Anniversaries of family life by years. Names of wedding anniversaries

The first anniversary of family life is print wedding. In the old days, chintz was valued for its thinness and lightness, at the same time being considered an everyday and inexpensive material. So the young family has not yet gained strength, but romance in relationships has already begun to be replaced by everyday life.

2 years after the marriage, a paper wedding is celebrated. The union is still considered not too strong, and family relationships are compared to easily torn paper. According to tradition, spouses must write declarations of love to each other on beautiful postcard or colorful note paper.

Three years of marriage is a leather wedding. A family that has successfully overcome the “paper” period is already considered strong enough. Husband and wife feel each other's skin.

Four years - linen or rope wedding. Sometimes on the day of her celebration, a married couple was seated on neighboring chairs and tightly tied. If they could not get out, their union was considered strong and long-term.

The first (5-year) anniversary of married life is called wooden wedding. It is recommended to plant a tree in her honor, which was considered a symbol of strong family hearth. As a rule, by this time the family acquired its own house and furniture, a child was already growing up in it.

Six years - a cast-iron wedding. The family union is already acquiring the strength of metal. However, cast iron is quite brittle and can break from a strong impact. But the next date is celebrated in six months and is called zinc.

Seven years - a copper wedding. Copper is already quite valuable, but not yet noble or a precious metal. Previously, on this anniversary, the spouses had to exchange copper coins, which were considered a symbol of prosperity and well-being.

The eight-year anniversary of family life is a tin wedding. It marks the renewal of family relationships, which have become strong and persistent, like tin.

Nine years - faience wedding. At the same time, faience can be associated both with a prosperous union and with the beginning of a rather fragile period in marital relations.

The tenth anniversary of family life is pink or tin wedding. At the celebration of this anniversary, they try to invite the same guests who were present at the wedding day. On this day, the husband should present his wife with 11 roses: 10 red ones as a sign of love and 1 white one in the hope of the next 10 happy years.

Eleven years - a steel wedding. It is believed that the family union has already acquired the strength of steel. But the next date is usually celebrated only after a year and a half. It is called the nickel wedding.

Despite the fact that the number 13 is considered unlucky, the 13th anniversary of marriage is associated with love and harmony in relationships. No wonder it has a beautiful and romantic name - lily of the valley or lace wedding.

Starting from 14 years of marriage, some anniversaries are given a name precious stones. The first of the "precious" dates is an agate wedding.

Fifteen years of family life - a glass wedding. At this time, the relationship between the spouses becomes clean and transparent, like glass. Just as pure and beautiful is the 18th anniversary - a turquoise wedding.

20 families - porcelain wedding. A happy union at this time is as beautiful, harmonious and mysterious as real Chinese porcelain. This is followed by opal (21 years old), bronze (22 years old), (23 years old) and satin (24 years old) weddings.

One of the most solemn dates in family life is a silver wedding - the 25th anniversary. Spouses traditionally exchange for her silver rings, which over the next year can be worn as an addition to the wedding.

Between the silver wedding and the 30th anniversary of family life, jade wedding (26 years), mahogany wedding (27 years), nickel (28 years) and velvet (29 years) weddings are celebrated.

If the spouses have lived together for 30 years, their union has already turned into a real treasure. Therefore, at this time they celebrate. Following it, swarthy (31 years), copper (32 years), stone (33 years), amber (34 years), coral (35 years), muslin (37 years), aluminum (37.5 years), mercury ( 38 years old) and crepe (39 years old) weddings.

The fortieth anniversary of family life is called the ruby ​​wedding. Ruby red is a symbol of love and fire. Ruby is one of the most durable stones, and nothing can destroy such a long union.

Especially important is the golden anniversary - the 50th joint life. Husband and wife, who have managed to maintain their family hearth for so many years, exchange new wedding rings and the old ones are given to grandchildren.

The golden wedding is preceded by topaz (44 years), sapphire (45 years), lavender (46 years), cashmere (47 years), amethyst (48 years) and cedar (49 years).

The next, 55th anniversary, is called the emerald wedding. It is followed by several more remarkable dates. 60 years of marriage is platinum or diamond wedding, 65 years - iron, and 67.5 years - stone wedding. The seventieth anniversary of marriage is a blessed wedding, the 75th anniversary is a crown wedding, the 80th anniversary is an oak wedding.

A century of living together is a red wedding. True, only one family had a chance to celebrate such an anniversary - the long-livers Ageevs.

You've been married for a whole month!
Congratulations on this date
And I want to live together
And do not accumulate resentment.

To make feelings stronger
And you loved each other
Strongly, sincerely, always,
Regardless of the year.

Happy small holiday to your family!
It's been a month since the wedding.
Let your hearth burn more and more,
To be together is always good.

Be tolerant of each other, appreciate
The one that binds you together forever.
And every month you love harder
Your soul mate, giving happiness to the river.

I congratulate you on a small but important date: on the first month of your life together as legal spouses. I wish your honeymoon to last forever, so that romance and passion from your relationship do not disappear, so that every day your family becomes stronger and happier.

You had a wedding a month ago,
For a month you are called husband and wife.
We all wished you love and happiness,
We see, it's time to congratulate you.

In the status of the new you are great,
I have to say, it really suits you.
May everything continue to be magical
And be sure to be lucky in life!

Let the month be a little
But you two are happy!
I wish you all the best
So that every hour, every day
You all became dearer,
They loved each other faithfully
Strive for the best all the time
And they shared their whole lives for two!

Month you are legally married,
They ate a whole pound of honey,
Let it be so sweet without fail
Family days are running.

Let your hearts not go out
romantic fire,
On the path of fate I wish
You go palm to palm.

Let everything that was thought
Embodied quickly
There will be more in your life
May happy milestones.

She cooks everything for him
He catches a smile from him
He blew off all the dust from her ...
Here they are, the two halves.
You have a ring on your finger
This status suits you.
For a whole month you are a family,
Congratulations, friends.
Understanding and love
Happiness to you in the family circle.

30 days - just the beginning,
But this is a lot
Pass the first turn
So, you see, a year will pass.
Was the honeymoon sweet?
Let the new one be the same
And after him more, more,
All family life
Will be joyful and sweet
Everything will be all right in life!

You've been married for exactly a month
Month of happiness and love
How sweet and wonderful
Keep these feelings.

I wish for many years near
Walk hand in hand
So that everything is fine in the family,
And he was always positive!

So the month has flown by.
Wonderful honey.
May it be for your life
Become the core and foundation.
So that always in life like this:
You are not a family, but a fist!
Decorated the world.
Golden wedding feast
Collected together,
We were admired.

You've been married for a whole month,
Seems to be smooth so far
So go ahead boldly
So that all life is in the hand!

And the other half
Take care like a diamond
Only tears of joy
To drip from the eyes!

1 year. Chintz wedding. The first modest anniversary. The honeymoon passed and the young people really got to know each other and felt what family life is. On this anniversary, young people can give each other items made of chintz. Relatives and friends adhere to the same rule.

2 years. Paper wedding. Relationships are still very fragile and can easily tear like paper. It is customary to give notebooks, postcards, notebooks, calendars, books, photo albums or paper money.

3 years. Leather wedding. Relationships are already stronger. They give leather wallets, belts, purses, key rings.

4 years. Linen (wax) wedding. Slowly prosperity comes to the house. The turn of flax has come. They give linen towels, sheets, tablecloths and beautiful candles. On this day, a candlelit dinner is held.

5 years. Wooden wedding. The first serious anniversary of a young family. The family is already quite strong, but the tree burns well. Therefore, there is a danger of fires - family quarrels. For this celebration, you can give wooden souvenirs, jewelry, household items, caskets, spoons and carved crafts.

6 years. Cast iron (cypress, rowan) wedding. They give cast-iron pots, frying pans, etc. The rowan bunch is a symbol of the family hearth. Saves love. He brings his son home. On this day, the house is decorated with rowan branches.

6.5 years. Zinc wedding. She recalls that marriage, like galvanized dishes, needs to be polished from time to time. Give galvanized dishes. In order to keep the heat in the shower, pieces of zinc are thrown out the window.

7 years. copper wedding. Copper is a durable, beautiful and quite valuable material. Spouses on this day can exchange copper coins - a symbol of a further prosperous life. Copper products can serve as gifts.

8 years. Tin (poppy) wedding. Sparkling tin is a symbol of renewal of relations. Best gift- shiny kitchen utensils: baking dishes, trays, buckets. You can also donate household appliances.

9 years. Faience wedding. They give a variety of dishes, cups, vases made of faience, crystal, and glass.

10 years. Pink (tin, amber) wedding crowns the first decade lived together. The relationship between the spouses is strong, time-tested. Everyone who was at the wedding is invited. The wife can wear a pink dress. Relatives and girlfriends can also be with roses (in the hair, on the dress, in the hand...). The husband gives his wife a bouquet of scarlet roses - a symbol of love and fidelity. Relatives and friends also give the spouses roses and everything connected with them. As well as products made of tin and amber.

11 years. Steel wedding. They give stainless steel dishes or objects that contain a steel shade in their color.

12 years old. Nickel (silk) wedding. Reminds spouses of the need to maintain the brilliance of their marriage. They give nickel-plated dishes and silk products.

13 years old. Lace (woolen) wedding. Give products made of lace or wool.

14 years old. Agate wedding. Guests bring agate jewelry and ivory figurines as a gift.

15 years. Glass (crystal) wedding. As a sign of the purity of marital relations, it is advisable to make gifts in the form of a glass and crystal product.

17 years. Tin wedding. On this anniversary, pewter items are given to spouses.

18 years. Turquoise wedding. Guests give turquoise jewelry.

19 years. Krypton wedding.

20 years. Porcelain wedding Considered. that by this time only memories remained of the old services. It is advisable to set the table with new porcelain. Therefore, porcelain sets are given for this anniversary.

21 years old Opal wedding. Guests give jewelry with opals.

22 years old. Bronze wedding. Gifts made of bronze.

23 years old. Beryl wedding.

24 years. Satin wedding.

25 years. Silver wedding. Marks a quarter of a century lived together. The family union is noble as silver. Its strength no longer depends on any chance. The Silver Anniversary can be solemnly celebrated in the registry office or the Wedding Palace, where the marriage was registered. All relatives are gathered for the celebration. Spouses can exchange silver rings. Guests also give silver or silver-plated items.

26 years. Jade wedding.

27 years. Mahogany wedding. Guests give mahogany products.

29 years. Velvet wedding. Spouses are given clothes made of velvet.

30 years. Pearl wedding. This is a symbol of the fact that the past thirty years of married life, like pearls, are strung on the thread of time. The relationship between the spouses has not faded, like natural pearls. The husband gives his wife a thread with thirty pearls - according to the number of years lived. Burning give natural mother-of-pearl pearls.

31 year. Dark wedding.

34 years. Amber wedding. Gifts for this anniversary can be amber jewelry.

35 years. Linen (coral) wedding. A linen tablecloth is presented as a gift - a symbol of peace, prosperity and home comfort. And you can surprise everyone present and present real corals.

37 years. Muslin wedding.

37.5 years old. aluminum wedding. Symbolizes a long and lasting family relationship. Give products made of aluminum.

38 years. Mercury wedding.

39 years. Crepe wedding.

40 years. Ruby wedding. Spouses can encrust a ruby ​​in their wedding rings. Or a husband can give his wife a ring with a ruby.

42 years. Pearl wedding.

43 years. Flannel wedding.

44 years old. Topaz wedding. They give jewelry with topaz.

45 years. Sapphire (Scarlet) wedding. Sapphire is a stone of fidelity. And this anniversary symbolizes the fidelity of the spouses to each other.

46 years old. Lavender wedding. You can give each other a bouquet of lavender, which retains its tenderness even after so many years.

47 years old. cashmere wedding. Guests present cashmere clothes as warm and cozy as the relationship between spouses.

48 years old. amethyst wedding. As a sign of marital fidelity, the husband gives his wife an amethyst jewelry

49 years old. Cedar wedding. Relationships are as strong and reliable as this tree.

50 years. Golden wedding. Husband and wife exchange gold rings. The Golden Anniversary can be solemnly celebrated at the Wedding Palace or the Civil Registry Office at the place of registration of marriage or place of residence.

55 years. Emerald wedding. Give jewelry made of emerald.

60 years. Diamond (platinum) wedding. The couple lived together for 60 years, withstood the storms of fate like a diamond. This means that no one and nothing is able to terminate such a long marriage. On this anniversary, guests give the spouses jewelry with diamonds.

65 years old. Iron wedding. There's nowhere to be stronger. Spouses have already proved everything to everyone! Now they can enjoy the attention of their children and grandchildren.

67.5 years old. Stone wedding. And a stone is able to destroy time, but love, tested by such a period, cannot be destroyed by anything and no one.

70 years old. Thanksgiving wedding. This is the anniversary of married life, when they look back: at grown-up grandchildren and great-grandchildren and understand that love sent by heaven is grace and true happiness.

75 years old. Crown (alabaster, last) wedding. Crowns a long and happy life together.

80 years old. Oak wedding. Family life is as long-lived as this tree.

100 years. Red wedding. This name for the centenary faithful marital anniversary was proposed by 126-year-old Niftulla Agayev from the highland village of Zuvuch in Azerbaijan, who lived for a century in love and harmony with 116-year-old Balabeim Agayeva.

Wedding statistics are impressive, according to the registry office of the city of Moscow.
Golden wedding (50 years) was celebrated by 6130 couples;
Emerald wedding (55 years) behind 2467 couples;
There are also Diamond wedding (60 years) anniversaries in total of 1020 pairs;
And the Iron Wedding (65 years) was celebrated by 49 Moscow couples;
The blessed wedding (70 years) was celebrated by 20 families!

And what is your anniversary?

A wedding anniversary is a special day in the life of every couple. This date always brings people to the wedding day, refreshing the feelings of the spouses and filling the hearts with joy. Most married couples regularly celebrate their wedding anniversary, this is a kind of family tradition. Therefore, in order to properly organize a holiday, choose gifts for anniversaries, you should know the names of wedding anniversaries.

Green wedding.
The first day of the wedding and all other days during the first year of married life is called the green wedding. The name itself symbolizes the freshness and purity of the young spouses. During the first year of marriage after registration, the anniversary date can be celebrated monthly or even every week, celebrating the day of marriage each during the first month. Myrtle wreath (myrtle tree) was considered a symbol of a green wedding. Nowadays, leaves in the bride's wedding wreath, leaves in the bride's bouquet and a flower in the groom's boutonniere are considered the symbols of a green wedding.

Chintz wedding - 1 year.
The first wedding anniversary is considered calico. There is also another name for it - gauze. The name of this wedding anniversary has a double meaning. Conservative sources indicate that during the first year of marriage after marriage, relationships are compared with chintz as the most fragile fabric, since young people are just getting to know each other better. Among the people, the first year of marriage was symbolized by the extremely active actions of the spouses in bed, which led to the wear of bed linen from chintz to the state of gauze. Hence the double name. Therefore, as a rule, on the first wedding anniversary, spouses are given calico products: handkerchiefs, bed linen, aprons, heart-shaped pillows.

Paper wedding - 2 years.
Two years of marriage after marriage is called a paper wedding. The name of this wedding put a comparison of the relationship between the wife with easily torn paper. The explanation for this is quite simple. As a rule, in most families a child appeared in the second year of life, and this is the appearance of fatigue, various worries and problems. Therefore, during this period, married life is no longer presented in the form of continuous pleasures. The constant fatigue and irritability of the spouses leaves its mark on relationships that become like paper, so fragile. Therefore, guests invited to the celebration of a paper wedding usually replenish the stocks of paper in the family of the spouses: they give photo albums, books, paintings, calendars, etc. in addition, you can give plastic gifts and furniture.

Leather wedding - 3 years.
Three years of life after the wedding is considered the first significant event in the life of young spouses, since since the relationship was not terminated during the paper wedding, it means that they have grown stronger, and the spouses have learned to get along with each other. And since leather is a symbol of flexibility, this material gave the name to this wedding. As a rule, on the leather anniversary, guests gave leather goods. Nowadays, the assortment leather goods diverse, starting with furniture trimmed with leather, ending with a leather purse.

Linen wedding - 4 years.
The fourth wedding anniversary is called the linen (wax) wedding. It was believed that after four years of living together, the relationship to the home, family, and not the relationship between spouses, becomes the main thing. Since flax was a symbol of prosperity and security, therefore, the presence in the house of products made from it was considered a certain investment of the spouses in the future. Therefore, corresponding to the symbol of the wedding anniversary, it is customary for spouses to give linen towels, tablecloths, bedspreads, etc. A linen wedding should be celebrated with the obligatory presence of wax candles.

Wooden wedding - 5 years.
Five years of married life is the first significant anniversary of the spouses and is called a wooden wedding. A five-year marriage was compared to a wooden house, a solidly built structure, which was still threatened by fires or family quarrels. It was considered a good sign to plant a tree on the fifth anniversary. The planted tree was considered a symbol of the strength of the family hearth, which is not subject to any adversity. The fifth anniversary is celebrated in the most thorough way, although the gifts on this anniversary are not the most expensive - simple woodwork.

Cast iron wedding - 6 years.
The six years that the spouses lived together from the day of the wedding were called a cast-iron wedding. There are several versions of the name of this anniversary, according to one of which it is believed that during this period the relationship between spouses is already strong, like metal, but cast iron is a fragile metal, so relationships, like this metal, can be destroyed by a strong blow. Another version of the name "cast iron" is to glorify the fortress of the family hearth. Previously, on the date of the sixth anniversary of the wedding, the wives polished all the cast-iron dishes in the house to a shine, and proudly put them on display for passers-by. As a gift, it is recommended to give on cast iron wedding cast iron pans, pots or grates. Of course, in our time, cast iron products are not entirely relevant, but tradition is tradition.

Zinc wedding - 6.5 years.
A zinc wedding is an incomplete anniversary. It is celebrated six and a half years after the wedding. This "anniversary" is not celebrated by everyone, it does not carry any meaning and significance. But the name still exists.

Copper (woolen) wedding - 7 years.
Copper or as it is also called, woolen wedding is the seventh anniversary after the wedding. Copper acts as a symbol of the strength of family relationships, family wealth and beauty. Although it is no longer just a metal, it is still not noble or precious. Previously, spouses exchanged copper coins on the day of the seventh wedding anniversary. In our time, on such a day, it is customary to give spouses decorative cups, candlesticks, chasing and other handicrafts.

Tin wedding - 8 years.
It is believed that after eight years of married life, family relationships are renewed. Sparkling tin acts as a symbol of renewal, therefore, on the day of a tin wedding, it is customary to present as a gift any kitchen utensils, tin utensils, as well as everything that at least somehow resembles it - sweets in tin boxes, tea, etc. In addition, everything that can be considered a symbol of the renewal of the hearth, for example, furnishings, apartment renovation, can act as a gift.

Faience wedding - 9 years.
The ninth wedding anniversary is called a faience wedding. There are two versions of why this anniversary got such a name. One version claims that every year family relationships become stronger and stronger, just like good tea or earthenware cups filled with tea serve as a symbol of the beauty of marital relationships. Another version of the version says that after nine years of living together, the spouses begin a very fragile period, like faience, for their relationship. Therefore, on the anniversary of a faience wedding, you can give both a tea set and faience dishes or crystal.

Pink wedding (tin) wedding - 10 years.
A ten year wedding anniversary is considered pink or pewter. A decade of married life is a round date that is celebrated with those who attended this event ten years ago. The tenth wedding anniversary symbolizes the inviolability of the strong bonds of the spouses, therefore, beautiful romantic things are presented as a gift for a pink wedding. For example, roses, which are often given to spouses by all guests. The husband also gives his wife 11 roses: ten red as a symbol of love and one white as a symbol of hope for the next decade. It is good if the elements of pink symbolism (color, pattern) are included in the details of clothing, interior, table decoration. As a rule, rose wine should be on the table, you can serve tea with rose petals and, of course, a cake with rose decorations.

Steel wedding - 11 years.
A steel anniversary is 11 years from the wedding day. Eleven symbolizes the successful start of a new "family" decade, the hardiness, strength and strength of family ties. Accordingly, as a gift, as a rule, stainless steel products that are useful in the household act.

Nickel wedding - 12.5 years.
Twelve and a half years of married life is celebrated as nickel wedding. Russian customs require the celebration of this date after 12.5 years from the date of the wedding. However, this anniversary can be celebrated after twelve years of married life. An obvious twelve-year anniversary gift is shiny nickel-plated items (dishes).

Lily of the valley (lace) wedding - 13 years.
Thirteen years of marriage is celebrated as a lily-of-the-valley wedding. She has another name - lace. This anniversary is accompanied by the theme of love, tender harmonious relationships. It is not difficult to guess that the symbol of a lily-of-the-valley wedding is lilies of the valley, which are as tender, fragile and refined as love. And since lace is also characterized by refinement and tenderness, it also has the right to be a symbol of this anniversary. On the thirteenth anniversary, it is customary to give guests gifts made of lace, fine wool products. The husband should give his wife a bouquet of lilies of the valley, but this is not always possible, since they bloom only in May.

Agate wedding - 14 years.
Fourteen years, lived together by the spouses, are celebrated as an agate wedding. On this day, the husband gives his wife jewelry made of agate, and the guests present various figurines made of bone, similar to the color of the stone.

Glass wedding - 15 years.
The fifteenth wedding anniversary is called a glass wedding. The name itself symbolizes the purity, clarity and transparency of marital relations. Festive table for the 15th wedding anniversary, it is filled with crystal and glassware, the guests are dressed in light-colored clothes with transparent details. According to tradition, for 15 years of marriage, spouses give crystal and glass items - glasses, vases, salad bowls, etc. Spouses also exchange crystal glasses on this day. It is customary on this day to continue the feast until the first broken glass or plate, specially broken by the guests.

Turquoise wedding - 18 years.
Eighteen year olds from the wedding day are called turquoise wedding. Often this date coincides with the majority of the first child. Turquoise symbolizes the end of difficult periods of crisis in the family, which are associated with the growing up of the child, it is believed that now family relations should become brighter and brighter.

Porcelain wedding - 20 years.
The twentieth anniversary of married life is an important date for spouses and is celebrated as a porcelain wedding. There are two versions according to which this anniversary got its name. The first option provides that all the utensils that were donated for the wedding have worn out or broken over time, so it is imperative to replenish the stocks of tea and coffee utensils. According to the second option, happy marital relations after twenty years from the date of the wedding are beautiful and harmonious, they can be compared with real Chinese porcelain, the manufacture of which even today remains a secret. Regardless of the versions porcelain wedding it is customary to give porcelain dishes (sets, plates, cups, etc.).

Opal wedding - 21 years.
Bronze wedding - 22 years.
Beryl wedding - 23 years.
Satin wedding - 24 years.

Silver wedding - 25 years.
The 25th anniversary of married life is the first major anniversary of the couple. I think there is no need to talk about the meaning of the name, as well as about the gifts that it is customary for guests to give to spouses on this day. Silver or silver items would be appropriate on this day as a gift. Traditionally, on the silver anniversary, the husband and wife should exchange silver rings, which can be worn throughout the year in addition to the engagement rings.

Jade wedding - 26 years.
Mahogany wedding - 27 years.
Velvet wedding -29 years.

Pearl wedding - 30 years.
Thirty years from the date of marriage is considered pearl wedding. Pearls symbolize the purity and impeccability of family relationships thirty years after the wedding. According to the name of this anniversary, as a gift, the husband should, if possible, give his beloved wife a pearl necklace consisting of thirty pearls. If this is not possible, then any jewelry with pearls will also work. Well, guests can give their spouses simpler gifts, for example, any piece of furniture decorated with artificial pearls.

Swarthy wedding - 31 years.
Amber wedding - 34 years.

Coral (linen) wedding - 35 years.
Thirty-five years of married life together is celebrated as a coral or linen wedding. A linen tablecloth is associated with peace, prosperity and family comfort, while corals symbolize health and long married life. Donate to coral wedding any red coral decorations, linen bedspreads, towels, tablecloths, napkins, clothes, etc. are recommended.

Muslin wedding - 37 years.
Aluminum wedding - 37.5 years.
Mercury wedding - 38 years.
Crepe wedding - 39 years.

Ruby wedding - 40 years.
The fortieth anniversary of marriage is called the ruby ​​wedding. The red ruby, after which this anniversary was named, symbolizes fire and love. The red color of a ruby ​​is compared with blood, and therefore the relationship between husband and wife is "blood". Spouses in honor of the ruby ​​anniversary can encrust this stone in wedding rings. Since the ruby ​​is considered a very durable stone, nothing can destroy the relationship between the spouses.

Topaz wedding - 44 years.

Sapphire (Scarlet) wedding - 45 years.
45 years from the date of marriage is considered sapphire wedding. Sapphire was chosen to mark this anniversary not by chance, as according to popular beliefs, it is a healing stone. Already in not young years, it is necessary to think about health, and sapphire, as it is believed, can relieve heavy thoughts, give strength, help in the fight against illness and fatigue.

Lavender wedding - 46 years.
Forty-six years lived together are called a lavender wedding. Lavender acts as a symbol of kindness, tenderness and longevity of marital relationships. If possible, it is best for spouses to give each other flowers or leaves of this plant, even in a dry form. Lavender has the ability to retain its scent for many years.

Cashmere wedding - 47 years.
Amethyst wedding - 48 years.
Cedar wedding - 49 years.

Golden wedding - 50 years.
50 years of married life is a special anniversary, since not everyone manages to keep a family until such an important date. Only real love, mutual respect and devotion to each other could keep the family until such a wonderful anniversary. The Golden Jubilee has its own tradition, according to which the husband and wife exchange new wedding rings, and the old ones are passed on to unmarried grandchildren as a family treasure. You can celebrate a golden wedding in the wedding palace, where the wedding ceremony was held 50 years ago, even ask for a second ceremony. Accordingly, gold jewelry acts as gifts. Guests can give gilded jewelry and interior items to the anniversaries.

Emerald wedding - 55 years.
This anniversary was named after the emerald, green color which is a symbol of eternal life. Therefore, on this day, the spouses-anniversaries wish health, love, youth and longevity.

Diamond wedding - 60 years.
60 years of married life are associated with a strong stone, a diamond, since no adversity could destroy this union. And since a cut diamond becomes a diamond, hence the name of this anniversary. It is customary on this day for a spouse to give his wife jewelry with a diamond, and guests give crystal as a gift.

Iron wedding - 65 years.
Stone wedding - 67.5 years.

Gracious (grateful) wedding - 70 years.
The 70th anniversary is the very anniversary when, looking back, the spouses understand that the love sent to them from above is grace and true happiness. On this day, spouses thank God for the happiness sent to them, and children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren (if any) give everything that the spouses wish.

Crown wedding - 75 years.
The 75th anniversary, as it were, crowns family life.

Oak wedding - 80 years.
I think it is not worth talking about the meaning of the name of this anniversary, since everyone knows that oak is a symbol of longevity.

Red wedding - 100 years.
So far, only one seed pair has been able to celebrate the 100th anniversary, which gave the name to this wedding anniversary.

Quite a lot of time has passed since the wedding day, but you still do not know the name of your next anniversary? Do not worry, the life lived together will not pass just like that, and sooner or later you will learn all these “anniversaries”.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

Years of married life, what to remember?

Sooner or later, the moment comes when you need to congratulate your soulmate on their wedding anniversary, but you don’t always remember its name. This is where the problems begin, because you need to know exactly what each year of living together is called. Often memory fails us, so starting from one year, we will tell about everyone.

first anniversary

It seems that they got married yesterday, and today is a year, as together they call this day a cotton wedding. This holiday got its name for a very simple reason: chintz is a light, airy material, it is a symbol of the lack of strength, because only 1 year has passed. But at the same time it shows how pure, easy and simple the relationship of two lovers is. Great gift there will be any product made of chintz, cotton or silk. Many recommend that the couple exchange ordinary cotton handkerchiefs.

Second anniversary

The two-year anniversary after the wedding is called paper. It is during this period that relationships can be compared with this material. On the one hand, it is not always as strong as you want, sometimes it can tear, wrinkle, or burn. But on the other hand, during these 2 years you already know your partner best of all, you have learned his fears and weaknesses, unpleasant habits. If you were invited to such an anniversary, a picture, a photo album, as well as money would be a good gift, they are also made of paper. But if it's your anniversary, make a photo collage or something like that.

3 year anniversary

Every year your family ties grow stronger, so the third anniversary is already quite a “significant” date that means a lot to your family. That is why it is called leather. It is believed that any difficulties have long been left behind, kids appear and everything falls into place. Leather symbolizes flexibility, because finding a compromise in relationships is a real art that not everyone can do.

fourth anniversary

A linen wedding is not called so by chance, because linen is not chintz, it is not so easy to break it, which means one thing: the relationship of the spouses becomes stronger, more reliable. A four-year anniversary may be called a wax anniversary, which is why it is customary to light candles at dinner. But the table must be covered linen tablecloth, it will also not be superfluous to put a napkin of the same material near each device.

Flax also symbolizes strength, durability, prosperity. Things made of this material serve for a long time, so any gift will be remembered for a long time.

5 years from the date of the wedding

The five-year anniversary is, whatever one may say, already a serious anniversary that will be remembered, which is why it is called a wooden wedding. This is exactly the material that can give warmth, comfort to every home. At the same time, it is often used in construction, this comparison means that the spouses have already managed to build strong relationships, have a child, and equip a house.

If we recall all the previous symbols of weddings, then wood is the first solid material. But do not forget that family quarrels can destroy your reliable union. Therefore, on the fifth anniversary, spouses are advised to plant a tree together.

Six year wedding

Some marriages do not live past the age of six, because many obstacles must be overcome in order to maintain harmony in the family. If you nevertheless crossed this line, it is worth remembering that this wedding is called cast iron. Although in some parts of the world everything is completely different, for example, in America, Western Europe it is candy, and in Latvia it is rowan. For the sixth anniversary, give the couple some ironwork, although this is optional. Instead, you can always buy a Teflon or ceramic present.

seven year anniversary

In all regions of our country, it is called differently, most often a copper or woolen wedding. Copper is a symbol of strength and prosperity, it is no longer an ordinary ferrous metal, it has some value. Of course, this is not yet noble, but still it is already something. If we talk about the second name of the seventh anniversary, wool, then it must be noted that this is the main symbol of warmth that warms every member of the family.

An excellent gift for such a wedding would be copper or woolen products, in the first case a Turk, decorative cups, in the second, sweaters or a warm blanket.

8 years after the wedding day

After eight years of married life, you should already know everything about each other, life has become familiar, sometimes it seems that it is ordinary. At this point, it seems that the relationship has become like a tin. At the same time, some problems were resolved. If the eighth anniversary is called a tin wedding, you should not take everything literally, do not delve into everyday life, try to make small surprises for each other. As for gifts, it is best to pay attention to kitchen utensils or something in a tin box.

ninth anniversary

A faience wedding, this is what this year is called for the spouses. There are several completely opposite explanations for such a name. First: every day the relationship becomes strong, they are compared with tea, which is usually poured into faience cups. Second: having lived together for 9 years, the spouses are going through a crisis, their union becomes fragile, like faience. For this anniversary a good gift there will be crockery sets or tea sets.

ten year anniversary

What is the name of the tenth wedding anniversary? Remember: pink or pewter. It is on this day that you need to forget about all the troubles, and have fun to the fullest, while it is worth giving roses. If you want to give a couple unusual gift Please note that it must correspond to the holiday.

If we talk about the spouses themselves, then there is a small tradition here: the husband gives his wife 11 roses, 10 of which are scarlet, and the last one is white, symbolizing the next decade.

What happens after ten years?

As a rule, after the tenth anniversary, couples do not try to vigorously celebrate 11, 12, 13, 14, but still you should not forget about them.

  • eleven years is called a steel wedding, gifts are presented with appropriate, stainless steel;
  • the twelfth anniversary is marked by a nickel, you can give any shiny products of your choice;
  • the thirteenth is a lily-of-the-valley, tender, quivering and such an easy anniversary, the gift should correspond to the holiday. A bouquet of lilies of the valley will come in handy;
  • the fourteenth anniversary is called agate, the first jewel appears in your piggy bank, most often on this day the husband presents jewelry with this stone to his wife.

After many years lived, the fifteenth anniversary comes - one of the most important dates in your family, which is called glass or crystal. It means the purity and clarity of the relationship that you have so carefully built all these years. It is best to give glass or crystal, and it does not matter what it will be, the main thing is what it is made of. Sixteen years - topaz wedding. The seventeenth anniversary is pink, the eighteenth is turquoise, then garnet.

The second round date is the twentieth wedding anniversary, it is called porcelain. Indeed, after so many years, the family becomes a beautiful, harmonious union, which is very similar to genuine Chinese porcelain. Then twenty-five years - a silver wedding. Many write songs about her, compose poems, because not everyone can live together for so many years.

Do not forget to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary, which is called pearl. This name is very suitable, because relationships, like a pearl, develop more and more every year, hone and become better, more ideal. As a result, they move to a new level. Then comes the fortieth anniversary, which is called the ruby. This stone is a real symbol of love, passion that has been reigning between spouses for more than a year.

Not every couple is given to celebrate fifty years, that is golden wedding, it is a great rarity and value when a man and a woman have lived hand in hand for so long. This couple really understands how it is to live half a century and not lose trust, respect, love for each other.

Be that as it may, never forget to appreciate your soulmate so that each of these holidays will definitely come to your family.
