The young guy killed the girl. It is impossible to watch these shots calmly (40 photos)

A 21-year-old Canadian woman killed her friend during a drunken argument. Rose tried to feign concern when Brittany didn't come home. And she even set the police on a false trail, writing on her Facebook page that the girl had gone somewhere with an unfamiliar man. The investigation took the wrong path and inevitably ended up in a dead end. The case was solved by accident. The killer gave herself away by posting a selfie with her victim a few hours before the tragedy. According to Dailymail, the girl did not pay attention to the fact that the photo contained a detail indicating her involvement in the death of a friend.

Where are you? I can not get through. I hope you finally made it home safely.

Rose Antoine left such a message on her Facebook page. When the missing Brittany began to search, the girl told the police her version of events. According to Rose, they rested together, drank, and at some point there was a quarrel between them. What caused her and other details of that evening, the girl allegedly did not remember because of alcohol. She only reported that Brittany left with an unknown man.

Despite the fact that Rose set the investigation on the wrong track, the police managed to restore the picture of events. Brittany was strangled with a belt that was found near her body. The mysterious man, who did not exist in nature, was not expected to be found. Then they started looking for other clues. Looking closely at the latest pictures of the girls, the detectives noticed that the murder weapon was a belt worn by Rose. Then everything became clear.

The girl was charged with murder. At first, Rose denied everything, but soon the defendant's nerves could not stand it - and she confessed to her deed. The investigation into the complicated case dragged on for two years. As a result, Rose admitted her guilt, but clarified that she did not want to kill her friend. According to her, she does not remember what happened that night. For unintentional murder, the girl was given 7 years in prison. In court, Rose repented of her deed.

I will never forgive myself. My words or actions will not bring her back. I'm really, really sorry... This shouldn't have happened.


Perhaps love is the strongest feeling of a person, even stronger than hatred, because very often it is love that pushes us to the most insane acts. After all, it is for the sake of a loved one that you can sacrifice anything.

Only unrequited love can be worse, it, transforming from a normal feeling, can develop into a serious psychosis or even worse. This is precisely what leads to devastating consequences.

And so it happened on January 22 in the very center of Moscow, where a 3rd year student of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University killed his wife in a rented apartment. ex girlfriend. It would seem that there are many such stories, unfortunately, but this one is distinguished by its cruelty.

Artem Iskhakov was 19 years old, he graduated from school as an external student and already worked as a programmer in parallel with his studies at the university. His parents are bank employees, they live in the center of Moscow, so we can say that the family was quite wealthy.

In the summer of 2017, Artem moved out from his parents to an apartment he rented with his girlfriend Tanya Strakhova. As friends of the couple said, the guys once met, but they could not build a relationship. Nevertheless, Artem continued to pursue Tanya, and she was in love with their mutual friend.

On January 22, Artem returned home, to put it mildly, out of his mind. According to the medical examiner's report, the guy had previously drunk a bottle of whiskey and eaten half a pack of Nurofen. Artem immediately attacked Tanya, first beat her, then began to choke her, and in the end he simply stabbed her to death. All this he would later describe in detail in his suicide note.

“I was sitting in the kitchen, she started to go to her room and I punched her in the face, she fell to the floor. I hit her a few more times, she bled from her mouth and began to ask me to leave. I didn't leave lol. I started choking her."

After the murder, Artyom sat down to write a note, as he intended to commit suicide. In the note, he described what happened, the reasons for his decisions, left advice to friends and did not forget to apologize to his parents.

“Parents, I am a complete disappointment to you. I was a drug addict, I constantly lied to you and did not love you, but practically hated you, although you only did good things for me, but such is life and such a person I am. you raised me a good man, but somewhere in my life I turned the wrong way. Please don't blame yourself."

“Tanya’s parents (if you somehow get it), I’m sorry that I deprived you of your only child. I loved her, very much, but Tanya was too herself, and that's why it all happened. you are very good people. I really hope you have the strength to get through this. Forgive me again, even though this cannot be forgiven.

After the perfect, the guy ate, slept, wrote a poem to the murdered woman, and at the end of the note left all his passwords and asked to call the police. And here is the funniest part. He posted the note on his wall on a social network, and for four hours people simply liked the post, until one of his friends, Dima Ilyenko, finally called the police.

For many, this came as a complete surprise, because, according to friends and acquaintances, Artem was a pleasant and intelligent young man with whom one could always talk.

“Zero emotions. I got Zen. Drink for me to go to hell. Farewell. goodnight sweet princess.

It is worth noting another excellent position of the federal media, which again set off to blame anything for what happened, from anime to modern subcultures. And such a giant of thought as Ren-TV generally found millions of reasons in every word, comment, photograph, or even glance.

There are a lot of questions here. If the guy went to a psychologist, as follows from his letter, could he really not have been able to predict the future tragedy? Why did the girl continue to live with Artem if they had already broken up and she knew that he still had feelings? In general, everything is somehow strange and ambiguous. But blaming things that you just don't understand anything is at least stupid.

The murder of 19-year-old Tatyana shocked everyone. Bauman student Artem Iskhakov committed a cruel murder: first he strangled his beloved Tatyana Strakhova, then cut her throat, stabbed her in the heart several times and abused her body. Everything became from social networks, where he published a post with detailed description their actions. After that, Artem committed suicide.

Journalists from Moskovsky Komsomolets found out who the girl was. It turned out that Tatyana ran her own blog, where she posted posts about her life.

"Life seems unbearable"

According to the records of the girl, it can be concluded that Lately she was in a prolonged depression and dreamed of death.

“For several years now, life has seemed unbearable. Like an endless horror game where all the people around want to make it even worse, and joy does not exist at all. That is, out of habit, you pretend to be happy about something, but at the same time you don’t feel anything at all. Is that a wild fatigue from the imitation of emotions. Have you ever had something like this when bad mood you come to relatives, but pretend that everything is fine so that a bunch of questions do not fall down? This is always the state, ”Tatiana wrote.

"I drink every day"

The girl studied at the Higher School of Economics, but left the university. She did not tell her parents about this, she remained to live in Moscow and worked as an interior designer. Tanya wanted to enter the architectural university in Prague and paid a lot of attention to her studies.

“It is unlikely that I will feel better or worse from what I did or not. Nevertheless, I constantly now either sleep or do some tasks. Even when I come to visit, I continue to do my homework. Even when I watch the series, yes, whenever. It still leaves a lot of unfinished business, a lot of unanswered study emails, so I can never relax unless I've had enough to drink. I drink every day,” wrote the student.

candid photos

Tanya's acquaintances had no idea what was going on in her head. Despite her depressing image, the girl loved to have fun.

“I did not notice that Tanya was depressed. Outwardly, she seemed to be a happy, cheerful girl, she loved noisy companies, drinks, and dances. It was strange that she was visited by thoughts of death and loneliness. Men always liked her, she also had enough girlfriends. Perhaps she herself came up with this suffering image for herself, ”one of the girl’s friends told reporters.

“Tanya is a relaxed girl, she had a hidden page on the social network, where she posted quite candid photos and videos,” added a friend of the deceased.

After the death of the girl, her nude photos appeared in one of the publics that she led.

Joke for a killer

Tatyana: “Artyom, do you want a joke? A foul-smelling bum, an unemployed cretin, and a lone jerk walk into a bar with the words: “Ha, loser, you work as a bartender.” And the bartender asks: “Are you going to order something?”.

Artyom Iskhakov: Why are you joking about me (I thought we were friends (((.

Tatyana: Artyom, you seem to have a job and housing for now.

Artyom Iskhakov: So far, it seems that it's all about keywords, but in general, it's too exaggerated, although who the hell knows who you're talking to there.

Tatyana: In general, you go ...

Artyom Iskhakov: No homo, no anger, no hatred, no aggression (“there is no person without anger, hatred, aggression”).

On January 22, Artem Iskhakov, a student at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, killed his roommate, a student at the Higher School of Economics, Tatyana Strakhova, because of unrequited love. The killer liked the girl for a long time, but she not only did not reciprocate, but also showed sympathy for his friend.

According to the Mash Telegram channel, Artem killed the girl, raped her after her death, and then wrote a post on the VKontakte social network. In the entry, he described his crime in detail, and also indicated the passwords to all his accounts and left wishes to his friends, acquaintances and Tatyana's parents.

“Tanya’s parents (if you somehow get it), I’m sorry that I deprived you of your only child. I loved her very much... You are very good people. I really hope you have the strength to get through this. Forgive me again, although this cannot be forgiven.

Parents, I am a total disappointment to you. I was a drug addict, I constantly lied to you and didn’t love you, but I practically hated you, even though you only did good things for me ... don’t blame yourself, please, ”he wrote (Spelling and punctuation more. — Note ed.).


Artem Iskhakov's message to Tanya's friends, acquaintances and parents

According to REN-TV, the police learned about the incident from social networks. Artyom Iskhakov's subscriber turned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the same time, within three hours after the publication of the post, the rest of the subscribers “liked” the entry and did not contact the police.

“He was affectionate, always considerate, and that's what love did to him. Fool. What did he do? - Artyom's grandmother commented on the incident.

Artem Iskhakov's page on Vkontakte

“On the night of January 22-23, 2017, the bodies of a 19-year-old girl with signs of violent death and a 19-year-old boy were found in the apartment of one of the residential buildings on Kazakova Street in Moscow.

Investigative bodies of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee Russian Federation in the city of Moscow, a criminal case was initiated on this fact on the grounds of a crime under Part 1 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder).

According to preliminary data, the young man strangled a previously familiar girl, and then inflicted stab wounds to the neck and body on the latter. Then he committed suicide, ”according to the website of the Investigative Committee for the city of Moscow.

The other day, the Network “blew up” the news about Artem Iskhakov, a 3rd year student at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. A 19-year-old guy who studied at the Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems brutally killed his flatmate Tatyana Strakhova, raped her corpse three times (!) Then described his own in detail on his personal VKontakte page and committed suicide. This is reported by the Russian edition "".

But first things first. Artem Iskhakov was only 19 years old. The young guy graduated from school as an external student, after which he successfully combined work and study at one of the most prestigious universities in Russia. He was lucky with his family: his parents are bank employees who own a 4-room apartment on Zemlyanoy Val (in the center of Moscow). In fact, they live there now. Artem has an older brother Timur and younger sister Leah.

A student killed a neighbor: Tatyana Strakhova / ""

According to Russian media, the 19-year-old student of Baumanka, around whom a serious hype broke out on the Web in just a day, lived in the same apartment with his classmate Tatyana Strakhova (his girlfriend in the past) and their mutual friend Dima. After parting with Tanya, Artem Iskhakov did not stop trying to return the old relationship, but the girl rejected him. In his suicide note, he stated that he suffered from unrequited love.

Thoughts about the murder of Tatyana Strakhova began to appear in a 19-year-old guy in early January. Just at that time, the girl began an affair with his friend and flatmate Dima. The student watched the lovers for a long time and kept waiting for them to find a new place of residence - and he would not break. Of course, no one expected such an outcome.

Artem Iskhakov killed Tatyana Strakhova / “Days. RU"

Last night, January 22, Tatyana Strakhova returned home alone. Artem Iskhakov was in the apartment, and instead of greeting, he punched her in the face. The shocked girl fell to the floor, blood came out of her broken nose, but this did not stop her neighbor. With even greater enthusiasm, he began to beat Tanya, not paying attention to requests and pleas for mercy.

Artem Iskhakov began to choke his neighbor, and after she lost consciousness, he raped her. Realizing that the girl was still alive, the student went to the kitchen, took a knife, cut her classmate's throat and stabbed her twice chest. After all this, a 19-year-old boy sat down to chat with a friend in in social networks.

Artem Iskhakov / Reedus

The student was disturbed by the sounds that the cut, bloody Tatyana Strakhova was still making, so he stuffed pantyhose into her mouth and tied her throat with a rope. Then the young man wrote a suicide note on his personal VKontakte page, had dinner with sandwiches and went to bed. Waking up, he raped the already cooled body for the third time. And he committed suicide. In the note, the guy noted that he had no reaction to what he had done: “Zero emotions. I got Zen."

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation confirmed the information about the incident and noted that a criminal case had already been opened and qualified as a murder. In a letter, 19-year-old Artem Iskhakov mentioned the hit "Possibly" by the group "We", which refers to a guy who killed his girlfriend. The Network suggests that "this depressive song" could well provoke a student with a mental disorder to commit a crime.

Note by Artem Iskhakov / "Business Capital"

How a student killed a neighbor / "Business Capital"

Artyom Iskhakov's acquaintances describe him in different ways. Someone remembers him as a "good, calm boy", and someone calls him a drug addict and a slob. On this moment Artem's social media accounts have been deleted.
