Finger game thimble. A complex of finger gymnastics for children of the senior speech therapy group

Pukhkiy Ekaterina
finger games

Develop fine motor skills help hands finger games. I offer a selection finger games:

An oak stands on a hillock, it moves its branches

foliage plays quickly moving fingers

In the morning the sun meets

A strong trunk is covered with bark, we put our palms and forearms together

And he eats and drinks from the roots under the ground

Very long oak

And on the branches here and there different birds live

They sit in nests, raise their chicks

Lived in the world Kolobok, round side, ruddy side

The bear was deceived on the way

He ran away from home

But you can't get away from Chanterelle "we threaten" fingers

He got into the dense forest

Red-haired cunning cheat, spent the poor thing deftly

There I met a Bunny

She asked to sit on her toe -

And ran away from the wolf

And our Kolobok disappeared!

Our family

Mom makes pies

Dad makes a shelf We hit each other with fists

grandfather with glasses reading a book

Granny sews me panties We imitate sewing with a needle

little sister

Our whole family is working

I ran to the meadow

Everyone big bouquet narwhal!

colorful lawn

Over the green lawn the ba-barrel flew

And sat down on a white chamomile to rest

And next to the chamomile grew a blue cornflower

A black spider climbed onto his leaf

yellow tulip tilted its head "bells" two hands apart

And the caterpillar crawls along the stalk deftly

A fluffy dandelion is like a balloon

And on the ball sits a gray mosquito

Drops are dripping loudly: cap, cap, cap, cap alternately hit the big one finger pillows of others fingers

Do not pass the fox to the mink without splashing its paws

our fox rose, but by chance right into a puddle ...

Slammed! Slap on the knees

On a hillock a white hare stood

Laughed at the fox at the top of his lungs

The wind shakes the old maple, showers the leaves from the branches

The bugs have been hiding for a long time

Spiders nap in their burrows

Geese-swans roar

They want to fly south

The gray bunny sheds, the summer coat changes

The thick-legged bear is building

Lair for the winter

The sun has gone down, so autumn has come

Bunny looked out the window

Ears moved

"bunny"- move fingers-"ears"

Someone built a mink at night

Someone whitewashed the Christmas tree

Someone apple tree

I sketched snow on the branches Rhythmically we clench our fists

Confused at the door

Frozen all the rivers

This zimushka-winter made herself overnight

Matryoshka cat

There was a cat named Matryoshka

She had a girlfriend - a cow Pestrushka

And the cat was friends with the horse, they ran along the paths together

And with the goat Mike they galloped across the lawn

And with the dog Zhurka they played hide and seek

The cat Matryoshka, the cow Pestrushka, the horse, the goat and the dog Zhurka lived happily

We were strong friends

Never swore, always hugged - that's it! hugging

Shopping for animals

One, two, three, four, five alternately bend fingers on both hands at the same time

Let's go buy gifts

Mishke - panties

Bunny - sweatshirt

Piggy - scarf

Lamb - shirt

Titmouse - mittens

Cow - stockings

And the calf - sliders! we spread our arms to the sides


Embroider, sew a needle.

The left palm is open, in the right - an imaginary needle.

The finger hurts, finger prickly, Needle "sews" and touches the tip of the index left hand finger.

And the thimble at the same moment

To the girl on finger jump!

They make a movement, as if putting on a thimble.

Speaks to the needle: "Shay!" Again "sew".

“And don’t you dare shoot!”

They threaten with a pointer finger right hand

Squirrel - seller

A squirrel sits on a cart. Squeeze-unclench fingers.

She sells nuts. Clap your hands.


Sparrow, titmouse,

Bear fat-fifth,

Mustachioed hare. Alternately bend fingers on the right hand, starting with the big one.

To whom in a handkerchief, To whom in the goiter. They hit each other with their fists.

Who cares. Show palms.

Grandpa in the garden

I planted a turnip

And water from a watering can

He watered the turnip. ( "Rings".)

Grow, grow, turnip,

Both sweet and strong.

Grow, grow, turnip,

Both sweet and strong. ( "Claps".)

The turnip has grown

To everyone's surprise "Rings".,

Big big big

Enough food for everyone. ( "Rays".)

The turnip has grown

Both sweet and strong.

The turnip has grown

Both sweet and strong. ( "Squishes".)

Teremok in an open field

He was neither low nor high. ( "Fan".)

Various animals lived in it,

They lived together, did not grieve. ( "Hello".)

There is a fly and a frog,

Bunny with fox girlfriend

Prickly hedgehog, gray wolf -

They knew a lot about friendship. ( "Rings".)

But Mishka the clubfoot came across the teremok ( "Lock", turn it left - right.)

He crushed the tower

With its huge paw. ( "Rays".)

The animals were very scared

Quickly ran away "Waves".,

And then they gathered again

To build a new tower. ( "Hello".)

Everyone lives in it now.

And they sing songs like this "Rings".)".

Stands in the field Teremok,

He is neither low nor high. ( "Fan".)

About chicken Ryaba

Ryaba hen for grandmother and grandfather

Laid a golden egg for dinner (Rings)

They beat a testicle and a woman and a grandfather

But couldn't break for lunch (Hammers)

The mouse ran past (Waves)

I brushed off the egg, and it fell (rays)

Baba and grandfather cried bitterly (Rings)

After all, the egg broke, their lunch was gone (rays)

Since then, Ryaba to Baba and Granddad (Rings)

Carries only simple eggs for dinner (cams)

Winter hut of animals

Animals once cut down a hut ( "Hammers".,

The stove was laid down in it and they were happy. ( "Hello".)

The wolf and the bear found out about this ( "Rings".)

They wanted to eat all the Masters. ( "Cams".)

Quietly they approached the winter hut, They opened the door and entered the hallway. ( "Rings".)

The rooster crowed ( "Beaks".,

The bull gored in the side. ( "Goat".)

The cat snorted from the stove "Waves".,

Well, the pig grunted with screeching: - Here is my hut. ( "Rays".)

The wolf jumped out of fright, the Bear followed him. They ran all night. ( "Waves".)

Since then, they have not gone to the winter quarters


The rain is over

The rain has passed, and the sun is shining, Warming everything around ( "Rings".,

Animals came out into the clearing

What sat under the mushroom. ( "Rays".)

Dry the wings, dry the fur, Dry the feathers and noses. ( "Rings".)

Everyone is glad that the bunny escaped

From a gluttonous fox.

The sun is shining, the sun is warming "Fan",

The mushroom stands like a giant ( "Rays",

Animals will have fun in the clearing, Tram-tam-tam. ( "Claps".)

And the green frogs will croak loudly ( "Knees".):- Kwa-kva-kva ( "Rays".,

True friends, girlfriends ( "Rings".) They will always help out in trouble! ( "Rays".)

In chickens, dad is an important cockerel ( "Rays".):

On his head

red-red scallop ( "Scallop".,

Under the head of the beard

He shakes her very deftly

("Beard", wiggle bent fingers.).

The tail is beautiful and big,

The feathers curled up. ( "Rings".)

Ku-ka-re-ku! - he is screaming ( "Beaks".,

Tells everyone to wake up. ( "Rays".)

Children, starting from the cradle, are already striving to get to know this world and learn everything new and unknown to them. They perceive information at all levels of perception, from the very beginning it is a tactile path, then hearing and vision develop more strongly. Thus, the child needs to see, hear and touch everything, and in some cases also taste it. IN preschool age Children have an endless thirst for new knowledge. If this is not stopped, but, on the contrary, developed and supported, then the child will turn into a developed, harmonious and outstanding personality with age.

That is why, already at preschool age, it is necessary to give children as much information as possible not only about what they see and can touch, but also about what exists in the universe, tell them about the laws of the universe and various phenomena. In connection with the fiftieth anniversary of the first manned flight into space, I decided to spend Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten. This will significantly expand the horizons of children and enrich them with new knowledge about the unknown. Almost all children tend to fantasize and invent their own worlds, so they are always interested in learning about the existence of other planets besides the Earth, and about the secrets that they hide.
Now you will become witnesses of space travel. And even though this is not a real space flight, it is possible that our today's "cosmonauts" in 10-15 years will lead ships to other planets or will create these ships.

Target: expand and consolidate children's ideas about space, astronauts; develop vocabulary on the topic.


  • develop fluency and expressiveness of speech, speech hearing and speech memory;
  • develop attention, the ability to navigate in space;
  • develop emotionality and expressiveness of non-verbal means of communication;
  • develop Creative skills;
  • instill a sense of patriotism; love and respect for the heroes of our country.


  • The interest of children in the topic of space, the manifestation of their cognitive activity: together with their parents they find information on the topic, tell and share their knowledge with other children in kindergarten.
  • Initiative design by children from building material, designer, paper of rockets according to their own idea, manifestation of creativity and detail in work.

Equipment: rocket model, demonstration material on the theme “Space”, items for the game “Going to fly”, sets of geometric shapes by the number of children for the game “Build a rocket”, stars cut out of cardboard for the game “Make a word”, slides, soundtrack of space noise ship, globe, glue, paper napkins, drawing paper, markers.

Preliminary work: learning poems about space, reading fiction: “Messenger of the Earth” by S. Mikhalkov, “I go into space” by A. Leonov; viewing illustrations about space; learning the song "Sunshine"; learning the game "Asterisks".


1. Organizing moment

Guys, look at the pictures on the board. Why did I put them on? (April 12 - Cosmonautics Day). On this day in 1961 Yu.A. Gagarin committed
first space flight. ( Application ).
Since that time, many boys and girls dream of becoming astronauts.
- Raise your hands, which of you wants to fly into space?

1 child.

Do you want to become an astronaut?
Must know a lot.
Any space route
Open to those who love work.

2 child.

To control a rocket
You need to be brave and strong
The weak are not taken into space -
After all, flying is hard work.

2. Development of fine motor skills. Game "Build a Rocket"

- Let's go guys.
Let's play astronauts.
Let's go to space with you!
We're going to fly
We are building a new starship.

- Let's lay out a rocket from geometric shapes, here are some samples for you. (Children from a set of geometric shapes make up a rocket according to this pattern).

3. Attention game "We're going to fly"

- We made a starship,
They forgot to pack their luggage.

– There is nothing superfluous, accidental on the spaceship. Therefore, we will take only those things that are needed during space travel. I will show different items, and you should clap your hands if this item is useful on a trip and stomp if it is not needed - an oxygen tank, a pillow, a first aid kit, a ladle, a star map, a fur coat, a flashlight.

4. Finger game "Thimble"

- Everything is collected. But look at yourself, is it possible to go into space in our clothes?
- Why? What do we need? (suits). We will sew special suits for astronauts - spacesuits.

- The needle is sewing, the needle is sewing The left palm is open, in the right hand -
The finger hurts, the finger is prickly. imaginary needle.
And the thimble at the same moment The needle "sews" and touches the fingertips.
To the guys on the finger Children seem to put a thimble on their finger.
Needle says: "Sew".
– Shay
And don't you dare poke! They threaten with a finger.

5. Phonopedic exercise "Rocket"

Our crew is ready to fly. Attention, take your seats.
Let's check if all the systems of the spacecraft are working.

- Fastened seat belts -
- Checking the fuel. - They say "shhhhh...".
- Opening and closing hatches. - Make a glissando for the sound (a).
- Checking the radio - Pronounce short and long sounds (y).
- Turn on the motor. - Pronounce the sound (r) and rotate the fists.

6. Exercise for coordination of speech and movement "Flight"

– 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Raise your arms in jerks through the sides.
Here we are flying into space! They join hands in a "lock".
We're flying high They run in circles.
The rocket is flying fast.
We will fly far
To radiant stars.
We flew around the stars They are spinning.
They wanted to reach the stars.
We float in weightlessness They walk with smooth hand movements.
next to our ship.
Let's fly on again They sit down in their seats.
We look through the windows.

7. Application "Sun"

We are approaching an amazing multi-colored planet. Look what she is. (Slide)
Get ready to land . (Soundtrack of spaceship noise sounds.)
This is the planet of flowers. Let's take a closer look at it. On this planet, flowers grew under a blue sun. Let's show the flowers that our planet is illuminated by our golden sun. To do this, we will make the sun together on the Whatman paper. Roll up tubes from paper napkins different lengths- these will be the rays. And cut out the circle of the sun from colored paper and glue it in the middle.
What kind of sun did we get? (Bright, round, warm, radiant).

8. Song about the sun

- And what song do we know about the sun? Let's sing it.

9. Gymnastics for the eyes "Sunny Bunny"

- Our sun is so bright, it sent a sunbeam towards us. See him? Follow with your eyes how he jumps, runs around the Flower Planet. Forward, backward, forward, backward. Once again and again. Well done! The bunny is calling us somewhere. Let's get a look.

10. Game "Make a word"

- Guys, look how many stars fell, it must have been a starfall. On some stars there are letters, let's try to make a word out of them. What word did you get? (Earth)
Earth is the name of the planet we live on. Look at the Earth from space, how beautiful it is. (Slide)

11. Communication game "Asterisks"

The stars jump, frolic,
Stars love to play.
The stars are flying fast
You try to catch them.
Star, fly!
Rather catch!

(Children stand in pairs, agreeing which of them will be the “asterisk”. Under the words, they press their palms to each other and shake them left and right. On the last words, the “asterisk” runs away, the other catches up. When the game is repeated, the “asterisk” becomes the second child.)

12. Summary of the lesson

Children, it's time for us to go home. Take your seats, buckle up, we're turning home... (Soundtrack of the noise of the spaceship sounds).
– 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5!
Here we are at home again!

- Did you enjoy the trip? What interesting things do you remember?
What planets in the solar system do you know?
What planet do we live on?
Who was the first to fly into space?
- When is Cosmonautics Day celebrated?
And I liked the way you worked. Our lesson is over, thank you all!
- Goodbye!

Finger gymnastics Senior group


The hostess once came from the market, (“Walk” with fingers

The hostess brought home from the market on the table.)



Parsley and beets.

Oh!.. (Cotton.)

Here vegetables dispute brought on the table - (Alternating beats

Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth, fists and palms.)

Potato? (Bend fingers.)


Parsley or beets?

Oh! (Cotton.)

The hostess, meanwhile, took a knife (Knock with the edge of the palm

And with this knife she began to crumble on the table.)

potato (Bend one finger at a time.)


Parsley and beets.

Oh! (Cotton.)

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot (Palms folded

Boiled, boiled in boiling water crosswise on the table.)

Potato, (Bend one finger at a time.)


Parsley and beets.

Oh! (Cotton.)

And the vegetable soup was not bad! (Show thumb.)

Finger gymnasticsSenior group


Like our cat

Boots on the feet.

Like our pig

Shoes on feet.

And on the paws of the dog

Blue slippers.

A little goat

Wears boots.

And the son of Vovka -

New sneakers.

Like this,

Like this,

New sneakers.

Finger gymnasticsSenior group


Snow fell on the threshold. (Children twice slowly

put their hands down on the table.)

The cat made himself a cake.

In the meantime, sculpted and baked,

The pie flowed in a stream.

Bake pies for yourself

Not from snow - from torment.

Finger gymnasticsSenior group


Give milk, Burenushka, (Children show how they milk

At least a little - on the bottom. cow.)

Kittens are waiting for me (Make "muzzles" from

Little guys. fingers.)

Give them a spoonful of cream (Bend one finger at a time

A little creativity chiku on both hands.)

Oils, yogurt,

Milk for porridge.

Gives health to all (Again "milk".)

Cow's milk.

Finger gymnasticsSenior group

"ON THE FIR-tree"

We had fun at the tree (Rhythmic hand clapping.)

And danced and frolicked (Rhythmic punches.)

After the good Santa Claus

He gave us gifts.

Gave huge packages

They also have delicious items: (They make rhythmic clapping.)

Sweets in blue papers (Fingers are bent on both hands, Nuts next to them starting with big.)

apple, one

Golden tangerine.

Finger gymnasticsSenior group


All our friends are in our group. (Children knock rhythmically

fists on the table.)

The youngest is me. (clench fists,

This is Masha starting with the little finger.)

This is Sasha

This is Dasha.

Finger gymnasticsSenior group


The fish swims in the water (Palms clasped together

Fish are fun to play with.

Fish, fish, naughty, (They threaten with a finger.)

We want to catch you. (Slowly bring palms together.)

The fish arched its back (Picture again,

how a fish swims.)

I took a piece of bread. (make grasping

movement with both hands.)

The fish wagged its tail (They float again.)

The fish quickly swam away.

Finger gymnasticsSenior group


The porridge grew in the field (Children raised their hands,

wiggle their fingers.)

Came to us on a plate.

We will treat all our friends (In the right palm interfere

We'll give you a plate.

little bird, (Bend one by one

Hare and fox fingers on both hands.)

Cat and matryoshka

We'll give everyone a spoon! (Open fists.)

Finger gymnasticsSenior group


Embroider, sew a needle, (left palm open)

The finger hurts

Finger prickly.

A thimble

At the same moment

To the girl on the finger index finger of the left

Jump! hands thimble.)

Needle says: ("Sew".)

And don't you dare poke! (Threaten with index

finger of the left hand.)

Finger gymnasticsSenior group


Our cat has ten kittens, (Palms folded,
Now all the kittens are in pairs:
Two fat, two dexterous,
Two long, two tricky, fingers on each other
The two smallest (from big to little finger).
And the most beautiful.

Finger gymnasticsSenior group


Little rabbit

with big ears,
pink nose, (Touch your nose.)
Funny mustache. (Index fingers pressed to lips.)
He digs a deep mink for himself (We dig a leg.)
Strong paws

In soft ground.
He cleans his fur ("We clean the fur.")

Or sleeping. (Hands put under the cheek.)
The rabbit always wiggles its ears. (Wiggle our ears.)

Hiding in its mink from enemies. (Cover your face with your hands.)

Finger gymnasticsSenior group


Under the mushroom - a hut-house, (Palms with a hut)

A cheerful gnome lives there.

We'll knock softly palm of other hand)

Let's ring the bell. ("Ring the bell")
The gnome will open the door for us,
Will call in a hut-house.

Wooden floor in the house

And on it is an oak table. (show the table)

Next to it is a high back chair. (show chair)

On the table is a plate with a fork.
And pancakes are a mountain -
Treat for the kids. palm pointing down

four fingers extended

Finger gymnasticsSenior group


I want to build a house
To have a window in it, (Hands in front of the eyes "window")
So that the house has a door,
Next to the pine tree to grow
So that there is a fence around (Hands in front of a ring).
The dog guarded the gate. (One hand "dog".)
The sun was (Cross hands, fingers outstretched.)
The rain was falling ("flicking" movements)
And the tulip bloomed in the garden.

Finger gymnasticsSenior group


This finger wants to sleep.
This finger went to bed
This finger is a little dozed off.
This one fell asleep immediately.
This one is fast asleep
And snores softly. (Hands put under the cheek.)
The red sun will rise (Raise your left hand and
The clear morning will come straighten all fingers)
The birds will chirp (Wiggle your fingers.)
Fingers will rise!

Finger gymnasticsSenior group


Finger Thick and Large (bend fingers on left hand)
I went to the plum garden.
Pointer from the threshold
Showed him the way.
The middle finger is the most accurate,
He picks plums off the branch.
The nameless eats
And little finger mister
Plants bones in the ground.

Finger gymnasticsSenior group


Two naughty monkeys (Perform movements

They loved flipping through books. corresponding to the text)

Shake 'em, lick

Deftly set to work (Show glasses with hands)

And they put on glasses.

They brought a book to their nose,

Nothing is visible through the glasses.

And the monkeys are so offended! (We wipe our cheeks, “tears”)



Finger gymnastics Senior group


The hostess once came from the market,(“Walk” with fingers

The hostess brought home from the market on the table.)

potato (Bend one finger at a time.)




Parsley and beets.

Oh! .. (Cotton.)

Here vegetables dispute brought on the table -(Alternating beats

Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth,fists and palms.)

Potato? (Bend fingers.)




Parsley or beets?

Oh! (Cotton.)

The hostess, meanwhile, took a knife(Knock with the edge of the palm

And with this knife she began to crumble on the table.)

potato (Bend one finger at a time.)




Parsley and beets.

Oh! (Cotton.)

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot(Palms folded

Boiled, boiled in boiling watercrosswise on the table.)

Potato, (Bend one finger at a time.)




Parsley and beets.

Oh! (Cotton.)

And the vegetable soup was not bad!(Show thumb.)

Finger gymnastics Senior group


Like our cat(Fingers are bent on both hands,

Boots on the at a time, starting with the largest.)

Like our pig

Shoes on feet.

And on the paws of the dog

Blue slippers.

A little goat

Wears boots.

And the son of Vovka -

New sneakers.

Like this, (“They walk” on the table pointing

Like this, and the middle finger of both hands.)

New sneakers.

Finger gymnastics Senior group


Snow fell on the threshold.(Children twice slowly

They put their hands down on the table.)

The cat made himself a cake.(They show how they make a cake.)

In the meantime, sculpted and baked,

The pie flowed in a stream.(“They run” with the fingers of both hands on the table.)

Bake pies for yourself(They show how the cake is baked again.)

Not from snow - from torment.

Finger gymnastics Senior group


Give milk, Burenushka,(Children show how they milk

At least a little - on the bottom. cow.)

Kittens are waiting for me(Make "muzzles" from

Little guys. fingers.)

Give them a spoonful of cream(Bend one finger at a time

A little creativitychiku on both hands.)

Oils, yogurt,

Milk for porridge.

Gives health to all(Again "milk".)

Cow's milk.

Finger gymnastics Senior group

"ON THE FIR-tree"

We had fun at the tree(Rhythmic hand clapping.)

And danced and frolicked(Rhythmic punches.)

After the good Santa Claus(Children "walk" in the middle and the pointer -

He gave us gifts.fingers of both hands on the table.)

Gave huge packages("Draw" a large circle with their hands.)

They also have delicious items:(They make rhythmic clapping.)

Sweets in blue papers(Fingers are bent on both hands,Nuts next to themstarting with big.)


apple, one

Golden tangerine.

Finger gymnastics Senior group


All our friends are in our group.(Children knock rhythmically

Fists on the table.)

The youngest is me.(clench fists,

This is Masha starting with the little finger.)

This is Sasha

This is Yura

This is Dasha.

Finger gymnastics Senior group


The fish swims in the water(Palms clasped together

Fish are fun to play with.depict how a fish swims.)

Fish, fish, naughty,(They threaten with a finger.)

We want to catch you.(Slowly bring palms together.)

The fish arched its back(Picture again,

How a fish swims.)

I took a piece of bread.(make grasping

Movement with both hands.)

The fish wagged its tail(They float again.)

The fish quickly swam away.

Finger gymnastics Senior group


The porridge grew in the field(Children raised their hands,

They wiggle their fingers.)

Came to us on a plate.(“They walk” with their fingers on the table.)

We will treat all our friends(In the right palm interfere

We'll give you a plate.index finger of the left hand.)

little bird,(Bend one by one

Hare and fox fingers on both hands.)

Cat and matryoshka

We'll give everyone a spoon!(Open fists.)

Finger gymnastics Senior group


Embroider, sew a needle,(left palm open)

The finger hurts in the right hand - an imaginary needle;

Finger prickly. the needle "sews" and touches the tip

Index finger on the left hand.)

A thimble (Children do this with their right hand

At the same moment movement, as if put on

To the girl on the fingerindex finger of the left

Jump! hands thimble.)

Says to the needle: (“Sew.”)


And don't you dare poke!(Threaten with index

Finger of the left hand.)

Finger gymnastics Senior group


Our cat has ten kittens,(Palms folded,
Now all the kittens are in pairs
stand: fingers pressed together.)
Two fat, two dexterous,
(Tap the appropriate
Two long, two tricky,
fingers on each other
The two smallest
(from big to little finger).
And the most beautiful.

Finger gymnastics Senior group


Little rabbit(Press the brushes to the head, like ears.)

with big ears,
pink nose, (Touch your nose.)
Funny mustache. (Index fingers pressed to lips.)
He digs a deep mink for himself(We dig a leg.)
Strong paws

In soft ground.
He cleans his fur("We clean the fur.")

Or sleeping. (Hands put under the cheek.)
The rabbit always wiggles its ears.(Wiggle our ears.)
Hears steps and foxes and wolves,
Hiding in its mink from enemies.
(Cover your face with your hands.)

Finger gymnastics Senior group


Under the mushroom - a hut-house,(Palms with a hut)

A cheerful gnome lives there.(Knock the fist of one hand on

We'll knock softlypalm of other hand)

Let's ring the bell.("Ring the bell")
The gnome will open the door for us,
Will call in a hut-house.

Wooden floor in the house(Palms are pressed against each other with an edge)

And on it is an oak table.(show the table)

Next to it is a high back chair.(show chair)

On the table is a plate with a fork.(The palm of the left hand is directed
And pancakes are a mountain -
up (plate), right hand (fork):
Treat for the kids.
palm pointing down

Four fingers extended

And slightly separated to the sides, and the big one is pressed to the palm)

Finger gymnastics Senior group


I want to build a house(Hands above the head "house".)
To have a window in it,
(Hands in front of the eyes "window")
So that the house has a door,(The palms are turned towards themselves, closed.)
Next to the pine tree to grow
(Fingers are spread out, hands are pulled up.)
So that there is a fence around
(Hands in front of a ring).
The dog guarded the gate.(One hand "dog".)
The sun was (Cross hands, fingers outstretched.)
The rain was falling ("flicking" movements)
And the tulip bloomed in the garden.(Fingers-petals look up).

Finger gymnastics Senior group


This finger wants to sleep.(bend fingers on left hand)
This finger went to bed
This finger is a little dozed off.
This one fell asleep immediately.
This one is fast asleep
And snores softly.
(Hands put under the cheek.)
The red sun will rise
(Raise your left hand and
The clear morning will come
straighten all fingers)
The birds will chirp
(Wiggle your fingers.)
Fingers will rise!

Finger gymnastics Senior group


Finger Thick and Large(bend fingers on left hand)
I went to the plum garden.
Pointer from the threshold
Showed him the way.
The middle finger is the most accurate,
He picks plums off the branch.
The nameless eats
And little finger mister
Plants bones in the ground.

Finger gymnastics Senior group


Two naughty monkeys(Perform movements

They loved flipping through books.corresponding to the text)

Shake 'em, lick

Deftly set to work(Show glasses with hands)

And they put on glasses.

They brought a book to their nose,(two palms close to the face)

Nothing is visible through the glasses.

And the monkeys are so offended!(We wipe our cheeks, “tears”)

Finger games have been known almost since ancient times. It is possible that they were invented at a time when there were no toys yet, and the only available object for games were only hands. Apparently, the Lord Himself put them into the minds of our ancestors, because this kind of games is a unique way for a child to develop.

Finger games, as a rule, have an unpretentious, poetic form accessible to children's understanding, and with the help of hands and fingers, an adult, together with a child, “illustrates” the story. It has long been known what a big role in the development of a child's personality is played by bodily contact with a loving adult. Nothing compares to finger games for the degree of contact that is established during practice. Firstly, babies are usually seated on their knees and back to themselves. This gives the child a sense of protection from the ring of mother's hugs. Secondly, all the actions that take place during the game - stroking, patting, bending and unbending the fingers help to establish and strengthen trust, develop the child's communication skills, and finally, this is a huge charge of positive emotions from communication and the game itself.

It has been scientifically proven that intelligence develops through fine motor skills in children. The activity of the child's brain is very closely related to the tactile sensations that the baby receives through the palms and fingers. That is why the best toys for little ones are those that consist of parts of different texture and shape, allowing the child to understand the difference between soft and hard, hard and tender, smooth and rough. But parents should remember that even the best toy in the world cannot replace personal contact, an eye-to-eye look, an approving smile from a mother or grandmother. Play with your kids! Put them in your arms and discover the magical land of finger games for them.

How should you play with your baby?

- Before the game, briefly explain to the child the essence of the game in an accessible form.

- Play with passion, immerse yourself in the world of your baby.

- Do not give the baby a large volume and many tasks at once. Mastering one or two finger games a day is enough.

- Encourage your child's successes and turn a blind eye to his mistakes.

- The game should bring joy to both of you.

- It happens that the baby suddenly does not like some of the finger games. Don't make him play it.

Finger games for the little ones


An adult runs a finger along the child’s open palm and says:

- Magpie-crow cooked porridge,
fed babies:

(alternately takes a finger, shakes it and bends it to the palm)

- Gave it
gave this
gave it
gave this
and this (shaking harder) - not given!

You didn't go to the forest
you didn't cut wood
You didn't turn on the stove!
You have nothing!

mushroom fingers

We alternately take the fingers, starting with the little finger, shake each one and press it to the palm:

This finger went to the forest,
found this finger mushroom,
this finger began to clean,
this finger began to fry.

Well, this one (thumb)- took and ate
that's why he got fat!

Two goats

(On both handles we press the middle and ring fingers with our thumbs).

Once upon a time to visit someone
A goat was walking across the bridge,
(Keep your hands horizontally, bring your hands together).

And another was walking towards
He returned home.

(On the first syllable of each line we join hands with a swing).

five ducklings

Five ducklings swim forward
On the shore their mother is waiting,
(One of the hands - “mother duck” - stands on the table, leaning on the elbow. The fingers are folded in a pinch. The second hand is ducklings. We perform wave-like movements towards the “duck”.
The number of extended fingers corresponds to the number of ducklings)

But only four ducklings
We went back to mommy.
(slowly fingers curl up)

Four ducklings swim...
Three ducklings are swimming...
Two ducklings swim...
Here one floats forward,
On the shore his mother is waiting,
(To the words “On the shore their mother is waiting”, we “nod” with the hand (“mother-duck”).

And five ducklings at once

We went back to mommy.


(We sit on a rug or pillow (on our knees). We sort through our fingers (“run”) from the knees to the top of the head).

The mouse climbed for the first time
See what time it is.
Suddenly the clock said: "Bom!"
(One clap above the head).

The mouse rolled over.
(Hands "roll" to the floor).

The mouse climbed a second time
See what time it is.
Suddenly the clock said: "Bom, bom!"
(Two claps).

The mouse rolled over.
The mouse climbed for the third time
See what time it is.
Suddenly the clock said, “Bom, bom, bom!”
(Three claps).

The mouse rolled over.


One two three four five,
The worms went for a walk.
(The palms lie on the knees or on the table. Fingers, bending, pull the palm towards us (the movement of the crawling caterpillar), we walk along the table with the index and middle fingers (the rest of the fingers are pressed to the palm).

One two three four five,
The worms went for a walk.
Suddenly a crow comes running
She nods her head
(Pinch fingers together, swing them up and down).

Croaks: "Here's dinner!"
(Open the palm, moving the thumb down and the rest up).

Look - there are no more worms!
(Clench fists, pressing them to the chest)


Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere.
Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere.
(Clap hands all over body.)

(With both index fingers, touch the corresponding parts of the body.

Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere.
Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere.
(We pinch ourselves, as if collecting folds).

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,
On the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and socks.
(Both index fingers touch the corresponding parts of the body).

Our family

Here is grandfather
Here is grandma
Here is daddy
Here's mommy
Here is my baby
And here is the whole family.

Alternately bend your fingers to the palm, starting with the big one, and with the words “Here is the whole family”, cover the entire fist with the other hand.


The fir branches trembled.
We love swings.
We fly up and down
Have fun with us. (T. Sikacheva)
Perform the exercise first with the right, then with the left hand, and then with both hands. From the wrist of the hands with straight closed fingers, lift up, and then, slightly bending the fingers, gently lower down.


(We fold our palms, press our fingers against each other. Elbows rest on the table).
Our cat has ten kittens,
(We shake our hands without separating them).
Now all the kittens are in pairs:
Two fat, two dexterous,
Two long, two tricky,
The two smallest
And the most beautiful.
(Tap the corresponding fingers against each other (from the thumb to the little finger).


The spider walked on a branch,
And the kids followed him.
(Arms crossed; fingers of each hand "run" along the forearm, and then along the shoulder of the other hand.)

Rain from the sky suddenly poured,
(Brushes are freely lowered, we perform a shaking movement (rain).)

Washed the spiders to the ground.
(Slap hands on table/knees.)

The sun began to warm
(The palms are pressed with their sides to each other, the fingers are spread apart, we shake our hands (the sun is shining)

The spider crawls again
And all the children crawl after him,
To walk on a branch.
(Actions are similar to the original ones, "spiders" crawl on their heads.)


Small house on the tree
Home for bees, but where are the bees?
Gotta knock on the house
(One of the hands is on the table, leaning on the elbow, the fingers are spread out (tree). On the second hand, the fingers close into a ring (beehive). The "hive" is pressed against the "tree" Children look into the "beehive").

One two three four five.
I knock, I knock on the tree,
(We clench our fists. We knock our fists against each other, alternating hands).

Where, where are these bees?
They suddenly began to fly:
(We spread our arms, spread our fingers and move them (the bees fly).

One two three four five!


funny mouse
Found a glove
(We open the palm, the fingers are spread out (glove). We turn our hands with the palm, then with the back side up).

Having made a nest in it,
(We fold our hands with a “bucket”).

The mice called.
(Bend - unbend fingers ("calling" gesture).

Im a crust of bread
Gave me a bite
(With the tip of the thumb, alternately knock on the tips of the remaining fingers).

Stroked (spanked) everyone
(With the thumb we stroke (“slap”) the rest (with a sliding movement from the little finger to the index finger).

and sent to sleep.
(We press the palms to each other, put them under the cheek (sleep).


(Fingers are spread out; alternately “walk” on the table or knees with each of the fingers).

This fat piglet wagged its tail all day,
(little fingers).

This fat pig scratched its back against the fence.


La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lu, I love the pig

This fat pig was picking the ground with its nose,

This fat piglet drew something himself.

La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lu, I love the pig
(Squeeze and unclench fists).

This fat pig is a couch potato and impudent,

He wanted to sleep in the middle and pushed all the brothers aside.
(Clench the hand into a fist, pinch the thumb inward).


(We perform imitative movements in accordance with the text).

We nod our heads
We'll shake our noses,
And we'll knock our teeth
And we'll be quiet for a bit.
(We press the index fingers to the lips).

We will twist our shoulders
And let's not forget the pens.
Let's shake our fingers
And let's get some rest.
(Bending down, swing with relaxed hands).

We shake our feet
And let's squat a little,
Let's make a leg with a leg
And let's start all over again.
(We bounce in place in the rhythm of the text. Then the tempo accelerates.)

We nod our heads
... We will twist our shoulders, ...


Snail in the house she sits, horns sticking out, silent.

(One of the hands is a “flower”. She stands on the table, leaning on her elbow. The fingers are half-bent, spread out. The palm is a cup of a flower. The second hand is a snail. The thumb, middle and ring fingers touch with their tips. The index and little fingers are extended forward (snail horns ).

Here the snail crawls
("Snail" sways from side to side).

Slowly forward.
(Crawls forward on the table.)

Will crawl on a flower,
(“The snail” crawls onto the “flower”).

The petals will gnaw.
(“The snail” alternately wraps around the fingers (“petals”) of the second hand (“flower”).

She pulled her horns into her head,
(The hand (“snail”) curls into a fist (“pulls in the horns”).

She hid in the house and fell asleep.
(The second hand (“flower”) closes, hiding the “snail” in the “bud”).


(We fold our fingers with a pinch. We swing them).

Woodpeckers are knocking louder and louder
The chicks began to sing.
(The palms are closed with a “bucket”, we raise our hands up, open our palms, the side parts remain pressed, fingers are spread out).

The sun rises early
To warm our earth.
(Movements are repeated).

The sun rises early
To warm our earth.
Streams run downhill
All the snow has melted
(We perform wave-like movements with our hands (fingers are straightened, closed, palms are turned down).

And from under the old grass
(The palms are closed with a "bucket").

The flower is already looking...
(The palms open, the sides of the hands are connected, the fingers are open, half-bent (a cup of a flower).

And from under the old grass
The flower is already looking
(Movements are repeated).

Opened the bell
(Hands are on the table, resting on the elbows. The fingers are clenched into a fist).

In the shade where the pine is
(Fingers gradually loosen, freely relaxed (bell cup).

Ding-ding, ringing softly,
(We swing our hands in different directions, pronouncing "ding-ding").

Ding-ding, spring has come.
Ding-ding, ringing softly,
Ding-ding, spring has come.


Hands lie on the table or knees, fingers are relaxed. In accordance with the text, we alternately raise a pair of fingers of the same name, starting with the thumbs.
Ten gray hares
Dozing under a bush
And two suddenly said:
"There's a man with a gun"
Two shouted:
"Let's run away!"
The two whispered
"Let's shut up!",
Two suggested:
"We'll hide in the bushes!"
And two suddenly asked:
"Can he do bang?"
"Bach" - shot the hunter,
(Clap hands).
Pressing the gun trigger, (We run our fingers on the table or knees).
And ten gray hares
They took off running.

Finger games for preschoolers

Finger games on the topic: "Vegetables"

We chop cabbage - chop,
We salt cabbage - salt,
We three - three cabbage,
We press the cabbage - we press. (Imitation of movements.)
“Lariska has two radishes”
Lariska has two radishes. (in turn, unbend fingers)
Alyosha has two potatoes.
The tomboy Earring has two green cucumbers.
And Vovka has two carrots.
Moreover, Petka has two tailed radishes.

We went to the market
There are many pears and persimmons,
There are lemons, oranges,
Melons, plums, tangerines,
But we bought a watermelon -
This is the most delicious load!
Connecting the fingers with pads, starting with the little fingers, one pair of fingers for each poetic line;
In this case, the palms do not touch.
-little fingers
- unnamed
- index
-fingers are clenched into a fist, and the thumb is retracted up

Finger games on the topic: "Fruits"

We will cook compote
You need a lot of fruits. Here: The left palm is held with a “dipper”, the index finger of the right hand is “interfered”
Let's chop apples
We will cut the pear.
Squeeze lemon juice
Put the drain, sugar. Fingers are bent one at a time, starting with the big one.
We cook, we cook compote.
Let's treat honest people Again they "cook" and "interfere"

Finger games on the topic: "Family"

How is our family
Big Yes cheerful (stomp their hands and hit the fist on the fist alternately)
Two are standing by the bench, (Bending thumbs)
Two want to learn. (bend index fingers)
Two Stepans of sour cream are overeating. (Bend middle fingers)
Two Dashas eat at the porridge. (Bend ring fingers)
Two Ulkas are swinging in the cradle. (Bend little fingers)

In our group, all friends (Children rhythmically knock their fists on the table.)
The youngest is me.
This is Masha
This is Sasha
This is Yura
This is Dasha. (They open their fists, starting with the little finger.)

Finger games on the topic: “City. A country"

The house stands in the clearing, depict the "House" with two hands, the roof of the house - the fingers of the left and right hands are in contact with each other.
Well, the way to the house is closed. Right and left hand turned palms towards themselves, middle fingers touch each other, thumbs up (“gate”).
We open the gate, Palms turn parallel to each other
We invite you to this house. "House"

Finger games on the topic: "Transport"

Bus, trolleybus, car, tram -
Don't forget about them on the street. (connecting the fingers in turn with the thumb)
In the seas - ships, icebreakers, ships, (the same with the fingers of the other hand)
They very rarely come here.

Finger games on the topic: "Winter"

One, two, three, four, five (Bend fingers one at a time)
We came to the yard for a walk.
They made a snow woman. (Imitate the modeling of lumps)
They fed the birds with crumbs, (Crush the bread with all fingers)
We then rode down the hill. (To lead the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left hand)
And they rolled in the snow. (Put your palms on the table with one side or the other)
Everyone came home in the snow, (Shake off their hands)
We ate soup and went to bed. (Make movements with an imaginary spoon, put your hands under your cheek)

Finger games on the topic: "NEW YEAR"

Before us is a Christmas tree: They show a "Christmas tree": arms bent at the elbows in front of them; the fingers are intertwined, the thumbs raised up are the top of the Christmas tree.
Bumps, needles, Show "bumps" - clenched fists and "needles" - spread fingers.
Balls, flashlights, Show "balls": the palm - "half-dipper" with slightly spread fingers is turned up; "Flashlights": also folded palms facing down.
Bunnies and candles Show "bunnies" - fists with raised index and middle fingers; "candles" - folded palms with fingers together.
Stars, people. They show "stars" - folded palms with spread fingers; "little men" - the position of the "ears" down

Finger games on the topic: "Food"

The mouse found a seed
And took it to the mill.
I grinded flour there,
I baked pies for everyone.
Mouse - with cabbage,
Mouse - with potatoes,
Mouse - with carrots,
Mouse - with cloudberries.
For a big fat man -
As many as four pies:
With cabbage, potatoes, carrots, cloudberries.

Finger games on the topic: "Professions of employees"

Finger gymnastics "Cook"
The cook was preparing dinner, (Children knock on the table with the edge of their palms)
And then the lights were turned off.
The bream cook takes (Bend thumbs)
And lowers it into compote.
Throws logs into the cauldron, (Bend middle fingers)
Ugli hits with a ladle. (Bend ring fingers)
Sugar pours into the broth. (Bend little finger)
And he is very pleased. (Shake hands)
"Mushrooms" One, two, three, four, five! "Step" fingers on the table.
We're going to look for mushrooms.
This finger went to the forest, They bend one finger at a time,
I found this finger mushroom, starting with the little finger.
This finger began to clean,
This finger began to fry,
This finger ate everything
That's why he got fat.
"Berries" One, two, three, four, five,
We go for a walk in the forest.
For blueberries
for raspberries,
For cranberries
For viburnum.
We will find strawberries
And take it to my brother.
The fingers of both hands greet, starting with a large one, Both hands go along the table. Fingers are bent, starting with a large one.

Hello big clearing!
Hello, grass - ant!
Hello wild berry!
You are ripe and delicious.
We carry a basket -
We will take all of you. The fingers of the right hand greet the fingers of the left, patting each other with the tips.

Finger games on the topic: "Friendship"

Friends in our group fingers connect
Girls and boys. to the castle (several times)
We will make friends with you
Little fingers.
One, two, three, four, five fingers from the little finger alternately
We start counting. connect with each other
One two three four five
We're done counting (Hands down, shake hands)

On a visit to the thumb
On a visit to the thumb
Came straight to the house
Index and middle
Nameless and last.
The little finger itself is a baby,
Knocked on the threshold.
Together fingers are friends
They cannot live without each other.

Finger games on the topic: "Winter fun"

We make a lump of snow
(Children squeeze and unclench their hands)
From the lumps we blind the house.
(Connect the tips of the fingers, slightly spread the palms to the sides)
Animals will live in the house
(Clap hands)
Have fun and make friends
Guard the house together
(Join hands in a "lock")
One, two, three, four, five, fingers bend.
We made snow with you. The children are 'playing'.
Round, strong, very smooth. They show a circle, squeeze their palms, stroke one palm with the other.
And not at all sweet. They threaten with a finger.
Once - let's throw up, "Throw up."
Two - catch, "Catch".
Three - let's drop "Drop".
And ... break. They stomp.

Come on, buddy, be bold, buddy!
(Children sculpt an imaginary lump and roll it away from themselves)
Roll your snowball in the snow -
It will turn into a thick ball.
(draw a circle in the air)
And it will become a snowman.
(Children draw three circles of different sizes from bottom to top)
His smile is so bright!
(Put palms on cheeks, depicting a wide smile)
Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom...
(Children show their eyes with their index fingers, a hat with their palm, a nose and an imaginary broom with a fist of their right hand)
But the sun will bake a little -
(Children raise their hands up)
Alas! And no snowman!
(They raise their shoulders and spread their arms to the sides, then squat down, covering their heads with their hands)

Finger games on the topic: "Wintering Birds"

Come on, birds! Sala ladies titmouse.
I'll make some bread crumbs.
These crumbs are for pigeons,
These crumbs are for sparrows.
Jackdaws and crows, Eat pasta!
“calling” movements of the fingers 4 times - “cutting” movements of one palm on the other with a pinch of fingers - “crushing bread”, rubbing the fingertips against each other stretch the right hand forward with an open palm the same - with the left hand rub the palm on the palm, “rolling from pasta bread"

How many birds to our feeder. Arrived?
We will tell. Two tits, a sparrow,
A woodpecker in colorful feathers. Everyone had enough grains.
Rhythmically clench and unclench fists. Bending fingers, starting with the largest. Rhythmically clench and unclench fists.

Finger games on the topic: "Mom's Day"

My family
I know what I have (raise your hand with your palm to yourself
A friendly family at home: and in accordance with the text
This is mom, fingers are bent in a certain sequence:
This is me, first the ring finger, then the little finger, then the index finger,
This is my grandmother, medium and large)
This is Dad,
This is grandfather.
And we have no discord.

Mommy, mommy, bend your fingers one by one
My beloved, right hand, starting with a large one,
After all, you know, mommy, then the same on the left hand.
How I love you. Clench your right hand into a fist
grab it tightly with the palm of your left hand.

“We help mom together -
We wipe dust everywhere. Text movements
We are washing clothes now
Rinse, squeeze.
Sweeping all around -
And run for milk.
We meet mom in the evening,
Doors wide open,
We hug Mom tightly."

There are many mothers in the world, (spread their arms in different directions, then tightly wrap their arms around their shoulders)
All of them are loved by children!
Journalist and engineer, (alternately bend fingers, starting with the little finger, first on one, then on the other hand)
Cook, policeman,
Seamstress, conductor and teacher,
Doctor, hairdresser and builder -
Different mothers are needed, (squeeze both palms into a “lock”)
Moms are important! (spread arms, raise palms up)
"Clothes, shoes, hats"

Masha put on a mitten:
“Oh, where am I doing my finger?
I don't have a finger, I'm gone
Didn't make it to my house." Squeeze your fingers into a fist.
Masha took off her mitten: Unclench all fingers, except for the thumb.
“Look, I found it! Extend your thumb.
Search, search and you will find, Squeeze your fingers into a fist, separate your thumb.
Hello, finger, how are you?

One two three four five
Let's count the shoes:
Once - shoes, The child bends his fingers on his hand.
Two - boots,
three shoes,
Four - sandals
And, of course, slippers - five.
Legs need to rest.

In yellow hats we became chickens, The child waves its arms like a chicken wings.
In white hats, we became bunnies, Shows bunny ears
In red hats, we became mushrooms, He joins his hands above his head.
In black hats - blueberries on bumps, Squats down.
Wearing blue caps, they became raindrops. He gets up, puts his hands on his belt.
And the paths easily galloped. Jumps forward on two legs.

Like our cat They bend one finger at a time, starting with the big ones,
Boots on the feet. on both hands for each shoe name.
Like our pig
Shoes on feet.
Like a dog on its paws
Blue slippers.
A little goat
He puts on boots.
And the son of Vovka -
New sneakers.
Like this. Like this. Rhythmically perform hand clapping and fist bumps.
New sneakers.

"Don't cry, my doll"
Do not cry, my doll, you are left alone.
I can't play with you
I need to redo:
Your dresses and socks, your skirts and stockings
Sweater, mittens, jacket,
Hat, colored beret.
I'll pour some water
I will pour the powder into the basin.
Whip the snow foam, wash it and go.
While the sun is shining
I'll pull the rope.
I will attach clothes to her,
The wind will dry everything.
The two of us worked
And now we will rest.
Imitation of motion sickness of a doll.
Bending fingers.
Imitation according to the description in the poem.
Put your hands on your knees.

Lived in a house
Little gnomes:
(children clench and unclench their fists)
Currents, Peaks, Leakey, Chiki, Miki.

One two three four five,
(unbend fingers, starting with the little fingers)
The gnomes began to wash:
(rubbing fists against each other)
Toki - shirts, Chiki - socks,
Peaks - handkerchiefs, Miki was smart,
Faces - panties, He wore some water for everyone.
(bend fingers, starting with large ones)

Finger games on the topic: "Shoes"

Let's count for the first time
How many shoes do we have.

Shoes, slippers, boots
For Natasha and Seryozhka,
And more boots
For our Valentine
And these boots
For baby Galenka.
(one finger is bent for each name of the shoe, starting with the big one)
"New sneakers"
Like our cat
Boots on the feet.
Like our pig
Shoes on feet.
And on the paws of the dog
Blue slippers.
A little goat
Wears boots.
And the son of Vovka -
New sneakers.
(bend fingers on both hands one at a time, starting with large ones)
Like this,
Like this,
New sneakers.
(walk on the table with the index and middle fingers of both hands)
Everywhere, everywhere we are together
Let's go inseparable.
(middle and index fingers "walk" on the table)
We walk through the meadows
Along the green shores
They ran down the stairs,
Walked along the street
Then we crawl under the bed
(bend one finger at a time, starting with the thumb)
Let's sleep there quietly.
(put palms on table)

Finger games on the topic: "Insects"

Flew to us yesterday waving their hands
Striped bee. for each insect name
And behind her a bumblebee-bumblebee bends a finger.
And a cheerful moth
Two beetles and a dragonfly
Like flashlight eyes. Making circles from fingers
Buzzed, flew, brought to the eyes.
They fell down from fatigue. drop their palms on the table.

Finger games on the topic: "Beetle"

I am a cheerful Maybug.
I know all the gardens around
I circle over the lawns
And my name is Zhu-zhu ...

Finger games on the topic: "Wasps"

Wasps love sweets
They fly to the sweet
And the wasps sting
If they want to Clench a fist. Spread the index finger and little finger apart ("mustache"). Wiggle "mustache"
Put the middle finger, hold it between the index and ring fingers, rotate it in different directions.
Ladybug's dad is coming
Mom follows dad
The kids are following their mom
The little ones follow them.
They wear red skirts
Skirts with black dots.
They look like the sun
Greet the new day together.
And if they get hot
They all hide together. With all fingers of the right hand, walk on the table. With all fingers of the left hand
step on the table. We step with both hands at the same time. Press the palms together, fingers pressed tightly. Tap the table with index fingers. Draw the sun with your fingers. Hide the fingers of both hands in fists.

Here is a small hive where
the bees are hiding.
Nobody will see them.
Here they come out of the hive
One, two, three, four, five.
Clench your fingers into a fist, then
bend one by one.

Pow - pow - spider,
gossamer barrel,
The spider is crawling up
He spins a web.
The cobweb is at least thin -
Holds moths firmly. Form a frame with your fingers. Then connect the fingers of both hands in the lock.
Without opening the lock, raise your fingers and wave them like wings.

Finger games on the topic: "Furniture, Dishes"

In our dining room
There is an excellent oak TABLE,
CHAIRS - the backs are all carved,
Legs are bent, twisted.
And a walnut BUFFET
For jams and sweets.
In the adult room - the bedroom -
There is a mirrored CABINET for dresses,
Two wide BEDS
With blankets on wadding
And a birch chest of drawers,
Mom takes underwear there.
And in the living room there are ARMCHAIRS,
TV is watched here.
There is a SOFA and a coffee table,
In the STENKA - a musical center.
(for each name of furniture, one finger is bent - only 10)
"Lots of furniture in the apartment."
One two three four,
(bend fingers, starting with the big one, on both hands)
Lots of furniture in the apartment
(clench and unclench fists)
We'll hang a shirt in the closet,
Let's put a cup in the cupboard.
To rest the legs
Let's sit on a chair for a bit.
And when we were fast asleep
We were lying on the bed.
And then me and the cat
Sat at the table
(bend fingers for each name of furniture)
They drank tea with jam.
Lots of furniture in the apartment.
(alternate clapping and hitting the table with fists)

One two three four,

We washed the dishes

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon
And a big ladle.

We washed the dishes
(one palm slides over the other in a circle)
We just broke a cup
The bucket also fell apart
The teapot's nose broke off.
We broke the spoon a little,
(bend fingers one at a time, starting with the big one)
So we helped mom.
(bang fists against each other)

Finger games on the topic: "Victory Day"

I am sailing on a white boat (point the ends of your fingers forward, press your hands with your palms
On the waves with pearly foam. to each other, slightly open.
I am a brave captain, pronouncing a rhyme, showing how a boat
I'm not afraid of a hurricane. sways on the waves, and then with smooth movements of the hands
White gulls are circling, the waves themselves, then according to the text
They are not afraid of the wind either. verse show a seagull, arms crossed, connecting
Only frightens the bird's cry of the palm of the back and wave
A flock of golden fish. fingers clenched together
And, having traveled around the wonderland, straightened palms with fingers,
Looking at the oceans, pressed against each other to depict fish.
Traveler-hero, with smooth movements of the palms show
I will return home to my mother. how fish swim in water

Aty - bati, at - bati!
(alternately “walk” with the index and middle fingers of the right and left hands)
Soldiers are marching to the parade!
Here come the tankers
Then the gunners
And then the infantry -
Company after company.

Finger games on the topic: "Folk toy, Folklore"

Matryoshina's sister has rhythmic strokes with the fingers of her right hand,
starting with the index, on the left palm.
Through the village of fables Rhythmic strikes with the fingers of the left hand, on-
starting from the index, along the right palm.
A duck walks in a skirt, For every name of an animal they bend
In a warm coat, fingers on the hands, starting with the thumbs.
Chicken - in a vest,
Cockerel - in a beret,
Goat - in a sundress,
Zainka - in a caftan,
And all of them come in handy Rhythmic alternating handclaps and
Cow in a mat. fist bumps.

I play with toys: (Hands in front of you, we squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands.)
I throw the ball to you, (We stretch our hands forward - “throw the ball.”)
I collect the pyramid, (Straight brushes with palms down alternately put on top of each other several times.)
I drive the truck everywhere. (We move in front of us with a slightly open right hand - “we roll the car.”)

Cockerel, cockerel, - (connect the index finger and thumb on the hand)
Golden comb, - (make a "castle" of the fingers)
Butterhead, - (pat your hand on the head)
Silk beard, - (stroke the chin with your hand)
That you get up early
What are you eating out loud?
Do you let the kids sleep? (Close your eyes and fold your palms under your cheek)

Sunny bucket! - (spread your arms to the sides and spread your fingers)
Get up quickly - (raise your hands up)
Illuminate, warm - (make "flashlights" in front of you)
Calves and lambs, - (show the "horns" on the head)
More small (do not fully connect, index finger and thumb) guys - (put palms on chest).

Finger games on the topic: "Week of Kindness"

If the fingers are sad -
They want kindness. fingers tightly pressed to the palm
If the fingers cry -
Someone offended them. shake brushes
We regret our fingers -
We warm with our kindness. "wash" hands, breathe on them
We will press our palms to ourselves, alternately, 1 at the top, 1 at the bottom.
Let's start stroking gently. stroke the palm with the other palm
Let the palms hug
Let them play a little. cross your fingers, press your palms
fingers of two hands tapping quickly
Each finger must be taken
And hug tight. each finger is clamped in a cam

The cat called us to visit, palms on the cheeks, shake our heads
And we went along the path. fingers "walk" on the knees or on the table

We see a tall tree, we put our fists on top of each other
We see a deep lake. undulating brush movements
Top-top, palms clapping on the knees or on the table
Jump-jump, fists knock on the knees or on the table
Cheeky-bricks, palms clapping alternately on the knees or on the floor
Cheeky-brik. fists knock alternately on the knees or on the table
The birds of the song sing their palms crossed - "bird"
Grains are pecking everywhere:
They peck here and peck there, the fingers of one hand "peck" the palm of the other, and vice versa
They don't give them to anyone. palms in front of you, alternately clench and unclench your fist
Top-top, palms clapping on the knees or on the table
Jump-jump, fists knock on the knees or on the table
Cheeky-bricks, palms clapping alternately on the knees or on the floor
Cheeky-brik. fists knock alternately on the knees or on the table
This is a house, a "roof"
And it has a window. "window"
We are met by a cat and a cat. clap your hands
Top-top, palms clapping on the knees or on the table
Jump-jump, fists knock on the knees or on the table
Cheeky-bricks, palms clapping alternately on the knees or on the floor
Cheeky-brik. fists knock alternately on the knees or on the table
We will spend a little time with hands "hello"
And we'll run back. fingers "run" on the knees or on the table
Top-top, palms clapping on the knees or on the table
Jump-jump, fists knock on the knees or on the table
Cheeky-bricks, palms clapping alternately on the knees or on the floor
Cheeky-brik. fists knock alternately on the knees or on the table

Good morning, hello Ivan!
Good morning, hello Stepan!
Good morning, hello Sergey!
Good morning, hello Matthew!
Good morning, hello, Nikitushka! Cross the thumbs.
Cross index fingers.
Cross the middle fingers.
Cross the nameless
Cross little fingers.

finger games
