Synopsis in natural science. Self-analysis of a lesson in natural science in the second junior group “Our feathered friends Natural science in the 2nd junior group

Ershova Elena Vasilievna
educator GKKP "Nursery-garden No. 8"


1. Tarbielik - educational: Education of love for the world around.

2. Damytushylyk - developing: Development of cognitive activity, interest in natural phenomena.

3. Okytu - educational: Formation of knowledge about the phenomena of inanimate nature (rain), consolidation of knowledge about the properties of paper and other materials.

Pedagogical technologylar / pedagogical technologies: health-saving (outdoor game), innovative technology(cluster), ICT (flipchart, audio recording, film), research (experiment)

Resourceman kamtamasyz etu / Resource support: Audio recordings: “The Sound of Rain”, A. Vivaldi “The Seasons”; pictures for the "Signs of Spring" cluster, a fragment of the cartoon "Smeshariki", an umbrella. A set for experimentation: trays (by the number of children), sponge-clouds (by the number of children), two colored glasses with different amounts of water - white, red (by the number children), napkins for wiping hands (according to the number of children), umbrellas made of paper and oilcloth (according to the number of children).

Bilingual component Bilingual component: koktem - spring, zhanbyr - rain, ak - white, kyzyl - red, kolshatyr - umbrella

Ұyymdastyrylgan oқu қyzmetinіn barysy / Progress of organized educational activities:

1. Uymdastyrushylyk kezen / Organizational moment

Listening to an audio recording by A. Vivaldi. "Seasons"

What season is it now? Koktem - spring

What is your mood?

Are you happy that spring is here? Why?

And what kind of spring rain is it? zhanbyr (audio recording “The sound of rain)

(fragment of the cartoon "Smeshariki")

Guys, look at the screen.

2. Negіzgі bөlіmі / Main part

And where does the rain come from? (from cloud).

And how does he appear in a cloud? Do you want to know? I suggest you go to the lab and find out? We go to the Water Laboratory (music of magic):

Turn right, turn left

Find yourself in the Water Laboratory!

Here we are in the Laboratory! What do you need to do to get started? (we put on aprons).

Experimental - experimental activity

Children come to the tables, on which there are trays of sponges, glasses of water and basins.

What is on the tray? (children's answers). What do you think a sponge looks like? (children's answers). That's right, it looks like a cloud, like a cloud. The cloud consists of droplets. Squeeze it and see if water flows from the cloud or not? Children take a sponge - a cloud and squeeze it in their hand. Q: Why is there no water coming out? (children's answers). That's right, a sponge is a dry cloud. There are very, very few droplets in the cloud, and therefore it does not rain.

- Put your clouds on the tray. There are cups in front of you, how many are there? (2). What color are they? (ақ-white, kyzyl-red). How much water is in the white cup? (few). Avkrasnom? (a lot of).

- Take a white cup and pour water on your sponge - a cloud. To help the water soak the cloud, press it with your fingers. What happens if we lift and wring out the cloud? (children's answers).

Children test their assumptions empirically.

- Is it raining? Which one is strong or weak? What do you call this rain? (mushroom, with a rainbow - an arc, with the sun).

Put sponges - clouds again on the tray. Take a red glass and pour water from it onto the cloud. Press it with your fingers, saturate it with water. What happens now if the cloud is squeezed out? (children's answers). Click. Children test their guesses.

- Look guys, how many droplets of water have collected in the sponge. The droplets become too heavy for the cloud and fall out as rain. What kind of rain did it make? (strong). What kind of rain can it be compared to? (with rain with wind, with hail). What is this rain called? (pouring).

Conclusion: This is how everything happens in nature: droplets will gather together in a cloud, and when it becomes crowded, they run away from the cloud to the ground, fall like rain. (We wipe our hands - with a napkin) (box for used napkins)

Guys, how do you think you answered the question of Krosh and Hedgehog? Do you know where the rain comes from in a cloud?

The game "Cloud and drops".

An outdoor game “Cloud and Droplets” is being held. (audio recording)

Children are droplets, the teacher is a cloud.

Children - droplets fly
And water the whole earth - the children run all over the place to the music.
Droplets gathered and flowed like a stream.
Runs, murmurs no one's stream
On the pebbles - ding - ding,
On snags - bul - bul,
On the sedge - sh - sh - children - children move by "train"
Suddenly the sun came out
The droplets have evaporated
And they returned to their mother - a cloud - the children run to the teacher.

We rested and played. Now look at the screen. What's the weather like here? (sunny and rainy)

What do you think are the items that a person needs in rainy and sunny weather?


Which item is most needed in the rain? Why?

Best of all, an umbrella saves from the rain on a cool spring day.

Folding mushroom on a long handle

Save us from the rain from the cloud

The storm will go beyond the horizon

we will add the fungus - this is ....kolshatyr - an umbrella

- open the umbrella, consider what it consists of (parts)

What is the most important thing in an umbrella?

(to be waterproof)

Guys, look, you have umbrellas too. What are they made of?

Study of the properties of oilcloth, paper. We investigate why we do not get wet under an umbrella.

What kind of umbrella do we need in the rain? Under what umbrella will we not get wet?

On the table are umbrellas made of paper, oilcloth. With the help of a watering can, they pour water on umbrellas, watching what happens.

Conclusion: an oilcloth umbrella is waterproof, which means the umbrella is reliable, protects from rain. A paper umbrella is good for sun protection.

3.Korytyndy / Final part

Guys, we talked about what spring is like, about what we need in rainy weather. You are great today, you coped with all the tasks. Let's summarize. Look at our board - here it is the beauty of Spring (I suggest you find cards that relate to this time of year).

Cluster "Signs of Spring"

Look at the cluster, looking at it we can tell about what spring is like.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

secondary school №2

M / C "Aigolek"

in Natural Science

Subject: "We're going for a walk"

Educator Zorina A.L.

Shchuchinsk 2017

Abstract of an open lesson

IN 1 junior group

on the topic: "We go for a walk"

Program content:


Educational: Ability to perform actions with objects



Equipment: Kit outerwear for a girl (pants, jacket, hat, scarf, mittens, felt boots), pictures of outerwear

Lesson progress:

Today we have guests for the lesson. Greet your guests.

Well done! You should always say hello. It means that you are educated

(children's answers). We walk right. In the summer we walk every day. And answer

I'm wondering what time of year it is? (children's answers). Right time of year

winter. Do we walk every day in winter?

We don't always get to go out because of the weather. Guys, what is the weather like in winter?

(children's answers).

Guys, to go for a walk in the winter you need to dress warmly. What are we

dress for a walk? Demonstrating a set of clothes for a girl,

We consider clothes highlighting the characteristic features.

Knock on the door

Enter Vika

Guys, I'm going outside, will you help me get dressed for a walk?

Vika of course we will help you guys.

We dress Vika together with the children. I pay attention to the order of dressing

clothes (from bottom to top) using a bilingual component

- Guys, thank you very much for helping me get dressed, it's time for me to

walk. (Says goodbye to the children and leaves)

Musical Physical Minute "Making a Snowman"



Ұyymdastyrylgan oқu іs-аreketіnіӊ Technological map

technolagiyalyk maps of organized learning activities

Bilim beru salalary/Educational areas:Cognition

Bolimderі/Section:natural science

Takyryby/Theme:We are going to walk

Maқsaty/Goals: Educational: Ability to perform actions with objects

Developing:Develop the ability to distinguish between oppositesdactions (dress-undress, unbutton-button)

Nurturing:To educate children in neatness, neatness.

KosGcomponent/Bilingual component: Cap-börik, scarf-scarf, mittens- Kolgap.

Іs-аreket kezenі

Stages of activity

Tarbieshіnіӊ аreketterі

Actions of the educator

Balalardyӊ әreketterі

Children's actions

І stage

Sebeptik аreketti oyatu


Guys, we go to kindergarten. What are we doing in kindergarten?

We walk right. In the summer we walk every day.

Can you tell me what time of year it is?

The right time of year is winter. Do we walk every day in winter?

We don't always get to go out because of the weather.

Guys, what's the weather like in winter?

Children answer the question

We eat, we play, we sleep, we draw, we walk

season winter

In winter, we do not always walk

Cold, cold, snowing.

II stage

Uymdastyrylgan izdenis

Organizational search

To go for a walk in winter you need to dress warmly. What do we wear for a walk?

Knock on the door

Enter Vika

The guys and I are going for a walk, can you help me get dressed?

Will the guys help Vika get dressed?

I pay attention to the order of dressing

clothes (from bottom to top) using a bilingual component.

Vika thanks for the help and leaves.

Answer questions

Hat, scarf, gloves

Children show interest

Agree to help

Watch and repeat words

Farewell to Vika

III stage

Reflectik tuzetushi



Guys, let's remember what time of year it is now?

And how should we dress for a walk in winter?

I praise the children

season winter

Dress warmly

Kutіletіn natizhe/Expected result:

Belu/Know:Titles winter clothes(Hat, scarf, felt boots, etc.)

Bolu Bar/Have:Idea of ​​clothing classification (winter, summer)

Isteu alu/Be able to: Perform actions with objects (dress, undress)

Self-analysis of the lesson in natural science for the 1st junior group.

Theme: We're going for a walk.

The program content corresponds to the level of preparation of children of the 1st junior group.

Educational: Ability to perform actions with objects

Developing: Develop the ability to distinguish between opposite actions (dress-undress, unbutton-fasten)

Educating: To educate children in accuracy, neatness.

I pre-selected equipment, namely a set of outerwear for the girl (pants, jacket, hat, scarf, mittens, felt boots), pictures of outerwear. During the lesson, the children showed that they know the names of the details of clothing, name and distinguish from.

It was evident that the children showed a keen interest and desire to help someone. I believe that the lesson has achieved its goal.

The children were active, attentive and friendly. The reflection went well, as the children quickly answered the questions posed.

1 toishі tөbyndagy ұyimdastyrylғan oқu қyzmetіnің konspektter

Abstract organized learning activitiesV 1st junior group Otkizu to uni. dateholding: January 11

Tarbieshi. Educator: Zhangonova A.B.

I take salas. Educational area: Cognition

Pan - Subject: natural science

Otpelі takyryP - Cross-cutting theme:How do animals hibernate?

Takyryby- Theme : "Who lives in the forest?"

Maksattari - Goals:

1.Tarbielik - educational: cultivate a benevolent, caring attitude towards all living things, responsiveness.

2. Damytushylyk - developing: develop logical thinking, memory, attention, speech, fine motor skills; Activate a quality vocabulary.

3.Okytu - training: consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals, their appearance, lifestyle; knowledge of primary colors, the ability to recognize and name them; the ability to distinguish geometric shapes and figures; clarify children's ideas about the quality of objects (long - short, large - small); about quantity (one - many).

Pedagogical technology lar - ped. technologies: play, health-saving, developing.

Resourceman қamtamasyz etu - resource provision: animal pictures, easel, animal toys.

Bilingual component - bilingual component: hare - koyan.

1.Ұyymdastyrylgan kezenі - organizational moment.

Surprise moment.

WITH Good morning, eyes! Forefinger stroking the eyes

You woke up? Make "binoculars" out of your fingers to look through it

Good morning ears! Stroke ears with palms

You woke up? Put your palms on your ears "cheburashka"

Good morning, pens! Stroking first one hand, then the other +

You woke up? Clap hands

Good morning feet! Stroking the knees

You woke up? stomp your feet

Good morning sunshine!

I woke up! Raise your hands up, look at the sun

(woke up) (look up).

Go on a trip to forest clearing. Children get into cars and go to the forest.

2.Negіzі bolіmі - the main part.

In the clearing, a fox meets the children: he asks the children who is this? (Fox)

Asks the children to consider the fox, what is it like? They ask the fox, what are the names of your children? (foxes).

Where does the fox live? (in a mink).

Oh, who's that hiding behind the tree? (Answers of children).

Yes, it's a bunny.

He has a white coat in winter. In such a fur coat, the fox will not see him. On white snow in winter, it will not be noticeable. And in the summer he has a fur coat ... (gray).

Guys let's say a wordhare in Kazakhkoyan


One, two (squat, hands on the belt)

This is a hare exercise, ears on top.

And how will the foxes wake up (palms in fists and rubbing their eyes)

They like to stretch for a long time. (We stretch)

Be sure to yawn (imitation yawning)

Well, wag your tail.

And the wolf cubs bend their backs

And jump lightly.

Well, the bear is clubfoot,

Paws wide apart,

Together with the bunny, he marks time for a long time.

Meet a sleeping bear.

Mystery. Who sleeps in a den in winter

Under a big pine tree? Bear, bear)

What is he? ( big, clumsy)

What are the names of the children of the bear? (cubs)

Guys, what does the bear like? (honey)

They say that wild animals take care of themselves, get their own food.

Invites all children back to the group.

Invites the children to sit at the table and on the pieces of paper pick up each animal and connect the necessary pictures with lines to find a house who lives where.

Individual work with Alice, Kira, Zhenya. The game "Whose tail?"

3.Korytyndy - the final part.

Guys, where did we go to the swami? (to a clearing in the forest)

And who did we see? (fox, hare, bear)

And what kind of tail does the fox have? (fluffy)

Ay hare ears what? (Long)

What is a bear? (large)

Well done guys, forest animals are very pleased that you came to visit.

round, ruddy

I grow on a branch

adults love me

And little kids (apple).

The fruit looks like a tumbler

Wears a yellow shirt.

Breaking the silence in the garden

Fell from a tree ... (pear)

3. Top - golden skin,

In the center is a large bone,

What kind of fruit? - Here's a question for you.

This is sweet - ... (apricot)

Teacher: Well done guys. All riddles solved.

Educator: Guys, how to call an apple, pear, apricot in one word? What is this?

Educator: Guys, where do fruits grow?

Educator: What are the names of the trees on which fruits grow

Educator: Where do fruit trees grow?

Educator: What is the name of the garden in which many fruit trees grow?

Educator: Well done!

Journey to the orchard.

Educator: Guys, today we will go on a trip to a fabulous orchard. What time of year are we outside now? That's right, it's spring. And we will visit the garden, where it is always summer.

Educator: And who will we invite with us on a trip?

Educator: But the road for us, guys, will not be easy, we will play along the way. I will name fruits and vegetables for you, when I name vegetables - we must squat, when I name fruits - we walk on our toes, we pull our hands up towards the sun.

Educator: Guys, here we are in the garden. Let's sit on the grass.

Educator: Guys, what trees grow in our garden?

Educator: What fruits grow on these trees?

Educator: Well done!

Educator: Guys, but the Hedgehog and the Squirrel don't know why people grow so many fruits? After all, if they are not eaten all at once, they will go bad. Let's tell our friends how to store fruits. (children's answers)

Educator: And what can be cooked from fruits?

Ball game "Treats".

Educator: Let's stand in a circle and play the game "Treats". I am the host, I throw the ball, for example, to Dasha and ask: “What kind of apple juice?”, Dasha - “apple”, etc.

Educator: And now let's slowly sit on the grass. Guys, look carefully, do we all have the same fruits? (children's answers)

Educator: How are fruits different from each other?

Educator: Guys, what color is the fruit in our garden

Educator: How to say in one word about the color of fruits?

Educator: Guys, what can we say about the size of the fruit? What are they?

Game "Collect fruits".

Educator: Guys, our friends invite you to play more. They want you to go to the orchard and pick fruit. Girls pick round fruits and boys pick small fruits.

Educator: And now let's see if you did the task correctly. In turn, a group of girls and boys put fruit on the table.

Educator: Well done, everyone did the job correctly.
