Colors for cold winter color type. Color type "deep winter"


The unique appearance is determined by the shape of the nose, the cut and color of the eyes, the structure of the hair, in addition, color types are conventionally distinguished according to the seasons: summer, autumn, winter, spring. It is difficult to determine clear edges, but sometimes the color type of appearance is obvious, for example, black hair, blue eyes and porcelain skin - a pronounced winter.

What is winter

The winter color type is complex, black-haired rarely have beautiful blue eyes, most of them are brown, the skin tone is swarthy with a yellowish tint. It is important to determine whether this is the type of appearance, the choice of clothing and makeup depends on this. The owners of the winter color type live in different regions, they are combined into groups:

  1. 1. Deep winter: glowing porcelain skin and bright black hair. Sometimes the skin is olive with a cold bluish tint. The eyes are always bright, pure color. If blue, then sapphire, icy. Black - penetrating through. Saturated brown or deep green color without impurities of gray and brown. Proteins shine, contrasting with the iris.

Bright representatives of the color type: Elina Bystritskaya, Elizabeth Taylor, Dita Von Teese, Penelope Cruz, Cindy Crawford.

  1. 2. Warm winter(southern or soft) avoids contrasts. It differs from deep skin tone - dark olive, warm, with varying degrees of intensity. The skin of a mild winter tans quickly and well, acquiring a shade of bitter chocolate. From celebrities it is appropriate to cite Sophia Loren as an example. The mild winter color type is characteristic of the Mediterranean.
  2. 3. Bright winter. Hair color varies from light brown to blond, skin and eye color, as in deep winter.

Palette of colors

The colors are the brightest and most saturated, they are clean, cold, intense. The palette of winter is the colors of cold bright December day. Contrasting combinations are recommended in clothes, the most famous and win-win option is black and white. In warm autumn colors, winter is lost, becomes inexpressive.

A pure color is easier to achieve in plain clothes; black can be taken as the basis of the wardrobe. It is easy to combine other winter colors with it, which will sparkle with dazzling colors against the background of expressive black. Deep blue (caribbean), dark chocolate, anthracite, a rich range of red shades are also great for the winter color type.

Royal outfits of ruby ​​red, lingonberry, crimson, raspberry, magenta tones will be enlivened by a rich green palette. Emerald green, the color of young grass, pastel colors - indistinct, complexly mixed, will destroy the dazzling beauty of winter.

For the spring and summer wardrobe in winter, the snow-white color is flawless, sparkling white, without impurities of other shades. A palette with the inclusion of white can be used in winter. These are refined and noble: snow-blue, snow-pink, snow-brown sets, diluted with a snow-white scarf, scarf or stole.

Winning Combinations

Depending on the main color for the winter appearance, the most recommended spectacular combinations additions. For the black base:

  • snowy yellow and cold pink;
  • snow pink and silver;
  • purple and red-gray;
  • bright yellow and purplish red;
  • soft emerald and azure;
  • rich lilac and snow-lilac;
  • snow yellow and snow green.

For the base of the deep blue wardrobe:

  • pale pink and silver gray;
  • purple and light yellow;
  • snow pink and bitter chocolate;
  • purple and emerald;
  • hot pink and color of needles;
  • cold red and soft white;
  • bright emerald and snowy yellow.

Rich dark chocolate favorably sets off:

  • lilac and pale pink;
  • snow white and purple;
  • azure sky and snowy yellow;
  • yellow and pale green;
  • pearl gray and snow blue;
  • silver gray and bright emerald.

hair shades

Hair color emphasizes the beauty and uniqueness of women of the winter color type, which are extremely attractive in the game of contrast between the color of hair, skin and eyes. It is strongly not recommended to lighten hair, it is more likely to become a “gray mouse”.

Only in adulthood, winter can afford light shades in ashy colors, without yellowness. Platinum hair transforms a cold winter into a warm one. The most suitable "winter" paints are bluish or blue-red (for example, eggplant).

Hairstyles and haircuts can be anything, but without excessive playfulness. Sports haircuts look good, smooth rectangular caret, long straight hair and aggressive "needles" modeled with a gel.


Makeup should be contrasting: White skin- bright red or purple lips, pale lips - richly emphasized eyes. It is not recommended to emphasize the lips and eyes at the same time and outline the cheekbones with bright blush. The cold, restrained and contrasting charm of winter will disappear without a trace. This is the main makeup requirement for the winter type - lips or eyes. Excess makeup turns uniqueness into mediocrity.

The palette of tonal creams is transparent, almost white, of beige tones, closer to cold pink, not giving off yellowness. Blush cool shades - pink, dusty rose, mocha, dark red wine and purplish pink. The cheekbones do not exude, only a slight cold glow from the cheeks.

Lipstick bright and pure color: icy shades of hot pink, rich cherry red, blood red. The color of watermelon and cold lilac look interesting. Pink is a wonderful color to brighten up the look of the winter color type, it can be used from delicate Barbie colors to aggressive pink.

For makeup, please dark tones, in the so-called dramatic style. Shades of the color of the night sky, anthracite, lilac, dark green, plum blue, fuel oil. Of the jewelry, transparent stones, silver, platinum and diamonds will play spectacularly, even if in the form of rhinestones.

This article is a continuation of the topic about the 12-season color typing system. To take an online test and find out your color type, as well as read about the 12-season system, you can look at the introductory article -.
We recently took a closer look at light coloring. Today, according to the same scheme, we will get acquainted with the opposite light dark color. It is divided into two color types - dark winter, which belongs to the cold type, and dark autumn, which refers to warm.

dark color

What you need to know about dark color:
- these are deep and saturated colors;
- dark tones predominate in coloring;
- the colors of the palette contain black, so they look so thick and heavy;
- with the help of dark colors, many shades of mood can be conveyed - from confident dignity and strength to gloomy melancholy.

Now we will consider a dark winter and a dark autumn. We will see photos of people of this type of appearance. Let's analyze the palette into groups - light and dark colors, colors of medium saturation and bright colors. Then we will learn how to combine these colors with each other, and find out the best combinations for each color type. A picture will also be attached for associative connection with the color type. At the end of this article, we will compare both types, see how they differ. So let's get started!

dark winter

Other names:
deep winter

Color characteristics:
leading - dark, additional - cold

deep, cold, mysterious, closed

El Greco "View of Toledo"

In the appearance of people of dark winter, dark and cold tones predominate. As a rule, there is a contrast in the colors of the exterior that needs to be repeated in clothes. Hair color is dark. Cold skin tone. Eye color is most often dark brown. Can be found green color eyes, but there will still be a cold tone.
I want to draw your attention to the fact that it does not matter whether the color type is suitable or not according to the description. And, of course, you do not need to focus only on photographs. Be sure to check this by applying different fabrics, scarves, scarves to your face. It is necessary to observe how the complexion changes on different colors when it starts to fade, and when it shines. And thus you can find your color scheme. All color types have their exceptions. For example, you can be a blonde with blue eyes, and turn out winter type. Therefore, everything needs to be tested in practice.

Photos of people whose color type is dark winter:

Now let's analyze the palette for a dark winter.

All colors can be divided into 4 groups:
- light;
- dark;
- colors of medium saturation;
- bright.

Light colors
Light colors are suitable for underwear, blouses, summer and evening wear. They are good to use in combination with dark colors, then you get a contrast in lightness.

dark colors
Dark colors work well with casual and business wear, as well as accessories. For this color type, a large selection of dark, saturated shades. These are the "native" colors for the dark color. If you pay attention, then there is a black color in the palette. People with a dark winter color type do not need to try to “pacify” and “tame” him, because he suits them.

Medium saturation colors
Suitable for basic clothing. By themselves, they are not the best for dark winters, but they work well with other colors, and serve as a bundle for a set.

Bright colors
Bright colors are used as accents, in accessories, evening dresses. Colors from this group look very good in sportswear.

Now, with the help of the dark winter palette, let's try to combine things. Polyvore is suitable for experiments (website There you can combine different things, there is a search by color, you can find collages with combinations that other people have made.
To learn how to combine colors well, I advise you to read an interesting article on the site - "".
The overall color effect for a dark winter should be medium-dark to dark. The contrast in lightness also looks good.

On the examples of the collage, you can see combinations for a dark winter on summer period. In the first example, the use of a dark color is closer to the face, a light gray skirt and shoes contrast in lightness with a dark blouse. In the second example, the dark color of the dress from the palette is combined with a black bag and shoes. In the third example, the dark color of the blouse contrasts in lightness with trousers and shoes. In the fourth example, there is also a contrast in lightness, a light blouse with dark trim and dark shorts and shoes. The use of dark colors and light contrast are the main principles of color combinations for a dark winter.

Using the examples of this collage, you can see the principles of color combinations for a dark winter for the autumn-winter period.
There is no spring variegation or a smooth summer flow from color to color, but there is color severity. The contrast in lightness that I mentioned above can be seen in all examples. For example, this is a black jacket with a white collar in the first example, and light trousers and a dark coat in the second. There is a contrast in color, but it looks very restrained. In the third example Blue colour bags contrast with a burgundy jacket. Of course, any combination of dark colors is good for a dark winter. But with this, I think there will be no problems. Everything is simple here.

dark autumn

Other names:
deep autumn

Color characteristics:
leading - dark, additional - warm

deep, warm, warming, earthy, generous

J. Latour "Mary Magdalene"

In appearance, people of dark autumn are dominated by dark and warm tones. The hair is dark. Reddish, chestnut shades are more common. Eye color can be any. Brown, green, blue-green, gray-green. The skin tone is definitely warm.

Photos of people whose color type is dark autumn:

Let's look at the palette for dark autumn. It is also broken down into light, dark, medium saturation and bright colors.

Light colors
Light colors are suitable for underwear, blouses, summer and evening wear. Light colors for dark winters were icy, and for dark autumns they are warm.

dark colors
Dark colors are well suited for coats, suits, skirts, trousers, jackets, shoes, belts, bags. They create a sense of stability, seriousness and restraint. "Native" colors for dark autumn.

Medium saturation colors
Neutral colors are medium-dark colors of the palette, they are calm, not annoying, easily combined with other colors.

Bright colors
Bright colors are used in accessories, evening dresses, sportswear. They always attract with their color saturation. They are often used as color accents that can spice up an outfit.

In addition to light, dark, medium saturation colors and bright colors, there are still exterior colors. They look natural.

Now with the help of the palette we will combine colors. The overall color effect for dark fall should be medium-dark to dark. If contrasts and color rigor are well suited for a dark winter, then monochrome and analog combinations are well suited for a dark autumn. Contrasting options will be richer in color than for a dark winter.

On the examples of the collage, you can see color combinations for dark autumn for the summer period. In the first example, dark autumn can afford to be brighter than dark winter, so the contrast of turquoise and orange is used here. On the second, a bright green dress is harmoniously combined with brown shoes, a gold bracelet successfully emphasizes the temperature of a dark autumn. On the third - to the top of warm red colors goes yellow bag and brown shorts and shoes. In the fourth example, a light cream blouse and beige shoes are matched to a warm purple skirt. The use of warm and dark colors, contrast in lightness are the main principles of color combinations for dark autumn.

On the examples of the collage, you can see examples of color combinations for dark autumn for the autumn-winter period. In the first example, the green jacket contrasts with the orange bag. In the second example, a contrasting red-green cell. In the third example, an analogous combination of beige and brown, but at the same time, there is also a contrast here - the beige-brown gamma contrasts with blue jeans. In the fourth example, there is a contrast in lightness, a dark pattern is located on the light background of the jumper.

Differences between dark winter and dark autumn
If you are in doubt between these color types, then you need to color proof the fabric. You need to look at what colors the skin tone will react to. From some colors, the face is illuminated and shines, while from others it dims. For a dark winter, dark and cold colors are suitable. For dark autumn - dark and warm.
There are also differences in color combinations. For a dark winter, combinations of serious, restrained, without variegation are suitable. This color type refers to winters, so you need to apply a contrast in lightness.
For dark autumn, richer color combinations are suitable. Monochrome and analog combinations look good here. This is because in autumn color types all colors are slightly softened. in gray, so they are not as dramatic as those of a dark winter. But contrasting combinations are also good for dark autumn, and they can be richer in color.
I hope you felt the strength and, at the same time, the restraint of a dark winter and the generosity and warmth of a dark autumn.
Do you like the dark color?
What emotions do dark winter and dark autumn evoke in you?

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The Winter color type is the brightest of all color types, so winter girls are often those very fatal beauties. Dark hair, bright skin, black eyelashes and eyebrows - all this is characterized by a winter color type. How to choose stylish wardrobe winter girl? We will talk about this today on the pages of

What style of clothing suits the Winter color type?

If you describe a wardrobe suitable for winter in a nutshell, then it is elegant and businesslike.

The very image of a winter beauty is associated with such a style of clothing - restrained, but sexy, with rich colors, with stylish simple silhouettes.

Color type Winter: subtypes and chips in the preparation of the wardrobe

Deep Winter

The subtype of deep winter is characterized by rich shades of skin, eyes and hair. This color type in the wardrobe has preferences different from other subtypes.

Among the color schemes, a contrasting combination of black, dark brown, dark gray and bright colors such as pink, yellow, green, blue is perfect for him.

Also, pastel shades go great in deep winter - a kind of fatal tenderness.

Bright Winter

Bright Winter has a distinctive feature of the brightness of the color of the eyes and hair.

The Bright Winter color type in the wardrobe prefers bright and pure contrasts - for example, the same classic black and white and red and black.

Blue and aquamarine are also perfect for representatives of this type.

Southern Winter

But the girl of the Southern Winter color type in the wardrobe should prefer black or white.

Such a total look will suit her unusually (Southern Winter is distinguished by rather dark skin).

As well as the brightest colors and bold combinations.

Basic wardrobe

Now let's talk about how to make basic wardrobe for a winter girl. First of all, we note that his items should be distinguished by clear lines, medium-density fabrics, and high contrast.

The necessary elements are classic black trousers with arrows, a pencil skirt, a simple white and red shirt, plain tops, T-shirts and blouses in gray and pastel colors, cardigans made of rather dense materials.

These seemingly incredibly simple things form the basis from which you can create ultra-stylish and spectacular images with more elaborate clothing or accessories.

Since the prerogative of Winter is elegance, you can not do without a jacket or blazer in a juicy cold shade. In the "winter" wardrobe there should not be girlish and romantic elements, such as ruffles, frills and bows, this will be very stupid not only for any image, but for the whole appearance.

capsule wardrobe

It is not so difficult to create a capsule wardrobe for the Winter color type, because a touch of elegance will be traced in every capsule - both in business, and in everyday, and in solemn, etc.

Office / Casual

So, for example, a capsule for work may consist of white and black trousers, a strict pencil skirt, a dress, a couple of multi-colored blouses different styles and a good expensive jacket.

Leisure / travel

A wardrobe capsule for the Winter color type in the leisure sector can include comfortable silk trousers, a more frivolous skirt, printed T-shirts, bright cardigans, a comfortable fitted dress, etc.

For parties and special occasions

An evening capsule can be made up of just a couple of diverse dresses, a couple of clutches and accessories. Here it is better to play on quality, not on quantity.

If elegance - then the clothes should be of high quality and expensive. Although it is always better than a mountain of cheap unnecessary rags.

If you are sure that you are Winter, then you are given a unique opportunity to look elegant, feminine and sexy always and everywhere, and thereby emphasize your luxurious appearance. Enjoy it!

Girls of the "bright winter" color type are the rarest representatives of all color types. They are distinguished by their bright appearance, which is due to the high contrast between their skin tone, hair color and eyes. This makes "bright winters" very special. Such girls are similar in many respects to a bright spring, but there are a number of typical signs that distinguish it.

Characteristic features of appearance

Main Feature girls of the bright winter color type is the presence of cold shades in the color of their skin and hair. Unlike other types of winters, their eyes have a contrasting iris color. Hair: black, brown, dark brown. Hair color can also be bright silver, with an ashy tint. The texture of the hair is dense, and, as a rule, straight and smooth.

Eyes: dark brown, gray, green, bright blue, light blue. The iris of the eye stands out from the main color. Eyebrows must be dark. Skin: smooth, with a translucent blue tint. Skin color olive, beige, ash, porcelain. Freckles are very rare, they have an unusual dark grey color.

Celebrities who belong to the bright winter color type: Megan Fox, Zooey Deschanel, Angelina Jolie, Courteney Cox, Jennifer Connelly.

All these women have fair skin with a bluish tint, bright expressive eyes And dark hair. An example of an unusually bright winter is Meryl Streep, in the movie The Devil Wears Prada. Ash hair, dark eyebrows, dark gray eyes, here she looks like a real Snow Queen.

Color palette

IN color palette bright winter is dominated by bright and saturated shades. The palette can be divided into light, dark and bright. The light palette includes white, soft gray, cold pink, blue, yellow and purple.

dark palette includes some shades of purple, plum, rich emerald, blue and black. The bright palette of the color type is juicy and rich, it includes cold blues, purples and greens, berry shades of red, and bright yellow.


Bright and saturated colors are used that emphasize the beauty of pure winter. When choosing makeup products, it is taken into account that cold shades are more suitable for this type than warm ones.

The foundation for this color type should be light. The color of the base can be pink, olive, cold beige, without yellowness. Powder should be selected accordingly tonal basis, it should also be light, without yellow or bronze tints. Blush is applied in a small amount, the color of the blush is cold pink. Lipstick can be bright and saturated colors, such as cherry red, fuchsia, raspberry, strawberry.

Eye shadows are used in cold shades, it can be green, purple, lilac, cold pink and cold blue. Intense black mascara. Other cold colors of ink are allowed, for example, blue or purple. Pencil and eyeliner are also better to use black. They can be applied in any quantity.


For girls with a bright winter color type, classic and elegant style. When creating an image, emphasis should be placed on the contrast between color and texture. Clothes of bright colors on girls in winters look just as beautiful and impressive as clothes made in black and white. The shade of the selected things should be mostly cold.

When creating a capsule wardrobe for a casual look, you can choose black and white. In clothes of these colors, bright winter looks especially attractive. White color should be clean and clear, without yellowness. The black version can be diluted bright accessories. Blue and purple options are also suitable.

There are many effective ways and techniques to improve natural data. One of the most successful and simple options- use the theory of color types. According to her, the winter color type appears mysterious, but invariably attractive.

Color type winter

The theory of color types, according to which the external data of the fair sex is divided into types according to the seasons, is extremely popular. This is a kind of key to attractiveness without misses and oversights. Having in the arsenal such a weapon as the knowledge of colors suitable for the face, it is easy to create interesting images, to make a full-fledged wardrobe in which every thing goes to the owner.

The winter color type always attracts attention. There is no universal softness and tenderness in it, but there is an abundance of catchy contrast. A girl belonging to this color type can be seen from afar: she is beautiful, extraordinary, somewhat exotic. In addition, the winter color type has subtypes for a more accurate definition and accurate selection of a color palette.

Color type cold winter

Of the types characteristic of this color type, cold winter is considered the most memorable and vivid. Fairytale Snow White is a prime example of this. And if on your way you met delightful in their catchy beauty, they perfectly demonstrate the unusualness of a cold winter. Not a single warm tone can be found in their appearance, only a cold palette reigns, a certain frostiness, iciness.

More specifically, thin, almost transparent skin with a porcelain pallor draws attention. On the cheeks, in rare cases, you will see a natural blush, but a bluish-gray undertone is noticeable. Separately, it is worth noting the chic Thick hair rich black or dark chestnut color - the pride of any fashionista.

Color type dark winter

From the name of the subtype it is already clear that there is no need to expect bright features of the appearance. The deep winter color type, or deep winter, is replete with gloomy colors. If this is, then certainly burning black, like a crow's wing. Although there are girls with dark brown hair without a warm undertone. The eyes are mostly brown, there are black mirrors of the soul. As for such an important nuance as skin, it should be noted that deep winter girls often have a swarthy cold tone. Although there are beige or even pale-faced options.

Color type warm winter

This no less expressive subtype of appearance is often found among ardent Spaniards and freedom-loving Cubans. There is not that outstanding contrast in appearance like in deep winter:

  1. The southern winter color type is distinguished by skin with a beautiful swarthy olive or noble bronze tone with a warm tint, which, with intense exposure to sunlight, literally acquires Brown color chocolate.
  2. If we talk about hair, then they are mostly deep brown or black.
  3. The eyes of girls can be brown, and light shades - hazel, dark amber, brown-olive. Unlike deep winter, expressive green or hazel-green eyes are not uncommon in southern winter.

Color type bright winter

Girls related by theorists of the concept to the bright winter type are the least common in nature. And this fact is sad, since the representatives of this subtype are incredibly attractive and beautiful, which is achieved by polarity in external data:

  1. So, for example, in addition to the traditional black and dark chestnut for the “winter”, the hair can be silvery-ashy, almost gray.
  2. The color type contrasting winter is notable for the pure color of the iris without inclusions, but always of a cold tone: thunderstorm, gray-blue, gray, cornflower blue, gray-green, gray-brown.
  3. The skin of girls of this type is thin, pale, alabaster.

Color type natural winter

The described type is relatively less contrasting and even has slight warm notes in appearance. Eyes, in addition to black, can be brown-cherry, hazel, brown. What the classic winter color type is proud of is thick and shiny hair in intense colors. The skin is fair, with a pink or bluish-pale undertone. There are beauties with olive skin.

Color type light winter

This special subtype is noticeable due to the radiant shimmer and inner light. The pure winter color type does not stand out as brightly and contrastingly as the other types, but it attracts attention with the softness and tenderness of features:

  1. The color of the iris of the eyes is dominated by blue, marsh, gray-blue, steel, green.
  2. The hair is notable as it is mostly ashy, blond or dark.
  3. The portrait is completed by a white porcelain cover of the skin.

Winter color type - colors in clothes

The mysterious and attractive image of the winter beauty is attractive even without a wrapper. But who can forbid to shine like a star in the sky? A worthy frame - clothes - can enhance the flair of attractiveness or extinguish the sparkle of the eyes. Therefore, the selection of clothes according to the natural color type is so important. Stylists who use the theory for its intended purpose are well aware of this.

If we discuss the winter color type more specifically, what colors suit it, then it is important to clarify that it is necessary to rely on cold colors:

  1. The basis of the image can be any.
  2. Pure deep blue and frosty blue are shown.
  3. Do not forget about the rich purple range: lilac, lilac, lavender, violet.
  4. A delicate pink palette without warm red blotches is suitable for young charmers. Ladies need not be afraid of pale pink or wine-pink clothes.
  5. Noble Bordeaux is a great option.
  6. If we talk about brown color, then in general it should be avoided, except for the color of dark chocolate.
  7. Silver adorns the face of a winter beauty.
  8. Street indicate the colors for the winter color type, which are contraindicated: peach, coral, red, yellow.

Capsule wardrobe for the winter color type

Color type winter - celebrities

Among female celebrities, a considerable part belongs to the winter type, which is logical, because it has the brightest and most non-trivial appearance:
