solution, within a short period of time the tablet will turn into a mask according to the size of the face.

As an impregnating solution, it is possible to use:

  • tonics;
  • herbal teas (chamomile, calendula, mint, linden, cornflower);
  • lotions;
  • fruits (lemon);
  • vegetables (cucumber);
  • creamy base masks;
  • freshly squeezed juices (cabbage, tomato, carrot, cucumber, potato - regulate the level of fat produced by the glands);
  • cosmetic oils (avocado, olive, almond, apricot, peach, grape seed);
  • hydrolates.

Possible separate and combined use of these substances:

  • herbal decoctions with teas or oil components;
  • lotions with herbal infusions.

Hydrolate can be purchased at a retail or pharmacy network, it is a product of the distillation of plant materials. An allergy test should be carried out before use.

How to use a sheet mask

Step by step diagram:

  1. Refrigerate or heat the pack as directed in the instructions.
  2. Wash with special means(gel, foam, milk).
  3. Tone up the epidermis.
  4. Steam out the dermis.
  5. Do a deep clean.
  6. Take the mask out of the package.
  7. Spread on the face, eliminating air bubbles, check the fit.
  8. Maintain the time specified in the instructions.
  9. Detach from the dermis after time.
  10. Make a massage, apply cream.

How often to do sheet masks

Nutrition of the dermis must be done with a certain frequency - twice a week. During the off-season, in winter, the epidermis requires more moisture, so it is possible to use means of different effects up to three times. A sheet mask is a step of care that will not replace the rest. Some sources contain information about the absence of restrictions on the frequency of applications, but it is worth considering that masks of this type have been on the market for only five to ten years and little data has been accumulated on the effectiveness of the impact.

The benefits and harms of sheet masks

In a short time, the funds are able to deeply affect the epidermis, solve the following problems:

  • acne elimination;
  • highly effective fight against signs of aging (difference between Korean and Japanese products);
  • refreshment;
  • toning;
  • elimination of traces of fatigue, .

The beneficial effect is due to the lack of oxygen access during the period of exposure to the agent. Masks that are made in Russia, Europe, the USA do not have the same efficiency as in Japan and Korea.

The harm of these funds can be caused due to a pronounced moisturizing effect, which is useful for the dry type of the dermis and can provoke a large production of fat by the glands on the oily one. Also, the likelihood of allergic reactions is not excluded, therefore, if signs of intolerance are detected, the remedy should be discarded, preferring home-made.

The recommended frequency of applications should not be exceeded - the care products used should be alternated, and daily use will lead to addiction of the epidermis and loss of effect. Properly selected masks, taking into account the problem and type of epidermis, are the key to obtaining the expected results.

Types of sheet masks

Choosing the best option, you need to pay attention to what material the base is made of. The advantages and disadvantages are shown in the table:

Comparison of bases according to various characteristics
The material from which they are made pros Minuses
nonwoven fiber Cheapness Density, poor spreadability, does not adhere well to the epidermis
Cotton, bamboo Thin, cheap, hypoallergenic Loose fit in places and, accordingly, the degree of conductivity
Hydrogel Good distribution, snug fit, good conductivity high cost
Biocellulose Natural origin, improved absorption properties, moving material high cost

From the data presented, it follows that the best basis cotton or bamboo stands out for price and quality.

The properties and action of the mask are determined by impregnation: the effectiveness depends on the presence of certain components, depending on the problem being solved. Recommendations for the action of specific impregnation ingredients are given in the table:

Problem being solved The effect that the component has Substance
Excessively dry dermis Moisturizing

Hyaluronic acid

Alcohol is not allowed - contributes to dryness

Presence of pigmentation or gray tint Influence the functioning of melanin

Ascorbic acid

A nicotinic acid


pearl powder

Sensitivity, irritability anti-inflammatory

herbal extracts

Aloe vera

Tea tree

Oily epidermis drying

Apple acid

Green tea

citrus oils

zinc oxide

Elimination of early signs of aging, lifting Nutritious



Elimination of wrinkles, anti-aging effect Intense fight against the signs of aging

Fatty acid

Coenzyme Q10


snake poison

Depending on the constituent ingredients of the impregnation, the products of this category are:

  • anti-inflammatory - for the treatment of acne;
  • rejuvenating - promote elasticity, tightening;
  • tonic - contribute to the complex nutrition of the epidermis;
  • moisturizing - return dry dermis softness and tenderness;
  • equalizing the tone, improving the color - eliminate the existing grayish tint;
  • brightening (with a snail).

Some products have a mild cleansing effect - the black sheet mask "Cleansing Charcoal" from "Garnier".

Moisturizing sheet masks

With the addition of components with a pronounced moisturizing effect, manufacturers produce products for which the type of epidermis should be taken into account. The brand "Garnier" provides five types of masks based on hyaluronic acid with moisturizing action worth about one hundred to one hundred and fifty rubles "Moisturizing +":

  • with pomegranate juice - without restrictions on the type of dermis "Aquabomba";
  • green tea - normal, combined "Freshness";
  • with chamomile - dry, sensitive "Comfort";
  • lavender oil - tired "Antistress";
  • sakura extract - dull "Sakura Shine".

Anti-aging sheet masks

Hydrogel products have a pronounced anti-aging effect, which improve the absorption of nutrients by the dermis. The components of this action differ in content:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • retinol;
  • extracts of the placenta;
  • glycerol;
  • algae extracts;
  • collagen;
  • colloidal gold;
  • EGF (peptide compounds that stimulate the process of cell division);
  • snake venom.

Means simultaneously moisturize the epidermis and eliminate signs of aging. The highest rating has a mask from "Sliklite" with the addition of collagen and tropical fruits.


Means with a nourishing, moisturizing, tonic effect contain snail mucin, due to which:

  • make the epidermis elastic;
  • eliminate foci of inflammation.

Masks with a nutritional effect are recommended for sensitive epidermis, the compositions are supplemented with beeswax and royal jelly, vegetable oils (shea, almond, coconut), juices (cucumber, aloe). The funds have the following effects:

  • elimination of dryness and peeling;
  • giving elasticity, elasticity;
  • elimination of the feeling of tightness.


Designed for problematic epidermis, the action is aimed at eliminating foci of inflammation. The products contain green tea extract, broccoli, aloe, zinc. To eliminate excess fat in masks, manufacturers add mint extract, arginine (to improve oxygen access to the surface skin layers). The highest rating has a product from the manufacturer "Holika Holika".

The best sheet masks

Cosmetics manufacturers manage to influence the result by adding certain substances that are an integral part of the epidermis or promote regeneration. The best on the market contain:

  • plant extracts;
  • collagen;
  • clay;
  • hyaluronic acid.

Products with such components are present in the lines of many brands representing skin care cosmetics in the consumer market.

with aloe

Aloe plant juice has a tonic, moisturizing, rejuvenating, nourishing, anti-inflammatory effect on the skin layers. With regular use, it helps to eliminate acne, regulate the level of fat produced by the glands. Masks are indicated for use on mature and oily epidermis. The highest rating is for the “Real Nature” brand.

with pomegranate

The fruit extract contains retinol, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, minerals. As part of skin care cosmetics, pomegranate juice contributes to:

  • regulation of the level of fat produced by the glands;
  • restoring balance;
  • elimination of pigmentation;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • hydration.

With regular use, the production of collagen, a building protein, is stimulated. The highest rating is for the Pascucci Good brand.

With collagen

This substance is the building material of the body, with age, the amount of the compound in the body decreases, which affects the state of the dermis. As part of care products, it is used for moisturizing and rejuvenating effects. The protein has a large molecule, is unstable, when it gets on the skin with impregnation of the mask, it breaks down into substances that penetrate deep under the skin. As a result of the action of collagen breakdown products, metabolism improves, the synthesis of its own substance increases. The highest rating for funds from the brands "Skinlite", "Shary".


A classic clay-based mask can solve many problems with the epidermis, it has practically no restrictions on the types of dermis. For specific tasks, clay of a certain color should be used, but the tool is not very convenient to use - the removal process is difficult. For this reason, fabric masks with this component become best solution. The funds have the following effects:

  • cleansing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • refreshing.

With hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid promotes the regeneration of the skin, has a pronounced anti-aging effect. The substance prevents fluid loss and premature aging. Impact on the epidermis:

  • relief alignment;
  • return of elasticity;
  • maintaining elasticity;
  • restoration of lipid balance.

The compound is found with a low molecule and a large one, small particles penetrate deeper layers better, so you should not save money by choosing cheaper. The composition of masks with hyaluronic acid is often supplemented with the following components:

  • collagen;
  • adenosine;
  • lecithin;
  • essential oils (tangerine, lemongrass, papaya, lemon balm).

Do you use face masks?

Oh yeahNo

How to do it yourself (recipes)

By preparing the product at home, you can save a lot. The procedure does not require the skills of a cosmetologist and is easy to perform. Required:

  1. prepare not colored fabric- cotton or multilayer gauze is suitable.
  2. Cut out an oval according to the shape of the face, make holes for the nose, mouth, eyes.
  3. Prepare the impregnation, immerse in a container.
  4. Soak the cut blank in the solution, squeeze lightly.
  5. Distribute evenly on the face.
  6. Keep the time prescribed in the recipe.
  7. Take off.

As a basis, it is possible to use tableted discs. In this case, the tablet must be placed in the solution and the material will straighten out within two to three minutes. For different types dermis and problems exist various options impregnation.

For oily skin

To prepare a solution for impregnation, you will need to purchase one of the following herbal preparations:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • calendula.

Cooking: Place about two teaspoons of herbal collection in a container, pour water in the amount of two hundred and fifty milliliters, put on fire, simmer for three to four minutes over very low heat (from the moment of boiling). Turn off the heat, set aside the solution for thirty to forty minutes. After the infusion time, strain through three layers of gauze.

Application: Place the resulting solution in a shallow container,

Result: Elimination of greasy shine, regulation of the level of fat produced by the glands, elimination of redness, anti-inflammatory effect.

For dry skin

To prepare a solution for impregnation, you will need to purchase leafy green tea, which does not contain aromatic and other types of additives.

Cooking: Place about two teaspoons of tea in a teapot, pour boiling water in a volume equal to one glass, leave to cool.


Result: Removal of edema, elimination of redness, moisturizing, tonic effect.

For normal skin

  • kelp / one teaspoon;
  • cow's milk / fifty milliliters;
  • avocado oil / one teaspoon;
  • melon seed oil / one teaspoon;
  • orange oil / five drops;
  • retinol acetate / five drops;
  • tocopherol acetate / five drops;
  • aloe juice / one teaspoon.

Cooking: Milk should not be heated above room temperature. Measure the kelp, pour milk, set aside to infuse for fifteen minutes. Heat avocado oil, melon seeds with a water bath not higher than fifty degrees. When the kelp infusion time is up, pour in the heated oils, vitamins, orange ether, aloe juice, mix until smooth. There should be no lumps in the mixture.

Application: Immerse the disk or fabric base for two to three minutes. Press lightly. Spread over the face, soak for ten to fifteen minutes, remove.

Result: Removal of edema, elimination of redness, moisturizing, soothing effects.

Toning mask

To prepare a solution for impregnation, you will need to purchase a tonic for the corresponding type of epidermis, containing one of the components:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • urea;
  • allantoin;
  • aloe extract;
  • chamomile extract.

Cooking: Measure the required amount of tonic into a shallow container.

Application: Immerse the disk or fabric base for two to three minutes. Press lightly. Spread over the face, soak for ten to fifteen minutes, remove.

Result: Moisturizing, rejuvenating effects.

from black dots

To prepare a solution for impregnation, you will need to purchase / need:

  • activated charcoal tablets / ten units;
  • askorutin tablets / three units;
  • gelatin / thirty grams;
  • mineral water / one hundred milliliters;
  • peach oil / ten milliliters.

Cooking: Measure the gelling agent, place in a bowl, add water, stir, set aside for thirty minutes. Heat until dissolved without boiling. Heat peach oil no higher than fifty degrees using a water bath. Crush the tablets. Combine the gelatin solution with tablet powder, oil, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass without lumps is obtained.

Application: Immerse the disk or fabric base for two to three minutes. Press lightly. Spread over the face, soak for fifteen to twenty minutes, remove.

Result: Toning, deep cleansing of the skin, refreshing, firming, regenerating effect.

Skin care products made in Korea are produced according to standards close to pharmaceutical products. Strict quality control explains the many positive reviews. About which of the countries is the birthplace of a sheet face mask, the state of Japan or Korea, there are still disputes. Products are not inferior in quality and differ from European and Russian narrow specialization - each tool is aimed at solving a specific problem.

Each manufacturer has its own technology for the manufacture of impregnation, as a basis are used various materials. Korean products are distinguished by unique compositions, which in some cases can work wonders. Korean cosmetic companies use two materials as a base:

  • cotton, on the outside it is decorated with various patterns that create the appearance of a muzzle of a tigress or cat, etc .;
  • hydrogel, which adheres better to the epidermis, excluding air ingress, water-soluble, multiple applications are possible.

The compositions are distinguished by the obligatory use of collagen, a building element that is necessary in the recovery process. Colloidal gold plays the role of a conductor between the agent and the dermis, improves the absorption of useful components.

Korean-made sheet masks are characterized by the accumulation effect: a noticeable improvement appears after repeated use. The cost is 50-300 rubles per sachet. Despite being rich unique composition Korean-made cosmetics can cause allergic reactions. Don't expect too much from expensive means: the mask will not hide the obvious signs of aging, and to eliminate fine wrinkles, the procedure should be only one of the stages of care.

The best sheet masks of Korean companies are presented in the table:

Brand Product Effect Cost, rub/recommend,%
Shari Black tea firming 133,0/100
Esfolio “Lavender extract” Calming, refreshing 84,0/100
"FoodAHolic" “3D with pomegranate extract” Whitening, anti-aging, moisturizing 76,0/100
"Secret key" “With honey extract” Nourishing, mattifying, anti-inflammatory, tightening 60,0/100
“Sally's Box Love Recipe” "With lemon" Alignment of tone, regulation of the sebaceous glands, clarification 130/100
“Holika Holika” “Juicy Mask Sheet Tomato” Whitening, anti-inflammatory, protective 105/92

Japanese sheet masks

Highly effective products natural composition, previously available only to porcelain-skinned Japanese beauties, can now be purchased by every woman in the world. Masks have the above (for Korean) advantages, contain hyaluronic acid, algae extracts and other components, contribute to:

  • elasticity;
  • elimination of early signs of aging;
  • moisturizing;
  • elimination of scars, scars;
  • rejuvenation;
  • have a narrowing pore diameter effect;
  • stimulate collagen synthesis.

The table shows the best Japanese products:

Product/Brand Differences Effect Cost, rub/recommend,%
Rejuvenating from “LuLuLun” Suitable for the care of the epidermis for people over forty years old, 42 masks per pack Rejuvenating, moisturizing, tightening 1642/100
With hyaluronic acid from "Japan Gals" Pack of thirty pieces, contains soy extract, recommended for use after forty years, for the care of mature dermis Rejuvenating, nourishing 1100/100
For narrowing the pores from "Kracie Hadabisei" The package contains four pieces, contains coal, helps to clean and reduce the diameter of the pores of the dermis Cleaning 1000/100
With Minon Amino Amino Acids Pack of four, includes nine acids Super-moisturizing, revitalizing 980,0/98
Revitalizing by “Shiseido” Pack of eight, contains retinol Moisturizing, restoring 5999,0/100
With collagen and gold from "Gold Bio-collagen" Pack of five Elimination of early signs of aging, moisturizing, nourishing 690,0/98
“Cleat Turn Princess Veil Anti” by “Kose” There are eight pieces in the package, a three-layer product, has the effect of 6 in 1, contains vitamins and antioxidants Moisturizing, softening, rejuvenating 475,0/100
Revitalizing from “SK-II” Pack of six Regenerative 5000,0

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Having studied the composition of some store masks, many are afraid to apply them to their own skin. But there is always a way out: you can make no less effective and more safe means with your own hands. In addition, regular care and the use of natural skin care products will help you look healthier and protect yourself from the potential toxicity of sulfates and preservatives found in store-bought products.

website shares with you the recipes of the most simple masks for the face, after which your skin will thank you.

1. From inflammation


  • 1 banana
  • 1 st. l. yogurt
  • 1 tsp soda

How to use:

Mash banana until smooth, then add baking soda and yogurt. Apply to face for 10-15 minutes, rinse. This mask is good because bananas have medicinal properties which can be used to soothe a number of skin inflammations, including acne. There are reports that bananas have even been used to treat burns and wounds, as they have soothing properties.

2. From enlarged pores


  • 2 tbsp. l. yogurt
  • 1 tsp cosmetic clay
  • 1/2 tsp honey (optional if not allergic)

How to use:

Mix cosmetic clay with yogurt and honey as desired. Apply the mask on your face and keep it on for about 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. This mask will perfectly nourish your skin thanks to yogurt, which is good fights enlarged pores, inflammation, lightens pigment spots a little.

3. From dry skin


  • 1/2 ripe avocado
  • 1 st. l. milk
  • 1 st. l. honey

How to cook:

Mix mashed avocado, milk and honey.

How to use:

Apply and leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Avocados contain skin-friendly "healthy" fats. It moisturizes dry skin, soothes it after a long stay in the sun. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent acne.

4. From dark circles under the eyes and swelling


  • 1 tsp coffee grounds
  • 1 pinch ground black pepper
  • 1/4 tsp melted coconut oil

How to use:

Mix all ingredients and apply on clean skin under the eyes. Leave on for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water, gently massaging your face. This mask is good because of the caffeine it contains, which constricts blood vessels and thereby helps fight puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

5. Skin tightening


  • fresh ripe tomato

How to use:

Cut the tomato into circles or chop, put on the face. Wash off the mask after 10 minutes. Rinse the skin with water at room temperature. Thanks to the lycopene found in tomatoes, this mask nourishes, refreshes, tones, brightens and tightens the skin.

6. For a healthy look


  • one large cucumber

How to use:

Peel the cucumber, cut it or chop it. Strain the puree to remove any hard pieces before applying. Leave on face for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. This mask is extremely beneficial for the skin, because cucumbers contain a lot of vitamins: K, B5, A (or retinol) and C which together have a very good effect on the skin.

7. To accelerate skin renewal


  • carrot

How to use:

Peel the carrots, then grind them in a blender with the addition of a small amount of water to a pulp. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes. The beta-carotene contained in it helps in the healing of micro-wounds and gives the skin a healthy and radiant appearance, contributes to its faster renewal.

8. For hydration and exfoliation


  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 5 drops of vitamin E

How to use:

Boil oatmeal in water and let it cool, add vitamin E to it. After that, apply it on your face for 15-20 minutes and rinse with water. Thanks to the non-rough structure of oatmeal, such a mask

Mineral water will help moisturize your skin. have excellent cosmetic effect and therefore quite popular with the fair sex.

Masks with mineral water rejuvenate the skin, making it firmer and more elastic, help improve the color and tone of the face, saturate it with moisture and all the beneficial substances contained in mineral water.

Mineral water replaces thermal water, which is used in beauty salons and which has a very high cost. Therefore, we will use "mineral water" to prepare our homemade masks.

How to choose and prepare mineral water

When choosing mineral water, you should focus on the type of skin you own.
If you have oily or combination skin, then mineral water with a high content of mineral salts (from 500 mg/l) is suitable for you. As part of the mask, this water helps to narrow the pores on the skin, dries it, normalizes the sebaceous glands.

If you have normal or dry skin, then water with a low content of mineral salts (up to 500 mg / l) is ideal for you. It perfectly tones and nourishes the skin.

Since mineral water comes out saturated with carbon dioxide, before using it as the main ingredient for preparing a face mask, the water should be left open in order to get rid of the gas. Carbon dioxide has a negative effect on the skin, dries and irritates it.

In order to prepare this mask, you need to combine honey and glycerin in a ratio of 1:1, and mineral water and oatmeal - in a ratio of 2:1. Apply the prepared mixture for 20 minutes on a clean face. Remove the mask by washing with heated mineral water.

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Mineral water mask for normal skin

The mask contains 50 ml of mineral water, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. After thorough mixing, the mixture is left for 30 minutes to infuse. The already prepared mask should be applied to the face for 15 minutes. The mask is washed off with mineral water from the refrigerator.

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The recipe for this mask is quite easy and consists of 50 milliliters of mineral water and two teaspoons of natural honey. The contents are mixed and applied, for 10 minutes, to the skin of the face. The mask is washed off with chilled mineral water.

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In order to achieve desired result and rejuvenate the skin of the face, this mask should be done 3 times a week for one month.
The preparation of the mask should begin by diluting 50 grams of fresh baker's yeast in warm water. Then add 1 teaspoon of flour and one teaspoon of sugar. We dilute the resulting slurry with one glass of mineral water and put the mixture in a warm place for fermentation. The fermentation process takes approximately three hours. After this time, the mask is completely ready for use. The mask is applied to the skin for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with mineral water. After the procedure, it is desirable to apply a cream with nourishing properties to the skin.

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This mask can not only whiten the skin, but make it soft and pleasant to the touch. The mask is designed for normal and oily skin types.

To prepare the mask, mix 2 drops essential oil lemon, 7 drops of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of oatmeal, a pinch of salt and 50 ml of mineral water. Before applying the mask, the skin should be cleansed. The procedure takes 10 minutes. Rinse off the mask with chilled mineral water.

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The express mask is a life-saving procedure when you need to get a brilliant, charming look in a very short time. The effect of the mask is amazing: in a short time the skin becomes elastic, refreshed, the complexion improves right before your eyes. But this express mask also has a negative side: it does not last long enough - only about 10 hours.

The express mask is more like a compress, as this procedure requires the use of two towels and two vessels of cold and hot mineral water. Before each towel change, a nourishing cream should be applied to the skin. Towels are applied in turn to the face, repeating up to 6 times.

Video bun for today.
