The best gifts for those who are crazy about hedgehogs. “What does a hedgehog and a similar gift mean? hedgehog gift

In 2008 we had an anniversary - 10 years since we got married. The collection was partly collected before that, but somehow not very actively, mostly spontaneously - mostly they were gifts. Gradually the collection began to grow. And at some point, our hedgehogs became crowded and had to buy an “apartment” for them, and then make an “expansion” in it 🙂

Of course, we do not buy every hedgehog in a row. There would not be enough space for them and our budget would be severely skewed. Usually their family is replenished with gifts from friends or hedgehogs from trips. It has already become a tradition for us. From each trip we try to bring a new "pet".

These hedgehogs have been with us for more than 10 years!

Igor gave me this hedgehog. It is quite small - just over 1 cm in height. He traveled with me to many cities before he took his place in the locker.

These, too, have been with us for a long time, but I do not remember the history of their appearance.

But this one came from the Czech Republic. The Belenkie brought him.

Another of the old ones (is it possible to burn such a charm?)
This one came from Yekaterinburg.

Dasha and I brought this one from Volzhsky, which is in the Volgograd region.

This coquette is from Samara (actually, this is a clay whistle, it has a hole in the back for extracting sounds)

This one is from Volgograd

And this couple from Anapa. Their ears were hurt during the photo shoot 🙂 Taiska tried to help me, but she didn't succeed.

I don’t remember where these hedgehogs came from, but they have also been in our collection for a very long time.

I brought these from my first business trip to Helsinki.

This one from Tallinn

I don't remember where this one came from. In my opinion, Igor brought from Moscow, he still has such a girlfriend that I brought, but I don’t remember where.

Of the fairly recent acquisitions, these

This one is from Moscow, but already an old-timer

This one has a very interesting fate: for a long time we bought kinder surprises on New Year. All dispersed except for one. As a result, we opened it ourselves and there was this hedgehog. Isn't this an amazing coincidence?

Where did this surprised, offended miracle come from, I don’t remember

This player, in my opinion, is also a Muscovite.

A is a piggy bank. I think it was my mom's gift, but I could be wrong.

These were bought by me, here in Novosibirsk.

The one on the right came from Portugal. And his friend, in my opinion a gift. But whose - I do not remember. Usually we try not to repeat ourselves and do not buy similar or the same type of hedgehogs ourselves. But gifts are always welcome!

This one is from Moscow. I couldn't get past. After all, this is directly about Igor and his love for mushrooms 🙂

Igor brought this one from Moscow quite recently. In my opinion, it is some kind of Indonesian (made in Indonesia). They don’t know what hedgehogs look like, what to take from them 🙂

I tried in vain to find a hedgehog in Singapore. I had to buy just such a hedgehog fish. Is it prickly?!

Later I also bought a hedgehog there, it was made in the Netherlands, he came to Singapore to move to us later 🙂 I will post his photo later with big hedgehogs.
Dasha and I brought this one from Finland. I think from Turku.

And this one is from our last trip, from the city of Paris itself. It's big enough. Maybe it's an ashtray, but luckily we don't smoke. Yes, and we could not put out a cigarette on a hedgehog belly. Although it may be a vase for fruit, since the size is not very small.

These were bought in Novosibirsk. There is another similar, donated.

This sweet tooth came with me from Kyiv.

This is a door stopper. But it is not used for its intended purpose. He also has a brother - a keychain.

This girl does not look much like a hedgehog, but she has something resembling thorns on her back. Adopted in our collection.

This one came from Belarus, they brought Kravchenko.

This Vovchik Ovchinnikov literally tore from his heart 🙂 Thank you very much. If you press the abdomen, the hedgehog says "I love you"

Dasha and I brought this couple from Cologne.

These were donated in St. Petersburg, Igor's godmother.

And we ourselves bought this family there.

This gift was given by Natasha Ovechkina.

Hedgehogs in our apartment are found not only in the form of figurines, they are present in different guises. For example, I also know how to embroider with a cross 🙂 Hedgehogs, basically, I embroider.

There are also hedgehogs that live with Igor's mother. The bigger one was brought by Dasha and me from Volzhsky.

And here are the large specimens of our collection 🙂

Planter for flowers, we have it, of course, a cactus 🙂 Other flowers survive with great difficulty.

We found this hedgehog in the forest. Washed, warmed, sheltered 🙂

If you press the belly of this hedgehog, he reads a verse:

I have, like a Christmas tree:

needles grow on the back.

Only in appearance I am prickly,

In general, I'm kind! Wow very good hedgehog!

This hedgehog, as I said above, I brought from Singapore. It was very difficult to find a hedgehog there, but still found it. It's actually made somewhere in Europe. But sold in Singapore. Now he lives with us. Actually, this is a case for discs. But we keep it in the closet. And we also have a disc case that lives in the car. It was presented by Olya and Yura.

This bear-hedgehog is designed to shine shoes. If I'm not mistaken, it was also brought by the Belenkys from the Czech Republic (reviewing wedding photos, found that this hedgehog was presented to us for the wedding). But we do not use it for its intended purpose.

This is one of our latest purchases. They are very soft and gentle. I loved them at first sight. Ikea has a whole basket of them. But we didn't buy right away. Thought suddenly someone will give for the New Year. But no one gave and we bought it ourselves 🙂 With a discount 🙂

We have not only toys and pictures. For example, there is also such dishes with hedgehogs. 🙂

Or here is a towel with a hedgehog. And a T-shirt given to Igor by Alexei for his birthday this year.

This is the largest copy 🙂 of our collection. Although the label is listed as a Hedgehog medium. Apparently I'm big, and she's average 🙂

That seems to be all hedgehogs. There are still a lot of pictures, postcards, books, but I won’t post them anymore. But as the collection grows, I will definitely add it here.

We have replenishment. A new hedgehog was brought to us by Dasha's girlfriend Marina. From France 🙂

Another replenishment: a family, presented to us on the 10th wedding anniversary.

year 2009:
We have replenishment again. This hedgehog was presented to us (more precisely, we just impudently asked for it :)) before the New Year.

Got this as a Christmas present

I didn’t post books and pictures with hedgehogs here, but these were presented for the holiday by people dear to me, so they take pride of place in the list of hedgehogs 🙂

Another such hedgehog (fridge magnet) received as a gift.

And, finally, the honorary title of the largest copy of the collection solemnly passes to this hedgehog, which we found on the morning of January 1 under the Christmas tree 🙂

And again replenishment, this time after Igor's birthday.

The hedgehog is a popular animal that has been known to all people since childhood. Everyone knows the main distinguishing feature - sharp needles located on the sides and back. But few people know that this animal symbolizes security, friendliness, openness and joy.

For lovers of these cute animals, we make a selection of clothes with hedgehogs. On T-shirts, sweatshirts and T-shirts, prickly characters from various popular cartoons are depicted and funny inscriptions are added that are sure to cheer up and make not only the owner of such clothes smile, but also everyone around.

Who will suit?

If you have a child who is crazy about the popular cartoon "Smeshariki", then a t-shirt with a hedgehog - one of the main characters of the animated series - is the best gift for the baby. Such a thing will become a favorite in the wardrobe of a child.

A sweatshirt with a hedgehog is a great choice for a summer evening walk or nightly gatherings by the fire. Bright and original clothes with hedgehogs will favorably distinguish you from the crowd and add uniqueness to your image.

In addition, paired hedgehog T-shirts are always popular, which will become great gift for a loving couple. For a pregnant girl, you can also pick up a T-shirt with a picture of a prickly animal on the tummy and some funny inscription. Such a gift will cheer up the future mother, set her up for pleasant thoughts and give unforgettable emotions.

If your friend is an athlete, give him a t-shirt with a hedgehog for sports. This change will give him good mood during a hard workout.

What is combined with?

It should be noted that it is T-shirts and T-shirts that make up the bulk of the wardrobe. Clothes with the image of a hedgehog are perfect for a walk in the park, sports training and even a trip to a cafe. Such T-shirts open up wide scope for creativity for fashionistas and fashionistas, because with such clothes you can come up with great amount bright and original images.

T-shirts with the image of a prickly animal will look great with shorts, skirts and leggings, and a sweatshirt is perfect for jeans. Bright clothes With prints all over the surface, it will suit adults and children, boys and girls, it will warm you on a cool evening and cheer you up on a hot day.

The catalog contains a wide selection of T-shirts, t-shirts, sweatshirts and sweatshirts with the image of hedgehogs. Here you can find original clothes which will make you unique in any place and company.

Small, adorable and very affectionate hedgehogs can win the heart of anyone, but there are those who are simply obsessed with prickly pets. Especially for such people, the editors of Fancy Journal decided to find suitable gifts.

Pencil stand

Any person has pens and pencils, so if you don’t know exactly what gift your hedgehog lover will need, feel free to choose such a stand.

Hedgehog print bag

Such a bag is not only unbanal, but also good for nature. refusing to plastic bags, you save our nature and thousands of rare animals.

Mittens in the shape of hedgehogs

It may not be so cold now, but you simply cannot pass by these mittens! And in the end, you need to cook the sled (as well as mittens) in the summer.

hedgehog ring

Rings in the form of various animals are bright, unusual and bold. Hedgehog lovers, of course, need to look for a hedgehog-shaped ring.

Hedgehog print

It seems that such a seal is of little use in the economy. However, try telling this to a scrapbooking lover who has a couple of dozen decorative hole punchers in his collection (yes, there are such).


If we are talking not only about cute, but also about practical gift, then you might think of such a charming pincushion - inexpensive and pleasant.

Toothpick stand

Usually toothpicks are sold in not the most beautiful plastic boxes. For any perfectionist, this is a real mockery of the sense of beauty.

Painting with a hedgehog

Every home has a place for a hedgehog. At least as drawn.

Carpet for front door

A rug for the front door in the form of a hedgehog will make the house more comfortable, and the interior more interesting. The main thing is that everyone who enters an apartment or house will immediately find out about the owner's love for prickly animals.

Calendar with hedgehogs

The calendar is, of course, not the most original gift, but when it comes to adorable hedgehogs, then it basically changes things.
