How to treat hemorrhoids in a child. Causes of inflammation of hemorrhoids and how to treat hemorrhoids in children

When parents are faced with such a problem as hemorrhoids in children, many are confused, since this disease is considered one of the category of "adult" problems. Unfortunately, this is not the case in children, and adolescents can also develop this disease.

Visible manifestations

To understand whether children have hemorrhoids, watch the kids. The child, one way or another, will indicate discomfort in the circumference of the anus, complain of burning, tingling or itching, scratching and touching the anus, crying, being irritated. However, one should clearly distinguish between these symptoms and signs of helminthic invasion or dermatitis, in which rashes also appear.

In very small hemorrhoids, it can even go away in the absence of symptoms and be detected quite by accident. Symptoms of hemorrhoids in children are knot-like bulges around the anus during attempts to defecate or crying heavily.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in children - knot-like bulges around the anus during attempts to defecate or crying heavily

The cessation of tension in the abdominal wall during crying or screaming leads to the regression of the protrusion.

Also, the symptoms of children's hemorrhoids differ little from the generally accepted signs. For example, a scarlet trace of blood may be found on feces or a toilet napkin, the sensation of a foreign body in the anus interferes with the child, and he asks for a potty, but emptying does not occur. Also on diapers or underwear, traces of intestinal mucus or inflammatory fluid can be found.

If suddenly the hemorrhoids are scratched or damaged in another way, then an infectious process may flare up in them, a rise in body temperature is possible.

In rare cases, children may have acute hemorrhoids associated with thrombosis of the nodes. In this situation, there is a sharp pain in the anal region. Older children or teenagers will be able to tell about it themselves, and the kids will be very restless and cry. Treatment of hemorrhoids in adolescents is complicated by the fact that at this age the psyche is very vulnerable, and young people are embarrassed to talk about their problems with adults.

It is important to understand that other proctological diseases can be hidden behind the symptoms of hemorrhoids - prolapse, cyst, polyps, hemangiomas, paraproctitis. Therefore, if the child's anus does not look like usual, noticeable wreaths and suspicious bumps have appeared, it is urgent to make an appointment with a doctor. Timely diagnosis and correct treatment of hemorrhoids in children will help to quickly and reliably get rid of this disease.

Why does it happen

Children's hemorrhoids have a number of causes, mainly we are talking about their combination. IN early age due to the specifics of lifestyle, the main cause of hemorrhoids in children is congenital insufficiency and inferiority of the venous vessels of the rectum.

You can find a consonant definition - hemorrhoidal vasculitis in children (that is, inflammation of the vessels). This diagnosis has nothing to do with hemorrhoids. He describes a completely different disease, which is also characterized by vascular inflammation and increased thrombus formation, impaired microcirculation in tissues and organs, but does not affect the venous network of the hemorrhoidal ring.

  • Prolonged, more than 10 minutes, sitting on the potty. This causes stagnation of blood in the pelvis. The problem becomes relevant when it comes time to teach the baby to the toilet. Often parents try to wait for the child to have a bowel movement and put him on the potty in advance.
  • Forced attempts to defecate, straining when constipated. Difficulties with bowel movements arise due to a violation of the diet, lack of coarse fiber of vegetables and fruits, a small amount of water, an imbalance in the intestinal flora, a large amount of white muffin, fast food.
  • Tantrums and crying in young children. Blood actively flows to the pelvic organs, sharply increasing intra-abdominal pressure and causing stagnation in the venous network of the rectum.
  • Heredity. The tendency to hemorrhoids increases even if only one of the parents has it.
  • Passive pastime. A permanent sitting position is the way to hemorrhoids.

The causes of hemorrhoids in adolescents are increasingly due to unfavorable habits or severe physical activity.

The diet during this period of life is already little controlled by parents, more and more teenagers eat dry food, fast food, spicy, salty foods, they begin to drink coffee and alcohol.

Improper nutrition - the road to hemorrhoids in children and adolescents

Many are professionally engaged in sports sections. Weightlifting, wrestling, gymnastics are especially dangerous in relation to the appearance of hemorrhoids.

Another extreme that contributes to the development of hemorrhoids in a teenager is a sedentary lifestyle. Schoolchildren are forced to spend a lot of time in a sitting position during study or preparation homework. Leisure also passes sedentary - at the computer or TV. The ability to take a phone or tablet with you to the toilet causes a long stay on the toilet. The habit of reading in the toilet provokes a rush of blood to the pelvic organs and the expansion of the venous vessels of the rectum.

It is also known that physiologically in every person under the mucous layer of the rectum there is a section of cavernous tissue - accumulations of venous vessels and small bodies. When a child is just born, this tissue is poorly developed and completes its formation by puberty. Therefore, to the question of whether teenagers can have hemorrhoids, the answer is yes. Hemorrhoids is a sharp plethora of cavernous bodies and the formation of nodes from them. When the wall of such a hemorrhoid is damaged, scarlet blood is released. Therefore, teenage hemorrhoids already fully justify the name of the disease - αἷμα - "blood" and ῥοῦς (


With an external examination, the anal region of a child looks quite normal, and only occasionally can you see the vessels that are visible under the skin. Then the child is asked to strain or simply planted on the potty. In this position, the varicose veins in the anus become quite clearly visible, and the specialist will be able to assess what stage the disease is. With hemorrhoids, the vessels are inflamed and have a knotty appearance. The mucous membrane of the rectum also changes. It can be hyperemic due to constant injury from dense feces and suffer from a lack of nutrients.

Proctologists divide hemorrhoids in a child into several stages, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

  • Signs of hemorrhoids are mild, there may be mild pain or itching. Internal hemorrhoids can go away without symptoms.
  • During defecation or crying, protrusion of hemorrhoidal veins may appear from the anus. They disappear on their own when the child calms down.
  • Hemorrhoids protrude from the anus, the anus is swollen. Driven by hand only. Severe level of pain.
  • A dropped knot cannot be set at home. Sharp pain and severe swelling.

In the event that the child does not receive appropriate assistance, it is likely that hemorrhoidal bumps will fall out or deep damage in the form of an anal fissure, when blood flows in a trickle, and not in drops. This can lead to low hemoglobin levels and anemia.

As soon as parents notice something like this, you should immediately seek medical help, as this may be the beginning of the development of complications - thrombosis and necrosis of hemorrhoids.

How to treat hemorrhoids in children at the onset of the disease can be prescribed by a pediatrician or pediatric gastroenterologist. If surgery is required, then the turn of a pediatric coloproctologist will come.

Confirmation of the diagnosis is based on external examination, digital examination and sigmoidoscopy

Treatment of children's hemorrhoids

Perhaps the main provision on how to treat children's hemorrhoids is a reminder - only under the supervision of a doctor!

What parents of very young children can do on their own and unconditionally is to stop putting babies on the potty. If hemorrhoids are suspected, the child should go to the toilet in a lying or standing position.

It is also up to parents to monitor the nutrition of the child. It is important to prevent constipation and diarrhea. Food should be age-appropriate, and, if possible, include vegetable fibers and a sufficient amount of water (pure drinking water, juices and tea should be considered food), fermented milk products should also be present. This stimulates intestinal motility and prevents the accumulation and caking of feces inside. It is best to give your child food little by little, but often.

There is also a higher risk of developing hemorrhoids in overweight children. An active lifestyle not only fights obesity, but also promotes more active blood circulation and the prevention of hemorrhoids.

Home first aid kit

When a child has hemorrhoids, in order to eliminate itching and inflammation of the anorectal region, it is recommended to use a simple baby cream. It should contain D-panthenol, vitamins A and E, cocoa butter.

baby cream relieve skin irritation around the anus, and the child will not itch and injure hemorrhoid nodules

In hygiene care, it is better to switch to wet toilet paper or special wipes for people with hemorrhoids. They are soft and will not damage dropped or external knots. In addition, such wipes can be soaked with witch hazel extract - an excellent venotonic agent that strengthens blood vessels and eliminates swelling.

From hemorrhoids for children at home, sitz baths have proven themselves well. Provided there is no allergy, decoctions of chamomile, calendula, oak bark can be added to them. Infusions from 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable raw materials and 250 ml of water are kept for 1 hour under the lid, and then used as microclysters or a sedentary addition to warm baths. To alleviate the symptoms of the disease, such procedures should be done at least 2-3 times a week.

Also, microclysters with sea buckthorn or rose hip oils have a beneficial effect on children's hemorrhoids and associated anal fissures. First you need to make sure that the child is not allergic to these components. Further, before the procedure, a portion of the oil (50-100 ml) is heated to 36 degrees and injected into the anus with a small rubber bulb. You need to try so that the child keeps the medicine inside for up to ten minutes. This facilitates the excretion of feces and the healing of microcracks in the rectum.

Conservative treatment

In pediatrics, the safest medicines for eliminating constipation that provoke hemorrhoids in children are lactulose-based drugs and glycerin suppositories. Lactulose is a nutrient medium for the normal human intestinal flora, stimulates peristalsis by changing the acidic internal environment of the intestine and increasing the volume of feces. In this case, the drug does not affect the mucous or smooth muscle walls of the intestine.

Preparations with lactulose do not affect the mucous or smooth muscle walls of the intestine, are safe for children

Glycerin suppositories are selected depending on the age of the child, focusing on the dose of glycerin. Suppositories soften the feces, slightly irritate the rectum, and defecation occurs reflexively.

All other drugs for conservative treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

The difficulty of their use is due to the fact that separate children's candles from hemorrhoids are not produced. The doctor is forced to use a hemorrhoid medicine for adults, calculating the dose for the child's body weight and age.

Suppositories that can be used in the treatment of children are suppositories with sea buckthorn, calendula, suppositories with heparin, Natalsid, Relief and their ointment forms. From the age of three, they can also prescribe "Proctosan" and "Ultra-proct". With inflammation and the risk of infection, applications with ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky liniment can be used.

With severe pain in the prescription department at the pharmacy, you can get candles for children that are prepared according to prescription:

  • Demoiselle extract 0.01
  • Anestezin
  • Novocaine
  • Xeroform 0.1
  • Cocoa butter 1.7
  • Mix to form a suppository

Enter candles ½ pcs. at night in the rectum.

Usually, for drugs with potentially dangerous active ingredients for a child, the instructions indicate that they should not be used in pediatrics or can be used from the age of 14 when assessing the risk-benefit ratio for the patient.

To cure hemorrhoids in a teenager, you need to follow the same recommendations - adjust the diet, add physical activity, reduce the time spent in the toilet. Of the medicines, ointments and suppositories can be used. Warm or cold sitz baths can be done when the pain syndrome worsens - mainly after the act of defecation.

Manufacturers indicate a fairly high age range for their drugs

  • Relief - from 12 years old;
  • Proctosan - from 18 years old;
  • Procto-glivenol - from the age of 14;
  • Candles with heparin (hepazolon, nigepan, hepatrombin G) - from 12 years old;
  • Neo Anuzol, Anuzol - from 12 years old;
  • Natalsid - from the age of 14;
  • Ultraprokt - from the age of 14;
  • Betiol (candles with belladonna) - from 10 years old;
  • Posterizan - from 18 years old;
  • Candles with sea buckthorn - from 3 years;
  • Olestezin - from 3 years;
  • Calendula DN, Propolis DN - from early childhood in the absence of allergies and contraindications.

It is impossible for children and adolescents to prescribe antihemorrhoidal drugs on their own. Many medicines contain substances with pronounced clinical effects.

Steroid derivatives can cause secondary adrenal insufficiency, lidocaine and benzocaine - palpitations, agitation nervous system, nausea, phenylephrine - increased pressure and the like. Also, in adolescents, due to the imperfection of the immune system, violent allergic reactions and individual intolerance, hemorrhagic rash in children are possible.

Therefore, it is useful to recall: treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

In childhood, hemorrhoids are encountered quite rarely. However, when faced with it, you must clearly have an idea for yourself what it is and how to treat hemorrhoids in children. For this reason, when the first suspicious symptoms appear, you should make an appointment with a specialist with your child.

In children aged 2-4 years, it is quite difficult to identify the disease. The child is not yet able to reasonably explain what hurts him and where exactly. But the unusual behavior of the child while on the potty or toilet may be a reason to see a doctor. In a 3-year-old child, during the period of constipation, one can notice excitement: he scratches his buttocks, the body temperature rises.

With the initial signs of children's hemorrhoids, you should go to a pediatric surgeon or proctologist. After the implementation of diagnostic measures, the doctor will determine the therapy. It should be noted that 3 years is a period when hemorrhoids do not form up to the 4th degree, but the disease is still required to be treated.

How to treat hemorrhoids in 3 years? In most situations, it is possible to limit yourself to sitz baths, suppositories, enemas. Due to the fact that children's hemorrhoids at the age of 3-4 can be found quite rarely, it is not possible to purchase a remedy for children at pharmaceutical points, it simply has not yet been created. The disease will have to be treated with the usual means that are used for adult treatment, but at lower dosages. When purchasing the product, you must carefully study the instructions for use and contraindications.

Most likely, the doctor will recommend treating children's hemorrhoids with rectal suppositories with natural ingredients to avoid allergies, which in childhood 3 years often occur. These include "Sea buckthorn" suppositories or candles with the name "Kyzylmay" - these funds consist of natural elements.

You can quickly cure children's hemorrhoids using folk methods. Of course, you first need to consult with a specialist.

However, the most important point- establishing the causes of the formation of children's hemorrhoids, otherwise, no therapy will have an effect.

Children 11-14 years old

Of great importance in the occurrence and formation of this disease in children is the diet and lifestyle. IN adolescence signs of hemorrhoids are similar to those of adults. Treatment of children aged 11-14 with alternative medicine is quite faster and more effective. This is associated with 2 conditions:

  • the circulatory system has not yet fully developed;
  • hemorrhoids are not yet chronic.

At this age, constraint is the main obstacle to frank conversations with parents about disturbing symptoms in the anal area. Unpleasant sensations arise in a place about which it is not always decent to talk about. And to show - even more so. But the occurrence of irritation, itching, both during emptying and in a calm state, can force adolescents to talk about their problem.

Parents can help to correctly recognize hemorrhoids in a teenager with complaints about such signs as:

  1. Incomplete defecation process intestinal tract and as if there is a foreign object in the rectum. This will bring some discomfort.
  2. Irritability of the anal area, in particular, this is more evident after prolonged sitting, as well as when emptying. This indicates that there is impaired blood circulation in the anal area in a sitting position and violations of the venous nodes with solid excrement. After a certain time, external hemorrhoids will be expressed when lifting weights, simple coughing or sneezing, excessive stress and other actions.

With such complaints, the child should certainly make an appointment with a proctologist or surgeon.

It is possible to carry out therapy for hemorrhoids in adolescence only under the supervision of a specialist. The main condition is not to be in a sitting position for a long time, to add more movement to life, to do health-improving gymnastics. Therapy of children's hemorrhoids has its own characteristics. There are no special children's drugs. In this option, you must carefully read the instructions for using the medication prescribed by the doctor. As a rule, age-related distinctive features are spelled out in it and probable secondary phenomena are listed.

Here are certain rectal suppositories that do not have age restrictions:

  • Relief;
  • Hepatrombin G;
  • GinkorProcto;
  • suppositories with sea buckthorn oil.

Ointment for hemorrhoids in adolescence is used with similar restrictions as candles. To normalize blood circulation in the anus and relieve congestion in the venous vessels of the rectum, it is recommended to carry out a healing massage.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

Folk methods carry out the treatment of not very old forms of hemorrhoids. These include the following helpful tips:

  • Compresses with potassium permanganate. A very effective method for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids, including childhood. It is necessary to use a very weak composition of potassium permanganate (a few crystals), since otherwise it is possible to get a soft tissue burn in a child and this solution of potassium permanganate will aggravate the disease;
  • Compresses from herbal decoctions. IN this list chamomile, celandine, calendula and St. John's wort take the lead. To make a decoction, you should take 2-3 tablespoons of herbs and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let the decoction brew for about 30 minutes, then moisten the folded bandage and apply to the anus for 15 minutes.

  • Potato candles. Great remedy for hemorrhoids. From raw peeled potatoes, a figure similar to a regular suppository without pointed corners should be cut out. Insert candles before going to bed. In the morning, the candle will leave on its own from the rectum with feces;
  • Suppositories from honey. To prepare such candles, you need honey, which was collected at least 2 years ago. During this time, honey turns into a candied mass. A candle is cut out of this mass and placed before going to bed. In the morning, the remnants will be eliminated together with the feces. Honey exhibits wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Beet juice. It should be taken freshly squeezed for bleeding. It is necessary to consume before meals 50 ml three times a day for 14 days.

Its composition helps:

  • warm up the skin
  • normalization of blood circulation in the area of ​​the inflammatory process.

Causes of children's hemorrhoids

  1. Constipation. It has been established that constipation can appear both in adulthood and in childhood. In newborns up to a year, constipation is the result of a violation of the microflora in the intestinal tract, in older children, constipation is associated with an unbalanced diet. Carbonated water, harmful crackers, chips and other "fast food" can cause an "adult" disease in childhood. Prolonged potty. Often, especially in kindergartens and nurseries, children are put on the potty, not taking into account their biological rhythms, but simply according to the schedule. However, children are not able to defecate and are forced to sit for a long time. IN this moment the venous vessels of the anus overflow with blood, and this fact is an impeccable situation for the formation of hemorrhoids in childhood.
  2. prolonged crying. In particular, this factor has a powerful effect on the formation of hemorrhoids during the first year of life. When the baby cries, the pressure inside the peritoneum increases and blood accumulates in the pelvis. Stagnation appears, and because of this, hemorrhoids form.
  3. Congenital pathology of venous vessels. There is such a violation, and it will be noticeable from the very birth of the child. When the baby cries or poops, bulging veins will be visible. It is possible to treat such a violation, but only a doctor is obliged to do this.
  4. Schoolchildren can often have a sedentary lifestyle. During the day, sitting at school at a desk, in many cases, modern schoolchildren sit the rest of the day after school at home at the computer. This does not contribute to normal blood flow, which contributes to the risk of hemorrhoids.
  5. It happens that older students can secretly consume alcohol. The body of the child is very susceptible to alcohol-containing drinks. In such a situation, there may be a violation of blood microcirculation.

Prevention of hemorrhoids in children

In order to prevent hemorrhoids in childhood, it is necessary to carry out several simple conditions:

  • The constancy of nutrition in combination with the "anti-constipation" menu. Under this condition, the implementation of regular meals, its balanced nature is assumed. Food should contain a sufficient amount of fiber, fruits, vegetables. Be sure to drink enough water. In addition, you must refrain from fried foods. It will be useful to include lactic acid products in the diet, as it can significantly soften the feces;
  • Worry about the microflora of the intestinal tract. Quite often, with various serious diseases, a child is prescribed antibiotics that negatively affect the microflora of the intestinal tract. It should be remembered about the indispensable introduction of lactobacilli in the course of resuming therapy;
  • Have a conversation with your child about the “correct” bowel movement. This means without prolonged "sitting" on the toilet and excessive straining;
  • Teach the principles of personal hygiene. Learn how to properly use toilet paper. More importantly, teach the child to wash after a bowel movement;
  • Monitor the child's body weight. Excess weight is considered one of the risk conditions for the formation of hemorrhoids.
  • Be sure to make the child move more. Enrolling a child in a sports club can guarantee movement;
  • Timely visit to a specialist. If there is a suspicion of hemorrhoids, you should immediately contact your local pediatrician. He will determine the therapy if there is a need.

The implementation of these simple requirements can help eliminate many problems. Having stopped children's hemorrhoids, the child will be able to feel like a full-fledged person at an older age.

Hemorrhoids are considered to be a disease of adults, because according to statistics, it annoys the population in the age group of 25-65 years. However, children can also suffer from hemorrhoids, even as young as a few days after birth. But the course of the disease in children is a little different and the reasons are different.

Why do children suffer from hemorrhoids?

The causes of this insidious disease in children may be the following:

  • The main factor is constant constipation, from which children at the age of several months of life or children from 4 to 17 years old are not insured. Babies suffer from constipation, usually due to a violation of the intestinal microflora. In children 4, 5 years and older, up to 17 years of age, constipation is the result of malnutrition. Children love to eat junk food: chips, crackers, snack on pies and sandwiches, wash down dinners with soda. Constipation in children of one year of age and older - up to 17 years, makes the feces dense and hard, which leads to damage to the intestinal mucosa. In addition, stagnation of feces in the rectum is formed in a one-year-old child or in children from 4 to 17 years old, blood stagnation in the pelvic organs, and this is a direct prerequisite for the development of hemorrhoids.
  • Provokes internal hemorrhoids in children 1-5 years of long sitting on the potty. The reason may be all the same constipation or some psychological factor. The child pushes and, thus, forms an increased blood flow to the veins of the small pelvis. In addition, parents can force the child to sit on the potty at certain hours in order to develop the habit of defecation in the body at a certain time. This is fundamentally wrong! The child should sit on the potty only when he wants it, so that the chair occurs every second.
  • Hemorrhoids in children under 1 year old can develop due to constant crying. After all, when the baby cries, he also pushes, increasing intra-abdominal pressure. Thus, blood is intensively supplied to the pelvic area and provokes the development of hemorrhoids.
  • Another cause of hemorrhoids is a congenital factor. Although it is rare, it does exist. Children are already born with dilated veins, and even with a short cry or attempts, one can observe swollen bumps around the anus.
  • In children school age, from 4 to 17 years, the same factors as in adults can become the causes of the disease. For example, a sedentary lifestyle, long sitting at desks at school and at home at the computer. In older age, for example, in children of 15, 16, 17 years old, a love for heavy sports may appear. A daily lifting of weights provokes internal hemorrhoids.
  • At the age of 15, 16, 17, a child may develop bad habits. Namely, the consumption of alcoholic beverages. It is known that alcohol provokes stagnation of blood in the veins of the pelvic organs - the direct cause of hemorrhoids.

The course of the disease

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in the form of itching, bloody discharge, sensation of something extra inside the rectum are manifested not only in an adult patient, but also in a child aged 10-17 years. In infants and children from 1 to 4.5 years old, the disease is detected during crying or defecation. The mother may see symptoms in the form of bumps around the anus. If the child does not push, then the disease has no visible signs.

The next symptom that manifests itself at any age, and in a child of several months of life, at 1 year old and in high school students of 17 years old, is bloody discharge. Such symptoms occur if the rectal mucosa is damaged by hard feces, and cracks form on it. But the infection that develops in the bumps can lead to inflammation, due to which the child's body temperature may rise.

In children aged 10 - 17 years, it is extremely rare, but quite likely, an acute form of the disease can manifest itself in the form of cone thrombosis. The child begins to complain of symptoms such as cutting pains, and if this happens to a baby or a 1-year-old baby, the mother can hear loud crying and anxiety.

It is possible that children from birth or a few months of age and older, up to 12 to 15 years old, may experience rectal prolapse or cysts. If the baby has some kind of bump from the anus, you should immediately show the child to the proctologist. It is the doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

How to treat?

Who to contact with a problem? Treatment of children's hemorrhoids should be carried out by a proctologist. It will usually be conservative. The doctor may prescribe for the child and medications, and means traditional medicine. But most importantly, the treatment of a disease in a child of any age, from birth to 15, 16 years, should be not only effective, but also safe.

Some drugs for children from birth to 1 year and older (up to 12 years) are contraindicated. Whom to turn to for advice? What medicine to choose? For example, ointments or rectal suppositories "Hepatrombin", "Relief Ultra" or "Proctosedil" can be prescribed to children at 1 year old and at 15, 16 years old. But they are contraindicated for babies. Children aged 10, 12 years and older can be prescribed Ginkor Procto suppositories or Aurbin ointment. Sea buckthorn suppositories have an excellent healing and anti-inflammatory effect, which are not contraindicated for the treatment of a child from 1 year old to 15, 16 years old. But a specialist should prescribe the drug.

As mentioned above, the symptoms of hemorrhoids from birth to 15, 16 years of age are extremely rare, so special children's preparations have not yet been created. Who to contact to find the right medicine and cure the disease? The answer is unequivocal - to the proctologist. For the treatment of a child of several months of life, 1 year old, a 12-year-old teenager or a patient of 60 years old, the same drugs are used, only the children's dosage is much less than the adult one.


To cure the symptoms of hemorrhoids, invented great amount various recipes based on medicinal herbs, roots, certain foods or bee products, why don't we turn to folk wisdom to solve our problem? All recipes have proven themselves over the years of successful use. But anyway, cure hemorrhoids in patients from 1 year to 15, 16 years folk remedies possible only after the recommendation of a specialist.

1 recipe

It is very important to monitor the hygiene of the child. The mother should wash the little patient after each act of defecation with warm water and soap. But older children from 5 to 16 years old need to be explained about the importance of hygiene and try to control them. A sore spot after washing should be lubricated with fresh butter. And if you make candles from oil and freeze them, you can cure internal knots and bumps for children from 5 years old and older. They introduce a candle at night, and after a few days it will become easier.

2 recipe

Every day, after washing, you need to lubricate the sore spot in the child. sea ​​buckthorn oil. It is harmless for children from one year to 15, 16 years and older, but the healing effect is quite strong. Inflammation and pain disappear after 4, 5 procedures.

3 recipe

Treatment of hemorrhoids in a child from 4 to 15, 16 years old can be carried out with the help of ordinary carrots. It must be grated on a fine grater, wrapped in gauze and applied to the inflamed area. Ideally, you should wear thick underwear and walk with a compress all day, changing it twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Continue treatment up to 4 weeks.

4 recipe

Sitz baths are very effective for hemorrhoids. They can already be done at the age of 4, 5 years and older. In a clay pot in 1.5 liters of milk, boil 4 large onions along with the husk. The fire should be weak, and the pot closed. Over the steam of such a "brew", wrapped up, you need to sit for 10 - 20 minutes. It is well suited for the internal form of the disease. Treatment is carried out until complete recovery.

5 recipe

Raw potatoes will help cure hemorrhoids. From it you need to cut the candles and insert them all night into the anus. For children from 4, 5 years old and up to 10, 12 years old, candles can be placed for two hours. To facilitate the process, you can first dip the candle in honey. Continue treatment up to 10 days.

6 recipe

Onion candles will help cure hemorrhoids. The middle of the bulb is shaped like a candle, and we take it. Put in a glass and pour boiling water, which is immediately drained. So scald the onion up to 5 times. We cool the candle and insert it into the rectum. This recipe is suitable for children from 10 to 12 years old and older.

7 recipe

Sitz baths in a special decoction can be used for children from 10-12 years old and even earlier, as soon as the child understands the need for this procedure and agrees to sit in a warm broth for 10-20 minutes. You can use different recipes for sitz baths. For example, boil yarrow grass and walnut leaves in a saucepan with water for 15 minutes. Strain the broth, cool slightly and use the bath. This treatment is carried out up to three times a day.

8 recipe

The well-known chamomile is used in the treatment of almost every disease. She did not bypass the side and hemorrhoids. A decoction of chamomile can be used to treat children 10 years old and earlier. From it you can make sitz baths, wash yourself or apply compresses up to 10 times a day. Chamomile perfectly relieves inflammation, pain and itching syndromes. Treatment is carried out for two weeks.

9 recipe

Treatment with honey candles. They are made from candied honey, frozen in the freezer and used daily at night. In the morning, the remains of honey will come out with feces. You can simply lubricate the inflamed place of the child with honey. This natural antibiotic can be used to treat hemorrhoids in children from 10 to 12 years old and even earlier. Contraindication - individual intolerance to honey.

10 recipe

It is absolutely harmless, therefore it is not contraindicated for children, both at the age of one year old and at 12 years old. The recipe helps to cure hemorrhoids and get rid of constant constipation. Whole month you need to drink one tablespoon of fresh onion juice. Apply juice before meals 4 times a day. Continue treatment until complete recovery.

But, no matter how many recipes for getting rid of the disease exist, it is always easier not to get sick with it. This is especially true for children 12 years of age and older. Proper hygiene, good nutrition, sports will protect children from an adult disease called hemorrhoids!

Education: Graduated from the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov, Faculty of Medicine. Took advanced training courses. Primary specialization - in coloproctology at the State Scientific Center of Coloproctology. Worked at the City Scientific and Practical Center of Coloproctology of St. Petersburg.

Experience: Proctologist. Experience in medical practice - 25 years. Author of more than 40 medical articles. A regular participant of conferences and symposia, which highlights the problems of modern medicine.

Provides highly qualified diagnostics and treatment of many diseases: hemorrhoids, anal fissures, various diseases of the colon, successfully diagnoses neoplasms of the perianal region and rectum at early stages. He also conducts examinations of children.

Hemorrhoids in children is not a common disease. Pathology is characterized by the development of venous inferiority. Caused by severe physical stress, pregnancy. This kind of reasoning is typical for adults. In babies, the development and clinical picture differ in characteristic features.

Hemorrhoids in a child

Hemorrhoids is a proctological disease that mainly affects people 25-65 years of age. But the initial unpleasant signs can form from an early age, and the most pronounced symptoms appear in adolescents.

In young children under 5 years of age, inflammation of the hemorrhoids often occurs without any signs. Very rarely, bumps are able to increase after a long sitting in the toilet. In some cases, the venous plexuses near the anus expand.

Since young children cannot clearly explain their feelings, and the symptoms of hemorrhoids in a child are blurred, it is not easy to identify the disease and determine the exact diagnosis. After all, the external form in kids and adults looks a little different.

So there is confusion:

  • varicose veins are confused with rectal prolapse;
  • an inflamed node is not distinguished from a cyst in the anal region.

It is important, if you suspect children's hemorrhoids, to consult a doctor to confirm or refute the diagnosis, and also to get a specialist appointment in a timely manner.


When determining the “causative agent” of the pathology, the age of the crumbs must be taken into account, for example, in children of 5 years and 5 months, the development factors will noticeably differ. And only their common cause in adults can be the genetic weakness of the venous walls.

In babies at an early age

Unfortunately, hemorrhoids in newborns can appear. At month old baby pathology can develop due to congenital varicose veins of the rectum. The disease manifests itself immediately after birth. When the baby cries, pouts, poops, the venous plexuses bulge out in the final region of the rectum.

In addition, the causes of hemorrhoids in infants can be:

  • problems with stool, normal defecation in babies on breastfeeding- from 1 time in 3 days or up to 7 times a day, and this is considered the norm, the main thing is to observe that nothing torments the baby, he does not cry, and gas passes;
  • intestinal colic - a swollen tummy leads to pain, because of this, the baby is constantly restless and cries; this leads to tension, increased pressure in the abdominal cavity, blood flow to the rectal area. Such violations provoke the appearance of hemorrhoids in babies;
  • dysbacteriosis, or a disorder of the intestinal microflora, - due to the presence of pathogens in the digestive system, the risk of constipation, damage to the walls of the rectum increases;
  • stimulation of bowel movements - if a gas outlet tube, a thermometer or an enema is introduced into the anus, this zone is stimulated, after which the baby is emptied. As a result, blood enters the venous plexuses, causing hemorrhoidal bumps.

Hemorrhoids in newborns occur due to strong screaming and crying. There is increased pressure in the peritoneum. And in a one-year-old child, stagnation of blood in the pelvis can occur, the formation of an umbilical hernia.

In children under 3 years old

The main cause of proctological pathology at 2 years is difficult emptying. Constipation leads to malnutrition, where protein foods are present, and there is a shortage of fruits and vegetables.

The resulting solid feces injure the intestinal mucosa, prolonged stress causes blood flow to the anal area, because of this, a pathological process is noted.

Hemorrhoids appear in babies at 1 or 3 years old, when the baby is potty trained. Prolonged sitting leads to stagnation of blood, as well as an increase in venous plexuses.

In children 3-10 years old

The main causes of hemorrhoids in preschoolers and children under 10 years of age are as follows:

  • inactivity - prolonged sitting at a computer, TV leads to physical inactivity, because of this, blood fills the venous plexus of the anus;
  • malnutrition - at present, children consume a lot of junk food (chips, carbonated drinks, convenience foods, fast foods), which negatively affects the digestive tract. In the body there is a lack of various vitamins, and this leads to inflammation of the hemorrhoids;
  • benign formations - polyps that appear in the posterior opening block the lumen of the rectum, causing venous insufficiency.

Inflammatory infectious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, associated with constipation, the spread of pathogenic microorganisms throughout the intestine, damage the mucosa, thin the walls of blood vessels, and contribute to infection of the body.


The causes of the appearance of proctological pathologies are the same as in children of 5 years. The only difference is that young men are addicted to alcoholic beverages and smoking, this activates blood flow to the pelvic area. Alcohol in combination with physical inactivity, unhealthy diet becomes the beginning of the formation of hemorrhoids.

The famous doctor Komarovsky insists that parents need to monitor the child's bowel movements. Constipation is an unpleasant and severe symptom, the smaller the baby, the more dangerous the consequences if the condition of the crumbs is not corrected in a timely manner.


Hemorrhoids in young children 4-5 months old at the beginning of development can not be expressed in any way outwardly. There can only rarely be observed bulging nodules at the time of crying, straining. And traces of blood can be noticeable on the diaper.

The main symptoms of hemorrhoids in children are as follows:

  1. First stage. In the first stages of development, babies are tormented by burning, itching, which increase after a bowel movement. Blood streaks are found in the stool.
  2. II stage. The nodules noticeably expand in size, there is pain during defecation. Inflamed fluid is released from the anus, leading to diaper rash. Hemorrhoidal bumps are able to go out of the anus to the outside, then back.
  3. III stage. The nodes stick out, crawl out both at the time of emptying and in motion. There is intense pain, it is difficult for the baby to sit.
  4. IV stage. The knot comes out at a different load and does not reset back. Complications are possible: infringement of the node, necrotic, manifested inflammation.

With any of the above symptoms, you should immediately contact a proctologist for a complete examination. Diagnosis includes analysis of feces, blood, sigmoidoscopy, palpation examination.


Effective treatment of hemorrhoids will be after properly selected medications.

At the beginning of development, pathology is amenable to therapeutic measures, but it is important to adhere to some rules:

  • it will be difficult to cure hemorrhoids if the baby scratches the anus, spreading the infection;
  • perform hygienic manipulations, if the child has hemorrhoids, after emptying, be sure to wash with warm water, instead toilet paper use soft wipes;
  • physical gymnastics has a positive effect on blood circulation;
  • in the diet of the child should be dominated by foods containing fiber ( various cereals, fruits, vegetables), drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day (comotes, water, juices). Nutrition should be balanced and healthy.

Hemorrhoids in young children can be treated with folk remedies and topical preparations. Surgical interventions are used very rarely, in severe cases.

conservative methods

Therapy of hemorrhoids in children is carried out in a conservative way, except for the congenital form. It is strictly necessary to follow the instructions of the proctologist.

The doctor may prescribe the following:

  1. Rectal suppositories, ointments. Unfortunately, medicines for small patients are not produced, therefore, adult products are used, only they are divided into parts depending on body weight.
  2. There are certain drugs approved from 12-14 years of age.
  3. The child may be prescribed such rectal suppositories: Hepatrombin, Relief, Ginkor Procto. Heparin, Procto-Glivenol, Relief are suitable as ointments. Proctosedyl ointment is allowed for adolescents, infants are strictly prohibited.
  4. For 2-3-year-old children, use lighter suppositories with belladonna extract, suppositories with sea buckthorn.
  5. Komarovsky advises using compresses with Vishnevsky ointment, calendula infusion for external therapy.

The above drugs have analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects. Effectively eliminate itching, burning, swelling in the anus. With the use of ointments, suppositories, healing of anal fissures is noted, stool is restored, constipation is removed.

Candles are inserted very carefully to prevent injury to the inflamed nodes in the rectum.

Folk ways

Not contraindicated in manifestations of hemorrhoids and folk methods treatment:

  1. Sitting baths. For this, medicinal plants are used: chamomile, oak bark. To prepare the infusion, you need 1 tablespoon of the composition, 200 ml is added to it. boiled water, insist for 1 hour, filter. Pour into a container, the temperature should not exceed 38 ° C. Treatment is 5 days for 7-10 minutes.
  2. Microclysters. Spend with wild rose or sea buckthorn. The main thing is that these funds do not cause allergies in the child. 100 ml of oil is brought to 38°C, drawn into a small enema, inserted into the ass.
  3. Baby cream. Since hemorrhoids lead to dry skin, use a cream containing panthenol, mineral complexes, cocoa butter.
  4. Chamomile steam baths. They help relieve symptoms of the disease. Pour a couple of tablespoons of chamomile into a basin, add ½ liter of boiling water, cover with a blanket, leave for 10 minutes. After that, the baby sits down, but, without touching the water, the legs are wrapped in something warm. The duration of the manipulation is 6-7 minutes.

Along with the conservative method, folk recipes will help speed up recovery.

Operations are performed quite rarely and for children not younger than 7 years. Minimally invasive measures or the Longo method are prescribed. After the operation, it is important to monitor nutrition, stool, and prevent constipation.


As a prophylaxis of hemorrhoids, and in order not to aggravate the situation, it is necessary:

  • establish a healthy diet;
  • to establish the intestinal microflora, you can take pills to activate peristalsis;
  • during bowel movements, the child should not sit and pout for a long time;
  • accustom to personal hygiene: show how to properly wipe the ass, wash after emptying;
  • lead an active lifestyle, do morning exercises, play different games, go swimming and more.

Although children may not have hemorrhoids as often, it is important to detect them as early as possible. It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive treatment, establish nutrition, restore the chair - then it is possible to avoid dangerous consequences.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate! Be sure to contact a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and conducts treatment. Expert of the group on the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

The formation of hemorrhoids, accompanied by an inflammatory process, is typical for the adult part of the population. However hemorrhoids in children it happens the same way. Many factors can provoke this disease in a child, among which the problem stool is considered the main one. Therapy of children's hemorrhoids should be carried out under medical supervision, otherwise complications cannot be avoided.

Diagnosis and symptoms of hemorrhoids in children

Hemorrhoids in childhood do not develop as often as in adults, but it still happens. Problems with the venous tone of the rectum in babies are most often determined at advanced stages, since early diagnosis is complicated by the fact that the child cannot always complain about the presence of discomfort, especially if he still does not know how to speak.

You can independently determine the presence of hemorrhoids in a child by the following symptoms:

  • the presence of blood on the surface of the feces;
  • crying during bowel movements;
  • frequent constipation;
  • long sitting on the potty, accompanied by anxiety;
  • itching in the anus (the child constantly climbs his fingers to the anus).

In addition, the pathological process that has appeared can be found out with the help of visual inspection and palpation. When forming hemorrhoids, it is difficult not to notice the disease.

Hemorrhoids in children under one year old

Causes of hemorrhoids in children under one year are most often associated with constipation. Constipation at this age is often chronic, as it appears against the background of weak work of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, the following factors have a negative effect on the vessels and veins of the rectum in infants:

  • constant crying;
  • immature bowel function;
  • constipation that develops due to errors in the nutrition of a child or a breastfeeding mother;
  • immobility.

In the first case, the disease appears in a child due to tension during crying. In the rectum with strong sobbing enters a large number of blood and the stagnant process begins. The more the baby cries, the more more likely development hemorrhoids.

The second and third reasons are associated with constipation. The constant accumulation of feces and difficult defecation negatively affect the walls of the hemorrhoidal veins, which also ends with stagnation of blood and the appearance of bumps.

As for inactivity, hemorrhoids against the background of physical inactivity develop in infants if parents ignore children's massages and rarely take the child in their arms. This rarely happens, but it does happen.

Hemorrhoids aged 1 to 5 years

Do children of this age get hemorrhoids? Definitely yes. The cause of the appearance of hemorrhoids at a specified age often becomes:

  • prolonged sitting on the potty;
  • insufficient drinking;
  • violation of the intestinal microflora;
  • poor stool formation (hard and dense feces);
  • stress.

In the case of a child's body, a problem stool serves as a lever for the appearance of an ailment. It is against the background of difficult emptying, accompanied by attempts and prolonged sitting on the potty, that the elasticity of the hemorrhoidal veins is lost.

The development of the disease in school-age children

Can older children have hemorrhoids and why? The main reason for the development of hemorrhoids in schoolchildren is a psychological factor. The older the child becomes, the more difficult it is for him to socialize.

Often getting into the environment of peers, the child begins to be shy and feel insecure. He restrains the urge to defecate, as he is afraid to ask everyone to go to the toilet from the lesson, and is stressed. Against the background of all this, severe constipation appears, which negatively affects the vascular system of the rectum.

The psychological factor in schoolchildren and adolescents plays a big role in the appearance of constipation and hemorrhoids. However, it can also provoke an illness:

  • change of school or place of residence;
  • stressful situation in the family or with peers;
  • long sitting at the desk;
  • insufficient drinking;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

If we talk about more serious causes that affect the development of hemorrhoids, then among them are the inflammatory process in the anus and rectum, as well as congenital or acquired defects in the lower intestines.

How to help a child

Hemorrhoids in children how to treat to prevent further development and surgical intervention? Therapy of this disease in a child is carried out in a complex manner. Treatment should be started at the first symptoms that appear and always after consultation with a pediatrician.

Hemorrhoids in children are always tried to be treated exclusively by conservative methods, including:

  • taking medications;
  • nutrition correction;
  • medical gymnastics;
  • folk medicine.

Effective remedies are rectal suppositories and ointments. These medicines eliminate inflammation in the nodes, stop itching and burning, and also minimize pain. However, it is possible to resort to treatment with just such drugs only with the permission of a doctor, since most of them are prohibited for children.

Correction of nutrition consists in the refusal of products that bind the intestines and the inclusion of more vegetables and fruits in the child's diet. It is important to monitor the drinking regimen and reduce the consumption of sweets and muffins. Proper nutrition helps to avoid the appearance of constipation, against the background of which ruptures of hemorrhoidal cones occur, which impairs their healing.

Therapeutic exercise for hemorrhoids in children helps prevent blood stasis in the veins and vessels of the rectum. It also helps to regulate stool and has a positive effect on the formation of feces. Gymnastics for children's hemorrhoids is performed carefully, without sharp turns and straining. Movements should be smooth, aimed at improving microcirculation in the lower gastrointestinal tract and strengthening the intestinal muscles.

As for traditional medicine, it consists in the use of medicinal herbal preparations. With hemorrhoids, chamomile, string, wild rose and sea buckthorn are often used. Decoctions are prepared from them, which are added to the water when bathing children or make compresses from them. Properly selected herbs stop inflammatory process, eliminate discomfort and help speed up the healing of burst cones.

What to do, if hemorrhoids in a newborn baby? How to treat this disease in such young patients, the pediatrician knows. Therefore, if you suspect problems with hemorrhoids, you should show the child to the doctor.
