How to make a stroller out of paper or cardboard. MK "Volumetric stroller"

See another idea how to make a stroller for a doll from improvised materials. Master class with detailed step by step photos prepared for you by Taisa.

Do-it-yourself doll stroller

craft from plastic bottle, rods and caps

All children love toys, no matter how much you buy, it is never enough. New toys bring unspeakable joy to the child, but toys made by mother's hands are the most expensive and valuable. Here's a puppet stroller can be created from a plastic bottle, rods and caps.


  • plastic bottle 0.5 (from Fanta);
  • four red caps from plastic bottles;
  • two rods from ballpoint pens;
  • handle from a bucket of mayonnaise;
  • a piece of thin wire;
  • pieces of red and yellow fleece (fabric);
  • thread with a needle;
  • PVA glue.

We take a bottle. We cut it across in a narrow part, as shown in the photo. Leaving the part with the bottom.

From this part we cut out the part according to the model (see photo).

Approximately 3 cm from the edge, we make two shallow cuts on the sides (see photo).

We bend the edge inward, forming a cradle.

We fasten with threads on the sides so that the product keeps its shape, we cut off the extra protruding edges. The frame is ready.

It's time for the wheels. To do this, take two rods, measure 9 cm and 9.5 cm, cut off the excess. This is the width of our stroller, taking into account the material. Since the stroller expands slightly, the length of the rods is different.

Wheels are our plastic bottle caps.

It is desirable to reduce the thickness of the wheels. To do this, cut the edges of the covers around the circumference by 2 - 3 mm. With sharp scissors we make holes in the middle along the diameter of the rods, but so that the wheels can rotate.

Now we will attach them to the rods. At a distance of approximately 1 cm from the edge of the rod, on both sides, tightly wind sewing thread thick layer, the color is better white, and coat with PVA glue.

This is an internal stop for our wheels so they don't run on the rod. We put caps on the sides of the rods, with the inner side to each other. Again we take the thread and now from the outside we wind it with a thick layer and cover it with PVA glue. This is our outer limiter for the wheels so that they don’t run away anywhere.

The wheels are ready, but we will mount them later. First you need to sheathe the frame with a bright fabric, because children love everything bright. I chose fleece as a fabric, as it does not fray and things sheathed with it look like plush. You will need yellow and red fleece (you can choose other colors, at your discretion). We cut these pieces:

Sew on pieces of fabric:

Part No. 1 is sewn to part No. 2;

On the opposite side, we sew part No. 3 to part No. 2;

Then we sew part No. 4 to part No. 3;

To the 4th - item number 5;

To the 5th - part number 6.

Details No. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are sewn to each other by the sides with which they are located to each other in the photo;

Then parts No. 4, 5 and 6 with pointed edges on both sides are sewn to part No. 2 on the sides.

This is how the cover should turn out.

We stretch the cover on the frame and sew it along the edge so that it does not move out. This is how the cradle turns out.

We take part No. 8, lubricate it with PVA glue and glue it along the edge of the lower horizontal part of the cradle with a bend inward. In the same way, glue item No. 7 with glue and glue it along the edge of the upper part of the cradle, but without bending it inward.

Now it's time to attach the wheels. We try on at what distance they will be relative to each other, we make marks. We take sharp scissors and make holes for the wire on the outside: 4 on one side and 4 on the other. The holes should be small, the diameter of the wire, and equally spaced from the edges.

As a handle, I used a segment of the handle of a bucket of mayonnaise.

We fasten the handle on the sides of the stroller with a thread with a needle (i.e. sew on), tightly.

To close the fasteners of the handle, we glue parts No. 10 and 11 on them.

To hide the presence of wire in the inside of the cradle, we glue part number 9 inside the stroller. The surprise for the girl is ready.

Please your children more often, because this is the most precious thing we have.

To make such a toy does not take much time and material costs. But it will bring a lot of joy to your baby.

Afterword: my children could hardly wait until I did it, they pulled it out of my hands. Now it is their favorite.

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Julia ladina

No wonder they say that during pregnancy a woman is on the crest of creative activity. It was with me So: suddenly I wanted to create, to do something with my own hands. Someone begins to knit, someone embroiders, and someone does not leave the oven, surprising the household with culinary delights every day. I tried everything in search "his" hobby. What impressed me the most was working with paper. Now our daughter is already three years old, but my passion for crafts from the papers are still with me.

I have loved for a very long time paper strollers on the Internet and decided to do the same myself. I would like to bring to your attention a small master- manufacturing class paper strollers. It can be used as a money card for the birth of a baby or for a little girl's birthday. my first stroller I gave it to my 7 year old niece and she loved it.

So for prams size 15cm high x 16cm wide us need:

1 circle of thick white cardboard with a diameter of 13 cm, make waves along the entire length of the circle, as shown in photo 1.

1 circle of colored paper with a diameter of 12 cm

1 circle of thick white cardboard with a diameter of 12 cm

4 circles of thick white cardboard with a diameter of 5.5 cm

4 circles of colored paper diameter 4.5 cm

7 strips of thick white cardboard measuring 2 * 20 cm

7 strips of color paper size 1*20 cm

A rectangle made of thick white cardboard measuring 19 * 9 cm, on this rectangle we make 1 cm notches on two long sides, as in photo 1.

Colored rectangle paper 11*13 cm

Glue or double sided tape


BBQ skewer

Good mood and your imagination

Step 1. Cut out from thick white cardboard and color paper all details. The cardboard must be dense in order for our stroller did not bend and kept its shape.

Step 2. Three large circle cut in half. halves of colored paper glue to the halves of white cardboard with waves.

If you decide to use glue, then it is better to take building PVA - it glues well paper and thick cardboard. But each part will first have to be dried under pressure, as the glue distorts the shape. paper. More advice from the program elementary school- glue the smaller part with glue and glue it to the larger one.

If, like me, you use double-sided tape, then remember that scissors deteriorate from adhesive tape and soon stop cutting even paper. Therefore, it is better to have two scissors.

Step 3. Glue the colored strips on the white ones, try to glue them to the middle. We also glue small colored circles in the middle of the white ones.

Step 4. We prepare the basis of the most strollers. We take a rectangle with notches and two halves of circles with waves. We connect them together in a semicircle. Please note that the notches should be outside, not inside, as in photo 3. Otherwise, they will then be visible, and the whole stroller loses precision.

So, all the main parts are ready, we begin the assembly strollers.

Step 5. Glue the two resulting semicircles with waves on the sides of our base for prams.

Step 6 Glue the Wheels

Step 7. We collect all seven strips into one, make a hole at the ends and connect them. I used flowers. You can also take brads, anchors, eyelets, wire, ribbons - whatever your imagination tells you. Our roof turned out prams.

Brads (brads)- these are elements that look like buttons with decorative hats, they are attached using two thin metal plates - legs, which are bred in different directions on the reverse side of the material. With the help of brads, photographs, applications, flowers, ribbons and other decorative elements can be attached to the base, and brads can also serve as an independent decoration.

Anchors (turners) or rotary buttons are in the form of a drop, attached to the base with a brad. They can serve as separate decorative elements, as well as holders for photos and other page elements.

Luvers (ringle) is a hole in paper or fabric trimmed with a metal or plastic ring. Eyelets can be either simply round or curly.

Step 8 stroller we make holes of the same diameter as in the strips. We connect the strips and the base strollers. We straighten the roof as in the photo.

Step 9. Fold a rectangle measuring 11 cm by 13 cm into the lid and insert it into our stroller.

Step 10. Cut out the handles from the colored paper, glue them to the edges of the sides strollers from the inside. We make holes in the handles and insert a barbecue skewer.

Here we are ready paper stroller! The rest of the details will tell you your imagination. AND remember: the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. Enjoy your creativity!

When the idea came to me to make a baby stroller out of cardboard, I naturally went to the Internet for at least an idea, at a maximum for a ready-made master class. However, nothing I saw matched my idea of ​​what a miniature stroller should look like. In my opinion, all of them lacked a bit of realism. This is how my first stroller was born.


  1. Cardboard or thick paper - 2 A4 sheets.
  2. Cotton stick.
  3. Glue universal (which is suitable for paper, fabric and other decorative elements, such as "liquid nails").
  4. Ribbons, braid, flowers, buttons, in general, any decorative elements.


  1. Scissors.
  2. Stationery knife or cutter.
  3. Pencil.
  4. Ruler.
  5. Compass.
  6. Hole punch (if possible, but not required).

First, print out the template, if there is no printer, transfer the template to paper using the dimensions indicated on it. Bold lines outline cut lines, thin lines - fold lines and auxiliary ones.

Now we transfer the template to a sheet of cardboard. It is better to first cut the blanks, and then place them on the worksheet, since the sheets are different sizes. I transferred the template using a non-writing gel pen so that grooves remain on the cardboard, and not pencil marks, as in 3 photos. I have everything fit on 1 sheet.

Cut out with scissors or a utility knife. This is what should happen (photo 5). Now the elements that lie on the right side of the ruler in photo 5 need to be duplicated, this is necessary in order to strengthen some parts of the structure. At the handle of the stroller, you can not duplicate the middle, but make two identical elements - the handles themselves, as in photo 6. Here the second sheet of cardboard will be used (meaning the A4 format).

We glue the elements that lie to the left of the scissors in photo 6. I cut the blanks a little more than necessary, and cut off the excess after I glue both halves, so it turns out neater.

We assemble the box, as shown in photos 8, 9, 10.

If we're going to decorate the inside of the box, we need to do it now.

We take cotton swab, cut to 6 cm and make 2 marks at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edges (photo 13), so that the middle is 5 cm. Cut to the marks in three or four places on each side and open like a flower (photo 14.15 ).

With a hole punch, we make holes in those elements of the stroller handle that will be on the inside and glue it as shown in photo 17. If there is no hole punch, you can cut out small squares with a clerical knife. I additionally put decorative flowers on the handle, with which I will then close the holes.

In photo 18, the hole is not covered, you can leave it like that. In photo 19 - covered with a flower.

We assemble the hood as shown in photo 20, note that the widest part of the pattern should be outside, as in photo 21.

We collect the upper part of the stroller. First we glue the hood, then the handle at a distance of 3.5 cm from the edge of the box (photo 22), you can immediately decorate.

Now we assemble the frame. I use paper clips as in photo 25, so as not to hold the glued surfaces with my hands. This is very convenient, while some parts are glued together, you can do others. To make it possible to glue the side parts of the frame evenly, they can be placed on top of the upper or lower part of the frame, as in photo 26. DO NOT GLUE TO THE FRAME! Just put on top to get the desired angle.

While the frame is glued, we decorate the wheels, then glue the frame to the top of the stroller so that the part of the frame with the hole is on the bottom (in photo 28 it is at the top), we will glue the wheels to it.

We glue the wheels last, because if they are glued a little unevenly, the stroller will be lopsided, and this can be quickly corrected. The final touch is to decorate the bottom of the box to cover the frame and the handle attachment points.

Doing beautiful photo and enjoy the result!

I hope that my master class will be useful to you.

Working time: 2 hours.


  • Cardboard or thick paper - 2 A4 sheets.
  • Cotton stick.
  • Glue universal (which is suitable for paper, fabric and other decorative elements, such as "liquid nails").
  • Ribbons, braid, flowers, buttons, in general, any decorative elements.


  • Scissors.
  • Stationery knife or cutter.
  • Pencil.
  • Ruler.
  • Compass.
  • Hole punch (if possible, but not required).

First, print out the template, if there is no printer, transfer the template to paper using the dimensions indicated on it. Bold lines outline cut lines, thin lines - fold lines and auxiliary ones.

Click on photo to enlarge.

Now we transfer the template to a sheet of cardboard. It is better to first cut the blanks, and then place them on the worksheet, since the sheets come in different sizes. I transferred the template using a non-writing gel pen so that grooves remain on the cardboard, and not pencil marks, as in 3 photos. I have everything fit on 1 sheet.

Cut out with scissors or a utility knife. This is what should happen (photo 5). Now the elements that lie on the right side of the ruler in photo 5 need to be duplicated, this is necessary in order to strengthen some parts of the structure. At the handle of the stroller, you can not duplicate the middle, but make two identical elements - the handles themselves, as in photo 6. Here the second sheet of cardboard will be used (meaning the A4 format).

We glue the elements that lie to the left of the scissors in photo 6. I cut the blanks a little more than necessary, and cut off the excess after I glue both halves, so it turns out neater.

We collect the box, as shown in the following photos.

If we're going to decorate the inside of the box, we need to do it now.

We take a cotton swab, cut it to 6 cm and make 2 marks at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edges (photo 13), so that the middle is 5 cm. Cut to the marks in three or four places on each side and open like a flower (photo 14.15).

With a hole punch, we make holes in those elements of the stroller handle that will be on the inside and glue it as shown in photo 17. If there is no hole punch, you can cut out small squares with a clerical knife. I additionally put decorative flowers on the handle, with which I will then close the holes.

In this photo, the hole is not covered, you can leave it like that.

And you can close with a flower. Like this.

We assemble the hood as shown in the photo, note that the widest part of the pattern should be outside.

We collect the upper part of the stroller. First we glue the hood, then the handle at a distance of 3.5 cm from the edge of the box (photo 22), you can immediately decorate.

Now we assemble the frame. I use paper clips so I don't have to hold the glued surfaces with my hands. This is very convenient, while some parts are glued together, you can work on others. In order to glue the side parts of the frame evenly, they can be placed on top of the top or bottom of the frame. DO NOT GLUE TO THE FRAME! Just put on top to get the desired angle.

While the frame is glued, we decorate the wheels, then glue the frame to the top of the stroller so that the part of the frame with the hole is on the bottom (in photo 28 it is at the top), we will glue the wheels to it.

We glue the wheels last, because if they are glued a little unevenly, the stroller will be lopsided, and this can be quickly corrected. The final touch is to decorate the bottom of the box to cover the frame and the handle attachment points.

Take a beautiful photo and enjoy the result!
I hope that my master class will be useful to you.

A detailed master class on making a cardboard baby stroller

When the idea came to me to make a baby stroller out of cardboard, I naturally went to the Internet for at least an idea, at a maximum for a ready-made master class. However, nothing I saw matched my idea of ​​what a miniature stroller should look like. In my opinion, all of them lacked a bit of realism. This is how my first stroller was born.



  1. Cardboard or thick paper - 2 A4 sheets.

  2. Cotton stick.

  3. Glue universal (which is suitable for paper, fabric and other decorative elements, such as "liquid nails").

  4. Ribbons, braid, flowers, buttons, in general, any decorative elements.


  1. Scissors.

  2. Stationery knife or cutter.

  3. Pencil.

  4. Ruler.

  5. Compass.

  6. Hole punch (if possible, but not required).

First, print out the template, if there is no printer, transfer the template to paper using the dimensions indicated on it. Bold lines outline cut lines, thin lines - fold lines and auxiliary ones.

Now we transfer the template to a sheet of cardboard. It is better to first cut the blanks, and then place them on the worksheet, since the sheets come in different sizes. I transferred the template using a non-writing gel pen so that grooves remain on the cardboard, and not pencil marks, as in 3 photos. I have everything fit on 1 sheet.

Cut out with scissors or a utility knife. This is what should happen (photo 5). Now the elements that lie on the right side of the ruler in photo 5 need to be duplicated, this is necessary in order to strengthen some parts of the structure. At the handle of the stroller, you can not duplicate the middle, but make two identical elements - the handles themselves, as in photo 6. Here the second sheet of cardboard will be used (meaning the A4 format).

We glue the elements that lie to the left of the scissors in photo 6. I cut the blanks a little more than necessary, and cut off the excess after I glue both halves, so it turns out neater.

We assemble the box, as shown in photos 8, 9, 10.

If we're going to decorate the inside of the box, we need to do it now.

We take a cotton swab, cut it to 6 cm and make 2 marks at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edges (photo 13), so that the middle is 5 cm. Cut to the marks in three or four places on each side and open like a flower (photo 14.15).

With a hole punch, we make holes in those elements of the stroller handle that will be on the inside and glue it as shown in photo 17. If there is no hole punch, you can cut out small squares with a clerical knife. I additionally put decorative flowers on the handle, with which I will then close the holes.

In photo 18, the hole is not covered, you can leave it like that. In photo 19 - covered with a flower.

We assemble the hood as shown in photo 20, note that the widest part of the pattern should be outside, as in photo 21.

We collect the upper part of the stroller. First we glue the hood, then the handle at a distance of 3.5 cm from the edge of the box (photo 22), you can immediately decorate.

Now we assemble the frame. I use paper clips as in photo 25, so as not to hold the glued surfaces with my hands. This is very convenient, while some parts are glued together, you can do others. To make it possible to glue the side parts of the frame evenly, they can be placed on top of the upper or lower part of the frame, as in photo 26. DO NOT GLUE TO THE FRAME! Just put on top to get the desired angle.

While the frame is glued, we decorate the wheels, then glue the frame to the top of the stroller so that the part of the frame with the hole is on the bottom (in photo 28 it is at the top), we will glue the wheels to it.

We glue the wheels last, because if they are glued a little unevenly, the stroller will be lopsided, and this can be quickly corrected. The final touch is to decorate the bottom of the box to cover the frame and the handle attachment points.

Take a beautiful photo and enjoy the result!
