Set from Sobyanin at the birth of a child. What's in the Mayor's box given as a gift in Moscow maternity hospitals? A complete list of gifts from Sobyanin

Someone thinks that buying a dowry for a baby before his birth is a bad omen.
I do not believe in signs and I think that it is better to buy the necessary things in advance. Believe me, when you return with the baby from the hospital, you will no longer have time for shopping.

I want to give you one important piece of advice on this subject.

So, girls, I present to you my list of things for a newborn in the first months, compiled and adjusted taking into account the birth of two daughters with a difference of 2.3 years.


  1. Crib
    We bought the most ordinary classic crib without any pendulums and swings, because. I did not want to accustom the child to motion sickness. And I turned out to be right - both Alice and Faya fell asleep well and slept in the crib without any motion sickness. Of course, sometimes, for example, when the teeth were disturbed, we had to calm down on our hands or fitball, but we only had a bed for sleeping.

The most important criteria when choosing a crib, I consider reliability, natural material(beech, pine, birch) and a standard size for a mattress 120x60.
Also, I don't see the point in buying an expensive crib. Why overpay for beauty and brand? Save money, it will be very useful to you)
A wide variety of baby cots to choose from
You can read about which bed we purchased .

  1. Mattress in the crib
    The best are orthopedic mattresses with coconut fiber and a degree of hardness of high or medium. If possible, it is better to buy double-sided, so that one side is tougher - for a newborn, and when the child grows up, you can turn it over to the other side - which is softer.
  1. Waterproof mattress pad with elastic band
    You can, of course, not buy it, but lay an ordinary oilcloth, but I still advise you to buy a mattress cover, because. an ordinary oilcloth moves out, in addition, it rustles and this can wake up a child and, most importantly, a child can sweat on an oilcloth, because. it doesn't let air through.
    I bought a waterproof mattress pad with an elastic band of the Peligrin brand, size 125x65 cm, which is just right for a standard crib 60x120 cm.
    It is easy to wash and dries quickly, has a pleasant cotton coating on top, the sheets do not move out on it. In general, I have never regretted that I bought it. For its price (300 rubles), I think this is a very, very good buy.
    Our mattress in the baby crib is over 5 years old, and it looks like new and it's all thanks to this particular mattress topper. By the way, you can buy a mattress pad "Peligrin"

If, all of a sudden, it happens that the mattress cover gets dirty (this can happen, for example, if the diaper is not fixed well), then, while it is being washed and dried, you can put an ordinary oilcloth or a disposable waterproof diaper.

  1. Bumpers and bed linen (pillowcase, duvet cover, sheet)
    We bought an 8-piece set from the Sdobina brand (canopy, stretch sheet, blanket, duvet cover, pillow, pillowcase, organizer pocket).

Well, what can I say, the quality of the kit is excellent, it has survived numerous washes and still, for the fourth year now, it looks like new and we continue to actively use it - now it is in Fai's crib)

But, during the operation, the following disadvantages were revealed:
we do not need a canopy , we didn’t even hang it, we immediately sold it so that it wouldn’t roll around. My opinion is that it is needed only for beauty, there is no benefit from it, but it probably collects dust decently.
one-piece rim , at first I had to bend half of the side, and most importantly - it is very difficult to wash it - it only fits into a machine with a load volume of 8 kg or more. (thanks to my sister, she helps out, she just has a washing unit with such a volume). Therefore, advice - when you choose the sides, then make sure that they are separate.
duvet too warm and thick filled with natural sheep wool. We took this blanket to the village and use it there and only in winter. In summer, daughters sleep under a thin flannelette blanket or, in general, without it. When the house is cool, I take out bamboo-filled blankets, they are warm and very light.
sheet with elastic
I don't like taking care of it - after washing this sheet is very difficult to iron, then it is impossible to fold it neatly. As a result, I began to stroke it right in the crib, when I had already pulled it over the mattress. Yes, the stretch sheet has a plus - it can be quickly pulled over the mattress.

But I would still prefer a regular sheet to her, which can then be laid in a bed of a different size (larger). A stretch sheet is only suitable for a certain size crib.
As you can see, there were a lot of minuses, although in general, I repeat, the kit is not bad.

But, if I had to buy linen for the crib again, I would not buy a set, but all separately.
To begin with, you only need bumpers (it is better to buy light solid or neutral colors), a blanket and a set of linen (or better, two at once - they will still come in handy). I buy Pillow up to a year the child does not need.

The option - buying everything separately will save a lot, besides, you will have a large choice and you will buy only what you really need, and not what the manufacturer will offer you in a ready-made set of underwear.
If, nevertheless, you decide to buy everything as a set, then keep in mind that, indeed, good sets are very expensive. And if you see a set of 7 items for less than 4 thousand rubles, then most likely it will be of very poor quality. Carefully study the description of the kit, what materials it is made of (fabric, filler), specify the completeness (what is included in the kit) and be sure to check by touch.

I also do not advise you to choose very bright colors - the baby should sleep in the crib, and too many bright patterns can distract and even scare the newborn. In addition, keep in mind that you will still be changing bedding for another, so choose sets of neutral colors.

  1. Blanket flannelette
  2. Blanket warm(filler bamboo or holofiber) if you do not plan to purchase it in a set
  3. Oilcloth dense ordinary
  4. Chest of drawers(for baby clothes + changing area)
  5. Changing mat on the chest of drawers
  6. night light for sleepless nights, which, unfortunately, often accompany a young mother, especially at first.
    Such a night light is best placed next to the changing table or baby's crib. If there is no outlet nearby, then - through an extension cord.

When a newborn appears in the house, it is not advisable to turn on bright lights at night, because. you need to teach the child to distinguish between day and night. And, of course, bright light at night can interfere with your other peacefully sleeping household members. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a night light with soft light.
There are such small nightlights that are inserted into the socket. At first, we bought similar nightlights in a fixed price. But they revealed a very big drawback - the light bulb quickly burns out.
One day we bought

  1. Stroller
    I like modular strollers with swivel wheels. We bought Alice a 3-in-1 zippy Tutis (carrycot, seat unit and infant car seat). They were very pleased with the stroller, and they used the cradle and the walking block, as they say, to the last) Unfortunately, we managed to sell this stroller.
    Therefore, Faye had to buy another one. Despite the fact that we really liked Tutis zippies, we decided to try something new and bought Adamex, a Lara 2-in-1 model (without infant carrier). Also a very good maneuverable stroller with swivel wheels. Now we are already in the walking block.
    I note that both strollers (both Tutis and Adamex) passed the tests on village roads perfectly)
  1. Car seat or car seat
    If you are planning frequent and long trips with a small child, then it is better to buy an infant carrier, it is more convenient for a newborn, because. has a fully horizontal sleeping position. If the trips are occasional and short distances, then you can immediately buy a category 0+ car seat with an insert for newborns.
    With little Alice, we often went to the village (the road took 4 hours, in winter - 7 hours), so the infant carrier (which came with the stroller) was very useful to us. But at 6 months we had already grown out of it, bought an Inglesina Marco Polo car seat and rode in it for up to two years.
    Faya was born in December, we did not plan to go to the village in winter, we walked with a stroller to the clinic (10 minutes). Therefore, we decided to do without the car seat and immediately put inglezina with an insert for newborns. For half a year, we drove it only 5 times and only around the city (when we were discharged from the hospital, for vaccinations at the vaccination center and for a visit).

Also, you may find these things useful:

  • Mobile on the bed
    We had
  • Fitball
    We bought this ball when Alice was 2 months old. We used it for gymnastics, and also, it was very useful to us during periods of strong whims (when teeth were cut). Attention! Do not abuse motion sickness on a fitball, otherwise, your child will learn to fall asleep only in this way.
    For gymnastics, the thing is simply irreplaceable, by the way, not only for the baby, but also for the mother) It is better to buy an ordinary smooth ball without “pimples”.
    We have a Torres ball, 65 cm in diameter - we still practice on it, now with Faya.
  • Deckchair
    If finances allow, you can buy it in advance. Or you can postpone this purchase for now, but look after the model, so that later you don’t waste time choosing and searching.
    It will be needed when the baby is one month old and he gets tired of lying in the crib all the time.
    For us, the sun lounger turned out to be a real lifesaver, both daughters lay there and played with pleasure, and at that time I could do household chores.
    was with us.

  • You will definitely appreciate it if you practice breastfeeding and your baby will eat for a very long time. This pillow is an extremely comfortable thing - it relieves the muscles of the arms, neck and back. Thanks to her, you can feed your baby and at the same time read, drink tea and correspond online.
    The feeding pillow was very, very, very useful to me - up to 6 months Alice could eat for half an hour and even more, and she fell asleep on it.
    Faya ate much faster, but I fed her on a pillow and still feed her, although she will soon be a year old)
    I bought the simplest horseshoe-shaped pillow:

By the way, for the same purpose, you can use special pillow for pregnant women. In general, the main purpose of this pillow is to provide comfortable rest and sleep. future mother. But, the same device can be useful after childbirth, for feeding the baby.

I did not have such a pillow simply because I found out about it late. I saw her with my sister (also pregnant), when there was nothing left before my birth. In short, I confess, the toad strangled me to buy this pillow for the sake of a couple of remaining weeks)

When I slept, I put an ordinary small pillow with foam filler under my stomach. And, in principle, she suited me. Except that at night I often had to look for her all over the bed, because. she just got lost.
Special pillows for pregnant women, of course, are deprived of this minus. They are unrealistic to lose due to the peculiarities of the shape and impressive size.

If you have not yet become a happy owner of a pillow for pregnant women and are interested in this device, you can visit here on the site "Lelya" and see the range presented there. By the way, I remind you that especially for the readers of my blog in the Lelya online store there is a promotional code for a 10% discount!

To get a discount, when placing an order, in the field "coupon code" you need to enter the code word MAMANASTIA

In addition to pillows for pregnant women, this online store presents high-quality children's clothing (from 0 to 3 years old), discharge kits, nest cocoons, as well as know-how for newborns - Baby Shell cocoons.
The latter, by the way, appeared on our market relatively recently, but are already very popular with mothers. The little thing is not exactly cheap and, as for me, not so necessary. Clothes for a newborn

From November 13, a gift set for newborns in Moscow can be received not only by Muscovites, as before, but also by parents who are not registered in the capital. It is enough to get a birth certificate of the baby in any city registry office. This is stated in the officially published resolution of the Moscow government, signed by the mayor of the city Sergei Sobyanin.

The set for "out-of-town" babies is exactly the same as for Muscovites. It has almost everything that a child needs in the first six months of life. A special mattress, sheets, demi-season overalls, sliders, bodysuits, hats... We even thought about scratchy gloves! A chic hygiene set: shampoos, gels, powders, mercury-free thermometers. For about a few months, dads can not run around the shops in search of baby shampoos, wet wipes and other small things like cotton pads. "Baby Set" will save not only time, but also tens of thousands of rubles - an important safety margin for a young family.

“We have been giving these gifts to mothers for a whole year now, but we are always happy to see the reaction of women in labor,” says Elena Shvyreva, deputy head physician for obstetrics at City Clinical Hospital No. 13. “Absolutely for everyone, the gift is a good help to start the life of the baby.” The most interesting thing is that even for many Muscovites the gift comes as a surprise. Although at one time the news about him was in the tops of social networks and the media.

Among the surprised mothers is 29-year-old Lyubov Chekushina, who on November 11 was brought by ambulance to the obstetric branch N 1 at about two in the morning. The girl gave birth to a healthy four-kilogram boyfriend. The mother and baby were traditionally discharged on the third day. Love knew that they would give something. But in order for a real dowry ... She says that she seems to have recently given birth to the first and second - and they didn’t give anything like that. “What a huge box!” the girl exclaimed and immediately began to check the “package”. “Clothes can be seen to the touch - quality items. And the colors are neutral!”

Every day in Moscow maternity hospitals, several dozen "sets of babies" are handed out. It happens that doctors who come to exchange experience from different regions see this. “Recently, we had delegations from Omsk and Novosibirsk,” Olga Sharapova, head physician of the Vinogradov hospital, shared with RG. “And they always praise our city not only for new technologies in obstetrics, but also for these gifts.” Women in labor from the regions also looked at the Muscovites with envy. Some kind of injustice, they say ... It turns out that a new Muscovite was born. And I didn’t receive a gift just because my parents had a “wrong registration”!

“Meanwhile, of all women in labor, only 70 percent are Muscovites,” the press service of the Moscow Department of Health told RG. “The remaining third are residents of the Moscow Region and other regions of Russia.” So in the maternity hospitals of the capital they consider right decision Sergei Sobyanin. Since he was born in Moscow, then he should receive a gift from a Muscovite!

The first call from the region came to our editorial office just a couple of hours after the news about this was published on the RG website. Parents from the Moscow region called: it happened, the first-born was born in Moscow. Is there a gift? Yes, from November 13th. To do this, it is enough just to issue a birth certificate in the Moscow registry office. By the way, for this it is enough to contact any My Documents office with a certificate from the maternity hospital. The document will be done in just a few minutes. With a certificate and a passport, one of the parents must come to the social service center at the place of residence. This can be done within two months after the birth of the baby.


If you have twins or triplets, a gift will be given for each baby. The set is issued:

  • on the day of discharge of the mother and child from the hospital;
  • on the day of discharge of the mother without a child who continues treatment and (or) observation in the maternity hospital or is transferred to another medical organization;
  • on the day the child is discharged from the maternity hospital without a mother;
  • within 2 months after the birth of a child in the department social protection population at the place of residence or stay in Moscow of one of the parents.

If the father of the child, who lives in Moscow, will receive a "dowry" in the maternity hospital, he will need:

  • a document confirming the place of residence in the city of Moscow (in the absence of this information in the identity document);
  • marriage certificate with the mother of the newborn child.

If the birth of a child is registered in Moscow, and the parents live in another region, then in order to receive a gift set at the maternity hospital, one of the parents will need:

  • identity document;
  • birth certificate of the child, in which he is indicated as the parent of the child.

In Moscow, those who do not have registration at the place of residence in the capital can also count on some payments in connection with the replenishment of the family. The payment constructor on will help both them and Muscovites.

A gift from Sobyanin to newborn Muscovites began to be issued from January 1, 2018 in accordance with Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 1107-PP of December 29, 2017. More than 2 billion rubles were allocated for this, but not everyone can get a nice present. Who is entitled to such a gift, what does it include and how to get it?

What is included in the gift?

A box with a dowry for a newborn from the Mayor of Moscow is a one-time gift given to parents during discharge from the maternity hospital. The idea of ​​providing this type of support was put forward by Sobyanin. He repeatedly offered it, but it was accepted only at the end of 2017.

The presentation was based on a gift for newborns, which is given in Finland. Additionally, when filling in the content, the organizers of the action conducted surveys with citizens, as well as specialists (pediatricians, paramedics). Moreover, in the opinion of many parents who have already received a gift, the things in it are of very high quality and useful, especially in the first months of life.

The same, who has not yet had time to get help, they are interested in what is included in a gift for a newborn from Sobyanin?

In short, these are things that parents will first need to care for their child in the first year of life. Basically, these are clothes, hygiene products, underwear and toys. The total weight of the gift is 6 kg.

Box - bed

The box itself deserves special attention. Its walls are sheathed with beautiful and safe material, and at the bottom there is a bedding and a mattress. This allows the box to be used as a newborn crib. With the help of comfortable handles, the bed is easy to carry. Big sizes give the baby the opportunity to sleep comfortably for at least 3 months (if the child is not large, then longer).

The box is a temporary version of the crib, which is usually used by parents in the following circumstances:

  • they have not yet had time to buy / assemble a full-fledged crib;
  • no money to buy a good bed;
  • Parents together with the child temporarily live not at home, and there is nothing to transport the crib.

Clothing, underwear, hygiene products, toys

In the box itself, parents will find more than 40 different items of accessories needed for baby care. This includes:

  1. Cloth. Her here a large number of. Sizes range from 56 to 80 - just the right size for a child. Parents will find rompers, bodysuits, bibs, hats and caps, mittens, socks and booties in the box. There is also a walking suit. The color scheme is neutral. For boys it is gray and blue, for girls it is brighter colors.
  2. soap accessories. This includes a tube of powder and diaper rash cream. In addition, there is a complete set for bathing a child, namely gel and shampoo. For skin care, the box contains wet baby wipes and dry cotton pads, sticks.
  3. linen. For a child's sleep, a small mattress is provided, on which it is easy to put on a sheet with a special elastic band so that it does not fall off. A small and light flannelette blanket, pleasant to the touch and does not cause allergies in the child due to the absence of synthetics in the composition. There are also disposable, reusable diapers, a towel with a mitten and an oilcloth in the set.

The box contains many other useful things. For example, there are diapers, an electronic thermometer for measuring body temperature, a thermometer for measuring water for bathing, a pacifier, a bottle, scissors, a rattle, a comb with a brush, a teether.

The recipients of the gift have already appreciated the high quality of wearable products from the Ryzhik manufacturing company. They were also satisfied with hygiene products. Although some felt that such an initiative is just a waste of public funds. A number of experts expressed the opinion that it is better to provide young mothers with psychological support, because every 5th woman faces postpartum depression.

There are situations when 2 children were born to young parents at once. In such cases, each of them is entitled to a gift. Even if 3 children are born at the same time, the family will receive 3 gifts - 1 for each.

To whom is it issued?

After analyzing the contents of the box, future parents may wonder who is eligible to receive? It must be said right away that such a practice exists only in the capital. In other regions, such gifts are not distributed to young parents. However, in Moscow, not everyone has the right to receive the coveted box. At least one of the parents must be permanently registered here. The gift itself is issued in the maternity ward at the time of discharge. In this case, the following situations are possible:

  • when the woman in labor has already been discharged, and the child remains in the maternity hospital for further treatment or he was transferred to another hospital, the mother receives the gift;
  • if the child is healthy and ready for discharge, and the mother is not yet discharged, then the present is given to the father or legal representative;
  • if it so happened that the child was not born in a Moscow maternity hospital, he does not lose the right to a gift from the mayor if the main condition for registration is met, the gift is simply given later.

How to receive

Convinced that a family is entitled to a gift for the birth of a child, they may wonder how to get it? There is no need to look for some special institution, because almost all maternity hospitals in the capital are provided with boxes for newborns. Even if they suddenly end somewhere, the Department replenishes stocks.

If the family does not want to take the gift, it is enough for her to refuse it. But they will not receive any monetary compensation for this.

The procedure for obtaining a dowry is very simple. It is enough to present a passport with a mark of permanent registration in the city of Moscow. Moreover, if the father takes the baby, then in addition he will have to confirm that the child is his. Usually the spouse provides a marriage certificate to the mother in labor.

There is no paperwork, standing in lines or other difficulties in receiving a gift, so many families have already taken advantage of this pleasant opportunity and are actively using what they have been given in everyday life.

The birth of a child is always a joyful event in the family, but also troublesome and costly. In this regard, since 2018, it was decided to present gifts for newborn Muscovites. About what they give in the Moscow maternity hospital upon discharge, what things, as well as their brands and quality, we will tell in this article.

Gifts for newborns from the Government of Moscow

A box for newborns in Moscow is a one-time gift that is issued for each newborn child upon discharge from a maternity facility, provided that the child was born on January 1, 2018 and his place of birth is registered in Moscow, and also the place of residence of one of the parents is registered in Moscow .

A gift was also given to children born in 2017, provided that they were discharged from the maternity hospital in 2018. From November 13, 2018, such a gift is due to all newborns whose place of birth is registered in the city of Moscow, regardless of the place of registration of parents.

With the initiative of distribution similar gifts Mayor of Moscow Sobyanin S.S. repeatedly acted as an aid to families with newborns. And at the end of 2017, this initiative was enshrined in the Decree of the Government of Moscow. Initially, the box was given to children whose parents are registered in the city of Moscow. But at the end of 2018, the list was expanded. The prototype of this present was a gift given to newborns in Finland.

A gift for a newborn Muscovite includes children's accessories that can be useful for a baby in the first months of his life.

In order to fill in its contents, the Department of Labor and Social Protection conducted various surveys and consulted with specialists in the field of pediatrics, motherhood and childhood, and taking into account the opinions of these specialists, a package of products necessary for the baby in the first year of his life was formed. It includes basic sets of clothes, toys, diapers, as well as first hygiene products and bed linen.

Many families liked the idea of ​​presenting the named present, despite the fact that there are also negative reviews about its content. But each parent decides this question individually, in other words, no one obliges you to use the contents of the box or even take it away.

Attention! Specified Gift Baskets are delivered to maternity institutions by the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow together with the Department of Health of the City of Moscow according to the number of women in childbirth in the institution.

If there is a shortage of gifts, they will be promptly delivered to the institution. But for now, there is a sufficient supply of gifts for Muscovites in the maternity hospital.

The gift can also be received at any department of social protection in Moscow within two months after the birth of the child.

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Who is the gift for

A gift from Sobyanin is due to newborn Muscovites, Muscovites, regardless of the place of registration of the parents. At the same time, the social status and any other characteristics and merits of the parents in no way can affect the contents of the box.

Important! If several children were born in the family at once, then at the time of discharge, each child is entitled to receive a box.

It is noteworthy that the indicated box is handed at the time of discharge from the maternity hospital, but with some exceptions:

  1. If a young mother is discharged alone, and the baby remains in treatment or is transferred to another healthcare institution, then the kit is given to the mother;
  2. If the mother of the child remains on treatment, and the newborn is discharged without her, then the father or the legal representative of the baby receives the box;
  3. If the baby was born outside the territory of Moscow, but at the same time at least one of his parents has a permanent place of registration in the city, the right to receive gift box also saved;
  4. You can get a present in almost all maternity institutions in Moscow, with the exception of the Moscow Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
On a note! You can refuse to receive the named gift. But the possibility of replacing it with a monetary equivalent or another thing is completely absent.

In order to receive a gift, parents must present the following documents:

  1. If the mother picks up the box - an identity document.
  2. If dad picks up the box - an identity document, as well as
  3. a baby or other document that can confirm the fact of paternity, for example, a marriage certificate with a young mother.

What is included in the gift

The gift includes 44 items of things and accessories, which are packed in a special box. This box is not designed to be used as a crib, however, it is very convenient for storing other items.

The weight of the present is about 6 kilograms.

The composition includes things necessary in the first months of a baby's life with dimensional grid, 56, 62, 68-80:

  • sliders;
  • body like with short sleeve, and with long;
  • demi-season overalls and transforming overalls;
  • hats with or without ties;
  • mittens;
  • booties;
  • bibs.

Cosmetics and baby supplies such as:

  • diaper rash cream;
  • shampoo and bathing gel;
  • powder;
  • napkins;
  • cotton pads and sticks.

Sleeping accessories:

  • mattress;
  • blanket
  • a sheet with an elastic band;
  • towel;
  • diapers.

Other accessories and toys:

  • diapers;
  • a thermometer to determine the temperature of the water in the bathroom;
  • body thermometer;
  • oilcloth;
  • pacifier;
  • scissors and a teether;
  • beanbag;
  • bottle;
  • comb.

These items are available in neutral colors and good quality. Each item has a tag with the manufacturer, as well as the composition of the product. Clothing is presented by a Russian manufacturer - the firm "Ryzhik".

Diapers are provided by Helen Harper. Cosmetic products BabyLine. Toys and other accessories are made by Canpol Babies, "Kruglyshi".
