Electrocardiography (ECG). Termination of pregnancy (abortion) Chest examination

Electrocardiography (ECG) is a method of electrophysiological study of the activity of the heart in normal and pathological conditions, based on the registration and analysis of the electrical activity of the myocardium, which spreads through the heart during the cardiac cycle. In most cases, after the procedure, the patient receives an electrocardiogram with a transcript, which reflects the main features of the functioning of the heart muscle. Electrocardiography of the heart has practically no age restrictions, and an ECG can be done for a child literally from the moment of birth. You can make a cardiogram in a clinic, diagnostic center, as well as in a hospital.

heart examination


An ECG is indicated for patients with any examination of the heart; in the presence of cardiac pathologies or at a high risk of their development; patients with cardiac pathology with a deterioration in the general condition (the appearance of shortness of breath, weakness, heart pain, acrocyanosis); before any surgical intervention or giving anesthesia. ECG is used in the medical examination of people over 45 years of age, examination of pregnant women, patients with chronic pathology of the respiratory, endocrine and nervous systems. An ECG is a mandatory examination when passing a medical commission by persons whose activities are associated with the harmful factors of the profession or with the risk of causing harm to other people.


An ECG does not require any special preparation. You only need to follow general rules. During the day, you should refrain from taking substances (alcohol, etc.) and medical preparations actively influencing blood circulation. It is advisable to stop smoking 2 hours before the examination. ECG has no contraindications.



The cost of electrocardiography (ECG) in Moscow ranges from 300 to 6240 rubles. average price is 1170 rubles.

Where to do electrocardiography (ECG)?

Our portal contains all the clinics where you can do electrocardiography (ECG) in Moscow. Choose a clinic that suits your price and location and make an appointment on our website or by phone.

Termination of pregnancy (abortion) is a surgical or medical method for removing a fertilized egg from the uterine cavity. Moscow clinics offer several methods of abortion: vacuum aspiration, curettage, medical abortion.

early abortion

On the 4th day after fertilization fertilized egg enters the uterine cavity through the cervix. In the first week of delayed menstruation (13-15 days of pregnancy), a fertilized egg does not have a close connection with the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ, so an early abortion (5-10 days after a missed period) passes quickly and without significant consequences for the patient.
Termination of pregnancy for early dates does not entail hormonal disruptions or the development of neoplasms on the mucous surfaces of the reproductive system. At the discretion of the patient, early abortion can be performed using vacuum regulation or drug therapy.

medical abortion

Pharmabort behavior is possible up to 6 weeks of pregnancy (less than 40 days of delay). Medical abortion is the least traumatic method of terminating a pregnancy. Farmabort does not provoke ruptures and other mechanical injuries, excludes the appearance of inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity, as well as complications after anesthesia.

Surgical termination of pregnancy

There are two types of surgical abortion: curettage (8-12 weeks of pregnancy) and vacuum regulation (4-6 weeks of pregnancy). A classic abortion is performed under general anesthesia with the opening of the cervix and extraction of the fetus using a gynecological curette. Such surgical correction is carried out blindly, so there is a risk of incomplete cleansing of the uterine cavity, injury to the soft tissues of the genital tract, cervix, uterus itself, and bleeding. Manipulation takes 35-60 minutes. Within 6-7 hours after a medical abortion, the patient must be in the hospital.
Vacuum aspiration (mini-abortion) is performed under local or general anesthesia. The principle of manipulation is to remove a fertilized egg using a vacuum tube (electric pump) inserted through the vagina and cervix. Mini-abortion does not cause significant blood loss and internal trauma. The entire procedure of vacuum aspiration is performed for 4-7 minutes, after which the patient is under the supervision of a specialist for 30-40 minutes and can soon go home on his own.

Where in Moscow abortion is carried out

In the database of the Zoon information portal you will find the addresses of gynecology and reproductive health centers, hospitals of state clinics and other medical institutions in Moscow. The site also contains profiles of obstetricians-gynecologists, surgeons and other specialized specialists. The rating of doctors, patient reviews and the cost of the services of certain doctors will help you make the right choice.

Film FLG

In the process of film fluorography, a shadow image of the chest is reproduced from a fluorescent screen on a particularly sensitive small-sized fluorographic film. After X-ray shooting, the fluorographic film is processed using a developing complex.

IN last years fluorography has undergone qualitative improvements. Starting with small format images of 24x24 and 32x32mm, fluorography has now evolved into medium and large format, allowing for 70x70mm or 110x110mm images to facilitate radiological interpretation of the image. A technical disadvantage of film fluorography is the possibility of obtaining defective images, which are detected only after the film has been developed.

Interpretation and analysis of fluorograms is performed by a radiologist using a fluoroscope - a device that magnifies the image by 1.5-3 times (images 100x100 mm in size are usually studied without magnification). To exclude subjectivity and errors in the interpretation of fluorography, it is recommended to view the images by two specialists or one doctor twice with an interval of a day.

Digital FLG

The fundamental transformation of the methodology is associated with the development of low-dose digital fluorography. With the introduction of digital fluorography, the radiation dose has decreased significantly, and the capabilities of the diagnostician have also significantly expanded. Now the image in the form of a digital photo is transmitted to a computer monitor, can be printed on paper, corrected using various filters (adjustment of contrast, brightness, size), as well as archived and stored on electronic media for a long time. Devices for digital fluorography are of matrix and scanning type; differ in the quality and time frame of the study.

The results of digital fluorography are visible to the doctor immediately after the x-ray, which eliminates the possibility of delayed detection of an uninformative image. The limitation of digital fluorography is its high price compared to film fluorography.


Fluorography as part of the annual medical examination is recommended for all practically healthy people. A conclusion on the results of fluorography is required during the initial visit to a therapist, hospitalization, employment, admission to study, registration of a sanatorium card, registration in sports clubs and swimming pools, obtaining a driver's license, before planning a pregnancy. In the presence of prolonged cough, shortness of breath, weight loss, weakness, the patient is sent for fluorography immediately.

The purpose of fluorography is a targeted mass examination of the population, revealing latent lung diseases (tuberculosis, pneumoconiosis, nonspecific inflammatory diseases and lung tumors), lesions of the pleura and mediastinum, diaphragm, large vessels, ribs, heart. If changes are detected, a clarifying chest x-ray is performed.


To the fluorography room, you should undress above the waist and remove metal jewelry from your chest to exclude artifacts. A protective lead apron is attached to the patient's belt. To take an image, the subject enters the cabin and is positioned vertically between the X-ray tube and the fluorographic film or digital recording plate.

When performing fluorography in the frontal projection, the patient presses his chest against the screen, raising his hands behind his head or placing them on his belt and pushing his shoulders forward. In this case, the chin rests on a special stand. When taking a fluorogram in the profile projection, the patient is turned sideways to the screen. At the command of the X-ray laboratory assistant, you should take a breath and do not breathe for several seconds while the picture is being taken.

When performing fluorography, dosed X-ray radiation is directed to the upper part of the body, which passes through the tissues and imprints their image on a film or digital plate. Since X-rays penetrate tissues differently, the shadows of the structures depicted in the picture differ in color. Dense bone tissue, which retains most of the rays, looks white; the heart also delays part of the radiation and is displayed as a bright spot; lungs filled with air appear darker on film.

Interpretation of results

When evaluating the result of fluorography, the radiologist assesses the state of the lung pattern, the roots of the lung, the sinuses of the pleura and the shadow of the mediastinum. An enhanced pulmonary pattern, determined by fluorography, occurs in acute inflammation in the lung of any genesis. The presence of fibrous tissue in the lung indicates a penetrating trauma, surgery, an acute infectious process with an outcome in fibrosis (tuberculosis, pneumonia). Focal shadows in the middle and lower lobes more often indicate focal pneumonia, in the upper sections - tuberculosis. The calcifications detected on fluorography serve as evidence of an isolated, undeveloped focus of infection (tuberculous, helminthic, bacterial) and do not pose a danger.

Compaction, expansion and heaviness of the roots of the lung suggests pneumonia or bronchitis, bronchiectasis. Adhesions and pleural layers indicate transferred inflammatory process. The condition of the sinuses during fluorography is important for determining the presence of pleural effusion in pleurisy. The expansion of the shadow of the mediastinum primarily indicates changes in the heart, but has no serious diagnostic significance. If the mediastinum is displaced, according to fluorography, an accumulation of effusion or air in the pleura, large neoplasms of the lungs should be suspected and the patient should be immediately referred to
