Step by step we make an application of a fish from colored paper. paper fish

Quote from the message HANDLING Read the WholeTo your quote pad or community!

FISH stencils

New Year's do-it-yourself


Snowflakes are a traditional Christmas decoration.

Each snowflake is unique especially those made by hand. Paper snowflakes are beautiful and easy to make, because for this you only need paper and scissors.

Thanks to their simplicity, snowflakes become a favorite craft for children and adults.

Read also:

How to make a snowflake

Window decoration for the New Year

How to cut paper snowflakes

Real snowflakes are hexagonal, but you can also try making a quadrilateral or octagonal snowflake.

Here simple instruction how to fold paper for a snowflake. The basic hexagonal shape stays the same, but what makes it different is the pattern you'll be cutting out of that shape.

You can use any paper to make snowflakes: wrapping paper, old magazines, printer paper etc.

However, do not use very thick paper, as it will be difficult to fold and cut.

Hexagonal snowflake

· Fold a square sheet of paper in half to make a triangle (Fig. 1).

· Now fold the triangle in half, connecting the ends (Fig. 2).

· Fold the resulting triangle in three (Fig. 3), as shown (Fig. 4).

· Cut off the top so that it is straight (Fig. 5). Start cutting out the pattern according to the pattern or as desired, using straight and curved lines.

Open the snowflake.

Quadrangular snowflake

Pentagonal snowflake


  • You can use any size sheet of paper. For example, if you want to make many small snowflakes, then you can cut 4 snowflakes from one A4 sheet.
  • Leave less paper. How more paper you cut, the more graceful it will be.
  • If you can't cut the pattern with scissors, try using a utility knife.

Snowflake templates (print)

Beautiful paper ballerina snowflakes

Such an elegant ballerina snowflake is easy to make with your own hands with your children.

The basic shape of the ballerina is symmetrical, so we need to fold the piece of paper in half and cut it out. template for ballerina.

See also: DIY Christmas ideas

We make a ballerina tutu in the form of a snowflake. Fold the sheet of paper only 3 times instead of 4 so there are not too many layers to cut out. Use different patterns.

After you have cut out the tutu, fold it in half to thread the ballerina figurine, and only then straighten it.

Snowflake templates for cutting

Paper snowflake patterns for cutting

Such snowflakes on the theme of the cartoon "Frozen" can be cut out with the children.

Paper snowflake stencils

You can make a snowflake garland to decorate your home.

Snowflakes can also be cut from coffee filters

Christmas decoration with snowflakes

Hang snowflakes on the window with hooks or paper clips.

Thread the string through the 2 holes in the snowflakes to make a garland.

By gluing several snowflakes with the same pattern, you can make 3D snowflakes.

You can decorate your gift with a handmade snowflake.

Use double sided tape toothpaste or a soap solution to stick a snowflake to a window or decorate your house or other room with them.

It would be nice to catch a goldfish. Make a lot of wishes and let them all come true. It is very difficult to single out the main thing. Well, if not catch, then at least draw.

All illustrations gold fish puffy-tailed rounded beauty with big intelligent eyes. But for a good deed, it is not so much the form that matters as the content. Therefore, the templates will help you choose your fish, and maybe everything for a cozy night lamp, vase, candlestick, made with stained glass or other techniques, draw with children, make an appliqué from colored paper or felt.

The printed template can be transferred to a solid object using carbon paper. To get an image on a light fabric, you need to put the fabric on the drawing and circle it with a pencil. Reduce or enlarge an image on a copier, or set the size and output on a printer. Many put paper or cloth to the monitor and copy the drawings. One of my friends copies drawings from the monitor directly onto T-shirts!


Application from colored paper "Goldfish". Master class with step by step photos.

Kuzmina Natalya Alexandrovna, teacher primary school MBOU secondary school No. 23 of the village of the Newly founded Stavropol Territory
Description: A fish from colored paper can be offered to make children 5 to 8 years old. The work can participate in the competition.
Target: development of the ability to perform interesting work from colored paper.
Tasks : learn how to choose the right color scheme paper for application; observe safety precautions when using scissors in work; develop imagination, fantasy, creativity; cultivate perseverance and accuracy during the performance of work.
Materials and tools necessary for the manufacture of applications: cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue, pencil, templates, work sample.

My aquarium is huge
Like a home ocean
Outside the window flow modest
Bubbles live fountain.
There's a fish in the aquarium
She has an underwater house
The fish moves flexibly
Waving a fan-tail.
This fish is not simple -
Her golden outfit
shining brightly with a rainbow,
It captivates the eye.
Between tender algae
Near the pebbles at the bottom
The fish swim slowly
And lives to please me.
(I. Konkov)

Guys, we all know "The Tale of the Goldfish" by A.S. Pushkin, where the fish fulfilled the wishes of the old woman. Today we will make a goldfish out of colored paper and maybe it will also be able to fulfill your desire. We will use scissors to cut out parts, let's remember - safety precautions when working with scissors:
- Use scissors with rounded ends.
- Store scissors in a certain place, put them with closed sharp ends away from you.
- Pass the scissors with the rings forward with closed blades.
- You can not cut on the go.
- When working with scissors, it is necessary to monitor the movement and position of the blades during operation.
- Do not work with blunt scissors or with loose hinges.
- Do not hold scissors with the blade up.
Choose colored paper for your application.
We need templates to work.

Application "Goldfish":
1. Take cardboard (white or blue).
2. Take blue paper and cut out the body of the fish according to the template. Glue it to cardboard.

3. According to the red paper template, cut out the tail, glue it.

4. Cut out the upper fin from red paper and glue it.

5. Cut out the two lower fins according to the template and glue them.

6. Now we need to make scales for our fish. Cut out the pattern from yellow paper detail for scales.

7. Draw scales with a simple pencil.

8. Cut out the scales in an arc. And we'll push them away.

9. Spread the glue gently and glue it on the fish. Let's peel off the scales.

The technology for creating an application with a selected outline is very simple. True, it will take a little more time than for a regular application, but the result is worth it.

The materials you will need are the most affordable: white and colored paper, white cardboard, glue, scissors and a simple pencil. All work is divided into three stages:

1. Preparation of pattern parts. To do this, draw the hidden contours of the parts in the figure with a dotted line. Draw each detail separately.

2. Preparing the details of the application. Cut out the pieces from colored paper and stick them onto white paper, leaving gaps between them. Circle the details, retreating from the edge by 2mm. Cut out along new lines.

3. Assembly of the application. Stick the details on the background, starting from the background.

Let's consider the application technology with a selected contour using the example of the "Goldfish" pattern.

1. On the contour drawing, draw the contours of the algae, the far stone, the crown and the fins with a dotted line. The body and tail of the fish are best done separately. It is better to stick the scales on the whole body of the fish. The tail is also better divided into two parts: the tail itself and its middle.

2. Attach a sheet with a picture to the window and draw individual details in the light.

3. Stick all the details on a white sheet of paper and let the glue dry.

4. Cut out the pieces with a white outline. You can first draw this outline with a thin pencil line.

5. If the paper is thick enough, erase the pencil marks with an eraser. On thin paper, it is better not to do this, since it is very easy to wrinkle the blanks.

6. Prepare the background. To do this, stick a sheet of colored paper of the desired size on cardboard and cut it out, leaving a frame with a width of 7 mm to 1.5 cm to your liking.

7. Glue the details of the algae onto the background, overlaying them one on top of the other. Then glue the far pebble, slightly covering the bottom edge of the algae. Then glue the nearest pebbles. Set the background aside to dry.

8. Glue the eye and scales on the body of the fish, trim the contours with scissors.

9. Glue the middle of the tail onto its main part.

10. From the back to the body of the fish, glue the fins and the crown. Connect the tail and body.

11. Glue the finished fish to the background.

Paper application with a selected contour "Goldfish"

As you can see, no special skills are required for such an application. It looks much more impressive than usual. The second advantage of this technology is that it is great for the very first application. Even a three-year-old kid can stick small details on a white sheet. If you choose a simpler picture and use self-adhesive colored paper, then the first work with the baby can be done earlier. Of course, the kid will not immediately master cutting with scissors, so for a start, an adult can also cut out the details. When the kid wants to work with scissors himself, choose a simpler pattern and let him cut out the details with straight contours.

Another little secret for working with kids: so that the background of the picture does not slip when gluing the parts, glue it with the back side to the table using double-sided tape. It will be easier to work. The adhesive tape can be easily peeled off from the smooth surface of the table, and on the back of the paper it can be covered with pieces of paper.

The underwater world is always interesting for children, because its nature is so different from the nature of land. Sea plants, animals and fish attract kids with bright and unusual colors. In order to introduce the child to marine life, we suggest you make a craft from colored paper - the application "Fish in the Aquarium". In this article you will find two options for a master class on this topic - for kids (they will need the help of adults) and for older children. And crumbs aged 1.5-2 years can be offered to make the simplest application in the form of an aquarium by making fish from geometric shapes.

Simple application "Aquarium"

1. Here we should get such a craft.

2. To make it, we need: white and double-sided colored paper, gouache in two colors (yellow and blue), dish sponge, glue, scissors, "running" eyes.

3. We paint with gouache and a sponge a white sheet of paper, visually dividing it into two unequal parts: yellow sand and blue sea.

4. From colored paper we cut out the elements of the application:

  • multi-colored fish (you can pre-make a template);
  • brown corals;
  • green algae;
  • sea ​​pebbles in different shades of pink, red and brown.

5. Gradually glue all the details on a painted and dried sheet: first algae and stones, then corals and fish, trying to evenly place it all on the sheet.

Application "Beautiful fish in a large aquarium"

FISH stencils

Quote from the message HANDLING

FISH stencils


Read the WholeTo your quote pad or community!

It would be nice to catch a goldfish. Make a lot of wishes and let them all come true. It is very difficult to single out the main thing. Well, if not catch, then at least draw.

In all illustrations, the goldfish is a fluffy-tailed, rounded beauty with big intelligent eyes. But for a good deed, it is not so much the form that matters as the content. Therefore, the templates will help you choose your fish, and maybe everything for a cozy night lamp, vase, candlestick, made with stained glass or other techniques, draw with children, make an appliqué from colored paper or felt.

The printed template can be transferred to a solid object using carbon paper. To get an image on a light fabric, you need to put the fabric on the drawing and circle it with a pencil. Reduce or enlarge an image on a copier, or set the size and output on a printer. Many put paper or cloth to the monitor and copy the drawings. One of my friends copies drawings from the monitor directly onto T-shirts!

@Homemade HAND-MADE

Part 1 - Stencils
Part 2 - Stencils-2

Part 30 - Patterns by Quaddles-Roost
Part 31 - MANDALA - round patterns
Part 32 - Leaf Ornament
Quote from Tatyana_Kuranova Read the WholeTo your quote pad or community!

It would be nice to catch a goldfish. Make a lot of wishes and let them all come true. It is very difficult to single out the main thing. Well, if not catch, then at least draw.

In all illustrations, the goldfish is a fluffy-tailed, rounded beauty with big intelligent eyes. But for a good deed, it is not so much the form that matters as the content. Therefore, the templates will help you choose your fish, and maybe everything for a cozy night lamp, vase, candlestick, made with stained glass or other techniques, draw with children, make an appliqué from colored paper or felt.

The printed template can be transferred to a solid object using carbon paper. To get an image on a light fabric, you need to put the fabric on the drawing and circle it with a pencil. Reduce or enlarge an image on a copier, or set the size and output on a printer. Many put paper or cloth to the monitor and copy the drawings. One of my friends copies drawings from the monitor directly onto T-shirts!

@Homemade HAND-MADE

A series of messages "templates, stencils":
Part 1 - Stencils
Part 2 - Stencils-2
Part 8 - Stencils "Trees"
Part 9 - Templates for decorative plates
Part 10 - Patterns of fish for drawing
Part 11 - Drawings on children's clothes
Part 12 - Drawings for batik
Part 14 - Butterfly stencils for stained glass windows
Part 15 - Collection of butterflies for batik
Part 16 - Dot painting and stencils

Drawings stencils Fish.




Quote from Dama_Madama Read the WholeTo your quote pad or community!

It would be nice to catch a goldfish. Make a lot of wishes and let them all come true. It is very difficult to single out the main thing. Well, if not catch, then at least draw.

In all illustrations, the goldfish is a fluffy-tailed, rounded beauty with big intelligent eyes. But for a good deed, it is not so much the form that matters as the content. Therefore, the templates will help you choose your fish, and maybe everything for a cozy night lamp, vase, candlestick, made with stained glass or other techniques, draw with children, make an appliqué from colored paper or felt.

The printed template can be transferred to a solid object using carbon paper. To get an image on a light fabric, you need to put the fabric on the drawing and circle it with a pencil. Reduce or enlarge an image on a copier, or set the size and output on a printer. Many put paper or cloth to the monitor and copy the drawings. One of my friends copies drawings from the monitor directly onto T-shirts!

Quote from Dama_Madama Read the WholeTo your quote pad or community!

It would be nice to catch a goldfish. Make a lot of wishes and let them all come true. It is very difficult to single out the main thing. Well, if not catch, then at least draw.

In all illustrations, the goldfish is a fluffy-tailed, rounded beauty with big intelligent eyes. But for a good deed, it is not so much the form that matters as the content. Therefore, the templates will help you choose your fish, and maybe everything for a cozy night lamp, vase, candlestick, made with stained glass or other techniques, draw with children, make an appliqué from colored paper or felt.

The printed template can be transferred to a solid object using carbon paper. To get an image on a light fabric, you need to put the fabric on the drawing and circle it with a pencil. Reduce or enlarge an image on a copier, or set the size and output on a printer. Many put paper or cloth to the monitor and copy the drawings. One of my friends copies drawings from the monitor directly onto T-shirts!

Fish for applications.

Quote from galina_solovyova Read the WholeTo your quote pad or community!

Fish for applications

I have accumulated a huge "aquarium" of these wonderful creatures, I use it for applications. I love working in this technique...

Quote from Dama_Madama Read the WholeTo your quote pad or community!

It would be nice to catch a goldfish. Make a lot of wishes and let them all come true. It is very difficult to single out the main thing. Well, if not catch, then at least draw.

In all illustrations, the goldfish is a fluffy-tailed, rounded beauty with big intelligent eyes. But for a good deed, it is not so much the form that matters as the content. Therefore, the templates will help you choose your fish, and maybe everything for a cozy night lamp, vase, candlestick, made with stained glass or other techniques, draw with children, make an appliqué from colored paper or felt.

The printed template can be transferred to a solid object using carbon paper. To get an image on a light fabric, you need to put the fabric on the drawing and circle it with a pencil. Reduce or enlarge an image on a copier, or set the size and output on a printer. Many put paper or cloth to the monitor and copy the drawings. One of my friends copies drawings from the monitor directly onto T-shirts!



Quote from besta-aks Read the WholeTo your quote pad or community!
No, this is not a culinary recipe, so for lovers of delicious food, this is clearly not a "fish" place. But for those who want to create beauty with their own hands, this information may be suitable. Moreover, in this collection, for clarity, the works of several masters are combined. Yes, what! See for yourself.

Master class from master Dvatai
Coffee fish

I roll out such a pancake)) under the template of a fish. This photo is from another fish, but it doesn't matter for the process itself.

I cut out the pattern. I use a plastic knife from a plasticine kit. From the head flew out as it is called))). If the edges are uneven - rough, go over them with a damp brush, everything will be smooth.

I draw a cup on the template. With a needle or a thin awl, I pierce the dough through the paper along the contour of the pattern.

With a knife I cut the dough already at the points. And I slightly push the edges of the slot.

I tried this on a piece of dough. The edges can then be smoothed with a damp brush.

Made the second one right away. Experimented with fins. Parts are easily attached if moistened with water.

Unfortunately, I forgot about the camera. And I remembered at this stage))) When our cup is cut, we sculpt eyes, add coffee beans, but so that they do not stick. And send to dry. 1 mm of dough dries for 1 day. The fish dried for 2 weeks.
I paint dried fish in Brown color. I paint well all the cuts. We underline them with white.

painting: in places of deepening with a dark color

then blot with a lighter color and wipe with a washcloth

make another color (light) and eyes

we assemble all the fish and mommy is ready


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take any color (I have brown) and cover the entire surface

then wipe with a washcloth for dishes and blot with the second color (I have silver)

paint on the eyes light and the money fish is ready


The underwater world is always interesting for children, because its nature is so different from the nature of land. Sea plants, animals and fish attract kids with bright and unusual colors. In order to introduce the child to marine life, we suggest you make a craft from colored paper - the application "Fish in the Aquarium". In this article you will find two options for a master class on this topic - for kids (they will need the help of adults) and for older children. And crumbs aged 1.5-2 years can be offered to make the simplest application in the form of an aquarium by making fish from.

Simple application "Aquarium"

1. Here we should get such a craft.

2. To make it, we need: white and double-sided colored paper, gouache in two colors (yellow and blue), dish sponge, glue, scissors, "running" eyes.

3. We paint with gouache and a sponge a white sheet of paper, visually dividing it into two unequal parts: yellow sand and blue sea.

4. From colored paper we cut out the elements of the application:

  • multi-colored fish (you can pre-make a template);
  • brown corals;
  • green algae;
  • sea ​​pebbles in different shades of pink, red and brown.

5. Gradually glue all the details on a painted and dried sheet: first algae and stones, then corals and fish, trying to evenly place it all on the sheet.
