Membrane clothing. Membrane clothes: an overview of brands, tips on how to choose and wear Membrane fabric for winter clothes

Improvements in approaches to clothing manufacturing processes today provide a wide range of products with unsurpassed qualities. Lightweight, comfortable, wind and frost resistant fabric is the dream of any hunter and sportsman whose activities take place in harsh climatic conditions. Ordinary materials are not able to cope with such tasks, so special technologies come to the rescue. For example, in the circles of professional hunters and athletes, you can hear the concept of "membrane tissue". What it is? In essence, this is a coating that provides increased performance properties of clothing. However, the complex structure and unusual texture led to the separation of the membrane into a separate group of tissues. In any case, this is how the manufacturers position them. It is important for consumers themselves to have an idea about the working qualities of this material, the advantages and disadvantages that it has.

General information about membrane tissues

The membrane should be considered more like a technology for processing fabric. There are two main approaches to the manufacture of materials. In the first case, a thin film is used, with which the outer surface of the garment is laminated. The gluing or soldering technique may be used. The second option involves the use of special impregnation, which is used to process the material. Now we can clarify the next question a little. Membrane fabric- what it is?

As can be seen, the membrane can hardly be attributed to an independent material. This is a means by which the surface of clothing is endowed with protective qualities. In essence, a membrane is a film coating or impregnation. Another thing is that this processing itself is the result of a rather complex production. As a result, a chemical structure is formed that allows clothes to act as reliable protection against cold, wind and rain. The unique qualities of such films and coatings include providing a comfortable microclimate in any conditions. For example, protecting from severe frost, the fabric also contributes to the natural removal of moisture due to air circulation.

Varieties of material

The main classification involves the division of membranes according to their structure. In particular, porous, non-porous and combined coatings are distinguished. Clothing with a porous coating is distinguished by its ability to provide ventilation without letting in moisture. In other words, a jumpsuit made of this type of membrane fabric does not let in drops of water, but removes evaporation under layers of clothing.

The advantage is obvious, but such material requires special care. Against this background, pore-free fabric looks much more advantageous. It is also distinguished by the ability to protect clothes from moisture, and the removal of internal evaporation is ensured by the diffusion effect, that is, the principle of osmosis operates. In this case, the coating not only has increased strength and protection against mechanical damage, but also does not require special care. For example, washing membrane fabrics on a non-porous basis is carried out in the same way as with ordinary things. As for the combined models, they combine high efficiency of internal air removal, durability and water-repellent effect. But the cost of clothing with such a membrane is the highest.

Advantages and disadvantages of fabric

Membrane fabrics have a lot of positive qualities, which are mainly expressed in protection from getting wet, wind and cold. Here it is worth turning to the answer to another important question.

Membrane fabric - what is it in terms of operation? and resilience to external threats that are not limited to the weather at all. For example, it is important for a hunter that the fabric is not damaged by branches in the forest and does not get dirty. And the best models of suits with a membrane meet these requirements. Unfortunately, it is not without its downsides. First of all, this is a high cost. If you buy inexpensive models, then there is no plus in the form of undemanding care. Plus, cheap ones don't last long.

Jacket membrane fabric

For this type of clothing, thick coatings that include several layers are not suitable. As a rule, these are sports suits, for which lightness and durability with the effect of water resistance are important. Typically, membrane jacket fabrics are made using Ice-Team and Hi-Tech technologies. The first development involves the use of high quality nylon, providing a combination of lightweight material with a vapor barrier effect and strength. Hi-Tech membrane technology is distinguished by the use of dense polyester. This feature determines the high protection of jackets from moisture, good ventilation, as well as compliance with all hygiene standards.

Materials for hunters

The nature of the exploitation of clothing by hunters can be called extreme. Therefore, membrane materials are of high quality. Such equipment is distinguished by layering, the presence of zippers with a minimum number of seams and high ergonomics. From the point of view of the internal microclimate, clothing for hunting made of membrane fabric should provide a moisture-repellent barrier at the level of 2,000 cm of water column, as well as high ventilation capacity. In approaches to the development of such equipment, one contradiction can be found. It lies in the fact that manufacturers strive to increase tightness by minimizing seams and zippers, but at the same time leave seemingly unnecessary ventilation holes. But this is the secret, since all free channels can be closed and regulated, and this allows you to provide a steam outlet as needed.

with GoreTex technology

There are several directions in which GoreTex technology is developing, but all of them are subordinated to the ideas of providing a reliable barrier to water, wind and cold. As a rule, clothing for hunting made of membrane fabric is distinguished by the presence of a thin and uniform coating. The protective film is based on PTFE polymer. Even against the background of membrane materials, this coating has many advantages. For example, the film is made with the expectation of obtaining a huge number of micropores. Compared to the size of a water molecule, such a pore is 700 times smaller. For hunters, another characteristic is also significant - protection from pollution. Firstly, the fabric surface itself provides a repellent effect for foreign bodies. But the uniqueness of clothing lies in the ability not to absorb fats and substances that may contain water vapor.

Windstopper Membrane For Stormwear

Clothing models using Windstopper technology are designed for use in sports and tourism. In particular, it can be equipment for skiers, snowboarders, cyclists and even climbers. Its main function is to protect against wind and moisture. But for consumers in this group, it is also very important to ensure comfort in order to sports suit made of membrane fabric was soft for freedom of movement. To achieve this goal, clothing designers use a layered concept. That is, it is not necessary to use a full set of equipment to perform basic protection functions. Depending on the conditions, you can limit yourself to only protection from wind, moisture or snow.

Features of fabric care

In the care of such a fabric, the features of the coating used should be taken into account. They may differ. For example, the mentioned combined materials with pores do not require any maintenance at all. But for the most part similar clothes However, it does require certain precautions to be taken. Manufacturers do not recommend ironing items with protective coatings, as heat can destroy the structure of the film. Only a special agent for membrane fabrics based on fluorine will help restore the coating. In particular, water-repellent qualities are formed in this way.

The nuances of washing membrane products

Before washing, it is necessary to fasten all departments and niches of clothing. The most important step is the choice detergent. All types of powders, rinses and conditioners should be immediately excluded, as they can clog pores. Surprisingly, laundry soap- This the best remedy for washing membrane fabrics of any type. Of course, the effectiveness of such disposal of pollution is not so high, but there is no alternative. The fact is that the pores are very susceptible to the effects of chemicals, especially those that contain small granules. Machine washing should also be avoided. The operation should be done manually, carefully spinning.

Features of storage of membrane tissue

In order not to damage the pores, storage of things should be organized in a vertical position on a hanger. This will eliminate the risk of deformation of the coating and maintain its performance. It is also recommended to use a polyethylene sheath as a sheath. The structure possessed by clothing made of membrane fabric may become clogged during long-term storage. Therefore, the pores should also be protected from fine dust particles. Obviously, the main concerns regarding the maintenance and care of such clothing are caused by the characteristics of micropores. In this sense, it is much more profitable to purchase non-porous items that are free from strict maintenance requirements, but again they are much more expensive.


With all the positive qualities of such clothing, there are a number of other nuances of its operation. Among them are the special requirements for thermal underwear, which are provided by the membrane fabric. What is it in terms of microclimate organization? This is the top layer of clothing, which, among other things, is designed to remove moisture. But to ensure effective air circulation, appropriate elements of thermal underwear should also be selected. In particular, things made with polyester, cotton and polypropylene are recommended. In this combination, they will provide the best protective effect under any climatic conditions. True, for such equipment you will have to pay a lot of money.

The modern world offers a huge selection of the latest technologies and developments in various fields, and often these innovations can be applied in completely different areas.
One such example is the membrane - a material that was originally used only by manufacturers of clothing and equipment for tourists, athletes, that is, for those who deal with extreme weather conditions, heavy physical exertion, and who need equipment with certain properties.
And today, membrane fabrics are widely used in light industry for sewing ordinary outerwear, including children's.

Membrane types

What is a membrane? The membrane is a high-tech material that is highly waterproof and yet breathable. There are two types of membranes: hydroporous and hydrophilic.

hydroporous membranes have many microscopic holes, the so-called pores. Pores are many times smaller than a drop of water, so moisture cannot penetrate. And at the same time, water molecules in the form of vapor freely exit through the membrane to the outside.

Membranes of this type are sensitive to dirt, which simply clogs the pores, and over time can become clogged, which negatively affects their properties. But such membranes breathe better than others.

hydrophilic membranes are a fabric on which a film is thermally applied that does not allow water to pass through. At the same time, the fabric remains breathable, because thanks to free chemical bonds, the molecules of evaporating moisture are transferred, as if along a conveyor, from the inside of the film to the outside. Dirt and foreign matter on such a membrane does not affect its vapor permeability, breathability and waterproofing.

Hydrophilic membranes are easier to maintain, but their vapor permeability is lower than that of hydroporous membranes.

How do membranes work in practice?

It is important that we, and even more so our children, feel comfortable in clothes. When we talk about comfort, we mean the microclimate - a thin layer of air between the skin and clothes. We are comfortable when the temperature of this layer is about 32-34 degrees, and the relative humidity is 40-60%. Any deviations are palpable.

Various factors can affect the microclimate: weather conditions, clothing properties, physical activity.

"A cold wind, penetrating through clothes, displaces a layer of warm air around the skin. Clothing made of membrane fabrics is windproof, and this property of it allows you to stay outdoors for a long time in "minus" weather and not freeze.

During physical exertion, our body releases moisture, simply sweats. If this moisture is not removed in a timely manner, it covers the skin with a film and begins to cool at rest and heat up during active movement, causing discomfort. The membrane does not allow moisture to linger inside the clothes, but removes evaporation to the outside, providing proper microcirculation and maintaining the desired humidity and temperature.

Thus, the membrane allows you to keep the usual microclimate as much as possible, namely, a temperature of about 33 degrees and a humidity of about 50% - unchanged. Regardless of the ambient temperature and the level of physical activity. Therefore, both in the heat and in the cold, we feel comfortable in membrane clothing.

How to wear a membrane?

For normal operation of the membrane, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Clothing under the membrane must be made of synthetic or mixed fibers (synthetic content of at least 10-20%), or wool. Remember that excess moisture must be removed from the body, and, for example, 100% cotton is hygroscopic, it absorbs sweat, causing hypothermia. Panties can be left cotton.
  2. Layering: the first layer is underwear, the second layer is insulation, the third layer is actually membrane clothing. Underwear, as we have already found out, should be made of synthetics or with the addition of synthetics. It can be special thermal underwear or just a turtleneck and tights. 100% wool underwear is also allowed - for lovers of natural fabrics, since the market now offers products made from delicate, non-spiky wool.
    Warming: at a temperature of minus 5-10 degrees, we begin to warm up, it can be a jumpsuit made of wool or fleece fleece. Membrane clothing: set or overalls. All!
  3. Physical activity: the membrane works in motion. If you are involved in winter sports or even just walking actively, then the membrane is your choice. Buying membrane clothes for children who spend most of the walk sleeping in a stroller is probably premature. A down jacket or clothes with other heaters are more suitable for them.

Membrane Benefits

Membrane clothing has a number of advantages.

She maintains a constant optimum temperature at about 33 degrees, so you can not be afraid that the child will overheat or freeze. Moreover, this temperature does not depend on how many degrees in external environment- minus 20 on the street or plus 15 in the car. You can safely enter a shopping center or clinic, just take off your hat.

Membrane clothing non-volumetric, due to its properties and the use of modern heaters. If earlier it was difficult for children in fur coats and cotton pants to move on the street, now even those who have only recently learned to walk can easily move and actively explore the world around them.

Membrane clothing light. This is true both for the kids themselves and for mothers who often pick up children in their arms.

It is enough to have one set of clothes, even if the street is muddy and puddles. Firstly, you can be sure that if you fall into a puddle, your child will remain dry thanks to the waterproof membrane. And secondly, when you come home, it is enough to wash the soiled clothes under running water, wiping with a sponge if necessary, and hang to dry. The membrane dries very quickly. In addition, manufacturers of membrane clothing, in particular, Luhta, design products so that the places most prone to contamination (bottom of trousers, knees, lower back) are made of dark-colored fabric.

Membrane Care

Caring for the membrane is simple, the main thing is to follow simple rules.

  • In order for your clothes to last for a long time, first of all, when washing and drying, follow the instructions that come with the product.
  • Wash the membrane either by hand or by hand. washing machine in the delicate wash at a temperature of 30 degrees. Use special products for membrane clothing or any liquid ones.
  • Severe dirt can be pre-washed under running water by rubbing with a sponge.
  • Before washing in the washing machine, check the pockets, close the zippers and turn the garment inside out.
  • The membrane is washed without pre-soaking.
  • Do not use rinse conditioners.
  • After washing, the product is wrung out by hand without twisting. Let's spin in the washing machine at the lowest speed.
  • Clothes should be dried in a straightened form at room temperature (never dry membrane clothes on a radiator!).

Our guide to choosing membrane clothing will help you "decipher" the information contained in the descriptions for it. We will also try not to overwhelm you with an abundance of boring details, but pay attention to those factors that are really important when choosing a membrane jacket and / or trousers.

Choosing membrane clothing will be much easier if you accurately outline the future scope of its application. Modern jackets and trousers made of membrane materials are distinguished by a rather narrow specialization and there are no absolutely universal models that are equally well suited, for example, for summer tourism and winter sports. The manufacturer's catalog will help determine the purpose of specific clothing models, which, as a rule, has a rubricator and recommendations for use. In the store, a sales assistant can do this for you.

All membrane clothing on the modern market can be divided into four categories depending on its purpose:

    membrane clothes for mountaineering; membrane clothing for winter sports - skiing and snowboarding; membrane clothing for tourism/urban wear; membrane clothing for sports with intensive cardio load - running / cycling.

The materials used in it, which affect strength and weight, depend on the purpose of membrane clothing; cut; functional details and additional options.

Membrane clothing materials

The main component of membrane clothing is a polyurethane or teflon film capable of transporting water vapor through itself, while remaining impervious to water in liquid form. Therefore, the key parameters for evaluating the properties of a membrane are its water resistance and vapor permeability.

As a rule, they are indicated on labels or in descriptions of membrane clothing as two numbers, for example, 20/20K or 10,000/17,000. The first number indicates water resistance, the second indicates vapor permeability.

Water resistance measured in millimeters of water column and determines how much water pressure the material can withstand without leakage. Membranes with a water resistance of 7,000 mm or more are impervious to rain of any strength. However, most high-end membranes have a water resistance of 15, 20 and even 40 thousand mm.

This is due not only to the pursuit of manufacturers for big numbers. In an effort to guarantee the watertightness of their materials, manufacturers eliminate any risk of leakage even when their products are used extensively in extreme conditions.

The vast majority of modern membranes, even inexpensive ones, are really impervious to rain of any strength. Therefore, it is not worth focusing on this parameter and chasing very high water resistance, provided that the purchased membrane clothing does not involve use in extreme weather conditions - prolonged rains, hurricane winds, strong temperature changes, etc.

The vapor permeability of the membrane is much more important for your comfort.

Vapor permeability determines how quickly moisture will be transported from the human body to the outside. The better the vapor permeability, the less you risk getting wet from the inside from your own sweat and dry faster if this does happen. To evaluate it, two main indicators based on different tests are used:

    MVTR(moisture vapor transmitting rate - “water vapor transfer rate”) - measured in g / m² / 24h, i.e. how many grams of water vapor can pass through a tissue sample on an area of ​​1 m² in 24 hours. The higher the value, the greater the vapor permeability of the material. For the most "breathable" membranes, this figure is greater than or equal to 20,000 g / m² / 24 hours. There are several tests for determining MVTR, however, they simulate the operation of the membrane in real conditions only approximately. RET(evaporate resistance - "evaporation resistance") - a testing technique developed and used by Gore-Tex. It determines how strongly the material being tested "resists" the transport of water vapor. Therefore, the lower the RET value, the more breathable the membrane is. The scale is marked from 0 to 30, where 0 is the bare surface of the skin - i.e. nothing prevents the evaporation of moisture, and 30 is a layer of dense polyethylene - i.e. "breathing" properties are completely absent. The most vapor-permeable membranes have an RET index in the range of 1-6.

Unfortunately, the test results do not always correlate with each other - this is due both to the difference in the test methods used, and to frequent violations of testing protocols in various laboratories. Sometimes the same fabric sample shows completely different vapor permeability values ​​in the same test carried out at different test centers.

For this reason, some manufacturers publish only the maximum figures recorded in tests, others publish results on two scales at once - RET and MVTR, others do not indicate vapor permeability values ​​at all, trying to avoid incorrect comparisons with products from other brands. In any case, a sign of "good form" is an indication by the manufacturer of the testing methodology or an explanation of why vapor permeability indicators are not published.

What vapor permeability do you need?

If you use membrane clothing as part of high physical activity - skiing, running, mountain hiking, etc., look at indicators over 20,000 g / m² / 24h.

Jackets and trousers designed for city wear and occasional outdoor use will need a vapor permeability of 6-10,000 g/m²/24h.

Remember that these are minimum guidelines and in reality the vast majority high quality membranes today they demonstrate vapor permeability from 20,000 g/m²/24h.

When choosing membrane clothing, it is also important to pay attention to a number of other points. Some manufacturers offer membranes with very high vapor permeability of 30 and even 40 thousand g / m² / 24h, however, not only this affects the final “breathing” ability of clothing. It depends on the fabrics used and the methods of their connection with the membrane, the presence of additional ventilation and even the quality of the impregnation used on the front side of the material.

Sometimes these parameters are even regulated. For example, this is what Gore-Tex does - the fabrics connected to their membranes undergo a very strict selection. At the same time, clothing and footwear manufacturers that use Gore-Tex materials coordinate with Gore the cut and even the selection of accessories for their finished products. So quality control becomes absolutely comprehensive.

What to do if the clothing manufacturer does not indicate the vapor permeability value?

Do not panic :) Indeed, such a practice exists. For a number of membrane fabrics used today by some manufacturers, it is difficult to find specific indicators of vapor permeability in open sources. This is not due to attempts to conceal important information for the buyer. Most often, the reason lies in the fact that clothing manufacturers are trying to avoid negative comparison with competitors based on just one characteristic and draw the attention of a potential client to other, sometimes more important parameters of the product - cut, fabrics and accessories used, etc.

How to make a choice in such a situation?

    First of all, you need to evaluate the reputation of the manufacturer of clothing or materials - how long its products have been on the market, what guarantees it provides, what are the reviews on its products and, most importantly, who is in the circle of its potential buyers. If these are people who appreciate quality and do not tolerate compromises in clothing and equipment, then the lack of indicators should not bother you. Today, the leading manufacturers of membrane materials for outdoor activities, releasing them under their own brands, are Gore-Tex, Toray (Dermizax line), Polartec (Neo Shell membranes). Next, you need to follow the manufacturer's recommendations. You should not buy a running jacket from a collection of mountaineering jackets, even if each of them does not have vapor permeability indicators. Finally, you can almost always find feedback about the material used, especially if it has been on the market for a relatively long time.


The membrane itself is too thin and fragile to be used in clothing as an independent material. Therefore, it is combined with a tissue that protects the membrane film from negative external influences. What material will be used for this depends weight and strength ready-made clothes.

To describe the fabric used, manufacturers publish the following information:

    Fiber material, usually it is nylon (Nylon) or polyester (Polyester). Other things being equal, nylon is lighter and stronger, polyester is cheaper. Denier(denoted as Den or D). An indicator that determines the thickness and weight of the thread. The higher it is, the stronger and heavier the fabric, all other things being equal. The digital index that comes before the letter D determines how many grams weigh 9 km of the thread used. For example, 86D - the weight of 9,000 meters of thread is 86 grams. Fabric weight in g/m². The higher this parameter, the heavier the fabric used.

Membrane bonding fabrics can have a major impact on the final price of finished membrane garments. Sometimes things created on the basis of the same membrane can differ in cost by 1.5-2.5 times. Also, pricing is influenced by the cut and accessories used.

The use of elastic fabrics in membrane clothing is possible, however, requires the use of a suitable stretchable membrane. The most famous in this field are the pore-free membranes of the Japanese company Toray, manufactured under the brand name Dermizax (or under the trademarks of clothing manufacturers, for example, Membrain by Marmot).

The membrane can be connected to one or two layers of fabric at once. Three types of membrane materials are distinguished depending on their quantity:

2-layer HyVent membrane inside of The North Face Resolve jacket. Mesh fabric acts as a lining

2-ply- Membrane connects only to facial tissue. Other things being equal, these are the lightest, most flexible, but at the same time the least durable materials, because the membrane film is not protected from mechanical wear and skin secretions from the wrong side. Garments using such membranes often use a loosely attached mesh lining or soft tissue, which can significantly limit mobility by clinging to the fleece insulation layer. In the descriptions, they are referred to as 2L or 2-layer.

Wrong side of the Marmot PreCip jacket. The pattern of the print is clearly visible, which "covers" the membrane itself

2.5 ply- in essence, these are the same 2-layer materials, but to increase their wear resistance, a protective print is applied to the membrane from the wrong side. This allows you to reduce the weight of the finished membrane clothing, abandoning the lining. Referred to in descriptions as 2.5L or 2.5-layer.

The reverse side of the jacket is made of 3-layer material. The membrane is protected from wear by a laminated Gore-Tex C-Knit woven layer

3-ply- the membrane is glued together with the front and lining fabrics. The most wear-resistant option, used in clothing for long-term use in difficult conditions. Such fabrics are characterized by the greatest weight and low flexibility. Only the method of laminating the membrane on the fabric is used. In the descriptions, they are referred to as 3L or 3-layer.

Fabric durability and weight are also greatly affected by the original quality of synthetic fibers, how the threads are twisted and processed, the accuracy of looms, etc. Therefore, some relatively expensive materials with a low density and low denier value end up being stronger and more durable than more dense and heavy cheap samples.

As a general rule, the stronger the fabrics used, the heavier it will be. ready-to-wear. Materials that combine strength and relatively low weight are more difficult to manufacture and are quite expensive.

    For urban membrane jacket these parameters are not very critical - you can buy a durable and relatively heavy thing to avoid overpayment. Examples - The North Face Arrano, Jack Wolfskin Brooks Range. IN membrane clothing for mountaineering the combination of low weight and high strength is important, which is especially necessary for technically difficult ascents. Materials must withstand friction on rough surfaces, have high tensile and tear strength, wear-resistant water-repellent impregnation. These same qualities are important in freeride clothing., especially if "backcountry" routes are supposed. If the most important parameters for you when choosing storm clothing for freeride and mountaineering are the durability and strength of membrane materials, then give preference to 3L laminates. Examples - Gore-Tex Pro garments - Arcteryx Alpha SV, Haglofs ROC Spirit, Klattermusen Brede, Sivera Torok 2.0. Jackets and trousers made of membrane materials for tourism are distinguished by the greatest variety of used facial fabrics and weight range. classical membrane clothing for hiking represents a compromise between weight and wear resistance. The weight of the backpack is of great importance when choosing a windbreaker for tourism - the larger it is, the more reliable and durable the materials from which your jacket is sewn should be. best choice for heavy backpacks there will be 3L laminates with a woven layer on the wrong side - such membrane materials are most durable and unpretentious. Examples - Norrona Falketind, Marmot Super Mica, Bergans Letto. When choosing membrane clothing for intense aerobic exercise - running and cycling, the strength of the fabric is relegated to the background. It copes with ordinary loads, but it is not worth wading through thorny thickets and narrow rocky passages. Due to its low weight Membrane running clothes are often used in "fast and light" tourism. Experienced light-walkers carefully plan their route and are careful with their equipment. Examples - Gore-Tex Active jackets and trousers - Salomon Minim Jam, Bergans Helium.

Reinforcement of wear-prone areas of clothing

To reduce the weight of touring membrane jackets without compromising their durability, manufacturers reinforce areas subject to abrasion by using lightweight materials over a larger area.

In the case of climbing and ski pants and semi-overalls, this is protection against cuts by piping and cats on the bottom of the trousers, reinforcements on the knees and, less often, in the buttocks.

In jackets, inserts made of protective materials or more durable fabrics are usually used on the shoulders, cuffs, elbows and hem. The most vulnerable are the places of contact with the backpack.

Cut of membrane clothing

No matter how technologically advanced the materials used in clothing are, all their positive properties are nullified if the jacket or trousers have an unsuccessful cut, “do not fit” the figure and are inconvenient to use. Attention to small details and carefully calibrated patterns is one of the hallmarks of high-end outdoor clothing manufacturers.


The first thing a manufacturer of sports and outdoor clothing needs to provide is sufficient freedom of movement. Membrane jackets and trousers in this matter are no exception. Articulated cut of the knees and elbows, special arrangement of seams on the shoulders and back, accurate calculation of fabric allowances and the shape of the patterns make clothes much more comfortable - the jacket rides up less and does not stretch in the back, the trousers do not slip from the waist if you squat or bend over, etc. .d. Sometimes a change in cut not only adds comfort in using a thing, but also allows you to increase its service life. Thus, the displacement of the seams on the shoulders of the membrane jacket significantly reduces their friction and deformation by the straps of the backpack.

Unfortunately, any complication of the pattern leads to complication production process, which leads to an increase in the final price of finished membrane clothing.

It just so happens that most manufacturers of high-tech outdoor clothing are focused on people with an athletic or average build. Therefore, the owners non-standard figure or people who are overweight need careful fitting and more time to find a suitable model.

The extent to which a membrane jacket or trousers will fit freely on the user's figure depends on the number and volume of layers of clothing that will be worn under them. And this is directly related to the manufacturer's recommended scope for a particular model of membrane clothing.

All the variety of pattern options can be reduced to several large classes. Let's turn to the Arcteryx catalog for an example.

Athletic fit

It involves wearing under membrane clothing only thermal underwear and a thin fitted insulating layer (fleece or very thin puff). Mainly used in clothes for intensive physical activity- running and cycling. Uncomfortable in clothes for everyday use. Well suited only for people of thin and toned athletic physique.

regular fit

Designed for the average user in the view of the clothing manufacturer. It involves wearing thermal underwear and a light insulating layer of small thickness. As a rule, it is used in a wide range of models of membrane jackets and trousers, designed for everyday wear, travel, and universal tourist. The cut suits people of average build well.

Loose fit

It is used in membrane clothing designed for use in extreme conditions with constantly changing weather and air temperature.

For it, patterns are used that allow you to create enough space under the membrane clothing for using thick thermal underwear and a thick insulating layer (or even two). Jackets and trousers with this pattern do not hinder movement.

Croy used in models of membrane clothing for winter sports, mountain tourism and expeditions. Well suited for people with a wide variety of physiques, including those who are far from ideal physical shape.

Pay attention to additional elements that will allow you to better fit the jacket and trousers for you. We are talking about drawstrings, adjustable cuffs, etc. A tight fit will make you feel more comfortable in especially inclement weather- the wind will not blow into the sleeves and under the jacket, water will not be thrown into the hood, etc.

Functional details of the cut of membrane clothing

Taped seams

Needle sewing machine leaves tiny holes in the membrane through which water can seep. To seal them, manufacturers use a special tape that glues the seam line. In some cases, only "critical" seams are sealed, i.e. those that are at risk of leaking in the first place - usually on the shoulders and sleeves. However, this practice is gradually fading away today and is typical only for the cheapest models of membrane clothing. Most often, absolutely all seams are glued by the manufacturer to make their models really impervious to rain, sleet and wind.

One of the main aspirations modern man is comfortable, light and practical clothing that can solve several problems at once: keep warm, be breathable, water-repellent and at the same time remain stylish.

Membrane fabric, which is widely used in the production of sports and tourist clothing and equipment, can solve such problems.

A bit of history

One of the first companies involved in the development and production of membrane fabrics, in 1958, was W.L. Gore, founded by chemist Bill Gore. They were looking for areas for the use of a very new chemical compound, Teflon. 10 years later, in 1969, Bill Gore's son, Bob, as a result of testing "Teflon" with a shock explosion, was able to obtain a porous film.

In 1976, he patented the E-PTEE production technology for Gore-Tex material. From that moment on, the history of the production of clothing from membrane fabric began.

Pros and cons of the membrane

Like any other fabric, the membrane has its pros and cons.

The advantages include the following features:

  • weightlessness and comfort. Membrane clothing is light, allows you to move freely and does not restrict movement;
  • thanks to its unique properties, the membrane protects in windy and rainy weather;
  • universal. Clothes made of membrane fabric are worn both in frost and in autumn cold;
  • any contamination is easy to remove;
  • vapor permeability. The fabric releases body vapors well, not letting cold air back in.

Cons of membrane clothing:

  • special care and proper washing to avoid damage to the upper protective layer;
  • for the best heat transfer, it is necessary to wear thermal underwear;
  • in severe frost, the surface of the membrane tissue can freeze, losing its unique properties. Therefore, it should not be worn at temperatures below -20 °.

Types of membranes

Modern manufacturers use 3 types of membrane in the production of finished products.

Non-porous (hydrophilic monolithic) membrane

This type of membrane wicks away moisture well. First, underwear moisture evaporates to the inside of the material, and then comes out due to evaporation.

Such a membrane does not evaporate liquid well in wet weather, and vice versa, it perfectly evaporates moisture in dry weather, but it is durable.

The advantage of such a membrane is its high wear resistance. In addition, it does not require additional care.

Flaw- this is not the ability to "breathe" at low temperatures.

Non-porous membrane fabric is used in the production of sportswear. And also for the manufacture of wetsuits.

Pore ​​(hydrophobic microporous) membrane

The name itself already contains the properties of the membrane. The pores that make up the fabric do not allow moisture to seep into the fabric, which makes the clothing waterproof.

The main disadvantage of porous membrane clothing is its tendency to clog pores, so it requires special care. Wash things from the pore membrane by special means without pressing. Otherwise, the membrane will lose its unique properties and get wet.

An important advantage of porous membrane products is their high moisture resistance.

Combined type of membrane

The combination of the unique properties of the two above membranes. The inner part of the tissue is covered with a layer of porous membrane, while the outside is non-porous.

It was the combination of two types of films that made it possible to enhance the unique properties and remove the shortcomings of the two types of film as much as possible at once.

However, products from a combined membrane film are not cheap, because it is used for the production of premium sports equipment.


Thanks to modern membrane production technologies, it is divided into 3 types.

Double layer fabric (2L)

On the inside of the fabric, a membrane layer of various colors (white, transparent or colored) is applied with a lining. The lining provides additional protection against damage. Jackets made of two-layer fabric are good to wear in the off-season.

The disadvantage of products made of two-layer fabric is that they are heavy and less wear-resistant. They should not be used for regions with extreme temperature fluctuations.

Three-layer fabric (3L)

A membrane film and mesh (inner layer) are applied to the fabric from the inside. It turns out a kind of "sandwich" of fabric, membrane and mesh. The fabric is light and comfortable as there is no lining.

Manufacturers use this type of fabric in the production of clothing for harsh climates.

2-and-a-half layer membrane fabric (2.5L)

Manufacturers used a protective layer in the form of pimples instead of lining. This layer is evenly applied to the membrane, so the fabric becomes light and at the same time protects against damage.


Membrane jackets have already ceased to be the equipment of climbers and athletes. They entrenched in Everyday life most fashionistas. They are warm and cozy, they are beautiful. That's why there is a fashion here. Manufacturers offer models with patch pockets, with a sewn-on or detachable hood, with or without fur, with a drawstring at the waist. To understand in favor of which model to choose, we will talk about the main models of membrane jackets.

Jackets with a hood (Detachable or sewn on)

In the off-season, a jacket with a hood will be a great option. It is warm and pleasant in it. The hood can be attached or detachable.

Detachable hood can be fastened with a zipper or fixed with buttons. In some models for the autumn-spring period of membrane jackets, the adjustable hood is hidden in the collar. There are hoods with a visor that protects from the sun's rays.

Important! The hood must be adjustable so that it does not restrict head movement.

The hood in a membrane jacket is not a separate part, but a continuation of the jacket, because it is made of the same material as the main product.

With drawstring at the waist or without it

Some models of membrane jackets are equipped with a drawstring at the waist, which allows you to reduce the volume of the jacket, respectively, increase heat transfer. Also, the drawstring at the waist additionally protects from the wind and gives the figure a beautiful look.

With pockets (stitched or overhead)

Pockets not only decorate any jacket, but also add functionality to it. Pockets can be sewn "in a straight line" or "oblique", fastened with Velcro or a zipper. In some models, manufacturers sew pockets onto the surface of the jacket, while they are also closed with a zipper or Velcro.

With a zipper

Most jackets for tourist recreation and sports loads are fastened with a zipper. In good quality membranes, the zipper is mined to keep moisture out.

Please note that the zipper on the jacket does not come into contact with the zipper of the undershirt. It is better when the central zipper on the jacket is twisted, and not tractor!


Membrane jackets, fastened with buttons, are designed more for walking in urban environments. In some models, the button closure is attached with a braid.

With detachable sleeves

Another name for this model "jacket-vest" speaks for itself. This jacket will serve you both in the cold season and in the warmer one. Such a jacket will become indispensable in a sharply continental climate, when the weather changes rapidly. By purchasing this model, you get both a jacket and a vest.

Removable sleeves can be made in the color of the main fabric of the membrane, or they can be in a different color scheme, which makes it brighter.

With fur

The jacket, originally made for sports and leisure, quietly came to everyday wardrobe. The jacket, decorated with fur, is suitable for the urban "jungle".

You will look stylish in a membrane jacket with fur. Manufacturers decorate jackets natural fur or artificial. Buy a jacket with or without fur - it's up to you!

In some models of membranes, a thermometer is sewn in for easy determination of the temperature outside, and there are transparent cuffs on the sleeves

Color solutions

The membrane jacket looks good in any color scheme. The most popular colors remain black, white, red and blue. But fashion does not stand still and stylish membrane jackets with ornaments are increasingly appearing on sale to create more vivid image modern woman.

To enjoy the comfort and warmth of a membrane jacket, it must be chosen carefully.

We will give you some tips for choosing them:

  1. "Breathing" properties and water resistance can be determined by numerical indicators. So, the first number means how quickly the fabric removes moisture. 8000g/m2 or more is the highest, 5000g/m2 is the average. The lowest value is 3000g/m2.. if you are actively involved in sports, choose a jacket with a value from 1000g/m2
  2. To find out what type of fabric is used in the jacket, look at the characteristics of the product. The density of the fabric is indicated in Denier (D). The higher the density, the higher the D number. For example, CORE-TEX PRO 3L 50D/90D indicates that the jacket was made from Gorex 3-layer 50 Denier fabric with 90 Denier inserts in high wear areas.
  3. The seams of the product are even and must be taped to keep moisture out.
  4. It is important to pay attention to the maximum air temperature indicated on the label.
  5. The cuffs on the jacket prevent snow from getting inside, so they must be made of quality material. Opt for fleece cuffs because it dries quickly and keeps your hands warm. Lycra cuffs get wet quickly, take a long time to dry and can freeze, which can cause discomfort in harsh weather.
  6. Put on a hood and make sure that it does not restrict the movement of the head. The hoods are adjustable with drawstrings, elastic bands with buttons or Velcro.
  7. Internal pockets are a must!
  8. The inner and outer zippers must not jam when fastening and unfastening.
  9. Velcro should be easy to fasten and be complemented by diagonal stitching.
  10. Each membrane jacket must be used for its intended purpose. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Membrane clothing for children is becoming more and more popular and in demand every day. The membrane is the thinnest polyamide film, which is characterized by the presence of a large number of micropores. A distinctive feature and advantage of membrane clothing is the fact that it is waterproof, that is, it does not allow moisture to pass under the fabric. Moreover, it allows you to remove moisture to the outside, which is especially important for active children who love to run outside.

Membrane fabric has a number of advantages, among which are the following:

  • A child in such clothes does not sweat, since evaporation occurs almost instantly;
  • Unique properties membranes provide reliable protection against cold weather, so in such clothes a child can be taken outside even in winter;
  • Differs in attractive appearance and small weight that provides comfortable carrying for the child.

How to choose


Winter is characterized by frost, so it is necessary to choose membrane clothing in such a way that it can protect the child from bad weather. First of all, we pay attention to water resistance so that the product can withstand even heavy snowfall. Winter outerwear with a good level of moisture protection will allow the child to play with the snow and not get wet.

You should also pay attention to the coating of the fabric and the presence of additional impregnations. If the product has been processed using such means, then it will not get wet for a long time. A reliable coating allows moisture to simply roll off and not pass through the material. With the amount of insulation, everything is simpler - the more it is, the better.


Autumn is full of rain, so you need to choose products that are highly resistant to moisture. Properly selected autumn clothes made of membrane fabric will not let water through even in heavy rain. Children's clothes can be selected one size larger, given the fact that the child grows at a rapid pace.


Spring is usually characterized by warm weather, so you should choose clothes with a little insulation. Due to the large number of rainy days and high humidity, it is best to choose models that contribute to the rolling of water and do not absorb it. We also pay attention to the breathability of clothing so that the fabric can "breathe" and provide an optimal microclimate for the child.

How to wear

First of all, the membrane is a unique fabric that is suitable for moving babies. If your child constantly runs from one side to another and does not sit in one place, then membrane clothing is exactly what you need.

In order for this material to fully fulfill the obligations assigned to it, it is necessary to follow some rules in the process of wearing:

  • The principle of multilayer. The first layer of the child's clothing should be thermal underwear, the second - wool clothing, and only then it is necessary to wear a membrane product. Only in this case it will be possible to guarantee the optimal microclimate and comfort for the child. If there is no street severe frosts, then you can limit yourself to only the first and third layers, but in cold weather you can’t do without woolen or fleece clothing;

  • Underwear made of synthetic materials. Of course natural materials different best quality, however, such underwear absorbs moisture, which can cause a child to catch a cold. It is better to choose products that were used in the production process of high-tech artificial materials that can remove moisture.

Some mothers, when dressing their girls, use a dress as the bottom layer of clothing. This is categorically wrong, because in this case it will not be possible to protect the child from the cold.

How to care

In order for membrane clothing to retain its attractive appearance for as long as possible appearance and properties, it must be properly looked after. In particular, on the market you can find special types of household chemicals that are designed just for such a material.

If you wash membrane clothes in a washing machine, then you must follow the instructions on the label exactly.

Wash the product only if it is heavily soiled. In case of contamination of only a small area, it is best to wipe the stain with a damp cloth. It should be remembered about such an advantage of this material as easy cleaning: it is not difficult to remove any stains from such a product. Thanks to this, you can choose the most bright colors for your child and not be afraid that the clothes will get dirty and will have to be washed every day.

Regarding care, questions and problems should not arise. You can clean small dirt with a damp cloth. The unique properties of the fabric ensure that dirt remains only on the surface and does not penetrate into the material.

But it is better to wash the product as little as possible. The fact is that the micropores of the membrane can become clogged with powder granules, due to which the material may lose its breathing abilities.

If you can’t do without washing, then you must follow the following rules:

  • You can wash any clothes made of membrane fabric in forty-degree water. If the temperature is higher, the product will deteriorate;
  • It is forbidden to use any air conditioners and other aids;
  • It is best to choose household chemicals, which is recommended by manufacturers for washing membrane clothes. On the market you can find special solutions that are designed for this purpose;
  • If to find special remedy for membrane fabric failed, then the ideal way out of the situation would be to use a powder for delicate fabrics.


Present on the market today a large number of companies that produce membrane clothing for children. The main principle of production is the same for each manufacturer - the material must breathe and remove moisture. The options presented on the market differ in resistance to wear, the presence of other fabrics and additional impregnations, style and color scheme.

One of the most popular manufacturers is the company Reima, which have proven their products to be the most resistant to cold weather. In the production of children's membrane clothing, the company uses high-quality insulation that provides reliable protection for the child from the most severe frosts. A large selection of styles and colors allows you to choose the most optimal option for each child.

Membrane suits from Lassie also do an excellent job with their functions, however, the model range cannot boast of a large assortment. But the company's products are famous for their excellent wear resistance and affordable price.

Quite original and unique is the membrane clothing for children from the Swedish manufacturer Ketch, which produces products that do not need underwear. Models have recently appeared on the market and have not yet been tested by parents, however, according to the company, overalls are full-fledged clothing, under which there is no need to wear other wardrobe items.

Those who want to save money and cannot afford imported models should pay attention to domestic products. Russian membrane children's clothing is in no way inferior to European counterparts: it is distinguished by increased wear resistance, reliable protection from bad weather and durability.
