Let's drink to ours. Toasts from the film Prisoner of the Caucasus for all occasions

- What is this?
- You need a toast.
- Yes.
“A toast without wine is the same as the wedding night without a bride.
- No, I don't drink.
- Do I drink? What is there to drink?

To live, as they say, is good!
- A good life is even better!

- You misunderstood me. I don't drink at all. Do you understand? I don't have the physical ability.
- That's about it - the first toast.

My great-grandfather says: I want to buy a house, but I don't have the opportunity.
I have the opportunity to buy a goat, but I have no desire.
So let's drink to ensure that our desires coincide with our capabilities.

- Well done.
- So.
- Listen to another toast.
- So…

And when the whole flock flew south for the winter,
one small but proud bird said: "Personally, I will fly right into the sun."
She began to rise higher and higher, but very soon burned her wings and fell to the very bottom of the deepest gorge.

So let's drink to the fact that none of us, no matter how high he flew,
would never leave the team.

- What happened dear?
“What, what is it, dear?”
"Sorry for the bird!"

And the princess hung herself on her own scythe out of anger, because he
I accurately counted how many grains are in the bag, how many drops are in the sea, and how many stars are in the sky.
So let's drink to cybernetics!

- To health!
- To health!

Then he began to think again that he would have to slaughter the animal. However, everything happened again. The old man was completely emaciated and could hardly move. He gathered his strength for the third time and tried to carry out his plan, since his situation became completely hopeless: the poor fellow began to lose consciousness from hunger. But the third time he took pity on the lamb.
And at that moment, when the old man almost died from hunger, a lamb came to him and said: “Thank you, old man, for having spared me, despite your hunger! After all, I am not a simple lamb, I am your long and happy life! In gratitude for your patience, I will make the land you live on become fertile, your desert village will become densely populated with people who will respect you, and you will no longer need anything.
So let's drink so that our hero of the day has a life - a full cup!

* * *
Somehow an Armenian, a Georgian and a Russian met. And they decided to argue - who will drink more.
The Russian drank five bottles of Russian vodka, the Armenian drank ten bottles of Armenian cognac. The Georgian drank twenty bottles of Georgian wine and asked for ten more.
Then the Russian and the Armenian asked the Georgian how he could drink so much. And the Georgian answered:
- I drink a bottle for each member of my family and do not stop drinking until I drink for everyone. I have a wife, four children, ten grandchildren and fifteen great-grandchildren.
So let's drink to the fact that our hero of the day is surrounded by the same large and friendly family, for the health of each member of which he could drink a bottle of good wine!
* * *
Met once two Georgians. One of them says:
- Listen, Gogi! How many years have I known you - I can’t understand everything: how can you dance lezginka after drinking so much wine?
To which Gogi replied:
- Work like an ox, grow grapes, get up every morning with the sun, and then you will have the strength to drink a lot of wine and have fun, as I have fun.
So let's drink to the fact that our hero of the day always has the strength for fruitful work and good mood for relaxing with friends!
* * *
In one Georgian village, I was told the following story. There lived many years ago a husband and wife who had no children for a long time. They were already desperate - and then one day an old, very old old woman came into their yard.
She asked to be let in for the night. The owners fed her dinner and put her to sleep on the best bed.
The next morning, when they woke up, the old woman was gone. "What an ungrateful one!" they thought and were upset. And soon the spouses realized that they would become parents. This was the gratitude of the old woman, who in fact was a good witch.
The following autumn, their son was born, by all the makings of a hero and a handsome man.
So let's drink to ensure that hospitality is always the same in the house of our hero of the day!
* * *
There once lived a blind woman in a Georgian village. She was famous for being able to predict the future.
Once a young Georgian from a neighboring village came to her and asked her to tell her about what awaits him in life. The woman took his hand and said:
- I see three people in your life: a mother standing on the threshold of the house, a wife bending over the cradle, and a son going to war. You will be the most miserable person in your entire village.
The young man did not believe her, got angry and left without thanking her for the prediction. But soon the woman's predictions began to come true: he was forced to leave native home, leaving his old mother alone, he married in a new place, his wife gave birth to a son. But every day he remembered the blind woman's prediction. And every day his fear became more and more.
He did everything possible to protect his wife and son from any trouble: he turned his house into a fortress, did not let them leave the house one by one, guarded and took care of them like the apple of his eye. When the son got married and grandchildren were born, he did his best to protect them too.
Years passed, and nothing happened that the blind woman predicted. And one day, having lived to a ripe old age, he called the whole family together and told about what happened to him in his youth. And then the son said to him:
“Father, you should be grateful to this woman for giving your life meaning, for instilling in you the idea of ​​taking care of your wife and children. Now you can say that your life has not been in vain!
So let's drink to the fact that our dear birthday boy never wastes a single minute in vain!
* * *
In one old Georgian song there are such words: "Let's drink to have everything in our life, except for three things: loneliness, poverty and an empty glass."
Let's drink so that our birthday boy is never alone, so that his wallet is full of money, and on his birthday guests sit at his table and drink wine for his health!
* * *
In one Georgian village there lived a girl named Nino, as beautiful as a mountain chamois. She was in love with a guy from the same village. And in the next village lived an old flabby rich man. And this rich man decided to marry Nino. He sent matchmakers with rich gifts.
The girl flatly refused to marry the unloved, but her father insisted on marriage, because he wanted his daughter to live richly. In the end, the poor girl was forced into marriage.
She, having got into the house of her husband, an old man, locked herself in her room from the inside and did not let him in for many days. Finally, having decided to run away, she pretended that she was ready to let her husband in, only he would have to bring her three things: a pumpkin, an armful of straw and a jar of honey.
The husband did everything as she asked. But when the next morning he entered the room, he found in it a stuffed animal made of straw with a pumpkin head. In a rage, the old man pierced the scarecrow with a dagger, but honey poured out of it.
And the beautiful Nino married her beloved guy and lived with him for a long time. happy life.
So let's drink to our hero of the day, who, like the beautiful Nino, preferred her beloved man to a rich scoundrel!
* * *
In Georgia, there is such an old custom - to drink wine from a horn. The hero of the occasion is poured it in addition and he must drink all the wine at a time for the health of all his guests.
I don't want to force our birthday boy to drink a horn of wine. But I want him to raise a glass with me to all the family and friends who are here, as well as to those who are not with us now. For the friends of the hero of the day!
* * *
In one Georgian song there are these words:

There are two cells in the heart;
Neighbors live in them
Joy and sadness.
When joy beats in one,
Sadness in another sleeps peacefully...
Oh joy, watch out!
Rejoice moderately -
And then you will wake up sadness!
So let's drink to the fact that joys will never be able to awaken sorrows in the heart of our birthday boy!
* * *
In Abkhazia they say that participation in the joy of other people doubles the joys of our lives.
So let's drink to the fact that the joy of each of us multiplies the joy of our dear hero of the day!
* * *
The great Georgian thinker said: “Our joy is extremely short; and therefore in front of her is hope, and behind her is a pleasant remembrance.
So let's drink to a joyful event, so that later we can keep wonderful memories of this evening!
* * *
Georgians say: a relative is a part of our flesh, a friend is a part of our soul.
So let's drink to the relatives and friends of our dear birthday present here!
* * *
There is a Georgian proverb: a tried friend is our second conscience.
So let's drink to the friends of the hero of the day!
* * *
Georgians say:

Change old friends for new ones -
What flowers to buy for fruits.
So let's drink to the friends of the hero of the day and to strong long-term friendship!
* * *
In Georgia, they say that friends are removed from us either by their happiness, when they no longer need us, or by our misfortune, when we need them too much.
So let's drink to our many years of friendship with the hero of the day - and to the fact that nothing can separate us from each other!
* * *
In Georgia, they say that friendship can be strong only with the maturity of the mind and age.
So let's drink to the fact that for our dear hero of the day, the time has finally come for real, lasting friendship!
* * *
In Georgia, they say that a person's wealth is measured by his wealth, and happiness - by the virtues of his soul.
So let's drink to our dear hero of the day - a man worthy in all respects!
* * *
One Eastern poet wrote the following verses:

Spirit of sparkling wine
From the lips of bewitching glasses
It splashes with poison, then delight,
Poison or balm of paradise -
By the right of those who drink it,
According to the structure of their souls.
So let's drink to the beautiful soul of our hero of the day!
* * *
They say that once in a mountain village there lived a man who could drink a hundred bottles of wine in a day. His fame spread throughout Georgia.
So let's drink to the fact that the fame of our hero of the day spreads regardless of how many bottles of wine he can drink!
* * *
It is said that a person who does not drink wine harbors something unkind in his soul. So let's drink to the fact that next to our hero of the day there will never be non-drinking people!
* * *
In Georgia, they say: a man should look like a hazel trunk, a woman - like a peach fruit.
So let's drink to our dear hero of the day, who, like a ripe peach, is ruddy and fresh!
* * *
They say that the great Queen Tamara knew the recipe for a decoction that gave woman's face inexpressible beauty.
I have a suspicion that our dear N somehow learned this recipe. So let's drink to the wonderful hero of the occasion!
* * *
Every year, nature gives the people of Georgia many beautiful and tasty fruits. They are collected and served on the table in order to have a bite of the best Georgian wine - because their aroma sets off the bouquet of wine.
So let's drink to the fact that fruit and good wine never run out on the table of our hero of the day!
* * *
There is a Sufi story. A certain wise man heard that in a neighboring village there lived a man wiser than him. He became envious - and he decided to test the wisdom of another.
Gathered his students and went to the neighboring village. He asked where the house is right person and headed straight for it. On the way, he caught a butterfly and decided: I will ask if she is alive. If the answer is “no”, I will release it, if the answer is “yes”, I will clench my fist and the butterfly will be dead.
Entering, he introduced himself and suggested that the man check whether the wisdom of the owner is really what they say about it, and asked him to answer the question he had conceived.
The sage looked into his eyes and replied: "Everything is in your hands."
So let's drink to the fact that our birthday boy is the master of his own destiny!
* * *
There is an old Caucasian parable: a wise man went on a journey with his disciples. They walked for several weeks and came to the shore of a large lake.
The disciples went to look for a boat to swim across to the other side, and the sage approached the old man sitting on the bank. He mumbled some words. Listening, the sage realized that the old man was repeating the same words: "Walk on water." But he pronounces them wrong.
Then the sage said:
“Sorry, father, to interrupt you, but this word is pronounced like this (and he said it correctly).
The old man raised his eyes and said:
- Thank you, son.
But then he began to chatter again in the old way. And again the sage corrected him by telling him how to pronounce the word correctly. And again the elder thanked him and began to chatter a misspelled word.
“Old capercaillie!” the sage thought annoyed and went to the disciples who were waiting for him in the boat. Sitting down, he ordered them to row. When the boat was already in the middle of the lake, someone patted the sage on the shoulder.
Turning around, he saw an old man standing on the water, who asked:
“So how do you say the word is pronounced?”
So let's drink so that our birthday man can always confirm his words with his deeds!
* * *
I propose a toast to our dear friend, who stands opposite me like a rock in the midst of the raging sea of ​​life, not subject to any storms and hurricanes, invincible and indestructible.
Let's drink to his health and longevity!
* * *
In Abkhazia they say: being a good guest is a real art. Not everyone is given it initially, but he needs to learn, since every self-respecting person walks and loves to visit.
However, the owner must also master the art of receiving guests, so that after visiting his house, the guests want to come again and again.
Therefore, I propose to drink to our dear N, whose guest is a great joy!
* * *
In Abkhazia, they say that in every business one should feel the flight of the soul: it does not matter whether you grow grapes, raise children or graze cattle. If you do your job, giving it your whole soul, then you are like an eagle soaring over high mountains.
So let's drink to our hero of the day, who, like a mountain eagle, soars in the sky of his deeds and accomplishments!
* * *
Ancient wisdom says: in an ideal world, like gives birth to like. So good begets good, and evil begets evil.
So let's drink to this beautiful woman, the hero of this celebration, who, doing good, increases its number in the world!
* * *
A poet once wrote:

“On the hills of Georgia lies the darkness of the night;
Noisy Aragva before me.
I feel sad and light, my sadness is light;
My sorrow is full of you.
And I propose to drink to our beautiful N, worthy of being sung in the verses of the greatest poets!
* * *
In Georgia, they say that a person who sees a star falling from the sky will be happy like no other.
So let's drink to our hero of the day and wish him to see not one, but two shooting stars.
* * *
In Abkhazia, there is such a sign: if a person walking along the seashore finds a large pink shell, then he will have the most beautiful daughters, and if he finds a blue starfish he will have the finest sons.
So let's drink to our hero of the day, who found both!
* * *
In the Caucasus, they say that the passing youth takes away enthusiasm and ardor, but endows a person with wisdom and the ability to see the essence of things.
So let's drink to our dear hero of the day, whose gray hairs are heralds of wisdom!
* * *
There is such a Caucasian anecdote. Katso asks Givi:
- Listen, Givi, dear, what should I do?
“What happened, Katso, dear?”
- I want to have a mistress, but my conscience torments me: I feel sorry for my wife.
"So what do you want from me?"
- Tell me, Givi, how should a real horseman act - cheat on himself, but not cheat on his wife, or cheat on his wife, but not cheat on himself?
In this regard, I propose to drink to our dear hero of the day, who never cheats on himself or his wife!
* * *
In Georgia, they say that a real person can be recognized by the grapes that he grew with his own hands, by the wine that he himself made from these grapes, and by the table that he set on the day when the wine he made ripened.
So let's drink to our dear hero of the day, who, although he does not grow grapes and is not engaged in winemaking, the tables in his house are always simply excellent!
* * *
If you have ever seen how Georgians dance, you probably noticed that men stand in a circle, sing and applaud, and women dance inside the circle. This happens because a woman in Georgia has always stood in a special place, she was treated with respect and love.
I propose to drink to our dear N, who, although not a Georgian by passport, is her at heart!
* * *
During the feast, the toastmaster proclaims a toast: “The first word I want to say is“ Be. The second word is the name of the Russian national dish - cabbage soup. And finally, the third word - the name of the fruit - plum.
So, be generous this day, be generous all your life!
* * *
A Georgian is driving along a mountain road and suddenly sees that a collapse is about to begin. Then he decides to warn the people who will follow him along this road, draws three posters and sets them up one by one.
The first of them has the word “NOT” written in large letters, the second has a bunch of empty boxes, and the third has a phallic symbol.
A few hours later, the Georgian drives back and sees that some car is littered with stones. He approaches the driver sitting next to her and says:
“Daraga, how could you have fallen into a collapse when I warned you?”
And the driver replies:
What kind of pictures did you draw? While I was looking at them, I did not notice how the car filled up.
- NOT - container - piss!
So let's drink to our dear hero of the day, who is never in a hurry!
* * *
In Georgia, they say that a good person can drink more wine than a bad one, because a bad person gets drunk quickly, but a good one drinks and drinks, and not in one eye.
So let's drink to our hero of the day, who could drink the sea if he had not been hindered by a sense of modesty!
* * *
People are said to live much longer in the Caucasus Mountains than anywhere else. So let's drink to our dear hero of the day, and may he live as long as the most ancient Caucasian elders live!
* * *
In the Caucasus they tell the following story:
Once upon a time there were two people: one was not poor and not rich, and the other was rich. A poor man liked to lay a good table, loved to spend time with friends, and a rich man thought only about how to increase his wealth, never laid tables and did not invite friends.
When it was time for their souls to go to the other world, the apostle Paul said to the poor:
- You lived like a poet, the main thing for you was the spiritual beginning. So heaven is waiting for you.
The apostle said to the rich man:
- You lived like a fool, seeing nothing but your money, so go to hell.
I want to say that our wonderful hero of the day lives like a real poet and will not exchange his soul for any money.
So let's drink to him and to the fact that our wonderful meetings are repeated more often!
* * *
In the Caucasus, they say that God sends people into the world with four purposes: some for suffering, others for being bored, third for eking out a miserable existence, and fourth for giving joy to others.
So let's drink to our dear birthday boy, who gives us the incomparable joy of communication!
* * *
Any Georgian will confirm that it is a great honor for a girl to receive the name of the great Georgian Queen Tamara at birth. Anniversary-Tamara worthily bears this name throughout her life.
* * *
May our dear birthday girl, Tamara, be patronized by the great Georgian Queen Tamara! Cheers!
* * *
The Germans say: "You can make a piece of ham out of any piggy." And the Georgians say: "Only the best grapes are suitable for wine."
So let's drink to our dear hero of the day, not a German or a Georgian, but just a very good person!
* * *
In the Caucasus, they tell the following legend:
One day God came down to earth to find out what people want. He approached the young man and asked:
- What do you want from life?
And he answered:
- Happiness, good work, beloved woman and many friends.
Then God approached a middle-aged man and asked the same thing. The man replied:
- I want happiness, a prosperous life, a good wife and children, respect from others.
Finally, God approached the old man and asked what he wanted from life. And the old man replied:
- Happiness, respect, health - and so that I can work according to my strength.
So let's drink to the fact that God gave our dear N and happiness, and respect, and health, and good work, and even more than that - our love!
* * *
Once, a kind magician came to a Georgian king, who was famous for his good deeds, and brought him three priceless gifts. He spoke to the king in the following words:
“My first gift is health. May you be strong, mighty and not subject to disease.
My second gift is oblivion, which will save your memory from fears, sorrows and troubles of the past. Let them no longer burden your soul.
My third gift is the gift of intuition, which will always tell you the right way out of the current situation.
And I, like this magician, wish our dear hero of the day the best health, oblivion and intuition that would lead him through life in the most correct way.
To the health of the hero of the day!
* * *
There is a Georgian joke:
The girl asks the zookeeper:
– Tell me, please, is this monkey a man or a woman?
A nearby Georgian replies:
- Girl, this is a male! A man is one who has dengi!
Let's drink to our hero of the day - a real man in every respect!
* * *
Georgian elders tell the following story:
Once, many, many years ago, a certain Kakha Kalmakhelidze led his flocks to the mountains. Once he pastured his sheep for several weeks - and suddenly he saw a wonderful flower on the mountainside. Kakha tore it off and attached it to his cloak.
When he returned home, then came out of the flower a beautiful woman and said that she would be his wife and the mother of his children.
I propose to drink to our dear birthday girl, who was probably also found by her husband in a wonderful flower!
* * *
They say that once a certain poet came to the great queen Tamara and complained that he was very poor. The queen replied:
– Homer was much poorer, but how many people he gave spiritual food!
I propose to drink for our hero of the day - a person who gives people inspiration!
* * *
May your life be cloudless, like the sky over the Sahara desert, full, like a jug of the generous Caucasian Givi, long, like the longest Mexican TV series, and let your eyes glow with happiness, like the sky glows during the Northern Lights.
For the hero of the day!
* * *
In Georgia, they say that forty years is the maturity of youth, and sixty is the youth of maturity.
So let's drink to our hero of the day, still quite young man!
* * *
One Georgian was asked:
- What is a pineapple?
He replied:
Do you know lemon? Do you know apples? Do you know persimmon? Do you know grapes? Well, it doesn't look like it at all.
So I ask, what is our birthday? Do you know penny? Coward you know? You know lazy? Stupid you know? Well, it doesn't look like it at all!
To the health of our birthday boy!
* * *
I want to honor my namesake N on his birthday with this glass of wine. In Georgia, they are convinced that the name to some extent predetermines fate, an outstanding or inconspicuous position in life, determines character traits.
With his high achievements, talent and rare spiritual qualities, our hero of the day enhances the property of the name to change the fate of people in better side.
Therefore, I propose to drink to the health of the hero of the day!
* * *
Georgian wisdom says that it takes two years for a person to learn to speak, and fifty years to learn to be silent.
Our dear hero of the day proved that he learned this life lesson perfectly. So let's drink to his precious health!
* * *
In Georgia, they say: to find out the value of a person, you need to ask trouble, joy, a woman, and a bottle about him.
Recently I asked trouble:
- How does our hero of the occasion feel about you?
She answered:
“He always gets the best of me.
Then I asked the same of joy. She answered:
He is not stingy, he always shares with others.
Then I asked his wife, and she replied:
- He is sensitive and attentive, gives me his love without wasting it on other women.
And the bottle said:
He is a good but fickle friend. If necessary, he will always support my company.
So let's drink to our dear hero of the day!
* * *
A certain person came from the village to the city for help. The official fiddled with his documents for a long time and finally said:
- I would give you a certificate, but several signatures and seals are missing here. You need to do the following: first go to Vinashvili, take Butylidze, talk to Otkuporyan, then go to Nalivaiko, Sutrapyan, put a seal on Pokhmelidze.
And then come to me. And don't forget about Shashlykidze! Hurry up, tomorrow we have foreign guests, Messrs. de Pied, de Lie, To Li Yama and To Li Kanawa. Call the phones: two for a hundred, three for two hundred, an extension for one hundred and fifty.
So let's drink to ensure that our birthday boy does not meet bureaucrats!
* * *
In Georgia they say: the love of a young woman is like young wine: tart, unseasoned, intoxicating; the love of an aged woman is like old wine: aged, with a bouquet.
So let's drink to our beautiful hero of the day, like a valuable wine!
* * *
In the Caucasus, they say that the name of a woman should be like the radiance of a star or the tenderness of a flower.
So let's drink to our beautiful birthday girl N, whose name meets this criterion!
* * *
There is an old Caucasian proverb: when the last wine is drunk from your cellar, then you will finally know how many friends you have.
So let's drink to the fact that our birthday boy the next morning after this wonderful holiday has money for wine from the store!
* * *
In Georgia, they say that heartfelt participation in the joy of other people doubles the joys of our lives.
I propose to drink to our dear hero of the day, who allowed everyone here to share his joy with him!
* * *
In Georgia, there is such a custom - to give a goat for an engagement. It is said to bring happiness and many children. According to custom, it must be roasted on the birthday of the first child.

Do not be sick and do not lame,
Start the morning briskly
Drive old age away with a broom,
And live to the fullest!
Wonder and dream
Jump and walk more
Move more, dance
And eat more salads!
Fix my words
Let's drink with you to the bottom!

For character and fashion
For wonderful weather
For salary, for good
And for a stylish coat.

For prosperity and for the house,
For the comfort that reigns in it,
For a hangover, and for
To be good!

In general, we must drink
For success and dreams
For delight and beauty
For love and family!

Let it be easy on the soul
It's very hard in pockets.
To drink calmly, eat,
I had the courage to admit everything.
To have the strength to have fun
I couldn't sleep for joy.
Let everything be done
And don't even sweat.
Let life rush somersault
And we are in life - like riding!

Let's drink to hell
We know him, we all need him,
He knows everything, about everyone, always,
And sometimes things go with him!

It's more interesting to talk with him
And build a fence with it
With him, jelly is always tastier,
It will never disappear!

Let's drink with you for "cabbage",
To always be thick
To be carried in wallets
In euros, pounds, dollars!

Let's also drink to
For everything to be fine
Vacation abroad
And problems not to know.

Eat black caviar
Straight with a spoon in the morning
Driving around in a Jaguar
Take a seat in the Duma!

I drink for everything to be possible,
Everything came true, it came true
For enemies and friends
For fathers and their children!

I drink to the fact that the enemies
Bite off tongues
I drink for the exchange rate and for the currency,
For a beauty, a figure!

I drink for nights, for love,
I drink for life and I drink for blood,
I drink so that everyone lives in abundance
And they forgot about bitterness!

The son, father and grandfather went fishing somehow. They were riding in a bus, then a girl comes in, all dressed up, and pantyhose in a fishnet.
Son thought:
- Honorable chick...
Father thinks:
- Probably, all the money from the parents for clothes pulls ...
Grandpa's thoughts:
- Oh, but the networks forgot ...
Let's drink to clarity of thought!

Let's drink to years
So that they do not live in vain,
So that there are many events
And amazing discoveries!

Let's drink vodka
To never end
To always, at any time,
Her friends could buy!

Let's drink to a hangover
To never hurt them
After all, this is a skill
So that your head does not hurt!

Let's have a last drink
For our plans and dreams
So that we have many deals,
So that they could not have us!

Once a wise man was asked: “O wisest, tell me, how long does it take to wait for happiness?” To which the gray-haired old man replied with a sly smile: "If you wait, then for a long time." So let's drink to those who do not wait, but make their own happiness!

Congratulations to the whole cart,
Like a good Santa Claus
Came to visit you
And I forgot my bag.

Even though it's not New Year's
May you be lucky in everything
Let dreams come true
Let the colored dreams come off.

And good smiles to you,
And fashionable clothes for you,
And let it be all right
Let happiness sing in the garden!

Caucasian captive


Bear in mind, Edik, Allah alone knows where the spark goes for this unworthy geek in the glorious family of internal combustion engines.
May his carburetor dry up forever and ever!

Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures Here is the first toast on this occasion ...

Purpose of visit?
- Ethnographic expedition.
- It's clear. Looking for oil?
- Not really. I'm looking for folklore. I will write down old fairy tales, legends, toasts.

What is this?
- You need a toast.
- Yes.
“A toast without wine is like a wedding night without a bride.”

No, I don't drink.
- Do I drink? What is there to drink?
- You misunderstood me. I don't drink at all. Do you understand? I don't have the physical ability.
- That's about it - the first toast.

My great-grandfather said: I have a desire to buy a house, but I don’t have the opportunity ...
I have the opportunity to buy a goat, but I have no desire.
So let's drink to ensure that our desires coincide with our capabilities.

And when the whole flock flew south for the winter, one small but proud bird said: "Personally, I will fly right into the sun."
She began to rise higher and higher, but very soon burned her wings and fell to the very bottom of the deepest gorge.
So let's drink to the fact that none of us, no matter how high he flew, would never break away from the team.

What happened dear?
- What, what is it, dear?
- I'm sorry about the bird!

Wait... I had a hunch. You are drunk?
No you! When I'm drunk, I'm wild. Here... And now I'm quiet.
I'm lucky.

Joke. It's here...

And the princess, out of anger, hanged herself on her own scythe, because he accurately counted how many grains were in the bag, how many drops in the sea, and how many stars were in the sky. So let's drink to cybernetics!

This is a student, a Komsomol member, an athlete, and finally, she is just a beauty!

Wait a minute... Please slow down, I'm taking notes.

And then, on the ruins of the chapel...
- Excuse me, did I destroy the chapel too?
- No, it was before you, in the 14th century.

A violator is not a violator, but a major scientific worker, a man of intellectual labor. You came to visit us, didn't you? Collect our fairy tales, legends there, you know, toasts ...
- Toast?
- Toast, yes, toast.
And he did not calculate his strength, right?

I brought you a toast.
- Bad, right? Well... What do you allow yourself, listen?
- You asked for 3 copies...

To live, as they say, is good!
- A good life is even better!
- Exactly!

You're being apolitical, to be honest. You don't understand the political situation.
You see life from the window of my car.
25 sheep! When our district... did not fully pay off the state for wool.
- And you do not confuse your personal wool with the state!

So so. The groom agrees, the relatives too, but the bride ...
- Poorly we still educate our youth. Very bad.
Surprisingly frivolous attitude to marriage.

This is not a lezginka for you, but a twist. I show everything first.
With the toe of your right foot, you crush the cigarette butt, like this.
You crush the second cigarette butt with the toe of your left foot.
And now you crush both cigarette butts together.

By the way, in the neighboring area, the groom stole a member of the party.

A! There are two of them...
- And this one, with a tail.
- The donkey doesn't count. Second extra.
- Witness.
- What if... uh...
- No casualties.
- Yes, we have to wait.
- That's right, we'll wait. Give it up.

You have not justified the high trust placed in you.
- Impossible to work.
- You give unrealistic plans.
- Is that like him? Voluntarism!
- In my house - do not express yourself!

Whose shoe? ABOUT! My. Thank you.

Bambarbia! Kergud.
- What did he say?
- He says that if you refuse, they will stab you. Joke.

What are you shipping?
- The bride was stolen, comrade foreman.
- Joker! You will fry the barbecue with this bride, do not forget to invite.

There will be no wedding! I stole it, I will return it!

Dear guests, welcome.
- Tell me, Marim, do you have a prosecutor?
- We have everything, we have the whole city, only they were waiting for you. Wine dear guests!

Uh, no, no need to hurry, no need to hurry. This is our guest.
It's important to heal. It is important to return a full-fledged person to society, right?
No need to hurry.

And now he is in a state of catatonic excitement and requires you to take him immediately.
- Requires - accept.

Go, go. We will heal you. Alcoholics are our profile.

Take off your hat.
- What?
- Take off your hat.

Listen, it's a shame, I swear, it's a shame, well, I didn't do anything, yes, I just entered.

In Epidemic. Universal Vaccination Plan Announced

In short, Sklikhasovsky!

Calm down, lie down, lie down. Otherwise - "memento sea".
- Instantly...
- In the sea!

You have no right! You have no right! This is self-judgment! I demand that I be tried according to our Soviet laws.
- And did you buy it according to Soviet laws? Or maybe, according to Soviet laws, you stole it?

Let's stop this useless discussion.

Get up! Judgment is coming!
- Long live our court - the most humane court in the world!

Awl-soap-reel, we drink to get lucky!

Let those who did not get us cry, let those who did not want us die.

Well, shall we crap? It's so close!

Let's fill the glasses to the brim. Mind, God be with you.

One clever man said: Nothing shortens our lives like the distance between toasts.
So let's drink so that we live as long as possible!

So let's have a drink here -
In that world they will not give!
Well, if they give
Let's drink there and drink here!

Let the salad rest in peace.

Let's drink for us beautiful,
and whoever saw better, let him get out!

Each drunk glass is a nail driven into our coffin.
Let's drink so that this coffin does not fall apart!

I want to propose a toast to ensure that this table never becomes empty, that it breaks and even sags from the weight of dishes and drinks, and cheerful and happy people sit around!

And you will imagine the dirt like a fabulous landscape when C2H5OH splashes in the stomach.
And the skull is full of jokes, and there is jumble in the thoughts when C2H5OH flows down the throat.

(First toast at the party) Happy drunkenness!!!

Between the first and second...
Pour another one!

Between the first and second...
We can drink six more!

For those who do not sleep at home!

Drink as you like - little by little or a lot,
but so as not to forget the way to the house!

Let's drink to those men who can stand up for themselves and lie down for others!

Who lies - he does not fall. The one who runs falls. Let's drink to the runners!

Let's drink for honest and modest people! Especially since there are so few of us left...

First toast: Goodbye! We won't see you sober today!

Let's drink to ELK!
To want, to be able, to get richer, e#ELOS, - for the moose!

I wish you a lot of money, a lot of love and a lot of time to enjoy it!

solemnly said:
With the coming alcohol intoxication, comrades!

God gave a day to drink, no one knows what a day is. So let's drink every day, so as not to miss it!

Sadness in the heart, stagnation in the brain... isn't it time for one?

Wine in a glass should be drunk while it plays.
As long as one lives, one must live, there are no two lives...

Let's drink to a kiss that a man invented to shut a woman's mouth.

Let's drink to now!

Let's drink to those on board. Who is overboard, he will get drunk.

Let's drink for the wine and vodka bottles to rise tomorrow!

Let's drink to me becoming a speculator!

Let the life-giving moisture spill over the bodily periphery. Amen

Let's drink to someone who does not drink himself and does not give to people: to our valiant traffic police.

Let's drink to the fact that in spite of everything we drink at all costs.

The girl, crossing the stream, raises her dress to her knees. So let's drink to women crossing the seas and oceans.

The day was not in vain. So let's drink so that the evening too ...

Children are flowers of life. So let's give these flowers to beautiful girls!

Friends, my find: Our world is not so bad, Because it has vodka - C2H5OH!

One more stack - and press the buttons!

Thirst is not a serious disease, but it must be cured.

Women are flowers! And the flowers are beautiful when they bloom. So let's drink to promiscuous women.

The dragon lived in the world. And he ate only virgins. So let's drink to the fact that he flew to us. and died of hunger.

For your health and for our wealth.

For everything that is on our table and for what it is still worth! And all this is worth it to drink for all this!

Life is a constant overcoming of time, space, circumstances, obstacles, negativity.
Let's drink for minutes when life not only offers no resistance, but also smiles charmingly!

Well, mind, goodbye! Will see you tomorrow!

Let everything pass by, except for intimacy!

The composition of wishes is always the same: more health and banknotes!

Let's drink to the fact that we have everything and we have nothing for it!

The shortest army toast:
Bottom! One, two!

It is well known that a person can look at three things forever: how fire burns, how water flows, and how another person works.
So let's not look at our full glasses forever and drink ...

Everything that we do with our hands is bad, so let's drink to the children!

To eat and drink, to want and be able, to be with someone everywhere and everywhere, and to be where!

For us beautiful ones. For you gullible.

Let's drink to the fact that we would go, we were attacked by money and we could not fight them off!

To the success of our hopeless cause!

My toast is this - we drink to our men!

When you drink, you need to know the measure. Otherwise, you can drink less.
So let's drink one more in order to get closer to the indicated measure!

Attractive women are distracting.
So let's digress from glasses, at least for a while ... For the ladies!

For her - for good luck! And for him - for success!

So that life does not go in vain, let's overturn the stopper!

Let's drink to business and sex, which in Russian means: success in business and happiness in your personal life!

We are born with a cry, and we die with a groan.
So let's drink to the fact that our life will pass with laughter!

See you under the table!

Sea toast: Let's drink the battleship, but we won't disgrace the fleet!

Let's drink to wives and mistresses so that they never meet!

If a woman is flowers, and a man is water, then let's drink to the flowers changing the water more often!

The young month is shining, isn't it time for a second one?

So that the sea of ​​our worries does not dissolve the streams of our joys!

Drunkenness - fight! So let's drink before the fight!

Let's drink glasses for full pockets!

I wish you happiness and health in your personal life.

Pouring vodka:
- So that this abomination becomes a lake and go past it to work.

Life is sweeter than wine. Let's drink to the bottom!

May your years be long, but never seem so to you!

Vodka is an abomination, vodka is poison! But a hundred grams won't hurt!

African toast: let's drink to women in whose shadow we feel good!

Let's drink to the fact that we have as much grief left as drops remain in our glasses.

For ... I wanted to!

We’ve been sitting for a long time, maybe we’ll give in a little?

To the health of those gates from which all the people!

Let your poorest table be the same as today!

We are here for a drink.
So let's drink to the fact that we are here!

Let's drink to the slow flow of fast-flowing life!

To have something to wear and in front of whom to undress!

Let's drink to the ladies, because I won't give - the word is bad.

In order not to sour - you need to sour!

For those who do not sleep at home!

I'll finish my drink now, madam, and I'm at your feet.

Life is beautiful, amazing, if you drink beforehand.

So that everything stands, except for the heart!

Drink seven times - take a sip once!
So, the countdown has begun... on the first one! (etc.)

Drinking too much is bad, but too little is boring.

Sadness in the heart, stagnation in the brain, isn't it time for one?

Truth is in wine, and bitter truth is in vodka.

For those who are at sea, at the border and at the venereal hospital.

The soul asks for pineapples in champagne, the body asks for vodka...

Better late than late!

I want to drink to see no evil, hear no evil, remember no evil, and do no evil!

Let's drink to those who speak well of us even without us!

Life is a short child's shirt, all crap. Let's drink to the days when we manage to wash it.

For dreams come true!

To give a boost to the heart, you need to drink cognac!

I wish you good luck and a summer cottage by the sea!

For the ladies For horses. And for those who climb them!

I wish you happiness, health and creative Uzbeks.

He said let's go and drank some water!

Long live reason, long live insanity!

For what would be lived while you want, and you want to live while.

Vodka is our enemy - it must be destroyed!!!

Let's drink not for the sake of drunken booze, but in order not to wean.

I could drink more, but I'll drink to the bottom!

The girl's weapon is her clothes. Let's drink to the general destruction.

I propose to drink to the health of those who still have it.

I love salad, I love potatoes, let's have a drink!

Linden trees are blooming in the park - this is an occasion to drink!

Let's raise our glasses and move them into the mind!

Let's drink to the fact that we sometimes get gingerbread.

Let's drink to vodka and size 92 asses!

Let the beer be cold, and we will be warm!

If the glasses are standing and the wine is poured, There is only one direction - Drunk - Filled!

Drink like us, drink with us, drink more than us, drink faster than us!

Let's drink to you and me - to hell with them!

I have one weakness: I can’t help drinking women at the table!

To always have everyone!

For you to always feel like a king on the throne!

We wish you to always be on a horse!

So that there are no tears and deceit in the eyes of our loved ones!

Let's drink to those who, absent, are invisibly present here!

Let's drink to our friends going to banquets and our enemies on crutches!

Let's drink to die peacefully, in a dream, like my grandfather, and not in fear and with screams of horror ... like his passengers!

So that tables break from abundance, and beds from love!

Let it be good for us together ... and not very bad apart.

And how people drink vodka every other day, here every day you won’t get used to it.

I drink to a fresh shirt, a clear conscience and a shilling in my pocket.

For the victory of all victories - for the victory over yourself!

For our children to have rich parents!

For vodka, snacks, music and intimate conversations!

Something is missing, brethren. Maybe it doesn't hurt to drink?

So that never, when not necessary!

Handles, legs began to feel cold - isn't it time for us to twitch!?

Let's drink to the fun and the divine feeling of spiritual kinship this evening!

For never falling into the sin of despondency and enjoying every day!

Not complicated, even very simple
Half-forgotten old toast:
May it be with us again and again

Be healthy for a hundred centuries!

And what am I talking about? Isn't it time for us to lay down? It's time!

I raise glass after glass... I want the glass to become a huge Baikal.

We wish that every woman has a caring male hand on which she could lean!

What do I feel now? Slight intoxication and dizziness. And the reasons are a wreath of roses and lilies, which we found here! For women!

Let's make a "trap" for the health of our wives!

How many hairs on my head, I wish you so much happiness and strength!

It's time for a drink! Good time! For all the guests, for all of us!

God forbid - not the last! And if the latter - then God forbid!

Share good, but do not remember evil!

Let your mind be kind, and your heart be smart!

Do not complain about your fate: after all, we will die anyway. You appreciate this minute: drink good wine!

There are two ways to drink: drink thinking and drink without thinking. Let's drink without hesitation!

Bottles on the table, herring on the table. Why don't we wave a stack for a snack?

Let's wave a glass, friends, for us and the joy of being!

Walk, lads, from the ruble and above, and let the sea rage!

May our life never be wormwood-grass and tumbleweed!

I wish those present a light heart and a heavy pocket!

I propose to raise glasses for ... our relics! May they be regal!

Fir-trees-needles, not to drink in a stack ?!

Let's move our glasses together, raise them at once, long live the muses, long live the mind!

Gloomy and lethargic, we sit tired. To revive the soul, you need to pour a glass!

So that there is something to pour and not damage the inside!

For those saints and gods who patronize us!

Better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick!

Better late than none!

Get out - devilry, stay - pure alcohol!

Let the evening be wet and the morning dry. I drink for a fun feast and a slight hangover.

For us to go through life cheerful and ruddy!

For more pies and donuts in our lives, and fewer bruises and bumps!

I am glad to see you in my house, friends. May our hearts be warmed by wine and fellowship. Let's pour sorcery into the crystal darkness of the glass and rejoice in life and each other!

The husband says to his wife:
- I invited my companions to dinner. Prepare something.
- Well, dear, - the wife answers, - but how to cook? So that they come to us again, or that ... they don't come again?
I propose to drink for the owner and hostess! For the owner, because he gave his wife a good installation! For the hostess, because she masterfully carried it out!

In almost every company, there comes a moment when the owners are ready to utter a sacramental phrase:
- Dear guests, are you tired of the hosts?! ..
One host was even forced to address the overstayed guests with the following speech:
- The guest is wonderful! Guest is great! A person needs a guest like air! But when the air enters and does not come out - the person suffocates!
So that our hospitable hosts do not suffocate, I propose to disperse in an amicable way!
