How to stretch leatherette shoes at home. Stretching in width: gymnastics for shoes

It often happens that after buying a pair of shoes you like, you put them on and feel discomfort. In such situations, only disappointment remains, and your favorite shoes are sent to the shelf. But instead, you can try different effective ways stretching and breaking in shoes, which will help get rid of the problem in the shortest possible time.

Can all shoes be stretched?

Stretching shoes is sometimes not so easy, especially when it comes to artificial material. The easiest way to break shoes or boots made of suede. This material is highly stretchable. The hardest thing is with leatherette, as it can be damaged in the process. This material is most often subjected to deformation and rupture. It is easier to stretch genuine leather. Although it can be damaged in the process, but if you approach the procedure with all care, then this is unlikely to happen. Leatherette shoes stretch the worst

What materials can be spread and stretched without harm to shoes:

  • nubuck;
  • textile;
  • skin;
  • suede.

Qualitatively and professionally stretch shoes made of expensive material will help in a special workshop. It uses equipment that can slowly and harmlessly increase your favorite shoes or boots by one size.

Effective Ways

To stretch your favorite pair, you can use improvised means, as well as special compositions that are sold in online markets and stores. Which method will be most effective depends on the material. It is important to choose the right product so as not to spoil the shoes and not provoke the appearance of cracks and other defects.

improvised means

Effective and simple means:

  • castor oil - Vaseline also does an excellent job with the task. One tool can be replaced by another. Shoes must be treated with the selected composition, both outside and inside. Apply castor oil in a thin layer. Then put on shoes on bare feet and walk for 15-20 minutes;
  • alcohol - you need to soak a cotton pad or bandage with it and carefully process your favorite pair outside and inside. Then put on a thin sock and shoes. Walk around in them until they are completely dry;
  • boiling water - your favorite pair of shoes or boots should be thoroughly doused with hot water. Boiling water should get inside. Then the water must be drained, wait a couple of minutes until the shoes cool slightly, and put on. Walk for 15-30 minutes;
  • steam - you need to boil water in a saucepan and, taking a problematic shoe, hold it over the container. Steam should evenly heat the entire surface. After that, you need to put on shoes on the toe and walk around in it for a quarter of an hour;
  • laundry soap - will help stretch the problem area in the shoe. To do this, grind the soap and pour boiling water. The result should be a paste. Apply the composition to the problem area (where it is most pressing) and leave for 4 hours. Then remove the paste with a damp cloth and put the shoe on the toe. Wear until dry. If necessary, you can repeat;
  • ice - can only be used to stretch shoes made of quality material. In boots, shoes or short boots, you need to place plastic bags filled with water at room temperature. They need to be tied properly. It is important that the bags completely fill the space in the shoe. In the cold season, you can simply put your shoes on the balcony, and in the summer in the freezer. When the water begins to solidify, it will stretch the boots as it expands. After 4 hours, the shoes can be removed and the packages carefully removed;
  • vinegar - a 3% solution is required. They need to process the shoes, boots or boots from the inside and leave it all night. Try on shoes in the morning. If discomfort is still felt, then repeat the following evening;
  • paraffin - for these purposes, you can use an ordinary candle. She needs to rub the place where it hurts the most, and leave it overnight. In the morning, remove the wax with a rag or sponge. It is advisable to repeat the procedure three times in a row;
  • newspapers - will help to slightly stretch the material. First you need to moisten a tight pair. Then crumple the newspapers and stuff the shoes so that all the lumps fit snugly together. Check the result after 2 hours. If the shoes are still wet, then the newspaper needs to be replaced. After the inner and outer surfaces have dried, the shoes or boots can be tried on. If the result is not satisfactory, then it is recommended to repeat the procedure;
  • pantyhose - if your favorite pair is not too tight, then you can just wear it for several days (an hour), putting it on pantyhose. This method is suitable for shoes. In order for the result to be faster, you must first heat the inner surface of the product with hot air using a hair dryer;
  • thick socks - the most common and easiest way. It is necessary to wear thick or just woolen socks. Then try on shoes. If it presses too hard, it is recommended to walk in the selected pair for no more than 10 minutes. Then let the legs rest and repeat the procedure.

The most effective, safest and most versatile way to stretch your shoes is to break them in with thick socks. The result from the first time may be unsatisfactory, but after 2-3 procedures, your favorite couple will sit comfortably on your leg.

The author of these lines uses a hair dryer to stretch the shoes. First, I slightly moisten the pair with warm water and put it on my feet. Then I turn on the most powerful mode and dry the shoes. After that, the shoes become much more comfortable, of course, if we are not talking about patent leather products. This method can cause peeling of the coating. By the way, the author of these lines is faced with an unfortunate situation. One pair after a similar procedure began to peel off from the inner surface. As it turned out, the material was of poor quality, and moisture became a provoking factor. Use this method with caution.

Improvised means - gallery

Castor oil helps to stretch shoes Vaseline can replace castor oil Rubbing alcohol does not damage shoes Boiling water and steam allow you to stretch shoes by half of the size Laundry soap is important to crush beforehand Ice must be used with care Vinegar 3% cannot be replaced with 9% Paraffin can be purchased at a hardware store Newspapers need to be carefully crumple Tights should be tight Warm socks will help make shoes looser

Special funds

Effective professional tools:

  1. Shoe Stretch - spray for breaking in shoes and boots. You need to sprinkle the inside of the shoe and wear a pair of thick socks. Walk like this for half an hour and the result is obvious. Care should be taken when using on shoes made of expensive materials. It is recommended to protect the eyes from spray during the procedure.
  2. Salton - spray for softening and stretching the material. Suitable for various types of products. It is necessary to spray your favorite pair every time before putting it on. After 3-4 times the material will lie on the leg. Avoid breathing aerosol vapors.
  3. Kiwi - composition for stretching all types of shoes. The aerosol should only be sprayed where shoes, boots or boots are tight. Then vilify for half an hour and, if necessary, repeat the procedure. The composition of the aerosol has an unpleasant and pungent odor, so during processing it is important not to inhale its vapors.

professional tools should only be used in accordance with the instructions. Otherwise, the material may be damaged.

A friend of the author of these lines purchased shoes, which, as it turned out, were small for her. It was impossible to understand this immediately, since she ordered them through the online market. She thought she could stretch the shoes with a spray designed for this purpose. The material is a leather substitute. As a result, nothing happened. Spray failed to do its job. I recommend that you do not try to stretch any shoes by a size or more. Even professional compositions are unable to do this, but are intended solely for breaking in.

Special tools - gallery

Salton's Shoe Stretch Shoe Stretch Spray allows you to break in tight shoes faster
Kiwi - an aerosol designed to stretch different types of shoes

Additional ways

Another method of stretching shoes is to use a terry towel, which must be wetted and wrung out. Then wrap shoes or boots in it and put it in a bag, leaving it for 6-8 hours. After that, put on the shoes and wear them until they dry. This method allows you to only slightly stretch the shoes or boots.
A terry towel will help loosen up your shoes.

You can also use regular deodorant. It should be sprayed in a place where it is especially tight. Then put on the shoes on the toe and walk like this for about 40 minutes. If the result is not satisfactory, then it is recommended to repeat everything several times.
Deodorant should be applied in a place where it is very tight on the leg

After stretching your favorite pair, it is important to treat the material with a special care product.

If desired, you can purchase a professional shoe stretcher in a specialized store, which is an artificial foot model made of wood, plastic or metal. Such a product has a regulator, thanks to which you can perform the manipulation carefully and gradually.
Stretching for shoes is made of metal, plastic or wood.

Features of wearing different parts of shoes

To stretch the back, it is recommended to use castor oil or petroleum jelly, carefully lubricating the problem area. Then put on shoes or boots with a thick toe and walk for half an hour. If we are talking about the nose, then the best way is the application of the newspaper. Sequencing:

  1. The newspaper must be carefully crumpled.
  2. The narrow part of the shoes should be moistened with a sponge.
  3. Push the resulting lumps of newspaper into the sock as tightly as possible.
  4. Leave for 3-4 hours and then try on the shoes.

The same method is suitable for stretching the bootleg. Another method is to steam the boots. If the shoes cannot be fastened exactly in the shaft, then it is necessary to hold the pair over boiling water for 10 minutes, and then let it cool slightly and put it on immediately.
The narrow top of the suede boots is easy to stretch

If the shoes are made of nubuck or suede, then oil mixtures should never be used. Otherwise, on your favorite pair of shoes or boots, unaesthetic greasy spots.

Stretching features depending on the material - table

Material nameWhat is the best way to applyWhat tools can harm
Genuine Leather
  • boiling water;
  • alcohol;
  • laundry soap;
  • paraffin;
  • newspapers.
Oil-based products: castor oil, petroleum jelly, etc.
Polished leather
  • paraffin;
  • laundry soap.
  • boiling water;
  • alcohol.
  • castor oil;
  • petrolatum;
  • laundry soap;
  • paraffin;
  • newspapers;
  • thick socks.
Ice and boiling water.
  • alcohol;
  • laundry soap;
  • tights;
  • thick socks.
Castor oil and Vaseline.
  • alcohol;
  • laundry soap;
  • tights;
  • thick socks;
  • paraffin.
Castor oil and Vaseline.
  • vinegar;
  • boiling water;
  • newspapers;
  • laundry soap;
  • alcohol;
  • thick socks.
With care castor oil.
  1. If old shoes began to reap, then, most likely, the material from which it is made is of poor quality. To stretch your favorite pair, you can use the freezing method or hold the shoes over the steam, and then vilify by wearing thick tights.
  2. To effectively break in shoes, it is recommended to wear socks of different thicknesses. First thin, then a little thicker and the most dense that is. Thus, the beloved couple will not suffer, but will stretch slowly and safely for the material.
  3. In order for shoes not to sting, you need to store them correctly. Under no circumstances should a wet pair of shoes or boots be put away in the box. Before doing this, you must wait until the shoes are thoroughly dry.

Shoes made of leather break in well

In order for your favorite couple to last as long as possible, you need to use professional care products. It is not recommended to wet shoes or boots too much during washing. The surface can only be cleaned with a damp cloth.

Effective ways to stretch - video

Let's start with the fact that shoes are vital to us. Thank God, gone are the days when one pair of boots per family was considered quite normal. In peasant families, of course. Wealthier citizens sewed shoes to order, for each new dress or suit. Tsarina Elizabeth Petrovna, for example, had over a thousand shoes. Shoes then were sewn exactly on the leg, sat perfectly and did not cause trouble to the owner.

However, a lot has changed since then. Shops of ready-made shoes appeared with mass-produced models and standard sizes. But there were no standard people, and there still aren’t. Therefore, now it is not an easy task to buy comfortable shoes, beautiful and ideal in size. Something has to be sacrificed. Most often, convenience and comfort are placed on the altar of beauty and fashion. “Luxury” shoes are bought, even if they are pressed or rubbed, nothing, we will tolerate it, and in which case we will glue the patch. There are many patches in the country, and good shoes worth its weight in gold.

In fact, almost any shoe, with rare exceptions, can be broken in. You just need to know the material from which they are made and how to stretch it. At the same time, the style, purpose, presence or absence of a heel does not in any way affect the choice of a method for increasing shoes.

The first thing you need to come to terms with is the fact that it is impossible to increase shoes indefinitely. The maximum that can be achieved without damage and deformation is to stretch one size. Keep this in mind when buying a new pair. It is new, because well-worn shoes should not be stretched. The material from which it is made is rough and will be difficult to stretch, and the seams, on the contrary, are frayed and will easily tear at the first opportunity. If the shoes are worn out weakly, it is quite possible to compete.

Stretching genuine leather shoes

There are several options for stretching shoes made of leather.

Leather shoes can be broken in, but sometimes quite difficult. Problems arise with products made from the skin of large animals, such as a bull. Here, simple socks may not be enough. Let's try to do something else.

Freezer to the rescue

You can stretch your shoes with ice

We insert a tight plastic bag into the boot, and preferably two, fill it with water so that it is evenly distributed inside. We are waiting for the water to turn into ice, as a result of which it will expand itself and at the same time stretch the shoes from the inside. We take out this whole structure from the freezer, do not immediately remove the ice, but leave it to defrost for 15 minutes at room temperature along with the shoes. A visual demonstration of this shoe stretching method is offered in the following video:

shoes from patent leather can be stretched in the same way as matte, only it is worth considering a few nuances. First, varnished leather becomes stiffer and, as a result, less elastic. For this reason, you can stretch patent leather shoes no more than half a size. Secondly, such a coating can be damaged by aggressive external influences, so all wiping is done exclusively from the inside. Despite the positive feedback about stretching patent shoes in the "ice" way, there is information that varnish may not respond well to a sharp increase and decrease in temperatures. Hence the conclusion: it is better not to push patent leather shoes into the freezer and do not dry them with a hairdryer, away from sin. It is best to use special creams or aerosols, apply them from the inside of the boot, put on a sock and walk around the house for a couple of hours. When buying, pay attention to the marking "for patent leather shoes." If it doesn’t help, take it to a shoe shop, where your shoes will be stretched on the blocks with a feeling, sense, arrangement.

Patent leather shoes it's better to just spread

If hard backs are rubbed, you need to knead them with your hands or lightly tap with a hammer. The hammer option is only valid for hard thick leather or nubuck shoes.

How to properly widen suede shoes, boots or boots

Be careful when stretching suede shoes

First, let's figure out what suede is. Suede is leather that has undergone a special treatment - suede, and has become soft and velvety after that. And it is thin, elastic, and, attention, waterproof.

How to make tight faux leather models wider

Leatherette shoes can be stretched, but with great care

To the question: “How to stretch leatherette shoes”? There can only be one answer: "Gently!"

Artificial leather, unlike natural leather, stretches reluctantly and strives to crack at any moment. To prevent this from happening, use gentle methods to increase the fullness of the shoes.

Stretching textile shoes

Fabric shoes can be stretched with wet paper

It's hard to believe, but sneakers and canvas shoes can also be narrow and uncomfortable when walking. To provide yourself with the comfort for which this kind of shoe was created, it needs to be stretched.

You can do this with boiling water. Pour it inside the sneaker, immediately pour it out. Put on a sock and walk around the house. Just before putting the kettle on the fire, check if the fabric will shed from hot water (leather shoes can be stretched in the same way).

If the fabric tends to shed, simply stuff torn white paper or newspaper inside, fill with water and wait for it to dry. When that happens, throw away the paper, put on your socked shoes, and walk around the house for a couple of hours.

Reminder! When breaking in shoes, try not to sit or stand, but move, then your legs will not swell, and the process will be less painful.

Quick life hack - break in shoes in 5 minutes

Stretching shoes in 5 minutes

We put on thick socks and, armed with a hairdryer, heat up the narrowest places for 30 seconds, that is, those areas in which it is tight. But that is not all. Simultaneously with heating, you need to stretch and arch your foot. Finished. We take off our socks, put on shoes on a bare foot, listen to our feelings. If the shoes are not catastrophically small, but simply have to sit on the leg, everything will work out.

Stretching rubber shoes

Can stretch pvc shoes

Question: "How to stretch rubber shoes"?

Answer: "No way."

If it is really made of rubber.

But in our age high technology Not everything that glitters is gold, and not everything is rubber that seems to be. It is possible that it is PVC. In appearance, it is no different, but in terms of properties - yes, as they say in Odessa. To establish the truth and reveal what boots are made of, you need to burn them with a red-hot iron. Just a little bit and in an inconspicuous area. If the surface has melted - in front of you is PVC, polyvinyl chloride, in scientific terms. We will not delve into the chemical properties of this material, we will only say that it is subjected to stretching.

Pour boiling water into the boots and wait until it cools down a bit, that is, about 5 minutes. During this time, we manage to put on several pairs of socks and fill the basin with cold water. We pour out the water from the boot and immediately put it on the leg with several layers of socks, after which we place it in a basin of cold water. Softened with hot water, PVC material will harden and retain new form.

Controversial methods of pulling shoes

There are ways to stretch shoes that need to be approached with caution.

There are several more descriptions of well-known, but ambiguous ways to stretch shoes.

First, tapping with a hammer. The bottom line is that with the help of a hammer, solid problem areas are broken, mainly backs. The method is common, but it is not suitable for expensive shoes made of delicate materials (suede, textile, artificial leather), because it can simply ruin them. Soft skin should also not be subjected to such a dangerous test.

Secondly, wearing in shoes soaked in soapy water. Experience shows that the shoes really wear in at the same time, but it is far from always possible to get rid of the remaining soap stains, and it is not always possible to keep the shape.

In order to consolidate the material covered, watch the video, which shows several ways to stretch shoes at once.

It may happen that all attempts to stretch the shoes to the desired size were in vain. In this case, they can be returned to the store within 14 days, but provided that they have retained their original appearance: the tags are in place, nothing is worn or broken, there are no signs of walking in them along the street. If the shoes look worn, they will not be accepted, because reporting a mismatch in size is not enough to return the money paid.

Hence the conclusion: choose your shoes carefully, and stretch wisely so that in which case you leave yourself an escape route.

Good day! My name is Lana Tolkunova. By profession - a journalist. Age - 42 years. Married. Nordic character has never been.. Rate this article: Share with your friends!

How to stretch faux leather shoes

Artificial leather shoes are becoming more and more popular every year due to their low price and beautiful appearance. However, not every shoe sits well on the foot, many shoes require some correction and stretching. Stretching faux leather shoes is quite easy. To do this, you need to use one of the proven methods.

professional tools

Hardware and shoe stores offer a wide range of sprays for stretching imitation leather shoes. Unique composition these funds contribute to the rapid softening of the material. Spray new shoes, wait for it to dry and walk around the house in a new thing.


Alcohol stretches artificial leather very well. For stretching, medical alcohol (you can buy it at a pharmacy), cologne or vodka is suitable. Soak a cotton pad in one of these substances and treat the shoes with it. Put on thick socks and put on shoes. Walk in new shoes around the house for 15-20 minutes.

Castor oil

Castor oil is considered a good remedy for softening and stretching artificial skin. It is enough just to lubricate the bottlenecks with oil and wait a while until it is completely absorbed. However, it should be borne in mind that castor oil can only be used for dark shoes. Light materials can be stained by oil.


You can also stretch shoes in such an old familiar way as wet newspapers. It is advisable to use sheets with black and white ink. Fold the newspaper in several layers, moisten with a little water, roll the sheets tightly and stuff them with new shoes. Leave newspapers to dry. Repeat if necessary.

hair dryer

You can stretch faux leather shoes with a hair dryer. Turn on the appliance at full power and direct the jet of hot air at the boots. Heat up the shoes until they are hot. Then put on your shoes and walk around in your shoes. But be careful - low-quality artificial leather can crack and even melt from such manipulations.


Tight shoes can be expanded at home using plain water and a freezer. Collect two plastic bags of water, place them in your boots and send them to the freezer. When all the water turns to ice, take out your shoes and try them on. As with the hot hair dryer, be extremely careful not to practice this method on a low setting. quality shoes.

If you purchased a pair of beautiful faux leather boots or ankle boots but the new outfit is a little tight, use one of the tips above. Just try not to overdo it with stretching, so as not to spoil the product. And let your shoes serve you faithfully for more than one season!

How to stretch faux leather shoes - 5 ways

“Here are the shoes. Let them be a little small, but that's okay, they will stretch, right? - not that he claims, not that the girl asks the seller of the shoe store. The seller nods in agreement. He needs to sell. But if the pair is made of artificial leather, the girl will have to suffer a lot in order to carry shoes over her leg. And not the fact that it will work.

Artificial leather is the so-called eco-leather. In other words, leatherette. Manufacturers claim that eco-leather is significantly superior in its properties to leather substitutes of the previous generation. But leatherette is still incomparable with genuine leather.

The main difference between artificial leather and natural leather is minimal plasticity. In the manufacture of eco-leather, several layers of polyurethane film are successively applied to the cotton base.

The polymers themselves are stretchy, but due to the dense cotton base, the ability to stretch is severely limited. That is why you can stretch artificial leather shoes at home by a maximum of 2-3 mm. And then, if the material is of high quality, and you do everything right.

How to stretch artificial shoes with a hair dryer

The main condition for stretching shoes made of artificial leather is competent heating. Recall what happens to polymers when heated strongly. They are melting! So, in order to stretch the leatherette at least a little, it needs to be heated. Of course, without bringing to a state of melting.

So, what to do to stretch leatherette shoes at home:

  1. Determine the tightest spot. You need to heat a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoe
  2. Preheat the electric stove burner or hair dryer. The optimum temperature is 70-120°C.
  3. Wrap the heated area with a damp cloth. It will protect the leatherette from damage if the temperature is too high.
  4. Heat the shoes for 5-7 minutes, then immediately put on shoes. Put on cotton socks first.
  5. Walk around for 10-15 minutes. The artificial material cools quickly, so the heating will have to be repeated several times.

Immediately after heating, for an additional effect, it is worth applying a cream, spray or foam for stretching to the inside of the shoe.

Never use a gas oven or open fire to heat artificial materials! This method is not suitable for patent leatherette shoes.

Two ways to stretch artificial shoes at home

In the arsenal of folk remedies, there are two ways to stretch artificial shoes at home. Will they work for your pair? Try it.

Do not stretch light-colored faux suede shoes in this way. Castor oil and moisture leave traces on suede.

Castor oil

Suitable, rather, not for stretching, but for softening a hard heel, rough straps, rubbing welts. If you soften the material with castor oil several times, over time it will stretch a little and become softer.

  1. Soak a cotton pad in castor oil and wipe the area of ​​the shoe where it presses and presses.
  2. Leave it to soak in for a few hours.
  3. Try on shoes. If it's still tight, brush on a couple more times.

Castor oil works best with heated shoes. Heated eco-leather is more plastic, so it makes sense to pre-heat the pair, and then lubricate it with castor oil.

hot wet sock

This method of stretching artificial shoes is based on the same principle as heating with a hair dryer. An additional effect is provided by moisture and long-term wearing. So, to stretch leatherette shoes at home in this way:

  1. Wet terry socks with hot water. Wring out and put on your feet.
  2. Put on a tight pair and walk in it for 2-5 hours.
  3. Take off your shoes only when your socks are dry.

Don't expect the pair to stretch a size or more. The maximum that can be achieved with artificial leather shoes at home is to add 2-3 mm in width along the bone or soften the heel. In most shoe shops, leatherette shoes are not even accepted for stretching, so be careful with the size and take care of your feet!

Alina Borisova Author of the site ""
  1. Traditional stretching methods
  2. Faux leather
  3. Suede shoes
  4. Recommendations

It often happens that the purchased shoes are so uncomfortable that there is no way to wear them: the suffering caused negates all the joy of the purchase.

Why is it so? Indeed, in the store it is carefully measured, paying special attention to the comfort of the foot when walking.

The fact is that indoors (in a store or at home) we walk differently. Therefore, when trying on, it is impossible to guess the degree of comfort of new shoes during normal walking along the street. What if you have to spend hours on your feet?

Do not despair: in this case, there are many ways to stretch shoes at home. The main thing is that it matches the size of the leg in length, and softening it and stretching it a little so that it “sits down” exactly in the shape of the foot is not so difficult.

Traditional stretching methods

Breaking in is the easiest thing to do. We replace cozy home slippers with new shoes and walk around the house in them.

It is impossible to achieve a perfect fit in one day, so the same is done for 2-3 days. If it still hurts to move, you can try other methods.

You can break in shoes by wearing not very thin, wet socks. Under the influence of moisture, the material will become softer and more elastic, gradually taking the shape of the leg.

This method also requires 1-2 days, which should be taken into account if the shoes were bought for some kind of event. You should be careful: walking around the apartment in wet socks can lead to a cold.


Freezing - creative way stretch the shoes yourself. Suitable for all types of materials, as it does not violate their structure.

The essence of the method is that a well-closed plastic bag filled with water by almost a third is placed in the shoes. It is necessary to evenly lay it from heel to toe, and then place it in the freezer for several hours, preferably at night.

As you know, when frozen, water expands, stretching the shoe in width. After removing from the refrigerator, you should not immediately start removing the bag, it is better to let the ice thaw so as not to damage the lining.

After that, you need to put on shoes and walk around the room. Usually, after such manipulations, the legs feel much more comfortable, but if this does not happen, the procedure is repeated.


Stretching with thick socks and a hair dryer is a relatively new method.

Putting on socks, the foot is bent and straightened several times, directing a hot stream of air from a hair dryer to the places of creases.

This softens the shoes well, making them softer and more elastic, but after the stretching process is completed, a special conditioner is needed to restore the moisture balance.

Stretching with alcohol spray. Water and alcohol are mixed in equal parts and poured into a container with a spray bottle. The spray is sprayed inside the shoe, allowed to soak and put on, wearing it until completely dry.

Wet newspaper will also help expand the shoe a bit. The periodicals are tamped down, paying special attention to the toe part. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise deformation is possible. After complete drying, the shoes will sit on the leg much more comfortably, and will also become much softer.

Faux leather

Here are a few ways to effectively stretch faux leather shoes.

  • Use a special spray. It is sprayed inside the shoes, which are then put on and broken in.
  • Potatoes will play a good service. It is cleaned and firmly inserted into the toe of boots or shoes for several hours, for example, at night. After removing the potato, the shoes are wiped and broken in.

Suede shoes

Many stretching methods applicable to genuine and artificial leather products are unacceptable for suede shoes, which are specifically cared for.

This is a rather delicate and delicate material that is very easy to damage using drastic stretching methods.

Nevertheless, the task is quite feasible: you just need to be patient. Being a natural material, suede is elastic.

Therefore, in suede shoes it is enough just to walk around, and to a greater extent at home, and not on the street, so as not to experience discomfort.

If soft methods of exposure did not bring results, you should resort to wet or dry methods:

  • wet methods are similar to those used for leather shoes. The only condition is to moisten the suede very moderately, since it becomes covered with characteristic spots from excess water;
  • dry stretching of suede shoes is carried out on a wooden block of a hinged structure in the form of a foot. The desired width is given by adjustment, but it should be noted that dry stretching will take several days.

Here are some universal tips on how to stretch shoes quickly and painlessly for your feet:

  • Do not rush and try to achieve a perfect fit on the leg with one approach. It is better to gradually change the shape of the shoes, carrying out the stretching procedure for several days.
  • It is better to purchase shoes in a timely manner, given that it will take several days to wear and stretch them.
  • In some cases, it is worth contacting professionals. This applies to model and expensive delicate shoes, which are simply terrible to spoil.
This is also true for those who have problematic legs, including the infamous "bumps" (valgus). People with such features of the feet require a special form of footwear, which can only be given by a specialist.
  • Home stretching is applicable only to high-quality shoes made of natural materials. Budget models may not withstand exposure to heat and moisture.
After using a hair dryer or other heat source, treatment with shoe conditioner is a must. If it is not available, shoes can be treated with a regular cream to restore moisture.

How to stretch shoes at home

Shoes are an indispensable element of the wardrobe, which can significantly improve the image as a whole. However, walking through the shops, not every fashionista can resist buying stylish shoes, boots or boots, even if they are not quite on time. And there are times when a birthday girl is given shoes of the wrong size as a gift, which is very inconvenient to refuse, especially if it turns out to be the one that you have already looked after on the counter in one of the popular boutiques. What to do in this case? Of course, you can return such a gift back to the store, but there is a more rational solution - you can stretch the shoes at home.

How to stretch leather shoes

Shoes, which are made of genuine leather, always look solid. It is convenient and comfortable in it, and in cool weather it will warm your legs much faster than leatherette models. If you got just such a new thing, which turned out to be tight, and even rubs your feet, you can use the following practical advice:

  1. Buy a shoe stretcher. As a rule, these are wooden or metal pads, the principle of which is either to heat the product from the inside, or to mechanically stretch according to the principle of force expansion. This method is very effective, it is often used by professional shoemakers. However, doing this on your own, you run the risk of overdoing it a little in the process, which can lead to swelling of the bubbles on the skin or spreading and tearing of the seams.
  2. In the absence of the opportunity to buy special pads, you can use any improvised items or things. Take several pairs of socks, twist them or tie them into knots, then push them tightly inside each shoe and leave for a while. An ordinary newspaper can be an excellent alternative to socks, the principle of stretching shoes will be almost the same.
  3. A good shoe store should sell a product that is a foaming spray. It must be sprayed inside the product, especially in those places where you feel a lot of pressure. Then the small thing remains - you need to walk around in boots with a spray for as long as possible so that the skin is fixed in the shape of your foot.
  4. A little crazy, but very effective way that you can apply at home is to use regular ice. To do this, take a plastic bag and fill it with water, tie a knot securely and put everything inside the shoe. After that, send the boot with the bag to the freezer. The principle of operation of this method is that at low temperatures, water turns into ice, slightly increasing in volume.
  5. You can also use alcohol, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1/3, that is, one part alcohol and three parts water. Pour the resulting solution into a separate spray bottle, after which you can apply. Usually, such a liquid is applied to those parts of the shoe where it rubs the foot heavily. While the solution is not dry, it is necessary to walk in boots as long as possible.
  6. Perhaps the easiest way to make shoes looser is to moisten them from the inside with plain water. Under the influence of constant moisture, genuine leather begins to stretch a little. To quickly get the desired result, it is better to walk in wet shoes for several days.

These are the most common methods that many people have already tried at home. But it is worth clarifying one point - leather shoes do not stretch in length, they can only become looser in width or take the shape of a leg.

how to remove scratches and scuffs on leather shoes

How to stretch faux leather shoes

Any shoes, boots or boots made of leatherette in appearance are almost no different from genuine leather models. Of course, by purchasing such a new thing, you save a lot of money, but it should be borne in mind that such an artificial material does not have good elasticity. Many try to apply popular expansion methods for such shoes, but instead of positive results, they get only cracked material that has lost its presentable appearance. appearance. But do not despair, even artificial leather shoes can be successfully stretched using the methods described below:

  1. In case you bought new fake leather shoes that turned out to be small for you, you can smear them with Vaseline from the inside and leave for 2-3 hours. After that, carefully remove the excess and walk in shoes for at least 40 minutes.
  2. You can apply castor oil, which is usually applied to tight areas of the boots. This tool perfectly softens unnatural skin, making it more elastic. But you should be careful with a leatherette product of light shades, ugly spots may remain.
  3. If the new thing is tight at the heel, then it is most effective to use pure alcohol. To do this, take a small cotton pad and soak it in an alcohol liquid, treat the desired area and walk in boots for a while, but not on a bare foot.
  4. You can dilute a solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1/2, apply on problem areas of leatherette shoes and walk around in it until it dries.

It is worth noting that you will not be able to achieve the desired effect immediately, therefore, regardless of the chosen method, it is necessary to perform the stretching procedure several times.

Effective ways to stretch suede shoes

Suede shoes are no less popular. She is loved not only because she looks expensive and elegant, but also for the variety of color shades. If you bought new shoes made of this material, but they turned out to be a little small for you, you should not rush to return the new thing. Suede is as elastic as natural leather, so making shoes looser in the foot can be easily done without resorting to specialists.

The big mistake of many is that for such shoes they used methods that are designed to stretch the skin. The fact is that suede is a very fragile material, which, unlike the first option, can be easily damaged. Therefore, for such products, it is necessary to use more gentle stretching methods.

Perhaps the first and very simple way is to wear in suede shoes or boots both on the street and at home. Try to walk in them as often as possible, then the result will not be long in coming. You can also take a regular sponge, soak it in water and moisten the inside of the shoe. In this case, it is not recommended to dry the wet areas on the radiator or with a hair dryer on your own, since the suede material will only shrink even more.

Instead of moisturizing with water, the use of beer is perfect. This drink tends to soften the suede, which helps to quickly stretch. Once you've dampened the inside of your shoes, put on cotton socks and walk around in your shoes until they're completely dry. In no case do not choose the kind of beer for the production of which dyes were used for softening, otherwise there is a risk of spoiling the appearance of the shoes. There is another trick - pour boiling water into a shoe or boot, then pour out the excess and put it on your leg. Hot water will quickly soften the material and the shoes will take the shape of your foot.

how to soften the back of a shoe

How to stretch patent leather shoes or boots

If you have patent leather shoes or boots that do not fit, it is better to refuse them immediately. But if they are a little tight for you, then you can try stretching methods. But do not hope that such shoes will easily fit your foot, since patent leather is a very specific material that is difficult to stretch.

However, there is one the right way. Take a hair dryer, turn it on and point it inside the boot. Make sure that the air flow does not get on the varnish, otherwise there is a risk of spoiling the product. After the new thing is well heated from the inside, take any greasy cream and lubricate with it the areas that are especially tight in the leg. Instead of cream, Vaseline is also great, but just make sure that it is not too much. Next, you need to put on thick woolen socks and put on shoes, walk like this for at least two hours.

In conclusion, we can say that before deciding on the above methods of stretching shoes, it is better to weigh all the pros and cons. Sometimes the result can be quite unexpected. And in order not to spoil the product, no matter what material it is made of, it is still better to contact specialists or use tools that are designed for this purpose.

Video: how to stretch shoes

How to stretch shoes at home made of leather?

If you want to save on a trip to the workshop and not rely on specialists, then you will be interested in learning how to stretch leather shoes at home.

These are proven methods that have been tried by more than one generation. All of them will give a result in almost 100% of cases, but you should be careful. You can not apply any of them accidentally: some are suitable for artificial leather, some are only for varnish or suede. But most are suitable for natural smooth leather. Therefore, go ahead, we will bring your new pair of boots or shoes to maximum perfection and comfort.

Here simple ways solve the problem of pressing and rubbing feet shoes.

The softest way

Break in shoes with a wool sock. This is a time tested method. You need to put on a thick sock, shoes on it, and walk like this around the apartment for several hours. Sometimes, it may be worth taking off your shoes so as not to harm the foot.

Important! It will take time, but the shoes will not be damaged.

Get the right result with alcohol

  1. If the first method is too long for you, use an alcohol solution: Dilute alcohol and water 1:1, pour it all into a spray bottle and moisten the boot from the inside.
  2. Soak it with a solution and put it on over the sock for half an hour.
  3. Then let dry, but not in the sun.

Important! You can use window cleaner or perfume instead of a solution. Alcohol can dry out the leather, so a day after using it, treat your shoes with warm petroleum jelly.

Vaseline and castor oil will help

Treat the inside of the shoe with petroleum jelly, insert a block there, which can be purchased at the store. With its help, you can stretch the skin without ruining its shape. After a day, wash off the remaining petroleum jelly using cotton wool.

hard way

You can soak shoes in boiling water, but this is a harsh method and is only good for very thick leather. Pour boiling water into your boots for half a minute, then pour out and put them on with socks.

Important! If this method is too rough for you, you can wrap the pair with a cloth soaked in hot water.

Be sure to dry your shoes at the end.

We remember physics

You can freeze a pair that is not your size. To do this, arm yourself with a couple balloons or plastic bags, fill them with water. Now put each bag inside the shoe, distribute it so that the water “spreads”, and send it to the freezer.

After taking out shoes or boots after a couple of hours, check the result.

Ancient Cowboy Method

In this method of stretching leather shoes at home, you will have to act in this way. Pour in the soaked grain so that it swells and stretches the skin.

True, then the shoes will be relatively difficult to clean and a characteristic smell will appear. Here, baking soda or vinegar will help you, which will neutralize any amber.

Important! It is better after applying each of these methods to dry the skin and lubricate it with some kind of oil. This will prolong its life and keep it presentable.

Traditional method from the USSR

Another method that won't harm your shoes is to use newspapers. Crush them, insert them into shoes and leave them overnight. The paper will straighten out and put pressure on the walls. Some recommend moistening newspapers with alcohol, but still, rather, you should not do this.

Important! Keep in mind that paint from newspapers can crawl onto shoes.

For thick leather shoes with fur

Fur shoes are extremely difficult to stretch. Try wearing it with thick socks and blow it with a hair dryer. You can try to remove the insole and buy a thinner one. The pair will become less warm, but there will be more space in it, and you can wear it.

  • Alcohol will leave streaks, and after it dries, cracks may appear on the material.
  • Oils can leave greasy stains on fabric materials.
  • Boiling water deforms suede shoes.

If you bought one and are thinking about how to stretch shoes at home, special tools will help you. They can be purchased at the store. They are produced by the following companies:

  • salamander;
  • twist;
  • Salton;
  • Kiwi;
  • Silver.

Check with the seller which one is right for you.

Important! They may have better water repellency or be safe on the skin.

Important! Try wearing it with a wool sock for a few days at home. Lubricate the surface with Vaseline. It still won't make the shoe bigger, but it will fit better on the foot.

If you really like shoes, but they rub and are somehow small, then use paraffin wax. In this case, it will also not be possible to stretch the shoes at home:

  1. Warm them up with a hair dryer first.
  2. Treat difficult areas with a paraffin candle. As a rule, this is the heel, seams or lateral surfaces. Paraffin will smooth out the coating and the artificial material will stop rubbing.
  3. At the end, scrape off the wax and wipe the shoes with a cotton pad with petroleum jelly.

Important! There is an opinion that kerosene can be used. Use it or not - decide for yourself if you have such a tool on the farm.

You will need:

Pour water into the boots, wait 5 minutes, the material will soften. Pour out the water, put on boots with thick socks. Walk a little so that the material begins to fit the leg. Ultimately, the material should acquire a shape that is as comfortable as possible for your feet. Then let the shoes rest, do not use them for a couple of days.

  • Try breaking it in with a sock first.
  • If in a couple of days you do not reach desired result, then try an alcohol solution in a ratio of 2: 1. Moisten shoes with it only inside, put it on, wear it for a while, then dry it.

Important! Do not heat with a hair dryer or boiling water. This will completely ruin the material. You should not even heat the inside, most often it will also ruin the shoes.

  • Vaseline is quite effective.
  • To avoid stains, use foam stretcher instead of greasy substances. You can also treat the heel, toe, and corns more carefully and knead them with your hands. Then use a special block, inserting it for a day. If necessary, repeat.
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All these methods are time-tested, so they are quite effective. It is worth bearing in mind the difference in quality between expensive shoes and cheap ones. Plus, it should be borne in mind that thinner material is less designed for rough impact. Try the softer ones before going for the hard methods. It is better to try to stretch the shoes with a simple sock. It may be enough to suffer for two days, and then it will become more convenient for you to wear this pair.

How to stretch leatherette shoes at home?

It often happens that new shoes, even after careful fitting in the store, sit on the foot uncomfortable and cause a lot of inconvenience. If the product is made of genuine leather, then it is likely that it will stretch a little during wear, but the situation with artificial materials is somewhat sadder. How to stretch leatherette shoes at home if you absolutely don’t want to carry a new thing back to the store? - There are several proven methods that we offer you in this article.

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  1. Often, once will not be enough to stretch leatherette shoes at home. Therefore, it will take 2 or even more sessions for the shoe to take the shape of your foot.
  2. Before using any of the methods, make sure it is made from quality materials. Exposure to temperature, water, alcohol or soap will only ruin the look of the shoe.
  3. It is generally not recommended to stretch patent leather shoes. This material very quickly begins to crack and burst. These shoes are best exchanged at the store.
  4. In order to avoid calluses on the skin during wearing, you can lubricate the heel with paraffin or ordinary laundry soap.

Important! If none of the methods helps, and it is not possible to return the shoes to the store, then contact the workshop. The master will help to accurately give the necessary shape with the help of a special professional block. For more information about professional help, read the article "How much does it cost to stretch shoes in the workshop?".

Using pads and cream

The easiest way to stretch new shoes is to use special lasts. They will gently stretch new shoes without damaging the structure of the boot. The lasts help to increase the width of the toe box as well as the length of the shoe.

As a rule, they are made of wood or plastic, and you can buy such a device in almost any store. Plus, you will need a shoe cream or spray so that the shoe material becomes a little more pliable and the process goes faster.

Important! This method works great with genuine leather products, but when stretching leatherette, you should be extremely careful - artificial fabric easily cracks in the process.

Break-in paste

In order not to spend money on pads and not suffer from the problem of excessive deformation of the material, you can use paste. It can also be purchased at a shoe store. Lubricate your boot or shoes with it, and walk around the apartment for about an hour.

Important! If the shoes only rub on the back, you will find effective ways to solve this problem in the article “What to do if the shoes rub on the back?”.

After a couple of days, the shoes will not only become softer, but will also be slightly distributed in size.

Important! By the way, instead of paste, you can apply the most common shoe polishing cream - the effect will be the same.

Hair dryer application

Exposure to heat is a proven method for stretching tight shoes at home. To do this, simply put thick socks on your feet, and try to put on your tight pair on them. Next, just blow dry on your feet.

After the fabric has become hot, walk around the room for several minutes. For the final result, repeat the procedure several times.

Important! Do not set the mode with too high temperature and intense airflow. It is better to act gradually, in small portions and temperature, so as not to spoil the material.


This method is similar in effect to the previous one, only a low temperature is used here:

  1. Take two plastic bags or balloons and fill them with water.
  2. Carefully put them in the shoes so that the entire volume of the shoes is filled with water.
  3. Then put them in the freezer overnight.

The principle of operation of the method is simple - ice occupies a larger area than water. It is due to this physical effect that the material is stretched.

Important! To ensure that your shoes are always in perfect condition,

Soap rubbing

This method has been known for a very long time for its efficiency and simplicity. Take a piece laundry soap and rub your shoes with it. After that, put on your shoes and walk around the apartment for several hours.

Important! After you have managed to stretch the leatherette shoes, they should be stuffed with paper and left overnight so that the result does not disappear.

Rubbing with alcohol

A great way to stretch suede shoes, because this material cannot be smeared with cream or spray. And medical alcohol leaves no residue and has no smell after weathering.

Rub the material well with alcohol and walk until it evaporates. After that, leave the shoes in the fresh air to air out.

Important! As a rule, one or two times will be enough.

Now you know how to stretch leatherette shoes at home. Therefore, shoes that are a little tight and do not sit well on the foot will become comfortable and last you a long time.

Leatherette is a practical and relatively cheap material. Today we will learn how to stretch the shoes if they are made of faux leather. For use at home, a special chemical stretcher or a hand-made product is suitable. Please share your results in the comments.

Chemical stretchers for artificial leather shoes

No. 1. "barrier»

Price - 93 rubles. Stretching spray for shoes made of leatherette, artificial/natural suede, leather. The tool is designed to increase the size and fit the shoes to the human foot. Softens tight areas so shoes fit just right. Easy to apply: distribute from the inside, then pull the shoes on your feet and walk around.

No. 2. "Saphir Ok»

Price - 550 rubles. The stretcher is suitable for absolutely all materials, but it works best on the skin and the substitute. Customizes products in shape in those places where the shoe rubs and squeezes the most. When used, the fibers are not deformed. When the product dries, it does not leave contour streaks and stains.

No. 3. "Stretch NIKI LINE»

Price - 450 rubles. Another tool that helps both stretch shoes made of artificial leather and natural. Influenced by the heat of human feet. The tool is ideal for home use. Before the main application, it is advisable to do a test on the inside of the shoe. The composition is good in that it stretches in length and width, and after drying it fixes the fibers.

No. 4. "Stroke Comfort"

Price - 163 rubles. Cheap and excellent stretch for shoes made of various materials. The positive qualities are that the shape and size of the shoes are adjusted fairly quickly. Hard areas are softened, it is possible to stretch only the heel or toe. In addition, the composition does not leave contour lines and stains after drying.

No. 5. Salamander Shoe Stretch

Price - 293 rubles. Premium stretch, gentle on shoes made of any material. Suitable for suede, textile, leather goods and shoes made on the basis of leatherette. Must be used according to manufacturer's recommendations.

Folk remedies for stretching leatherette shoes

Since you can stretch shoes with homemade products, we advise you to use them at home.

No. 1. Newspapers

1. Before stretching faux leather shoes, dampen newspapers and crumple them very tightly. Stuff your shoes and wait for the paper to dry at home (natural conditions).

2. Do not speed up the drying process by using a hair dryer or heating radiators. Otherwise, cracks may appear on the leatherette due to a sharp expansion of the material.

No. 2. Wet grain/groats

1. Otherwise, this stretching method is called cowboy. It fits boots short shoes, sneakers and other products with a high rise. A grain that swells when combined with water is suitable.

2. Insert bags without holes into shoes. Pour the grain, pour water into it and leave for 14 hours to swell. Then remove the grains, put on your shoes and walk around for a couple of hours.

No. 3. Wet socks

1. To understand how to stretch tight shoes, we recommend using thick socks at home. Better if they were wool.

2. Soak socks in warm water and put on. Stretch your shoes on and fasten all laces/fasteners tightly. Wear shoes until the boots are dry.

No. 4. Castor oil

1. Oil should be used if the shoes are made of dark leatherette. The problem is that spots often appear on a light surface.

2. Liberally treat those parts of the shoe that are very tight on the outside. Put on your boots and walk around for a while. Wipe the remaining castor oil with a napkin.

No. 5. Petrolatum

1. Since you can stretch shoes with Vaseline, you should use such a tool. Take baby cream as an alternative.

2. Lubricate the inside of the artificial leather boots liberally. Leave the product at home for several hours to soak.

3. Remove the remains of the composition with a napkin. Wear shoes for at least 45 minutes. If necessary, repeat the procedure or use another tool.

If you want to stretch your shoes yourself, it's worth considering everything possible options. Boots can be processed with purchased products or use folk methods. Decide what is best for you.

In cases where the exchange and return of new shoes made of artificial leather that did not fit the size suddenly became impossible, it makes sense to use the most effective methods correction of its size at home. These include the use of special tools (chemical and mechanical) purchased in hardware and shoe stores, as well as improvised ones that can be found in any home.

Stretching boots or shoes made of leatherette without the risk of damaging the structure of the material is a difficult task. It can be performed only in cases where the discomfort caused by the purchased pair is classified as minor. During the drawing process, damage to the fibers of the material is possible. As a result, the product acquires a worn appearance, and its service life is significantly reduced. But if the difference between the size of the foot and the shoe does not exceed the size, it still makes sense to resort to stretching the shoes at home.

Correction of the sizes by means of the newspaper

Cheapness and availability is the strong point of the most common method of stretching in width. The newspaper is disassembled into sheets, moistened with warm water, squeezed, crushed and tightly (up to the stop) stuff the product. Then they are left to dry for several days, but with the only important condition: drying should be carried out in a natural environment, away from heating devices.

By the time the contents of the boots are dry, they should have acquired the desired size. If this does not happen, you can repeat the procedure again.

Alcohol-containing products

Alcohol, cologne or vodka is used to stretch a specific place (nose, back). Processing is carried out with a cloth or swab soaked in an alcohol-containing liquid. It is rubbed into the right places of the product, which is then put on and worn until the liquid has completely evaporated.

Instead of alcohol, you can use 3% vinegar. But it must be applied exclusively on the inside. Simultaneously with vinegar, you can use a special stretching foam.

Castor oil

Stretching castor oil suitable for dark-colored leatherette (ugly stains may remain on a light surface). Those parts that are tight are oiled from the outside, then shoes (for example, boots) are put on and worn in for some time. Excess castor oil is removed with a napkin. Before using the method, the possible risks should be weighed, since oil stains are difficult to remove.


A dense plastic bag is filled exactly halfway with water, then tightly tied and put inside the shoes. They must be put in the freezer or put on the balcony (subject to sub-zero temperatures outside the window). As the water freezes, it expands and stretches the boots. And in order to remove the frozen package later, you will need to leave them in a warm apartment for 20 minutes until the ice thaws.

Wet socks method

You can break in boots with old socks. For this, dense thick hand-knitted products are perfect. In the process of breaking in, the following procedure is followed:

  • The sock is wetted with warm water, put on the leg.
  • The boot is put on (all fasteners must be fastened, the lacing must be tightened) and worn around the house until it dries.

The thicker the chosen sock, the more the internal volume of the boots will increase.


To stretch a new thing with Vaseline (or bold baby cream), you need to generously smear it from the inside and put it aside for a few hours to soak. Then wipe off the rest of the cream with a napkin and wear a couple for about half an hour. If during this time the size has not increased, you must repeat the previous steps or resort to other methods.

wet grain method

This technique is otherwise called the "cowboy method". It does an excellent job of stretching boots or low shoes at the point of instep. To do this, they should be filled with grain (oats, millet) and pour water, leaving it to swell for 12-15 hours. During this time, all the water will be absorbed into the grain, increasing it in volume, thereby expanding and tight rise. After removing the grains, the boots are worn in for an hour.

Laundry soap

The shoes are rubbed with soap from the inside and wait for 5 hours, after which it is removed with a dampened sponge. Then thick socks are put on the feet and the shoes are worn in until they are completely dry.

For separate problem areas on shoes, break the soap into small pieces (you can grate it), dilute it with water to a paste state and apply it to the necessary places. After 3-4 hours, remove all soap paste with a sponge, and wear a new pair until it dries.

Hot air

Stretching the purchase with a hair dryer is a rather gentle technique. There are several options for using it:

  • Socks and shoes are put on the feet. Hot air is sent to the leatherette until it warms up. Then it is recommended to walk a little around the house and, if necessary, repeat.
  • Before putting on the product, the leatherette is heated with a hair dryer for 2 minutes (not to a hot state). Take off after cooling.
  • If the house does not have a hair dryer, steam can be used. The actions are the same: they hold the boots over the steam, and then break them in.


Paraffin is fine if the new pair is tight in the heel and also in the instep. First, the product must be warmed up with warm air, and then lubricate all the problem areas of the melted candles. When the paraffin has cooled, the shoes are worn in, putting them on a warm sock (repeat 1-2 days). This method will help not only adjust the size of the shoe, but also soften its especially rough places.

wet towel

Gentle method suitable for summer shoes(shoes, sandals, flats). The towel is moistened with warm water, squeezed well so that the moisture does not drain from it, folded and put into shoes. The last action should be performed so that they do not lose their natural shape. After a few hours, they take out a towel, then put the product on their feet and wait for it to dry. At the end, the pair should take the shape of the foot and stop rubbing.

Carefully! This method is only suitable for stitched shoes. Glued almost immediately will become unusable.

Stretch foam

A foam product specifically designed to correct the shape of shoes in length and width can be purchased at the store. The product is applied to the inside of the shoes completely or in places where particularly tight areas are marked, and then worn in for half an hour. The described procedure is repeated as many times as necessary to achieve the desired result.

Mechanical stretch

In almost any shoe store, you can buy special lasts, the task of which is to help fit the purchase to the leg. Most often they are made of wood and supplemented with a screw mechanism that regulates the force of expansion. Together with the pads, it is recommended to purchase voluminous stickers designed for point adjustment of pressing places.

It is necessary to pre-adjust the last before inserting it into the shoe. Otherwise, there is a risk of creating excessive tension and provoking a divergence of the heel seams. It will be very problematic to restore the latter on your own.

Important: few people manage to stretch leatherette shoes the first time. best solution will use several methods in a row.

The need to break in new shoes often arises. More and more people prefer to buy it in online stores, while girls often cannot resist buying the shoes they like just because they are a little tight. Sometimes the problem is not immediately detected, and shoes that seemed comfortable in the store suddenly begin to cause discomfort when worn. Genuine leather is pliable and easily conforms to the shape of the foot, but artificial materials are not as elastic, so it takes more effort to break in shoes. It is impossible to stretch the product in length, but it is realistic to expand it by ½–1 size.

Soften and stretch: liquid products - folk and factory production

Chemical stretching agents safely soften the material from which it is made and make it elastic. This allows you to adjust the shape and size of the pair, making it more comfortable. They are issued in different types: sprays, aerosols, foam. Each tool is designed for certain materials - natural and artificial leather, suede, nubuck, eco-leather, but there are also universal ones suitable for all types of leather and its substitutes.

Shake the bottle before use, then apply the product on the outer and inner surface of the product. After that, the shoes are put on with a sock and walk in it for half an hour or more. Sometimes the effect is not achieved immediately, but only after 3-4 applications. Processing is carried out in a well-ventilated place away from open flames. It is impossible to spray the product in residential areas, especially in the presence of children and pets. When using, avoid contact with eyes.

Usually, factory-made chemicals do not change the color of the material, do not leave streaks and stains. However, the composition of each is different, so before using it is still better to try a small amount in an inconspicuous place and evaluate the result.

There are also folk remedies helping to cope with the problem of tight shoes. Alcohol-containing liquids will help to spread a pair of artificial leather. Alcohol is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:1, vodka or cologne - 2:3. The resulting solution is poured into a spray bottle or applied to a cotton pad and the product is treated from the inside. Then you need to put on shoes on the toe and walk in it, as long as time allows.

Another method is to use boiling water. Pour into the product hot water, leave for a few seconds and pour. This makes the material softer and more pliable. It is better to pull out the insole, as it can be deformed from high temperature. After cooling, the shoes are put on a thick sock, they walk in it for at least 30 minutes, then they are allowed to dry naturally.

Shoes decorated with glued details and plastic elements wet is not recommended. In this case, you can put a plastic bag in the shoes and pour boiling water into it. This method is not recommended for suede products. Sometimes water leaves stains on the surface of artificial leather shoes, these can be removed with shoe cream or paint.

Vegetable oil is often used to stretch dark shoes. It is better to take castor oil - it does not smell, it is well absorbed and gives the material elasticity. This method should not be used when wearing in light-colored, suede and velor products, as they may leave stains and streaks that cannot be removed. The oil is applied from the outside, then the pair is put on and worn. The excess is removed with a napkin.

Care must be taken in attempting to spread winter shoes- the fur inside the boot or shoe is easy to spoil. Heating with a hair dryer will help increase the elasticity of the skin. It is necessary to direct a stream of air into the product, wait 5-7 minutes, put a pair on a thick sock and walk in it for at least 2 hours.

How to break in shoes that pinch in certain places: in the heel, instep, toe

Sometimes shoes that are properly sized are tight in certain places - the heel, toe or instep. Often the product rubs the heels due to the fact that the skin in the back is too hard. It can be softened by placing a soft cloth on the heel and tapping it with a hammer. You can prevent the appearance of calluses by rubbing the area with soap or paraffin to reduce friction. For the same purpose, you can use special silicone backing pads.

The material in problem areas will become more elastic and pliable if treated with vegetable oil, alcohol-containing liquid or kerosene. You can also use a special stretching tool. If you pre-heat the shoes from the inside with a hairdryer, the effect will appear faster. After treatment, put on shoes over socks and walk around the house in them.

You can stretch shoes that are tight at the toe, instep, or bootleg with newspapers or paper. The sheets are impregnated with cold water and the product is tightly stuffed with them in problem areas. It is important that the shape of the stuffed boot or boot is not distorted. After that, it is necessary to wait for the newspapers to dry completely, keeping the couple away from the heaters. The effectiveness of the method will be higher if the shoes are previously held over steam.

Features of wearing products made of patent leather or eco-leather

Eco-leather is a high-tech artificial material, the base of which is made of cotton or polyester, and the surface is made of porous polyurethane. Leatherette is breathable, wear-resistant and durable, but has minimal plasticity. Patent leather is a material with a glossy surface that has a mirror effect. Shine and smoothness gives it a polyurethane varnish applied to the front side. Such shoes require special care and are difficult to stretch, so they break in with difficulty.

Patent leather and eco-leather can be stretched no more than 2-3 mm wide, but a delicate approach is necessary, since the risk of damage to the product is quite high.

Lacquered shoes can become unusable from exposure to aggressive chemicals, alcohol-containing liquids, gasoline, provided they get on the varnished surface. Such shoes should not be kept above steam or exposed to low temperatures or hot water.

The elasticity of patent leather and eco leather products can be slightly increased by heating with a hair dryer. Polyurethane doesn't like too much high temperatures so the air should not be very hot. The inner surface of the shoe is heated for several minutes, after which it is smeared with cream, petroleum jelly or goose fat and put on, not forgetting the sock. You need to walk in shoes for at least 2 hours. You can try expanding the pair with newspapers or try spray stretching along with shoe stretching lasts sold in specialty stores.

In what cases is it better to refuse to wear a pair?

In cases where attempts to break in shoes do not bring results, or there is a high risk of damage to them, it is better to refuse to wear them in. A few similar situations:

  • Expensive exclusive lacquer pair. You should not experiment on it, it is better to give it to a shoemaker, take it to a store or exchange it.
  • The product is too tight. If the shoes are 2 or more sizes smaller than necessary, it will not be possible to make them comfortable to wear by any means.
  • Rubbing the seam. It will not work to cope with the problem at home, it can only be eliminated in a shoemaker's shop by transferring a seam or applying a soft patch.
  • The pair is made of rubber. The material is not deformable, so the effort to wear out rubber boots will be futile. However, waterproof shoes are often made from polyvinyl chloride. It can be softened with water heated to 70–80°C.
