Riddle about the room of husband and wife. What should be a mystery woman

Which is easier to unload - a dump truck with bricks or with babies?
ANSWER: With babies, since they can be unloaded with pitchforks+
All piz @ a, and one ride.
(Husband is on a business trip.)

A boy and a girl in the grass were doing something on "E".
(Eat strawberries.)

About 40 million people do THIS at night. What it is?

Hanging pear - you can not eat. Why?
(Boxers can fill their faces.)

What can't be eaten for breakfast?
(Dinner and supper.)

Not a rooster, but singing, not a grandfather, but a grandmother, who is this?
(Philip Kirkorov.)

What is it: a hard one is inserted into a soft one, and the balls dangle nearby?

Two women at the fence: one is glued, the other is sewn on + What should be done with them?
(Tear off the first, tear off the second.)

Red, long, 21?

What is blue gold?
(Beloved wife got drunk.)

What is excited by Koch's wand?
(1. tuberculosis; 2. Koch's wife.)

What unites burnt bread, a drowned man and a pregnant woman?
(Did not have time to pull out +)

Two rings, two ends+
(Very fancy New Russian.)

There is a dead man in the desert. Behind the shoulders is a bag, on the belt is a flask of water. For many kilometers around there is not a single living soul. What did the man die of and what was in his bag?
(The man died from hitting the ground, and in the bag is a parachute that did not open.)

What is the difference between a teacher and a pedophile?
(A pedophile truly loves children.)

The 12-storey building has an elevator. Only 2 people live on the ground floor, from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which button in the elevator of this house is pressed more often than others?
(Regardless of the distribution of residents by floors, button "1".)

With onions and eggs, but not a pie?
(Robin Hood.)

Pinocchio, Malvina, an honest customs officer and a filthy cop are going in a compartment. They play cards, there is a lot of money in the bank, the train enters the tunnel. After leaving the tunnel, the money disappeared. Who stole the money?
(Ment is filthy, because the first three do not exist in nature +)

What is it - the color of lilac, sees back the same way as forward, and jumps higher than the bell tower?
(A white blind horse, because the lilac is white, and the bell tower does not jump at all.)

What is it: the eyes are afraid - the hands are doing.
(Sex on the phone.)

A small, yellowish one lies under the bed, begins with a "Z".
(Kopeck. Why on "Z"? Rolled up +)

A three-letter word that any man fears?

What is: the kindest ghost in the world with a motor?

They buried a prostitute, they wrote on the tombstone: "Now they will always be together." Who are they?

How good it is for you and me, I am under you, and you are on me.
(Hedgehog carries an apple.)

What is it: flies and shines?
(A mosquito with a gold tooth.)

What is: 90/60/90?
(Speed ​​with a traffic cop.)

Hanging between the legs, stinks and yells?

What question will no one ever answer yes to?
(Sleeping to the question: "Are you sleeping?")

With scales - but not a fish, with p # $ doy - but not a woman, with wings - but not a bird.
(Scaly n#$ winged.)

What three-letter word is now most often written on the walls of toilets in schools and universities?
(You yourself X#@! The correct answer is WWW!)

Why are they wearing a hat?
(Because she doesn't walk herself.)

Small, yellowish, poking around in the ground.
(The Vietnamese is looking for a mine.)

Small, yellowish tumbles in the sky.

What is it: gold coins fall from a branch?
(Common in the land of fools.)

Why is it warm for women in stockings in winter and cold for men in jeans?
(Because the men's heater is x@#vy, and the women's are n$@daty.)

What can you throw off a naked secretary?
(The naked boss.)

What is it: walks on the wall and plays?
(A fly with a player in its ears.)

At what speed must a dog run in order not to hear the sound of a frying pan tied to its tail?
(The dog must stand. This task in the company is immediately revealed by the physicist: the physicist replies that she needs to run at supersonic speed.)

There is a bald hedgehog - how old is he?
(18 - he is taken to the army.)

I take two hands
between my legs
I'm sweating for five minutes
and then I go crazy.
(Exercise bike.)

What are you looking at me, undress, I'm yours.
(Option: Hanger.)

Black around, red in the middle.
(Radish in the ass of Negro.)

Black around, white in the middle.
(The radish is there, only bitten.)

With claws, not a bird, flies and swears.

What is it: sitting on the ceiling, chewing on a light bulb?
(Ceiling lamp-biter.)

(Only one, because the second one is already broken.)

What is it: a little bald one runs through the forest?
(Hedgehog. Why is he bald? Escaped from Chernobyl.)

Who is this - small, lives in the earth, begins with "Sch"?

White, not sugar. Cold, not ice.
(Dead body.)

Two ends, two rings, and carnations in the middle.
(Victim of a maniac.)

What is it: small, black, beating against glass?
(Baby in the oven.)

How many babies will fit in a double stroller?
(And this, depending on how to chop +)

Without windows, without doors, and inside there is a Jew? What is this?
(Sarah is pregnant.)

What is it: small, green, standing on the panel?
(Prostitute from another planet.)

It dangles on a rope, it's called "Z".
(Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.)

Who will get to the refrigerator faster - a mouse or an elephant?
(Mouse. She will arrive on a bicycle.)

How to know if there is a mouse in the refrigerator without opening it?
(There should be a bicycle by the refrigerator.)

What is: green, bald and galloping?
(Soldier at the disco.)

A hippo flew across the sky, and a hunter with a gun ran after him on the ground. The hunter fired, and the hippo fell on him. Who is left alive?
(Elephant, because he flew out later.)

How many programmers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
(None. It's a hardware problem, programmers don't fix it.)

What is it - sits on a tree, black and croaks? For the letter Sh.
(Crow. Why on Sh? Because she pretended to be a hose.)

Hanging pear - you can not eat.
(Alien pear.)
(Option: Aunt Grunya hanged herself.)

Pet, starts with a "t".

Pet, starts with a "d".
(Two cockroaches.)

Pet, starts with "s".
(Just one cockroach.)

What's happened:
Black - on one leg?
(One-legged negro.)

What's happened:
Black - on two legs?
(Two one-legged blacks.)

What's happened:
Black - on three legs?

What's happened:
Black - on four legs?
(One-legged negro at the piano.)

Is it possible to kill a mother-in-law with cotton wool?
ANSWER: Yes, if you wrap an iron in it.

Small, pink, beating against glass +
ANSWER: Baby in the oven

What is green and flies?
ANSWER: This is a flying green tomato.

And what is black and crawling on the ground?
ANSWER: This is the shadow of a flying green tomato.

Why do you need an orgasm?
ANSWER: In order not to get fucked to death.

Klyauznik, writer of anonymous letters.
ANSWER: Onanist

What do a diver and a cook have in common?
ANSWER: Both of them have to dip their eggs into the water from time to time.

What is the difference between a woman's breasts and a toy railway?
ANSWER: Nothing: both are designed for children, and dads play with them.

How do day and night end?
ANSWER: A soft sign.

The boy fell down 4 steps and broke his leg. How many legs will a boy break if he falls down 40 steps?
ANSWER: Just one, because. The second one is already broken.

What do money and a coffin have in common?
ANSWER: Both are first nailed down, and then lowered.

How to put a giraffe in the refrigerator?
ANSWER: Open the refrigerator, put a giraffe in it, close the refrigerator.

How to put an elephant in the refrigerator?
ANSWER: Open the fridge, take out the giraffe, put the elephant in there, close the fridge.

The lion called all the animals to a meeting. All showed up except for one. What is this animal?
ANSWER: It's an elephant. It's in the fridge, remember?

You need to cross a wide river that is infested with crocodiles. How will you do it?
ANSWER: Swim. After all, the crocodiles are all at the meeting with the lion.

Try to count. You go into the tram, at the final stop, 3 people are sitting.
At the first stop, 2 get off and 4 get on.
On the next one, 3 comes out and 8 enters.
At another stop, 3 gets off and 1 gets on.
Then 5 gets off and 7 comes on. At another stop, 4 gets off and 2 comes on.
Then 3 comes out and 10 comes in.
How many stops did the tram pass (without looking at the text)?

Why do women scratch their eyes in the morning?
ANSWER: Because they don't have eggs

What is the last thing on the mind of a beetle flying into the windshield of a moving car?
ANSWER: His ass

What do Formula 1 and sex have in common?

ANSWER: Pit stop - tire change!

Two friends are talking. The first: "As soon as I wash my clothes and hang them outside, it immediately rains." The second: "and I determine the weather according to my husband. If he has x .. to the right, it will rain, to the left - it will not." First: "what if it's worth it"? What did the second one say?


A bank was robbed, 20 million rubles were stolen. The robbers were never caught. The director of the bank asks journalists to write that $100 million has been stolen. For what?


The wife enters the room where the husband is sitting on the couch, opens the dressing gown in front of him and asks: "Well, how am I?" What did he say?


On the morning of January 3, the wife says to her husband: "We need to clean up the apartment after the holiday." Husband: "I can't, my hands are shaking after the holidays." What did the wife say?


A sergeant comes home: "wife, let's eat!" Wife: "dear, take it yourself in the refrigerator, I've worked out so much in a day, I never even sat down." How did the sergeant take pity on his wife?


wife in scandal: me whole month I kept telling you that I don’t need to give anything for my birthday, so you don’t care ...


How to check if the wife is cheating?


The girl tells the guy: "when we get married, we will have two boys and two girls." How does she know this for sure?


A student is trying to get into the women's dormitory. The watchman asks: "who are you to?" What did the student answer?


The father says to the piano tuner: "I invited you to tune the piano, and not kiss my daughter." How did the tuner get away with it?


The oligarch's wife complains to her husband: "I need to fire my driver, he almost killed me three times with his driving." What did the husband say?


In a dark entrance two kiss: "I love you" - "I love you too" - "What's your name"? - "Serezha". What was the answer?


Where is the ear gasket in the car?


A wife shows her friend a portrait of her husband and says, "This is my poor husband." Why such a review about him?


Guide on the ship: and now, if our ladies are silent for a minute, then we can all ...


A man at the doctor's office: "Sick, you cough a lot, you urgently need to stop drinking and smoking." What did the man say?


Husband and wife are flying on an airplane at night. Suddenly, the lights on the plane go out. What did the tipsy husband say to that?

  • 1. Daughters and sons of parents. (Children)
  • 2. Parents of parents. (Grandmother and grandfather)
  • 3. Cell of society. (Family)
  • 4. Children of children. (grandchildren)
  • 5. People connected by blood ties. (Relatives)
  • 6. A man and a woman who got married. (Spouses, husband and wife)
  • 7. Mom and dad for kids. (Parents)
  • 8. Heirs of parents. (Children)
  • 9. Who loves grandchildren more than children. (Grandmother and grandfather)
  • 10. Brothers and sisters of parents for their children. (aunts and uncles)
  • 11. Parents who are not raising their own children. (Adoptive parents, guardians)
  • 12. A group of close relatives. (Family)
  • 13. Daughter of the same parents for their child. (Sister)
  • 14. The son of the spouses for their own daughter. (Brother)
  • 15. The degree of kinship of brothers and sisters. (relatives, cousins, second cousins)
  • 16. People getting married. (newlyweds, newlyweds)
  • 17. What is the name of a family with 3 or more children. (Large)
  • 18. Descendants of a man and a woman. (Children)
  • 19. Sister of one of the parents for his children. (Aunt)
  • 20. Brother of a parent for a child. (Uncle)
  • 21. How to call a group of people in one word - husband, wife, their children. (Family)
  • 22. A man to whom a woman is married. (husband, spouse)
  • 23. A woman to whom a man is married. (Wife, spouse)
  • 24. What is the name of a married couple. (Husband and wife)
  • 25. Husband's wife for their children. (Mother)
  • 26. A woman's husband for her child. (Dad)
  • 27. What are relatives according to the degree of kinship. (near and far)
  • 28. Not relatives, not cousins, not second cousins. (Distant relatives)
  • 29. A woman who gave birth to a child. (Mother)
  • 30. A man who has a child. (Father)
  • 31. What is another name for parents. (Mom and Dad)
  • 32. Relatives-predecessors. (Ancestors)
  • 33. Blood relatives who lived before contemporaries. (Ancestors)
  • 34. Heirs of ancestors. (Descendants, children)
  • 35. What is the name of the celebration of 25 years life together spouses. (Silver wedding)
  • 36. What is the name of the 50th anniversary holiday married life. (Golden wedding)
  • 37. What is another name for the family house. (Family hearth)
  • 38. An invariable attribute of a prosperous family home. (Cosiness)
  • 39. What parents do with their children. (Grow up, educate)
  • 40. What is another way to call three groups of relatives grandmother, daughter, granddaughter. (3 generations)
  • 41. Name the representatives of 4 generations in the family. (children, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents)
  • 42. A document issued at the conclusion of a marriage. (Marriage certificate)
  • 43. Certificate confirming the dissolution of marriage. (Divorce certificate)
  • 44. As the people call the dissolution of marriage. (Divorce)
  • 45. future husband for the future wife. (Groom)
  • 46. ​​Beloved woman on the eve of the wedding. (Bride)
  • 47. Future wife for a man. (Bride)
  • 48. A man for whom a woman is going to marry. (Groom)
  • 49. A woman who agreed to marry a man. (Bride)
  • 50. Feast of the creation of a family. (Wedding)
  • 51. Celebration of the occasion of marriage. (Wedding)
  • 52. The symbol of the marital covenant on the finger. (Wedding ring)
  • 53. A ring worn by a family man. (Engagement)
  • 54. Rings worn by spouses at a wedding. (Engagement)
  • 55. Rings worn by husband and wife on the ring finger. (Engagement)
  • 56. Spouse's parents. (Matchmakers)
  • 57. The parents of the husband or wife in relation to the parents of the husband or wife. (Matchmakers)
  • 58. What is the name of the wife's mother. (Mother-in-law)
  • 59. Wife's father. (Test-in-law)
  • 60. Mother of the spouse. (mother-in-law)
  • 61. Husband's father. (father-in-law)
  • 62. Husbands make up jokes about her. (Mother-in-law)
  • 63. To her by folk saying son-in-law goes to pancakes. (Mother-in-law)
  • 64. Daughter's husband for her parents. (son-in-law)
  • 65. Who is the relation of the sister's husband to her relatives. (son-in-law)
  • 66. How else can you call your wife's sister. (Sister-in-law)
  • 67. Brother of the wife for her relatives. (brother-in-law)
  • 68. Wife of a son to his parents. (daughter-in-law)
  • 69. Husband's sister for his relatives. (Sister-in-law)
  • 70. What unites relatives. (Blood relations)
  • 71. Leader in the family. (Chapter)
  • 72. Several children born at the same time by the same mother. (twins, twins, triplets)
  • 73. Brothers and sisters born together. (twins, twins)

"There must be some mystery in a woman!" This stable stereotype is firmly entrenched in our heads, especially men's. So girls often have to convulsively pretend to be a mysterious person, but sometimes instead of a “mystery” a femme fatale is obtained. It is important not to overdo it here. Let's try to figure out what a mystery woman should be, because it is so intriguing to the strong half of humanity.

A bit of classic...

Let us recall, for example, Varenka from Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard. She is sad all the time, puts on black dress, but not from the fact that some kind of trouble happened to her, not from depression. Varenka just decided that this way she would attract the attention of men. They will approach her and ask: “Why are you sad, girl?” And she will sigh languidly in response: “Ah, leave it! You don’t understand ... ”Where can men understand if she doesn’t understand herself. But such a game of "riddle" can ultimately lead the girl to loneliness.

Who is the woman of mystery?

It is believed that the mysterious behavior of a woman is something special, something that makes a man's heart beat faster. A woman of mystery, as a rule, appears suddenly in a man's life. She charms him with her tenderness and modesty. It is unique, unpredictable, sometimes silent and never fully revealed. Literally in a matter of moments, such a woman is able to ignite a spark of love in the soul of her admirer, capable of flaring up into a passionate flame. The mysterious woman disappears just as she appeared, suddenly. This is the high poetry of relationships, colorfully described in novels, after reading which, girls, in pursuit of increased attention, try to assume some mystery: they look at men with a languid look, prefer to talk less about themselves, and try their best to be original.

Most of them play using a variety of seduction techniques: a bewitching look, and passionate or perky lights in their eyes, or a soft and gentle look, and at times the look can suddenly be made detached, “flying in the clouds”, or, conversely, attentive and sympathizers. Sometimes this game is worthy of "Mosfilm" and "Hollywood", but more often it looks like a poor-quality shot home video. Therefore, entering into it, it is better for a woman-mystery to think a thousand times: is it necessary?

After all, in our everyday life everything is much simpler and more prosaic. On the street, men were asked the question, "Would you like your loved one to be a mystery?" So, there is no definitive answer. For many men, for many years such feminine qualities, such as accuracy and the ability to cook simple and, at the same time, very tasty dishes.

Puzzle lovers...

Occasionally in life there are men who love to solve riddles and rebuses of female behavior. Such men do not like to communicate with simple-hearted girls, they do not like clear and easy communication - they immediately lose their excitement and interest. Such lovers of secrets usually like to delve into the souls of lovely ladies, but there are times when they get a portion of irritation in return. It will not be difficult to charm such a man if you use the knowledge of horoscopes and the occult, or the mysterious concepts of “secret order” and “cosmic origin”, but with all this, it is also desirable to be beautiful. Before the charms of such a woman-mystery, a man certainly cannot resist!

Mystery or "highlight"?

In a girl, her “highlight” can be called her good looks, naivety, good nature, the ability to combine childish openness and the seriousness of a business woman. A girl's sweet smile, a flirtatious rise of an eyebrow during a conversation, an embarrassed look - all this can become a mystery for a man, a "highlight" or individuality. But the great secret of a girl or woman is that for which she is loved by those around her - both relatives, friends, and men.

Is there a need for a riddle?

You can intrigue a man for a long time, slightly flirting with him, keeping silent, letting a millimeter a day close to you, but in the end it may turn out that the fan will be disappointed in you with closer communication. Therefore, think about whether it is worth keeping the intrigue for a long time? Almost all men prefer surprises to riddles - not hidden secrets and incomprehensible secrets, but pleasant surprises that can cause admiration, happiness and joy in their souls. Most of them do not want to puzzle over mysteries in a woman, and usually men are immersed in work with their heads, experiencing a catastrophic lack of time. For them, it is not the woman-mystery that is important, but real woman which smells fresh in the morning and in the evening expensive perfume. Sincerity and naturalness are important for men, because everything real is especially valuable in life. And, of course, every man will always feel good with his beloved woman, who knows how to be different: sexy, caring, gentle and sweet, stubborn and purposeful, weak and strong. Or perhaps, in the combination of all these qualities lies the female riddle that men are ready to solve all their lives?

Incredible Facts

Do you like mysteries and detective stories? Then these puzzles are for you.

You need to have a good wit to solve these criminal riddles.

Can you find the killer or catch the criminal?

Test yourself how quickly you can solve these crimes.

You will find the answers at the very end of the article.

Mysteries about murders

1. Iced tea

© Joshua Resnick

The two girls were having lunch. Both ordered iced tea.

One girl drank tea very quickly and was able to drink 5 cups in the time it took the other to drink only one cup.

The girl who drank one cup died, but the other survived. All drinks were poisoned.

How could the girl who drank the most tea survive?

2. Cassette

© double double/Getty Images Pro

The man was found dead with a cassette recorder in one hand and a gun in the other. When the police arrived, they immediately pressed the button to play the cassette.

On the recording, they heard: "I have no reason to live anymore. I can't do this anymore" and then the sound of a gunshot.

After listening to the tape, the police knew what it was not suicide, but murder. How did they know?

The man was found dead on Sunday morning. His wife called the police, who questioned the wife and everyone else in the house.

They gave the following alibis: the wife said she was sleeping, the butler was cleaning the closet, the gardener was picking vegetables, the maid was getting the mail, and the cook was preparing breakfast.

The police immediately arrested the killer. Howfound out the police, and who is the killer?

There's been a crime on Fremont Street. The prime suspect is a man named Sean Baker.

It is known that the man was walking along the road when he was suddenly shot in the stomach. Suspect has brown hair Blue eyes and he was wearing a baggy Armani suit like Sean Baker's. Sean was asked to tell the story from the beginning.

"So," Sean said. "I was just walking in the park when I saw this man walking down the road. Suddenly, a guy appeared behind him and shot him. I ran home as fast as I could."

The police asked him to describe the killer. "He had a red mustache, red hair and a baggy Armani suit."

"I think this man is lying," the policeman said. How did he know?

Crime riddles

5. Car, knife and wife

© stevanovicigor/Getty Images Pro

man killed knife his wife in the car. There was no one around to see it.

He threw her out of the car, making sure he left no fingerprints on her body. Then he threw the knife off a cliff into a ravine where no one would find him and went home.

An hour later, the police called him and said that his wife had been killed and he needed to report immediately. b to the crime scene.

As soon as he arrived, he was immediately arrested. How did they know what happened?

6. Coin

© Velavan1990/Getty Images

A dead body was found downstairs at multi-storey building. Seeing the position of the body, it became clear that the man had jumped off one of the floors, committing suicide. A detective was called to investigate the case.

He went to the first floor and entered the room, which was located in the direction where the body was found.

He opened the window and threw in a coin down . Then he went to the second floor and repeated the same. He did this until he reached the last floor.

Then he went downstairs and said that it was a murder, not a suicide. How did he come to this conclusion?

The daughter was at her mother's funeral when she met the man.

She liked the manand she wanted to meet him. As she walked, she realized that she did not recognize the man's name or phone number.

Later when she returned to find him, but he had already left.

A week later, she killed her older brother to find a man. Why?

A rich man lives alone in a small cottage. Since he is partially disabled, everything is brought to the cottage for him.

The postman brought him a letter on Thursday when he noticed that the door was ajar. Through the gap he saw the body of a man lying in dried blood. The police arrived and inspected the place.

On the threshold was two bottles of warm milk, Monday's paper, catalogue, flyers and unread mail.

The police suspected premeditated murder. Who do they suspect and why?

9. Judgment
