The best essays of educators for the competition. Essay "The educator is a key figure in the fgos

Natalia Terekhova
Essay of the educator for the competition "Teacher of the Year"

A teacher without love for a child is like a singer without a voice, a musician without hearing, a painter without a sense of color. It is not for nothing that all the great teachers, dreaming of a school of joy and creating it, loved children immensely.

T. Goncharov

I - educator!

If I had been told ten years ago that I would educator I would never have believed. The teacher is so much. The educator is the guide. Guide from childhood to school age. And for a child, this is a period of time - the whole world. It is from educator depends on how the child will go to school: bold or shy, insecure, open to the world or intimidated, notorious, cheerful, energetic or passive, calm. From how he can educator to reveal the talent and abilities of each child, his entire further fate. teacher for me, it's a builder. He lays the foundation, and then the fate of this structure will depend on this foundation.

And how could I have thought in my childhood that years later I myself would be that same builder for many children, I would build children's destinies.

But already in high school it became clear to me - I want to connect my life with children, with other people's children, so that it is clear, but the language does not dare to call them that. They are all mine, my little ones with such pure, open hearts, with such sincere, wide-open eyes. They are unable to deceive what captivates. Every child is a blank slate with so much to write on.

I am happy that I can participate in their lives, instill in them love for everything good, kind, pure, real. And what could be more beautiful than watching every day how they become more confident in themselves, how they are sincerely friends, rush to help, mutual assistance. This gives strength to come up with something further, to create, to arrange various experiments, to play games, contests. After all, the greatest reward for educators are satisfied, his happy eyes pupils.

It may seem strange, but my children teach me a lot. They teach me to be friends, to enjoy the little things (flowers in a flower bed, a butterfly on a bench, a kitten in a sandbox, puddles after rain). We, adults, are always in a hurry somewhere, we offend, we ourselves are offended, sometimes we simply don’t let them say, we don’t want to hear, we draw wrong conclusions, we make decisions with irreversible consequences. We do not see these little things that make up our whole life. And they see, they believe in miracles, they believe in fairy tales. And sincerely believe that I am with them at the same time. Can I let them down?

And if it turns out that I don’t know something, I will definitely find out. I have no right to disappoint my preschool children. I can do everything, even what I can't. I will learn, I will read, I will find out, I will learn.

It is so easy for me to transform into various fairy-tale characters in front of my children, I am not at all embarrassed, because with them you begin to believe in miracles.

Profession educator- very interesting profession. Those who have not worked in a kindergarten will not understand how interesting it is. How important it is to be responsible, dedicated to your work. Profession educator keeps out random people who just need a job. They come here only by vocation. After all, it is we who are faced with such immaculate, radiant eyes, when they still do not know how to lie. And how important it is to maintain this integrity, sincerity. From educator a lot depends.

caregiver Kindergarten is a state of mind. I give children the warmth of my heart. Job educator- it's not just work. This is, first of all, the ability to give all of yourself, without a trace. And the main task educator- to see in each child his individuality, to help him discover his talents, because every child is a personality!

One of the important directions in my work is search and research activity. It contributes to the high quality of assimilation of new material, activates the mental activity of preschoolers. Children of the new generation are able to act independently, provide for themselves and others, and be responsible for their own work. caregiver, first of all, should act as an organizer educational process and teach children to acquire knowledge, objectively evaluate themselves and their capabilities. In my work, I try to organize the lesson in such a way that children become active subjects of learning and learning. educational process and acquired the ability to act in various problem situations.

The search for new techniques, methods is especially relevant in our time. It is almost impossible to force a child to do something if you do not interest him. Therefore, it is necessary to choose an approach that would make it possible to implement all this. I believe that technologies such as project activity and information and communication technologies are the most effective for creating motivation for further activities, so I use them in my work.

These technologies contribute to the development of my key competencies pupils: research, social-personal, communicative, organizational, personal-adaptive, informational.

Our professional achievements give a sense of self-realization, personal growth and self-respect.

“Make the difficult habitual, make the habitual easy,

easy - pleasant.

Svetlana Kuzminova
Essay for the competition "Educator of the Year"

Essay"My Pedagogical Philosophy"

"What should be educator?

Of course, it must be kind.

Love children, love learning, love your profession

What should be educator?

Of course you have to be generous.

He must give himself to the children without regret!

I have been working in kindergarten for five years. I don't know if it's a lot or a little. In my opinion, not enough - there is not enough experience. An interesting thing is life. It may suddenly change. I grew up in a family of engineers, went to school, went in for sports, never thought about a profession educator. But chance helped. took my daughter to kindergarten and found out that there is a vacancy educator. Decided to try. She came and stayed, I think forever. Let it not work yet, there is not enough experience. But, I am learning a lot, I try to learn and keep up with new technologies in the field of preschool education. The main thing is that I love children and I have a great desire to work. At work, daily self-education in communication with children, colleagues, parents. Every day I plan, implement, show, communicate something.

Yes, educator - star fate,

There is a search in it, the joy of illumination,

For the souls of children's struggle

Work is an inspiration!

caregiver Kindergarten is a little magician. Why ask you? A child is like a sheet of blank paper, if you write something with a mistake on it, it will be difficult to correct it in the future. Every child is open to everything new, to beauty and kindness, and is sensitive to lies and injustice. Because all children every second expect fairy tales, miracles, discoveries from us - adults. A caregivers by magic, they must convey all this to their children's souls.

While working in kindergarten, I had the opportunity to work with children different ages. I am most interested in working with older children. Here you need to be a senior friend. A friend who is able, knowledgeable, able to help and teach.

caregiver should be ready to answer any child's question, the child trusts us and believes that we know everything in the world. I try to be a friend to children, to find my own approach to everyone, to understand the character of each, in order not only to give them new knowledge about life, but also bring up a positive attitude towards the world around them, towards themselves. Working with preschoolers, I never cease to be amazed at how different, interesting, funny, curious, and amazing they are. Every child is unique. A talented artist lives in it, and a tireless experimenter, and an amazing actor, and cheerful musician. caregiver must be able to love children, and all his children, despite the fact that they are all different - each with its own character and quirks, and feelings cause different ones. To all your pupils you need to learn to be objective, tolerant, loving, because behind every character there is a personality that needs to be helped to develop. Fortunately, wonderful people work in the kindergarten. People: caregivers, specialists, methodologist, head - my mentors and teachers. They help me with advice, share secrets education, experience.

Working in a kindergarten, I never doubted the choice of my profession, but every day I am more and more convinced how difficult it is. raise children. They believe in you, they hope for you, they expect understanding and devotion from you. And you have to comply with all this, try to be on top. After all, it depends on you in many respects what will come out in school life your children. Random people in the profession teacher should not be. Some quickly leave this profession, realizing that teacher is not their calling. Educator is a huge job.. It is from caregiver depends how the baby sees world: bright, joyful or cruel. real caregivers, for whom this is both life and vocation, gladly give their love and their heart to children. They can't imagine their life without it. I think that the vocation must be earned with your work, talent, desire to constantly improve, change, create, because the life of a kindergarten cannot exist without creativity. The needs of the modern educational system are pushing me to new creative ideas, to new ideas. Children are the greatest value on earth, this is what we live for. caregiver must be able to do everything - play, draw, glue, craft, sing, dance and so on ... The more teacher knows and can, the easier, easier and more interesting it will be for him to communicate with children.

And also educator should be able to work with parents, the closer contact with parents is established, the better it is to work with children, feeling the support of parents. After all, it is educator is responsible for each child. Only he makes sure that in the life of the baby there are no broken noses and knees, as well as broken arms and legs. So what should be educator? Good educator is above all a good person. Anything special? Of course, there is - love for children and memory of oneself - a child, an understanding that childhood is always unexpected, sincerely ready for surprise and discovery. And surprise and discovery are more improvisation than a plan.

Essay on the topic: “FSES DO - problem solving or problem solving?”

Dear Colleagues! The GEF project for preschool education has been a long time coming. But after reading it, a lot of questions arose. And I would like to talk about it.
What is FGOS? Is this a solution to the problems of pedagogy? Is this the problem of modern education?
Now, when the whole country has switched to the state standard of preschool education, we teachers need to say: “yes” or “no”. We are waiting for change. The state has set a task for us: “We will make a little European-style person out of a Soviet-style kindergartener - a slurred and intimidated child.” The instrument for these changes is the standard. But the experience of European countries shows that it takes them four to five years to develop such standards. In our country, the standard was developed faster. Are we too hasty? The terms for studying and implementing the standard are also limited. Everything is done as if hastily. The developers themselves say that the standard is raw. Educational programs are still exemplary and are being approved. Not everyone gets approved! And it may happen that the children's institution will have to write its own program again, but based on the approved one.

The standard provides for working with children with disabilities and providing them with an accessible developmental environment. Then funds are needed to create this environment. Funds to attract specialists who will work with children with disabilities. Each educator would like a diverse and developing environment to be created in the group. But we cannot change the conditions in a year or two. This takes time and costs. How to do it with minimal funding? In addition, the standard came into conflict with sanitary norms and rules. Studies of the same foreign countries have shown that the optimal number of children in a group of twelve is fourteen people per adult. With this ratio, the teacher will be able to pay more attention to each of his pupils and achieve good results in his professional activities. In our kindergartens, the opposite is true. The number of children in groups reaches twenty-five people. According to the new rules, the teacher must not miss gifted children, pay attention to a child with disabilities, if there is one in the group, and not offend other children. How can this be done physically? These problems need to be addressed. And we are already working on a new standard!
Every year, children come to kindergartens who need additional qualified help from specialists. After talking with the parents of children with disabilities, I realized that for such families the new standard is a chance to adapt to a normal environment, society. Three years ago they didn't have that chance. Children with disabilities were expected by specialized schools. Being close to healthy children, children with disabilities adopt the generally accepted manner in communicating with peers and adults, and become equal participants in the educational process.
With the right call from an adult, children who are close to a “special” child empathize and help him. Thus, we develop tolerance in children. Feeling necessary for an educated person.

But on the other hand, our society is not yet ready to fully accept such children. Among my acquaintances there are people who categorically do not accept the idea of ​​finding "special" children in an ordinary kindergarten or school. People react negatively to such a child or treat him in the same way as an ordinary child, not understanding his problems. Currently, the parent of a child with disabilities places him in an unprepared environment. There are not enough specialists to work with children with disabilities. According to the standard, in the educational space it is recommended to use assistants (helpers) who provide children with the necessary assistance. But where can you get them? Pedagogical universities do not train such specialists. And even if they started to prepare, then only five years later we would receive the first shots.

The Federal State Educational Standard makes serious demands on the teaching staff. Now, if my diploma says - a teacher, I can not work in a kindergarten. Where were you fifteen years ago? Where were you during the acute shortage of personnel in kindergartens. It was the teachers who “rescued the kindergartens”! And now we are no longer needed? Or do we need to relearn? To become a good specialist, I constantly studied, improved my knowledge in matters of preschool education. Why can't I, having practical experience, knowledge and skills, work in a kindergarten?
Now, according to the new standard, each teacher needs to improve his level of education. The teacher is used to a certain stereotype in dealing with children - I said, you did. And it's hard for him to imagine what could be different. IN modern conditions The educator must learn to be different. An educator today should be able to design, set a goal, tasks, see the result and breed these concepts. Our task is to be competent and competent. First of all, in order to teach modern parents.
After all, as it was before. The kindergarten performed the functions of "supervision and care" for children. And for some parents, it was just a "luggage office" for children. And at the request of the teacher to complete the task or talk with the child on a given topic, one could hear: “He is here with you from seven to seven, so you say, do it, do it.” And at the same time, parents demand from the kindergarten to prepare the child for school - to teach them to read, write, count. The preschool should not replace the school. For the successful implementation of educational activities, it is necessary to cultivate responsibility, organization, initiative. Confidently and easily enter into educational activities children with a high level of independence. I think that our task is to convey this idea to parents. A child psychologically prepared for school who is able to take care of himself, occupy himself, and concentrate on some task will feel much more confident in school than a child who knows everything, but does not have the personal qualities necessary for successful learning.
According to the new standard, preschool education becomes the first step general education. It is necessary to "full inclusion" of parents in the process of education. And the task of the educator: to help in the formation of parental culture.
We can talk a lot about the new federal standard, about its pluses and minuses. Is the standard required to say "yes" or "no"? I believe that the Federal State Educational Standard is needed. It is necessary in order to build and normatively consolidate the continuity of preschool and primary general education. Required for children with disabilities. The introduction of the standard will take several years, during which there will be really valuable proposals from teachers who practically implement the new standard. I would like the developers of the program to take into account the wishes of teachers, managers, financiers and correct them. Let's work and see!

Olga Kinos
Essay "As I understand the mission of a modern educator implementing the GEF of preschool education"

“We are renewing the country, changing our lives, changing ourselves.

And that's all, we do this for our children, because we want

So that they live better than us, so that they are better than us,

So that they can do what we may not have time to do,

So that our successful future will be formed from their success.”

V. V. Putin.

Times are changing, so are society's needs. There are more and more requirements for training and parenting. Yes, every time makes its own adjustments and educator how a pioneer should have time to orient himself in time. In our age, when the crazy pace of life, when the number of developing methods is growing and technologies are improving, it is not easy for any teacher. Responsibility educator has always been exceptional, but under the conditions of the introduction GEF responsibility increases significantly. John Dewey wrote: "If we teach today the way we taught yesterday, we will steal tomorrow from our children." That's why modern educator it is necessary to constantly develop, improve, follow the trends of the time, from the entire abundance of information to choose the main thing that is suitable specifically for him pupils. educator must always keep pace with time: know the computer, modern pedagogical technologies, to be able to use the Internet.

But the main thing to do educator in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is to help the child become an independent person, not to reduce communication with the child only to a dry process of transferring knowledge. V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “It is very important to strive to become a good engineer, doctor, salesman. But strive to be a good man this is even more important. You can become an engineer in five years, you have to learn to be a person all your life.”

Every educator should strive to develop in the child that uniqueness that will distinguish him from those around him, to teach the child to be educated responsible, consider others, have human dignity, respect oneself myself: “Without self-respect, human culture is unthinkable, and intolerance towards everything that humiliates a person is also unthinkable. It makes no sense to reproach the child for being insensitive and shameless; one must patiently, making additional efforts, develop his feelings and his conscience, that subtlety of feelings, which alone allows educator to educate. Upbringing feelings is the most difficult thing in the work of a teacher" (V. A. Sukhomlinsky).

In addition, the teacher must nurture inquisitive, an active child, striving for knowledge of the world around him.

In my opinion, this is the mission of the educator, implementing GEF.

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Implementation of the GEF of preschool education in the practice of the work of a preschool educational institution Today, we (teachers) are faced with the issue of organizing activities in accordance with the federal state.

I came to work in the kindergarten "Peas" in 1987, but it took me a long time to become an educator - 4 years. Worked as an assistant teacher. I know firsthand how hard and responsible the work of an educator is. There were such circumstances that the head of the preschool educational institution Chugay Lyubov Fedorovna offered me the job of an educator. I will be grateful to this man for the rest of my life. It was difficult, but my colleagues supported me, shared their experience and knowledge. Their support meant a lot to me.

In 1990, I started working as an educator. Since I had no education by profession, I entered the Yalta Pedagogical School in 1991, and in 1994 the Crimean State Engineering and Pedagogical Institute, from which I graduated in 1998. Hooray - I'm a teacher!

It is not easy to study and work at the same time, but the opportunity to work in a specialty allows you to immediately apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Work in preschool"Peas" for 26 years. After so many years of work, I understand the full responsibility that lies on the shoulders of the educator.

My work is my life and life is my work. The profession of an educator is a job from seven to six. On the way home or on weekends, you meet the parents of your pupils, and this is individual and continuous communication with parents. But you can’t tell them: “Sorry, my work day is over.”

You are the teacher always and everywhere: in kindergarten, on the street, in the store, and, of course, at home. You are an example and a role model.

There are difficulties, of course. Sometimes you need to deal with difficult children, come up with something new interesting event. But how nice it is when you see how children enthusiastically tell their parents about the knowledge gained during the day. The teacher must be a master of all trades.

Depending on the circumstances, the educator has to play different roles. An educator is both a teacher, a psychologist, and a doctor… because when children come to kindergarten, they want to be welcomed here, loved, understood, they want to feel confident and protected.

The educator is a "runner", "jumper", "perpetual motion machine". The educator is a singer, musician, actor, magician... because all children love to listen to fairy tales, watch performances and want to participate in them themselves. An educator is a guide, a researcher, a botanist and biologist, an encyclopedist ... because children are happy to walk, observe, experiment, think and like to ask a lot of questions.

An educator is an architect, constructor, artist, sculptor... because children are always ready to create. And what can I not do! I can sew, dance, play, make anything, ... work with my parents, be a caring mother.

No wonder kids junior groups, forgetting, they call you mom. Isn't that the highest credibility score?

An educator is not just something to teach, accustom to certain skills at a certain age, but also to develop moral guidelines in a child, to teach to see beauty, to love the world. Learning to be human is very important at any age.

I am proud of my profession. I am proud of the trust of children, the achievements of each child, the opportunity to educate a new generation.

Time flies fast. Behind shoulders already the fifth release of children in school. Babies grow up and go to new life. And I remember them, their joys, ups and downs, their tears and smiles, meetings and partings. And how pleasant it is to tears when you walk down the street, and they run to you, hug you and say that it was better in kindergarten than at school. And what they want back to kindergarten - to me. My little grown up kids.

I see how sympathetic, kind they are, they know how to sympathize, empathize, provide all possible assistance to their neighbor, not be indifferent and see beauty in everything.

So my efforts and work were not in vain.
