After the first kiss, you can determine the future fate of the relationship. How to kiss for the first time? The magic of a kiss After the first kiss

A kiss is not just a prelude to sexual intercourse, it is also a caress that gives great pleasure in itself. In all eras, lovers kiss with inspiration, as soon as they are given the opportunity. But many inexperienced girls are very worried because of their ignorance of what to do during a kiss. How should one behave so that affection brings joy to both partners?

The very beginning

Waiting for a kiss, especially the first one, is an unusually exciting feeling. As a rule, the initiative in such matters traditionally belongs to the guy, and the girl can only wait with bated breath when her lover dares to kiss her. If a loved one is too timid, you can cheer him up. To do this, sit down closer to him and slightly lower your voice. In such a situation, the guy will instinctively bend down closer to the lips of his beloved and, perhaps, decide to kiss them.

A bolder gesture is to hug the guy by the neck and bring his face closer to him, looking straight into his eyes. At the same time, you can gently play with his hair. or pat him on the neck. Finally, you can take the initiative entirely: modern rules of etiquette quite allow for this. To do this, you should bring your face closer to the face of a loved one, seriously look into his eyes and fleetingly touch your lips to his lips.

As a rule, in such a situation, the guys immediately seize the initiative. If this did not happen, but the beloved does not show signs of discontent, you can proceed to more active actions: press your lips against his, lightly suck on his upper or lower lip, lick his lips with short and light movements. Usually girls who talk a lot have highly trained lip muscles and a flexible tongue, so performing all these movements is unlikely to seem like an impossible task to someone.

Should you tell your loved one about your intention to kiss him? Sometimes such information sounds very exciting, but in most cases there is no need for extra words: sign languages ​​can be said much more than verbally. A playful look, an affectionate smile and lips, inevitably approaching the lips of a loved one, will tell him much more than a thousand words.

During the kiss

Of course, it's not just the lips and tongue that move during a kiss. You should not freeze in one position, it is better to move even closer to your partner, snuggle up to him with your whole body, hug him by the neck or shoulders, stroke his back or even his face.

Most inexperienced girls are very afraid to appear as such and try their best to appear sophisticated. Watching educational videos and reading articles on how to kiss correctly is certainly useful, but it is better to forget about them at the time of the kiss. Otherwise, it may turn out like in the story about the centipede, which thought about which leg to go with, and as a result, it was so confused that it could not move.

It is very important to stay natural. There is no need to convulsively recall at the time of the kiss all the information about how to kiss correctly. Ancient wisdom says that in love there is no right and wrong - everything that pleases both partners is acceptable. Therefore, you should trust your feelings and behave the way you want in this moment: to cuddle closer to the partner or, on the contrary, slightly move away to burn him loving glance before falling back to his lips.

However, it would be a big mistake to immerse yourself in your own feelings in order to forget about your partner.

Still, he also has his own feelings, wishes and preferences, and ignoring them is dishonest and ugly. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor the reaction of the beloved to certain actions: if he tensed up and tries to move away, this is an unambiguous signal that he did not like something. If, on the contrary, he cuddles closer and groans with pleasure, then you can continue your actions.

After the kiss

Periodically, in different cities of the world, competitions are held for the longest kiss. But for those who do not participate in such competitions, it is not at all necessary to artificially prolong the process. If one of the partners felt tired, the kiss should be gently ended. How best to do this if the partner intends to kiss further? Do not abruptly move away - this can offend your lover. It is better to just at some point reduce the intensity of movements and stop taking the initiative. As a rule, in such a situation, the partner also begins to move more slowly and softly. This means that you can very gently pull away, be sure to kiss your lover on the lips gratefully in the end.

How to understand that the partner is tired and wants to end the kiss? Most likely, he will act in the same way: he will stop showing initiative, reduce the intensity of movements and try to gently step back. In this case, you should listen to him and not insist on continuing.

Often, after a kiss, guys are interested in the sensations of their partner. A question like this may signal some inexperience. young man in love affairs or that the girl does not show her feelings enough. It's also possible that the guy is just a little insecure and needs confirmation that his kisses are great. If this is true, it is quite possible to compliment your beloved , talking about what bliss his caresses bring. If kisses leave much to be desired, then it is advisable to gently avoid the answer.

By the way, The best way avoiding an answer is just a kiss.

Thus, you can respond to a variety of uncomfortable questions that for some reason you don’t want to answer. As a rule, men are quite satisfied with such answers.

No need


  • Use language in moderation
  • Be gentle during the first kiss
  • Smile after the kiss. Or at least giggle
  • Swallow saliva regularly
  • Be active
  • Make sure you have fresh breath
  • Kissing on the first or at least the second date
  • Kissing for the first time when you are alone

What to do with hands during a kiss

Kissing will become much more romantic and exciting if your hands are involved too! Although, if you overdo it, stroking and feeling your partner, nothing good will come of it. With the help of hands, a kiss can be made delicious, or you can discourage your partner from any desire to repeat it. Feel free to touch your head, shoulders, and waist, but keep your hands away from certain other parts of the body, which won't scare you or take you further than you'd like.

Hands on the back of the head

The palms gently stroke the back of the head, the fingers slide through the hair - wonderful!


It's simple: touch his cheek with an open palm during a kiss.


Hug him around the neck, around the waist, put your hands on his shoulders - gently, strongly, in different ways, as you like.


It's not really a hug. The palms simply rest on the partner's waist while you are kissing.

Everyone has their first kiss and everyone is worried about it. There are tons of tips to help you make your first kiss wonderful, amazing and memorable for you and your partner!


Part 1

Choosing a place for a kiss

    Choosing the right place. For that memorable kiss, you need to be in right time and the right place. If you are not a public person and, in general, not a fan of publicity, then you will not really enjoy kissing in public.

    • The right time to kiss someone is at the end of the first or second date, but everything will depend on the connection between you and the one you want to kiss (After all, the first kiss does not have to happen on a date).
    • There are good conventional romantic occasions like prom, movies, the beach where you can have your first unforgettable kiss. After you make sure it's what you and your partner (or potential kissing partner) want.
  1. Dress appropriately. That is, dress for the occasion, but in a way that makes you feel comfortable. With a truly amazing and memorable first kiss, your comfort is very important and it's all about choosing the right place and the right time and how well you kiss.

    • Avoid applying overly sticky lip gloss. It's hard to enjoy a kiss if you're afraid your lips will stick together.
    • If you are afraid that you will sweat a lot or smell bad at this moment, use deodorant and perfume. Remember, a little smell is better. You don't want your partner to suffocate from the smell.
  2. Make sure you have a clean mouth. Avoid bad breath - this is very important during the first and unforgettable kiss (unless of course you want it to be unforgettable in bad sense). Eat a mint or chew gum after eating and drinking, or brush your teeth before meeting your potential partner for a first kiss.

    • Women smell a lot more than men, so this step is especially important if you're a guy who wants to kiss a girl.
    • You shouldn't make it too obvious that you're using peppermint to freshen your breath. Subtly hint at this by offering one to your potential partner.
    • Avoid spicy foods, fish, garlic and onions, anything that has a strong smell that lingers for a long time.
  3. Create tension for the right moment. Another thing that makes a first kiss memorable and enjoyable is the anticipation of the occasion for both parties. It also creates a comfortable situation for you and the person you want to kiss.

    Choose the right moment. Don't put off deciding whether or not you want to kiss your partner all the way to the door at the end of the date. Both of you should be comfortable.

    • Instigate a kiss in the car, on the way home after a date, or during a video game, or while you're out after dinner or coffee.
    • Be sober: Kissing can trigger the release of dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin (all fun and healthy substances). Alcohol can prevent you from fully experiencing these chemical releases.
    • Avoid distractions like wanting to pee or turning off your phone (on a date, your phone should already be off).
  4. Get close. Once you're both excited, enjoying yourself, and feeling comfortable, move closer and let your potential partner walk the rest of the way. If the person does not fit, then it is better for you to move away.

    • You may also ask Can I kiss you?, as many people like to give their consent before someone enters their personal space.
    • Make eye contact during this. Eye contact raises the level of intimacy of the kiss between you.

Part 2

First kiss
  1. Tilt your head in the opposite direction than your partner. So the chance that you hit your teeth or noses is less. That is, if your partner tilts his head to the right, you will tilt your head to the left.

  2. Do everything slowly. If everything is going well and your potential partner has signaled for a kiss, touch their lips gently. This may take a little while to get the hang of it, so make sure you keep an eye on what your partner's lips are doing.

    • A strong kiss is usually not recommended. He is usually too sudden and aggressive for your partner. Set aside aggressiveness until you know each other's kissing style and preferences.
    • Aggressiveness can also be fierce, which many do not find particularly attractive.
  3. Relax. Seriously, this can be difficult since you want to kiss the right way and you want everything to go well. But if you relax, then this will make the kiss much better for yourself and for your partner.

    • The best thing you can do is be yourself in this moment. Feel the touch of your partner's lips, their smell (smell is very important during a kiss), how they respond to you.
  4. Make it interesting. If you feel relaxed, try to diversify the kiss. Memorable kisses are those that are unusual (in good sense), so try different romantic techniques.

    • Try kissing other places than just the lips. You could start with your partner's neck and work their way up to their lips.
    • You can use your index finger on your partner's chin to point their mouth forward for a kiss.
    • Remember: do not lick a person's face, only with his consent. There is a good rule of thumb that during the first kiss, the face should not get wet.
  5. Do something with your hands. It's better if they don't just hang out. Why don't they get in on the fun too. Of course, you'd like to make sure you're not in too much of a hurry, or that your hands aren't touching too many places during the first kiss.

    • Good places for hands: in the partner's hair, on his cheek, hugging on the sides or behind the back.
    • Spreading your arms too much can distract you from the kiss, so don't let them go too far during the first kiss.
  6. Don't use the language right away. The first kiss is always perceived as a gentle touch of the lips, a signal that you both like each other. French Kiss, if the first kiss goes well, may come later, by mutual desire.

    • Most people don't like it when someone's tongue gets stuck in their throat during the first kiss.
  7. Stop after a couple of seconds. It would be nice to break the kiss after a few moments. This will increase desire and give you the opportunity to make sure that your partner is doing well.

    • Slowly move your face back, even a few inches, to keep the moment intimate. See what your partner looks like. Is he surprised? Is he trying to get out? Is he uncomfortable?
    • Ask: Everything is fine? Do you like it?

Part 3

What to do after a kiss
  1. Don't push. Now that you've overcome the first hurdle with a memorable kiss, don't push or ask for more. Now, kiss a few more times if your partner doesn't mind, it's so great.

    • Now, if you both want to continue, be brave. The path is clear.

Are you ready for a kiss? Do you have any special person you want to kiss? If you have not yet encountered the task of the first kiss, then it can be a rather difficult dilemma for you. In this article, we will talk in some detail about the actions that a girl or guy needs to take at the first kiss.


1. In order for a kiss to be pleasant, fresh breath is necessary, therefore, always have something with you, for these purposes - a menthol lozenge, mouth freshener, etc.

2. Look the guy in the eye. Rest your head on his shoulder as if you were going to sleep like that. Look at the young man, if he starts to hug you, you feel his hand on your waist, then you can go directly to the kiss. If nothing happens, then you should not take any steps right away, your partner may simply not be ready for a kiss yet.

3. Look at his lips. Then slowly move your gaze up, and smile sweetly, looking into the eyes of your young man.

4. Relax and calm down. If the guy does not kiss you, then do not worry and try to kiss him yourself. Wait another minute, if nothing happens then, it might be better to postpone the first kiss for another time.

5. Show your boyfriend that you want him to kiss you. Put your hands on his shoulders, hug him, play with his hair a little, so you give the guy a sign that it's time to act.

6. However, some guys are very shy and may not dare to act even after such obvious signals from a girl. Take the lead. Guys tend to get nervous before the first kiss, but for some guys, this anxiety goes too far. Be gentle with your boyfriend. Kiss him on the cheek to give him confidence.

7. Invite him to kiss you himself. Yes, some guys really need an open kiss invitation. Let's say you have already tried to show him that you are ready, and he is also ready to kiss you, but he cannot decide - just tell him: "Could you kiss me right now ...". After such an open invitation, if the guy wants to kiss you at all, then he will do it.


1. Don't be shy, girls want to be kissed. If you like a girl, do not confess your love to her, just for a kiss, however, the girl will be flattered if she knows that you share her romantic feelings.

2. Fresh breath is the key to a pleasant kiss. But, when kissing, there should not be any chewing gum in the mouth.

3. To shave or not to shave? Most girls prefer to kiss smooth-shaven young men, but some just love the stubble on the face of guys. Find out what your girlfriend likes.

4. Respect the girl's wishes. Most girls don't like kissing in front of other people, especially when it comes to the first kiss. Therefore, in order to kiss a girl for the first time, you need to choose a good time and a rather intimate atmosphere. It is best if you and the girl are alone.

5. Notice the signals! Watch carefully, because sometimes the signals can be confusing - a girl can first flirt with you, and then do completely opposite things. Perhaps she is just playing with you if you notice that she contradicts herself in her actions (Oh, those women!). Ask yourself the following questions: Do you enjoy being around this girl? Did she flirt with you through body language? Did she lick her lips as she looked at you? Does she often find an excuse to touch you? If you notice these signals, then be sure the girl is ready for a kiss.

6. Eye to eye. If a girl looks into your eyes without looking away, then she is ready for a kiss.

7. Do everything slowly, gently. Do not rush at the girl with kisses very aggressively, no matter how much you want to.

8. Gently hug a girl, don't use the first kiss with a girl as a cover for dirty behavior, be gentlemen! So, hug the girl, gently bring her closer to you.

9. Look into her eyes. As you can see, we very often focus on the fact that you need to look into the eyes of your girlfriend. This is very important, the only way you can prepare a girl for the first kiss is just by looking into her eyes.

10. Look at her lips. It's not just that you will once again see your girlfriend's amazingly beautiful lips glowing with passion, but also aim before the kiss so as not to miss (I'm completely serious!).

11. Get over the fine line of insecurity and give your girlfriend a tender kiss. However, a gentle kiss does not mean a short kiss at all. But, on the other hand, you can’t be too zealous, for example, making your way with a kiss with your tongue into the girl’s throat. The best first kiss should be gentle, romantic and memorable. Your mouth should not be unnecessarily open or closed, lips unnecessarily relaxed or tense. Just relax, but remember to take care of yourself. It is best not to delay the first kiss for more than 20 seconds, but kissing for less than 3 seconds will also not be correct. It is believed that 10 seconds or so is enough for the first kiss.

12. Wait for her answer. Just be silent and smile, or even better, hug her after finishing the first kiss, feel this intimate and beautiful moment.

13. Remember that girls are people too. The first kiss for them is the same experience and nerves as for guys. They are also afraid of waiting for the unknown, so become a fearless hero for the girl who leads her to the sweet valley of kisses.

And, perhaps most importantly: always remember that a kiss is great!

We hope this guide will help you decide on your first kiss.

The first kiss is an event in life that you will always remember until old age. You need to know some "rules" that will help make this important event unforgettable. Some young guys and girls do not know how to kiss for the first time, what needs to be done to make the kiss memorable for a lifetime and to impress a partner for repeat romantic encounters and prolong relationships.

Is the first kiss a problem?

It often happens that neither the girl nor the guy knows how to kiss. And so they deliberately delay this moment. It would seem that the girl is easier: she follows and repeats the movements of the young man. It does not require any special initiative. You should not be ashamed of your inability to kiss: if the guy is smart, he will appreciate it and will treat the girl with more tenderness and attention.

The young man, according to etiquette, must show initiative and perseverance without shyness and brute force. And the first sign that a girl is ready for a kiss is a long look into the guy's eyes. If a young man looks away or starts talking about something insignificant, it means that he is not ready for this crucial moment.

In any case, always be natural, and if you feel like kissing your partner and there is an appropriate romantic setting, then do it and have fun. And you don’t need to worry too much if you don’t know how to kiss for the first time.

How to learn to kiss?

Many young guys and girls put off the first kiss because they don't know how to kiss the first time. What do we have to do? How to behave? What movements can and cannot be done? The decision to kiss can ripen suddenly, but more often young people prepare for this both mentally and physically.

It should be noted that there is no real and clear advice on how and where to do this. You yourself will feel that the time has come for this exciting moment. The first kiss should be in a romantic setting, and it is important that you like your partner. It is necessary that no one interfere with you, and it is desirable that there be no witnesses. After all, not only the girl is worried, but also the guy, and unexpected questions or comments from others can ruin the first kiss, and then it will not be easy to decide to do it a second time.

Tips on how to learn to kiss for the first time include not only the technique of kissing, but also preparation for this event.

You can create a romantic atmosphere yourself. For example, invite a partner to the cinema on the last row. And it doesn't matter who does it first: a guy or a girl. It is the dark hall, the film about love, that is conducive to the first kiss. Only in the cinema you can often see how a young guy and a girl kiss. And you can kiss your lover or sweetheart after a good evening together goodbye. At the same time, the behavior of a partner on a date will show you whether he is ready for the first kiss.

A guy should not ask a girl if she can be kissed: this will put her in a difficult position, make her embarrassed, and a kiss that will be remembered for a lifetime will not work.

Preparing for a kiss

It must be remembered that nice smell from your mouth, as well as the aroma of your body, sets your partner on a romantic wave. Therefore, it is important to take a shower or bath before a date, use deodorant, perfume or cologne with a mild smell. You should not take foods such as onions, garlic, spicy and fatty foods, alcoholic beverages the day before. Smoking is contraindicated. You can use mints or chewing gum. But at the same time, you should not chew it during a date - this can discourage any desire, and advice on how to kiss for the first time may not be needed.

Lips can be smeared with sugar for their brightness and softness, moisturized with lipstick (this is a tip for girls).

If you are already ready for the first kiss, then you should also set up your partner: you can gently talk to him, smile naturally, take his hand or hug him. At the same time, looking into the eyes, do not quickly look away. A sincere look can indicate that you are ready, and this will push your partner to take the first step.

The first kiss should not be too short or too long. According to psychologists, the optimal time is 20-30 seconds. At the same time, you will feel a big explosion of emotions and get great pleasure. And you don’t need to experience complexes about the fact that, they say, I don’t know how to kiss. Your feelings and mutual desire will help you.

What should you do at the first kiss?

If the initiator is a guy, then he needs to attract a girl to him, tilt his head to one side and gently touch her lips with his lips. Then, with your mouth slightly open, run the tip of your tongue along the girl's lips. Then you can kiss the girl with your lips alone without aggression and pressure.

A girl can also take the initiative in her own hands. It's best to say goodbye. It is necessary to come close to the guy, thank him for a wonderful evening, gently look into his eyes and touch his lips for a while. The best thing in this case would be the girl's quick departure without delay in order to awaken the hunter's desire in the guy: he will look forward to the next date.

You should not delay the kiss: the first time a guy and a girl kiss for no more than a minute. It is this time that is most optimal for an emotional explosion. Don't be alarmed if you're salivating: a lot of people love it. When kissing, the eyes close on their own: this is an indicator that a person is abandoning the surrounding reality and immersing himself in the world of feelings. It also means that people like each other, and the first kiss is the beginning of a new, brighter relationship, which subsequently develops into love.

How to get rid of an inferiority complex?

Many people are afraid of kissing due to lack of experience with the opposite sex and the fear that your kiss will not make the right impression on your partner. You shouldn't be afraid of this. Even if you are embarrassed and make some kind of awkward movement, then this is not a reason to ridicule you. If your partner likes you and he feels for you sincere feelings, then it will help you to forget about your fears.

Books on the psychology of relationships will tell you how to kiss. Lesson can teach you good friend or video. Now there are also many interesting articles about this important event.

What do you need to do to be kissed?

There are a few more tips on how to kiss for the first time and what you need to do to make you desirable for your partner. First, you need:

  • visit the dentist regularly to eliminate all problems (sometimes you don’t hear the smell from the mouth, but it is unpleasant for others);
  • brush your teeth not only in the mornings and evenings, but also before a date;
  • be sure to clean the surface of the tongue, as it accumulates a large number of bacteria that can cause bad smell from mouth;
  • the guy should be clean-shaven, and the girl should be neatly combed and without defiant makeup;
  • a girl should not apply bright lipstick: naturalness attracts more;
  • friendliness and a smile should be your constant companions.

The first kiss is the magic of love

To make the first kiss memorable for a lifetime, you must:

  • kiss only with a person who you really like and whom you feel with your soul;
  • do not drink alcohol for courage;
  • do not succumb to provocations and kiss without desire just to gain experience;
  • it is not necessary for a girl to kiss a guy first: it is important to set him up and show with your appearance that you are ready for the first kiss (although exceptions are possible).

And it should be remembered that the first kiss should be with the one or only one that you have feelings for. And it doesn't matter whether the kiss succeeds or not. All the same, it will be remembered for a lifetime, and you can repeat it with your loved one even after a few years.

A kiss is magic that breaks down the walls of awkwardness and misunderstanding between people. This is a recognition that a person has settled in your heart, that he is not indifferent to you, and you let him into your heart. But how do you behave if you are kissed? It is up to you to accept such a tender gift from a person or not to reciprocate, because a lot depends on how you feel for the person and in what environment it happened.

If you are in love with a guy and this is your first kiss

You have long sought to be kissed by your beloved guy. How much you had to endure - sleepless nights, excitement, loneliness, and now he is with you and decides to kiss you. Get rid of all possible fears and think only about how pleasant it will be for you to kiss your loved one. If you are tense, the guy will feel it and then the kiss may not turn out the way you picture it in your imagination.

There should be no pressure on your part, only tenderness. Bloom like a flower and let your loved one look into your soul. Forget all the kissing techniques you know, move your tongue and lips as naturally as possible, give your beloved all your caress that you are capable of. During the kiss, you can touch his hand or face, but do it gently, with light touches. Run your hand along his back or through his hair, it will make him tremble and he will never forget the first kiss with you. You can also put your hands on his waist, but it's more exciting, of course, when they stroke his back or lie on his shoulders. Do as you please. Do not freeze in one position, move closer to the guy so that your bodies are as close as possible closer friend to friend. During the kiss, it is very important to be in harmony with the guy, so you should carefully monitor his reaction to the kiss. It is imperative to take into account his feelings, otherwise you can spoil the relationship that is born between you.

If he wants to move away, don't hold him back. He kisses you, so he is the leader, let him decide for you, at least during your first kiss. You should not immediately think that the young man did not like kissing you, the reason may be different. Guys have a harder time holding onto their passion, so he doesn't want to rush and scare you with his persistence. Do not destroy the magic of the kiss, and then your first kiss will be beautiful.

In the future, when you get used to each other, it will be much easier for you to catch the mood of the guy and kiss him. You will have passionate, tender and welcoming short kisses, and each of them will be beautiful, the main thing is that you love your young man and be devoted to him.

If the guy does not dare to kiss you?

You just started dating and it's already your second or third date, and the awkwardness between you hasn't gone away. If you see that a guy wants to kiss you, but feels constrained or afraid to take the initiative, don't be afraid to make the first move. Sit a little closer, touch his hand, look into his eyes, in general, do everything to make the awkwardness between you disappear. You can smile at him affectionately or look at him playfully, this will be taken as permission to take a more decisive step. If you brave girl and you are tired of waiting for decisive action on the part of your loved one, look into his eyes and slightly tilt your head towards his lips. If he wants to kiss you, he will definitely do it. The first kiss is likely to be a bit timid and short-lived, so no matter how good you are at kissing, trust your partner completely. You can prove yourself many more times during your next kisses.

What to do after the first kiss?

Regardless of whether the kiss was long and passionate or vice versa timid and short, it needs to be finished beautifully. Again, as a girl, you must take into account the mood of your loved one. If the kiss continues with the same intensity as before, then the guy wants to kiss you more, so continue the kiss. If the guy's movements become slower, the intensity of the kiss decreases, which means that the kiss needs to end. If you feel that your loved one is tired and does not want to continue the kiss, gently and gently end it.

Also, you can simply stop taking the initiative, showing that the kiss is completed. The guy, realizing this, will also begin to kiss more slowly and complete the kiss. At the same time, there should not be any sudden movements, the guy may be offended and think that it was unpleasant for you to kiss him. You should also not continue to aggressively kiss your partner if he begins to pull away, because this can be regarded as obsession and will be negatively perceived by the young man.

Very often, young people are interested in whether the girl liked the kiss or not. This question can be asked out of politeness or because the guy is not very experienced in love affairs, so he is worried about whether you liked everything. To cheer up a guy, you can gently whisper yes or just give him an answer in the form of a short and soft kiss. You can also compliment him that he kisses gently, and you got a great feeling. In no case do not remain silent or criticize. Even if your first kiss was bad, you will have many opportunities to teach a guy how to kiss properly.

What not to do to a girl during a kiss

A guy during a kiss should perceive you exclusively as a gentle and sweet girl, so you should not do the following.

1. Too actively use the language.

2. Strongly press the guy's lips with your lips.

3. React fearfully to the guy's desire to kiss you, because after that the desire to kiss, and maybe meet you, will disappear forever.

4. Don't ask for a kiss. Don't tell a guy that you want him to kiss you or that you want to kiss him. These words are superfluous and can destroy the excitement of waiting for the first kiss.

5. The guy in the kiss should be the leader, but that doesn't mean you should freeze and wait for the kiss to end.

6. Even on the first date, be ready for a kiss. Therefore, do not eat food with garlic or hot peppers. Make sure your breath is fresh and you are a pleasure to kiss.

7. After a kiss, you must definitely react somehow. You can’t pretend that you didn’t kiss and nothing happened between you. Therefore, smile at the guy so that he understands that you are pleased.

8. The first kiss should not be public, so take the guy to a secluded place where no one will disturb you. Having done everything right, you will be sure that the kiss, both for you and the guy, was a great pleasure. If you are going to kiss a girl for the first time

You ask a girl out on a date, and your number one task is to make a good impression on her. Bouquets of flowers, a good cafe, gallant manners are, of course, very important, but it is especially important to kiss your chosen one correctly. If this is your first date, you should not immediately kiss the girl on the lips, wait until the end of the date, and then you yourself will feel whether the girl wants to kiss you or not. Some couples manage to part with awkwardness already on the first date and, of course, they do not hesitate to kiss. If some stiffness still remains, it is better to wait for the second date, where you can already show yourself the most. in the best way.

Before the first kiss, it is important to mentally prepare. It's not just about fresh breath, but don't forget that chewing gum should always be in your pocket. Although you are a confident guy, courageous and attractive, but, of course, you become shy as soon as you see a girl who has been sought for a long time. Let go of all your fears and show your loved one that you are the leader in your relationship.

It is very important to win over a girl, so try to smile more during a date and amuse your chosen one. Find a better place for the first kiss. It should not be public, so if you are in a cafe, it is better to kiss the girl when you leave it and go for a walk. Twinkling stars, light breeze and twilight create a unique romance that brings the couple closer. A car or a bed is not very suitable for a first kiss, a girl may begin to worry that you want something more from her and subsequently the kiss will fail.

It is important that the girl herself wants to kiss you, so make every effort to do so. As soon as you see that the girl tilts her head towards you or sits closer, do not waste the opportunity and kiss her, otherwise it may offend her. The first kiss should be romantic and natural, so save your passion and assertiveness for the 4th or 5th date. Take the girl by the hands, go a little closer to her and touch her lips, at first softly and gently, and then move your tongue and lips a little stronger and more intensively.

You can hug the girl around the waist or run your hands through her hair, the main thing is that everything was very affectionate and gentle. Girls also like it when the gentle hands of a guy hug her face and stroke her cheeks. A girl's heart can be made to flutter if you break the kiss a little, look into her eyes, and then kiss her again, but more strongly. Another way to kiss beautifully is to first touch the lips of her nose, and then the upper and lower lips.

During the kiss, you need to adapt to the feelings of the girl. If you feel that she does not like your assertiveness, make the kiss more gentle. As soon as the girl stops moving, complete the kiss softly and gently, but do not move away from the girl immediately, but stand next to her, take her hand and kiss her palm. Make her feel your sympathy. How to behave after the first kiss with a girl?

A kiss should bring you closer, but still, the girl should not be rushed right away. This is especially true for intimate relationships. First, you must earn the girl's trust and her love, and only then move on to the next, no less important stage.

After you finish the kiss, you can smile at the girl. You can also compliment her, tell her that she is very beautiful girl and it looks amazing today. Take the girl by the waist or by the hand and continue your conversation on abstract topics. You can continue kissing if the girl doesn't mind, but if you see that she doesn't want to rush, don't be too intrusive.

What not to do during and after kissing a girl

Girls are very vulnerable, so any careless word or action of yours can offend her, so be very careful and in no case do the following.

1. After the kiss, do not tell the girl that you will definitely teach her how to kiss. This will seem funny to one, and offend the other, because it turns out that she does not know how to kiss. Therefore, it is better to say that she is a great kisser and you are pleased to be with her.

2. During the kiss, do not pull the girl strongly towards you. Better come and hug yourself. A girl can be very worried before a kiss, and your rudeness can scare her.

3. After the first kiss, you don’t need to lick the girl’s neck or face with your tongue. She might not like it. Therefore, if you want to please a girl, ask her if she would mind if you kiss her on the ear. Time will pass and you will be able to do this without permission, but for now, you need to show that you respect the girl.

4. Do not chew gum while kissing, it releases a lot of saliva. You need to say goodbye to chewing gum in advance so as not to spoil the kiss, and swallow saliva regularly.

5. If a girl doesn't like the way you kiss her, stop and talk about it. Perhaps she is not ready for kisses or is very worried.

6. The kiss should be gentle, so at first do not kiss the girl passionately, most likely she will not like it.

7. Do not be indifferent to the hygiene of your lips, as chapped and dry lips are unpleasant to kiss. Therefore, before a date with a girl, be sure to use hygienic lipstick without smell.

Articles about kissing

Kiss story | How to kiss a boy | How to kiss a girl | How cool to kiss | Kissing Tips | Benefits of kissing | Kiss on a date | How to learn to kiss | Passionate kiss | French kiss | Romance in a kiss | How to kiss a boy | How to kiss a girl | How to kiss a guy | How to kiss a girl | How to lead when kissing | Kissing games | Aphorisms about kisses | Poems about kisses-1 | Poems about kisses-2 | Poems about kisses-3 | Types of kisses | Emotions when kissing | Seduce him into a kiss | Seduce her for a kiss | Male kiss | Women's kiss | How to kiss with tongue | How to kiss passionately | How to kiss teenagers | Kiss a 12 year old boy | Kiss a 12 year old girl | Kiss the boy on the cheek | Kiss the girl on the cheek | Kiss boy at school | Kiss girls at school | I'm afraid to kiss | I don't know how to kiss | Boy to like | Girl to like | When to kiss

How to behave with a guy after the first kiss? - LadyAp.Ru

First kiss. We all remember him. Someone had it early age, someone a little later, but nevertheless we remember him for life. A lot of feelings and memories are associated with this kiss: first love, first date, first boyfriend, first "serious" relationship, and the first kiss experience in general.

The usual situation, you really like each other, start dating and sooner or later, which was supposed to happen, one fine evening he took you home and, standing at the entrance, your lips closed into one whole under the "kiss" lowering. And here it is - your first, such a desired innocent kiss, after which your head is spinning, and emotions are overflowing. And everything would be fine, but there is only one problem - children's shame, through which everyone went through. You start to hide your eyes, the thoughts in your head start slowly? but confidently confused and the question is brewing by itself: “How to behave at the moment?” Let's try together to decide how to behave with a guy after the first kiss?

Many girls, due to the fact that they are starting to get really nervous, cannot even understand "was it a kiss." Very often, this is due to fear of the process itself and its consequences. The very fear of the first kiss can be explained by comparing it with the fear of changing something, of learning something new, unknown before. But the state after the kiss is comparable to the subconscious feeling that you did something wrong, something unusual for you, to some extent even shameful, wrong. Fear that your partner will sue you. This, of course, is a normal fear that almost everyone is afraid of. And it is precisely because of this that various thoughts begin to circulate randomly in the head, causing obvious shame and fear on the face.

First of all, stop being nervous, in the end, you didn’t do anything criminal, this is all a natural process that should have happened, because our mother nature likes it (let’s say thanks to her for this unforgettable moment). As soon as you pull yourself together and put your nerves far away, you will immediately begin to think more rationally and more clearly. You will immediately perceive the situation much calmer and more adequately. Look at it from the other side - now you have something to brag to your friends, and you, in the end, kissed for the first time, even if he (your boyfriend), as it seemed to you, does not know how to do it (by the way, are you talking about this later you will remember with laughter more than once), but it happened. Therefore, "nerves out!" will become our first principle in avoiding "post-kissing syndrome".

Shame - well, as I said above, this is a natural process, by the way, the kiss itself is already behind, which is already shy, everything is done and everyone is alive. You and your boyfriend have already experienced the worst, why panic. Therefore, quit constantly hiding your eyes, lowering them into the ground, your boyfriend is not there - he is in front of you. You, in the end, whom are you ashamed of, or what? Stop it, believe me, he is also ashamed, support him with your eyes.

We figured it out with ourselves, and now as for the guy. Immediately after the kiss, try to hold back your laughter. Wait for the moment when you find yourself at home, you are already there and give free rein to your emotions, by the way, you will have the whole night for this (believe me, you are unlikely to be able to fall asleep). So laughter - set aside, figure out what it will be like for your kid when you start laughing hysterically, I think you won’t envy him. Put yourself in his place. It’s better to joke something, defuse the situation and smile, so you are together - relax your tense situation. And also, it would be nice to say some beautiful romantic words like: “this is our first kiss - I will remember it” or something else of this kind, you are a girl, and as you know, we shine with fantasy in any situations. I forgot to say, yes, finally stop rushing home, he will then think that you are running away from him, and not at all from a kiss. Guys, despite the fact that their first kiss or the second one is much calmer about this and because of your zeal to hide from him behind the walls of your home, he may think something completely different (that you are running away from him, for example, because that he is, well, just a very bad kisser).

By the way, if, if your boyfriend already has experience in how to kiss properly and immediately after your kiss made a remark to you on the topic that you are doing it badly. Don't be shy, guys always like to show that they are better than us girls in everything. Therefore, confidently and boldly answer him something like: “nothing, with a teacher like you, I still have time to learn ... so, everything is ahead.” The guy will take this as a positive compliment and at the same time here's a joke for you. If the guy said nothing, don’t try to tell him yourself that he is a bad kisser (well, unless of course you didn’t like how he does it). I hope you at least a little understood how to behave with a guy after the first kiss. Remember, the first kiss is the best kiss. He happens once in his life and don’t spoil this moment with all sorts of prejudices and wracking his head, whether you did it right, and if he didn’t like it, I probably don’t know how to kiss. As they say, Moscow was not built in one day. If you don't know how now, you will learn later.

In a word, after the kiss, behave calmly, measuredly. Never be nervous. First of all, I think it will not be superfluous to remind you that there is nothing wrong with this. Forget about shame, continue to do everything that you did five minutes ago, until the moment when you kissed. Smile at your partner, try to talk about some other topic, thereby relaxing both of you and relieving tension. Completely step back from what happened, do not "hang" at the moment on it. Stop thinking about your boyfriend in terms of the fact that he did not like something or that he condemns you in some way, and even worse, he changed his mind about you. After what happened, he became even more interested in you, due to the fact that you became even closer to each other, and your relationship took on a completely different color, moving into a serious phase. Therefore, do not fill your head with stupid thoughts, but rather, before you go home, kiss him again to make sure that everything is fine and nothing has changed dramatically in your life. Relax, let everything go as it goes.

How to kiss a guy for the first time

For a kiss to take place, it is necessary that both the girl and the guy want it equally. It is important that both partners have a feeling of love, or at least sympathy for each other. It is quite difficult to achieve this at the first and even the second meeting, so you should not rush into the first kiss. It is better to devote the first 2-3 dates to communication, search common interests, checking feelings. According to couples who have already taken place, the moment for a kiss should be felt on an intuitive level, and very often it happens for the first time completely spontaneously under the influx of feelings.

Very important point on the way to the first kiss are touches, which must be used during the first few meetings. From time to time, you should take your partner by the hand, hug him, stroke his head, etc. This removes the barrier between people, increases trust in each other, and also enhances feelings.

If you're worried about how well everything will go, replay the kiss itself in your head, as well as the events that will precede it. The right mental attitude will also help if the moment of the kiss comes earlier than you planned.

The key element of the kiss is the lips, which should look well-groomed and attractive. If your relationship is developing and the moment of decisive action is about to come, take the following steps:

  1. use lipstick, balm, or other lip care product daily.
  2. choose the perfect one for your look lipstick or glitter.
  3. practice facial expressions in front of the mirror, slightly lifting them up and pulling them forward: such movements will become a slight hint for your partner that you are ready for a kiss.

It is very important to pay attention to the freshness of the mouth: be sure to brush your teeth before a date, and you should always have chewing gum with you. Properly selected perfume aroma will also attract a partner. Already during the date, try to find a moment to look at yourself in the mirror and fix your makeup if necessary.

Lip touches can be light and short, or intense and long. In the first case, this demonstrates some restraint towards the partner, a more friendly attitude. In the second - already an expression of already strong feelings, perhaps even a declaration of love without words. There is also such a form as a friendly kiss on the cheek. If you're not ready for more just yet, you can use it to end your first few dates.

In all situations, the kissing technique is different. You can practice doing it at home, looking at yourself in front of a mirror. Some, for greater clarity, put their lips to the outside of the palm or some kind of fruit.

For a friendly kiss:

  1. Without opening the lips, pull them forward by 2-3 mm;
  2. If desired, slightly tilt your head to the side, close your eyes;
  3. Lightly touch your partner's lips for 1-2 seconds and pull back.

For a romantic kiss:

  1. Slightly part your lips and pull forward;
  2. Close your eye and tilt your head at a strong angle;
  3. Touch your partner's lips, try to slightly pull in his lower or upper lip;
  4. Try to touch the tip of the tongue to the partner's tongue, to draw on the lips.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of kissing technique, pay attention to special signs and sensations. With a friendly touch, a characteristic “smack” sound should sound, after which you can already move away. As for a romantic kiss, it can last from a few seconds to about a minute, depending on your feelings, desires and the reaction of your partner. During it, you can change the angle of the head, experiment with the intensity and form of touch, as well as additionally hug your partner, stroke his head and neck.

Lips during a kiss should always be relaxed. In general, do not give them great attention: try to focus on the general feeling in order to enjoy the moment and give it to your partner. Only if you are making a romantic kiss, which is often called "French", the touch of the lips should be as intense as possible, and if the partner reciprocates enough, you can experiment with the language, as well as perform additional hand manipulations.

It is very important that the first touch with the lips occurs at the most appropriate moment. If you're in the mood for a romantic relationship and a deep kiss, the atmosphere of a date should be appropriate. There are several common situations where the chances that everything will turn out well are high. It is important to remember this and be on your guard so as not to scare off a partner who is already set up for activity.

Usually a man becomes the initiator of the kiss, choosing the right moment. If he shows shyness, the woman may well take the situation into her own hands. You can limit yourself to subtle or explicit hints using facial expressions of the lips and eyes, or you can smoothly approach your partner’s face and kiss him if you are completely sure of his and your feelings.

A good chance for lip-synching comes during a movie session, especially if it's a love-themed movie. You can also go for a kiss while walking in some picturesque place. A good opportunity arises at the end of the date, when the guy walks the girl home. And, of course, the situation cannot be neglected if the meeting takes place at home.

Another of the key places where you can easily kiss a guy is a nightclub. During joint dances, touching occurs especially often, and the moment for copulation with lips comes quickly enough. Not a very good place to go to kisses is a restaurant: despite the romantic atmosphere, partners usually sit opposite each other, which complicates any manipulations.

Just before the kiss, you can express sympathy for each other in the form of a series of compliments. You can hint or understand that the moment has come by looking your partner in the eyes. Lip gestures and touch also play an important role. There is no need to be afraid of a kiss: think that without it your relationship will not move to a new level, and your partner will be far from better opinion about you.

If everything went well, you need to overcome the inevitable awkwardness. A slight smile and a small compliment will be enough. It may also turn out that a kiss will become an occasion to confess to a partner your feelings. Do not be upset even if everything did not go too smoothly: in your life there will be many more opportunities to prove yourself and practice, bringing the art of kissing to perfection.

It is worth foreseeing such a situation that the partner refuses to kiss, pushing you away and saying that this should be postponed for now. Perhaps the moment has not really come yet, and more time is needed to get to know each other better. Also, you don’t need to make a kiss by force just to please your partner: everything can turn out far from the best way both during the touch and in further relationships. The desire must be really sincere and mutual.

First kiss - information about a man

The first kiss, how sweet and exciting it can be. How much more ahead he promises to experience happy experiences. A new romance is always the beginning of an unforgettable story, during which you will learn a lot of interesting things about your man. But I really want to quickly understand what the object of sighing really is, and what emotions lie in his soul. At first, the matter is very difficult, but His Majesty the Kiss can help in this. Yes, yes, it is the manner of kissing that will tell you what to expect from your soul mate. What can you learn about a man after the first kiss?

So, all men according to the nature of their kiss can be divided into four types:

Quick first kiss

His kiss is intense, and his lips or tongue are tense a little more than necessary. The activity of the partner has a slightly hysterical connotation; in fits of passion, he loves to bite.

In most cases, the initiative in relations with such a man belongs to the girl. And no matter how confident he looks, you will always make the rules. His opinion is that you need to entertain your beloved to the best of your ability and ability. And how to do it - let her decide. Therefore, do not be selfish and bring your man to such entertainment that will be of interest to the two of you.

He is able to change his hobbies, rushing from one extreme to another, and therefore talk about eternal love should be taken with extreme caution. It's better to check your feelings with time.

His pathological sociability leads to flirting and new acquaintances, and if you are jealous, then the man is not for you. On the contrary, if you are self-confident, calm and balanced, you will become an ideal couple that will cause envy among others.

Confident first kiss

He kisses hard, decisively and powerfully. Some, the most critical girls, associate such a kiss with a spoon dangling in their mouths.

This is a reliable man with whom it will be easy and calm. From him you will not expect a storm of emotions and romantic delights. Most likely, he adheres to the traditional view of any things. And until you get to know each other a little better, you should not drag him into an extreme environment, bungee jumping or snowboarding.

With such a man, a measured family life. And keep in mind: if he fell in love, he will stubbornly lead you to the registry office. But if there is no wedding in his plans, he will do everything possible not to be at the door of the wedding palace.

Do you dream of spending your evenings in the company of a faithful husband who can support and encourage you? Then you are simply made for each other. But if you crave adventure, an explosion of emotions and crazy days, then this person is not for you.

Gentle first kiss

He kisses gently, as if he is afraid to damage your tender lips, and hugs carefully. Often such kisses turn out to be wet, sometimes even more than we would like.

Such a man is very affectionate and caring. Yes, this is not an extravaganza of passions. But in his soul lies so much unspent tenderness! For successful relationship you have to guide and encourage him. Of course, he himself knows what to do. Just for this type of men, the support of a loved one is extremely important. And then he will follow you to the ends of the earth.

And do not hope to re-educate him if you want to see next to you a male leader, a self-confident fighter. It's easier to find someone who is more attractive to you.

Sweet first kiss

Kissing him is a pleasant unknown. He can kiss as he likes, in any of the ways described above, smoothly and naturally moving from one to another.

What can be said? You got the grand prize. Hold him tight, because this man knows about his attractiveness. Relationships with him are based on mutual understanding. But in order to meet his expectations, you need to keep the brand. If you are self-confident, expressive, then your union will last a long time. But if you do not have the desire to constantly defend the title " Ideal woman”, then it is better to immediately run away from him without looking back.
