What nasty things a notorious man is capable of. Can an insecure, notorious guy turn into a charismatic and attractive man? Or does it all depend on genetics? male complexes and how a woman can deal with them

Ecology of life. People: Every woman should know this sign of a notorious man. Be careful! To check, you need the most ordinary aunt of indeterminate age, only she must have excess weight and look bad.

Every woman should know this sign of a notorious man. Be careful!

To check, you need the most ordinary aunt of indeterminate age, only she must be overweight and look bad. Rather, the aunt should be the scarier the better. The aunt's face must be swollen from alcohol. If you manage to find an aunt with completely missing teeth, this is generally ideal.

Having spotted your aunt, follow her. Find out her usual route. When she leaves the house, where she goes to work, when she returns from work. You need to know the time when the aunt looks especially tired. After that, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Most of the work has already been done by you.

Now the matter is small. Arrange a meeting with a man in such a way that the chosen aunt is sure to fall into his field of vision. For example, walking home from work with heavy bags, while a man gently hugs your waist.

As soon as your man's gaze falls on the unfortunate, sigh sadly. Say something like: Oh, what a pity. This is the former first beauty of our school. From the age of 15 she played with guys, often changed men, liked to drink, smoke, so she got worn out ahead of time.

She was looked after by one modest shy boy, but she refused, went to bed with the rich. Now what does it look like? She got old, what can you take from her. She is fat and has bad teeth. Half fell out. Nobody wants to marry her now. This is how you will have to live your life. With cats.

It would be ideal if your accomplice at this time will release several cats around the corner. To prevent cats from running out earlier, you can first hide them in a bag. The appearance of cats will give the scene a special tragedy and doom. In addition, there will be sound effects worthy of all this drama. If you do not have the opportunity to hire an assistant, just record the nasty meow on a tape recorder.

You will immediately see how a satisfied smile spreads across the face of a notorious man.

Jumping dragonfly ... - will stretch out satisfied notorious man by raising your index finger. - Summer sang red, so go and dance ...

Notorious men, unlike normal ones, love it very much when former beauties (and ex-wives too) are punished. This is a very resourceful state. A moment of justice. A notorious man will sparkle with his eyes as if Osama bin Laden had just been destroyed in his presence. He is happy. Now he has a story that can be passed from mouth to mouth.

He does not need to know anything about the fact that they are recovering not from men, but from rolls. And the condition of the teeth depends on genetics, acid-base balance, diet, in the end, but also not on men. And that a bad hairstyle is not cured by marriage, but by a good hairdresser. It doesn't matter that this lady has nothing to do with your class. That she has been married for a long time. And maybe she was never beautiful at all. Don't tell him this. Don't break the buzz. Leave him to revel in sweet revenge ...

You ask, why the hell do you need such a nasty, notorious man? This is what I'm thinking about...

Therefore, I always avoid men who rejoice in someone else's bad appearance or unsettled personal life. Especially ex-wife or classmates. This is a bad sign. Very bad.

Moreover, it is visible even if you don’t arrange clowning with cats and aunts, but just take a better look at the man. How does he talk about women? Does he rejoice in their failures?

Do you agree that such behavior is a marker showing complexes? published

Jealousy has directly opposite interpretations. Some consider it a manifestation of love, others - a painful pathology.. But nothing in life is easy. Love and hate, tenderness and rage are sometimes so closely intertwined that they cannot be separated from each other. Living with a person who suspects treason to every pillar is very difficult. How to behave with a man who is jealous with or without? It all depends on its type.


In the opinion of a male owner, or simply an egoist, a woman should belong to him undividedly. Because any encroachment on her is immediately regarded as an encroachment on his ego. Next to such a jealous person is usually a beautiful companion, because she emphasizes his high status. At her expense, he nourishes pride. And God forbid to change her - she will be humiliated, trampled, deprived of everything that he gave her. If you are “lucky” to live with such a person, be prepared to maintain his position, never flirt with others without giving the slightest reason, otherwise he will plague you with suspicions. Your main weapon is flattery, they are greedy for it, Like no other.


Probably all of the above. in this case, you can still add sadistic inclinations, pettiness, alienation and emotional coldness. Such a man will never consider a woman equal partner. For him, her opinions and desires do not exist. If one day he allows himself to be beaten, his wife's life will turn into a nightmare. The only advice to a woman is to run away from such a "master", wherever her eyes look, before he destroys her personality.

notorious man

If he does not feel worthy of his companion, he knows that there are many men in the world stronger, more successful, richer, more attractive than him, he will torment his beloved with his suspicions, in order to once again make sure that she does not slip away from him. He is anxious, depressed, touchy over trifles. But in those moments when he is confident in his woman, this is the most gallant gentleman, able to dedicate poetry to her and perform romantic deeds. Such men are in dire need of love and that they are more often stroked on their fur. It is a woman who is able to make a confident self-sufficient man out of him. Such relationships are the most promising.


Being unfaithful himself, such a person is able to turn the picture upside down, to avert suspicion. He believes that his jealousy shows a woman how much he loves her. You can fight this behavior by asking directly if he judges by himself, constantly suspecting him of infidelity.

Survivor of betrayal

Such a man has an unhealed wound in his heart, which he himself constantly pulls, remembering the betrayal. In this case, only time and the impeccable behavior of a woman who has committed a rash act will help.

Every woman should know this sign of a notorious man. Be careful!

To check, you need the most ordinary aunt of indeterminate age, only she must be overweight and look bad. Rather, the aunt should be the scarier the better. The aunt's face must be swollen from alcohol. If you manage to find an aunt with completely missing teeth, this is generally ideal.

Having spotted your aunt, follow her. Find out her usual route. When she leaves the house, where she goes to work, when she returns from work. You need to know the time when the aunt looks especially tired. After that, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Most of the work has already been done by you.

Now the matter is small. Arrange a meeting with a man in such a way that the chosen aunt is sure to fall into his field of vision. For example, walking home from work with heavy bags, while a man gently hugs your waist.


As soon as your man's gaze falls on the unfortunate, sigh sadly. Say something like: Oh, what a pity. This is the former first beauty of our school. From the age of 15 she played with guys, often changed men, liked to drink, smoke, so she got worn out ahead of time. She was looked after by one modest shy boy, but she refused, went to bed with the rich. Now what does it look like? She got old, what can you take from her. She is fat and has bad teeth. Half fell out. Nobody wants to marry her now. This is how you will have to live your life. With cats.

It would be ideal if your accomplice at this time will release several cats around the corner. To prevent cats from running out earlier, you can first hide them in a bag. The appearance of cats will give the scene a special tragedy and doom. In addition, there will be sound effects worthy of all this drama. If you do not have the opportunity to hire an assistant, just record the nasty meow on a tape recorder.

You will immediately see how a satisfied smile spreads across the face of a notorious man.

- A jumping dragonfly ... - a satisfied notorious man will stretch out, raising his index finger up. - Summer sang red, so go and dance ...

Notorious men, unlike normal ones, love it very much when former beauties (and ex-wives too) are punished. This is a very resourceful state. A moment of justice. A notorious man will sparkle with his eyes as if Osama bin Laden had just been destroyed in his presence. He is happy. Now he has a story that can be passed from mouth to mouth.


He does not need to know anything about the fact that they are recovering not from men, but from rolls. And the condition of the teeth depends on genetics, acid-base balance, diet, in the end, but also not on men. And that a bad hairstyle is not cured by marriage, but by a good hairdresser. It doesn't matter that this lady has nothing to do with your class. That she has been married for a long time. And maybe she was never beautiful at all. Don't tell him this. Don't break the buzz. Leave him to revel in sweet revenge ...

You ask, why the hell do you need such a nasty, notorious man? This is what I'm thinking about...

Therefore, I always avoid men who rejoice in someone else's bad appearance or unsettled personal life. Especially an ex-wife or classmate. This is a bad sign. Very bad.

Moreover, it is visible even if you don’t arrange clowning with cats and aunts, but just take a better look at the man. How does he talk about women? Does he rejoice in their failures?

Do you agree that such behavior is a marker showing complexes?

I don't think much depends on genetics. More from working on yourself.

As you know, masculine human qualities are best manifested in a purely masculine, artificially closed army-type team. I remember my army days in the orchestra of the Suvorov military school. There were few conscript soldiers, band members and a support platoon in one barracks. In the platoon, the most colorful figure was Sasha the artist. Short, thin, far from handsome, with a specialized education, no one in the army is interested. Intellectual. Never dated girls. Probably talented, but it was difficult to discern from the tasks that he performed in the little room at the club. Glasses with unfashionable frames, glasses with an incredible amount of minus diopters. And sad intelligent eyes, almost always screwed up. Once, in training, in a fight, his glasses were broken, no one at the school wanted to be puzzled by new ones, after lengthy requests, one of the warrant officers-drivers bought him in the city ready-made from the window, Optics ''. Over the counter. For Sasha, they were too weak, he constantly squinted and had a very unsightly appearance. Hunched, blind, like a mole. Not a soldier, but a misunderstanding.

And the worst thing was that, with the tacit consent of the majority, he was appointed to the role of a scarecrow in a platoon, and only the lazy did not poison or torment him.

Sasha, driven to complete despair, realized that something had to be done. Learn to stand up for yourself, pump up. And frequented the gym. Every evening, sometimes after lights out or even at night. Frightening the falling asleep orderlies with their ridiculous figure in underwear.

I did not have the opportunity to follow the progress of his studies, there were enough of my worries. But I felt the changed layout of relations in the platoon very quickly. Such things in the army are caught at a glance. And six months later, Sasha became a completely different person. He straightened up, unbent, resounded in his shoulders. Strong as a bull. I stopped being ashamed of my body and hiding my torso when washing. Although not tall, but with beautifully traced press cubes, well-developed muscles and with the figure of a swimmer or gymnast. Everything you need is present, everything is harmonious and without fat. Like a picture from an anatomy textbook.

But the most important thing that appeared was calm confidence. In yourself and your own strength. I started looking after myself more. No one else tried to humiliate, ridicule or make Sasha look stupid. He no longer thought what and where he had the right to say. He spoke and was listened to. Sasha didn't have to show someone's face. Everyone understood everything and so. Only the senior ensign K., a Tatar strongman, the commander of a support platoon, Sasha's chief, did not understand. From old memory, he said for no reason some kind of disgusting thing in Sasha's direction. Sasha answered calmly, intelligently and politely. And when he tried to poke him in the teeth, he grabbed the ensign's hands and held them with a smile and silence for a long, long time. It writhed like a snake, but could not escape. croaked:

  • Everything, I understand ... Let go ...

After this incident, spread throughout the school, Sasha's authority became simply unshakable. The same charisma and attractiveness, which is discussed in the question, appeared. Everyone tried to sign up with Sasha as a friend, his jokes began to seem funnier, and his thoughts smarter. He has not changed a bit, and has remained an intellectual artist. Smooth and friendly in dealing with everyone. Perception has changed his surrounding. Sasha turned out to be a damn smart guy! Officers-educators from the Suvorov companies, who have seen the world and are far from simpletons, began to look into his closet to chat.

And, as the pinnacle of public recognition ... Sasha was shown to an ophthalmologist in the hospital, who wrote out a prescription. The platoon raised money, and Sasha ordered normal glasses that fit him in a fashionable imported frame. He stopped squinting and ... turned out to be quite nice too!

I do not think that after the service he had any problems in communicating with the girls.

Since then, at the word charisma, I have a clear association-memory with Sasha, who managed to force himself to be respected by his work on himself. In the area that was the most convincing for the army environment. I think that after such a victory over his body, he will easily solve all the problems that he will have after serving in the army.

Every woman should know this sign of a notorious man. Be careful!

To check, you need the most ordinary aunt of indeterminate age, only she must be overweight and look bad. Rather, the aunt should be the scarier the better. The aunt's face must be swollen from alcohol. If you manage to find an aunt with completely missing teeth, this is generally ideal.

Having spotted your aunt, follow her. Find out her usual route. When she leaves the house, where she goes to work, when she returns from work. You need to know the time when the aunt looks especially tired. After that, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Most of the work has already been done by you.

Now the matter is small. Arrange a meeting with a man in such a way that the chosen aunt is sure to fall into his field of vision. For example, walking home from work with heavy bags, while a man gently hugs your waist.

As soon as your man's gaze falls on the unfortunate, sigh sadly. Say something like: Oh, what a pity. This is the former first beauty of our school. From the age of 15 she played with guys, often changed men, liked to drink, smoke, so she got worn out ahead of time. She was looked after by one modest shy boy, but she refused, went to bed with the rich. Now what does it look like? She got old, what can you take from her. She is fat and has bad teeth. Half fell out. Nobody wants to marry her now. This is how you will have to live your life. With cats.

It would be ideal if your accomplice at this time will release several cats around the corner. To prevent cats from running out earlier, you can first hide them in a bag. The appearance of cats will give the scene a special tragedy and doom. In addition, there will be sound effects worthy of all this drama. If you do not have the opportunity to hire an assistant, just record the nasty meow on a tape recorder.

You will immediately see how a satisfied smile spreads across the face of a notorious man.

A jumping dragonfly ... - a satisfied notorious man will stretch out, raising his index finger up. - Summer sang red, so go and dance ...

Notorious men, unlike normal ones, love it very much when former beauties (and ex-wives too) are punished. This is a very resourceful state. A moment of justice. A notorious man will sparkle with his eyes as if Osama bin Laden had just been destroyed in his presence. He is happy. Now he has a story that can be passed from mouth to mouth.

He does not need to know anything about the fact that they are recovering not from men, but from rolls. And the condition of the teeth depends on genetics, acid-base balance, diet, in the end, but also not on men. And that a bad hairstyle is not cured by marriage, but by a good hairdresser. It doesn't matter that this lady has nothing to do with your class. That she has been married for a long time. And maybe she was never beautiful at all. Don't tell him this. Don't break the buzz. Leave him to revel in sweet revenge ...

You ask, why the hell do you need such a nasty, notorious man? This is what I'm thinking about...

Therefore, I always avoid men who rejoice in someone else's bad appearance or unsettled personal life. Especially an ex-wife or classmate. This is a bad sign. Very bad.

Moreover, it is visible even if you don’t arrange clowning with cats and aunts, but just take a better look at the man. How does he talk about women? Does he rejoice in their failures?

Agree, what kind of behavior is a marker showing complexes?
