Christmas puzzles. New Year's puzzles for children

New Year's riddles

Guess what toy?
Cap, like Petrushka.
small, remote,
Grew up from boots.

He is kind, he is strict,

All overgrown with a beard,

Hurrying to us now for the holiday,

Who is this? ...

(Father Frost.)

He arranged skating rinks for us,

Snow covered the streets

Built bridges from ice

Who is this? ...

(Father Frost.)

He is kind, he is strict,

Beard up to the eyes overgrown,

Red-nosed, red-cheeked,

Our favorite...

(Father Frost.)

In a silver coat

His red-red nose,

fluffy beard,

He is a magician of children,

Guess one, two, three!

(Father Frost.)

Name it guys

A month in this riddle:

His days are shorter than all days,

All nights are longer than nights

To fields and meadows

Until spring, snow fell.

Only our month will pass,

We are meeting New Year.


I come with gifts

I shine with bright lights,

smart, funny,

On New Year's Eve I'm the main one.

(Christmas tree.)

It stands, prickly, like a hedgehog,
In winter in a summer dress.
And will come to us
Under the New Year -
The guys will be happy.
The hassle of the merry
Full mouth:
Get her clothes ready.
(Christmas tree.)

What a beauty

It stands, shining brightly,

How beautifully trimmed...

Tell me who is she?

(Christmas tree.)

Twelve brothers walk one after another,
They don't bypass each other.


The name of the bearded grandfather, whom

looking forward to the new year

children and adults.


If the forest is covered with snow,

If it smells like pies,

If the tree goes to the house,

What holiday? ...

(New Year.)

Who's never going anywhere
not late?
(New Year.)

smart tree,

Frosty January.

The calendar is open first.

What holiday is this for us?

(New Year.)

On the first step

A young guy got up

To the twelfth step

The gray-haired old man came.

(New and Old Year.)

She doesn't need a hot stove

Frost and cold - nothing to her.

Hello everyone sends a cheerful ...

We are also waiting for her for the holiday.

(Snow Maiden.)

Granddaughter of Santa Claus.

(Snow Maiden.)

With whom does frost play hide-and-seek?

In a white coat, in a white hat.

They know all the winters daughter

And her name is...

(Snow Maiden.)

Clap - and the candy shoots,

Like a gun!

It is clear to everyone: this ...


In winter, in the hours of fun

I hang on a bright spruce.

I shoot like a gun

My name is...


A Christmas tree toy that you can shoot from. ( Clapperboard.)

Riddles from Santa Claus

for primary school age

They are shaken, rolled,
And they carry the winter.
(Felt boots.)

Not boots, not boots.

Their feet do not freeze in winter.

Two distant brothers -

It's simple …

(Felt boots.)

Two sisters -

Two braids

From sheep wool fine:

How to walk -

So wear -

So that five and five do not freeze.


Walking in the field, but not a horse

Flies in the wild, but not a bird.


Yegorka climbs up -

Oh, very cool...


The men are resting
They have white hats on.
Not sewn, not knitted.
(Trees in the snow.)

You can always find her in the forest -

Let's go for a walk and meet:

It is prickly, like a hedgehog,

In winter in a summer dress.


Winter and summer in one color.


Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
Doesn't sew anything
And in needles all year round.

(Fur tree, pine tree.)

Bloom in spring, bear fruit in summer,
I do not fade in autumn, I do not die in winter.

(Fur tree, pine tree.)

She didn’t get sick, but she put on a white shroud.(Winter.)

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers,
The blizzard is walking. When does it happen?


Troika, Troika has arrived,
The horses in that trio are white,
And in the sleigh sits the queen
Belokosa, white-faced,
How she waved her sleeve -
All covered with silver.

(Winter months.)

It is not snow, although it is white.

Lace, shiny, delicate.

With him trees and bushes

Unprecedented beauty.


two silver horses

On my boots.

If I only want

Then I roll on the ice on them.


Rushing like a bullet, I'm ahead

Only the ice creaks

Let the lights flicker!

Who is carrying me?


I have guys

Two silver horses

I go to both at the same time.

What kind of horses do I have?


We are happy to overtake each other.
You look, my friend, do not fall!
Good then, easy


Pure, clear, like a diamond,
But there are no roads
Born from mother

And he gives birth to her.


Doesn't burn in fire

Doesn't sink in water.


I am water, and I swim on water.


The stripes are running
Pull up your socks.

What kind of mirror is

On the river and pond?

Slippery, blue.

Now I'm going to fall.


Run along the path
Boards and legs.

I can't feel my legs for joy,

I'm flying down the snowy hill.

Sport has become dearer and closer to me

Who helped me with this?


Two in hand

Two at the feet

Do not fall into the snow;

And you will pass without difficulty -

Only two tracks will lay down.

(Skis and ski poles.)

One man

He rides two horses at once.


I twist, hum, I don’t want to know anyone.


I walk where I want.

I'll finish everything, I'll wrap it up.

Winds of snow rigmarole.

I am not a blizzard, I am ...(Blizzard.)

What master did this on the glass

And leaves, and herbs, and thickets of roses?


No hands, no eyes
And he knows how to draw.


The old man at the gate
Warmly dragged.

Doesn't run on his own
And he won't stop.


Guest was visiting
Bridge bridge

No ax and no stake.


Grabbed by the cheeks, the tip of the nose,
Painted the windows all without asking.
But who is it? Here is the question!
All this makes…


Who builds a bridge on the river without an axe,

without nails, without wedges and without boards?


No arms, no legs, but he can draw.


The forest has grown
All white
Do not enter on foot
Do not enter on a horse.

(Frost pattern on the window.)

In the round window the glass is broken during the day,
Inserted by evening.

coat new,
And there's a hole in the bottom.

(Hole in the river.)

Barely breathed in winter -

They are always with me.

Warm two sisters

They are called...


Two sisters, two braids
From sheep's wool thin.
How to walk - so put on,
So that five and five do not freeze.

Come on, guys, who can guess:
Two fur coats are enough for ten brothers.


I took two oak bars,

Two iron rails.

I stuffed planks on the bars.

Give me snow! Ready…


All summer stood

Winters were expected.

Waiting for the pores -

Rushed down the mountain.


Oh, it's snowing!

I'm taking out my friend.

From the hill down I fly on it,

And I'm taking it back.


Downhill a horse, uphill a piece of wood.


Bel, but not sugar,

There are no legs, yes it goes.


The white blanket is not made by hand.

Not woven and not cut,

It fell from heaven to earth.


white bees

sat on the ground,
Came the fire

They were gone. (Snow).

There is a mountain in the yard, and water at home.

We made a snowball

They made a hat on him

The nose was attached, and in an instant

It turned out...


Appeared in the yard

It's in cold December.

Clumsy and funny

At the skating rink stands with a broom.

I'm used to the winter wind

Our friend...


There was a blanket
soft, white,
The earth was warm.
The wind blew
The blanket bent.
The sun is hot,
The blanket is leaking.

I am small as a grain of sand, but I cover the earth.(Snow.)

He walks, but there are no legs;
Lies, but there is no bed;
Lightweight, and breaks roofs.


Flying - silent
Lying - silent,
When he dies
Then roar.


In the yard - a mountain,
And in the hut - water.


Bel, but not sugar.
No legs, but walking.


Bel, but not sugar, no legs, but go.


All of the snowballs I am

And almost ready.

Nose - carrot, hands - branches.

All the kids are friends with me.


In winter, apples on the branches,

Try to tear

But suddenly the apples fluttered,

What is this?


A white star fell from the sky

Lies on my palm -

And disappeared.


What kind of stars through

On a coat and on a scarf,

All through - cut,

Will you take water in your hand?


Our silver dagger

Didn't stay at home for long.

We wanted to raise it

And he ran to the threshold.


She grows upside down

It does not grow in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake her -

She will cry and die.


What grows upside down?


What grows upside down?


White carrot grows in winter.


I'm sitting on top
I don't know who.
Meeting a friend -
I'll jump, I'll take it.

(A cap.)

Upside down - full,
Down to the bottom - empty.

(A cap.)

On the one hand, the forest
On the other field.

(Fur coat.)


Games and contests for the New Year

I. For children of primary school age.

  1. Ready for the New Year!

The leader offers the guys to raise their chin up, spin around their axis five times, stop, put their hand on the visor and say: “I’m ready for the New Year!”

  1. Santa Claus is coming to us.

In this game, it is proposed to first memorize the text:

"He's coming, Santa Claus is coming to us,

Santa Claus is coming to us.

And we know that Santa Claus

Brings us gifts."

After the text has been repeated, it is proposed to replace words with movements and gestures. The first word that is replaced is the word "we". Instead, the words all point to themselves. With each new performance, there are fewer words, and more gestures. Instead of the words “Santa Claus”, everyone points to the door, the word “goes” is replaced by walking on the spot, the word “know” - touch the forehead with the index finger, the word “gifts” - a gesture depicting a large bag. At the last performance, all words disappear, except for prepositions and the verb "will bring."

  1. Smeshinka.

Each player receives a name, for example, a cracker, a lollipop, an icicle, a garland, a needle, a flashlight, a snowdrift ...

The driver goes around everyone in a circle and asks various questions:

Who are you?


What holiday is today?


And what is it with you (pointing to the nose)?


And what drips from the icicle?


Each participant must answer any questions with their "name", while the "name" can be inflected accordingly. Questioners should not laugh. Whoever laughs is out of the game and gives up his phantom.

Then a drawing of tasks for forfeits is held.

  1. What is hanging on the tree?

Host: Guys, are you all attentive? We will check this now. Let's play the game "What is hanging on the Christmas tree?". I will list items, if you agree with me - clap your hands. If you don't agree, stomp your feet.

What is hanging on the tree?

loud cracker,

Convenient cheesecake.

Cotton bunnies,

Ripped gloves.

bright pictures,

White snowflakes.

Spruce cones

And two-pound weights.

  1. Christmas decorations.

We will play an interesting game with the guys:

What we decorate the Christmas tree with, I will name the kids.

If we tell you right, say "Yes" in response.

Multi-colored crackers?

Blankets and pillows?

Folding beds and cribs?

Marmalades, chocolates?

Glass balls?

Are the chairs wooden?

Teddy bears?

Primers and books?

Colored beads?

Are the garlands bright?

Snow from white cotton wool?

Backpacks and briefcases?

Shoes and boots?

Cups, forks, spoons?

Candy shiny?

Are tigers real?

Are the buds golden?

Are the stars radiant?

  1. What happens on the tree?

Now let's play an interesting game:

What happens on the Christmas tree, I will tell you.

Listen carefully, and be sure to answer,

If I say correctly, say "Yes" in response.

Well, if suddenly it’s wrong, say boldly “No!”

Are there balls on the tree?

Beads? -

Geese? -

Are there snowflakes on the tree?

Images? -

Boots? -

Are there golden fish on the tree? -

Are the balls turned? -

Soaked apples? -

  1. Mask, I know you.

The leader puts on a mask to the player. The player asks different questions, to which he receives answers - hints:

This animal?







Not really.

Does she cackle?




It's a duck!

The one who guesses the correct one gets the mask itself as a prize.

  1. Snowball.

The redemption of New Year's prizes from Santa Claus's bag can be arranged as follows.

In a circle, adults and children pass a specially prepared "snowball" - made of cotton wool, or white fabric.

“Kom” is transmitted, and Santa Claus says: “We all roll a snowball. We all count up to five - One, two, three, four, five - To sing a song for you.


“You dance to dance”;

"I'll give you a riddle"...

The person who bought the prize leaves the circle, and the game continues on.

  1. There are Christmas trees.

We decorated the Christmas tree different toys, and in the forest, different Christmas trees grow, both wide and low, tall, thin. Now, if I say "high" - raise your hands up. "Low" - squat and lower your arms. "Wide" - make the circle wider. "Thin" - make a circle already. And now let's play!

The host plays with the guys, trying to confuse them.

  1. Mice bumps.

Guys, where do we grow cones? On the tree. So, when I say "bumps" - raise your hands up. And if the “mice”, then we squat and lower our hands to the floor.

The leader shows the movements. The guys do it with him. The leader is trying to confuse the guys.

  1. Telegram to Santa Claus.

The guys are asked to name 13 adjectives: “fat”, “red”, “hot”, “hungry”, “sluggish”, “dirty”, etc.

When all the adjectives are written down, the presenter takes out the text of the telegram and inserts the missing adjectives from the list into it.

Text of the telegram: “... Grandfather Frost! All... the children are looking forward to your... arrival. New Year is the most ... holiday of the year. We will sing for you... songs, dance... dances! Finally, the New Year will come! How I don't want to talk about ... study. We promise that we will only receive... grades. So, open your... bag and give us... gifts. With respect to you ... boys and ... girls!

  1. I will freeze.

The guys stretch their hands forward, and when Santa Claus runs up to them, the guys should hide their hands behind their backs. Those who did not have time will be considered frozen.

  1. Laughter.

Plays any number of participants. All participants in the game, if it is a free area, form a large circle. In the center - the driver (Santa Claus) with a handkerchief in his hands. He throws the handkerchief up while it flies to the ground, everyone laughs loudly, the handkerchief on the ground - everyone subsides. As soon as the handkerchief touched the ground, this is where the laughter begins, we take the funniest fant - this is a song, a verse, etc.

  1. Mysterious chest.

Each of the two players has their own chest or suitcase containing various items of clothing. The players are blindfolded, and at the command of the leader, they begin to put on things from the chest. The task of the players is to dress up as quickly as possible.

  1. Flowers.

The players become in a circle.

The host (Santa Claus) commands: "Touch the yellow, one, two, three!". Players as quickly as possible try to take hold of the thing (object, part of the body) of the other participants in the circle. Who did not have time - leaves the game.

The host repeats the command again, but with a new color.

The last one left wins.

  1. Collect snowballs.

Inventory: baskets according to the number of participants, paper snowballs - an odd number.

Preparation: paper snowballs are placed on the site.

A game. Each player is given a basket in his hands and blindfolded. The task is to blindly collect as many "snowballs" as possible and put them in a basket.

Winner: The participant with the most snowballs.

  1. The Snow Queen.

Inventory: ice cubes.

Participants take an ice cube. The task is to melt the ice, who is faster.

Winner: The participant who completed the task first.

  1. Hold the snowflake.

Lumps are made from cotton wool, resembling a snowflake. At the signal of the host, the participants begin to blow from below on the lump so that it flies like a snowflake. The task is not to let the "snowflake" fall.

Winner: The participant who kept the "snowflake" in the air the longest.

  1. Snowflake.

To the music, the guys pass a large snowflake around in a circle, and the host tries to intercept it from the children.

  1. Mitten.

To the music, the guys pass Santa Claus's mitten in a circle, and he tries to intercept it from the children.

  1. Bunnies.

Leading: Our game is called "Bunnies". I say "noses", "tails", "ears", "tops". And you listen carefully and show.

The host deliberately confuses the children.

  1. Sunday.

Guys, do you know how many days are in a week? That's right, seven. Let's call them.

And now guys, I will call the days of the week, and you clap, as I say "Sunday", you shout "day off" in unison.

  1. Fairy items.

There is a fabulous chest under the Christmas tree, and Santa Claus hid fabulous items in it. Santa Claus takes out of the chest and shows the children a golden key, a broom, a thermometer, a gem flower, etc. Children try to guess who these objects belong to.

  1. Forbidden movement.

The game is played to music. The leader agrees with the children that they will repeat all his movements after him without delay. However, one movement, for example, "Hands on the belt", cannot be repeated. Whoever repeats this movement is out of the game.

The game begins on a general signal. The host makes dance movements to the music, moving in a circle. He makes sure that everyone imitates him, but at the same time he "penalizes" all those who make mistakes. At the end of the game, the wrong ones should read a poem, sing a song or dance.

  1. Fun minute.

For each question, the children answer in chorus: “Like this” - and show the desired action with a gesture. The game begins with a brief explanation of the rules of the game.

How are you?

Like this! Show thumb.

How are you going?

Like this! Run two fingers of one hand across the palm of the other.

How do you run?

Like this! Bend your elbows and show how they work when running.

Do you sleep at night?

Like this! Hands "boat" under the cheek and put your head on them.

How do you take?

Like this!

Do you give?

Like this!

Are you kidding?

Like this! Puff out your cheeks at once and hit them.

Are you threatening?

Like this! Throw a finger. For example, to your neighbor.

II. For children of middle school age.

  1. Depict.

Depict the whole team a snowy mountain, a large skating rink, a ski track.

  1. Hello!

According to the eastern horoscope, each year has the name of a different animal. For example: the year of the Dog or the year of the Monkey, the year of the Horse. And now many years will gather in our circus at once and many animals will meet each other.

At a meeting, all people always say hello. How will the animals greet you? Let's think!

So: sector "C" - you came from the year of the Rooster; sector "I" - you have the year of the Dog; sector "P" - the year of the Boar (Pig); sector "K" - the year of the Horse. You come up and say hello to each other.

The "C" sector greets the "I", "P", "K" sectors.

  1. Riding on troikas (skateboards).

Our grandparents probably had no more exciting pleasure than to ride with a breeze over hard crust on a sleigh pulled by a trio of frisky horses. Let's ride with you!

One person gets on a skateboard. Three others, harnessed to ropes, represent horses. First two sectors (2 teams) compete with each other, then two others.

  1. Clever artists.

While the music is playing, you need to run to the easel in felt boots and quickly draw:

1 team - a Christmas tree (the more branches, the better);

2 team - snowflakes (than more snowflakes, all the better).

  1. Santa Claus bag.

Teams must fill the bag with balls as quickly as possible.

  1. Winter towns.

We put several pins (5-6 pieces) on the cube for each team. Whose team will collect more pins with a mitten.

  1. Snow lady.

What kind of winter can do without a "snow woman"? None! As soon as wet sticky snow fell, these 3-story beauties immediately appear in our yards.

And let's try to move the "snowman". Who can do it better? Who is the smartest?

Guys stack 3 balloons at each other, like a "snowman", and they run. The fastest and smartest team wins.

  1. Warmers.

It's like a cockfight.

In a circle - two roosters on one leg push each other out.

  1. The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.

This song is performed by different animals: dogs (woof-woof-woof), roosters (crowing), ducks (quacking), cows (mooing), etc.

  1. Snow fight.

The kids are throwing paper snowballs.

Each team is given a box of paper snowballs.

It is necessary to throw as many snowballs as possible on the territory of other teams.

  1. Decorate the Christmas tree.

In the hall on stands there are two small artificial Christmas trees at a distance of 1-1.5 m. Toys made of cardboard, papier-mâché, cotton wool are located on tables 5-6 steps from the Christmas trees. Two participants in the competition must decorate the Christmas tree blindfolded in a short time.

  1. Snow Maiden.

Option I

The host invites 2 teams of 10 people each, gives them a set of letters big size constituting the word "Snow Maiden". Each participant in the game receives one letter.

In the story that will be read to the participants, there will be several words made up of the letters included in these sets. As soon as such a word is uttered, the owners of the letters that make it up must come forward and, rebuilding, form this word.

The team whose members manage to get ahead of their rivals gets a point. The winner is the team that scores more points.

Option II.

From the letters of the word "Snow Maiden" make up all possible words: (snow, black man, hay, horns, sulfur, sleep, etc.). Who is more, he wins.

  1. Artists competition.

There are two couples. Each pair draws a mouse (or other animal). Only one draws the front, the other the back. However, they do not communicate with each other. Then glue both parts and see the result.

  1. Poetry competition.

The children are invited to compose a poem with rhymes.

Rhyme options: grandfather - years; nose - frost; year - goes; calendar - January; frost - brought; winter - at home; snowball - berezhok.

  1. New Year's story.

The children must make a New Year's story with one letter. For example, on the letter "N": " New year's night full of new surprises ... ". Whose story will be more and more interesting, he wins.

  1. Snowball.

The first team starts, the second continues, and so on.

  • I decorated the Christmas tree with an asterisk.
  • You dressed up the Christmas tree with an asterisk, I will decorate it with balls.
  • I dressed (a) the Christmas tree with an asterisk, you dressed up the balls, I will decorate the Christmas tree with a garland, etc.

The team that doesn't fall off wins.

  1. Song Contest.

Each team must sing songs about the New Year. The team that sings the most songs wins.

  1. Rip up the newspaper.

Santa Claus chooses 2 contestants. The task is to tear the newspaper as soon as possible and smaller. With one hand, right or left, it doesn’t matter - tear the newspaper into small pieces, while the hand is stretched forward, you can’t help with your free hand. Who will do the job less.

  1. Ride the ball.

Participants line up in teams of 3 people. Each "troika" of players receives a tight volleyball. At the signal of the leader, one of the players of the trio, supported under the elbows by two other players, stepping on the ball, rolls it. The group that reaches the finish line first wins.

  1. Crumple up the newspaper.

Inventory: newspapers according to the number of participants.

An unfolded newspaper spreads in front of the players on the floor. The task is to crumple the newspaper at the signal of the presenter, trying to collect the entire sheet into a fist.

Winner: the participant who gathered the newspaper into a ball the fastest.

  1. Harvest.

The task of the players of each team is to transfer oranges to a certain place as quickly as possible without the help of hands. Santa Claus is the leader. He starts and announces the winner

  1. Names.

For each step you need to say a name. Whoever goes further is the winner.

  1. Clown walk.

Each team in their circle must portray a funny clown walk.

  1. Dance with hoops.

Inventory: hoops according to the number of participants.

Several players are given a plastic (metal) hoop.
Game options:

a) Rotation of the hoop around the waist, neck, arm...

Winner: The contestant whose hoop spins the longest.

b) Participants, on command, send the hoop forward in a straight line with their hands.

Winner: the participant whose hoop rolls the farthest.

c) Rotation of the hoop around its axis with the movement of the fingers of one hand (like a top).

Winner: The contestant whose hoop will spin the longest.

  1. Musketeers.

Inventory: 2 chess officers, fake swords made of rubber or foam rubber.

A chess piece is placed on the edge of the table. Participants stand at a distance of 2 meters from the table. The task is to lunge (step forward) and hit the figure with an injection.

Winner: the participant who hits the figure first.

Option: a duel between two participants.

  1. Robin Hood.

Inventory: a ball or an apple, a "basket" of a hat, buckets, boxes, rings, a stool, various items.

Several game options:

a) knock down with a ball various objects standing at a distance on a stool;

b) throw a ball, an apple, etc. in the "basket" at a distance;

c) throw rings on the legs of an inverted stool.

Winner: The contestant who did the best on the task.

  1. Strongmen.

Different numbers of kg are written on the balloons. Whoever lifts more kg is the winner.

  1. Crush the ball with your foot.

Inventory: balloons according to the number of players.

In front of the players, at a distance of 4-5 steps, they put on the floor balloon. The task is to go blindfolded to the ball and crush it with your foot.

Winner: The contestant who crushed the balloon.

It's funny if after tying the balls are removed.

  1. Great Houdini.

Inventory: ropes according to the number of participants.

Read the ciphertext


Father Frost


Santa Claus

He brought me a puppy.

But some

Strange grandfather:

Dressed in my mother's coat.

And his eyes


Like dad


And smile


Well, of course,

Is the same!

This is Dad!

I am silent


I want to -


having fun


He himself admits.

(A. Beresnev.)

* * *

little Christmas tree

Cold in winter.

Christmas tree from the forest

We took it home.

The beads are hung

We got into a round dance,

fun, fun

Let's meet the New Year.

(Z. Aleksandrova.)


Would be at the Christmas tree


She would run

Along the track.

She would dance

Together with us,

She would knock


Would spin on the Christmas tree

Toys -

colorful lanterns,


Would spin on the Christmas tree


From crimson, from silver


Would laugh at the Christmas tree


And they would clap for joy

In the palms

Because tonight

At the gate


New Year!

new, new,


With a golden beard!

(K. Chukovsky.)

* * *

On our Christmas tree

Funny toys:

funny hedgehogs

And funny frogs

funny bears,

funny deer,

funny walruses

And funny seals!

We are also a little

The masks are funny.

We are funny

Santa Claus needs

To be joyful

To hear laughter -

After all, today is a holiday

Cheerful for everyone.

(Yu. Kapotov.)

New Year

Smells like fresh tar again

We gathered at the tree

Our Christmas tree is dressed up.

The lights on her lit up.

Games, jokes, songs, dances.

There are masks here and there.

You are a bear. And I am a fox.

What miracles!

Let's dance together

Hello, hello New Year!



It's been like this for a long time:

In the evening, at the end of December,

The magician will arrive in a carriage

From gold and amber.

Will drive through the streets bright

And turn to every house,

Give gifts to kids

And he will return adults to childhood.

But in the morning the magician will rush off

Over mountains, forests and seas.

It's all going to happen

In the evening, at the end of December.

(I. Bardin.)

* * *

New Year! My path is through the fields

Forest, snowy steppe;

Flakes, big stars,

Pours the sky into the darkness of the night,

Hat, shoulders down,

You look stronger and stronger!

Everything seems to grow

In the white shroud of fields...

In memorable years

Not like this in winter

Rus' lowered crops

Down with snow-covered shoulders.

Shed green,

Went in bulk for mowing!

Well, coachman, shake the reins,

You know: the day has grown a little!

(K.K. Sluchevsky.)

Let's solve puzzles for the new year 2018 for children on the topic of dog breeds

The upcoming new year will be the year of the dog. Some people like these animals, some don't. But be that as it may, it is very difficult for many to live without dogs. For some, this is a watchman in the yard, for others it is an assistant on the road, and for others it is best friend in life. But the dog of the dog is different and many breeds confirm this. One breed is specially bred for hunting, the other for the home, and so every weather is bred for something. New interesting puzzles for the new year 2018 for children are encrypted dog breeds. Puzzles with answers, and if it's difficult for you, you can peep and give the right answer.

How to solve puzzles?

Many already know this simple technique, but someone does not even know what and how to do. In fact, everything is simple here. We just look at the picture and say what we see on it. There are also hints in the pictures. For example, it shows which letter replaces which. Or there is a hint: how many letters in the word to remove in front or at the end. In general, everything is quite simple, the main thing is ingenuity and desire.

Who benefits from puzzles?

Solving puzzles is useful for everyone. During the game, you think, strain your brain and develop logic and thinking. Even if a person knows a lot, he still solves puzzles to keep himself in good shape and train his head. Puzzles are especially useful for children. With their help, you can learn to solve riddles. Think in the right direction and so on. It will be great if you spend the evening together with the whole family and play solving puzzles.

How to diversify the game?

You can do this with simple rules and prizes. For example, all players are sitting together, and the leader shows them the first rebus. The task of the participants is to solve the problem and say the correct answer. Whoever did it first got one point in the piggy bank. After the balls are awarded prizes.
The second option is to play in teams. We divide everyone into teams and put several puzzles on the table for each. The task of the teams is to quickly solve the puzzles. Whichever team does it first, and correctly, wins.

Where to get puzzles?

It's not hard to come up with them yourself. But it takes time, and everything needs to be done beautifully. The second option: buy a book with tasks in the store. But this will have to spend money and still find interesting puzzles. And finally, puzzles can be downloaded from our website and done for free. And then just print them on a printer for children.

We also have a video game on this topic. Check it out and try to win:

Games with Santa Claus for children.

Interesting and exciting games, puzzles and mazes by New Year theme for children.

Exercise 1

Consider Christmas decorations. Find the toy that disappeared from the second picture.

Color the decorations in desired colors.

Task 2

Connect the dots in the right order and you will find out what gift Santa Claus is carrying on his back.

Task 3

Color this funny picture in the right colors.

Task 4

Say who owns which item. Put the corresponding numbers in the circles.

Task 5

Find 6 differences between the pictures. Color the second picture in the desired colors.

Task 6

Connect the dots in the right order and you will find out what the Troll is drawing.

Task 7

decorate christmas balls. Trace the patterns with pencils of the desired colors.

Task 8

Color the picture at the bottom of the page according to the pattern.

Task 9

Write the corresponding numbers after the equal signs.

Task 10

Together with the Troll, find an extra item in each group. Color the objects in the right colors.

Task 11

Color the fragments of the picture in the desired colors. Write a short story based on the picture.

Task 12

Guide the Troll to his New Year's gift.

Task 13

Find the correct troll shadow

Task 14

Circle only those pictures in each row that repeat the pattern.

Task 15

Dress up the Christmas tree. Color the Christmas decorations

Task 16

Find the same snowman as in the color picture and paint it in the right colors.

Task 17

Combine items from the first block and items from the second into logical pairs.

Put the corresponding numbers in circles.
