Outline of the quilling lesson "Quilling. Let's get acquainted" plan-outline of the lesson (grade 2) on the topic

Lesson topic: "Quilling. Miraculous transformations of paper


Comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development children in the process of mastering the elementary techniques of quilling technique, as an artistic way of designing from paper.


    Educational: Contribute to the formation of ideas about a new kind of arts and crafts - quilling. To introduce students to the technique of performing quilling.

    Developing: Develop imagination, thinking, creative abilities of each child; develop interest in the subject; to develop in students the skills and abilities of working with paper, eye, fine motor skills hands

    Educating: To instill in students the qualities of accuracy and composure when performing labor methods, diligence, the ability to listen; sociability, accuracy, activity, work culture, ability to work in a team.

Methodological equipment of the lesson:

    Samples of works in this technique;

    exhibition of illustrations and books;

Tools and materials:

bilateral colored paper, a stationery knife, a ruler with templates of circles of different diameters, toothpicks with a split end, PVA glue, napkins, rubber mats on which you can cut.

Teaching methods:

interactive (story, show, conversation, practical implementation);

research (the ability to independently distribute the activities of work, the choice of action, its method, freedom of creativity).

Form of organization of the lesson:

Group work, presentation of their works (mini-exhibition).

Vocabulary work:


    paper rolling;

    paper filigree;

    paper lace.

Lesson plan.

1. Organizational stage (3 - 5 min.)

2. Main stage (10 min.)

3. Control stage (30 min.)

4. Final stage (5 min.)

5. Reflective stage (5 min.)

Course progress.

1. Organizational stage.


preparation of the participants of the lesson for work in the lesson.

organizing the start of classes, creating a psychological mood for learning activities and activating attention, quickly entering the group into a working rhythm; greetings.

Lesson topic message:

The first material for a child's creativity is paper. Paper is an unusually expressive and malleable material. From it you can create the whole world. There are many types of paper plastic. The most famous in our country is the Japanese art of folding paper figures - origami. Today I will introduce you to another technique that is still little known to us - the art of paper rolling, or, as it is called in the West, quilling.

2. Main stage.


mastering new knowledge and methods of action (participants get acquainted with the history of the emergence of the art of “quilling”).

establishing the correctness and awareness of the assimilation of new material, identifying misconceptions and correcting them. The use of practical tasks that are performed independently by the participants of the master class.

History of quilling. (slides).

On English language this needlework is called "quilling" - from the word "quill" or "bird feather". Unlike origami, which originated in Japan, the art of paper rolling originated in Europe in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. In medieval Europe, nuns created elegant medallions by spinning paper with gilded edges on the tip of a bird's quill. When viewed closely, these miniature paper masterpieces created the complete illusion that they were made of thin gold stripes. Unfortunately, paper is a short-lived material and little remains of medieval masterpieces. However, this ancient technique has survived to this day and is very popular in many countries of the world. Paper rolling quickly spread in Europe, but because paper, especially colored and high quality paper, was a very expensive material, paper plastic became an art for ladies from the wealthy sections of society.

Nowadays, paper rolling is widely known and popular as a hobby in Western Europe, especially in England and Germany. But this art became most widespread when it “moved” to the East. The richest traditions of the finest graphics and plastics, paper making and working with it gave the art of paper plastics new life.

In South Korea, there is a whole Association of Paper Plastic Lovers, which unites followers of the most different directions paper art. In the 15th century it was considered art. At 19 - ladies' entertainment. For most of the 20th century, it was forgotten. And only at the end of the last century, quilling began to turn into art again.

In England, Princess Elizabeth was seriously interested in the art of quilling, and many of her creations are kept in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. With paper, we have an idea of ​​fragility and fragility. But quilling refutes this statement - you can put, for example, a cup or a heavy book on a filigree voluminous stand, and not a single curl of paper lace will suffer. You can assemble a vase for sweets from paper elements and calmly use it for its intended purpose - it will not fall apart or break. In general, quilling is an opportunity to see the unusual possibilities of plain paper.

It should be noted that the Korean school of quilling (they call it paper rolling) is somewhat different from the European one. European works, as a rule, consist of a small number of details, they are laconic, resemble mosaics, decorate postcards and frames. Europe is always in a hurry, so it loves fast technicians. Oriental masters create works that resemble masterpieces jewelry art. The thinnest voluminous lace is woven from hundreds of small details. Masters of the Eastern school prefer to twist with a thin awl. A replacement for it can be made from a thick needle and cork. Also, children are good at wrapping on a toothpick.

Paper. The paper must be colored on both sides. Ready-made cut strips of paper can be bought at specialty stores. If this is not possible, then pass sheets of colored paper through a paper shredder or cut. The standard width of quilling strips is 3 mm, but this is an optional condition. Still very important point. If you make the strips yourself, then the weight of the paper is important - at least 60 grams per square meter (usually the weight is indicated on the paper packages), otherwise it will not curl neatly and keep its shape.

Quilling tools.

To master the paper rolling technique, no special tool is required. At the initial stage, it is enough to visit a regular store. Here short list Essentials to get started:

Awl. It is advisable to purchase an awl with a diameter of about one millimeter. Usually the awl is tapered, which can be inconvenient. In this case, you can use any hardened rod of a suitable diameter. An awl (rod) is used to wind a spiral from a paper strip. In this case, it is necessary to control the paper tension, the handle of the tool should be comfortable for this purpose.

Tweezers. The tips should be sharp, exactly aligned. For high precision work. Notches at the end are undesirable, because. can leave marks on paper. The grip force should be comfortable for your hands, providing a secure grip with the least amount of pressure.

Scissors. Like tweezers, they should have pointed ends. For the most precise cutting of fringes.

When marking a future composition, you will need the simplest drawing tools: compasses, ruler, pencil.

3. Control stage.


identifying the quality and level of mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities; their correction.

the use of an oral survey, the performance of a creative search task.

It is necessary to conduct a safety briefing with students; tell and show methodological and technological methods production of products in the technique of quilling.

Safety briefing:

Rules for working with scissors:

Store the knife in a specific place;

    put it folded.

Quilling technique.

At first glance, the paper rolling technique is simple. A strip of quilling paper is twisted into a tight spiral. It will be convenient to start winding by winding the edge paper tape for quilling on the tip of a sharp awl. Having formed the core of the spiral, it is advisable to continue working without using a quilling tool. So you can feel with your fingertips whether the roll is uniformly formed, and adjust the forces in time. As a result, a dense spiral should form, less than a centimeter in diameter. It will be the basis for the further diversity of all forms. After that, the paper spiral dissolves to the desired size, and then the necessary quilling figure is formed from it.

The tip of the paper is caught with a drop of glue. Rolls can be given a variety of shapes by performing compressions and dents.

There are 20 in total basic elements for quilling, but the principle remains the same: we fold, pinch - using your imagination, you can always come up with new elements of quilling yourself.

Practical work. (slides).

Independent work of students.

Students work in a group, work on a model or come up with a composition on their own.

Current instruction of the teacher. (in the course of students' independent work)

    Checking the organization of students' workplaces;

    Checking compliance with safety regulations when performing a task;

    Instruction on the task completion in accordance with the instructional and technological map; assistance to underprepared students.


Eyes see everything around
I will circle them.
Eye to see everything is given -
Where is the window, and where is the cinema.
I will circle them
I look at the world around.

This finger is small - the little finger is remote.
The nameless one wears a ring, he will never leave it.
This finger is the longest, it stands in the middle.
This one is a wonderful index finger.
This finger - that's what, is called big.

4. Final stage.


give an analysis and assessment of the success of achieving the goal: in the quick and high-quality completion of the task, the correct use of materials to complete the basic elements, outline the prospect of further work.

after completing the assignments, organize an exhibition of works and their collective discussion.

5. Reflective stage.


mobilizing participants for self-assessment. Invite participants to evaluate their working capacity, psychological state, and performance.

together with the participants of the lesson, review the completed tasks using expressive possibilities. Activate participants' responses after completing the practice creative work.

Final word from the teacher.

And so our unusual lesson came to an end. We have done a lot of work today.

What did you learn about yourself in class? What did you learn? What did you like about the lesson? How did Creative skills in class? What is your mood now?

I hope that the knowledge you have acquired today has enriched you and will help you in solving creative problems not only in our classes, but also in life.






additional teacher

Bolba Raisa Ivanovna

Belaya Kalitva

Master class on the topic

"Paper quilling fantasies"

Target: Contribute to the formation of ideas about a new kind of arts and crafts - quilling.


Tutorial: show paperwork techniques and basic forms in quilling.

Developing: develop interest in the subject creative thinking and creativity.

Work plan:

1. History of quilling

2. Materials

3. Tools

4. Fixtures

5. Sample show

6. Quilling technique

7. Independent work

8. Summing up the master class

9. Introspection

1. History of quilling

In English, this needlework is called "quilling" - from the word "quill" or "bird feather". Unlike origami, which originated in Japan, the art of paper rolling originated in Europe in the late 14th and early 15th centuries.

In medieval Europe, nuns created elegant medallions by spinning paper with gilded edges on the tip of a bird's quill. When viewed closely, these miniature paper masterpieces created the complete illusion that they were made of thin gold stripes. Unfortunately, paper is a short-lived material and little remains of medieval masterpieces.

However, this ancient technique has survived to this day and is very popular in many countries of the world.

Paper rolling quickly spread in Europe, but because paper, especially colored and high quality paper, was a very expensive material, paper plastic became an art for ladies from the wealthy sections of society.

Nowadays, paper rolling is widely known and popular as a hobby in Western Europe, especially in England and Germany. But this art became most widespread when it “moved” to the East. The richest traditions of the finest graphics and plastics, paper making and working with it gave new life to the art of paper plastics.

In England, Princess Elizabeth was seriously interested in the art of quilling, and many of her creations are kept in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

With paper, we have an idea of ​​fragility and fragility. But quilling refutes this statement - you can put, for example, a cup or a heavy book on a filigree voluminous stand, and not a single curl of paper lace will suffer. You can assemble a vase for sweets from paper elements and calmly use it for its intended purpose - it will not fall apart or break. In general, quilling is an opportunity to see the unusual possibilities of plain paper.

It should be noted that the Korean school of quilling is somewhat different from the European one. European works, as a rule, consist of a small number of details, they are laconic, resemble mosaics, decorate postcards and frames. Europe is always in a hurry, so it loves fast technicians. Oriental craftsmen create works that resemble masterpieces of jewelry art. The thinnest voluminous lace is woven from hundreds of small details. Masters of the Eastern school prefer to twist with a thin awl.


Colored and white paper for office equipment with a density of at least 80g per square meter, PVA glue, cardboard.


A ruler, a pencil, scissors with sharp ends, a craft knife, a toothpick with a split end, and just a toothpick for applying glue.

4. Fixtures:

Patterns for unraveling spirals

5 .Demonstration of samples in the technique of quilling ( see Appendix No. 1 )

6. Technique for performing basic forms.

A strip of paper is wound on a toothpick and unfolded between the fingers to the desired diameter. You can use a template with holes of different diameters.

For basic form a drop the spiral is clamped with fingers from one end.

There are about 20 basic forms in total, but the principle remains the same: we fold, pinch - using your imagination, you can always come up with new quilling elements yourself.

7. Independent work– making a postcard using the quilling technique (see the technological map and Appendix No. 2)

8. Summing up the results of the master class.

Quilling allows, as it were, to reveal new properties of paper, unknown to people who are not familiar with paper rolling. For example, through quilling, you can make beautiful products used in everyday life: vases, candy bowls, coasters - everything that is not related to the storage of water. Such products are not only beautiful and original, but also strong and durable.

Quilling is an interesting exciting activity, and if it is properly organized, it will give children in-depth knowledge of the possibilities of paper, will help consolidate positive emotions and stimulate the desire to work and master the peculiarities of craftsmanship, as well as to join the decorative arts.

9. Introspection.

Conducting a quilling master class requires from 3 to 4 hours.

On given master The class was given 1 hour. To meet this time, cardboard, postcard paper, as well as colored stripes were prepared in advance.

The master class went according to plan. The story about the history of quilling was somewhat shortened.

Due to lack of time, not all basic forms were completed by the students, although their samples were presented on the card. Samples of works in the quilling technique were also demonstrated (see Appendix No. 1).

Flowers made of strips 2, 3, 4 and 5 mm wide were also shown as a sample. It is emphasized that for children it is desirable to cut strips 5 mm wide.

The independent work of the students of the master class was completed in full. During the postcard, questions were asked, to which the teacher gave answers and showed how to perform various quilling forms.

I believe that the tasks set at the beginning of the work were completed in full.

Technological map for making postcards using the quilling technique


Materials, tools

Cut out a rectangle of colored cardboard measuring 11x15 cm

Ruler, pencil, knife, scissors, PVA glue, jar for glue, toothpicks, napkins, strips of colored paper 3 mm wide

Cut out a sheet of white paper measuring 9x9 cm

Run basic form tight spiral for the middle of the flower and stick on the square

Run 6 petals in the form of a drop and stick around the middle of the flower

Run 5-6 leaves from green stripes and arrange as you wish around the flower

Run additional elements to decorate the composition in the form of antennae and spirals

Stick a square with a composition on colored cardboard

Lesson outline Date: 11/24/11 Topic: "Colorful stripes - Flower mood" (technique: quilling). Lesson type: learning new material, creativity lesson. Objectives: Educational: To promote the formation of an idea of ​​a new kind of arts and crafts - quisling. To introduce students to the technique of performing quilling. Developing: Develop imagination, thinking, creative abilities of each child; develop interest in the subject; to develop in students the skills and abilities of working with paper, eye, fine motor skills of hands. Educating: To instill in students the qualities of accuracy and composure when performing labor methods, diligence, listening skills, sociability, accuracy, activity, work culture, the ability to work in a team. Teaching methods: Story; Demonstration of finished works; Conversation with an explanation of new material; Demonstration of labor practices; Independent work Methodological equipment of the lesson: Samples of work in this technique Presentation of Microsoft Office Power Point Equipment and tools:  paper strips 3-7 mm wide,  wooden rods with a split end, toothpicks,  cardboard,  glue,  scissors,  napkins. Lesson organization form: Group work, presentation of own works (mini-exhibition). Course of the lesson Organizational part Greeting. Checking student attendance. Checking students' readiness for the lesson. Lesson topic: "Colorful stripes - Flower mood." Quilling is a kind of arts and crafts, as a result of which you can make a variety of paper miniatures. In order to master the art of quilling, it is enough just to master the manufacture of individual elements of miniatures, and then combining these elements to get various crafts , postcards, pictures. I want to bring to your attention a quilling master class, as a result of which I will show you how to make a beautiful card for the holiday that will be very soon: Mother's Day. Before we begin, I want to repeat the safety precautions with you: Store scissors in a certain place. Lay them closed with sharp ends away from you. Pass the scissors to each other rings forward.  Handle sharp objects carefully, do not push, do not take toothpicks in your mouth. Start showing a Microsoft Office Power Point presentation. (During the slide show, the topic of the lesson is revealed). Slide 1. Meet Quilling. Slide 2. Content. Slide 3. The history of quilling. In English, this needlework is called "quilling" - from the word "quill" or "bird feather". Unlike origami, which originated in Japan, the art of paper rolling originated in Europe in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. However, this ancient technique has survived to this day and is very popular in many countries of the world. In England, Princess Elizabeth was seriously interested in the art of quilling, and many of her creations are kept in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. With paper, we have an idea of ​​fragility and fragility. But quilling refutes this statement - you can put, for example, a cup or a heavy book on a filigree voluminous stand, and not a single curl of paper lace will suffer. You can assemble a vase for sweets from paper elements and calmly use it for its intended purpose - it will not fall apart or break. In general, quilling is an opportunity to see the unusual possibilities of plain paper. It should be noted that the Korean school of quilling (they call it paper rolling) is somewhat different from the European one. European works, as a rule, consist of a small number of details, they are laconic, resemble mosaics, decorate postcards and frames. Europe is always in a hurry, so it loves fast technicians. Oriental craftsmen create works that resemble masterpieces of jewelry art. The thinnest voluminous lace is woven from hundreds of small details. Masters of the Eastern school prefer to twist with a thin awl. A replacement for it can be made from a thick needle and cork. Also, children are good at wrapping on a toothpick. Quilling is based on the ability to twist long and narrow strips of paper into spirals, modify their shape and make three-dimensional or planar compositions from the resulting parts. Slide 4. Tools and materials. To master the paper rolling technique, no special tool is required. At the initial stage, it is quite enough to visit an ordinary department store. Here is a short list of the most necessary things to start learning: Shilo. It is advisable to purchase an awl with a diameter of about one millimeter. Usually the awl is tapered, which can be inconvenient. In this case, you can use any hardened rod of a suitable diameter. An awl (rod) is used to wind a spiral from a paper strip. In this case, it is necessary to control the paper tension, the handle of the tool should be comfortable for this purpose. Tweezers. The tips should be sharp, exactly aligned. For high precision work. Notches at the end are undesirable, because. can leave marks on paper. The grip force should be comfortable for your hands, providing a secure grip with the least amount of pressure. Scissors. Like tweezers, they should have pointed ends. For the most precise cutting of fringes. Glue. There are no special recommendations. However, it should dry fairly quickly and leave no residue. Try starting with PVA. When marking a future composition, you will need the simplest drawing tools: compasses, ruler, pencil. Slide 5. Quilling paper. The paper must be colored on both sides. Ready-made cut strips of paper can be bought at specialty stores that sell goods for postcards, etc. If this is not possible, then pass sheets of colored paper through a document shredder or cut it yourself. The standard width of quilling strips is 3 mm, but this is an optional condition. Slide 6, 7,8. Quilling technique. At first glance, the paper rolling technique is simple. Grab a strip of paper with two fingers. Pull the end of the strip with pressure with two fingers of the other hand, running your fingernail over it so that the end is slightly bent. The bent tip is easier to wrap around the "awl". Tighten a few turns. When the diameter of the roller becomes 3-4 mm, it can already be removed from the awl and further twisted by hand. Roll the dense disk with both hands, intercept it with your fingers all the time so that the paper tape does not unravel. As a result, a dense spiral should form, less than a centimeter in diameter. It will be the basis for further diversity of forms. After that, the paper spiral dissolves to the desired size, and then the necessary quilling figure is formed from it. Glue the end of the strip with PVA glue. The tip of the paper is caught with a drop of glue. Rolls can be given a variety of shapes by performing compressions and dents. These are blanks "drop" and "petal". In total, there are more than 20 basic elements for quilling, but the principle remains the same: we fold, pinch - using your imagination, you can always come up with new quilling elements yourself.   Slide 9.10. Training exercises Twist a spiral from strips of white paper. Try to make a “drop”, “eye” and other shapes. Students' independent work Students work in pairs, do work on the production of card elements, according to a model, or come up with a composition on their own. Current instruction of the teacher (in the course of students' independent work) Checking the organization of students' workplaces; Checking compliance with safety regulations when performing a task; Instruction on the task in accordance with the instruction and technological map;  Providing assistance to underprepared students. Workplace cleaning. Summing up the lesson and grading. Exhibition of students' work and determination of the best work. The final word of the teacher So our unusual lesson came to an end. We have done a lot of work today. What new things did you learn in the lesson? What did you learn? What did you like about the lesson? How did creativity manifest itself in the classroom? What is your mood now? I believe that the goals set at the beginning of the lesson were achieved. I hope that the knowledge you have acquired today has enriched you and will help you in solving creative problems not only in art classes, but also in life.

Subject: Flower fantasy (paper craft)

Goals: manufacturing paper flowers; an exploration of the diversity of the floral theme in poetry and riddles; Familiarity with the basic techniques of working with paper.

Tasks: teach how to work with colored paper; teach how to work on the teacher's team; teach paper folding techniques.


For sour- paper strips 3 mm wide white color-5 pieces, yellow - 1 piece, green - 1 piece; a sheet of green paper; passe-partout card, insert paper.

For the daisy- pink paper strips 7 mm wide - 4 pcs., green 3 mm wide - 2 pcs., a sheet of green paper, a passe-partout card, paper for an insert

For the snowdrop- paper strips 5 mm wide in two to three shades of blue color- 5 pieces, green color - 2 pieces; 3 mm wide: green - 6 pcs.; scraps of green paper.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

Workplace check.

II. Introductory part.

Teacher. I want to voice the topic of our lesson with an excerpt from the poem "Gardens" by Jacques Delisle.

Artists to be just gardeners!

Meadows cascading down to the waters,

Shades of green, all in sunshine

Where are the shadows of the clouds, changing on the fly,

They glide, animating the carpet, lively and bright,

Fancy arches hugging trees,

Rounded hills and rushing streams -

Here are the brushes with paints, and here are your canvases!

Natural material at your disposal, -

Make your own work out of it!

III. Practical part.

Oxalis flower

Manufacturing technology

Flower . Twist the white strip with an awl into a circle, for which first attach one of its ends to the tip and start twisting, and then remove it from it and continue twisting with your fingers to the end. Slightly pushing them apart, expand the paper circle to a size of 1.5 cm in diameter (be sure to check the size with a stencil ruler) and fix the end of the strip with glue. You get a detail that looks like a spiral. Squeeze it with your fingers at the place of gluing to give it the shape of a petal (Fig. a, c). By analogy, perform the rest of the petals. After that, fold the parts in the shape of a flower and grease the places of their contact with glue.

striped yellow color twist tightly into a circle and fix its end with glue - this is the core of the flower. Place it in the middle and glue.

Cut out an insert from colored paper according to the size of the passe-partout card and glue the finished flower on it.

Stalk. Cut off a part from a green strip and glue the upper end under the flower petals, and slightly move the lower end up to form a slight deflection and glue it too (Fig. b). Cut the rest of the green strip into two parts, apply glue to the long ribs and attach to the base of the stem.

Leaves. Bend a sheet of green paper along the edge by 1 cm and cut out leaf details with scissors - 6 pcs. (Fig. c). Lubricate the folds with glue and place in the appropriate places of the composition.

daisy flower

Manufacturing technology

Flowers and buds . On a pink strip, make frequent cuts on one side (Fig. a, c). Twist it tightly with an awl and fix the end with glue, glue the uncut end - you get a flower. Do the same for the second flower. Fluff the flowers by bending the incised petals. Buds are made by analogy from shorter pink stripes. Glue a green rim to each bud.

stems . Cut two green strips of the desired length and glue. Cut the resulting denser strip into pieces - stalks. Cut the upper ends of the stems, grease with glue and insert into flowers and buds (Fig. b, c).

Leaves. Bend green paper along the edge by 1 cm and cut out the leaves different sizes(Fig. c). Bend the stems and leaves to give volume to the composition.

Glue on the liner first large leaves, then the stems and on top - small leaves. Apply glue only to the bottom of the parts.

snowdrop flower

Manufacturing sequence

Flowers. Twist blue paper strips with an awl and glue circles with a diameter of 15 mm. Squeeze each circle with three fingers, giving them the shape of flowers (Fig. a, c).

stems . Cut off the green strips according to the number of flowers, glue them, leaving the pointed tops of the stems (Fig. b, c) to which the flowers are glued not glued.

Leaves. Cut into narrow strips of green paper different lengths(Fig. c, c), twist each strip, giving the shape of leaves (Fig. d, c). Lubricate the bottom of the leaves with glue, glue to the base of the stems.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 3", Novy Oskol, Belgorod region.

Plan - abstract of an open lesson:

"Decorating postcards using quilling technique!"

Association "Masteritsa", head -

technology teacher

Direction - decorative - applied;

the age of the participants of the lesson is 9 - 11 years.


Comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development of children in the process of mastering elementary techniques for decorating postcards using the quilling technique, as an artistic method of paper design.


Educational: to contribute to the formation of an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecorating postcards using the quilling technique; introduce students to decorating techniques.

· Developing: to develop imagination, thinking, creative abilities of children; develop interest in dpt; to develop in students the skills and abilities of working with paper, eye, fine motor skills of hands.

Educational: to educate students in the quality of accuracy and composure in the performance of labor methods, diligence, the ability to listen; sociability, accuracy, activity, work culture, ability to work in a team.

Methodological equipment of the lesson:

· Samples of works in this technique;

exhibition of illustrations and books;

Tools and materials:

cut strips of colored paper, scissors, a ruler with patterns of circles of different diameters, toothpicks with a split end, PVA glue, napkins.

Teaching methods:

interactive (story, show, conversation, practical implementation);

research (the ability to independently distribute the activities of work, the choice of action, its method, freedom of creativity).

Form of organization of the lesson:

Group work, presentation of their works (mini-exhibition).

Vocabulary work:

· postcard;

· quilling;

paper rolling;

· paper filigree;

paper lace.

Lesson plan.

1. Organizational stage (5 min.)

2. Main stage (10 min.)

3. Control stage (20 min.)

4. Final stage (5 min.)

5. Reflective stage (5 min.)

Course progress.

1. Organizational stage.


Preparing participants for work.

Organization of the beginning of the lesson, creation of a psychological mood for learning activities and activation of attention, rapid entry of the group into the working rhythm; greetings.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/444/images/image002_51.jpg" alt="http://*****/images/attach/c/0/53/274/__68447 .jpg" align="left" width="314 height=199" height="199">!} England, a country with rich traditions, is also considered the birthplace of a greeting card. There, before the advent of special postcards, congratulations were written simply on business cards. the first greeting card was invented by the English artist John Kelcot Hosley at the request of his friend, to wish many friends a Merry Christmas. So in 1840 the first greeting card was printed and hand-painted.

Postcards were brought to Russia from abroad for a long time. The date of the appearance of the first Russian postcard can be considered 1898. Then they released the first postcards for Christmas and Easter.

The postcard has existed for more than a day, during its existence appearance and the purpose changed several times.
In fact, both unexpected materials and now forgotten methods were used to make the first postcards. Bird feathers, hair, dried flowers, leather, beads, rubber, velvet, silk and some other materials were used in the design of postcards.

Today, shops are full of beautiful and original postcards made in the most different techniques. Embossed, voluminous, musical postcards. There were special services of designers-designers for the production of exclusive postcards. Modern technologies have modified the traditional "congratulations", and now you can get a virtual postcard as a gift. And yet, the author's postcard made of cardboard is somehow nicer, it has more warmth and humanity.

History of quilling (slides 10-18).

In English, this needlework is called "quilling" - from the word "quill" or "bird feather". Unlike origami, which originated in Japan, the art of paper rolling originated in Europe in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. In medieval Europe, nuns created elegant medallions by spinning paper with gilded edges on the tip of a bird's quill. When viewed closely, these miniature paper masterpieces created the complete illusion that they were made of thin gold stripes. Unfortunately, paper is a short-lived material and little remains of medieval masterpieces. However, this ancient technique has survived to this day and is very popular in many countries of the world. Paper rolling quickly spread in Europe, but because paper, especially colored and high quality paper, was a very expensive material, paper plastic became an art for ladies from the wealthy sections of society.

Nowadays, paper rolling is widely known and popular as a hobby in Western Europe, especially in England and Germany. But this art became most widespread when it “moved” to the East. The richest traditions of the finest graphics and plastics, paper making and working with it gave new life to the art of paper plastics.

In South Korea, there is an entire Association of Paper Plastic Lovers, which unites followers of various areas of paper art. In the 15th century it was considered art. At 19 - ladies' entertainment. For most of the 20th century, it was forgotten. And only at the end of the last century, quilling began to turn into art again.

In England, Princess Elizabeth was seriously interested in the art of quilling, and many of her creations are kept in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. With paper, we have an idea of ​​fragility and fragility. But quilling refutes this statement - you can put, for example, a cup or a heavy book on a filigree voluminous stand, and not a single curl of paper lace will suffer. You can assemble a vase for sweets from paper elements and calmly use it for its intended purpose - it will not fall apart or break. In general, quilling is an opportunity to see the unusual possibilities of plain paper.

It should be noted that the Korean school of quilling (they call it paper rolling) is somewhat different from the European one. European works, as a rule, consist of a small number of details, they are laconic, resemble mosaics, decorate postcards and frames. Europe is always in a hurry, so it loves fast technicians. Oriental craftsmen create works that resemble masterpieces of jewelry art. The thinnest voluminous lace is woven from hundreds of small details. Masters of the Eastern school prefer to twist with a thin awl. A replacement for it can be made from a thick needle and cork. Also, children are good at wrapping on a toothpick.

Paper (sl. 21) The paper must be colored on both sides. Ready-made cut strips of paper can be bought at specialty stores. If this is not possible, then pass sheets of colored paper through a paper shredder or cut. The standard width of quilling strips is 3 mm, but this is an optional condition. Another very important point. If you make the strips yourself, then the weight of the paper is important - at least 60 grams per square meter (usually the weight is indicated on the paper packages), otherwise it will not curl neatly and keep its shape.

Quilling tools (sl.22).

To master the paper rolling technique, no special tool is required. At the initial stage, it is enough to visit a regular store. Here is a short list of the essentials to get started:

Awl . It is advisable to purchase an awl with a diameter of about one millimeter. Usually the awl is tapered, which can be inconvenient. In this case, you can use any hardened rod of a suitable diameter. An awl (rod) is used to wind a spiral from a paper strip. In this case, it is necessary to control the paper tension, the handle of the tool should be comfortable for this purpose.

Tweezers . The tips should be sharp, exactly aligned. For high precision work. Notches at the end are undesirable, as they can leave marks on the paper. The grip force should be comfortable for your hands, providing a secure grip with the least amount of pressure.

Scissors . Like tweezers, they should have pointed ends. For the most precise cutting of fringes.

When marking a future composition, you will need the simplest drawing tools: compasses, ruler, pencil.

3. Control stage.

Task: identifying the quality and level of mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities; their correction.

It is necessary to conduct a safety briefing with students; tell and show the methodological and technological methods of manufacturing products using the quilling technique.

Safety briefing:

Rules for working with scissors:

- store the knife in a certain place;

Keep it folded.

Quilling technique (sl. 23-25).

At first glance, the paper rolling technique is simple. A strip of quilling paper is twisted into a tight spiral. It will be convenient to start winding by wrapping the edge of the quilling paper tape on the tip of a sharp awl. Having formed the core of the spiral, it is advisable to continue working without using a quilling tool. So you can feel with your fingertips whether the roll is uniformly formed, and adjust the forces in time. As a result, a dense spiral should form, less than a centimeter in diameter. It will be the basis for the further diversity of all forms. After that, the paper spiral dissolves to the desired size, and then the necessary quilling figure is formed from it.

The tip of the paper is caught with a drop of glue. Rolls can be given a variety of shapes by performing compressions and dents.

In total, there are 20 basic elements for quilling, but the principle remains the same: we fold, pinch - using your imagination, you can always come up with new quilling elements yourself.

Practical work. (slides).

Independent work of students.

Students work in pairs, follow the pattern, or come up with a composition on their own.

Current instruction of the teacher. (in the course of students' independent work)

Checking the organization of students' workplaces;

Checking compliance with safety regulations when performing a task;

· Instructing on the performance of the task in accordance with the instructional-technological map; assistance to underprepared students.

Fizminutka (p. 31).

4. Final stage.

Task: give an analysis and assessment of the success of achieving the goal: in the quick and high-quality completion of the task, the correct use of materials to complete the basic elements, outline the prospect of further work.

5. Reflective stage (p. 32).

Task: mobilizing participants for self-assessment. Invite participants to evaluate their working capacity, psychological state, and performance.

Final word from the teacher.

And so our unusual lesson came to an end. We have done a lot of work today.

What did you learn about yourself in class? It was interesting? It was difficult?

What can you do now? What have you learned? What surprised? What did you want?

I hope that the knowledge you have acquired today has enriched you and will help you in solving creative problems not only in our classes, but also in life.
