Abstract of a lesson on traffic rules in the senior group on the topic “Road signs. Lesson on the study of traffic rules “Road signs are our friends and always remember the rules of the street Road signs senior target group

Relevance of the problem: It is known that habits fixed in childhood remain for life, so learning the rules traffic is one of the main challenges today. In order to protect children from danger, it is necessary to start preparing them as early as possible for a meeting with the street, city traffic, accustom them to turn to their elders for help, and also to respond correctly and in a timely manner to the current situation. The sooner you manage to acquaint the child with the rules of the road, to form in him the skills of a culture of behavior in transport, on the street, the less likely there are undesirable accidents with him on the road. A project for the older group " Road signs» 1. Project type: informational creative practice-oriented medium-term group Project implementation period: (05/15/2017-06/05/2017) 2. Project participants: Educator, children of the older group, parents, music director. 3. Relevance of the problem: It is known that the habits fixed in childhood remain for life, so the study of traffic rules is one of the main tasks today. In order to protect children from danger, it is necessary to start preparing them as early as possible for a meeting with the street, city traffic, accustom them to turn to their elders for help, and also to respond correctly and in a timely manner to the current situation. The sooner you manage to acquaint the child with the rules of the road, to form in him the skills of a culture of behavior in transport, on the street, the less likely it is that he will have undesirable accidents on the road. The child is a participant from the inception of an idea to the achievement of a result. 4. The purpose of the project: Formation of safe behavior on the road in older children preschool age through familiarization with traffic signs. 5. Objectives of the project: 1. To expand children's understanding of the road environment and the rules of road behavior. 2. To acquaint children with the meaning of road signs, to teach them to understand their schematic representation for the correct orientation on the streets and roads. 3. Develop the ability to practically apply the acquired knowledge in the road transport environment. 4. To cultivate discipline and conscious compliance with the rules of the road, a culture of behavior in the road transport process. 5. To improve the pedagogical culture of parents in the formation of careful behavior on the road in children. 6. Project plan: Stage 1: Preparatory (terms: 1-3 days). 1. Diagnosis of children. Purpose: To reveal the knowledge of children about road signs. 2. Questioning of parents. Purpose: Revealing the lack of knowledge in specially organized conditions for the practical study of road signs. 3. Creation of a creative group for the development of road signs. Goal: Create a creative group (educator, music director, parents). 4. Project development. Purpose: To study and consolidate road signs with children of preschool age. Stage 2: Project implementation. Cognitive-speech development Conversations: "City streets" Appendix No. 1 "How and where to cross the street" "I walk without adults" "We are pedestrians" "Strange sign" "Why is everything around" "The railway is not a place for games" " The sign is lost” Modeling situations: “Arrange the signs” (on the layout). “Find the same sign on the street” “Cross the road” “Collect the signs” Excursion near the kindergarten “Introduction to signs” Appendix No. 2 “Rules for pedestrians” Reading fiction: N. Kalinina “How the guys crossed the street” A. Usachev “The house at the crossing” T. Fetisov “Where the red cars are rushing” S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa policeman”, “Slacker traffic light”, “Cyclist”. V. Timofeev "For pedestrians". Memorization of S. Mikholkov's poem "Walking Carefully". Introduce children to riddles about road signs. Annex No. 3 Watching and discussing videos and presentations. "We are on the road" Artistic and aesthetic. Productive activity: Drawing "The sign that I liked." Appendix No. 4 "The sign that I know." "What sign should not be." "Children and the street". "Warning road sign". Modeling "Merry road sign". Appendix No. 5 "Road signs". Construction "Dangerous road". Appendix No. 6 Collective work "Signs on the way to the kindergarten." Music. Entertainment: "Journey to the land of road signs." Dramatization of the fairy tale: “Like ours, a very important sign lives at the gate.” Appendix No. 7 Physical development. Outdoor games and relay races "Playing with the ball". "The Child and the Road" "Follow the signs." "Cyclist". "Spread the signs." "Stop car". "To your signs." Socio-personal. Didactic games "The benefits and harms of signs." Appendix No. 8 "Learning road signs." "Road alphabet". "Find and mark." "Guess what sign." "Magic Signs". "Lay it right." "Crossroads". "Choose the right one." "Find an extra sign." "Collect the sign." Role-playing games "DPS Inspector". Appendix No. 9 "Pedestrians". "Photographer". "Wizard". "Adjuster". Pedestrians and Drivers. "On the streets of the city". "Why did the little one go to visit?" Working with parents. Consultation "History of the emergence and development of road signs" Annex No. 10 Design of the wall newspaper "Our friends - Road signs"; Creation of the album "magic road signs"; Memo for parents “What a child of 6-7 years old can know about road signs” Appendix No. 11 Creating a layout “Safe street; Collection of Illustrations « different situations on the roads"; Craft competition "Signs on the way to kindergarten"; Drawing competition "The sign that I liked." Stage 3: Final. 1. Diagnosis of children. 2. Exhibition of children's creativity "Magic Road Signs".. 3. Layout. 4. Album "Magic Road Signs". 5. Wall newspaper "Necessary signs". 6. Entertainment "Journey to the country of road signs". Appendix No. 12 7. Action "Remember the driver - our life is in your hands!" 8. Internet campaign “SAVE LIFE! #SLOW SPEED” Moscow City 9. Expected result of the project: Children's understanding of the road environment and rules of road behavior has expanded; children are familiar with the meaning of road signs, are able to understand their schematic representation for the correct orientation on the street and roads; children have the ability to practically apply the acquired knowledge in the road transport environment; there are skills of discipline and conscious implementation of traffic rules, a culture of behavior in the road transport process; the pedagogical culture of parents has increased in the formation of safe behavior in children on the road.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan Department of Education of the Executive Committee of the Aznakaevsky Municipal District MBDOU No. 9 "Salavat Kupere" of the city of Aznakaevo Project for the senior group "Road Signs" Authors: Garaeva Zulfiya Marselovna educator of the highest qualification category Gazizullina Ruzilya Khazipovna - educator of the first qualification category 1 20162017 academic year Project for the senior group "Road Signs" 1. Type of project: informational creative practice-oriented group mid-term Project implementation period: (15.05.201705.06.2017) 2. Project participants: Educator, children of the senior group, parents, music director. 3. Relevance of the problem: It is known that the habits fixed in childhood remain for life, so the study of traffic rules is one of the main tasks today. In order to protect children from danger, it is necessary to start preparing them as early as possible for a meeting with the street, city traffic, accustom them to turn to their elders for help, and also to respond correctly and in a timely manner to the current situation. The sooner you manage to acquaint the child with the rules of the road, to form in him the skills of a culture of behavior in transport, on the street, the less likely it is that he will have undesirable accidents on the road. The child is a participant from the inception of an idea to the achievement of a result. 4. Purpose of the project: Formation of safe behavior on the road in children of senior preschool age through familiarization with traffic signs. 5. Objectives of the project: 1. To expand children's understanding of the road environment and the rules of road behavior. 2. To acquaint children with the meaning of road signs, to teach them to understand their schematic representation for the correct orientation on the streets and roads. 3. Develop the ability to practically apply the acquired knowledge in the road transport environment. 4. To cultivate discipline and conscious compliance with the rules of the road, a culture of behavior in the road transport process. 5. To improve the pedagogical culture of parents in the formation of careful behavior on the road in children. 6. Project plan: Stage 1: Preparatory (terms: 13 days). 1. Diagnosis of children. Purpose: To reveal the knowledge of children about road signs. 2 2. Questioning of parents. Purpose: Revealing the lack of knowledge in specially organized conditions for the practical study of road signs. 3. Creation of a creative group for the development of road signs. Goal: Create a creative group (educator, music director, parents). 4. Project development. Purpose: To study and consolidate road signs with children of preschool age. Stage 2: Project implementation. Cognitive speech development Conversations: “City streets” Appendix No. 1 “How and where to cross the street” “I walk without adults” “We are pedestrians” “Strange sign” “Why is everything around” “The railway is not a place for games” “The sign is lost » Simulation of situations: "Arrange the signs" (on the layout). “Find the same sign on the street” “Cross the road” “Collect the signs” Excursion near the kindergarten “Getting to know the signs” Appendix No. 2 “Rules for pedestrians” Reading fiction: N. Kalinina “How the guys crossed the street” A. Usachev “ House at the crossing "T. Fetisov "Where the red cars are rushing" S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa policeman", "Loafer traffic light", "Cyclist". V. Timofeev "For pedestrians". Memorization of S. Mikholkov's poem "Walking Carefully". Introduce children to riddles about road signs. Annex No. 3 Watching and discussing videos and presentations. "We are on the road" Artistic and aesthetic. Productive activity: Drawing "The sign that I liked." Appendix No. 4 "The sign that I know." "What sign should not be." "Children and the street". "Warning road sign". Modeling "Merry road sign". Appendix No. 5 "Road signs". Construction "Dangerous road". Appendix No. 6 Collective work "Signs on the way to the kindergarten." 3 Music. Entertainment: "Journey to the land of road signs." Dramatization of the fairy tale: “Like ours, a very important sign lives at the gate.” Appendix No. 7 Physical development. Outdoor games and relay races "Playing with the ball". "The Child and the Road" "Follow the signs." "Cyclist". "Spread the signs." "Stop car". "To your signs." Socio-personal. Didactic games "The benefits and harms of signs." Appendix No. 8 "Learning road signs." "Road alphabet". "Find and mark." "Guess what sign." "Magic Signs". "Lay it right." "Crossroads". "Choose the right one." "Find an extra sign." "Collect the sign." Role-playing games "DPS Inspector". Appendix No. 9 "Pedestrians". "Photographer". "Wizard". "Adjuster". Pedestrians and Drivers. "On the streets of the city". "Why did the little one go to visit?" Working with parents. Consultation "History of the emergence and development of road signs" Appendix No. 10 Design of the wall newspaper "Our friends Road signs"; Creation of the album "magic road signs"; Memo for parents “What a child of 67 years old can know about road signs” Appendix No. 11 Creating a layout “Safe street; Collection of Illustrations "Different situations on the roads"; Craft competition "Signs on the way to kindergarten"; Drawing competition "The sign that I liked." Stage 3: Final. 1. Diagnosis of children. 4 2. Exhibition of children's art "Magic Road Signs".. 3. Model. 4. Album "Magic Road Signs". 5. Wall newspaper "Necessary signs". 6. Entertainment "Journey to the country of road signs". Appendix No. 12 7. Action "Remember the driver - our life is in your hands!" 8. Internet campaign “SAVE LIFE! #SLOW SPEED” Moscow City 9. Expected result of the project: Children's understanding of the road environment and rules of road behavior has expanded; children are familiar with the meaning of road signs, are able to understand their schematic representation for the correct orientation on the street and roads; children have the ability to practically apply the acquired knowledge in the road transport environment; there are skills of discipline and conscious implementation of traffic rules, a culture of behavior in the road transport process; the pedagogical culture of parents has increased in the formation of safe behavior in children on the road. Appendix No. 1 Conversation: “Our street” Purpose: To form the idea of ​​​​preschoolers about road safety; familiarization with the concepts: roadway, sidewalk, lawn, roadside. Dictionary: street, road, carriageway, sidewalk, lawn, curb. Contents: Let's solve the riddle: Ten, twenty, one hundred in a row stand in two rows of houses. And look at each other with square eyes. (street) Today Petya Svetoforov invites you to Avtograd. The town has houses, shops, a school, streets, a road, crossroads, a lot of cars. But it is necessary to comply with the condition - there must be order and discipline on the streets. And so that no one gets hit by a car and there are no accidents, everyone must follow the rules of the road. The game "City Street" The purpose of the game: to clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, about the rules of the road, about various types Vehicle. Material: street layout, trees, cars, dolls, pedestrians, traffic lights, road signs. The teacher examines the model of the street with the children, asks a number of questions. children accompany their answers with a display on the layout. Questions for children: 1. What are the houses on our street? 2. What is the traffic on our street - one-way or two-way? 3. Where should pedestrians walk? Where should cars drive? 4. What is an intersection? Where and how to cross the street? 5. How is a pedestrian crossing marked? 5 6. How is traffic regulated on the street? 7. What traffic signals do you know? 8. What road signs are there on the street? 9. Why is passenger transport needed? Where are people waiting for it? 10. How should you behave on the bus? 11. Can I play outside? 12. Next, the voice invites the children to “drive” along the street, observing the rules of the road. Then someone plays the role of a pedestrian. The winner is the one who did it without mistakes. Our street. Here is our street. Cars rush along the roadway. There are buses and trams. There are many pedestrians on the sidewalks. They cross the street on pedestrian crossings. In order to be safe on the streets, special rules must be observed. Drivers and pedestrians should be aware of these rules. you should know them too. Petya Svetoforov introduces the children to the rules: 1. You can't walk on the roadway, but you can only walk on the sidewalk, keeping to the right side. 2. Cross the street at a walk in the places indicated by signs. 3. At regulated intersections, wait for a green traffic light or the corresponding sign of the traffic controller, while carefully watching the traffic. 4. Before getting off the sidewalk onto the carriageway of the street, make sure that it is completely safe, first look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the street to the right; skip oncoming traffic. 5. Wait for the tram, the bus only on specially designated landing sites, and where they are not on the sidewalk. 6. After leaving the tram, look to the right, and only after making sure that it is safe, go to the sidewalk. 7. Do not play on the roadway, do not skate, scooter, sledge on the roads, do not cling to moving vehicles. It is necessary to study and know the Rules of the road in order not to endanger your life and not interfere with the traffic. It's just that there are no rules. Each rule has its own meaning: why so, and not vice versa. Cars need a wide road - they themselves are large, and their speed is greater than ours. And for us pedestrians, the sidewalk is enough. Here we are safe. An experienced pedestrian will never walk on the pavement. He won’t even get off the sidewalk: it’s dangerous, and it’s a hindrance to drivers. What if it's not in the city? Then the rule sounds different: the road is for cars, the roadside is for pedestrians! And you need to walk on the left side of the roadside so that the cars drive towards you. So, we remembered: for the movement of pedestrians along the street there is a sidewalk, you need to walk along it in steps, keeping to the right side, without interfering with other pedestrians. Vehicles move along the carriageway of the streets. Game (on a marked area) 6 Children act as vehicles. Each is given a picture of the transport. Children are divided into three groups, two groups line up face to face on the right and left sides. The command is given: “To the right! " "Movement! “Children drive down the street, obeying the traffic rules, on the right side, the third group moves along the sidewalk. Then the groups switch places. Then Petya Svetoforov introduces the road markings. This is the white line that divides the road in the middle. It is forbidden for drivers to cross a solid line, and it is allowed to cross a broken line when overtaking, turning left, or turning around. The white lines of a pedestrian crossing are called a zebra. The game "Pedestrians and drivers" Some of the guys portray pedestrians, and some - drivers. Drivers must pass a driver's license exam and get a car. Pedestrians head to the toy store for shopping. Drivers head to the car park, then drive to a signalized intersection. Pedestrians from the store go to the same intersection. At the crossroads: Attention, traffic will now begin along the streets, follow the traffic lights. Cars go, pedestrians go. Change of signals. The game continues until the children learn the rules of the movement. Appendix No. 2 Synopsis of the tour of the nearest street. ( senior group) Program content: To consolidate the knowledge about the native village received in the middle group. To expand ideas about the purpose of various institutions, to acquaint with the objects of the street. Develop memory, observation, thinking. Cultivate love for the native land. The course of the excursion C. Today we will go on a journey - we will walk along the street, near our kindergarten and see what changes have taken place on it. What's the name of this street? D. Victory. First stop School. Q. What is the school for? Let's count how many floors the school has. D. Three floors. B. And windows. D. A lot. Q. Yes, and there are also many classes, there is a gym, and near the school there is a stadium and a box for basketball and hockey. Next year we will definitely go to school and look at the classes. Let's go to the second stop sports field and school garden. 7 What is a playground for? Let's play the game "We are funny guys." And there is a garden nearby. See what trees grow in the garden. Let's collect the leaves for the herbarium. Third stop Construction. B. We came to a house under construction. What do we see here? D. Crane, cars drive up, bring building materials. A lot of people work. Everyone has their own duties: who mixes the cement mortar, who carries the bricks, someone lays the bricks, others watch the load of the crane, remove the garbage. Q. Do you think building houses is the right occupation? D. Yes, because there are a lot of people in the village and they need housing. Q. On the way to the fourth stop, let's talk and look at the houses we pass. New shops have opened in some houses. Shops, DDT, savings bank are attached to other houses. Tell us which of you lives in these houses, is it convenient. fourth stop Kindergarten . So, how many changes are taking place in the village, even on one street. Are these changes for the better, what else would you like to add for the convenience of you and other residents. Appendix №3 Riddles about road signs Hey driver beware! It's impossible to go fast. People know everything in the world Children walk in this place! (Sign "Children") * * * The underground passage will never let us down: The road is pedestrian It is always free. (Sign "Underpass") * * * The sign was hung at dawn, So that everyone knew about it: Here the road is being repaired Take care of your feet! (Sign "Roadworks") 8 * * * White circle with a red border So it's not dangerous to drive. Maybe he hangs in vain? What do you say friends? (The sign "Movement is prohibited") * * * All motors stop And the drivers are attentive If the signs say: "Close school, kindergarten" (Sign "Children") * * * Everything will be told to the driver, The correct speed will be indicated. By the road, like a beacon, Good friend ... (traffic sign). * * * White triangle, red border. Wonderful train With smoke at the window. This locomotive is ruled by a grandfather. Can any of you tell me what this sign is? (Sign "Railway crossing without barrier") * * * That's the sign! I don't believe my eyes. What is the battery for? Does steam heating help the movement? Here's the "steam heating" sign. What? Isn't that what it's called? But as? (Sign "Railway crossing with a barrier") 9 * * * What kind of miracle is this, Two humps, like a camel's? This sign is triangular. What is it called? (Sign "Rough Road") * * * This sign warns That there is a zigzag on the road, And a Steep is waiting for the car ahead ... (Sign "Dangerous Turn") * * * On the road sign that Man walks. Striped paths Laid under our feet. So that we do not know the worries And walk forward along them. (Sign "Pedestrian crossing") * * * Wonderful sign Exclamation mark! So, you can scream here, sing, walk, play pranks? If you run barefoot! If you go with the wind! I answer you strictly: This is a dangerous road. It asks for a road sign Drive quietly, carefully. (Sign "Other dangers") * * * What is this dark hole? Here, perhaps, a hole? A fox lives in that hole. What miracles! Not a ravine here and not a forest, Here the road cuts through! There is a sign by the road, But what does it say? (Sign "Tunnel") 10 * * * This zebra on the road I'm not afraid at all If everything around is in order. I'll go on the road along the stripes. (Sign "Pedestrian crossing") Appendix No. 4 GCD drawing on the topic "Road signs" Program content: 1. Consolidate children's knowledge about warning, prohibition, prescriptive, informational road signs and service signs. 2. Exercise in the ability to schematically depict road signs using different visual materials. 3. To develop skills of orientation in space, the skills of conscious use of knowledge of traffic rules in everyday life. 4. Develop attention, creative imagination children. Dictionary work: warning, forbidding, informational, prescriptive. Individual work: To help children with difficulty in choosing the image of signs and the choice of visual materials. Methods: game, visual, verbal, practical, heuristic, partially search, motivational, Techniques: examination, conversation, artistic word, instructions, explanations, independent activity, use of various visual materials, development of resourcefulness and activity, activity of children by including a problem situation , persuasion, encouragement, arrival of a hero. Preliminary work: conversation "Road signs"; classes on traffic rules in a group; didactic games "Careful pedestrian", "ABC of road signs", "Smart cars", "; reading fiction on the topic of traffic rules; familiarity with road signs in everyday life. Course progress. A traffic light comes to visit the children for a lesson. Traffic light: Guys, I came to you for help. The fact is that I live in a magical country, everything was fine with us, but one day the Fairy-Confusion sent a Mischievous whirlwind. He stole all the road signs and threw them into a deep ravine at the edge of the country. Residents of 11 found road signs, but they are in such a deplorable state that it's just a disaster. Not a single sign looks like itself now, I will show them to you now (posts "spoiled" road signs, time is given to examine the signs). Accidents began to occur in the city, pedestrians fall under the wheels of cars, cars cannot cross the railway crossing, wild animals are afraid to cross the road passing through the forest, pedestrians quarreled with drivers, passengers cannot understand where the "food point" is and where the "service point" ". Guys, help us, please fix our signs. Educator: Let's help the inhabitants of the Magic Land? Children: Yes! Educator: Okay, but first, let's repeat what road signs exist and what they mean, and the Traffic Light will listen to us and tell us his opinion. Children's stories about road signs. Traffic light: Well done guys, that's right! But what do we do with the "spoiled" signs? Educator: Don't worry, Traffic Light, we will help you, the children will draw existing signs for you and also come up with and draw new ones that will help the inhabitants of the Magic Land in life, right, guys? Children: Yes! Educator: We will be divided into three groups; the first group will draw warning signs, (the shape of a triangle, the field is white with a red border - they warn drivers and pedestrians of a possible danger); the second group is forbidding, (the shape of the circle, the color of the field is white with a red border around the circumference, prohibit drivers from certain maneuvers: speeding, stopping, parking); and the third - informational and service signs, (a quadrangle shape, a blue field notify drivers, passengers about the locations of parking lots, food points, hospitals). Children are divided into groups and distributed among themselves, who will draw what signs. Independent work of children, during which the teacher provides individual assistance, recalls the methods and techniques of drawing. Teacher: Finished, guys? Traffic light, look, did our children cope with the task? Traffic light: Yes, thank you. Educator: But that's not all, now the guys will draw one more sign, which they came up with themselves. These signs are not simple, they will help the inhabitants of a magical land in their fun life. Children draw imaginary signs. Traffic light: Very interesting, but what do they mean? Creative stories of children about their invented signs. - Thank you guys, I will definitely convey your signs and wishes, I have to go. Goodbye. Educator: You did a good job, coped with the task, and whose signs and stories about them did you like the most? Analysis and introspection of children. 12 - The city in which we live with you We can rightfully compare it with a primer. The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads The city gives us a lesson all the time. Here it is the alphabet above your head: The signs are hung along the pavement. Always remember the alphabet of the city, so that trouble does not happen to you. Well done, did you enjoy the activity? In the next lesson, we will continue to get acquainted with the rules of the road. Appendix No. 5 Summary of artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group (sculpting) “Signs around us” Tasks: consolidate the concept of “sign”, show the role and meaning of various signs in our life, introduce specific signs: simple (gesture, sound signals, arrow as direction indicator, universal (road signs); develop expressiveness of gestures, communication skills. Learn to sculpt road signs that warn pedestrians. Achieve expressiveness and similarity. Vocabulary work: gesture, gesticulate, orientate, information. Material: Kolobok, Didactic game "Road signs ”, arrows of various directions placed in a group, a schematic representation of emotional states (joy, sadness, resentment, fun, modeling boards, plasticine, napkins. Presentation “Signs around us” Integration educational areas: « Speech development ”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”. Course of the lesson: Educator: Today we will make a short trip. Do you agree? Please (gestures for the children to sit down). How did you guess that you need to sit down? (children's answers). What if I show it like this? (get up) All right. You understood me without words. We communicate with you with our hands. What is the movement of the hand called? (gesture). Show what gestures you know? What do they mean? (children's answers). With the help of gestures, we can communicate, transmit information. Imagine that we do not know how to speak, but we soon need to go for a walk, leaving all the toys in the group in order. How can we agree among ourselves? Let's use gestures to explain to each other who will do what. (Exercise for the development of expressiveness of gestures and facial expressions). We understood each other very well, explaining ourselves with gestures - gesticulating. What did we do? (gesticulated). Finger gymnastics "How are you?" How are you? 13 That's it! (thumbs of both hands - up, the rest of the fingers are gathered into a fist) Are you swimming? That's it! (with hands we depict the movements of a swimmer) How do you run? That's it! (we bend our arms at the elbows, movements along the body) Do you look into the distance? That's it! (we alternately put our palms on our foreheads) Are you waving after? That's it! (vigorous movements of the hands) Do you sleep at night? That's it! (palms under head) Are you naughty? That's it! (with the fists of both hands, clap on the inflated cheeks) The teacher shows the arrow: What is it? The arrow is the simplest sign to show direction. Let's go on a trip! (According to the arrow, they approach the easel, on which images of emotions are placed: joy, sadness, resentment, fun). To go further, we need to depict these little men. What is this man? (funny). How can you depict him with the help of gestures and facial expressions? Children depict emotions: joy, sadness, resentment, surprise. Now you can go further. (according to the arrows they approach the tables). Guys, this is our old familiar Kolobok. Does he not know how to cross the road? It is necessary to help Kolobok to choose the right road sign on which he can cross the road. (we approach the makeshift pedestrian crossing) Is it possible to cross the road? Where can you cross the road? (children's answers) A pedestrian crossing is a road sign. There are a lot of road signs. Didactic game "Road signs" Symbols and signs accompany us all our lives, help to better navigate the world around us. Fizminutka "Traffic light". We will play at the traffic light, (Children clap their hands). One two three four five. I invite you all to stand up. (Children get up, walking in place marching). Red light to us "Stop!" screams, (Children stand still). 14 Wait for the green orders. So the yellow caught fire, (Jerks of hands under the chest). It's time to get ready Hands, legs, warm up Let's start, kids! (Squats). Here the green lights up, (Hands up). Can we go forward, (Walking in place marching). Be brave, walker. Educator: And now we all sit down at our tables and proceed to sculpt road signs. Children make road signs. Reflective evaluation stage. What is a gesture? What did you learn about road signs? Teacher: Well done guys! You all tried very hard. Appendix No. 6 Abstract of the GCD for the design of "City Street" Purpose: To consolidate the concept of "street", to name the characteristic features of the street (a long road along which vehicles travel, a sidewalk for people, houses on the side of the road). To form generalized ideas about the constructed objects. Develop search activity (search for methods, options for structural combinations, individual design solutions, etc.), creativity, initiative. To form the ability to build their own ideas. Develop the ability to work together to plan work, achieve a common result, help each other. Materials. Pictures with images of streets, building sets, diagrams. Course of the lesson: Guys, look at what is shown in the picture (Children's answers). How did you know it was a street? (children name the characteristic features of the streets, remember what buildings can be located on the street (residential buildings, a store, a school, etc.) Let's design a street with you. What buildings can be on our street? What do you think, what buildings need to be built near residential buildings? Why will we build a theater, a school, a bridge? Etc. - Guys, every street has a name. What streets do you live on? What will we call the street? (Children come up with the name of the street.) Distribute with children who and what will build. Draw the children's attention to the sequence of buildings on the street (where the school will stand, or on which side the store is from the residential building.) - Before we start construction, we will play with you. Physical education. We received gifts. Bricks , bars and arches 15 We take from the box We are building a beautiful house (Children pretend to put things out of the box.) We build quickly, we build soon Without cement, without mortar. straightening up, they seem to lay bricks with their hands.) The children begin construction. Then the children analyze their buildings. The street is built! At the gate, toy people are waiting. Come in, turtle, Crocodile, and Cheburashka, And Parsley and matryoshka, And a toy cat! Rejoice, toys, animals, Open windows, doors, start housewarming, Sing, jump, play! Children are given the opportunity to beat the street. Appendix No. 7 Synopsis thematic conversation according to the rules of the road in the senior group. Instructive tale “As at our gates, a very important sign lives.” Program content: fix the rules of the road; learn to apply their knowledge in practice; promotion of traffic rules among preschool children. Preliminary work: Acquaintance of children with the rules of the road; Acquaintance of children with traffic signs; Solving riddles about transport, traffic. Materials and equipment: steering wheel (several pieces), traffic controller's baton. The course of the conversation: The teacher invites the children to make an interesting and informative journey through the gates of the garden. At the gates of the kindergarten there are road signs "Caution - children" and "Speed ​​limit 20 km / h". As at our gates A very important sign lives. This sign warns: The driver reduces the speed, Because the children are in a hurry to kindergarten. 16 This sign stands by the garden, Like a military sentry. This sign "Attention children!" Protects you and me. And then any driver, Just seeing this sign, Will slow down and, of course, you will miss the same hour. Just be very careful. We must be with you. Suddenly, the driver will not be able to slow down in time ... Guys, tell me, why is this sign important? (because it shows that there may be children on the road, and the driver should be more careful). Who is depicted on it? (children) What are the children doing? (in a hurry somewhere) And where are the children in a hurry? (to kindergarten) What does he warn the driver about? (about the fact that there are children on the road). Why is this sign at the kindergarten? (because there is a road near our garden where cars drive. And the driver has to slow down. Because there are two kindergartens here). After carefully examining the road sign with the children and observing how passing cars follow the rules provided for by this road sign, the teacher suggests continuing the conversation on the site. All return to the territory of the kindergarten. Educator: And now I will read you a poem about one boy. You listen carefully and think whether the boy behaved correctly or not quite on the road and why? Situation 1: What is it? What's happened? Why, then, did everything spin around, spin, And rush off like a wheel? It's just a boy Petya Going to kindergarten alone ... He ran without mom and without dad. He ran to kindergarten. And, of course, on Route 17, the Boy almost got hurt. Petya jumps and jumps. Doesn't look around. The boy is very inattentive. You can't behave like that! You think, kids, Petya needs to give advice How to behave to the boy, In order not to make trouble? ! (children's answers: the boy is inattentive, he can get hit by a car; you need to know the rules of behavior on the road; you need to go to kindergarten with mom or dad). Well done boys! Very the right tips you gave to Petya. I hope nothing bad happens to him on the road again. And here is another poem. Listen carefully. 2 situation. What's happened? What's happened? Why did everything around me Frozen, stopped And seemed to go to sleep? It's just a boy Misha Walking slowly into the kindergarten. Barely he walks, Does not look around, On the go he falls asleep This is not the way to behave! Why, tell me, does Misha need to be taught how to cross the road correctly?! (children's answers: you can’t be inattentive on the road; you need to look when you cross the road to the left and right; cross when there is no car nearby, you can’t sleep on the go). Well done boys! Now you and Misha have taught the rules of safe behavior on the road. After all, the road is primarily a danger. And an inattentive, distracted person can get into trouble. And not only he will suffer, but also the driver. Therefore, it is so important to know and follow the rules of the road. And now I propose to check how well you yourself know these rules. To do this, we will play with you the game "Regulator". Rules of the game: We choose 1 child - this is the traffic controller. He receives a whistle and a rod. The rest of the children are divided into two teams: pedestrians and cars. The task of the traffic controller is to give signs to the teams so that there is no collision or collision. The game is played on a specially marked area. The traffic controller can be changed several times per game. 18 Outcome: Well done, guys. Today you have shown yourself to be good pedestrians, exemplary drivers and experts on the rules of the road. Good luck on the roads! Appendix No. 8 Didactic game according to the rules of the road Game "Teremok" Purpose: To teach children to distinguish between road signs, to know their purpose for pedestrians, drivers of vehicles and cyclists. Cultivate attention, orientation in space. Material: Fairy-tale house "Teremok" with a window cut out, a cardboard strip with road signs depicted on it. (Warning signs: railway crossing, children, pedestrian crossing, dangerous turn. Mandatory signs: straight ahead, right, left, Roundabout Circulation, footpath. Information signs and signs of special regulations: parking place, pedestrian crossing, telephone.) Game progress The strip is moved (from top to bottom or from left to right, traffic signs appear in turn in the window). Children name signs, explain their meaning. Didactic game "Driving School" Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of how to cross the street; on the appointment of a traffic light, traffic controller and road signs. Exercise in orientation in space and time; cultivate courage, resourcefulness, the ability to help a friend. Material: Double sheet of cardboard: on the left sheet are pasted pictures depicting various traffic situations, on the right sheet are written rules. Game progress Children look at pictures depicting various traffic situations. They must explain the situation depicted in the picture, assess the behavior of pedestrians, children at traffic lights, the need for the right road sign. Didactic game "Recognize the sign" Purpose: Consolidation of children's knowledge of road signs. Material: 2 cardboard discs connected in the center with a screw. On the lower circle, road signs are glued along the edge. On the outer circle, a window is cut out near the edge, slightly larger than the road signs. Rotating the disk, the child finds the desired sign. Game progress The children are shown a picture depicting the situation on the road. They must find a road sign to put up here. Didactic game "At the bus stop" Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of how to bypass different types transport. Familiarize yourself with the most typical traffic situations and the relevant rules of behavior for pedestrians. Material: Pictures depicting various situations involving pedestrians, road signs, traffic lights. 19 Game progress Children should consider and explain the situation shown in the picture, evaluate the behavior of pedestrians, passengers, drivers; explain the need to install the desired road sign. The game "Pedestrians and Drivers" (the game is intended for children from 5 to 6 years old) Purpose: To teach children to cross the street correctly, observing traffic rules, to develop attention. Material: Plates with modes of transport. Game progress Children are divided into 2 groups "pedestrians" and "drivers". Each of the "drivers" is given signs with the types of transport: bicycle, motorcycle, trucks, cars, buses, directions for drivers and pedestrians are indicated. On command "Move!" The “street” comes to life, vehicles move along the roadway, “pedestrians” walk along the sidewalks and crossings. "Drivers" must comply with traffic rules in order to let pedestrians pass. Pedestrians must cross the street correctly. At the end of the game, the following are taken into account: 1. the correctness of walking along the sidewalks; 2. the correctness of the street crossing; 3. understanding traffic lights; 4. the correctness of the transition when disembarking from public transport. Didactic game "Traffic light" (for preschool children) Purpose: To learn to distinguish between traffic lights, to fix the rules of pedestrians, to develop attention, speed, orientation in space. Material: Chips (red, green) one for each child, flags (1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green). Game progress Teacher: Memorize the simple law: The red light is on. Children answer: "Stop!" and show a red chip. Teacher: Yellow will tell the pedestrian: Get ready for. Children answer: “To the transition” and show a yellow chip. Teacher: And the green one is ahead He says to everyone. Children answer: "Go" and show a green chip. “Traffic light” appears, the assistant teacher, dressed in a traffic light suit, leads the game “Be careful”. 20 Rules of the game: “The traffic light raises a green flag - the children march in a circle, red - they stand still, yellow - they march in place. Didactic game "Play and dare" Tasks: to develop mental abilities and visual perception; to learn to correlate the speech form of the description of road signs with their graphic representation; to cultivate independence, speed of reaction, ingenuity. Rules: the image of a road sign is closed only after listening to information about it. The winner is the one who first correctly closes all the images that sounded riddles in verse. 46 children participate in the game, in front of which there are tables with road signs and empty cards. The principle of the game is loto. The teacher reads riddles (poems) about road signs, the children cover their images on the table with cards. Hey driver beware! Road works here. It is impossible to go fast. No drive, no pass. People know everything in the world This place is for pedestrians Children walk in this place! (Children sign) Better to just walk around. (sign "Roadworks") Will never fail This zebra on the road We are an underpass: I'm not at all afraid The road is pedestrian If everything around is in order, It is always free in it. I'll go on the road along the stripes. (sign "Underground crossing") (sign "Pedestrian crossing") It has two wheels and a saddle on the frame. There are two pedals at the bottom, they are twisted with their feet. In the red circle he stands, He speaks of the ban. (sign “No cycling”) I did not wash my hands on the road, I ate fruits and vegetables. I fell ill and see the Medical Assistance Point. (sign "Paragraph one medical care ”) Didactic game “Think - Guess” Tasks: to activate the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children; clarify ideas about transport and traffic rules; cultivate ingenuity and resourcefulness. Rules: you must give the correct answer and not shout it out in unison. The one with the most points for correct answers wins. Teacher: I will ask you questions. Whoever knows the correct answer should raise their hand. Whoever answers correctly first gets a token. At the end of the game, we will count the chips and determine the winner. Questions: How many wheels does a car have? (4) 21 How many people can ride one bike? (1) Who walks on the sidewalk? (pedestrian) Who is driving the car? (driver) What is the name of the intersection of two roads? (intersection) What is the roadway for? (for traffic) On which side of the road is traffic moving? (on the right) What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violates traffic rules? (accident or traffic accident) What is the upper light at the traffic light? (red) What is the traffic police inspector holding in his hand? (wand) Didactic game "We are drivers" Tasks: to help learn to understand the symbolism and its specifics (using road signs as an example, to see its main qualities - figurativeness, brevity, generalization; to form and develop the ability to independently invent graphic symbols, see and solve problems. Rules: come up with a road sign that is most similar to the generally accepted one.The most successful sign will receive a chip - a green circle.The one who scores the most circles wins.Materials: 1) cards with road signs in series: the road goes to honey. Point (service point, canteen, gas station, etc. 6 options); meetings on the way (people, animals, modes of transport - 6 options); difficulties on the way, possible dangers (6 options); prohibition signs (6 options); 2) a piece of chalk, if a forked road is being drawn, or a strip of paper depicting such roads; 3) a small car or bus; 4) green chips 30 pieces. Didactic game "Merry Wand" Tasks: to summarize ideas about the rules of behavior for pedestrians on the street; to activate children's knowledge, their speech, memory, thinking; educate the desire to comply with traffic rules in life. Rules: listen carefully to the answers of your comrades and do not repeat yourself. The team with the most pedestrian rules wins. You can give an answer only after receiving the wand. The teacher divides the children into two competing teams, reports the name of the game and its rules. Educator: the one to whom I will give the rod in the hands will have to name one of the rules for the behavior of a pedestrian on the street. These rules cannot be repeated, so be careful! The team that names more rules and does not repeat will win. The wand passes from one team to another. Children name the rules. Appendix No. 9 Plot role-playing game"DPS Inspector" Purpose: to consolidate the rules for crossing the road with the traffic controller, to generalize the knowledge of children. Tasks: To test children's knowledge of traffic rules. Contribute to the development of 22 mindfulness, observation. Encourage children to follow the rules of the road. Game progress: Some of the children are pedestrians, others are drivers; one child is a traffic police inspector (regulator), he has a staff in his hands. The traffic controller stands sideways to the pedestrians, the pedestrians are walking, and the car is standing at this time. The traffic controller turns sideways to the cars, they drive, pedestrians stand. The traffic controller raises his hand - both cars and pedestrians are ready. An increase in the number of cars on the streets of cities and towns in our country, an increase in Appendix No. 10 Consultation for parents "Road ABC" of the speed of their movement, the density of traffic flows, growing traffic jams on roads are one of the causes of traffic accidents. Nobody is left indifferent by the disappointing reports about road accidents, where the victims, unfortunately, are also children. Children are the most common cause of road traffic accidents. This leads to ignorance of the elementary foundations of the rules of the road, the indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the roadway. Left to themselves, children, especially younger age, little regard for the real dangers on the road. This is explained by the fact that they still do not know how to properly control their behavior. They are not able to correctly determine the distance to the approaching car and its speed and overestimate their own capabilities, consider themselves fast and agile. They have not yet developed the ability to anticipate the possibility of danger in a rapidly changing traffic environment. Therefore, they serenely run out into the road in front of a stopped car and suddenly appear in the path of another. They consider it quite natural to ride a children's bicycle onto the roadway or start a fun game here. It is necessary to acquaint children with the rules of the road, to form their skills of correct behavior on the road from the very beginning. early age, since the knowledge gained in childhood is the most durable; the rules learned by the child subsequently become the norm of behavior, and their observance by the need of a person. When introducing children to the rules of the road, the culture of behavior on the street, it should be remembered that this work is closely related to the development of orientation in space and involves the formation of such personality traits as attention, responsibility for one's behavior, confidence in one's actions. The road with the child from home to kindergarten and back is the perfect moment for the formation of his skills of safe behavior on the street. Before the child, there should always be a personal example of compliance by parents with all traffic rules without exception. Rules for safe behavior on the street On the street you need to be very careful not to play on the roadway. Before crossing the road at the zebra crossing, you must first stop and look left, then look right and left again. If there are no cars nearby, you can cross the road. 23 Having reached the middle of the road, you need to look to the right. If there are no cars nearby, then feel free to move on. You need to cross the road calmly. You can't jump onto the road. Even if the traffic light turns green, before stepping on the road, you should carefully look around, make sure that all the cars have stopped. The child will learn all these concepts more firmly if he is introduced to the rules of the road systematically, unobtrusively. Use appropriate situations for this on the street, in the yard, on the road. Being with the baby on the street, it is useful to explain to him everything that happens on the road with transport, pedestrians. For example, why in this moment you can’t cross the street, what are the rules for pedestrians and cars in this case, point out violators, noting that by violating the rules, they run the risk of being hit by vehicles. In order to develop a child's visual memory, to consolidate visual impressions, offer the baby, returning with him from kindergarten, to find his own way home or, conversely, "bring" you to kindergarten in the morning. Do not intimidate a child with the street; a panic fear of transport is no less harmful than carelessness and inattention! It is useful to read a poem to a child: “About one boy” by S. Mikhalkov, “Sword” by S. Marshak, “For pedestrians” by V. Timofeev, “ABC of safety” by O. Bedarev, “Why do we need a traffic light” by O. Tarutin, it is useful to consider with a child a set of colorful drawings "Red, yellow, green", "Pedestrian thinker". Buy your child toy cars, buses, traffic lights, figurines of traffic controllers, etc. and organize games according to your own story, reflecting any situations on the street. Game good remedy teaching a child road literacy. REMEMBER!!! All adults are an example for children! Let your example teach disciplined behavior on the street not only to your child, but also to other children. Cross the street in strict accordance with the rules. Try to do everything possible to protect children from accidents on the roads! Appendix No. 11 Questionnaire for parents

(The door opens, three balls fly in, with an attention sign, and with a letter on the other side).

Educator: Guys, come here as soon as possible. Miracles! Someone sent us balloons? How bright and beautiful they are.

Look, along with the balls, some kind of sign has arrived (the teacher removes the “Attention” sign from the ball).

Do you guys know what this sign means?

(A message is written on the back of the sign)

It has a message from our friend Traffic Light (the teacher reads the message).

“Guys, this sign means attention, there is a danger on the road that you can get into if you don’t understand what the signs are talking about, and you can understand them by visiting our “young pedestrian” school, where many interesting tasks and tests await you, after passing which you will receive the “young pedestrian” badge. And you will get to school if you guess the magic word secret in the message. We look forward to seeing you."

Guys, I would really like to get into this school, and you? I wonder how we can get there?

By the way, did you pay attention to the color of the balls on which the message arrived?

I wonder what these three colors can represent?

So, the traffic light is the magic word

Friends, I know how to say the spell correctly. Listen and do.

(during the pronunciation of words, the teacher puts on the clothes of a traffic police officer, opens an easel).

Close your eyes tightly

And in your thoughts you say a word.

Turn around three times, (1 2 3)

And be in school now.

We open our eyes

Here we are at the "Young Pedestrian" school.

Hello, welcome to the traffic police inspector

(Whistle blowing,)

Look guys

This school will answer

What about the signs, you need to know

To avoid getting into trouble?

I ask my friends to sit on the chairs

(The teacher takes the envelope)

Your traffic light friend is wondering if you understand sign language? Let's get a look.

(the teacher takes out signs of different shapes and colors from the envelope and places them on the board)

1. In the white triangle

With a red border

Humans - schoolchildren,

Very Safe.

This road sign

Everyone in the world knows:

Be careful

On the road ... (Children)

2. Black and white stripes

Pedestrian walks boldly...

Let the car run quietly.

On road…

3. Bicycle on a red circle

So it's dangerous to drive here!

There are many different road signs on the streets of the city and they are best friends drivers and pedestrians.

There are a few more signs in our envelope.

(lays out the remaining signs on the typesetting canvas: warning - “Road works”, “Railway crossing without a barrier”, index - “Bus stop”, “Point of medical assistance”; prohibiting - “Entry is prohibited”, “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”)

Do you know what these signs mean?

Well done.

Why do you think these signs are of different shapes and different colors?

You know what they're talking about.

I will help you reveal this secret.

Some signs warn of danger, others prohibit something, others point to something.

Warning signs are triangles with a red border. They warn drivers what to look out for on that stretch of road.

In the top row you see warning signs.

What do they warn drivers about?

What shape are the warning signs?

What color is the border of the sign?

What are the triangular signs with a red border called?

You remember my dear preschooler.

This sign will always warn

If you see a red triangle

So something is waiting for you ahead

Directional signs are square or rectangular, but always of blue color.

Directive signs

Information is given

Where can you find a stop

Pedestrians where they go.

In the middle row you see index signs.

What do they point to?

What shape are the signs?

What color are the markers?

What are the blue, rectangular and square signs called?

Prohibition signs are the most restrictive among road signs. They impose various prohibitions and restrictions. They have a round shape and a conspicuous red background or red border.

Here are the signals round like the sun.

Borders red rim

white window in the middle

Every sign to the driver is a lesson.

So what are these signs forbidding?

Prohibition signs, only what form?

And what color do they have?

What are the strictest signs on the road?

We learned about three types of signs, different shapes and colors

What signs did Matvey learn about today?

Katya, how are the signs different?

We have learned about warning signs for drivers, direction and prohibition signs for drivers and pedestrians.

Therefore, we can work on the errors in the signs in these pictures.

Game "Road signs"

(Five cards show different combinations of three signs, two signs of one kind, and one of another)

The guys on the cards have three characters, let's try to determine which character is superfluous and why?

(Shows one card at a time.)

The bell rings, the lesson is over, it's time for a break

I propose to play one interesting game called "Attentive Driver"

I will show you the signs and you will follow them.

(Arrow right, left, straight, circular, traffic lights, rough road, beware children)

The signal calls for the next lesson, go to another class.

Where a new task has been prepared for you is a serious test. We divide into three groups, the first goes to the table with a red circle, the second with yellow, the third with green

Your task is to arrange the pictures in order.

What the pedestrian does first, what then and how his movement ends.

While respecting the rules of the road

(the cards are on three tables)

1st table (red traffic light) - You get pictures where a boy crosses the road at a pedestrian crossing.

(1 - the boy looks to the left, 2 - reaches the middle, looks to the right, 3 - crosses the road)

2nd table (yellow traffic light)

You have to accompany the bear cub with friends to cross the pedestrian crossing with the help of traffic lights, and at the traffic light the green signal is lit for drivers, and red for pedestrians.

(Three pictures; 1 - red light is on for pedestrians and green for drivers, 2 - yellow traffic light is on, 3 - green signal is on for pedestrians and red for drivers.)

3rd table (green light)

You have a situation with a girl, determine her movement when leaving the bus.

(1 - gets off the bus, 2 - waits for it to leave, 3 - crosses the road)

Let's try to make pictures.

Who can be the first to tell about the movement of his pedestrian.

How will your pedestrian cross?

Now let's see how your pedestrian follows the rules.

(If the children find it difficult, the teacher helps explain the actions of the pedestrian)

That's how good fellows we are, we know how to cross the road correctly.

Now let's see how you can apply your knowledge on the road. Exit the red traffic light group

(Suitable for two-way road taped on the floor)

The boys take the steering wheel, you will be the drivers, and the girls, along with the dolls, will be the pedestrians, go to the road.

Drivers and pedestrians start moving.

What is it, why can't we cross the road, and why don't cars stop?

How to be, and what can we do?

Well, let's lay out a pedestrian crossing and put up the necessary sign. "Crosswalk".

Now the yellow traffic light group will try to be road users.

Drivers and pedestrians take their places on the road. The movement begins.

Were all the rules observed by the participants of the movement?

Guys, what else can stand on a pedestrian crossing?

I wonder if you can meet a green man at a pedestrian crossing?

(The teacher shows a traffic light for pedestrians)

If this signal lights up, can you cross the road?

And if the signal with the red man is on?

And now the green signal group will try to cross the road using this traffic light.

(The teacher regulates the signals)

Were all traffic rules observed?

Of course, guys, always before you cross the road, make sure that there is no danger threatening you.

Well done, you not only know the rules of the road, but you can apply them.

The guys in the envelope had another job, let's see.

(The teacher takes out multi-colored figures, forms of signs, shows them to the children)

What could it be?

Let's fix this situation and make beautiful, new signs for the game in the kindergarten "Road Signs".

See which of these signs you would like to make.

(Pointing to signs posted on the board)

Disassemble 3 parts needed for one specific sign. Be careful to pay attention to the color and shape of the sign. Once you decide which sign you have, you can stick it on.

I also want to make a sign, you can.

I know what sign I got, do you know?

Now let's check. Put up the warning signs

Raise who made index, and now forbidding.

What sign did Ira make?

And what sign did Sasha get?

Daniel, tell me, what sign did you make?

There are three boxes in front of you.

Put your sign in one of these boxes.

In which box did you put the warning signs.

What signs are in the blue box.

In the round box you placed what signs?

(whistle blows)

This is where our testing ended.

It's time to go back to kindergarten with our magic spell.

(The teacher takes off his uniform and meets the children)

Here you have arrived. Were you guys interested in visiting the Young Pedestrian school? What new did you learn?

Name: Synopsis of the GCD "Road signs are our friends" (SDA), senior group
Nomination: Kindergarten, Synopsis of GCD (SDA), Senior group

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 1"
Location: Yaroslavl

Synopsis of the GCD "Road signs are our friends"

Educator: Andreeva N.N.

Target: introduce children to the types of road signs.

Program tasks:


1. Activate the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children.

2. Develop visual and auditory memory.


Introduce children to prohibition, prescriptive and warning signs.


1. Cultivate ingenuity and resourcefulness.

2. Raise the need for children to be disciplined and attentive on the streets, careful and prudent.

Materials: cut road signs, a white circle with a red border, a white triangle with a red border, a blue circle, 3 bicycles, sheets with road signs, red and blue felt-tip pens, group signs.

Course progress.


Guys, listen to the poem.

The city in which we live with you

You can rightly compare with the primer.

Here it is, the alphabet - above the head:

Signs are posted along the pavement.

The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Always remember the alphabet of the city

So that trouble does not happen to you.

Guys, what alphabet is the poem talking about?


About the alphabet of traffic.


What helps us to obey the rules of the road on the streets?


Road signs


Who guessed what we are going to talk about?


About road signs.


Right. But since there are a lot of signs, we will talk about the types of road signs.

Why are road signs needed?


Road signs help drivers and pedestrians

comply with traffic rules.


What do they tell drivers and pedestrians?


They tell you what you can and can't do on the road.


We have already met with some signs. And now I suggest you collect 3 road signs. To do this, everyone will take one part of the sign, determine who has the same one, and four of them, collect the whole sign.

Children collect signs on the rug in groups.

1 warning "Wild Animals"

3 prescriptive "Pedestrian path"

What does your sign mean?


Wild animals, no horns, footpath.


And now each group should try to construct the same prohibition sign on their own. " Cycling is prohibited". Each group has a white triangle with a red border, a white circle with a red border, a blue circle and a bicycle on the table, which must be placed either in a triangle, a circle or a circle to make a prohibition sign.

Children work in groups at tables.

Compare how each group completed the task. Guys, look, the task was one, but they did everything differently. Why did it happen, you had to collect a prohibition sign. So what don't you know?


We don't know what the prohibition sign is (circle, triangle, or blue circle)


To understand, I propose to return to the signs that you assembled from parts. You told me that this sign (show no horn sign) is called horn forbidden»

Look closely, how does it differ from neighboring signs?


It is round white with a paint border.


So prohibition signs, what shape, color?

Repeat what a prohibition sign looks like.

Prohibition signs prohibit and tell us what not to do.

You have collected the No Biking sign.

On what figure do we put the bike to make a prohibition sign?


On a white circle with a red border.


Does anyone know what warning signs are? Which of the two signs do you think warns the driver of a possible danger?


wild animals


So what shape are the warning signs? What about color?


The triangle is white with a red border.


We have a blue circle. Look at the sign. What does this sign mean?



He tells us, instructs the driver or pedestrian what can be done (performed)


So what is this sign?




Attention game "Cars and pedestrians":

On the word "car" ride and steer in a group without crashing into each other. On the word "pedestrian" - march.


And now we will practice drawing prohibition, warning and prescriptive signs.

Let's go to the tables. You have 2 markers blue and red. I will name the sign, and you will circle it in a red triangle, circle or blue circle.

The educator calls out the type of sign and the sign itself.


1 no pedestrian traffic

2 no overtaking

3 motorcycle traffic is prohibited


1 road works

2 slippery road

3 rough road


1 walking path

2 go straight

3 roundabout

Guys, but signs can be not only on the roads, but also in our group. There are road signs on the road, and group signs appeared in our group. Let's eat them. What can the sign mean?


Prohibition signs: "no breaking toys", "no fighting"

Warning signs: "Caution hot water”, “carefully dishes”

Mandatory signs: "books", "drawing"


So let's do it again. How are prohibition signs, warning signs, prescriptive signs designated.

Target: Introduce children to some warning signs.

Material: stand with road signs.

Lesson progress

Teacher. Today we cannot even imagine what would happen on our streets if there were no road signs and road markings. They have become the main assistants for all road users: both for pedestrians and for drivers. You are not yet able to drive a car. Who are you so far?

Children. Pedestrians or passengers.

Teacher. What are the benefits for drivers, pedestrians and passengers of road signs and road markings? (Children's answers.)

The signs are different. For example, some of them warn us about something and therefore are called warning. Such signs look like a white triangle surrounded by a red stripe. On a white background, what we need to pay attention to is usually drawn.

Together they consider and discuss warning signs: "Slippery road", "Children", "Roadwork", "Pedestrian crossing", "Gravel emission" (see fig.).

To clarify the knowledge gained and develop auditory perception, the teacher makes riddles, and the children find the corresponding signs on the stand.

Neither drive nor pass: a road sign on the way!

The shooter gives orders: this place is bypassed!

Do you want it straight? What are you, what are you! Here... (road works).

You will notice this sign immediately:

Three colored huge eyes.

Eye color defined:

Red, yellow and green.

("Section of road controlled by traffic lights.")

In a white triangle with a red border

Human schoolchildren are very safe.

Everyone in the world knows this road sign:

Be careful! On the road ... (children).

An outdoor game is held at the choice of the teacher.
