Notorious man signs. How does a complex man manifest himself?


How to find out? All evening, without hiding his admiration, he looks at you, but is afraid to take the first step. And no matter how breathtaking you look, it’s easier for him to get acquainted not with you, but with the one to whom the expression “gray mouse” usually fits.

What do we have to do? Psychologists explain that as soon as a man sees a beautiful woman in front of him, the thought immediately comes to his mind: "Such a beauty cannot be lonely." By cultivating it in himself, he convinces himself that this woman already certainly has a companion. And even if he manages to get to know her and start some kind of relationship, then later on he will constantly have to fight for her attention, because men will “crowd” around her in crowds ... Do not let his fantasies go too far, take the initiative yourself. “He will definitely appreciate your interest in himself and will be able to understand that you are the person with whom you can communicate so easily,” psychologists say.


How to find out? As soon as in bed, he begins to vehemently ask for forgiveness for what he has not done yet, and every 30 seconds ask if he is doing everything right - he either shows excessive concern for you, or suffers from a bad lover complex. His desire to compete with someone all the time can also indicate problems in terms of self-esteem. Does your companion expect comparisons from you? He wants to know how many lovers you had before him, which of them managed to be the best and why? “Do not be surprised if, after your frank story, he declares that many of your lovers (even if you mentioned only two) have corrupted you too much. That now he cannot fully trust you, and therefore, be completely relaxed in your company, ”sexologists warn.

What do we have to do? All you need is to find the right words. Try to tell him that he is the one and only, that you left your previous ones because they didn’t even stand next to him. Try to help him loosen up, but don't get too carried away. After all, to say that everything was wonderful and to lie are not at all the same thing.


How to find out? You spend a lot of time together, and he never even hugged you? Would you like to just walk with him until the morning, holding hands, but he does not show any initiative? Do you want to cling to his shoulder, but he immediately pulls away? Of course, one could admit some doubt about his sexual orientation if he did not constantly repeat about his former girlfriends. Or, more accurately, about how they all abandoned him mercilessly. He tries to build a cynic out of himself, wiser by experience, he is ready to rant for hours about the doom of all kinds of relationships.

What do we have to do? First, it should be noted that this kind of men are rare, because most of them are hunters by nature. They do everything possible so that the complex “in the life of the deceived” appears as often as possible in women. Secondly, with intimophobia - this is the name of this complex - it is possible and necessary to fight. This is where a waiting tactic is needed. You should not rush to build relationships, because he is seriously afraid that as soon as he trusts, you will immediately take advantage of this for personal gain. If you take the initiative in your own hands, wanting to start a relationship, then later breaking them off, that is, quitting it, will not be difficult for you. Let him understand that you are waiting for the first step from him. Be as spontaneous and sincere as possible. This is exactly what he does not expect from you. All his habitual schemes will collapse - and he himself will change for the better.


How to find out? He always comes home tired, even if he spent the whole day in the office shifting folders with documents from place to place. Or he is ready for the hundredth time to listen to your story about the shoes that you tried on in the store opposite, but he will never utter a word about his personal problems.

What do we have to do? For a man, it is extremely important to realize himself at work. But even if he made a mistake in choosing a profession, this does not mean that he is destined to suffer from this complex for the rest of his life. Try to start a conversation about what he liked as a child. After all, children usually like what they do best. If he liked to make planes, tell him casually about the regional club of aircraft modellers. He went everywhere with an old "Zenith" and filmed everything? Then you should invite him to a photo exhibition and give him a gift - a new camera. And when, finally, he has at least one hobby, even if it is in no way related to work, but which will bring him joy, his affairs in the office will certainly go smoothly.


How to find out? Usually a man is either sincerely proud that he has a young lover in his “arsenal”, or is afraid that his beauty will soon find a younger lover. In the second option, he wishes that as few people as possible be devoted to your relationship. Especially if we are talking about a joint publication with you - what if everyone thinks that you are his granddaughter?

What do we have to do? There is no need to drag him by force to where there is a chance of exposing him as a grandfather. Try to remind him more often that none of your peers can give you what he gives. After all, you really are much more interesting with him? This is where the emphasis should be.


How to find out? You don’t have to figure out if he really has this complex - absolutely everyone has it, including you. You just need to decide how much your partner is notorious and what exactly does not allow him to live in peace. The only thing that is one hundred percent sign of an inferiority complex is jealousy.

What do we have to do? If his case is not yet chronic, then the most important thing is not to focus on what caused his self-doubt. For example, it can be a small stature, a beer belly, a bald head, etc. Talk more about his merits. After all, if you have a complex about the harmony of your legs, then no matter how much they tell you that they are beautiful, they will not become slimmer for you. Therefore, if he is short, praise his intelligence and sense of humor; if he is bald - the ability to play chess perfectly, etc. In especially advanced cases, a notorious man tries to compensate for his shortcomings by humiliating those who are close to him. If suddenly you began to feel that he is trying to recoup you, then you should think about whether the relationship with him is worth the effort you spent. If yes, then for help in solving this problem, you should seek the help of professionals.

COMPLEX 7. I'm an excellent student.

How to find out? It would seem that if he wants to be the best in everything and always, is that bad? Of course, this is good, but you need to know the measure in everything. Attention should be paid to the price at which permanent permanent leadership is given to him. If, for example, he promised to do something to you, but for various reasons he failed, then this will literally eat him up from the inside until he is finally able to fulfill the promise. Even if you know well that you could easily do without it.

What do we have to do? It is very important to let a man know that you love him. Love the way he is. And that one small star from the sky will be enough for you. So if, for example, this summer he just can’t go on vacation with you to the Hawaiian Islands, try offering: “Darling, what if we spend this vacation at your dacha?” He, of course, will be surprised, but mentally he will say “thank you” to you. And all his further actions will be dictated only by a feeling of gratitude for the fact that you love him. Love not only and not so much for permanent expensive gifts.


How to find out? With his head down, he walks past expensive restaurants, avoids talking about money, calls all more or less wealthy people bandits and says that only a crazy person will buy a suit for a thousand dollars. Another option is also possible - the opposite: with him, a man only does what he says about how wonderful it would be to live on Rublyovka, ride a limousine, and wear clothes at least from Ralph Lauren.

What do we have to do? In both of these cases, your man has a problem setting priorities. Your main task is to tell him as much as possible about the benefits, not material, but spiritual. You will most likely have to give more than one or two examples to try to get him to reassess his values. Try to go with him to a simple cafe, where it is quiet and cozy and you can calmly talk heart to heart. You can go to an exhibition where some fashionable artist is represented, who does not charge an entrance fee. Or to a concert of an interesting, but not yet very popular band that performs in clubs for free. You will see, he will stop stressing about money as soon as he realizes that everything is expensive - not necessarily good. That you love him, and your love does not depend on the amount of money or gifts he earns. And that his attention is really much more important to you.


How to find out? Such an example: you are from Moscow - he is a provincial, you make excellent money - he saves every penny, you graduated from Moscow State University with a red diploma - he was kicked out of engineering in his first year. It is possible that your man has quite normal self-esteem. Yes, yes, and all its obvious shortcomings at the same time are nothing compared to the merits. Everything in the world strives for balance. And when you have enough of what he lacks, you have something to teach each other in order to enjoy the balance in the relationship. And the fact that you are from different "sandboxes" does not matter in the slightest. Things are more complicated if your man tirelessly, foaming at the mouth, proves that it’s easy for native Muscovites to live, that everything is easy for dad’s sons, that you can buy a diploma from any university, but you won’t earn big money in honest ways. But even this can be dealt with.

What do we have to do? It is a mistake to tell him directly that his mood and behavior betrays his internal problems, even when this is the case. If you belong to different strata of society - just try not to pay attention to the little things that separate you. you need to find common interests, get carried away with one thing, say “we” more often. And then the two of you will form a single whole. And he will finally stop thinking that you are not a couple for each other.


How to find out? In life, absolutely every man goes through two age-related crises: the first - at the age of thirty, the second - when he is about forty - forty-five. The first is the time of the initial debriefing, when the man evaluates what he has been able to achieve and what remains to be done. The second is caused by the desire to work on past mistakes: to change jobs, and often the people around him.

What do we have to do? With the first option, either a break in all sorts of relationships or an offer to get married looms on your horizon. Thirst for the second - try to draw rainbow pictures of your family life in his imagination. It is more difficult for a man to survive the crisis of forty years. Here it would be wiser to be patient and try to be a good friend to him first of all.

final diagnosis.

  • 75% of girls suffer from the complexes of their men.
  • 50% are trying to deal with male complexes.
  • 13% believe that their young people have a bad lover complex.
  • 28% believe that a man is worried, believing that he is not suitable for her.
  • 50% are sure that there are no men without complexes and, in principle, cannot be. And going against male nature is a waste of time and effort.
  • 27% tried to deal with the complexes of men, but, unfortunately, they did not achieve the result.
  • 23% of girls say that they still managed to convince their men that their complexes are unfounded.

Do you want to catch a notorious man red-handed in his complexes? Then you need an aunt!

Do not be surprised. We need the most ordinary aunt of indeterminate age, but only she must have excess weight and look bad. Rather, the aunt should be the scarier the better. The aunt's face must be swollen from alcohol. If you manage to find an aunt with completely missing teeth, this is generally ideal.

Having spotted your aunt, follow her. Find out her usual route. When she leaves the house, where she goes to work, when she returns from work. You need to know the time when the aunt looks especially tired. After that, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Most of the work has already been done by you.

Now the matter is small. Arrange a meeting with a man in such a way that the chosen aunt is sure to fall into his field of vision. For example, walking home from work with heavy bags, while a man gently hugs your waist.

As soon as your man's gaze falls on the unfortunate, sigh sadly. Say something like: Oh, what a pity. This is the former first beauty of our school. From the age of 15 she played with guys, often changed men, liked to drink, smoke, so she got worn out ahead of time. She was looked after by one modest shy boy, but she refused, went to bed with the rich. Now what does it look like? She got old, what can you take from her. She is fat and has bad teeth. Half fell out. Nobody wants to marry her now. This is how you will have to live your life. With cats.

It would be ideal if your accomplice at this time will release several cats around the corner. To prevent cats from running out earlier, you can first hide them in a bag. The appearance of cats will give the scene a special tragedy and doom. In addition, there will be sound effects worthy of all this drama. If you do not have the opportunity to hire an assistant, just record the nasty meow on a tape recorder.

You will immediately see how a satisfied smile spreads across the face of a notorious man.

A jumping dragonfly ... - a satisfied notorious man will stretch out, raising his index finger up. - Summer sang red, so go and dance ...

Notorious men, unlike normal ones, love it very much when former beauties (and ex-wives too) are punished. This is a very resourceful state. A moment of justice. A notorious man will sparkle with his eyes as if Osama bin Laden had just been destroyed in his presence. He is happy. Now he has a story that can be passed from mouth to mouth.

He does not need to know anything about the fact that they are recovering not from men, but from rolls. And the condition of the teeth depends on genetics, acid-base balance, diet, in the end, but also not on men. And that a bad hairstyle is not cured by marriage, but by a good hairdresser. It doesn't matter that this lady has nothing to do with your class. That she has been married for a long time. And maybe she was never beautiful at all. Don't tell him this. Don't break the buzz. Leave him to revel in sweet revenge ...

You ask, why the hell do you need such a nasty, notorious man? So I think about it ...

Therefore, I always avoid men who rejoice in someone else's bad appearance or unsettled personal life. Especially ex-wife or classmates. This is a bad sign. Very bad.

Men are officially recognized as the strong half of humanity, they are big, powerful and fearless, they protect us, care for and protect. They are not like us, and that is why we love them. The most difficult and dangerous professions go to men. They are rescuers, and firefighters, and policemen, and bodyguards, and miners, and pilots of aircraft, and even astronauts. Men constantly put their lives in danger by doing things like extreme sports: parkour, diving, sky surfing, skydiving, mountain climbing, and that's just the beginning.

But here's the paradox, behind all this strength and big muscles lies a vulnerable and very impressionable nature. According to psychologists, it is more difficult for men to adapt in society, they do not adapt well to the environment, they think too much about the opinions of others and are practically incapable of adequate perception even of themselves. "How so?" - you ask, - "Isn't it the female soul that is in constant turmoil?". No, I will answer you, and psychologists will confirm. Men are most susceptible to influence from the outside, they are very susceptible and suspicious. Believe me, even the most stern and domineering man hides a subtle and vulnerable soul, most likely endowed with a lot of complexes.

Probably, their brain is arranged in such a way that it somehow painfully energetically perceives the information received, which falls like a burden in the subconscious, where it then turns into complexes, which become the driving force pushing men to all kinds of accomplishments. Men who constantly balance on the edge are by nature doomed to extremes, among them there are a lot of scientists, famous politicians and successful businessmen. But there is another side. More than 70% of patients in mental hospitals are also men. So, in contrast to Einstein, Michelangelo and Freud, one can always name Pablo Escobar, Chikatilo and Albert Fish.

Men are very insecure, but just try to tell them about it, most likely they will give you a blank look or, even worse, they will take you for a madwoman. Few people are able to face their fears sensibly and honestly, but from this they will not go anywhere. Complexes can be conditionally divided into congenital and acquired. The first comes from childhood. Not in the sense that, when born, the boy is rewarded with a number of psychological problems, No. It's just that in the process of growing up, they, one way or another, appear, being born in various situations, they grow and develop, resulting in terrible problems, which, at times, can be very difficult to deal with. Exterminated at school for academic performance, short stature or sports failures, here are the first prerequisites for the development of a number of psychological problems. Here, parents should be on the alert, who need to explain to the child that high marks are not bad at all, growth is not the most important thing, and success in sports is yet to follow. And then, perhaps, these seemingly small failures will never develop into terrible problems later. And the acquired ones are the complexes that appeared in the process of formation. ex girlfriend constantly reproached for insolvency, compared with other men, never supported or was completely convicted of treason, hence the complexes that, due to great injustice, you will have to fight. But we can fix it. Always support your man, listen and try to understand, do not point out failures and, worst of all, do not compare him with others. In your eyes, he should be the best, strongest, smartest, kindest, most generous, successful and sexy. And even if something from this list is far from the truth, it's not scary. Builds you to believe, as a man will begin to change.

You need to know each problem in person, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main male complexes and the rules for dealing with them:

Inferiority complex

The main and most beloved of all. Most of the male population suffers from it to one degree or another. The inferiority complex is expressed in the fear of looking stupid or being different from others, less successful, not so smart or wealthy. It seems to a man that he is far from perfect, many things do not suit him, but he carefully hides this. Men with an inferiority complex are all around me. Take a closer look, aggression, denial of goodness and justice and ignorance of the measure, these are the main signs of a man with such a complex. To hide their inferiority, they spend a lot of money on luxury cars, expensive clothes and other attributes of a "successful" person. If you want to eradicate this complex, explain to your young man that he is better than others. He will pretend that he did not agree, but on the subconscious all the information received will be postponed, gradually doing his job.

Complex "macho"

Complex macho, womanizer or don Juan, whatever you call it, but the meaning does not change. At first glance, he is handsome, smart and charismatic. But he loves girls too much. Here he has a girlfriend, here is a former lover and here are a couple of acquaintances. You are already tired of asking who is calling and why colleague Masha so needs to meet on Saturday at nine in the evening. Familiar? One woman is enough for a normal man, he does not need constant confirmation of his own viability. The reason most often comes from childhood. Perhaps they didn’t like him, the girls paid more attention to other guys, so the complex was born. And now you need to get what you didn’t get before, without missing a single skirt. Fighting "macho" is difficult, but possible. Try to explain that having a huge number of women nearby is not at all a sign of a successful man, it is much better to be proud of a full-fledged family and the only one that will always be there.

Complex of "free artist"

It is also called an insolvency complex. When a man could not realize himself in life, neither professionally, nor creatively, nor in family terms, he immediately becomes a rare nihilist, denying everything and everything. Work is for fools, the institution of the family has long outlived itself, and everything around is a gray mass, unable to perceive reality sensibly. This is a severe case, most often it is very difficult to “cure” it. Therefore, before proceeding, think carefully about whether the game is worth the candle.

Padding around the form

It would be a mistake to think that suffering from various ridiculous and absurd complexes is characteristic of an exceptionally weaker sex. Men have no less complexes than women, they just don’t like to admit they have them. Almost everyone, even a guy who is very self-confident at first glance, with close communication, as a rule, has at least one complex, or even several at once.

On the one hand, it seems that there is nothing terrible in the presence of complexes - we are all living people, with our own psychological characteristics and imperfections. But on the other hand, the complexes tend to greatly poison the life of not only their "happy" owner, but also his close people, in particular, the woman he loves. Many and many women, feeling sincere affection for their men, try to put up with their complexes as much as possible and adapt to them, even to the detriment of their own psychological comfort and peace of mind.

And although each person, living side by side with another person, should be able to adapt to him to some extent, a woman’s attempt to adapt to her man’s complexes can take a lot of nerves and strength from her, without leading to the desired harmony in relationships. So, you don’t need to adapt, but help your beloved man get rid of this serious problem, thus making life easier for him and for himself.

But before doing something, it is advisable to get to know the problem a little closer, in order to at least learn to distinguish complexes from ordinary ones. psychological features, which almost any person has, and an attempt to deal with which means a refusal to accept a loved one as he is. Whereas complexes are not an integral part of a person's personality.

There are complexes that are found exclusively in men. The destructive effect of the complexes is so great that even the most sensible and strong-willed man under their influence can lose the ability to adequately perceive reality and begin to seriously worry about the most nonsense, from the point of view of most women, things.

In order to know what to start from, helping a beloved man get rid of complexes, you need to have at least some idea about them. Let's look at the most common male complexes.

Fear of beautiful women.

Many women will be sincerely surprised to learn that most men, at the sight of a very beautiful woman, not only will not attempt to make her their lawful wife as soon as possible, but on the contrary, they will be afraid to even approach her, confidently believing that such a beauty is certainly not for them. And those men who did find themselves in the role of the husband of a written beauty rarely feel calm and happy, since at every step they see successful rivals.

The widespread opinion is that there is nothing easier for a written beauty than to marry a handsome, rich and successful man, is highly erroneous. In fact, the more beautiful a woman is, the more difficult it is for her to arrange her personal life. It is often possible to observe when an outwardly attractive and in all respects accomplished man marries a woman with very, very average external data. And this paradox is explained by the fact that it seems to most men that a beautiful wife almost immediately after the wedding will begin to cheat right and left, changing lovers like gloves, and then completely quit, finding someone better for herself.

Many men are sure that by taking a not very beautiful woman as their wife, they will thereby protect themselves from betrayal. To think so is at least naive. Beautiful women usually value themselves highly, are accustomed to male attention and are in no hurry to reciprocate with everyone they like, especially if the relationship with their spouse suits them perfectly. Whereas an ugly woman, with low self-esteem and a lack of a large number fans, if desired, it is much easier to seduce. The not very good fame of beauties is also explained by the fact that men usually very willingly show off their victory over a beautiful woman to their friends, but about victories over ugly women prefer to remain silent.

Dissuade a man who is sure that beautiful woman Surely sooner or later he will change, quite difficult. And how then to be a beauty in love with a man who has such a complex? After all, it’s not so easy to give up your love, without a fight! There is a way out: firstly, a woman should emphasize the dignity of a man as often as possible so that he feels worthy of her, and secondly, she should often tell him about her love until his fear disappears completely, giving way to trust and love.

Fear of becoming henpecked.

This is a very common male complex, which originates in the early childhood of a man, in the features of his upbringing and in the example he observes. life together his parents.
This complex can also be fueled by peers who make fun of boys who try to please girls instead of teasing them and pulling their braids. But this influence is not so deep and most often disappears as a man grows up.

The fear of becoming henpecked in most cases is formed in men who, in childhood and adolescence, constantly had to resist the desire of their own mother to subjugate their will and control their behavior at their own discretion. Having become accustomed to resist maternal influence, a man automatically transfers such behavior to his beloved woman.

The range of manifestation of this complex can be very wide, depends on the cultural level of the man and varies from polite, but firm insistence on being right, to rude and offensive insults against a woman who dared to even slightly encroach on the independence of her man.

What can a woman do loving man with a similar set? First, you need to really try to control it less. After all, many men who desperately resist the total control of their wives can be understood and even sympathized with the poor fellows. Secondly, a woman should learn to express her opinion not in a peremptory form, but gently, without humiliating the dignity of her beloved.

Fear of failure in life.

This complex is very typical for many modern men who have not been able to achieve in life the degree of success they aspired to. Looking at their rich and professionally accomplished peers, even very young men begin to acutely feel their inadequacy and become very complex, what can we say about men who have almost half their lives behind them. For stronger natures, such a complex often becomes a good incentive for great life achievements, while more weak man may, without a struggle, admit that he is a complete loser and break down psychologically, finding dubious solace in alcoholic beverages or drugs.

You can help such a man if you clearly explain that it is never too late to achieve success in life. A person's life cannot consist only of successes or only of failures. Many rich and successful people lost everything, but did not give up, struggled with circumstances, and again reached their former heights only thanks to the strength of their spirit and unbending will.

This is a really complex and difficult complex. When a man suffers from pride, simple logical reasoning does not always help here. Best Help in this case, the devoted and unselfish love of a woman for such a man. If a man sees that he is loved for who he is, without demanding to get a star from the sky, he may stop feeling his failures so acutely. In addition, feeling love and support from his woman, it will be easier for him to achieve success in life. A woman should also often draw the attention of a man to the fact that the rich and successful are a minority, and in the bulk people live more or less modestly, without feeling unhappy. In addition, success and wealth are not a guarantee of happiness!

Fear of being a bad lover.

This is the most common complex, more or less inherent in the vast majority of men. Moreover, sexual fears can be very diverse: someone is embarrassed to seem like an inexperienced and inept lover, someone is afraid of impotence like fire, and someone does not think his manhood is big enough, etc.

The importance of sex in the lives of men can hardly be overestimated, and, of course, they all dream of being good lovers. Now, when watching porn films has become available to everyone, rich soil has appeared for such complexes. Comparing themselves to porn stars, many men fall into despair, not realizing that in real life few people manage to have sex for two hours without a break, and the size of manhood is not of fundamental importance for most women.
Although it is rather difficult to explain to a man who has a sexual complex that he is a quite good lover, it is still possible. To do this, during sex with him, do not forget to portray ecstasy, constantly praise his ability to deliver an unforgettable, magical pleasure to a woman and in no case criticize him for sexual failures. Padding around the form

Ecology of life. People: To check, you need the most ordinary aunt of indeterminate age, only she must be overweight and look bad.

Every woman should know this sign of a notorious man. Be careful!

Now the matter is small. Arrange a meeting with a man in such a way that the chosen aunt is sure to fall into his field of vision. For example, walking home from work with heavy bags, while a man gently hugs your waist.

As soon as your man's gaze falls on the unfortunate, sigh sadly. Say something like: Oh, what a pity. This is the former first beauty of our school. From the age of 15 she played with guys, often changed men, liked to drink, smoke, so she got worn out ahead of time.

She was looked after by one modest shy boy, but she refused, went to bed with the rich. Now what does it look like? She got old, what can you take from her. She is fat and has bad teeth. Half fell out. Nobody wants to marry her now. This is how you will have to live your life. With cats.

You will immediately see how a satisfied smile spreads across the face of a notorious man.

A jumping dragonfly ... - a satisfied notorious man will stretch out, raising his index finger up. - Summer sang red, so go and dance ...

Notorious men, unlike normal ones, love it very much when former beauties (and ex-wives too) are punished. This is a very resourceful state. A moment of justice. A notorious man will sparkle with his eyes as if Osama bin Laden had just been destroyed in his presence. He is happy. Now he has a story that can be passed from mouth to mouth.

You ask, why the hell do you need such a nasty, notorious man? This is what I'm thinking about...

Do you agree that such behavior is a marker showing complexes? published

Why do some women get acquainted and marry one person, and in the end find themselves face to face with a completely new, hitherto unknown personality, and, seemingly funny and original in the past, the actions of a loved one turn into a real nightmare? ..
Intrapersonal qualities are very important for family life, but, as a rule, choosing a groom for herself, and then a husband, a woman does not pay attention to some oddities of her chosen one ...

It is easier for relatives to hide the peculiarities of the psyche of their loved ones than to spoil the romantic relationship of two lovers by talking about shortcomings, which, at times, are not at all noticeable to others.

The interaction of a man and a woman involves not only sexual intimacy, but also relationships in everyday life. Therefore, it is useful to take a closer look at the behavior of a man in everyday life, no matter how sweet and mysterious it is. To do this, you can classify the totality of signs of some mental disorders, which, in the future, may progress and overshadow family happiness.

Rejecting all conventions, we can distinguish several psychological types of men, and despite the share of irony, it is safe to use this information when choosing a life partner or even at the most random.


The term "schizoid" should not be taken extremely negatively, since any personality contains certain features of the schizoid personality type. The schizoid often sticks out his lips when he is dissatisfied with something. He slouches, adjusting his glasses with a poke on the bridge of his nose. He often drops things, and sitting at the table, unsuccessfully tries to reach objects, not calculating the distance. He burns himself, smoking his cigarette to the ground. He does not differ in accuracy, does not follow nails, clothes and hair. Sometimes his gaze frankly wanders or is directed frowningly, his speech is inconsistent, the tongue twister is replaced by long pauses. He likes to emphasize accents, rhyme words, facial expressions and gestures do not correspond to the content.

Dangling buttons on a shirt and threads on a jacket are not yet a symbol of the “ownerless bachelor”, and if he still doesn’t clean his shoes and forgets to fasten his fly, then this is not at all a sign of depression and multiple sclerosis. By the way, schizoids with mild features can seem very pretty. The definition of such a person is difficult due to the charm that the schizoid often produces on others. The stumbling block is that a man in love capable of unusual things, and so many women like it. An eccentric man seems more striking and original than a cold and pragmatic beech, and funny incidents on a love date are attributed to excitement and shyness.

The “lair” of the schizoid is an untidy room in which complete chaos reigns: from the desk to the sleeping bed. A lot of books. Some have bookmarks, marginal notes, and torn pages. Some things can be found in the most unsuitable places for them. For example, cigarettes in the refrigerator or socks in the bottom drawer of the kitchen table are a reason for sadness rather than smiles ... Cleaning up, rearranging and sorting out his things is a reason to run into a conflict or cause a sudden outburst of anger and irritation.

The schizoid is indifferent fashion trends clothes, novelties of modern technology, he is not interested in a career, but he likes classical music, retro style, surreal paintings, psychological literature and topics far from everyday problems. Over time, one can discover some passion of the schizoid for things that are rarely used or have no practical value at all. This is collecting and clothing fetishism, for example - stationery. No one should ever touch an ink pen and a beautiful notebook of a schizoid, drink from his favorite mug, use his decorative knife or lighter for its intended purpose.

Among the schizoids there are real thinkers for whom consciousness is much more important than being itself. A talented schizoid can become a profitable groom and husband, but he must be directed because of his impracticality, which, for example, is typical for a creative person if all ideas “go to the table” and therefore remain unclaimed. A talented schizoid needs a skilled “conductor”, and not an eternally dissatisfied partner who is used to sorting things out with the help of screams and tears. The hysteroid type woman is especially not suitable for the schizoid type. She can easily provoke a deep depression and turn the schizoid temperament of her man into a disease - schizophrenia.


The portrait of an epileptoid is domineering authoritarian personality who gets irritated all the time over trifles. The hair of the epileptoid is carefully styled and does not fall over the eyes. He never parted with a comb, neat in clothes, gives banal gifts, loves traditions, is punctual and stingy with compliments. The epileptoid is categorical in his judgments, loves order and consistency in everything. He is interested in politics, social problems of society, the achievements of science and technology. Superstition and mysticism are alien to him, he does not believe in predictions and other nonsense. Women's love to fortune-telling is capable of infuriating the most psychologically stable epileptoid. Emotionality and impressionability annoy him, up to accusations of unforgivable stupidity. Random offensive remarks about a partner can eventually turn into constant nit-picking and even threats.

Some women may be struck by the insensitivity of the epileptoid to someone else's grief, while at first the callousness of character is not noticeable under the romantic veil of outward sympathy. The epileptoid has one or more phobias. He is squeamish, cannot stand dirt, dampness and cold, loves comfort and well-cooked meals. The cookbook in the most visible place in the kitchen and the perfect order in the apartment are the most important criterion, by which he evaluates his future chosen one. However, in the opinion of a typical family epileptoid, his wife does not know how to cook, she is slovenly and dirty, and the children are naughty and importunate.

Epileptoids are compatible with women of the same type, or with those who do not like to take the initiative and find parental teachings of their husband acceptable. An epileptoid, as a rule, is the first to break off relations with a hysterical woman, although she is hard pressed by failures in her personal life. He is vengeful and vindictive. A demanding epileptoid is able to get along with a woman of an hysteroid type, provided that she has a higher intellect and a certain position in society, achieves success in work and is respected by others.

The epileptoid is quite suitable for family life, he not only always tries to improve his financial situation, loves to save money, but also willingly spends his savings on vacation. But the upbringing of children will be in full severity, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity, which will negatively affect the child's psyche and is fraught with various conflicts, especially in adolescence. The older the epileptoid becomes, the more grouchy and greedy he is, he likes to make "stash" and count the money spent by his wife. A woman who loves to spend money on new outfits, for whom the words “economy” and “economy” are in no way interconnected in meaning and are mysterious complex terms from textbooks, it is better to refrain from intimate relationships with an epileptoid. In addition, the epileptoid never admits his mistakes and is always sure that he is right, even if he has a collar in someone else's lipstick or he spent the night in a sobering-up station. woman, not thinking sex without diversity, and relationships - without heartfelt confidential conversations, the epileptoid is useful only in the household: for example, to hammer a nail.

Tyrant (paranoid)

Unfortunately, not every woman is able to recognize a tyrant and despot in her lover, as he carefully disguises his shortcomings and weaknesses. The appearance of the tyrant is of no importance; a brutal macho and an inconspicuous, quiet bespectacled man can turn out to be a domestic tyrant. Often, signs of tyranny can appear only after one or two years of marriage. If a woman complains that her husband “seems to have been changed”, then it is possible that this man is a tyrant ...

The tendency to alcoholism and betrayal is much easier to identify than the darkest nooks and crannies of the soul of a potential sadist. Rudeness and cruelty has the most diverse grounds, from the internal structure of the family in which the man grew up, psychological trauma, humiliation and many other reasons. Family life turns into hell, scandals and reproaches become commonplace. Handshaking is out of the question.

Any tyrant is able to charm a woman with his cheerful character, win over with the nobility of deeds and skillful courtship. The intimate side of the relationship is also important, because the tyrant is an ardent and passionate lover; everything he does - he does it with pleasure, prefers to give a woman sexual pleasure, admire her, fulfill any of her whims. The only alarming thing is that the hidden tyrant periodically finds himself in such situations and commits such acts, for which he then endlessly apologizes, as if it gives him pleasure.

Quarrels and reconciliations excite him, and the refusal of his beloved from intimate contacts as a punishment for "indecent behavior" only inflames the tyrant. As soon as access to the body is gained, he becomes angry and irritable again, then history repeats itself. The tyrant takes the initiative of reconciliation, but without discussing the causes and essence of the conflict. If this is not possible, then he goes to some kind of trick, for example, gives expensive gifts or arranges a romantic evening.

Excessive suspicion, megalomania, persecution and other signs of paranoia are varieties of psychosis that even the most experienced woman in relationships will not help get rid of.

In modern society, when the traditions of house-building and the patriarchal way of the family are slowly but surely becoming a thing of the past, a woman should be more attentive to the opinion young man about the distribution family rights and responsibilities, even if it is a joke. The fantasies of a tyrant are simple and uncomplicated: the wife has direct duties, and the husband has rights, a woman can count on love flirting and understanding only before marriage, and after that she must focus on housekeeping and raising children.

Outbursts of jealousy accompanied by rage and uncontrolled aggression are a typical sign of a notorious tyrant. A man who spreads his arms will never stop, unless he is broken by rheumatism or complete paralysis of the limbs. A woman, a victim of such terror, can stock up on a combat suit if she does not want to spend the rest of her life in bruises. If the dubious, in terms of happy family prospects, union is not broken in time, then this can become a habit. Often, the infliction of pain contributes to the sexual satisfaction of the tyrant, but there are exceptions when such a sadomasochistic relationship suits both partners.

Every woman should know this sign of a notorious man. Be careful!

To check, you need the most ordinary aunt of indeterminate age, only she must be overweight and look bad. Rather, the aunt should be the scarier the better. The aunt's face must be swollen from alcohol. If you manage to find an aunt with completely missing teeth, this is generally ideal.

Having spotted your aunt, follow her. Find out her usual route. When she leaves the house, where she goes to work, when she returns from work. You need to know the time when the aunt looks especially tired. After that, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Most of the work has already been done by you.

Now the matter is small. Arrange a meeting with a man in such a way that the chosen aunt is sure to fall into his field of vision. For example, walking home from work with heavy bags, while a man gently hugs your waist.

As soon as your man's gaze falls on the unfortunate, sigh sadly. Say something like: Oh, what a pity. This is the former first beauty of our school. From the age of 15 she played with guys, often changed men, liked to drink, smoke, so she got worn out ahead of time. She was looked after by one modest shy boy, but she refused, went to bed with the rich. Now what does it look like? She got old, what can you take from her. She is fat and has bad teeth. Half fell out. Nobody wants to marry her now. This is how you will have to live your life. With cats.

It would be ideal if your accomplice at this time will release several cats around the corner. To prevent cats from running out earlier, you can first hide them in a bag. The appearance of cats will give the scene a special tragedy and doom. In addition, there will be sound effects worthy of all this drama. If you do not have the opportunity to hire an assistant, just record the nasty meow on a tape recorder.

You will immediately see how a satisfied smile spreads across the face of a notorious man.

A jumping dragonfly ... - a satisfied notorious man will stretch out, raising his index finger up. - Summer sang red, so go and dance ...

Notorious men, unlike normal ones, love it very much when former beauties (and ex-wives too) are punished. This is a very resourceful state. A moment of justice. A notorious man will sparkle with his eyes as if Osama bin Laden had just been destroyed in his presence. He is happy. Now he has a story that can be passed from mouth to mouth.

He does not need to know anything about the fact that they are recovering not from men, but from rolls. And the condition of the teeth depends on genetics, acid-base balance, diet, in the end, but also not on men. And that a bad hairstyle is not cured by marriage, but by a good hairdresser. It doesn't matter that this lady has nothing to do with your class. That she has been married for a long time. And maybe she was never beautiful at all. Don't tell him this. Don't break the buzz. Leave him to revel in sweet revenge ...

You ask, why the hell do you need such a nasty, notorious man? This is what I'm thinking about...

Therefore, I always avoid men who rejoice in someone else's bad appearance or unsettled personal life. Especially an ex-wife or classmate. This is a bad sign. Very bad.

Moreover, it is visible even if you don’t arrange clowning with cats and aunts, but just take a better look at the man. How does he talk about women? Does he rejoice in their failures?

Agree, what kind of behavior is a marker showing complexes?

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Every woman should know this sign of a notorious man. Be careful!

To check, you need the most ordinary aunt of indeterminate age, only she must be overweight and look bad. Rather, the aunt should be the scarier the better. The aunt's face must be swollen from alcohol. If you manage to find an aunt with completely missing teeth, this is generally ideal.

Having spotted your aunt, follow her. Find out her usual route. When she leaves the house, where she goes to work, when she returns from work. You need to know the time when the aunt looks especially tired. After that, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Most of the work has already been done by you.

Now the matter is small. Arrange a meeting with a man in such a way that the chosen aunt is sure to fall into his field of vision. For example, walking home from work with heavy bags, while a man gently hugs your waist.


As soon as your man's gaze falls on the unfortunate, sigh sadly. Say something like: Oh, what a pity. This is the former first beauty of our school. From the age of 15 she played with guys, often changed men, liked to drink, smoke, so she got worn out ahead of time. She was looked after by one modest shy boy, but she refused, went to bed with the rich. Now what does it look like? She got old, what can you take from her. She is fat and has bad teeth. Half fell out. Nobody wants to marry her now. This is how you will have to live your life. With cats.

It would be ideal if your accomplice at this time will release several cats around the corner. To prevent cats from running out earlier, you can first hide them in a bag. The appearance of cats will give the scene a special tragedy and doom. In addition, there will be sound effects worthy of all this drama. If you do not have the opportunity to hire an assistant, just record the nasty meow on a tape recorder.

You will immediately see how a satisfied smile spreads across the face of a notorious man.

- A jumping dragonfly ... - a satisfied notorious man will stretch out, raising his index finger up. - Summer sang red, so go and dance ...

Notorious men, unlike normal ones, love it very much when former beauties (and ex-wives too) are punished. This is a very resourceful state. A moment of justice. A notorious man will sparkle with his eyes as if Osama bin Laden had just been destroyed in his presence. He is happy. Now he has a story that can be passed from mouth to mouth.


He does not need to know anything about the fact that they are recovering not from men, but from rolls. And the condition of the teeth depends on genetics, acid-base balance, diet, in the end, but also not on men. And that a bad hairstyle is not cured by marriage, but by a good hairdresser. It doesn't matter that this lady has nothing to do with your class. That she has been married for a long time. And maybe she was never beautiful at all. Don't tell him this. Don't break the buzz. Leave him to revel in sweet revenge ...

You ask, why the hell do you need such a nasty, notorious man? This is what I'm thinking about...

Therefore, I always avoid men who rejoice in someone else's bad appearance or unsettled personal life. Especially an ex-wife or classmate. This is a bad sign. Very bad.

Moreover, it is visible even if you don’t arrange clowning with cats and aunts, but just take a better look at the man. How does he talk about women? Does he rejoice in their failures?

Do you agree that such behavior is a marker showing complexes?
