Traditional holidays in kindergarten. Folk holidays in a preschool institution

Folklore holidays in kindergarten are of particular importance in shaping the culture of the child. Through this form of activity, a preschooler gets acquainted with folk culture, he develops love for his native land.

Folklore holidays in kindergarten end with bright, colorful, emotionally rich communication between children and adults, taking place in a relaxed, fun way.

When starting to implement a folklore and festive project, it is necessary to think over the purpose, tasks and methods of its organization. The appeal of teachers to this form of holding a holiday should not be spontaneous or accidental. Its preparation and holding require children to have a certain amount of knowledge about oral, musical and visual folk art.

The following points contribute to the successful implementation of the folklore-holiday project:

  • uniting preschoolers and adults around a common goal;
  • successful selection of fiction, popular science literature and musical repertoire;
  • identification of project participants and the direction of work of each of them;
  • considering the project as a single educational and entertainment system, in the process of implementation of which the child's personality develops holistically;
  • considering the project as one of the areas of cultural and leisure activities that contribute to the development of cognitive and artistic activity children and adults;
  • folklore holidays in kindergarten are prepared and carried out taking into account the nationality of the child and parents.

It is necessary to determine the ideological and thematic concept of the event, that is, to clearly formulate the idea and program content that make up the folklore holidays in kindergarten.

The main goal of the folklore holiday is to acquaint children with the history of our Motherland, folk traditions and customs through folk art.

It is important to think over the scenario of the holiday (“Fair”, “Walk”, “Gatherings”). And only after that the composition is built, the sequence of development of events, the culmination of the holiday is determined. The script should end with a denouement.

Project activities related to the organization of a folklore holiday necessarily include the setting of search actions and preliminary work, built in each case on the interaction and cooperation of adults and preschoolers.

For example, show the child the story of a folk toy (toys different peoples Russia, where they are made; features of folk wooden, clay, straw, rag toys, etc.) is impossible without visiting museums, exhibitions, competitions. A preschooler can not do without the help of an adult when drawing "Information cards", making toys.

But to make simple toy, to participate in the exhibition "Folk Toy", expressing their impressions through productive activities, the child can independently.

When developing a folklore holiday project, it is important to discuss each completed stage with the child: what he did, what else can be done.

For example:

  • art history stage: visiting a museum, exhibition, competition and talking about what they saw;
  • productive and artistic stage: making toys, crafts; organization of exhibitions and competitions;
  • artistic and figurative stage: performing skills;
  • theatricalization of actions based on selected folklore material (oral, musical and visual);
  • the final stage, culminating in a general bright action.

Let us cite as an exemplary scenario prepared and implemented by the preschool educational institution ZelAO, Moscow.

The scenario of the costume fair of crafts "In the village of Filimonovo"

The folklore holiday was prepared by employees of the kindergarten with an ethno-cultural Russian component of education No. 2096 ZelAO of Moscow:

  • teacher of additional education Saribekyan Susanna Israelovna,
  • music director Bobrovich Margarita Alexandrovna.


To acquaint children with the Filimonov folk toy, the method of its manufacture and painting with yellow-red-green stripes. To teach to consider clay toys, to highlight the material - clay, decorations of the toy, elegance, brightness. Create a joyful mood from a meeting with a folk toy, enhancing the impression with the use of folklore works and costumes.

Hall decoration

Autumn picture of the village: a hut, a well (the roofs are painted with Filimonov ornaments), trees decorated with leaves under the Filimonov painting; grandfather Filimon sits on a bench under a tree. Tables with patterns and figures are posted. Prepared

  • a table on which Filimonov's toys are placed: a rooster, a cow, a soldier, a madam, a poultry keeper, a rider; spinning carousel with figures;
  • goods for the fair: bagels, beads, handkerchiefs.


Children in Filimonov costumes (ports and skirts made of striped fabric) are seated in the hall on high chairs before the start of the holiday. Guests enter the hall. Children stand in a semicircle. A welcome song is played.

- We have guests
Our guests have come
Dear ones have come.
It was not in vain that we cooked jelly,
They baked pies. (2 p.)

Filimonova village
It is famous for its masters.
Come, guests, more often -
We all love it here!

The fair bustle is played out: one of the children “sells” donuts, beads, handkerchiefs. The rest walk around looking at the goods.

Children (barkers):

Hey, honest gentlemen!
Please visit us here!

- How are we, containers-bars,
All different products...

-Come, come.
Look, look!..

- Who wants beads?

- Who wants lamb?

- To whom are the handkerchiefs painted?

- small consumption
Come on people!

The Craftswoman appears, draws the attention of the children to the spinning "carousel" with painted figures hanging on it, to the Filimonov toys placed on the table. Several children, interested in bright figurines, run up to the Craftswoman.

Craftswoman: - Miracle toys - colorful little animals!

Children: - Oh, what is so interesting about you?

Craftswoman: “Don’t you guys know what our village is famous for? Well, okay, listen, I'll tell you now ... A long time ago, grandfather Filimon lived in our village, who made whistle toys. And those toys were not simple, but painted. And the fame about them went far ... Admire, what do you think these wonderful toys are made of? (Children's answers.)

- Yes, that's right, from clay, because there are few forests around Filimonovo, but there are many ravines, and they contain different clay: white, red, pink, black. Our clay is soft, obedient to the hands, young ladies and soldiers, birds and horses, goats and other animals are molded from it. Look how unusual Filimonov's toys are! It is difficult to confuse them with any others. All animals have very elongated necks, so that the cows in Filimonovo look like giraffes, and the bears look like funny kites Gorynych.

Child: - The bear does not want to roar - it wants to whistle! (Gestures to the bear figurine.)

Craftswoman: - Previously, in these parts, both old and young with whistles went to the holiday and had fun. And it's time for us to have fun.

Scene "Fables with whistles"

Children perform the skit "Fables with whistles."

- And where is it seen,
And where is it heard

For the hen to bring a bull,
The piglet laid an egg.

So that a bear flies in the sky,
Waving his black tail!

The pig made a nest on the spruce,
She built a nest, brought out the kids.

Small children - piglets,
Piglets hang on knots.

Piglets hang on knots,
They look at the sky, they want to fly!

untruth, untruth,
Unbelievable and unheard of!

Craftswoman: Do you know why animals have such long necks? I'll tell you a secret: Filimonov clay is such that it dries very quickly. Therefore, when the craftsmen dried the toys, cracks formed on them, then they had to smear these cracks with clay again and smooth them out with their fingers. And from this the neck of the figurines became longer and longer.

A boy comes out, examines the figurine of a cockerel:

- Like at our gates
The rooster is pecking at the grain,
The rooster is pecking at the grain,
He calls the chicken.

The chicken girl comes out:

- The chicken went out for a walk
Pinch fresh grass
And behind her are chickens - yellow guys.

Song-game "Ryabushka Hen"

The song-game "Ribushechka Hen" is performed.

Those playing according to the counting rhyme choose “chicken”, “kite”, the rest of the children - “chickens”. The “Kite” steps aside, and the “Chickens” stand behind the “Chicken” one after another. "Kite" asks:

- Ryabushka hen, where did you go?
- To the mill.
- Ryabushka hen, what did you go for?
- For water.
- Ryabushka chicken, who needs water?
- Ryabushka chicken, whose guys?
- My. They want to drink, they shout all over the street!

"Kite" rushes in one direction, then in the other, trying to grab the "chicken" standing at the very end. "Chicken" blocks "chickens" with "wings". And the “chickens” are trying to evade the “Kite”. The game continues until all the "chickens" have been captured.


Craftswoman: - Guys, come on, guess what little animals the Filimonovo craftswomen liked to sculpt?

Standing on slender legs
All the beauty in the horns.

two bodastas,
four walkers,
One whip.
Hungry mooing
Chews full
To all the guys
Gives milk.

Climbs into a hole until spring,
Where he sleeps and dreams
Walking in the forest in summer
Resting in the den in winter.
In the summer wanders without a road
Between pines and birches
And in winter he sleeps in a lair,
Hiding your nose from the cold.

So fat, even the neck is not visible,
Lies a mess in a bristly shirt,
Tail with a pretzel, nose with a snout,
She is not sick with anything, but she is all in a groan.

cunning cheat,
Red thief.
In the forest, the first beauty.
Guess who?

Song-game "Shadow-shadow-sweat"

The song-game “Shadow-shadow-sweat” is performed (one group of children sings).

Above the city is a wattle fence.
The animals sat under the wattle fence,
Boasted all day.
Lisa boasted:
“I am beautiful to the whole world!”
Bunny boasted:
"Go, catch up!"
Hedgehogs boasted:
“We have good fur coats!”
Fleas boasted:
“And we are good!”
The bear boasted:
"I can sing songs!"
The goat boasted:
"I'll gouge out everyone's eyes!"

Craftswoman: - In addition to animals, craftswomen also sculpted figurines of people. Here, look: "One soldier goes to the bazaar, the other - from the bazaar."

Two boys come out and show the scene "Thomas and Yerema".

Thomas: — Hello, brother Yerema.

Yerema: Hello, brother Foma.

Thomas: - Where are you heading?

Yerema: - I'm going to the fair.

Thomas: - To work - so behind the last, but as for the fair - ahead of the first. And who told you about the fair?

Yerema: Kuma said.

Thomas: - And how does the godfather know?

Yerema: - Kuma knows everything that is going on in the world. Have you been to the fair, brother Foma?

Thomas: - Been...

Yerema: — Great?

Thomas: I didn't measure.

Yerema: - Strong?

Thomas: - Didn't fight.

Yerema: Who did you see at the fair?

Thomas: - I saw how a hornless, tailless cow was driven on a chain. Her eyes are narrow and her forehead is wide.

Yerema: - It was a bear.

Thomas: - What kind of bear is there? I've known a bear before, he's not like that. The bear is gray, the tail is long, the mouth is large.

Yerema: - It's a wolf!

Thomas: “Yet you, brother, speak not in sense. I knew the wolf before. The wolf is small, slanting eyes, long ears, bouncing from hill to hill, running away from dogs.

Yerema: - It's a hare.

Thomas: - What a hare. I saw a hare before. The hare is white, the tail is black, it flies from tree to tree and chirps.

Yerema: - Yes, it's a stoat. And stories, brother Foma, stop talking.

Craftswoman: - And here's another: “Ivan and Malanya gathered for a walk; a couple is dancing, a soldier and a darling.

The steam room "Quadrille" is performed (another group of children dances).

Craftswoman: - The hands of the Filimonovo craftswomen are strong, warm and affectionate, they have patience and see beautiful eyes. That is why the patterns are so bright, in multi-colored stripes: red, yellow, green.

Number with ribbons

“Number with Ribbons” is performed (accompanied by a folk tune in the recording).

Six girls are participating. They share in pairs. Each pair has its own ribbon color: yellow, green, red. Girls first “draw” stripes, then “draw” a path.

Craftswoman (comments on the painted ornament): - How beautifully our masters turned out! What do these stripes mean?

Children: This is our land, our field.

Craftswoman: - And what grows on our field? That's right - rye, wheat, flax. But it won't grow without water. Come on, craftswomen, is there a symbol of water in your patterns? (Display on an easel.)

The girls draw water.

Craftswoman: - And without what else the harvest will not grow? That's right, the sun gives life to everything.

The girls draw the sun.

Craftswoman: - The sun is already a more complex pattern. There are other patterns: a branched Christmas tree, a radiant star, a bright berry. Many elegant patterns were invented by Filimonovo craftswomen. (Show on a poster, draw on an easel.)

- Seemingly simple pattern,
But you can't look away!
That's about all I wanted to say...
Well, now it's time for us all to dance!

Children get up from their chairs for a common dance.


- Variegated, red all around:
Striped pants on guys
Shirts in all colors.
The girls have braids with ribbons,
They float with winches!

A cheerful folk tune sounds, everyone dances.

Children under the dance sing ditties:

- Hey, girls-laughers,
Start ditties,
Sing it faster
To make it more fun!

Ay, tari, tari, tari,
I will buy Masha amber,
The money will remain
I will buy Masha earrings.

Ay, tari, tari, tari,
I will buy Masha amber,
Pennies will remain -
I will buy Masha shoes.

Ay, tari, tari, tari,
I will buy Masha amber,
Pennies will remain
I will buy Masha spoons.

I bought a ring for Milka -
Milka has become kind.
Forgot to buy a scarf -
Milka turned up her nose.

The author of the article is Maria Borisovna Zatsepina, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Aesthetic Education of the Moscow State University for the Humanities. M. A. Sholokhova, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education.

The material was provided by No. 4 for 2010.

Library "Programs of education and training in kindergarten"

Under the general editorship:

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences T. S. Komarova, candidate of pedagogical sciences VV Gerbova.

Maria Borisovna Zatsepina -

Tatyana Viktorovna Antonova -

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Aesthetic Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University. M.L. Sholokhov.

From the authors

One of the main indicators of the formation of personality at the stage of preschool childhood is the aesthetic development of the child. concept aesthetic development includes two components: the first is the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world, including the development and active transformation of the surrounding space; the second is artistic development - familiarization with art and artistic activity. In a specially organized artistic activity, under the influence of the environment, the child forms the foundations of aesthetic consciousness, artistic taste.

One of the main tasks of the artistic development of children preschool age is the formation of special artistic abilities - musical, literary; ability to visual activity, dancing, singing - in the relevant activities; as well as development based on the artistic qualities of the individual, which is one of the leading tasks of educating the younger generation today.

Each nation has a national culture, in which there are layers of folk and professional (author's) culture. Since ancient times, people have expressed their views on life, nature, society and man in folklore. These views, based on life experience and wisdom, were passed on to the younger generation in artistic form. Long before the creation of pedagogical theories, people sought to educate young people, developing a sense of beauty, instilling in the younger generation such qualities as honesty, love of work, a humane attitude towards a person, devotion to human ideals. However, for many years the formation of the foundations of the spiritual and aesthetic culture of the younger generation was flawed - folk art was not studied, not taught, and the attitude towards it as a national treasure was not brought up.

Today, when there is a reassessment of values, there is an active search for new, more appropriate methods of mass musical education and upbringing, the task of educating the personality of a child with a basic culture comes to the fore; the formation of his cultural needs and emotional responsiveness.

Therefore, artistic and aesthetic (artistic and aesthetic) education cannot fully develop without such an important component as folk culture, which, in our opinion, should be considered not only as an original art system, but also as a specific means for the formation creativity personality.

Today, steps in this direction are already being taken in preschool pedagogy. Music directors and educators, who have knowledge and methods of folklore creativity, are trying to build musical and educational work on the material of folk dances, games, and dances. Based on methodological developments, their own knowledge, practicing teachers offer their own original methods for introducing children to folk art, develop new techniques for teaching folk songs and dances, and try to apply them in different groups kindergarten.

However, in practice, teachers have to overcome certain difficulties, mainly of an organizational nature. Until now, there is no special program that takes into account the folklore direction in the musical and aesthetic education of preschool children, although attempts to create such programs have been made and have been published in the journals Preschool Education, Living Antiquity, methodological developments laboratory of preschool education "MIPKRO".

Most of these programs deserve close attention, as they are the result of practical experience working with children, but they mainly reveal the ethnographic side of folklore material (familiarization with traditions and customs, folk songs and games). The section of teaching folk dance to children is not sufficiently developed or is completely absent. Folk dance as one of the types of musical art, in our opinion, requires more careful study in terms of the possibilities of its influence on the aesthetic side of personality development and children's creative manifestations.

As you know, folk art combines the word, music and movement. In the combination of these three components, a harmonious synthesis is formed, reaching a great power of emotional impact, allowing a comprehensive approach to the problem of mastering various types of arts by children. Therefore, the study of folklore as a means of musical and aesthetic education of a child seems to us possible only if these three components are interconnected. The problem of the formation of musical and rhythmic movements among preschoolers by means of folk art is also relevant for the reason that it is less studied and its study would solve one of the program tasks of musical education in kindergarten. This would make it possible to use new methods and techniques, forms of education and training in musical and aesthetic work with children.

The book has a logical construction structure. It leads from a general acquaintance with the traditions and holidays of the Russian people to the planning of integrated classes to familiarize children with Russian folk culture. The section “Planning integrated work to familiarize children with Russian holiday culture” offers options for the topics of classes, their purpose, reveals program tasks, and also sets out a list of children's literature, art paintings, and musical works, which will ultimately help teachers to approach these materials creatively with taking into account the abilities of children and their artistic preferences. The next section of the book contains scenarios for children's holidays and entertainment. At the end of the book there are appendices: a list calendar holidays, folk games, works of fine art, where the plot is folk holidays; list fiction about Orthodox holidays.

Traditions and holidays of the Russian people

I would like to start this chapter with the words of Academician Yu. G. Kruglov: “What has evolved over the centuries was thrown off the“ steamboat of modernity, ”as other“ frantic zealots ”called for Pushkin, and Tolstoy, and Dostoevsky to be thrown off the same ship. But, to our joy, they could not be thrown off, but the ceremonies were thrown off, "eradicated", as they threw down crosses from churches, as they burned thousands of icons stacked in woodpile, old manuscripts and old printed books.

At present, fundamental changes in society have taken place in our country and, as many scientists emphasize, people's interest in national characteristics their country, people, nation, nationality; to the roots of culture, ancient legends and beliefs. Task modern man- to preserve and use the experience that was accumulated by previous generations. Everything happens once in history, so the task of contemporaries is to use the experience accumulated by previous generations, but it cannot be repeated and exactly revived.

Such scientists as V. M. Mezhuev, M. S. Kagan, V. Paperny and others in their studies emphasize that the cultural experience of past eras continues to live in the culture of a later time in a completely transformed form, and sometimes with a modern meaning. That is why we believe that when introducing children to the traditions and customs of the festive culture, it is necessary to remember that the old and the new are in interconnection and mutual understanding. And in order to cultivate a cultural attitude of the younger generation to the past, we must strive to reconcile the present with the past and revive what will contribute to the spiritual fullness of life, the moral perfection of man. When introducing preschool children to the traditions, customs and holidays of pagan times, Orthodox holidays, one should use what will make the children better, cleaner, spiritually richer.

As studies have shown, children are sometimes inaccessible to many rituals, they do not understand their final meaning and perceive only the external side of the issue, and the deep essence and the meaning that was given by our ancestors remain closed to them, and they often interpret them in their own way.

Leading experts quite rightly note that loyalty to traditions cannot be ensured by disregard for the demands of real development, for the new trends of the time. It is impossible to acquaint children and revive what is distant for them. This can form superstition and fear. If the teacher has knowledge of the traditions of the festive culture, then he will be able to introduce them to children, instill an interest in their revival. We believe that in preschool childhood (up to 7 years) it is more expedient to introduce children to folk traditions. After the first communion, when the child regularly attends church, begins to study the law of God, one should be introduced to Orthodox holidays. The only exceptions are major holidays: Christmas and Easter. On these two holidays, significant experience has been accumulated in attracting children to the celebration. Since the 19th century and up to the present day, methodological manuals have been produced and continue to be produced, containing literary and musical material for holidays with children. Children should be introduced to all other Orthodox holidays at educational entertainment, where the teacher talks about the holiday and attracts children to games, etc.

The teacher needs to correctly understand the traditions of the Russian people, Orthodox holidays and religious customs.

Nativity. One of the twelve feasts of the Christian Church. This is the second holiday in importance after Easter. Orthodox Christmas Christ is celebrated on January 7 according to the new style (the current calendar). The celebration is preceded by a forty-day fast, which is a preparation for this event. The time from January 7 to January 18, that is, from the Nativity of Christ to Epiphany, is called Christmas time. Christmas time was combined with the celebration of Kolyada - the god of winter. He had to be met, served and carried out with magical actions, spells, ritual dishes. At the holiday, people expressed their wishes to each other, believing that what was said from the heart would certainly come true. During Christmas time, the image of the star under which Jesus was born was carried around the streets. Children stood up with bags under the windows and sang: “Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas ...”, asked for gifts, offerings, threatened the greedy that they would not have grace this year. Usually people met children joyfully, as messengers of happiness, good luck and wealth.

Baptism. The holiday is preceded by Christmas Eve (the day before the holiday). On January 18, at the end of Vespers, the first consecration of water is timed - the oldest Christian rite. The consecration of water in ancient times was carried out on the river. Where the water froze, holes were made. This sacrament received the status of repentance and purification of people from original sin. The second name of this holiday is Epiphany. At the baptism of the Savior, three persons of the Godhead appeared: the Father from the opened heavens testified with a voice about the baptized son, and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descended on Jesus, thus confirming the word of the Father. The establishment of the feast of the Epiphany dates back to the first centuries of Christianity. As on Christmas Eve, on the day of Epiphany, after the blessing of water, they performed rituals of cleansing houses and outbuildings. The sprinkling of buildings with holy water on the eve and on the day of the holiday was also carried out in order to expel from everywhere the holy unclean power, which has its own name in each locality. magical properties attributed not only to holy water, but also to snow, straw, the tops of Christmas trees, the Epiphany candle. On Epiphany night, the youth held the last Christmas party with songs and games. Epiphany night and Epiphany Mass were the last period of divination. A typical theme of baptismal divination for girls was marriage, the desire to know their fate, share, fate. Fortune-telling was different: connected with water, a mirror, snow, etc. As far back as the end of the 19th century, in many places in Russia, the custom was timed to arrange a bride show, as they said, “a big review of brides.” Smotrya at Epiphany, along with the rites of the Christmas period (fortune telling, dressing up, gatherings where they sang, played and courted) were an element of pre-wedding rituals.

Palm Sunday(Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem). The sixth week of Great Lent is Palm Week. The main thing this week was Sunday, when all the main rituals and actions associated with Palm Week were performed. Sunday celebrates the Lord's entry into Jerusalem. This holiday is one of the main Christian holidays. It commemorates the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem on a donkey. The people, meeting him with palm branches, strewn the ground with them throughout his entire journey. In memory of the fact that the people used palm branches, the Orthodox hold palm branches in their hands during matins. The use of willow is due to the fact that this is the first tree that comes to life with us after winter. If in nature by this day the willow did not wake up, then its branches were placed in the water in advance so that they would bloom by Palm Sunday. consecrated willow they carried her from the church to the house and kept her near the icons, hung her at the entrance, drove out her cattle, believing that the willow had magic power. This belief has come down to us from the ancient Slavs. It was a common custom to lightly hit small children with a willow upon arrival from the church from matins and say: “Willow whip, beat to tears. I don't hit, the willow hits. Be healthy like a willow." Willow is considered a healing tree. It was placed in the water in which sick children were bathed, used as a preventive measure against diseases, for example, they ate nine willow buds, considering it a cure for fever. Planting a willow tree was considered a bad omen: when this tree grows, the one who planted it will die.

Easter– Light Christ's Resurrection. Coming to Jerusalem, Jesus Christ spent all his days in the temple. He told people about God, and the people listened to Him. Only the Jewish teachers-mentors, the Pharisees, did not love Christ. They were always arguing with Him, and Jesus reproved them for their pride, hypocrisy, and lies. These people hated Christ and decided to destroy Him. With the help of the traitor Judas, who happened to be among the disciples of Jesus, they seized him and put him on trial. The condemned at that time were crucified on the cross. Jesus Christ was also sentenced to such an execution for teaching the people the faith and calling Himself the King of the Jews.

When the sentence was executed on Friday around noon, the sun faded in the sky, and darkness fell on the earth. This worldwide, hours-long eclipse was then described by scientists from different countries. The famous philosopher from Athens, Dionysius the Areopagite, was at that time in Egypt. Observing the sudden darkness, he suggested that it was "either the Creator suffers, or the world is destroyed." When, a few hours after the heavy torment on the cross, Jesus Christ died, the whole world shuddered again, the stones crumbled, and the reposed saints rose from the open earth and appeared to many people.

Only in the evening were the disciples able to remove the body of Jesus from the cross and carry it to the cave. Leaving Him there, they blocked the entrance with a stone so that no one could enter there. And the persecutors of Christ posted guards nearby - they were afraid that someone would try to take His body.

Saturday passed - the day when, according to the immutable law, no one was supposed to work or start any business. The morning of the third day came. Before sunrise, the cave where the body of Christ was lit up with light, and thanks to His Divine power, Jesus Christ came to life - rose from the dead. His human body was transformed, and He emerged from the cave, invisible to the guards. The warriors, not knowing this, guarded the now empty tomb.

Soon an Angel descended from heaven, like lightning, dressed as white as snow. He pushed the stone away and sat on it. The guards were horrified, and having come to their senses from fear, fled. At this time, several women approached the cave. They brought fragrant oil, with which, according to custom, it was necessary to anoint the body of Christ. Seeing the entrance to the cave open, the women were frightened. But the luminous Angel turned to them and said that Jesus was not in the cave, that He had risen and would appear today to His disciples.

The women, with trembling and great joy, hastened to Jerusalem to tell what had happened. Only one Mary Magdalene returned to the burial place and wept. It seemed to her that Christ was no more. Suddenly, behind her, she heard a familiar voice: “Why are you crying? Who are you looking for, Maria? Turning around, she saw the living Jesus Christ… It was His first appearance after the Resurrection. On this day, the Teacher appeared to His disciples more than once. But first of all, he rejoiced his mother, announcing to her about what had happened through an angel: “Virgin, rejoice! And again I say: rejoice! Your Son rose from the tomb on the third day after death and raised the dead: people, rejoice!

For forty days Christ came to Earth with many proofs of His resurrection and talked with those who believed in him about the Kingdom of God. The enemies of Jesus Christ did not want to believe in His resurrection and, wanting to hide the truth from the people, bribed the guards. They told the soldiers to say that that night the guards fell asleep, and the disciples came and stole His body.

The Feast of the Resurrection of Christ is celebrated in the spring. In the Orthodox Church, this is the largest, most solemn holiday. It is also called Easter, that is, the Day on which the transition of a believer from death to life, from earth to heaven, took place. The Lord showed people that eternal life is life after earthly death. The Feast of the Resurrection lasts a whole week, and a special service is performed in the temple. Christians do not sleep all night on Easter Sunday. By midnight, the church is lit with candles both inside and out. Priests in bright clothes, to the sound of bells, with a cross, icons and lit candles, pass the procession around the temple. And exactly at midnight it is proclaimed: "Christ is risen!". And everyone responds: “Truly Risen!”. With these words, people congratulate each other on the holiday, kiss, forgiving insults, because Christ commanded love to everyone.

Day of the Holy Trinity- This is a holiday that is one of the twelve Orthodox holidays. It is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Holy Pascha. The celebration is in honor of the Holy Trinity, which personifies the triune Deity - the Trinity is inseparable, not merged, the three hypostases of the one God: Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. This statement is the foundation of all Christianity and Christian doctrine. The content of the holiday includes the memory of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles - the disciples of Christ, because in the coming of the Spirit to people, the fullness of the Godhead is manifested. The Trinity holiday has ancient roots in Rus'. He harmoniously reunited the traditions of pagan green Christmas time dedicated to the end spring period, the awakening of nature and the beginning of summer. Interesting and symbolic is the rite of birch curling that came from pagan times. It is considered a tree with good energy. There are many different rituals and signs in Rus' associated with birch.

This rite is key point Semika- one of the most important holidays of the agricultural calendar, which falls on the seventh Thursday after Easter. Semik opened a complex set of rituals marking the meeting of summer, glorifying the verdant land with a central character - a birch. The week before the day of the Holy Trinity is called Trinity-Semitskaya - from the word Semik. It is also called green Christmas time or mermaid. It was called so because the people believed that at this time mermaids come out of the water and roam along the banks of rivers and lakes, luring people into the water, and the water one muddies the water, raises it, destroys the mills on the rivers. To pacify all this evil spirits, bonfires were burned along the banks, the youth sang songs and tried in every possible way to drive away the mermaids. By morning it was believed that devilry left, and then everyone began to bathe, which was impossible to do all the mermaid week. This week, the people called the nights of sparrows - because of their short longitude. In Rus', this holiday was celebrated cheerfully. On Trinity Day, all churches and houses inside and out were decorated with flowers and birch branches, as well as fragrant herbs that covered the floors in churches and houses. Sometimes herbs were piled into large sheaves, in the middle of which triple candles were placed. Then this herb was dried and preserved all year as a remedy for all troubles and wounds for children.

Birch is the main attribute of the holiday. On Thursday, the girls went to the grove and curled branches on birches there. On Trinity Day, they went to develop them, looked at them, kissed through them, exchanged handkerchiefs and rings, that is, they made friends. They also looked at whether their wreath was dry or not: if not, then there would be no marriage, and if it dried up, then there would be a wedding or death. In the evening they threw wreaths of flowers and birch branches into the river and watched: if he swims, then there will be a change in life, if not, then the wedding will be upset.

On this day in the morning they baked loaves (grandmothers), pies, invited guests. Everyone had fun, wove wreaths of flowers for themselves and guests, led round dances, participated in games. As a rule, this holiday was celebrated in nature, in groves, in meadows. A large tablecloth was spread, a large loaf was placed on it, decorated with wreaths of birch branches and flowers; different treats that were brought by all participants of the holiday. This impromptu table united everyone together, and fun began, a round dance began, which personified the eternity of life. It was believed that when people join hands and dance along the movement of the sun, the earth, sky and birch give their life-giving force to people and take away all evil. Wreaths are also symbolic. After all, this is the same circle - the personification of the eternity of life and its return. Wreaths, a loaf, a tablecloth were of great importance for the subsequent marriage life. The loaf was cut into crackers, which were kept until the wedding, kneading into a wedding loaf. At the bride, the tablecloth was spread on the table under another, upper one, in order to charm the betrothed.

IN holidays round dances occupied a special place. As a rule, they were led by a lively, cheerful young woman - a dancer who knew the alternation of movements, songs, stops, etc. The pattern of movements was very diverse. The clothes of the girls were dominated by light colors: blue, pink, turquoise. The shawls were also light colors. The round dance walked in a string along the street of a village, village or along a clearing in a grove. Participants converged, dispersed, braided complex shapes, stopped, bowed and again formed a circle.

Osenins- It's an amazing time. According to popular belief, autumn begins with Indian summer. In the folk calendar, one hundred times are distinguished: "young" - from August 23 to September 11, and "old" - from September 14 to 21. These days usually cost almost summer days, only there are more and more yellow and red leaves, and the web, like silver threads, braids the branches of trees and shrubs, and the birds are fussily about to fly away to warmer climes. After the end of the Indian summer, the pre-winter begins immediately, and then the first winter - this is the last week of November. According to the old Russian calendar, autumn begins with the old Indian summer (September 14).

In ancient times, after the completion of field work, it was time to celebrate autumn. At the same time, the Osenins were celebrated by the whole world. September 14 to church calendar is listed as Semyon's day, but also has the names: Semin's day, Simeon the Stylite, Semyon the pilot. According to legend, Saint Simeon was tending his father's sheep. Then he went to a monastery, where he became a novice, and at the age of eighteen, a monk. Simeon became famous for his ascetic lifestyle, aimed at serving God, he was revered as a wise spiritual mentor. He was the initiator of asceticism, which is also called pilgrimage. Until 1700, the feast day of St. Simeon (September 1) coincided with the end of the old year and the beginning of a new one. This day was celebrated especially magnificently, festively. People went to visit each other and did not disperse until morning. These evenings often had a family character. Meet New Year was adopted from the eldest in the family. In Moscow, the New Year began with the midnight blow of the messenger gun in the Kremlin and bell ringing on the bell tower of Ivan the Great, at the same time the city gates were opened. In the morning everyone went to matins.

A special place was occupied by Simeon Day (“Semyon sees off the summer”) among the rural population, which on this day began the rite of Osenina - the meeting of autumn. The saying has been preserved among the people: “No matter how the woman boasted about the Indian summer, but Osenina-mother looks all the time: September is in the yard - in September there is one berry, and even that bitter mountain ash.” On this day, they monitored the weather, since it determined the state of the weather for the entire autumn period: “If the weather is warm on Semin Day, then the whole winter will be warm”, “Dry autumn, if Semin Day is dry”, “If the geese flew away for Semi day, wait for early winter. From that day on, the gatherings began. At the same time, it was customary to extinguish it the day before, and light a new fire at dawn. They began to celebrate weddings, moved to new homes, initiated the boys into youths, performing the rite of "cutting": the hair that was cut was given to the mother, she hid it in the amulet, and kept it in the family until her death. Everyone strived on this day to do a good deed, to be merciful. As they said in Moscow, not a single beggar was left without alms, and a prisoner without a gift.

Several beliefs are associated with Simeon during the day. People believed that on this day the eel fish comes out of the water and walks through the dew three miles from the river. In this way, the fish removes all diseases from itself, passing them on to humans. Therefore, it was not allowed to go ashore until the dew subsided. There was also such a belief: on Simeon’s day, the devil measures the sparrows with a measure: how much to take for himself, and how much to release. For this, all the sparrows gathered at his place, and they could not be seen. There was also a belief that “from the Semeninsky departure, the horses become bolder, the dogs become kinder and do not get sick, the first seed brings large prey in the winter.”

From the first day of Indian summer, autumn round dances and games began. During the festivities, the round dancers approached the gate, where the owners treated them to beer, home brew, and then the game “brew beer” began. This day is also associated with a very funny ritual: the burial of flies and other insects. They said: “On Semin Day, fleas, cockroaches and other domestic insects are buried in the ground so that they are not found in the house”, “If you kill a fly before Semin Day, seven flies will be born; If you kill after the Seed of the Day, seven flies will die.” Girls dressed in festive dresses took part in the funeral ceremony. They made small coffins from vegetables (turnips, carrots, beets, or cabbage stalks). Then they put the caught insects there and with playful solemnity buried them in the ground, and at home someone drove out the flies with a linen towel and said: “You flies, flies, Komarov's friends, it's time to die. Eat a fly, and the last one will eat itself.” The meaning of the rite was not only that insects were destroyed, but also that during it the girls arranged a bride, tried to show themselves to everyone, and the guys chose brides.

The second Osenins coincide with the day of Christmas Holy Mother of God- September 21. This is the twelfth holiday of the Orthodox Church. In the scriptures about the saints, it is written that the parents of the Virgin Mary were pious people, led a righteous life, helped the poor and wanderers. Father Jokim was from the city of Nazareth in Galilee, from the royal family of David, from the messianic "tribe" of Judah, and his mother Anna was from Bethlehem, from the hierarchal family of Laron, from the sacred "tribe" of Levi. They did not have children and therefore prayed: Jokim was in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights, and Anna also asked God to give her a child and promised to dedicate it to God. The angel announced to the father and mother that they would have a child that the whole world would talk about. The angel told Anna that she must go to Jerusalem and there, at the Golden Gate, she would meet her husband. And so it happened. The Blessed Virgin was born in Nazareth, she was given the name Mary, which means “lady”, “hope”, “superior”. The Mother of God is revered and they say about her that she is the Most Holy, Most Pure, mistress, queen of heaven and earth, deliverer from sorrows, healer, heavenly intercessor. People often turn to her for help in their prayers in various life situations. She is considered the intercessor of children in this and the next world.

In Russian folk tradition the image of the Mother of God was always connected with the image of Mother Earth, with the earth-nurse. Having timed the meeting of autumn to this day, the women gathered early in the morning and went out to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds and met Mother Osenina. Oatmeal bread was baked for this meeting. As usual, it was held in the hands of an older woman, and the young ones sang songs. Then they broke the bread and gave everyone a piece, they also fed livestock. Osenins coped within a week. One or two days before the holiday, parents sent their children to relatives with an invitation to visit. Grandchildren stayed in the house of grandparents for several days after the holiday.

The last day of Osenina fell on religious holiday Exaltation. It is often called Exaltation Day, Old Day, skits, skits. The popular name of the great twelfth feast of the Orthodox Church of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, which is celebrated on September 27. This holiday was established in the first half of the 4th century in honor of the acquisition of the Holy Cross of Christ. There are several legends, and one of them says that the mother of the Byzantine emperor Constantine the Great, St. Helena, found in the holy land the place where Christ was crucified and buried - Golgotha ​​and the cave of the Holy Sepulcher. After digging up the hill, she found three crosses. It was possible to determine the cross of Jesus Christ after the healing of the patient. Another legend says that on the Exaltation there is a battle between "honor" and "dishonest". These two forces "raise" one on top of the other. In this battle, “honor” wins with the help of the Holy Cross of the Lord that has risen from the bowels of the earth.

In the old days they said that “The exaltation of summer closes, the gray checkmark carries the keys with it across the sea”, “The exaltation of autumn moves towards winter”, “The exaltation of the caftan will shift from the shoulders, the sheepskin coat will move”. They said about nature like this: “A bird flew away to the Exaltation”, “On the Exaltation day, the bear lies in a den”, “Near the Exaltation, the snakes become numb before hibernation.” An old legend says that birds begin to fly away on the Exaltation, and vipers crawl to Vyray (an unknown warm country) for the winter, so it’s dangerous to go to the forest on this day. According to another belief in the Exaltation, all snakes crawl into a heap to their mother along the ravines and hide in the ground. They return with the first thunder. The people were afraid to go into the forest and according to another belief: it was on this day that the Leshias arranged a show for the snakes before the onset of winter, and meeting with them is dangerous for humans.


with children andPARENTS

Purpose: 1. Continue acquaintance with the traditions of the Russian people ongathering example.

2. Raise love and respect for your country, its culture and traditions

. Preliminary work. Learning nursery rhymes, riddles, counting rhymes, songs, folk games,

Characters: leading - educators; children and parents of the 2nd junior group.

Invited guests: parents of pupils, kindergarten teachers.Equipment: folk dishes, household items, Russian folk costumes, embroidered napkins, an exhibition of books on folklore, folk musical instruments, scenery of the Russian hut

Hostess. Welcome, invited and welcome guests! We invite everyone to our hut, sincerely meet! Don't be embarrassed, don't be shy, make yourself comfortable!

Mistress. We are glad to see you at our place. Here for you, for dear guests, there will be a big holiday, a joyful holiday! According to custom, in the old way - they are called gatherings.

Hostess. Welcome dear guests! Fun and joy to you!

Mistress. We have a place and a word for everyone. We have in store for you fun for every taste. To whom a fairy tale, to whom the truth, to whom a song.

Hostess. We welcome guests with a delicious, ruddy loaf.

Bread and salt mean greetings and good wishes. With bread and salt, a Russian person greets guests on the threshold of his house. And today we present a ruddy loaf to our guests.

(we give bread and salt)

Mistress. And now let's continue the holiday! Let's sing, joke, play!

Hostess. Rus' - so our country was called in the old days. We live in Russia now.

Let's get acquainted closer with Russian culture. And our hearts will become kinder and kinder.

Mistress. Hey, girlfriends - laughter,

Cheerful talkers!

Hey guys, well done

Naughty bastards!

Come out to dance

A long day pass.

The guys leave the tables and dance with the teachers:

Hostess. We walk, we walk in a round dance

Before all honest people.

sat down,(sit down)

got up,(getting up)

They showed themselves.(turn around)

jumped,(we jump)


We clapped our hands.


General dance.

Mistress. We say: “My house is my fortress.” Every person has a house, but what was the name of the house in Rus'?

Hostess. That's right, a hut. So we have our own hut in kindergarten. And it has residents. Let's all look at them together..(2-3 slide)

We invite you on a journey through the Russian hut

(presentation "Journey through the Russian hut" . ( SLIDE 4)

Long ago in Rus' people preferred to live in wooden houses, believing that living in them is healthier. They were built from logs and called huts.

A stove was placed in the middle of the chamber. They said about her: "The oven is the head of everything." The head means the most important. Why is the oven in the hut the most important?
The Russian stove, like a mother, will feed and warm, when necessary, cure and dry

On the left side, behind the stove, was the workplace of the hostess. Here women did household chores. Which? (Cooked food, washed dishes, did laundry, etc.)A woman in the old days was called ..? (Woman.)That's why the place behind the stove was called a woman's kut. Kut - means a corner: a woman's corner, or a woman's (female) kut.
The male corner is a conic, where a large chest was usually placed. The most valuable property was kept in it, the owner of the house slept on it. Small men's work was done in the horse.

On the other side of the room - on the right - an icon hangs, there is a dining table and benches. This part of the room was called the red corner. Red means beautiful. Here guests were met, treated, regaled and all the most important family issues were resolved.
The red corner was the most important and honorable place in the house. It contained a home iconostasis. It was considered important that when entering the hut, a person should first of all pay attention to the icon. In this regard, there was even a saying "Without God - not up to the threshold." The red corner was always kept clean and sometimes decorated with embroidered towels.
And there are chests in the upper room. They served the owners instead of cabinets, bedside tables. They kept clothes, fabrics, jewelry. The more chests there were in the house, the richer the family was considered.
Where did people sleep? (On the stove, on the benches, on the chests.) And in some huts they made beds - these are such shelves. They slept on them.
Who loves work, people honor him. There is patience, there will be skill.
The guest was greeted with affection, with a bow to the ground, treated with joy, escorted with reverence. The hostess in festive attire came out first. The treat began with bread and salt, then they were treated to the best that was in the house.

After the meal there was tea. At parting, the guest was always told: "Good riddance."

Hostess. There are many proverbs that reflect the basic principles of nutrition in Rus': "Porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our father!", "Schi and porridge are our food." Do you guys know what dishes were cooked in Rus'?

Children: dumplings, pancakes, jelly, pies, juicy, flat cakes, cabbage soup, dumplings, kvass, cereals, okroshka, pancakes, borscht, pickle, fish soup, meat and fish hodgepodges, kulebyaka, pie, kalach, donuts, shanezhki, cheesecakes, juicy, compotes , kvass, fruit drinks.

Mistress. In the old days, at gatherings, they not only sang and danced, but also worked. And there will be work in our upper room. I overlooked a little, and my kitten-kitty scattered all the bags with cereals. It is necessary to disassemble the cereals so that the porridge can be cooked.

Hostess. Come on, girls - needlewomen, come out, Show your skill!

The game "Let's sort out the cereals" (beans, corn, buckwheat).

Mistress: Our guests did a great job. Thank you.

Hostess. What are you guys thinking about? Thoughtful, twisted? I see, I see that you want to play. I have a fun game for you.

Rattle game

Mistress: Why are you guests sitting here? Al dance you do not want to? Get into the circle soon, Hold hands tight!


Mistress: Russian people have always been famous for their ability to sing a song, dance, and play along with musical instruments. And you guys, like the ancestors, will you be able to?

Hostess. Like our neighbor

The conversation was fun

And we have the whole yard

Even better conversation:


Children: Fuck!

Hostess. cats

Children: Spoons!

Hostess. cockroaches

Children: Drums!

Hostess. Seagulls

Children: In balalaikas!

Hostess. Cuckoos

children: Beaters!

Hostess. And funny starlings

Played with bells! They play, they play, they amuse everyone!

Child: Let's take the tools

And so that there is no boredom here,

We will play well for you

And let's sing about mommy.

The guys leave the tables, sit down on their seats on the benches and get musical instruments in their hands ..

Mistress: Oh, guys, what good fellows you are, you play wonderfully, and you sing in such a way that you can listen.

Mistress: You won't be full of games and dancing. Our people are famous for their hospitality and noble treats.

Hostess. The hut is not red with corners, but red with pies!

You see the Samovar is already puffing,

Says in my ear:

"It's time to invite to the table,

Treat guests with tea!

Mistress: Love tea with pies

With bagels and pretzels?

Then sit down at oak tables, patterned tablecloths, and help yourself to your health!


“Childhood is the most important period of human life, not a preparation for a future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life. And how childhood passed, who led the child by the hand in childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - it depends to a decisive extent on what kind of person today's baby will become ”(V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

Currently, Russia is going through one of the difficult historical periods. And the biggest danger that lies in wait for our society today is not in the collapse of the economy, not in the change of the political system, but in the destruction of the individual. Nowadays, material values ​​dominate over spiritual ones, so children's ideas about kindness, mercy, generosity, justice, citizenship and patriotism are distorted. The formation of the foundations of moral qualities begins in preschool childhood. The spiritual and moral development of the child largely depends on how successfully this process is carried out.

Preschool age is the foundation of the overall development of the child, the starting period of all high human principles. Preserving humanity in our children, laying the moral foundations that will make them more resistant to unwanted influences, teaching them the rules of communication, the ability to live among people are the main ideas of educating the spiritual and moral qualities of a person. Kindergarten is a cultural and social placenta for every preschooler, where his social experience is formed and worked out. In this space, children learn to perceive complex life phenomena, their manifestations of social and material stratification are smoothed out, and a humanistic orientation is formed. In the cultural and educational space preschool preschooler masters the system of values, norms, stereotypes of society, he develops a system of internal regulators, habitual forms of behavior. In it, he not only adapts to life, to the social environment, but is the creator of his life, transforms himself and fulfills himself.

Standardization in the education system is normalized by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 "On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education". There has never been such a standard in Russia. And every year he opens the doors to the Russian educational system wider and wider. And from January 1, 2014, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On the approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education" came into force.

GEF - federal state educational standard.

GEF DO this is a set of mandatory requirements for the structure of the Program and its volume, the conditions for implementation and the results of mastering the Program. The Program itself is developed on the basis of the standard. This is done by preschools themselves. Its content should ensure the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children in various types activities, guarantee the protection and strengthening of the physical and psychological health of pupils, comfortable in relation to pupils (including those with disabilities). An integrative result of the implementation of these requirements is the creation of a developing educational environment: Providing spiritual and moral development and education of children, as well as the high quality of preschool education, its accessibility, openness and attractiveness for children and their parents and the whole society.

culturally the educational environment of a preschooler is the foundation for the program of spiritual and moral development, education of students at the stages of primary general education(clause 19.6. GEF), which is based on key educational tasks, the basic national values ​​of Russian society. In connection with these, the task was set to orient the project "Folk folklore holidays in the life of kids" to solve the main problem of modern society loss of moral interests and universal values.

Folk culture is one of the means of moral, cognitive and aesthetic development of children. The modern preschooler lives at a time when Russian culture, native language are influenced by foreign cultures. On TV screens, the child sees Disney cartoons, the characters of foreign films become the heroes of modern children. But what about our fairy-tale heroes, wonderful cartoons of the Soviet period, amazing fairy tale films, where good triumphs over evil? Let us recall the words of academician D.S. Likhachev: “The Russian people should not lose their moral authority among other peoples - the authority worthily won by Russian art and literature. We should not forget about our cultural past, about our monuments, literature, language, painting. Rational differences will remain in the twenty-first century if we are concerned with the education of souls, and not just the transfer of knowledge. It is the native culture that must find its way to the heart, soul of the child and underlie his personality. And one of the means of spiritual moral education preschoolers is oral folk art. It is no coincidence that folklore has long been properly evaluated in various aspects: as a means of pedagogical influence, as a means of psychological and pedagogical study of the child, as a means of forming spiritual and moral culture, as a means of enriching the vocabulary of children and as a means of conveying the beauty and imagery of the Russian language. Only the works of oral folk art surprisingly combine deep wisdom, ease of understanding and ease of memorization, corresponding to the psychophysiological characteristics of preschoolers.


Interest and attention to folk art, including music, in Lately increased even more in our country. Increasingly, they are talking about the need to familiarize children with the origins of Russian culture, about the revival folk holidays with their traditions. The importance of various forms of Russian folklore in the musical education of preschoolers cannot be overestimated. After all, introducing children to folk art, we thereby introduce them to the history of the Russian people, to moral universal values, which are so lacking in our turbulent times. It is impossible not to note the role of folk culture in the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers. Our ancestors left us a truly inexhaustible source of folk wisdom. A little creativity, fiction, improvisation and old ritual folk festivals will make wonderful holidays for our children. That is why the development of the project “Folk Folk Holidays in the Life of Kids” has become relevant. In order to educate a harmoniously developed personality, it is necessary with early age to nurture cognitive abilities in a child, since the task of preschool pedagogy, especially in modern conditions is the development of the cognitive abilities of the child, since any country needs diversified development. Intellectually savvy, harmoniously harmonious personalities, and preschool pedagogy contributes to the upbringing of such children.

object research, this project provides for the process of involving all the children of our preschool institution.

Subject This project activity is the way to familiarize children with folk culture.

Objective of the project: Introducing preschoolers to the origins of Russian folk culture by getting to know folklore holidays.

Project objectives:

  1. To form in children a steady interest in folk art, a desire to get acquainted with various genres of folklore.
  2. To intensify children's ideas about folk holidays, customs and traditions of the Russian people.
  3. To develop the emotional perception of folk music in various types of musical activity.
  4. To acquaint children with Russian folk songs of various genres, with the sound and appearance Russian folk instruments.
  5. Develop imagination, creativity and acting skills.
  6. Expand the range of children's voices, develop vocal and choral skills, purity of intonation by means of folklore.
  7. Cultivate patriotic feelings, pride in a great power.
  8. Involve parents in joint activities to implement a project to familiarize children with the origins of Russian national culture.

Novelty and distinctive feature The project is to involve children in creative activities. Creation of game miniatures, performances of folklore holidays, as well as knowledge of the origins of folk art.

Necessity in the creation of this project exists, since it is considered as a multilateral process associated with the development of children's musical perception, imagination, musical ear, forms a performing culture, motivates creativity.

Expected results:

  • sustained interest in the culture of the Russian people;
  • children's knowledge of oral folk art, songs, decorative -

applied arts;

  • creation of a calendar of holidays, consisting of children's works.

Project summary

Project "Folk folklore holidays in the life of kids" represents an internal regulatory document and is important for assessing the quality of the musical educational process in the kindergarten "Romashka". The main idea of ​​the project is humanization, the priority of educating universal human values: kindness, beauty, truth, preschool childhood. The project is based on the integration of artistic and speech, musical, gaming, visual, theatrical activities. It is based on introducing children from children to folk art (listening to folk music, fairy tales, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, riddles, lullabies).

Stages of project implementation

I. Organizational and preparatory

  • Substantiation of the relevance of the topic, motivation for its choice;
  • Definition of the purpose and objectives of the project;
  • Selection of literature, manuals, attributes;
  • Discussion with parents of children on issues related to the implementation of the project.

II. Basic

  • Direct educational activities with children.
  • Cooperative activity
  • Independent activity of children.

III. Final

  • Generalization of the results of the work;
  • Activity analysis.

The main principle of the project- the principle of interaction of the child with various forms of folklore. Ritual songs, games, dances, folk tales, small folklore genres are all invaluable wealth that can help a child overcome stiffness, shyness, and become a creative person.

Formulation of the problem

Nowadays, many modern children grow up on primitive musical “masterpieces”, the sole purpose of which is mindless obedience to the rhythm and deafening cacophony of sounds. This creates an atmosphere of spiritual poverty and artistic dullness and does not contribute to harmonious and moral development. Watching children during folklore holidays, theatrical folk performances, folklore performances, while getting acquainted with various forms of oral folk art and small musical folklore forms, one can see their keen interest in this process and cognitive activity. In children, a reciprocal spiritual feeling is born, an interest in the customs and culture of the people, of which they are carriers, moral values ​​are harmoniously formed: the idea of ​​goodness, beauty, truth and fidelity, which acquire special significance these days. Listening to the speech of children, one can note its scarcity, weak attempts to build logical phrases, stories, express thoughts, retell the text.

Russian proverbs, fables, sayings, tongue twisters (the oldest speech therapy), jokes, songs, amusing and boring tales not only discover the sonic beauties native word, coordinate movement and speech, but also expand, enrich, activate the child's vocabulary.

Based on the methodological guide for teachers " folk calendar and children” by S. Chernoskutova, folklore material of the book, methodological recommendations and program by E.G. Churilova, author’s technology by A.I.

Action Plan

Stage Events Timing Responsible
Organizational and preparatory Questioning of educators

Parent survey


May-September music director,


Basic October Musical director
Consultation for educators "The role of musical folklore in the life of preschool children" November Musical director
Seminar - workshop for educators "Using musical folklore in raising children" December Musical director
"Master class" for parents "Folk music therapy" February music director,


Seminar - workshop for parents "Introduce kids to folklore" March music director,


Round table with the participation of parents "The role of folklore in April music director,


Cultural and leisure event "Fair" May music director,


Reflective-diagnostic Questioning of educators

Parent survey

Monitoring of creative abilities, musical features


May music director,


Activity plan with children



Conduct form preliminary work Material Direction
Autumn - queen Holiday Conversation about autumn holidays, about folk signs and customs associated with them, learning songs, dances, riddles, Russian folk games. Costumes, musical instruments
Christmas Gatherings Musical

living room

A conversation about Christmas holidays, about the customs of dressing up for Christmas, introducing children to Christmas songs. Illustrations depicting


carols Entertainment Conversation about the Shrovetide holiday, about traditions, rituals, customs. Learning sentences, jokes, chants, songs.

Organization and holding of Russian folk games and amusements.



noise musical


Oh yes Maslenitsa! Russian festivities Learning Christmas carols, Russian folk games Suits


noise musical


Physical development
Palm Sunday Holding Russian folk games "Verba - Verbochka" The story of the celebration Palm Sunday and about willow. twigs

willow, folk

Artistic and aesthetic development
Easter Holiday The story of Easter. Acquaintance with rituals, games, beliefs, customs. Learning Easter songs, sentences, coloring Easter eggs. suits,


slide layout tools,

Easter eggs,

Social and personal development
Trinity will be covered with greenery Holiday A conversation about the celebration of the Trinity about rituals and traditions. Learning Russian folk games, round dances, songs. Demo.


Informative- speech development

Resource support of the project

1. Regulatory and legal resource:

  • coordination of the project with the administration of the kindergarten;
  • approval of the project at a meeting of the creative group of teachers.

2. Material and technical resource

  • the acquisition of inventory, consumables for the manufacture of benefits and the creation of a special environment in kindergarten groups.

3. Information resource:

  • selection of methodological and educational literature on the topic;
  • collection of information on the topic of the project from the Internet and periodicals.

Resource support of the project:


  • The program "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.
  • The program "Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture" (O.L. Knyazeva, M.D. Makhaneva, 2001).
  • System of work on the formation of culture healthy lifestyle life “Our tradition is to be healthy!” (Karepova T.G., Zhukovin I.Yu.).
  • Program "School of ethnic socialization" (L.V. Surovyak, Novosibirsk, 2004).
  • Folk art therapy (L.D. Nazarova, St. Petersburg, 2002).
  • Author's developments of teachers and methodologist of MDOU "Romashka" Ray O. N. O. N., Rudakova L. G. , Tokmakova O. E.


The implementation of the project is carried out at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the MBDOU "Romashka" (purchase of methodological literature, equipment, etc.), as well as by the volunteer activities of the teachers of the preschool educational institution, and the parents of the pupils of the preschool educational institution (collection of exhibits for the museum, production of visual and didactic aids and etc.).


The implementation of the project requires the design of a mini-museum, the production of information materials for the parents of the pupils.


The development and implementation of the project is provided by full-time employees of the preschool educational institution:

  • senior educator, teacher-psychologist Skripochka V.E.;
  • educators of the highest qualification category Raya O.N. Rudakova L. G.

As a result of the project implementation:

  • children will show an active interest and desire to engage in poetic and musical folklore;
  • children will develop acting skills, communication skills;
  • educators will receive an interesting technology of working with children, based on the creation of figurative-game situations that require children to reincarnate, work of fantasy, and imagination. They will make the entry into the world of folklore desirable, interesting, entertaining, personalized and meaningful for the child. Also, teachers will gain experience in making costumes, props, props and the experience of joint cooperation with children and parents.

Risks and ways to overcome risks

Of course, when testing a project, one must take into account that certain difficulties and risks will arise.

I would like to note the problems that we encountered:

  • the content of a number of classes is not fully built taking into account age

characteristics of preschool children;

  • the content of one lesson includes two or more works, which

difficult for the perception of children;

  • the music director has to prepare for each lesson, thoroughly process it and make changes;
  • not enough methodological base, preparing for the lesson, it was necessary to find and look through a large amount of literature, prepare a large visual material, illustrations, paintings.

But all these problems can be overcome with the help of interaction between the teaching staff and parents. At present, the problem of spiritual and moral education of children is particularly acute. The present and future of Russian society and the state are determined by the spiritual and moral health of the people, the careful preservation and development of their cultural heritage, historical and cultural traditions, the norms of public life, the preservation of the national heritage of all the peoples of Russia.

Particularly significant is the period of preschool childhood, the period of the child's initial entry into this vast, wonderful and wonderful world. It is at preschool age that the foundation of the system of spiritual and moral values ​​is laid, which determines the attitude of a person to the world in all its diversity of manifestations. The child forms the basis of attitude towards himself and others, society as a whole.

Interaction with professionals and parents:

The implementation of the project is more efficient and effective with the participation of specialists from the preschool educational institution: we resort to the advice of a teacher-psychologist to solve social and moral problems in children. The advice of a speech therapist helps to improve the speech skills of preschoolers. Other teachers take part in holidays, entertainment as characters. Parents help in the manufacture of attributes, costumes for the holidays; participate as characters. There are also conversations with parents, their participation helps at home to consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired by children in the classroom and, thereby, achieve the results we want.

The strategy of working with the parents of pupils involves

  • informing parents about the goals, objectives and results of project activities;
  • conducting a problem-based analysis for comparison

achieved results with predicted ones.

The model of cooperation between teachers and families of pupils is built as a process of interpersonal communication, the result of which is the formation of conscious attitude to their own views and attitudes in matters of spiritual and moral education of the child.

The teaching staff in this direction solved the following tasks:

  • united the efforts of teachers and parents;
  • created an atmosphere of common interests in the process of organizing project activities.

In order to familiarize parents with project activities, active forms of work are used. Close interaction with the families of pupils and pedagogical education of parents are carried out in the classroom: “Schools for parents”. We produce information stands for parents: “Folk holiday in the life of a child”, “In the family circle”, “Orthodox holidays”.

Thus: constant work with the family allows you to observe the principle of continuity and succession spiritual and moral education in the family and kindergarten The work of the kindergarten in this direction meets the needs of parents who want to see their children spiritually, mentally and physically healthy.

Necessary conditions for the implementation of the program :

Special premises, technical equipment, Russian folk musical and noise instruments, household items, folk costumes, different types theatre, oral and musical folklore material, paraphernalia.

The project "Folk Folk Holidays in the Life of Kids" should become a powerful impetus for the development of the entire teaching staff in terms of familiarizing preschoolers with Russian traditional culture. And the main task is to help the child develop, to show his creative potential. To do this, I made an attempt to generalize and systematize the folklore repertoire from various sources with an emphasis on the social, moral and speech development of preschoolers, as well as overcoming shyness in children by means of musical, theatrical, and play activities. In general, the project has progress in its development, since its originality lies in the interaction of creativity, mastering the experience of past generations, studying it, implementing the acquired knowledge in Everyday life. Folklore and folk art teach children to understand good and evil, as well as to resist negative phenomena. This project helps to comprehensively approach the problem of social and moral education of preschoolers to solve communication and speech problems. Also, folklore is one of effective methods education, fraught with huge didactic opportunities. Also, the leading place in the process of acquiring the first ethno-cultural knowledge by children, we initially assigned to the children's folklore holiday. We try to create a joyful mood in the child, an emotional upsurge and form a festive culture (knowledge of the traditions of a folk holiday, the peculiarities of organizing a festive event, the rules for inviting guests and guest etiquette). Preparation for the holiday always arouses interest in children, on the basis of which artistic taste is formed, the unity of children and adults. The most important thing is that no one should be a passive contemplator. We, adults, must give vent to children's aspirations, contribute to the satisfaction of their desire to participate in games, dances, dramatizations, in the design of the hall, group. This contributes to the socialization of the child, forms an active position in him and causes a desire to preserve the traditions and customs of the Russian people.


  1. Boronina, E. G. "Charm". Program for the comprehensive study of musical folklore in kindergarten. – M.: Vlados, 1999.
  2. Vetlugina N.A. Musical education in kindergarten. - M .: Education, 1981. - 240 p., notes. - (B-ka kindergarten teacher).
  3. Dzerzhinskaya, I. L., Musical education of younger preschoolers: A guide for the educator and music. head of children garden. (from work experience) - M .: Education, 1985 - 160c., Notes.
  4. Tuning fork: a program of musical education for children of early and preschool age / E. P. Kostina. - M .: Education, 2004,. - 223s. - ISBN 5-09-014666-7.
  5. Tuning fork: a program of musical education for children of early and preschool age / E. P. Kostina. - 2nd ed. - M .: Education, 2006. - 223 pp. - ISBN 5-09-014666-7.
  6. Kaplunova, I., Novoskoltseva, I. A holiday every day. The program of musical education for preschool children "Ladushki", junior group. St. Petersburg: Composer Publishing House, 1999, - 60s.
  7. Knyazeva O. L., Makhaneva, M. D., Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture.
  8. Doronova T.N. Together with family. M. Education, 2006.
  9. Radynova O.P. Musical education in the family M. Education, 1994.
  10. Davydova I.A. Forms of work of the musical head of preschool educational institution with parents. J. September 1, 2013.
  11. Kalinina T.V. New information Technology in preschool childhood J. Management of the preschool educational institution 2008 No. 6.
  12. Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. Project activity of preschoolers. Handbook for teachers of preschool institutions. - M.: Mosaic-sintez, 2008. - 112 p.
  13. Kiseleva L.S. and others. Project method in the activities of a preschool institution: - M .: ARKTI, 2003. - 96 p. 4.


Each nation has its own national culture. In folklore, people from ancient times expressed their views on life, nature, society and man. These views, based on life experience and wisdom, were passed on to the younger generation in artistic form. People sought to educate young people, developing a sense of beauty, instilling in the young generation such qualities as honesty, love for work, a humane attitude towards a person, devotion to human ideals.

For a long time folk art was not taught; the attitude towards it as a national treasure was not brought up.

In our time, when there is a reassessment of values, there is an active search for new methods of mass musical education and upbringing, the task of educating the personality of a child with a basic culture, the formation of his cultural needs and emotional responsiveness comes to the fore.

Folk art combines the word, music and movement, so the study of folklore as a means of musical and aesthetic education of a child is possible only if these three components are interconnected.

In each section of the program of musical education - listening, singing, movement, you can find material taken from children's folklore. IN junior groups: songs: “Ladushki”, “Cockerel” ... round dances: “Vanya is walking”, “Who is good with us”; In the older groups of singing: “Chikalochki”, “Ginger Molasses”, “The Fox Walked Through the Forest”, “Skok-Skok”. Round dances: "Raven", "Kalina", "Like thin ice" and many other songs, round dances, dances. Each song, joke, nursery rhyme is associated with interesting, important movements for the development of the child, which satisfy his needs for physical activity.

Children's folklore has several directions in working with children. Establishment and formation of a trusting and affectionate relationship between an adult and a child. The main thing in a relationship is a vivid manifestation of love and location. An adult uses active gestures by stroking - relieves tension and alienation, helping to establish contact.

Children's folklore is not only expressive speech, but also a variety of movements: playing the pipe, the balalaika, the harmonica. The child learns pantomime, vivid facial expressions and gestures, emotionality in speech and movements.

During the year, many proverbs, sayings, jokes are learned with children in classes with educators and in music classes.

Leisure evenings were held throughout the year and were dedicated to the change of seasons: “How bread is born”, “Hello, winter guest”, “Shrovetide”, “Gatherings”, “Russian song for children”

With their content, filled with games, fun, sentences, songs, these leisure evenings help children replenish their emotional reserve, get rid of shyness, self-doubt, and tension. Russian folk songs, games are aimed at developing children's communication skills, communication with peers and adults.

Folklore material is accessible to children, it is quickly learned, remembered for its brightness. For example, the favorite games of children: “Burn, burn brightly”, “Wattle”, “Blind Man's Buff”, “Golden Gate”. Russian folk songs are easily staged: “Where was Ivanushka” was staged with puppet characters, mastering the puppet behind the screen.

On the materials of folk art, the tasks of developing the ability to feel an artistic image, develop the ability to capture the sonority, musicality, poetry of speech, as well as the ability to distinguish the beauty and richness of the Russian language - its accuracy, accuracy, are solved.

Folklore also takes place in modern rhythms, allowing children not only to recall familiar heroes, but also to perform emotional tasks through movement.

At leisure, with folklore material, we introduce children to the life of the people, costumes. Dressing children in costumes transforms them, next to adults they feel like artists, raising their spirits. Children get acquainted with household items of the Russian people. The kindergarten has made a stove, pots, a spinning wheel, aprons, sundresses, kokoshniks and much more. Through folklore, we pass on to children knowledge about our Motherland, its origins, the traditions of the people, its culture, thereby instilling love for the Motherland. No equipment, television will replace the living Russian language, which should be known by a large and small resident of Russia.

The work can be built as follows:

AUTUMN - leisure evenings, gatherings are used: “What autumn has brought us”, “Harvest”. "How bread is born." In connection with these topics, work is also underway on theatrical activities, which help children to get acquainted with folk art in an effective way. older children and preparatory groups they prepare folk tales “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Spikelet”, “How a goat built a hut”, “Puff”, “Three Bears”, “Medicine for Grandmother” for showing to kids. In the productions of fairy tales, round dances, folk songs and costumes are used.

WINTER - Work is closely intertwined with the phenomena of human social life. Leisure "Zimushka - winter", " Winter fun”, “Russian heroes”, “Russian hut”, “Russian song”. great attention is given to familiarize children with the Russian way of life, with the way of life of urban and rural residents. Helps to navigate past and present. We hold fabulous performances on a winter theme: “Mitten”, “Frost”, “Sun, Frost and Wind”, “Wintering of Animals”, “Red Berry”.

SPRING - we spend leisure time "Spring is red", "How nature blossomed", "Shrovetide", "Fair on Mother's Day". And again work on theatrical activities is connected. Fairy tales are being staged: “Zayushkina’s hut”, “Snow Maiden”, “Cat, rooster and fox”, “How snowmen searched for the sun”, “From the life of insects”, “How a donkey searched for happiness”.

SUMMER - The time for folk, round dance, outdoor games on the street, examining the environment using proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes.

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