Did not congratulate the father-in-law. Original birthday greetings to father-in-law

You have acquired a new status
Accept congratulations.
I wish your children
Understanding and love.

Congratulations on their wedding day
You are now a solid father-in-law.
The daughter became a wife
Well, now I have a son.

You became a father-in-law today
You have a son.
I wish your children
Only the radiance of kind eyes.

May they live in abundance
understanding, love,
Let them give grandchildren as soon as possible,
Passion let seethe in the blood.

I wish you patience
Relationships are only "five",
May you become a good friend
Daughter's son, your dear son-in-law.

Now a person has appeared in my life who will not leave me in a difficult situation, will help with advice and deed. Dear father-in-law, thank you for such a wonderful daughter, educated, smart, beautiful, talented. I cordially promise to take care of your blood - my wife, I promise to respect you - the parents and often get out to visit you. I wish you, father-in-law, health, optimism, confidence, prosperity and good luck.

Look how happy
Bride and groom together
You were dad yesterday
Became a father-in-law today.

I wish you a son-in-law
Love like a son
wedding of both of you
Made family.

Your children will become
Let the happy couple
And you faster
Let them give grandchildren.

You were only dad yesterday
He raised his own daughter.
Today you have become an important father-in-law,
And you accepted your son-in-law into your family.

We congratulate you, father-in-law,
And we're glad we have you.
We will give you grandchildren
Little and mischievous guys.

You will spend time with them
Repair toys from breakdowns.
Well, I'm like a son-in-law, I'm you too
More than once I will ask for help, it seems.

Be happy, father-in-law, you too,
Together we can do everything with you.
And my son's congratulations
Let it be as fresh as the breeze.

We wish dear father-in-law
Happy to be old
After all, you are worthy, we know for sure
Meet love in the heat!

So let them not touch at all
Family problems and illnesses...
Let the fires in the hearts light up
We love you hard, even crack!

Listen, father-in-law, because we are relatives,
And since relatives - I want to wish
For you to be happy. So that you live in Russia ...
Or in the Bahamas - in general, I do not care.
I will be happy with one of your smiles
And the joyful word in the tube "I'm healthy!",
And a new mother-in-law - let her look at mistakes through her fingers,
After all, congratulations to the golden man.

Father-in-law, congratulations on your wedding!
And I wish you many years
Live with your wife, prosper
And not knowing different troubles!

You fly to the Canaries
And live without worries
Don't empty your pockets
And in everything you are always lucky!

Today I can call you father-in-law,
You decided to play a wedding with your mother,
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts,
May the days be joyful and the nights be good.

Love, dream, rest everywhere,
May your union be easy, encouraging,
Give each other the warmth of feelings,
Let the mood always be chocolate!

Father-in-law, dear,
I congratulate you today!
Happiness and love big
From the bottom of my heart I wish you!

This holiday will bring
Into your house joy, light and sun!
May you always be lucky in everything
Let luck smile!

Well, father-in-law, today is a special day!
And in your life the best.
And how the witnesses are concentrated,
After all, this honor is a rare occasion.

I want to wish you a happy family,
The most delicious meals in the world...
And conversations both deep and playful,
And very, very rarely - sad!

The man I respect
I wish you success in business and health.
Good luck, enthusiasm, love and prosperity,
So that everything is always in perfect order.

I want to thank you for my daughter
For being able to call her his wife.
You are the best father-in-law, there are no more
I want the whole wide world to know this.

On the birthday of a miracle father-in-law
There is a reason to get together.
To see the faces of all relatives,
Have fun from the heart!

Your son-in-law wishes you happiness
It went to close on the heels!
And in business, so that everything grows together
And you had a great life!

Dear my father in law,
Congratulating you is an honor!
Happy Birthday! Let you
There will be a supply of joys

Happiness is just a full house
A lot of vivacity, moreover,
Achievements and warmth,
So that happy life was!

Father-in-law, dear, happy birthday to you!
Let your eyes burn with the "fire of life"
Success, love, kindness, interest,
Health, energy, strength and progress!

Love your wife with all your soul
Be a good example for grandchildren
Spiritual harmony, true friends,
May everything come true in your long life!

My glorious, dear, beloved father-in-law,
How wonderful you are for me and I can’t count them in a day,
Therefore, I immediately proceed to congratulations,
May this birthday be a sign of happiness and luck.

For the father-in-law, I wish you good health, as well as strong strength,
And so that every member of the family respects you and tirelessly loves you.
Let there be enough money and funds for any ideas and plans,
I wish you to always be the main one at the heights of success, prestige and glory.

Happy birthday greetings to father-in-law from son-in-law are cool

You are a man, no matter where you are.
Outgoing, creative, generally super positive.
I take an example from you in everything morning, evening and afternoon.
As a son-in-law, I want what I wish.

To all organs of health, happiness and in the affairs of expanse,
Unrealistic profits and always only peaceful days.
And thanks for the daughter, you were able to raise her,
I ask you not to be jealous, I am her husband, you are a super son-in-law.

Dear my father in law,
Accept congratulations!
There is a reason to have fun
Relax, rest!

Let worries go away
Everything in life will be as it should!
In gratitude for your daughter,
Our happiness is your reward!

There are different people,
I'm very lucky
I have a great father in law
To spite all collisions!

We are friends with you and sometimes
The themes are common.
Good luck to you, my dear!
Happy birthday, cool father-in-law!

Happy Birthday, father-in-law, dear!
Always be like a youngster
The forces of Hercules, Fortune in deeds,
Carry the mother-in-law more often!

Like cognac, strong love to you,
To be respected by male friends,
Safely store income in "offshore"
Save family values!

My father-in-law from that test that is necessary,
I wish you a life of chocolate,
I wish you, Superman, on your birthday
Nerves of steel, health, patience,

The powers of Hercules, the beauties of Apollo,
In the heart of the notes of love of eternal ringing,
Harmony in the soul and cheerful songs,
To be the first guy in your entire village!

birthday wishes for father in law

On my birthday, I hasten to say a lot to my beloved father-in-law warm words. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for the upbringing of the clever and beautiful woman who became my wife. Special thanks for the understanding and male solidarity, for the fact that everyone here accepted me as a native. I wish you great happiness, real love, heroic health, only a positive mood and the opportunity to buy everything else for money.

Dear father-in-law, you have become like a father to me and for this I am very grateful to you! Your birthday is a great occasion to express gratitude for the wonderful daughter that you raised in the best traditions and wish you excellent health, endless happy moments, good friends and long, joyful years of life.

Happy birthday, always understanding, amazingly kind, amazingly wise and infinitely respected father-in-law! Let delightful joys come to visit, exciting happiness wanders around your house, noticeable success looks out the window, and wonderful carelessness never leaves your destiny!

Today is a significant day, the birthday of my dear father-in-law. During our acquaintance, we became close friends. And I want to thank you so much for your friendship, for beautiful daughter and my beloved wife. I wish you not to bend before the vicissitudes of fate, to be strong in body and soul. Your wife and your family are a support, and let this support grow stronger every day! Happy birthday!

My dear father-in-law, a man of the kindest soul and sympathetic heart, strong strength and absolute confidence, I congratulate you on your birthday and I want to wish you not to leave your firm positions, every day to do what you like and brings not only benefit, but also joy to your soul. Dad, I also want to wish you respect and love, prosperity and prosperity, good luck and success, determination and perseverance, family comfort and happiness in the hearth. Be healthy and all the best to you, my wonderful father-in-law!

Short congratulations for SMS father-in-law on his birthday

Happiness to row you with a huge shovel,
Always be healthy, successful, rich.
That's what I want to wish for my birthday.
I appreciate, respect, shake hands. Your son-in-law.

Father in law has a birthday!
Congratulations from son-in-law!
Good health to you
And real happiness!

Happy Birthday! Let the fun
Will visit you today!
It will be a great mood!
Father-in-law, may you be lucky in everything!

My words are not flattery at all,
I put my heart and soul into them.
I’ll say from the heart: “Happy birthday, father-in-law,
Good luck, strength, love, kindness, prosperity!

Happy birthday my dear father-in-law
I wish you to be happy both in summer and in winter,
I wish you respect and great prosperity,
To live every day healthy, sweet!

Father-in-law, I want to congratulate you
With a bright wedding of a sweet daughter!
I want to wish now
To be very happy

To all the gifts that they give you
Children are a blessing, no doubt!
Let there be comfort in the house,
Luxury, kindness, fun!

For everyone to be healthy
Never be discouraged!
To live without problems
And guests are always welcomed!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Like angels

You surrounded with care
Your little daughter
She was kept from all troubles,
Like angels, exactly the same.

And today you give
This charm down the aisle.
Laughing happily together
Mom and her father.

Let them be young
Happy and carefree;
Let the mother-in-law become with the father-in-law
Free from your worries!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Glasses clink, cries of "Bitter!"
They spread here and there -
You marry your daughter
Beautiful beyond her years!

May this day be for all of you
The beginning of new bright days!
Let your son-in-law call you dad
And life becomes brighter!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Happy wedding and new status, father-in-law!

Beautiful daughter's wedding
The whole family rejoices!
The new status of the father-in-law is cool:
You now have a son!

Will be with whom now to spin
For all household chores!
I congratulate you with all my heart
All - goodness, love, warmth!

Be healthy, father-in-law, cheerful, young,
Be strong as flint
Be persistent like a hammer
Knock out laziness from son-in-law!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Testing with a wedding!

You gave your daughter down the aisle,
You are now doubly a father!
You're called dough
Son-in-law likes it very much!

On such a solemn day,
I wish you with all my heart
Do not get sick and do not get sick,
Help raise your grandchildren!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

It's a great honor to congratulate you, father-in-law!

Dear my father in law,
It's a great honor for me
Be a guest at your wedding
And everyone wants to say more!

I'm crazy happy for you -
A family has been born!
I wish her prosperity
Super welfare!

Let love give in full
You are destined to have a wife
Every day I agree...
Say that life is beautiful!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Father-in-law, with the wedding and happiness!

Dear my father in law,
Look great as a couple!
There is happiness in this life
Let his fate give!

Always be young
And just like on your wedding day!
Let trouble go around you
And you would not know the disease!

Congratulations to the father-in-law for the wedding short, sms

Purchased and owned by the site.

On this festive day, with all my heart I want to wish my dear father-in-law good health, incredible luck, longevity, and financial stability. May there always be happiness and prosperity in your home. Always remain the same honest and open person. Happy birthday!

Dear and beloved father-in-law! On your birthday, I cannot but thank you once again for giving me such a miracle - your daughter. I try to keep my promise, and protect her from various adversities, as you did before me. I am very proud that it was you who turned out to be my father-in-law, second father and best friend. I wish you to maintain good spirits and body strength until the very last years.

Happy birthday to my beloved wife's father! Happy holiday, father-in-law, let there be only sunny days, and success in everything and always surrounds you. I wish you health and, of course, peace in your soul, as well as pleasant and happy Holidays in the family. We all appreciate you and your experience.

For my wife alone
I thank you, father-in-law.
Happy Birthday,
I give a lot of joy.
And warmth, smiles, sun,
And love, and many years.
More little grandchildren
And fewer troubles in life.

Dear father-in-law
I brought a gift.
Happy birthday, congratulations
And for the gift - congratulations.

Often in word and deed
You help us.
Who to ask for advice?
Give helpful answers
Only test in the teeth.

I wish you health
Many happiness, many years.
For great-grandchildren to know
What a fine fellow their grandfather is.

Father-in-law - you became a father to me,
And I do not dissemble a single gram,
You don't even have to be a sage
To understand that it's true.
I respect you for the honor
For kindness and justice
I'll try to be in life
How are you, God bless you!
Well, today I will say: success,
Joy, luck, you best dad on the ground,
And of this, of course, there is no doubt.

Dear father-in-law! I congratulate you on your birthday and I am glad to shake your strong man's work. Thank you for your beautiful daughter, who became my wife. Be healthy and happy, enjoy every moment of your life and enjoy your favorite hobbies: fishing, hunting and other things that we can always share. Happy birthday!

Father-in-law, congratulations
Happy birthday now.
The spark of goodness and drive
Let it not leave your eyes.

I wish you health
Never lose heart
Well, son-in-law invariably,
As always, help.

I wish my father-in-law
Long years and steel patience,
To always bring home
All wanderings and life are dear.

So that happiness in the soul does not end,
The free wind brought miracles,
And with the sunrise always smiled
The sun is clear in your dawn!

A father-in-law is like a mother-in-law, just the other way around. With such a person you can sit, drink and talk about life without the risk of being misunderstood and accused of all mortal sins. So let you, my dear father-in-law, have excellent health and real human happiness on this birthday. Let them come to visit you, but they never leave.

My dear father-in-law, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and sincerely wish you never regret the past, always strive for a bright and kind future, live a happy and prosperous present. May your health be strong, may your home be cozy and hospitable.

My dear and dear is, I congratulate you on your birthday. Let your heart not know grief and resentment, let your soul sing through life, and your body dance cheerfully. I wish you the strongest strength and a large supply of health, interesting thoughts and wonderful accomplishments with a happy ending.

My father-in-law is a role model, I learn wisdom and little tricks from him family life and I go to him for advice if needed! On my father-in-law's birthday, I want to wish him, first of all, to remain the same wonderful, sociable and serious man! Let the years fly by, and you, without aging in soul, will still be our good friend!

I wish, dear father-in-law, that you forget about pills on your birthday, get good health, act courageously, without being embarrassed and without restraining your desires. May your future be bright and wonderful.

accept my my sincere congratulations, native father-in-law. Today you celebrate the day you were born wonderful person, which makes the life of others happier and better - this is your birthday. May all life be filled with joy, and problems, even if they arise, will be insignificant and will not spoil your mood. After all, you really deserve interesting life because everything you have, give to others. Care, warmth, wisdom, mood. So, God bless you, always remain as beautiful and kind as you are now. May your soul never know bad weather, and life be full of only white stripes. Happy birthday to you.

To my beloved father-in-law, a respectable and authoritative man, on his birthday, I wish to always remain young at heart and not lose heart, because best years, the second youth and just real happiness are waiting for you ahead! Live long, love and be loved! Let your weekdays be full of interesting things, and your weekends - sweet rest in the circle of your closest people! ©

Favorite father-in-law! I wish you the fulfillment of all your bold plans. Let any idea become a reality, and the support of loved ones helps in any business. Happy birthday!

Dear father-in-law - fiery hearty greetings on your birthday! I wish you a wonderful and wonderful life, amazing events, happy meetings, family comfort, the best health, longevity, prosperity, well-being! May only good things come true in fate, and life will give only joy!

I compose congratulations from my son-in-law for my father-in-law, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. Let dreams and wishes come true, never lose your charm. Always keep everything under control, and be king at this celebration. Have fun, have fun, I wish you health, may the sun always sparkle for you, and the stars in the night illuminate the path, and the angel helps where you need to turn.

Today I had the honor to congratulate my beloved father-in-law on his birthday! On this day, I would like to wish you that your health only gets stronger every year. Your wealth has only increased. Joy increased. And life became as bright and beautiful as possible. Because I know that you are very good man who clearly knows what he wants, knows how to achieve his goal, and does not move back. You have shown yourself to be a kind-hearted person who is always ready to help. Who will not leave in trouble. And that's why you deserve only the best. Only the most good, kind and beautiful. Happy Birthday to you. Don't change!

I got a wonderful father-in-law - a balanced, diplomatic and cheerful person! With it, you can go on exploration, it's easy to get along in everyday life and cook any porridge!
For this I appreciate, respect and love him!

On your 75th birthday, my wonderful father-in-law, I want to thank you for your support, for your understanding, for sometimes not being afraid to argue with your mother-in-law and taking my side! Thank you for being by my side for so many years, not betraying, not insulting, not saying bad things about me and always being on an equal footing with me! Happy holiday to you, my dear old man, happy anniversary!

My beloved father-in-law, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you to always remain yourself, just as skillful, cheerful and incredibly wise. I hope that all the negativity in life will always bypass you. Sincerely, your brother-in-law.

Beloved father-in-law on his birthday - only best regards! Let life inspire you for wonderful deeds, let labor bring generous fruits, and let rest bring endless joy, and let every moment you live become a wonderful memory! Happy holiday!
