Research work boots from different manufacturers. Conclusion: Boots are a useful thing

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Krasnoslobodskaya secondary school No. 1" of the Krasnoslobodsky municipal district


Semunina Daria

2nd grade student

Leader: Fomina

Elena Alexandrovna

Krasnoslobodsk - 2016


Everyone knows that it is important to maintain health from childhood. And wet and frozen feet are often the cause of our illnesses. What can help us with this problem? Comfortable and useful shoes.

Once when they were very coldy, my mother told me to put on felt boots to school. She said that even the most severe frosts are not terrible in felt boots. Because, boots are made of pure sheep's wool. These are not only the warmest shoes, but also useful. And then I decided to find out if boots are as good as adults praise them?

Purpose of my research : to study the role played by felt boots in human life.

Research objectives:

    Conduct an analysis of various sources on the research problem.

    Get acquainted with the history of the appearance and production of felt boots.

    Find out if boots are really warm shoes.

    Explore beneficial features felted shoes.

    Experimentally find out whether it is possible to make felt boots on your own.

    Inform classmates about the results of the study.

Object of study: felt boots.

Subject of study : making boots.

I put forward the followinghypothesis : felt boots - warm and useful shoes.

To solve the tasks I used the following research methods:

Theoretical (analysis and generalization of information);

Empirical (experiment, experience);

Practical (survey, observation).

Main part

1.What are felt boots?

I went to the library, looking into the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova, I found out that "felt boots are soft winter boots made of wool. .

2. History of boots.

On the Internet, I found out that I was the first to come up with the idea of ​​​​rolling up animal hair and making shoes from the steppe nomadic people. From the nomads, this type of footwear spread to Rus'. Initially, felt boots, or, in Siberian, pims, were short, and their tops were made of cloth.The homeland of real felt boots is considered to be the city of Myshkin, Yaroslavl province, whose craftsmen in the 18th century were the first to make full felt boots, with a top. In different regions of Russia, felt boots were called differently: in Nizhny Novgorod - "chesanka" and "rolled wire", in the Tambov and Tver regions - "valenki", in Siberia - "pima".

The advantage of felt boots is that it is made without a single seam, therefore it is soft and comfortable, and does not rub the leg. These shoes have only one drawback, but a rather serious one: they are very afraid of dampness, therefore, at first they put on leather and later rubber galoshes on the sole.

3. The role of felt boots in the Great Patriotic War.

H the merit of felt boots in wartime is invaluable. In winter, our soldiers were dressed only in felt boots. For a soldier going to work, there was nothing more expensive than felt boots: warm and durable shoes not only protected from the cold, but also in battle could protect their legs from small fragments.

4. The impact of boots on health

Our nurse Yulia Nikolaevna told me about the benefits of felt boots.

She said that doctors confirm the invaluable effect of felt boots on health. person:

    sheep wool is able to absorb and evaporate moisture, retain heat and thus helps with colds, diseases of the muscles and joints;

    wool is rich in lanolin, which brings relief from rheumatism, sciatica and other diseases of the muscles and joints, as well as accelerating the healing of wounds and fractures.

    felt boots are very useful for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, because the foot in such shoes is not deformed, moreover, felted shoes allow air to pass through, which prevents the development of fungal diseases;

    felt boots are able to relieve nervous tension, a feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs, back pain;

    The improvement of blood circulation is facilitated by wearing boots on bare feet.

5. Are felt boots really warm shoes?

I decided to find out if felt boots are really warmer than leather boots.

D To conduct this experiment, I put on a boot on one leg, and boots on the other leg and went outside, where the air temperature was -1 8 0 WITH.

The purpose of such a trip to the street was to find out: which leg will freeze faster: in a boot or in a felt boot? After spending a little time on the street, I felt that the leg in the boot was starting to freeze, and already at the 20th minute of my stay on the street, my leg in the boot was completely frozen, and the one in the felt boot was not frozen at all.

Conclusion: It is really warmer in felt boots in winter than in boots.

6. Manufacturing technology of felt boots

I was wondering how boots are made. Mom said that in the village of Zheltonogovo, many people make felt boots for sale. And she has a friend who does it. We went to auntMasha.

She said that sheep wool is needed to make felt boots.

They take a certain amount of finished wool and divide it into two equal parts - for one leg and for the other. Then they are weighed so that they are the same.Then the wool is laid out according to the pattern for the first leg.

Then lay out for the second leg and compare it with the first.

In turn, the hair of each leg is squeezed so that it is convenient to work with it.They take wool and impose it on a pattern. Then the wool is linked on a homemade loom. They take the workpiece and hold it in hot water.

Squeeze out and spread on the table for felting. Top it up with the help of tools. Rinse felted boots in water. Blocks are clogged.

They put to dry.

Making felt boots is a laborious process, it requires patience and physical strength, but the result justifies the means.

7. Can I make boots myself?

I wanted to make boots myself. To do this, I need: wool, soapy water, scissors, a piece of building insulation, a napkin and oilcloth.

First, I cut out a template for future boots from a piece of building insulation. She spread the oilcloth on the table. I put a template on it and began to lay out the first layer of wool, placing all the strands in one direction, slightly going beyond the edge of the template.

Then she began to lay the second layer of wool in the opposite direction. PThen she moistened the wool with soapy water, covered it with a napkin. She pressed it with her palms several times.

I turned the wool over along with the template and wrapped the protruding edges. On the other hand, we also begin to lay two layers of wool, one layer across, the other along.

H I covered it with a napkin on top and pressed it with my hands several times. I repeated everything as with the first layers. Started rolling. Moistened the template with soapy water, covered with a napkin and began to rub. Took about 15-20 minutes.

She cut the workpiece into two equal parts.She put on boots on her fingers and continuedwallow.

Rinse the template in clean water, remove excess moisture with a towel and leave to dry. Hooray! I did it!

Yes, it is possible to make felt boots yourself, only the manufacture of large, real felt boots will take more time, effort and materials.

8. Questioning

While conducting research, I learned a lot about felt boots, I became interested in what my classmates know about these shoes. To do this, I conducted a survey among the students of my class.

M Noah developed questions that were asked to answer classmates:

1) Do you have boots?

2) Do you consider boots to be the warmest footwear?

3) Do you know that felt boots are good for health?

4) Do you know how boots are made?

5) Why were felt boots called felt boots?

Conclusion: From the diagram, we see that all 100% of the respondents know about the existence of such shoes as felt boots and 50% have such shoes, and 60% agree to change their boots for felt boots during frosts, but few people know about the production and useful properties of felted shoes.


As a result of studying various literature, Internet sources, survey results, experiments, meetings with felt boots manufacturers, I made the following conclusions.

Felt boots are comfortable and healthy footwear. In felt boots, the most severe frosts are not terrible. Pure sheep wool, felted warm hands master, gives a person strength and peace of mind.

Thus, my hypothesis was fully confirmed, indeed felt boots are warm and useful shoes.

Valenki is a symbol of true Russia with its broad soul and endless expanses.There is nothing more primordially Russian than felt boots.

Preserving their production means preserving Russian culture.

Used sources and literature

    E. Moreva. Valenki - felt boots.// Marusya. - 2009 .- №1.- pp. 8-9

    S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova Dictionary Russian language. – M.: Azbukovnik, 1999.-994 p.

    N. Orlova, K. Borovik. I Know the World: History of Things: Encyclopedia. M.: LLC “Firm “AST Publishing House”, 1998.-512 p.

    I know the world: History: Encycl./Aut. - comp. Chudakova N.V., Gromov A.V. - M .: AST Publishing House LLC, 2004. - 506p.

    http:// www.valenok. ru. history.shtml

Fomichev Egor

Research work "How is a felt boot born?" performed by a student Fomichev Egor, under the guidance of a teacher primary school Ermakova Tatyana Vladimirovna



Municipal state educational institution

"Novoyarkovskaya secondary school"

Kamensky district

Topic: "How is a felt boot born?"

Nomination: "Technology"

Novoyarki 2013

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………


1.1. The history of the appearance of felt boots………..……...…

  1. How felt boots were treated in the past.………………
  1. How are boots treated today………………………….

1.4. About the benefits of boots

Chapter II. …………………………

2.1. How to make felt boots ..............................................

2.2. Making felt boots at home




Felt boots, felt boots ... oh, the old ones are not hemmed ...

In a region with such a harsh climate as Siberia, without warm clothes and no shoes. As they say, without a fur coat and boots and winter is endless! In felt boots, the most severe frosts are not terrible. This unique - without beginning, without end, without a seam, without a scar - shoes were held in high esteem in Rus' by every rank and estate, even by crowned persons.

It became interesting for me to find out how an ordinary piece of wool turns into felt boots and whether it is possible to make felt boots at home.

Purpose of my research:

Find out how boots are born.


1. Find out when and where the first felt boots appeared.

2. Assess the attitude of the students of our school towards felt boots.

3. Study the process of making boots.

4. Make felt boots at home.

object my research are boots.

Item research – wool felting technology.

Hypothesis: I suggested that having studied the process of felting felt boots and finding out all the secrets of felting masters, even a junior schoolboy can make decorative felt boots at home.

Chapter I. Where and when did the first felt boots appear?

1.1. The history of the appearance of boots

The history of the creation of felt boots began approximately 1500 years ago, the prototype of which were boots made of felt. They were mainly worn by the nomads of the Great Steppe and Southern Rus'. Some sources believe that felt boots began to appear at the beginning of the 18th century. Valenki were widely used only at the beginning of the 19th century, when they began to be made for industrial purposes. Until that time, they could afford them, only wealthy people were quite expensive.

Since the middle of the 18th century, Yaroslavl province has been considered the center of the felting trade, and later local sheep breeding was increased. Wool for the production of felt boots, the Romanov breed of sheep, is the best raw material, it is distinguished by an increased “rolling capacity”. In the Yaroslavl province in 1904, the largest factory for the production of felt boots was founded at that time

Valenki have become so firmly entrenched in our lives that it seems they have existed for centuries. However, the widespread idea of ​​the antiquity of felt boots is erroneous. In fact, neither under Peter I, nor even under Dmitry Donskoy, felted shoes existed. The first felt boots, according to costume historians, appeared in the Semenovsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod province only at the very end of the 18th century (although the inhabitants of the Yaroslavl province and the ancient town of Myshkin defend their patent for their invention). Earlier information about the existence of felt boots cannot be traced either from ethnographic data or from historical documents.

But the material from which felt boots are made has been known since the 4th century BC - it was to this time that archaeologists attribute wool products discovered in Altai during excavations of the Pazyryk burial mound.

The most ancient products made from felted sheep's wool are carpets and saddlecloths. This method of processing wool was well known to the nomadic tribes of the Eurasian steppes, as well as to the mountain pastoralists of Tibet, the Pamirs, the Caucasus and the Carpathians. From felted felt, they sewed warm and reliable coverings for the dwelling - felt mats, made felt pillows, bedding for sleeping, insoles for shoes and stockings-inserts in leather boots. Thus, it is possible that the woolen business penetrated the expanses of Ancient Rus' due to the neighborhood and constant contacts with the Turkic peoples.

1.2. How felt boots were treated in the past

As already mentioned, the first felt boots in the form of a solid boot appeared at the end of the 18th century. But since there were few handicraftsmen of felting skills, and the production technology was kept secret, passing from generation to generation (industrial production of felt boots began only at the end of the 19th century), felt boots were expensive, they were worn only by wealthy people. They treated boots with trepidation: having entered new house, the owner put them in a place of honor near the stove. A family that had at least one felt boots was considered rich. They were cherished, worn by seniority and passed on as an inheritance. To receive such a gift was considered good luck. The one who had felt boots was considered an enviable groom among the girls. And an unmarried girl, in order to draw the attention of her beloved boyfriend, threw her felt boots into his yard - send, they say, matchmakers.

The royal people did not neglect felt boots either. A great fashionista and owner of a huge wardrobe, Catherine the Great wore felt boots under a crinoline, thus saving her sore legs. Soft combs made of fine black wool were specially invented for her.

The merit of felt boots in wartime is invaluable. In winter, our soldiers were dressed only in felt boots. They say that the shortage of felt products was due to the defeat in the Finnish war. But we also defeated Napoleon and Hitler thanks to a sufficient amount of warm shoes.

Without felt boots, it would be impossible to develop the northern regions, equip expeditions to the North and South Poles.

1.3. How are felt boots today

Over the past decades, felt boots have become less popular as Russian winters have become soft and slushy, being replaced by lighter and more moisture-resistant shoes. Felt boots are considered traditional village shoes; in cities they are usually worn by small children, or they are worn in severe frosts, when other shoes do little to save from the cold.

However, today felt boots are regaining the love of the townspeople, and for designers and fashion designers they are becoming an attractive object of creativity.

It became interesting to me how schoolchildren of our school relate to felt boots. We prepared small questionnaires and asked schoolchildren from grades 1 to 11 to answer a few questions regarding felt boots.


  1. Have you ever worn boots?
  2. Do you have boots?
  3. Do you know the technology of making felt boots?
  4. Do you know about the healing properties of felt boots?
  5. Do you think that felt boots are essential footwear for winter?

The survey results are reflected in the diagram in fig. 1

The diagram shows the positive responses of the survey participants. The survey involved 75 students, approximately the same number from primary, middle and senior classes. The diagram shows that primary school students, compared with high school students, answered positively to questions 1 and 2 regarding the presence of felt boots in children and the socks of felt boots. And the lower grades gave less positive answers to the rest of the questions than the senior pupils, these are questions concerning the technology of making felt boots and the use of felt boots, senior pupils turned out to be more knowledgeable. But almost all students gave a positive answer to the last question, and kids and adults agreed that felt boots are simply necessary for our winter.

1.4. About the benefits of boots

Boots are a useful thing. In every way. And all thanks to sheep's wool. It not only reliably warms, but also heals. Healing properties felt shoes were noticed back in the time of Peter I. Medicine confirms the beneficial effect of felt boots on human health.

The natural fibers of the felt wool have a high heat capacity, which allows the feet not to freeze at very low temperatures

· Felt boots protect the human foot not only from the cold, but also from the heat. Feet in felt boots do not sweat, as wool fibers provide natural air circulation.

· Natural sheep wool remarkably absorbs and evaporates moisture, remaining dry itself. It is this dry heat that helps with colds.

· Wool is rich in lanolin, which brings relief from rheumatism, sciatica and other diseases of the muscles and joints, as well as accelerating the healing of wounds and fractures.

Also, felt boots are often recommended for people with impaired circulatory system. Shod on a bare foot, felted shoes have a massage effect. Due to friction, an electrostatic field is created, which helps to improve blood circulation.

· Felt boots are very useful for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, because the foot in such shoes is not deformed, moreover, felted shoes let air through, which prevents the development of fungal diseases.

· Felt boots help relieve nervous tension, tiredness and heaviness in the legs, back pain.

· Natural wool boots have a positive energy for a person.

Chapter II. Manufacturing technology of felt boots

2.1. How boots are made

The production of real boots is very laborious. The expression "as simple as a felt boot" can only be attributed to their shape. In handicraft production, the raw material for making felt boots, as a rule, is sheep's wool - letnina, or shreds taken from sheep in summer. First, it is freed from impurities - blades of grass, thorns - and broken, turning into a soft and fluffy mass. The more summer boots in boots, the softer they are.

The loosened wool is folded in the form of a large sock and they begin to roll, or, more correctly, to roll. This is where the word felt boots comes from (the second name is rolled wire or rolled iron). They do it with their hands (which requires great strength) and wind it on a special rolling pin that looks like a tetrahedral stick. The result is a thick, dense woolen sock. To make the boots soft, six are poured with hot water and continue to roll. In the process of felling, the boots become smaller and smaller. Then the toe of the felt boot is made, and the heel. To make the felt boot warmer and denser, it is rubbed on a special board with ribs. It's called derguch. Then the boots are put on a collapsible wooden block and straightened with a wooden mallet. Then the surface of the boots is rubbed with pumice stone and placed in an oven to dry. For the final finish, the dried boots are once again rubbed with pumice stone or a wooden block.

In addition to the usual technology, there were many different "secrets". So, alum, blue vitriol and blue sandalwood were used to blacken the felt, and white mixed with fresh milk was used to lighten the felt. The resulting mixture was rubbed to dryness into felt and placed in a slightly heated oven "for free spirit"

2.2. Making boots at home

Having studied the technology of boots production, we went to the well-known teacher and pimokat of our village and Yakov Ivanovich Glebov, who told about how he himself made boots. He warned us that the process was complicated and time-consuming, but we nevertheless tried to make small decorative felt boots ourselves. We took a small amount of wool, combed it and wrapped the pattern of felt boots, then dipped the blanks in hot water and kneaded them with our fingers and a rolling pin. So several times. The felt boots turned out to be soft and not very regular in shape. We did not have necessary tools and accessories, but still, we got real felt boots, albeit decorative ones.


At the beginning of the study, I wanted to find out: how boots are born.

Using various sources information: Internet resources, conversation with a specialist, questionnaires, I found out:

  1. The roots of felting skill go back centuries;
  2. In general, students of our school have a positive attitude towards felt boots, many have felt boots and wear them, and junior schoolchildren more than the older ones. But little is known about the manufacturing technology and the benefits of felt boots.
  3. For the manufacture of felt boots, such a property of woolen fibers as swathing ability is used. Processing wool with water and an alkaline solution, as well as using a collapsible block, handicraftsmen roll warm shoes - one of the symbols of Russia - felt boots.
  4. Making felt boots is a complex and time-consuming process, but it is possible to make felt boots even at home.

Summing up, I can draw a general conclusion: my assumption that it is possible to make felt boots at home has been confirmed. From my own experience, I was convinced that felting is a long process, requiring effort and perseverance, but at the same time very exciting. It is amazing how felt boots are created from a piece of unspun wool by friction and soaking - the face of our culture, cheerful, laughing, warm, cozy, friendly and very simple.


1. Burakova A. There is something to go to the sweetheart // Ethnosphere. - 2008. - N 2. - S. 43-46.

2. Boots. Book. for everyone who knows the price of this will notice. Russian shoes. - M. : Sunday, 1994. - 221 p.

3. Gusev F. How felt and felt boots are made. Guide for handicraftsmen / Gusev F. - L.: Publishing House "Thought", 1925. - 32 p.

4. Kruglova G. Let's roll felt boots // Folk art. - 2004. - N 6. - S. 34-37.

5. Electronic resource:

6. Electronic resource:

Irina Arkhipova
Synopsis of the research work "What is the secret of boots"

actuality be: boots These are the most suitable shoes for our winter. They are warm and cozy. I asked how they do it boots and from what? Mom replied that felt boots felted from sheep's wool, but this is very hard work. Now they are made in factories, and earlier they were felted at home.

I was wondering if I could make my own felt boots.

An object - felt boots.

Subject - manufacturing boots.

The goal is to find out why felt boots warm and whether they can be made at home.


I assumed that if I find out how and from what felt boots, then I can make them myself, I can understand and prove why they are warm. To do this, I need to know what they are made of felt boots and why do they keep feet warm?

Tasks research:

1. find out what they are made of felt boots;

2. learn how to roll felt boots;

3. do felt boots at home.

4. prove that felt boots are useful and comfortable shoes, especially for residents of our Northern Republic.

Methods research:

1. Informational (studying children's cognitive literature, surveying adults, watching videos)

2. Experimentation.

3. Observation.

4. Analysis.

Novelty research:

I was very interested in how I can make felt boots and from what I can do it.

2. Theoretical part

Felt boots- it's old winter shoes. Therefore, we decided to turn to adults for help, working in kindergarten.We asked them questions: What's happened felt boots? Why do children wear felt boots? What do they know about felt boots? Felt boots- warm felt boots made of felted sheep's wool; more often they are made hard, but they are also soft, under other shoes. From the responses of adults, I learned that felt boots made of sheep's wool, feet shod in felt boots feel comfortable, warm and dry, which is very pleasant. Valenki have their own history. Russian people wear felt boots for several centuries. During the Great Patriotic War felt boots protected Russian soldiers from frost. For a soldier going to work, nothing is more expensive at all boots was not - warm and durable shoes not only protected from the cold, but also in battle could protect the legs from small fragments. And now felt boots are part of special clothing for people who workin our northern republic: oil workers, gas workers, railway workers and soldiers. Also in the course of conversations, I learned that felt boots, like the Russian nesting doll - a national attribute of Russia.

3. Practical part

1. Experience "Warm or Cold"

For this experiment, I took a boot and boots, put a toy in each of them and sent it to the freezer to find out which toy will freeze faster. After a while, we took the shoes out of the freezer and took out the toys from them. Putting both toys to my cheeks, I felt that one toy that was in the boot became cold, and the one that was in felt boots remained warm.

We have proven that boots retains heat and therefore the foot does not freeze.

2. Experience "Why is the ice not melting"

We put two ice lumps - one on a saucer, the other wrapped in paper napkin, lowered into boots. After a while, we noticed that on the saucer the snow began to melt, became small and gray, and in no boots. So what can the boots are not warm at all and cold? Why do we dress in cold weather felt boots and our feet are warm, not cold? It's simple boots did not let room heat to the ice. And from this ice in felt boots were cold. Therefore, she did not melt.

3. Study of wool

When examining wool under a microscope, I realized that the wool is not smooth, but has scales that cling tightly to each other, and this is the process of felting.

4. Create your own boots.

For this we first:

Cut out the template.

They overlaid the template with a layer of wool in one direction, slightly going beyond the edge of the template.

Moistened the first layer of wool with soapy water and turned the template over to the other side.

They did the same.

And so we repeated until we got a dense layer.

Then we started rolling. We moistened the template with soapy water, put it in a plastic bag and began to crush, crush with a kitchen rolling pin. We removed excess foam and water. Then the workpiece was cut into two equal parts, the template and pedal shape were removed.


Practical significance research:

I will know why felt boots warm and will recommend everyone to wear in winter only felt boots.

Conclusion about the results research:

As a result of its work I found useful properties boots, learned that they are made of wool, the method of their manufacture. My hypothesis was partially confirmed, at home you can make felt boots but with the help of an adult, and real felt boots can only be made by a true master

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"Boots, boots

Oh, you are filed, old people ... "

Russian folk song

In our area, winter is severe, without warm clothes and shoes it is impossible. And in felt boots the most severe frosts are not terrible. This unique - without beginning, without end, without a seam, without a scar - shoes from ancient times were held in high esteem both in villages and big cities. And in our time, many do not part with it during the period of snowstorms, cold.

It became interesting for me to find out how relevant felting felt boots are today and the demand for them.

Purpose of my research:

Find out how boots are born and what is the demand for boots.


1. Find out when and where the first felt boots appeared.

2. Using the technology to make felt boots at home.

3. Assess the attitude of the Tubinsk people towards felt boots..

object my research are boots.

Item research - the technology of felting wool and the relevance of felt boots today.

First of all, I interviewed my classmates and found that most of them know little about the history and manufacture of felt boots, they consider that felt boots are an unpopular, outdated type of footwear, and although they are reluctant to wear it.

From literary and Internet sources, I learned that the priority in the invention of felted shoes belongs to the steppe nomadic peoples. From the nomads, this type of footwear spread to Rus'. The first mention of felt boots goes back to the Tale of Igor's Campaign. In the 18th century, felt boots acquired their usual form: the artisans of the Yaroslavl region came up with the idea of ​​felting them entirely with the bootleg using a collapsible wooden block. The technology of felting was passed down from generation to generation, and therefore each craftsman had his own secret and felt boots were special.

Everyone knows that one of the handicrafts in the village of Tubinsky was and is the production of felted shoes. Craftsmen Alexandrov B.R., Ulyabaev .., Gibadatova R. are famous for rolling pims and beating wool ... They don’t do it exclusively on orders, but when “the soul asks”. I managed to visit all the workshops of these craftsmen.

From a conversation with them, I concluded that the old masters did not have the same strength. Gradually, the sheep are exhausted in the village. And most importantly, there was nowhere to beat the wool, it’s expensive to go to Baymak every time.

Felt boots are specially processed wool, the technology is called felting. Wool is the only fiber that can be rolled. The swath capacity is achieved under mechanical influences in conditions of humidity, temperature and acidic environment.

Felting now - fashionable look needlework. Designers describe two ways of felting: dry and wet. Dry felting is the process of felting wool with needles. Wet felting is a technology of felting with water and soap. This is the old-fashioned technology for making felt boots. Felting felt boots is not a discovery for me, because my grandmother herself makes this type of footwear for us and friends, putting the warmth of her soul into them. Guided by A. Zaitseva's master class, I made felt boots on my own. Pimokat master R. Gibadatova rated them at "5".

And how do the people of Tubinsk themselves feel about felt boots? I found this out with a questionnaire. The older generation of villagers wear felt boots with pleasure and praise him in every possible way. The middle ones say that it is uncomfortable, although it keeps heat better, so they wear it only on the street, and prefer boots to work.

How much better does it hold heat? So that this question does not remain rhetorical, I conducted an experiment. She took a felt boot and a boot, in which she “hid” the thermometers in advance, and took them out into the street. After waiting half an hour, I compared them. surprised me a big difference on thermometers and I was convinced that the proverb "Trust, but verify" is true.

During my work, I found out:

    the roots of felting skills go back centuries;

    for the manufacture of felt boots, such a property of woolen fibers as swathing ability is used;

    processing wool with water and an alkaline solution, as well as using a collapsible block, handicraftsmen roll warm shoes - one of the symbols of Russia - felt boots.

    Bakieva Ilgiza N., student of the 2nd grade of the MOBU secondary school with. Tubinsky, leader Khalfin G.R. - primary school teacher.

How is a felt boot born?

Department of Education Administration

Osinnikovsky urban district

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 16"

How is a felt boot born?

Head Nenasheva Natalya Leonidovna, primary school teacher

Osinnikovsky city district, 2015

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………4

    Theoretical part

    1. Where did the felt boots start their journey? ……………………………………6

      Valenki in Rus' ………………………………………………………….6

      In wartime ……………………………………………………….7

      In the modern world…………………………………………………..7

    Practical part

    1. How a felt boot is born………………………………………………..8

      The benefits of boots ……………………………………………………….10

      How to choose boots……………………………………………………10


      How to make felt boots yourself ………………………………………..12

    Conclusion ……………………………………………………………….14


Once turning on the TV, we heard that the head of the Hydrometeorological Center of the Russian Federation, Roman Vilfand, said at a press conference: “In fact, this winter will be noticeably colder than the winters that have been in the last 20 years.” Mom was worried about his words and offered to buy boots for the winter. And dad said that many people don’t know real boots anymore. Real boots are self-rollers! That is, they were made by hand, felted by themselves. They turned out thin, soft, warm. You won’t rub your feet, no matter how much you walk in them! Because it was so good and comfortable to wear them that they retained the warmth of the hands of their creators.And now there is no one to pass on the secrets of their craft to the old masters, young people do not want to engage in such painstaking, hard work.

I was wondering if it is possible to make boots yourself? And what materials are needed for this?

My friends and I decided to find out if our classmates wear felt boots. So we learned that most students in grade 2a do not wear felt boots.

None of them knows why these shoes are called felt boots.

Many do not know if boots are useful. Some see their benefit in the fact that they are warm and cozy. And even in the fact that they quickly run and jump.

Only 32% of our classmates know that felt boots are made from wool.

We decided to conduct a study “How is a felt boot born?” and sort out this issue.

Target: making boots.


    Get to know the history of boots.

    Find out if felt boots are really warm shoes

    Explore beneficial properties.

    Learn the process of making boots.

    Make felt boots at home.

Object of study: felt boots.

Subject of study: process felting boots.

Research methods: survey, analysis, comparison, description, practical work(felt boots)

The word "boot" often makes us smile as something outdated and just funny. Often, a "boot" is called a rude, uncouth person. And indeed, what could be simpler than clumsy, gray or black Russian shoes, in which only old people and small children now walk - solely for reasons of warmth and convenience. Indeed - you can't find more comfortable shoes - warm, dry, soft! But appearance!

1. Theoretical part

1.1. Where did the felt boots start their journey?

FELT BOOTS- winter soft boots, knitted from wool. Historians believe that the priority in the invention of felted shoes belongs to the steppe nomadic peoples. It was they who first came up with the idea of ​​rolling animal hair and making shoes out of it, which would not only withstand the cold of the steppes in winter, but also protect the foot from hard thorns and sharp stones. From the nomads, this type of footwear spread to Rus'. In Russia, felt boots became widespread only in the first half of the 19th century, when they began to be manufactured industrially. The first Russian wool beaters at first did not make classic felt boots, but more primitive things: hats, bath caps and light shoes like galoshes called “koty”, “chuni” or “kengi”.

1.2. Valenki in Rus'

In Rus', felt boots had other names: in Nizhny Novgorod they were called "chesanki" and "rolled wire", in the Tambov and Tver regions - "valenki", in Siberia - "pima". Valenki made of goat wool were called "waves" and "antics", and sheep wool - "rolled rolls".

felt boots were the best shoes for festivities in Rus'. They celebrated Shrove Tuesday, caroled, danced round dances, danced to the accordion.

In Rus', only wealthy peasants wore felt boots, because they were quite expensive. A family that had at least one felt boots was considered rich. They were cherished, worn by seniority and passed on as an inheritance. To receive such a gift was considered good luck. The one who had felt boots was considered an enviable groom among the girls.

For rich people, and even more so for Russian rulers, felt boots were made the best craftsmen and only on order. The shoes looked so chic that Peter the Great also willingly wore Russian felt boots.

1.3.In wartime

The merit of felt boots in wartime is invaluable. In winter, our soldiers were dressed only in felt boots. We defeated Napoleon and Hitler thanks to a sufficient amount of warm shoes.

Valenki brought! 134th Rifle Division.

Kalinin Front.

1.4. In modern world

There are professions in which felt boots are always held in high esteem - and it cannot be otherwise! How do you manage without them cold winter builders, lumberjacks, fishermen, geologists. Without felt boots it is impossible to equip expeditions to the North and South Poles.

Alenki are back in fashion! Russian designers compete among themselves in the skill of turning an ordinary felt boot into a work of art. And to the world are felt boots - a bird, felt boots - a watch, felt boots - a flowering flower bed, felt boots - a hat and felt boots - a backpack.

Russian fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev. Demonstration of the collection of felt boots

Conclusions of the theoretical part:

I learned that felt boots are the most traditional footwear in Russia, they were worn in ancient times and are worn now. Today, felt boots are not just comfortable and indispensable shoes, but also a new direction in the work of our modern designers.

2. Practical part

2.1. How is a felt boot born?

The main raw material for felt boots is sheep wool. The birth of felt boots begins even when curly lambs roam the meadows and grow on their sides warm coat, then they are sheared and this wool will turn into winter shoes for our feet. After the wool is sheared, it must be thoroughly washed and cleaned of debris.

Next, the wool enters the machines, which clean it, loosen it, shake it and mix it. On carding looms, the wool is combed and turned into a fluffy combed woolen cloud. They are wrapped around a cloth cover several times, thus, a "cotton" blank of the shaft is obtained - a cone.

The steel cone is compacted between plates of special machines strongly heated by steam. Hot plates slam against each other, as if some mythical monster is chewing our woolen cloud in its mouth. From this, it loses its airiness - felted.

further, the plantar, toe and heel parts of the boots are manually formed - this operation is called the overgrowth of the head.

The felt blank needs to be rolled up so that in the future it will turn out to be the head of a felt boot, moreover, of the desired size and thickness. After the head is "folded", it is also compacted between hot plates. The resulting blank, called the base, is most similar to a giant "Gulliver" size felt sock.

in order for this "sock" to turn into a small tight felt boot, it must dig fire, water and ... wooden drums. The bases, moistened and rolled up, are placed between wooden drums, which begin to rotate and compress them strongly - this is the first stage of compaction.

Then the future felt boots fall into the water - they are twisted in the tank of a giant " washing machine". Gradually, the workpieces become smaller in size and more and more dense.

To give the boots a final density, it is “washed” several more times in hammer machines. There, in hot water of a certain temperature, subjected to mechanical impact, final compaction and shrinkage occur.

P Having gone through several stages of washing in a hammer machine, our "Gulliver sock" becomes more like a Lilliputian shapeless wet boot - a transformation for those who see it for the first time is almost mystical. It is reduced by more than 10 times.

The legendary Russian boots are almost ready. It remains only to shape it and dry it.

In order for it to acquire the proper shape, so comfortable to wear, it is put on a mechanical block. Usually people of remarkable strength work as nasadchiki. True, without the help of a machine, it would still not be so easy for them to insert a block of the right size into this small wet wrinkled ball of wool, because the felt boot is very straightened when attached. And the pads that we use are metal, each weighing from 2.5 to 10 kilograms, so strength is needed at least to lift them.

Felt boots, mounted on blocks, go through the conveyor to the drying chamber. Here our boots will have to get acquainted with the "fire". The temperature there is under 100 degrees, it becomes clear why at the factory, unlike handicraft production, it is impossible to use wooden blocks - they will simply flare up in the dryer.

After drying for several hours, the felt boots, like ruddy pies, leave the drying chamber along the conveyor - hot and almost ready. Another good fellow should remove them from the block and send them to the collection shop.

how the most simple variety- "common boots" - ready for use. If this pair is planned for a different look, then it goes to the hot vulcanization shop to purchase a rubber sole, or to the finishing shop to get intricate embroidery, cute pom-poms or fur trim.

It takes 5 days of hard work, 45 technological transitions to turn a tuft of wool into a pair of primordially Russian shoes. Workers of 20 specialties are working on its creation so that we can warm ourselves in the winter cold with natural, environmentally friendly woolen felt boots.

2.2. The benefits of boots

So what is the use of boots?

    Feet in felt boots breathe.

Like lungs, our skin breathes. In shoes made of dense materials (for example, leather), the feet sweat quickly. In felt boots, air easily passes between the wool fibers. This allows our feet to breathe.

    They absorb and evaporate moisture well.

If the feet are damp, then in winter they quickly freeze in shoes. And felt boots absorb moisture like a sponge, leaving your feet dry in warmth. Then, in heat, they evaporate the accumulated moisture.

    Boots regulate the temperature.

Why are felt boots warm in winter and not hot in warm weather? Due to the fact that the walls of the boots are porous, they do not let the cold and heat through.

    Valenki elastic and elastic.

Felt boots do not have a right and left leg; in the future, when worn, they will take the shape of a leg. This means that boots do not rub, as often happens with shoes.

Lanolin is an animal wax found in sheep's wool. It soothes pain in muscles and joints. Lanolin helps to heal wounds and fractures, it is used in medicine in the manufacture of special ointments.

    Foot massage.

At home, boots are often worn on bare feet instead of socks. Wool fibers improve blood circulation, because of which the legs do not freeze.

2.3. How to choose boots

To choose a comfortable warm shoes- felt boots, you need to know some rules.

When choosing felt boots by size, keep in mind that these shoes are worn in width, and may shrink in length.

Boots should not be too hard, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to wear, and not too soft, otherwise the boots will not hold their shape. Boots are usually checked: they are folded, pressing the toe to the heel.

If then they unbend and take their original shape, then they are made to last.

Look inside the boots

A good felt boot has a smooth inner surface, the wool in the area of ​​the foot is evenly dumped, it does not stick out in shreds. The felt from which the felt boots are made must be uniform over the entire area of ​​the felt boot of the same thickness, without irregularities, with a seal in the lower part on the heel and sole.


natural felt boots made from 100% sheep wool, and they smell like it. Bad smell indicates additives, debris that ended up in the material.

Hold boots in your hands

Regular felt boots weigh about 1.5 kg.

2.4 Experiments

We decided to experiment with felt boots.

experiment 1.

they put two snowballs - one on a saucer, the other, wrapped in a paper napkin, put it in a felt boot.

After some time, we noticed that the snow had melted on the saucer, but not in the boots. So, the felt boot does not warm at all, but x
cool? Why do we put on felt boots in cold weather, and our feet are warm and not cold?

The felt boots did not allow room heat to reach the snow. And from this the snowball in the boots was cold. Therefore, he did not melt.

So, if we put on felt boots, our feet are warm, felt boots do not let heat out into the street, and do not let the cold into the boots. Our feet don't get cold. They are warm in felt boots.

Experiment 2

For the experiment, we put on felt boots and walked in the cold for 1 hour. Then we measured the temperature inside the boots. The temperature was +19.


Conclusion: felt boots do not let cold and heat through. So, boots are very suitable for frosty days.

After conducting these experiments, we decided to try to make felt boots at home.

2.5. How to make boots yourself

Home felt boots are akin to home slippers.

For this we need some materials:

    Mosquito net,

    Hot water,

    dish detergent,


  • Sponge for washing dishes.

Description of the stages of work:

uh, that's all, boots are ready.

3. Conclusion

From our own experience, we have seen that felting is a long process, requiring effort and perseverance, but at the same time very exciting. It is amazing how felt boots are created from a piece of unspun wool by friction and soaking. Felt boots are the only footwear made from natural materials that do not exterminate nature and animals. Wool is cut from peacefully grazing sheep and processed, so the production of felt boots does not violate the natural environment.

They not only protect the feet well from the cold, but are also good for our health. So why don't we all get a little healthier?

While working on the topic, we got acquainted with the following sources of information:

  1. Vershinina I. O. We decorate felt boots. 25 ways of original finishing. AST-Press, 2012

  2. Ozhegov S. I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / ed. N. Yu. Shvedova. M., 1973 - 939 p.

    Chalikova, D.

Annex 1. Interesting Facts

    The largest felt boot, listed in the Russian Book of Records, was made in the city of Kineshma, Ivanovo Region, by the Sokolov family. Its height is 168 cm, and the length of the foot is 110 cm. Also, the Sokolov family made boots 205 cm high and 160 cm long - so far it has not been entered in the Russian book of records.

    From time immemorial, in Russian villages, felt boots have been used as a pillow, or rather, its contents. And what - a warm thing, not very soft, not very hard, just right, put it in a pillowcase and sleep on your bed.
    In addition, in especially remote Chukchi villages, where the temperature does not rise above minus thirty degrees, felt boots were sometimes used as ... mailboxes. They nailed a felt boot to the door, painted with chalk: "for letters and newspapers" and calmly waited for the postman.

    At one time, huge felt boots were made on special order for Oleg Popov - the clown jumped into them during the trick.

    In 2002 fashion designer Gianfranco Ferre created a special collection of felt boots. And at the Winter Olympics - 2002 in Salt Lake City, the Russian team was patriotically shod in felt boots with galoshes.

Appendix 2. Proverbs, riddles about felt boots

Not boots, not boots
But they are also worn by legs.
We run in them in winter:
Morning to school
Day - home.
(Felt boots)

Let him not be very handsome,
But first place
Among the different shoes
Made from wool.
Will never let you down
In the cold he friends
For him there is in the city
Mouse Museum.

They are shaken, rolled,
And they carry the winter.
(Felt boots)

Proverbsand sayings

Prepare sleighs and felt boots from the summer.

Simple as a Siberian felt boot.

Whoever got up earlier put on his felt boots.

Without a fur coat and felt boots and winter without end.
You can't wear two boots on one foot.
Valenka's felt boots are not large, but small. (PATTER)
Siberian boots. (ordinary person)
Uma, like an old pima (felt boots).

Valenka's felt boots are drying on the mound. (PATTER)

Simple huts of villages, windows and dams.
On a skewed wattle fence, the old man hung his felt boots.
The old man will dry the felt boots, then put them on again.
He got used to them, got used to them, he is strong and healthy.
And how about in the snow, but in winter, a peasant in a blizzard?
Walk home in snowdrifts without drowning in the snow?
In the village without them, as it is impossible, the collective farmer is on the road.
Wear boots, friends, like a grandfather - on your bare feet!

Once upon a time there were boots

Cheerful, darlings.
They run fast along the path,

My feet won't freeze.

warm boots,
sports boots,

Boots are comfortable

The boots are beautiful.

I am a football player,
Don't look at the years.

I kick the ball with a felt boot.

I score a goal.

warm boots,

sports boots,

Boots are comfortable

The boots are beautiful.

I will buy disco boots
I will wear them to the disco club.

I will dance hard

Fire up all the girls.

warm boots,
sports boots,

Boots are comfortable

Boots are beautiful

Appendix 3What to wear with felt boots: tips from an experienced fashionista

The rules for choosing clothes for felt boots largely depend on their model. Modern classic-shaped boots are worn with skinny jeans, tucking them in, with leggings, narrow or tight-fitting trousers on the lower part of the leg. As a top, you can choose both loose clothing, as well as tight-fitting. Volumetric sweaters and vests with fur trim look beautiful.

An excellent set will turn out if you put on boots with knitted dress, or a sweater dress. Add leggings to match the color of the dress, put on mittens and a loose-knit hat, and you will get an unusual, and most importantly, warm set for winter walk. Boots in this case are preferred short, not reaching the middle of the leg.

Model felt boots in the form of boots can be worn with the same clothes, as well as afford more, for example, business-style clothes. With black felt boots, a straight dark skirt without decor and a blouse or turtleneck will look good. From above, you can throw a jacket or cardigan. As a universal accessory, add a belt to the cardigan, you can even bright and catchy.

Felt boots should not be worn with long straight skirts, as well as with dresses of strict silhouettes - for example, a sheath dress. Otherwise, with the right accessories, you can dress in a variety of ways: in sports, casual, business, youth styles.

From outerwear in an ensemble with felt boots, sheepskin sheepskin coats, down jackets and coats, sheepskin coats and parkas look good.

Appendix 4. The song "Valenki"

People of our time believe that the famous singer Lidia Andreevna Ruslanova was the performer and author of the popular Russian song "Valenki".

ABOUT it seems the famous and popular song "Valenki" has interesting story. It turns out that this is not Russian, but ... an old gypsy dance tabor song. It was popular at the beginning of the 20th century. The first recording of the song on a gramophone record was created by the gypsy singer Nastya Polyakova back in 1913.
A year later, this song, but with a different subtitle “Oh, you are Kolya, Nikolai,” was performed by singer Nina Dulkevich. Nastya Polyakova

recent history songs "Valenki" began during the Second World War. The song began to be performed by Lidia Ruslanova. The song immediately became wildly popular, and the singer performed it more than once as an encore. In 1943, Lidia Ruslanova released her gramophone record.

Lidia Ruslanova sings the song "Valenki" to front-line soldiers
