Congratulations on the day of the defender of the fatherland. Chairman of the Legislative Assembly

Today, Tuesday, August 13, 2019, the Holy Orthodox Church commemorates St. Eudocimus the Cappadocian, the patron saint of the home and family. Also, this day is known as a conspiracy before the upcoming Assumption Lent. But in the folk calendar this day celebrates Evdokimov's day.

According to legend, Evdokim from the city of Cappadocia was born into a Christian family of a noble family and devoted his whole life to serving God. Having given a vow of celibacy and chastity, of the women he communicated only with his mother. Taking care of the unfortunate and offended, he did not brag to anyone, did not talk about it. At the age of 33, God called Evdokim to himself. Before his death, he ordered to be buried in the clothes that would be on him at the time of death. As soon as his soul flew away, the sick began to heal from the body. After a year and a half, his mother decided to get her son's body to change into new clothes. Opening the coffin, everyone saw a clean, bright face, as if alive, and a fragrance spread from the saint.

This day in the folk calendar

To begin with, it is worth mentioning that Anton, Arseny, Vasily, Vladimir, George, Denis, Yegor, Ivan, Joseph, Konstantin, Maxim, Nikolai, Sergey, Stepan, Anna and Elizabeth celebrate their name days on August 13.

August 13 to folk calendar: Evdokim, Evdokim's day, Evdokim's day, Evdokim's spell. On this August day, it was necessary to harrow the harrow on Evdokim, for which a special ceremony was carried out, which, in accordance with the signs, was done so that the teeth of the harrow did not break in the field at work. The peasants continued to work in the gardens. Cucumbers, eggplants, and zucchini just ripened on Evdokimov's day.

Folk signs on Evdokimov's day:

  • Strong wind on Evdokim - winter will be snowy
  • You should definitely work in the field on August 13 - then the work will be argued.
  • Ants close the entrance to the anthill - to the rain.
  • The web flies - it will be hot for a long time.
  • Bees fly in the field - will be good weather.
  • After Evdokim, the swallow does not build a nest.

Today brought with it a very bright Orthodox holiday- Memorial Day of St. Evdokim the Cappadocian. It is popularly known as "Evdokimov's Day" or simply "Evdokim". This saint in Rus' has always been treated with special awe, because he was considered the patron saint of the hearth, love, family and fidelity.

history of the holiday

On August 13, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of St. Eudocim the Cappadocian. Among the people, he is known as the guardian of marriage and the giver of family well-being. According to sacred legends, Evdokim was born in the city of Cappadocia in a noble family of a noble family. He devoted his whole life to one single goal - to serve the Lord and help others.

The only close woman for Evdokim has always been his mother. who gave back in early years a vow of celibacy, the saint remained virginal and chaste until the end of his days. He did not communicate with other women and did not get close at all, avoiding temptation and sin.

Saint Evdokim strove to spend every day with love for his neighbors. His earthly feat was the unceasing concern for the needy, helping the unfortunate and offended. But he was a very well-behaved person, and therefore he never told anyone about his good deeds, doing them very quietly and modestly. The saint did not at all strive for praise, glory and gratitude.

At the age of 33, Evdokim the Cappadocian died. He commanded to bury his body in the clothes in which he would happen to meet death. So they did. Immediately after the soul of the saint ascended to heaven, incredible healings of the sick and infirm miraculously began to occur from his body.

Despite the will of her son, Evdokim's mother, some time after his death, decided to get the body of her child and dress him in new clothes. When the coffin was opened, everyone present was speechless with surprise. It seemed that Evdokim was still alive - the saint's face remained so pure and bright, and his relics emitted a strong fragrance.

Signs and traditions associated with Evdokim

The holiday of August 13 was also popularly called "Evdokimov's conspiracy", since this is the last day before the start of the Assumption Lent. The believers ate their stocks of fast food and prepared for a two-week period of abstinence.

The most famous folk sign of this holiday is associated with the tools that were used in field work. It was believed that from the very morning it was necessary to say aloud words of gratitude to the harrow, sickle, scythe and plow so that they would serve their master for a long time and reliably. After all, it will largely depend on them what kind of harvest they will then harvest.

The Slavs also believed that if they worked hard in the field that day, then other things would go like clockwork.

Turnip dishes always appeared on the table on Evdokimov's day. Porridge, pies and even kvass were prepared from it, to which juice of various berries was added: blueberries, currants, raspberries.

We celebrate Evdokim's conspiracy. August 13 for church calendar Since ancient times, the saint of God, Evdokim the Cappadocian, has been remembered. Great-grandfathers attributed him to the intercessor and benefactor of the hearth and family, so they asked the saint for health and good warm relations. The people called the religious holiday Evdokimov's day.

Life of the pious Evdokim

Evdokim was born in the 9th century in Asia Minor in the city of Cappadocia, when the Byzantine ruler Theophilus ruled. He comes from a pious family. His mother Evdokia and father Vasily were noble, pious people whom the ruler himself knew.

At a sane age, a man decided to give his short life service to God, and to help anyone in need. Before the Lord, he took a vow of chastity. Only with his mother he could talk about the secret.

The emperor, in gratitude for the sinless and decent life of the Cappadocian, appointed him to the post of ruler of the Kharsian region. He wisely and honestly ruled the region. He judged people with justice, worried about the disadvantaged, supported orphans and widows. He performed his functions not only as a servant, but also as an excellent servant of God.

For a spotless life and pure faith, he pleased the Lord and was invited to the kingdom at the age of 33. And already on the mortal bed, he commanded his brothers to lay him to rest in those veils in which he would meet his death. Further, the righteous man turned to those present and relatives to leave the room so that they would not see his torment, just as they would not see his gifts during his lifetime. There are facts that after the burial, the relics of the righteous began to emit a warm light. And as soon as the soul left the body, people began to be cured of diseases.

A year and a half passed and the saint's mother came to bow to the remains of her beloved son. She missed her son very much, and begged to remove the stone, dig up the grave and open the coffin. They took him out by hand. Evdokim changed clothes.

The mother wanted to take the relics of her son to Constantinople, only the believers did not want to give away the dear shrine. When the coffin was opened, everyone noticed that the face was as if alive, and a pleasant aroma emanated from the saint.

After a while, the monk Joseph, who was presented at the resting place of the righteous, took the remains to the capital, as the mother of the believer wanted. There they were kept in the temple of the Virgin, which was built by the father and mother of the Cappadocian clergyman.

Customs to celebrate the date in Rus'

Evdokimov's day precedes the beginning of the Dormition fast. Therefore, they tried to cleanse themselves before the Great Lent. On this day, it was supposed to give thanks for everything. Fasting was not perceived as hungry. People enjoyed fresh bread, berries and fruits. On Evdokimov's Day they worshiped the harrows, and carried out a conspiracy of the harrow.

Above the tool, in a quiet voice, they uttered words of gratitude from the bottom of their hearts so that the teeth would not wear out and serve for a long time. Then they started working.
At this time, turnip, the main product of the workers, was ripening in the gardens. They ate it raw, cooked porridge, fried it, baked pies with filling, made turnip kvass, where blueberries, raspberries, and currants were added.

Givings and signs:

  • if the fog clears quickly, great weather will come;
  • on Evdokimov's day a gusty wind prophesies snowy winter;
  • already warmed by the sun, it will rain;
  • the web flies - sunny weather will last for a long time;
  • bees do not fly out of hives with a cloudless sky - wait for bad weather;
  • rye was sown on Evdokim;
  • the horse will not move until the peasant expresses gratitude to the harrow;
  • On August 13, you must definitely work hard in the field or garden, then all things will be argued.

August 13, 2018 is Evdokimov's Day. People today remember St. Evdokim the Cappadocian, the patron saint of the home and family.

According to legend, Evdokim was from the city of Cappadocia. He was born into a noble family of Christians and devoted his whole life to serving God. Having given a vow of celibacy and chastity, of the women he communicated only with his mother. Caring for the unfortunate and offended, no one intcbatch boasted, did not talk about it. At the age of 33, God called Evdokim to himself. Before his death, he ordered to be buried in the clothes that would be on him at the time of death. As soon as his soul flew away, the sick began to heal from the body.

After a year and a half, his mother decided to get her son's body to change into new clothes. Opening the coffin, everyone saw a clean, bright face, as if alive, and a fragrance spread from the saint.

By this day, turnips ripen.

One of the main features of this national holiday associated with the harrow. It is believed that the horse will not leave the place in the field until the man thanks the tool for his help.

On this day, you definitely need to go out into the field or work in the garden, then the rest of the business will go well.

International Day of Lefties

International Left-Handed Day is celebrated around the world every year on August 13th. There is a lot of debate around the date of the holiday. It is believed that the first official celebration took place in 1992, thanks to the activities of the British Left Handers Club. High-profile actions against the infringement of the rights and freedoms of left-handers laid the foundation for the international movement of such people. There is also a version that the event was first celebrated in 1976 at the initiative of the International Association of Left-handers.

Meeting day

Meeting day is celebrated on 13 August. To recognize the holiday, the mere fact of an accidental rendezvous with a childhood friend, classmate or object of first love is enough.

For yesterday's schoolchildren and students, August is the end of the introductory campaign and graduation balls V educational institutions, last days rest before a new, independent life of a grown-up person. Therefore, the Meeting Day is usually celebrated in this summer month.

Maxim, Konstantin, Anna, Joseph, Ivan, Arseny, Anton, George, Vladimir, Veniamin, Vasily, Nikolai, Sergey, Evdokim, Elizabeth, Stepan, Yuri.

  • 1521 - The capital of the Aztec Empire, Tenochtitlan, was captured by Hernan Cortes
  • 1624 - Cardinal Richelieu was appointed First Minister of France
  • 1822 - Emperor Alexander the First signed the rescript "On the prohibition of secret societies and Masonic lodges"
  • 1928 - The world's first color television broadcast went on the air in London.
  • 1961 - Construction of the Berlin Wall begins
  • 2004 - Opening of the Eighteenth Summer Olympic Games in Athens (Greece)
  • Fidel Castro 1926 - Cuban political and military leader, leader of Cuba
  • Tamara Makarova 1907 - Soviet actress, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR
  • Salvador Luria 1912 - American microbiologist of Italian origin, Nobel Laureate
  • Georges Andre 1889 - French athlete, winner of the Summer Olympic Games
  • Yuri Lisyansky 1773 - Russian navigator and traveler
  • Felix Wankel 1902 - German engine designer
  • Alfred Hitchcock 1899 - English and American film director, producer, and screenwriter
  • Ivan Sechenov 1829 - Russian physiologist, founder of the physiological school
  • Karl Liebknecht 1871 - German revolutionary, leader of the German and international labor movement
  • Vladimir Odoevsky 1803 - Russian prose writer.

Church holidays


August 1

Saint Macrina, sister of Saint Basil the Great (380)

Venerable Dia (about 430)

Uncovering the relics of St. Seraphim, Sarov miracle worker (1903)

Cathedral of the Kursk Saints

Blessed Prince Roman (Olegovich) of Ryazan (1270)

Venerable Paisius of the Caves, in the Far Caves (XIV)

Blessed Stefan (1427) and his mother Milica (1405), Serbian

Signs of the day, August 1:

  • Macrida is wet - and autumn is wet, Macrida is dry - and autumn too.

On Makrinin's day you can't:

  • Put kvass, sour cabbage and cucumbers.
  • Slaughter cattle, poultry and shed blood in general so that it does not pass on to your children and grandchildren.
  • Sell ​​horse meat, otherwise the rest of the horses on the farm will get sick.

August 2

Prophet Elijah (IX century BC)

  • The formidable pagan god Perun turned in Christian Rus' into Ilya the Prophet, a saint who controls thunder and lightning. Among the people, Ilya was represented as a peddler of water in the sky. A formidable white-bearded old man raced on his fiery chariot drawn by four horses and sometimes splashed water.

Venerable Avramius of Galich, Chukhloma (1375)

Uncovering the relics of the Martyr Athanasius of Brest (1649)

Hieromartyr Konstantin Slovtsov (1918)

Hieromartyrs Alexander of Arkhangelsk, Georgy Nikitin, John Steblin-Kamensky, Sergius Gortinsky and Feodor Yakovlev Presbyters, Martyrs Tikhon Krechkov, Georgy Pozharov, Cosmas Vyaznikov and Martyrs Evfymy Grebenshchikov and Peter Vyaznikov (1930)

Hieromartyr Alexy Znamensky Presbyter (1938)

Martyr Theodore Abrosimov (1941)

Chukhloma, or Galich (1350), Abalatskaya ("Sign") (1637) and Orsha (1631) icons of the Mother of God

Customs and signs on Ilyin's day, August 2:

  • Before Ilya, the peasant bathes, and from Ilya he says goodbye to the river.
  • If it rains with thunder on Ilya, his head will hurt.
  • Deaf thunder - to rest, booming thunder - to a quarrel.
  • Thunder long and uninterrupted - to heaviness in the chest.
  • Thunder rumbles loudly, but not sharply - to bad weather.
  • Thunder abruptly rumbles - to a short rain.
  • Whoever got on Ilyin's day in the rain will be healthy all year.

On Ilyin's day it is impossible:

  • Throw haystacks, carry hay, rake manure, clean toilets, send matchmakers (they will swear loudly).
  • You can’t wash and cut your hair after sunset, otherwise you will wash away all your health.
  • On Ilyin’s day, they don’t work in the field, otherwise the storm will kill.
  • Whoever counts shocks on Ilya will lose all the good.

August 3rd

Prophet Ezekiel (6th century BC)

  • The holy prophet was endowed with the gift of miracles. Because of his prayer, the waters of the river Chebar parted, and the Jews were saved from the persecution of the Chaldeans. During the famine, the prophet begged God to send food to the afflicted. Two visions of the prophet are especially important: a vision of the future temple of the Lord, symbolizing the establishment of the Christian Church through the feat of the Son of God, and a vision of dry bones in the field - a prototype of the general resurrection from the dead.

Saint Simeon, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, and John, his companion (c. 590)

Venerable Onufry the Silent and Onesimus the Hermit, Caves, in the Near Caves (XII-XIII)

Hieromartyr Peter Golubev Presbyter (1938)

Uncovering the relics of St. Roman the Bear, Confessor, presbyter (1999)

Signs of the day, August 3:

  • Thunder is continuous - there will be hail.
  • Good weather will continue if ground fog forms in low places in the evening and at night, dissipating after sunrise.

August 4

Myrrh-bearing Mary Magdalene (I)

  • Saint Mary Magdalene was the first person to see the risen Christ. From childhood, Mary Magdalene suffered from demonic possession, but the Son of God cast out demons from her, and she faithfully followed him along with other cured wives.
  • She did not leave the Lord after his captivity, when doubts began to arise in the hearts of His most devoted disciples. She stood at the Cross together with the Most Holy Theotokos and the Apostle John. Accompanied the body of Christ to the place of burial. Having resurrected, Christ sent Mary Magdalene with glad tidings to His disciples.
  • After the Ascension, Saint Mary Magdalene set off to wander and carry God's will to the pagans. Having been in Rome, she presented the cruel emperor Tiberius with a red egg with the words: "Christ is Risen." This is where the Easter custom of painting eggs came from. (The egg is a symbol of life, expressing faith in the future Resurrection.)

Transfer of the relics of the Holy Martyr Phocas (403-404)

Venerable Cornelius of Pereyaslavsky (1693)

Hieromartyr Michael Nakaryakov Presbyter (1918)

Hieromartyr Alexy Ilyinsky Presbyter (1931)

Customs and signs of the day, August 4:

  • The dew that fell on August 4 was considered bad. It was forbidden to walk barefoot in such dew, so the peasants tried not to go out into the field to see Mary Magdalene, otherwise they could get very sick.
  • On this day, it was forbidden to work in the field. It was believed that Saint Mary Magdalene could be “thundered” as a punishment for disrespect for her feast.

5th of August

Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God (1675)

Martyrs Trofim, Theophilus and with them 13 martyrs (284-305) - Trophimov's day

  • The holy martyrs were thrown into the fire, but remained unharmed. Then the torturers beheaded them.

Righteous Warrior Feodor Ushakov (glorification 2001)

Hieromartyr Apollinaris, Bishop of Ravenna (c. 75)

Holy Hieromartyr Michael the Trinity Presbyter and Martyr Andrei Argunov (1938)

Icon of the Mother of God, called "Joy of All Who Sorrow" (with pennies) (1888)

Signs of the day, August 5:

  • The appearance of fog in the evening, which spreads along the ground, portends good weather.
  • The stars twinkle brightly at dawn - in a couple of days it will begin to rain.
  • The owl screams - in the cold.
  • The dawn will soon die out - there will be a strong wind.

Lenten day

August 6

Martyrs Christina (c. 300)

Martyrs of the Blessed Princes Boris and Gleb, in Holy Baptism Roman and David (1015)

  • The first Russian saints canonized by both the Russian and the Constantinople Orthodox Church. They were the younger sons of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir.
  • After the death of Vladimir, the throne in Kyiv was taken by his eldest son Svyatopolk. The insidious prince was afraid that Boris, on whose side the people and squad were, could overthrow him. Then he decided to send assassins to him. Boris was informed of the impending conspiracy, but he decided not to hide and take revenge on his brother, but to meet his fate. The killers overtook him when Boris was praying.
  • After that, Svyatopolk also killed his second brother, Gleb. In Rus', Saints Boris and Gleb were considered the patrons of the family, so they were asked to reconcile the warring relatives.

Venerable Polycarp, Archimandrite of the Caves (1182)

Uncovering the relics of St. Dalmat of Isetsky (1994)

Hieromartyr Alpheus Korban Deacon (1937)

Saints Nicholas of Pongilsky (1942) and John Kalinin (1951) Spanish, presbyters

Signs of the day, August 6:

  • There are often thunderstorms on this day.
  • It started to rain in the morning - the weather is fine in the afternoon.
  • Night dew does not dry up - to a thunderstorm.

August 7

Dormition of righteous Anna, mother Holy Mother of God

  • According to legend, Saint Anna died peacefully at the age of 79 in the city of Jerusalem, before the Dormition of the Mother of God.

Holy Wives of Olympias the Deaconess (409) and Eupraxia the Virgin of Tavenna (413)

Reverend Macarius of Zheltovodsky, Unzhensky (1444)

Commemoration of the V Ecumenical Council (553)

Hieromartyr Nikolai Udintsev Presbyter (1918)

Hieromartyr Alexander Sakharov Presbyter (1927)

Saint Iraida Tikhova isp. (1967)

Signs on Anna, August 7:

  • What is the weather on Anna before dinner, such is the winter until December; what is the weather in the afternoon, such is the weather after December.
  • If this day is a cold matinee, winter will be early and cold.
  • Bright and warm weather portends cold winter if it rains, the winter is snowy and warm.

Lenten day

8 August

PriestMartyrs Yermolai, Hermipp and Hermocrates, Priests of Nicomedia (c. 305) - Day of Yermolai

Venerable Moses Ugrin, Caves, in the Near Caves (c. 1043)

Venerable Martyr Paraskeva (138-161) - Day of the Virgin Paraskeva

Hieromartyr Sergius Strelnikov Presbyter (1937)

Notes of the day:

  • In the morning - cold dew, and in the afternoon the heavens rumble.
  • It is believed that healing dew falls on this day. In the morning, such dew will nourish the leaves and flowers and wash away the dust. And at noon you can go to the field, perform rituals and collect healing herbs.

August 9

Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon (305) - Panteleimon Day

  • Panteleimon mastered the art of healing. The saint was introduced to Emperor Maximian, who wished to see him as his physician. Gradually, Panteleimon began to turn to the Christian faith. One day the saint saw a child bitten by a snake. The healer prayed to God. At that very moment, the child opened his eyes, and the snake shattered into pieces.
  • On the denunciation of one of the envious people, Panteleimon was seized. The saint was taken to the circus and thrown into the arena to the lions. But the animals began to lick the feet of the healer. Then it was decided to behead Panteleimon. The executioners tied the saint to an olive tree. The healer began to pray, one of the tormentors hit him with a sword, but the steel turned into wax. Seeing such a miracle, the executioners refused to continue the execution.
  • Saint Panteleimon asked his tormentors to carry out the order of the emperor. The executioners obeyed with tears. As soon as the head of the saint flew off his shoulders, blood spurted out of the wound mixed with milk, and the olive tree blossomed.

Blessed Nikolai Kochanov, Christ for the holy fool, Novgorod - Nikolai Kochanov Day

  • The healers went to the meadows, collected herbs and prayed to St. Panteleimon, asking for help in their hard work. They tore healing grass, thinking about loved ones and thinking about health. Born on this day, he became a good doctor. People turn to St. Panteleimon when treating thyroid diseases.

Rev. Herman of Alaska (1837)

Blessed Nicholas Kochanov, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, Novgorod (1392)

Saint Joasaph, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia (1555)

Venerable Anfisa the Confessor, Abbess, and 90 of her sisters (VIII)

Equal app. Clement, Bishop of Ohrid (916), Naum, Savva, Gorazd and Angelyar (Bolg.)

Hieromartyrs Ambrose, Bishop of Sarapul, Presbyters Platon Gorny and Panteleimon of the Epiphany (1918)

Hieromartyr John Solovyov Presbyter (1941)

10th of August

Icon of the Mother of God of Smolensk, called Hodegetria (Guide) (brought from Tsargrad in 1046)

  • According to legend, this icon was painted by the Evangelist Luke during the life of the Mother of God. In 1046, the Greek emperor Constantine IX Monomakh blessed his daughter in this way, who was leaving for Rus' to become the wife of Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavovich.

Apppostles from 70 Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon and Parmen deacons (I) - Day of Prochorus da Parmen

  • On August 10, it is not customary to change or borrow anything. “Don’t start a barter for Prokhor and Parmena,” they said among the people and knew that the thing exchanged that day would definitely break.

Saint Pitirim, Bishop of Tambov (1698)

Cathedral of the Tambov Saints

Reverend Moses, Wonderworker of the Caves, in the Far Caves (XIII-XIV)

Martyrs Julian (II), Eustathius (c. 316) and Akakios (c. 321)

Saint Paul of Xiropotamus (820)

Hieromartyr Nicholas Ponomarev, Deacon (1918)

Martyr Vasily Erekaev, Martyrs Anastasia Kamaeva and Elena Astashkina, Martyrs Aretha Eremkin, John Lomakin, John Selmanov, John Mileshkin and Martyr Maura Moiseeva (1937)

Grebnevskaya (1380), Kostroma (1672) and "Tenderness" Seraphim-Diveevskaya (1885) icons of the Mother of God. Honored lists from the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God: Ustyuzhenskaya (1290), Vydropusskaya (XV), Voroninskaya (1524), Khristoforovskaya (XVI), Supraslskaya (XVI), Yugskaya (1615), Igritskaya (1624), Shuiskaya (1654-1655), Sedmiezernaya (XVII), Sergievskaya (in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra) (1730)

11th August

Martyr Kallinikos (III-IV)

Venerable Constantine and Cosmas of Kosinsky, Starorussky (XIII)

Martyrs Seraphim virgin (117-138)

Martyr Theodotia and her three children (304)

Martyr Michael (IX)

Martyr Eustathius of Mtskheta (589) (Georgian)

Martyrs Seraphim of Bogoslovsky and Theognost Pivovarov (1921)

Martyr Anatoly Smirnov (after 1930)

Hieromartyr Alexis Krasnovsky Presbyter and Martyr Pachomius Rusin (1938)

Signs of the day, August 11:

  • If hardened, i.e. it will get colder, and in early September the matinees will be cold.
  • If there are a lot of berries and nuts, and few mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
  • If there are no cold matinees on Kalinov's day, then Luppa (September 5) will not freeze.

12th of August

Apostles from 70 Powers, Silouan, Kriskent, Epenet and Andronicus (I) - Day of Power

  • It was believed that the holy Force also puts strength into healing herbs and roots. Burdock was especially valued by the peasants. Its leaves healed many diseases, and the thorns placed in the underground on potatoes scared away mice and rats.
  • On this day, burdock leaves are collected, three from each bush, no more. Dried on the stove, they save from aching bones and knees. They must be applied three times for three Spas.

Martyr John the Warrior (IV)

  • Saint John the Warrior is considered the comforter of all offended and mourners. They pray to him, asking for help in "life circumstances." It is believed that thieves are afraid of this saint, so if someone robs you, you should contact John the Warrior. The same saint is prayed for protection "from all those who hate and offend, from all enemies visible and invisible."

Reverend Anatoly of Optina, the Younger (1922)

Uncovering the relics of St. Herman of Solovetsky (1484)

Martyrs Polychronius, Bishop of Babylon, Parmenius, Elima and Chrysotel the presbyters, Luke and Muko the deacons, Abdon and Sennis, princes of Persia, and the Martyrs Olympius and Maximus (c. 251)

Holy Hieromartyr Valentine (Ualentinus) Bishop and three disciples of his martyrs Proculus, Ephis and Apollonius and Righteous Avundius (c. 273)

Cathedral of Samara Saints

Hieromartyr John Plotnikov, Deacon (1918)

Signs Silina day, August 11:

  • If there are a lot of rowan berries, the autumn will be rainy, and the winter will be harsh.
  • If the rowan berries are red, next summer will be rainy.
  • Wind gusts - to calm weather.
  • Frequent thunderstorms in August - to a long autumn.

Lenten day

August 13

Righteous Evdokim the Cappadocian (IX)

Martyrs Julitta (304-305)

Venerable Martyr Dionysius of Vatopedi (1822)

Hieromartyr Veniamin, Metropolitan of Petrograd, and with him the Monk Martyr Sergius Shein and Martyrs Yuri Novitsky and John Kovsharov (1922)

Martyr Maxim Rumyantsev (1928)

Hieromartyr Vladimir Kholodkovskiy Presbyter (1937)

Hieromartyr John Rumyantsev, Presbyter, Saint Konstantin Razumov, Confessor, Presbyter, Martyr Anna Serova and Saint Elizabeth Rumyantsev, Confessor (after 1937)

Signs of the day, August 13:

  • If the fog quickly dissipates in the rays of the rising sun, good weather will be established for a long time.
  • If the web has flown, the sunny weather will last for a long time.
  • Kohl went steamy (thick, white) fog over the forest - go for mushrooms.

Conspiracy for the Dormition Post

August 14

Origin (wearing) of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord

Feast of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos (1164)

  • The celebration was established on the occasion of the signs from the icons of the Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos during the battle of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky with the Volga Bulgars in 1164 - the First Spas, the Honey Spas.
  • The first Savior was called wet, because on this day they went to lakes and rivers to bless the water. On the first Savior, there are processions to the water everywhere. After the blessing of water, the peasants bathed in the river for the last time.
  • On August 14, new honey was brought to the church for consecration, hence the name of the Savior - Honey. "The first hundred is for orphans, widows, the sick." Only from this day is it allowed to eat honey.

The Seven Martyrs of the Maccabees: Abima, Antonina, Guriy, Eleazar, Evsevon, Alim and Markella, their mother Solomon and their teacher Eleazar (166 B.C.)

Uncovering the relics of St. Sophia of Suzdal (1995)

Martyrs in Perga of Pamphylia: Leontius, Attia, Alexander, Kindaeus, Minsitheus, Cyriacus, Mineon, Katun and Eucleias (III)

Hieromartyr Demetrius of Pava Presbyter (1937)

Beginning of Dormition Fast

  • The Dormition Fast is established in memory of the Dormition of the Mother of God and lasts two weeks - until August 28. In its severity, it is similar to Great Lent: it is forbidden to consume all products of animal origin, including fish. On Wednesday and Friday, even vegetable oil is not eaten. But a true faster is considered to be one who has got rid of evil in the soul.

August 15

The transfer from Jerusalem to Constantinople of the relics of the First Martyr Archdeacon Stephen (c. 428) and the acquisition of the relics of the righteous Nicodemus, Gamaliel and his son Aviv

Blessed Basil, Christ for the Holy Fool, Wonderworker of Moscow (1557)

  • Saint Basil was born on the porch of the Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhovo, where his mother came to pray. Over time, the youth Vasily was apprenticed to a shoemaker. Once he predicted a quick death to a merchant who ordered boots from the workshop. At the age of sixteen, the saint embarked on the path of foolishness. In any weather, he walked around Moscow naked and barefoot. In 1547 he predicted a great fire in Moscow.

Blessed Basil of the Spaso-Kubensky (XV)

Hieromartyr Stephen, Pope of Rome, and others like him (257)

Venerable Martyr Platon Kolegov (1937)

Achair Icon of the Mother of God (XXI)

Signs on Stepan, August 15:

  • What is Stepanov's day, such is September.
  • If Stepan is dry, it will be dry for six weeks, and if it rains, he will be six weeks.

Assumption post

August 16

St. Isaac, Dalmat and Faust (IV-V) - St. Isaac's Day

  • The people called Isakiy a raspberry, believing that the best raspberries ripen on this day.

Venerable Anthony the Roman, Wonderworker of Novgorod (1147) - Day of Anton Vikhrovei

  • Whirlwind people called Anthony, remembering the miraculous journey of the saint from Rome to Novgorod. According to legend, the huge stone on which the saint lived was swept into the sea. On the eve of the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, the stone stopped not far from Novgorod on the banks of the Volkhov River near the village of Volkhovsky. In addition, strong winds often occurred in Rus' at this time, which foreshadowed a snowy winter.

Martyr Rajden Persian (457) (Georgian)

Saint Cosmas the Hermit (VI)

Hieromartyr Vyacheslav Lukanin, deacon (1918)

Hieromartyr Nikolai Pomerantsev Presbyter (1938)

Assumption post

August 17

Seven youths, like in Ephesus: Maximilian, Iamblichus, Martinian, John, Dionysius, Exacustodian (Constantine) and Antonina (c. 250)

  • Seven youths bring seven rains.

Uncovering the relics of the righteous Alexy Bortsurmansky (2000)

Venerable Martyr Evdokia (362-364) - Day of Avdotya Malinukha

Martyr Eleutherios (IV)

Martyr Michael Zhuk, Martyrs Simeon Vorobyov and Dimitry Vorobyov (1937)

Penza-Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (1717)

Signs of the day, August 17:

  • What is Avdotya - such is November.
  • If there is a thunderstorm on Avdotya, hay will be behind your eyes.
  • If there is strong dew on Avdotya, flax will be gray and braids.

Assumption post

August 18

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Martyr Eusignius (362) - Day of Eusignius Zhitnik

Reverend Job Ushchelsky (1628)

Hieromartyrs Anfira (236) and Favia (250), Popes of Rome

Martyr Pontius the Roman (c. 257)

Martyrs Cantidia, Cantidian and Sivel, in Egypt

Righteous Nonna, mother of St. Gregory the Theologian (374)

Hieromartyr Stefan Khitrov Presbyter (1918)

Martyrs Evdokia Sheikova, Daria Ulybina, Daria Timagina and Maria Neizvestnaya (1919)

Hieromartyr Simon, Bishop of Ufa (1921)

Hieromartyr John Smirnov, deacon (1939)

Sign of the day, August 18:

  • What is Yevstigney - such is December.

Assumption post

August 19

Transfiguration of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ - Second Savior, Apple Savior, autumn, Transfiguration

  • According to legend, Christ ascended Mount Tabor, accompanied by the apostles Peter, James and John. Suddenly his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became whiter than snow. The holy prophets Moses and Elijah appeared before Christ. Then a bright cloud descended on the Lord, covering him from the sight of the apostles, and a voice was heard from heaven, proclaiming that He is the Son of God.

Fish is allowed at the meal.

  • In the old days, it was customary to distribute vegetables and fruits to the poor, children and the elderly on this day. This custom was strictly observed. If someone was greedy, then such a person was considered unworthy.

Signs for the Transfiguration (Savior), August 19:

  • What is the Second Savior - such is January.
  • Second Savior - take mittens in reserve, summer has gone from us.
  • What is the day on the Second Savior - such is the Protection (October 14).
  • A dry day portends a dry autumn, a wet one portends a wet one, and a clear one portends a harsh one.
  • From the Savior of the Transfiguration, the weather is changing.
  • After the Second Savior - hay rain.

Assumption post

August 20

Afterfeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Venerable Martyr Dometius the Persian and two of his disciples (363)

Uncovering the relics of St. Mitrofan, Bishop of Voronezh (1832)

Reverend Anthony of Optina (1865)

Venerable Pimen the Painful, Caves, in the Near Caves (1110)

Venerable Pimen, faster of the Caves, in the Far Caves (XIII-XIV)

Venerable Mercury of the Caves, Bishop of Smolensk, in the Near Caves (1239)

Martyrs Marina and Asteria (260)

Venerable Or (about 390)

Venerable Martyr Potamia the Wonderworker

Venerable Theodosius the New (IX-X)

Saint Hierotheus of Hungary (X)

Saint Stephen I, King of Hungary (1038)

Hieromartyrs Alexander Khotovitsky, Pyotr Tokarev, Mikhail Plyshevsky, John Voronets, Presbyters Dimitry Milovidov and Alexy Vorobyov, Deacon Elisha Stolder and Martyr Athanasius Yegorov (1937)

Hieromartyr Basil the Amenitsky Presbyter (1938)

Signs of the day, August 20:

  • If the storks are preparing to fly away, the autumn will be cold.
  • Red dawn at sunrise - to the rain.
  • Red clouds before sunrise - to the wind, clouds - to the rain.

Assumption post

August 21

St. Emilian the Spanish, Bishop of Cyzicus (815-820)

Saint Gregory, icon painter of the Caves, in the Near Caves (XII)

Transfer of the relics of St. Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky (1566)

The second transfer of the relics of St. Zosima, Savvaty and Herman of Solovetsky (1992)

St. Myron the Wonderworker, Bishop of Crete (c. 350) - Day of Myron the Windrunner

Martyrs Eleutherius and Leonidas

Venerable Gregory of Sinai (XIV)

Martyr Joseph Baranov (1918)

Hieromartyr Nikolai Shumkov Presbyter (1937)

Hieromartyr Nikodim, Archbishop of Kostroma (1938)

Icon of the Mother of God of Tolga (1314)

Signs of the day, August 21:

  • What is Myron - such is January.
  • Extreme heat or heavy rains - for the whole autumn.
  • At noon they look at the water in rivers and lakes: if it is quiet, the autumn will be quiet, and the winter will be without blizzards and evil snowstorms.
  • The river will rustle, the frog will scream - soon it will rain.
  • The abundance of berries portends a cold winter.
  • Mountain ash is formidable (many bright red berries) - the winter is frosty.

Assumption post

August 22

Apostle Matthias (c. 63)

  • Matthew was one of the 70 disciples of Christ, chosen by the Lord himself. After the Ascension of the Savior, the Apostle Matthew was chosen by lot among the twelve apostles instead of Judas Iscariot. According to church tradition, Matthew could heal the sick and cast out demons.

Cathedral of the Solovetsky Saints

Martyr Anthony of Alexandria

Venerable Psoy of Egypt (IV)

Martyrs Julian, Marcian, John, James, Alexy, Demetrius, Photius, Peter, Leontius, Mary patricia and others (730)

Martyr Margarita Gunaronulo (1918)

Signs of the day of Matthew, August 22:

  • Summer rain with autumn begin to argue.
  • South wind with whirlwinds - to a snowy winter.
  • Steep whirlwinds - to a steep winter.
  • Ripe oats are ringing - the nuts are ripe.

On Matthew you can not:

  • Wear metal jewelry.
  • Drink drugs from herbs, as they exude poison and can cause considerable harm to health.
  • Look at the moon, no matter where it is.
  • Otherwise, you will have a headache for a long time.
  • Whoever rubs one palm against the other today will deprive himself of profit for a while.
  • If you have to travel on public transport, try not to sit next to those who are deprived of limbs.

Assumption post

August 23

Martyrs Archdeacon Lawrence, Pope Sixtus, Deacons Felicissimus and Agapitus, Romanos, of Rome (258)

  • Saint Lawrence had the gift of healing. According to legend, he repeatedly returned sight to people who were blind from birth. Therefore, they pray to him, asking him to heal eye diseases or restore vision.

Blessed Lawrence, Christ for the Holy Fool, Kaluga (1515)

The second finding and transfer of the relics of the Monk Savva Storozhevsky, Zvenigorodsky (1998)

Hieromartyr Vyacheslav Zaked Presbyter (1918); Hieromartyr Athanasius Kislov Presbyter (1937)

Signs and customs on Lawrence, August 23:

  • The dew falling on Lawrence was considered healing.
  • This day saves from eye diseases.

Assumption post

24 August

Martyr Archdeacon Euplas (304)

Martyrs Theodore and Basil of the Caves, in the Near Caves (1098)

  • Saint Theodore distributed his property to the poor and withdrew to a monastery, where he settled with Saint Basil. For many years he led a righteous life, but then he began to regret the lost wealth.
  • One day the demon assumed the form of Basil and appeared to Saint Theodore, pointing out the place where the robbers had buried the treasure. Theodore already wanted to leave the monastery, but Saint Basil returned, and the demonic deceit was revealed. Therefore, in Rus' they prayed to St. Basil, asking to be delivered from the sin of the love of money.

Venerable Theodore, Prince of Ostrog, Caves, in the Far Caves (c. 1483)

Martyrs Sosanna the Virgin and with her Gaia, Pope of Rome, Gavinius the Presbyter, Claudius, Maximus, Prepedigny, Alexander and Keffiy (295-296)

Signs of the day, August 24:

  • Smoke without wind beats to the ground - to rain.
  • There are a lot of nuts, but few mushrooms - the winter will be snowy and frosty.
  • This day is very good for love spells.

Assumption post

25-th of August

Martyrs Photius and Anikita and many with them (305-306) - Nikitin's Day, Foka (Photy the Povetny)

Hieromartyr Alexander, Bishop of Comana (III)

Martyrs Pamphilus and Capito

Martyrs of Belogorsk: Varlaam Konoplev, Anthony Arapov, Sergius Vershinin, Ilia Popov, Vyacheslav Kosozhilin, Joasaph Sabantsev, John Novoselov, Vissarion Okulov, Mikhei Podkorytov, Matthew Bannikov, Euphemia Korotkov, Varnava Nadezhdin, Hermogen Boyaryshnev, Arkady Noskov, Euphemia Sharshilova, Markella Shavrina , Ioann Rotnov, Sergiy Samatov, Dimitry Sozinov, Savva Kolmogorov, Yakov Startsev, Pyotr Rochev, Yakov Danilov, Alexander Arapov, Feodor Belkin, Alexy Korotkov and Peter (1918); Hieromartyr Basil the Infantiev Presbyter (1918); Hieromartyrs Leonid Biryukovich, John Nikolsky and Nikolai Dobroumov Presbyters (1937)

Assumption post

August, 26th

Commemoration of the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Repose (662), transfer of the relics of St. Maximus the Confessor. Uncovering the relics of Blessed Maxim, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, Moscow (c. 1547)

The repose (1783), the second finding of the relics (1991) of St. Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh, Wonderworker of Zadonsk

Martyrs Hippolytus, Irenaeus, Avundius and Martyrs Concordia, in Rome (258)

Hieromartyrs John Shishev, Joasaph Panov and Konstantin Popov Presbyters (1918)

Hieromartyrs Seraphim, Bishop of Dmitrovsky, Nikolai Orlov, Presbyters Jacob Arkhipov and Alexy Vvedensky Deacon (1937)

Martyr Basil Alexandrin (1942)

Icons of the Mother of God: Minsk (1500) and called "Seven-shot" (1830) and "Passionate" (1641)

Assumption post

August 27

Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prophet Micah (out of 12 prophets) (VIII century BC)

  • The prophet predicted the birth of the Savior: “And you, Bethlehem, the house of Euphrates, food is small, hedgehog to be in thousands of Judas; from you an Elder will come forth to me, to be a Prince in Israel, come him from the beginning from the days of the century.

Transfer of the relics of St. Theodosius of the Caves (1091)

Venerable Arcadius of Novotorzhsky (XI)

Hieromartyr Markell, Bishop of Apamea (c. 389)

Hieromartyr Basil, Archbishop of Chernigov, and with him the Monk Martyr Matthew Pomerantsev and Martyr Alexy Zverev (1918); Hieromartyr Vladimir Tsedrinskiy Presbyter (1918)

Hieromartyrs Vladimir Smirnov and Nikolai Tolga Presbyters, Martyr Eleutherius Pechennikov, Martyrs Eva Pavlova Abbess, Evdokia Perevoznikova and Martyr Theodore Zakharov (1937)

Rev. Alexander Urodov (1961)

Icons of the Mother of God, called "Besednaya" (1383), and Narva (1558)

Folk sign:

  • If there is a gentle wind on Micah - by a clear autumn, if a snowstorm - by a rainy September.

End of Dormition Fast

August 28

Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary (Assumption, Most Pure)

  • Church tradition says that the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Mother of God and announced Her imminent death. By the appointed time in the house of John the Theologian, where Mary lived after the death of Christ, all the apostles gathered. They were transferred from different places to Jerusalem on the clouds. At the appointed time, the Mother of God quietly died, and three days later she resurrected and ascended to heaven.
  • From August 28, the beginning of a young Indian summer and until September 14 (N.S.).
  • Old Indian Summer - from 14 to 21 September.

Icons of Sophia, the Wisdom of God (Novgorod)

Revered icons of the Assumption of the Mother of God: Kiev-Pechersk (1073), Ovinovskaya (1425), Pskov-Pechersk (1472), Seven-City (XV) and Pyukhtitskaya (XVI)

Icons of the Mother of God: Mozdok (XIII), Atskur (I), Tsilkan (IV), Vlaherna (Georgian), Vladimir-Rostov (XII), Gaenat (XIII), Bakhchisaray, Chukhloma (1350), Surdegskaya (1530) and Tupichevskaya (XVII)

Notes on Assumption:

  • See off the Assumption - meet autumn.
  • If the young Indian summer is dry, windy (sunny) - expect bad weather in the old one (since September 14).

Lenten day

August 29

Feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos

Transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image Not Made by Hands (Ubrus) of the Lord Jesus Christ (944)

  • In the city of Edessa, Emperor Avgar ruled with leprosy. He heard rumors about the miracles performed by the Savior.
  • The desperate ruler wrote a letter to Christ asking him to come and cure him. With this letter, he sent the court painter Ananias to Palestine, instructing him to paint a portrait of the Savior. Ananias arrived in Jerusalem and saw the Lord surrounded by people. Christ Himself called the painter and, having listened to the request of the emperor, ordered to bring water and an ubrus (towel). He washed his face and wiped it with a robe, on which the Divine face was imprinted. Ubrus was moved to Edessa.
  • Abgar was healed by wiping his face with it. In 630, the city was taken over by the Arabs, but they did not interfere with the worship of the Image Not Made by Hands. Finally, in 944, the Icon was redeemed by Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus and transferred to Constantinople.

Martyr Diomedes Doctor (298)

Martyrs of the 33rd Palestinian

Venerable Herimon of Egypt (IV)

Hieromartyr Alexander Sokolov Presbyter, Martyr Anna Yezhova, Martyr Jacob Gortynsky (1937)

Feodorovskaya (1239) and "The Triumph of the Most Holy Theotokos" (Port Arthur) (1904) icons of the Mother of God

Signs for the Third Spas, August 29:

  • If the water is calm on the Third Spas, then the autumn will be quiet, and the winter will pass without snowstorms.
  • If the cranes fly away to the Third Savior - under the Protection (October 14) there will be frosts; if not, then winter will be late.
  • Swallows fly off at three Spas.

August 30

Martyr Myron Presbyter (250)

Rev. Pimen of Ugreshsky (1880)

Venerable Alipy, icon painter of the Caves, in the Near Caves (c. 1114)

  • The Monk Alipiy painted icons for free, and if he found out that the icons had become dilapidated in some church, he corrected them free of charge. According to legend, those icons that the saint did not have time to complete were completed by angels. Therefore, many of his icons did not die in fires.

Martyrs Paul, Juliana and others (c. 273)

Martyrs Firs, Leukia, Koronata and their squads (249-251)

Martyr Patroclus (270-275)

Martyrs Strato, Philip, Eutychian and Cyprian (c. 303)

Hieromartyr Alexy Velikoselsky presbyter (1918)

Hieromartyr Demetrius Ostroumov Presbyter (1937)

Svenskaya (Pechersk) Icon of the Mother of God (1288)

August 31

Martyrs Florus and Laurus (II) (Flora and Laurus Day)

  • In Rus', the martyrs Flor and Laurus (II) were revered as patrons of livestock, especially horses.

Martyrs Hermas, Serapion and Polien (II)

Hieromartyr Emilian the Bishop and with him Hilarion, Dionysius and Hermipp (c. 300)

Saints John (674) and George (683), Patriarchs of Constantinople

Saint Macarius, hegumen of Pelikite (c. 830)

Reverend John of Rila (946)

Hieromartyr Gregory Bronnikov Presbyter and Martyrs Yevgeny Dmitriev and Mikhail Eregodsky (1937)
