How to take care of dry skin? Cosmetologist advises. Important rules you should know how to care for dry skin Care for very dry thin skin

Young girls often worry that their skin is too oily: excess sebum causes the formation of pimples and blackheads. Owners of dry skin are envied: in their youth they do not know such problems. They can sometimes even neglect the nightly removal of makeup: anyway, the next morning after washing, their face will remain clean, the pores will not clog.

Meanwhile, with age, the skin of the face, prone to dryness, begins to cause more and more trouble. If a lady with an oily skin type has almost no wrinkles even after 40, then one whose skin is dry will notice the first skin folds even before reaching the age of 30. However, with age, oily and combination skin often changes to dry. Nature is to blame: over the years, the ability of the epidermis to absorb and retain moisture decreases. Therefore, the question of how to organize dry skin care at home is becoming more and more relevant as a woman “growing up”.

In order to learn how to properly care for the face and neck (we should not forget that the skin there is the thinnest, and the loss of moisture for it quickly turns into flabbiness), you need to understand what characterizes this type of skin.

It is not able to form fat and sweat in the required amount. The result is increased irritability, a tendency to peel. Signs of dry skin:

  • lack of healthy shine;
  • feeling of "tightness" after any water procedures;
  • lack of elasticity, elasticity.

Care for dry sensitive skin should be daily. It is worth skipping one procedure of applying a moisturizing cream - and the consequences will not be long in coming: the feeling of smoothness, softness will disappear, redness will appear when exposed to frost or strong wind.

Care for dry skin at home should begin with washing with milk or tonic. But before buying special means for care, conduct a small test that will accurately determine the type of skin.

In the morning, an hour after washing (without the use of cosmetics), apply a regular napkin to your face. If, taking it away from your face, you find shiny spots, your skin is oily or combination. If there are no traces left, while after washing you do not leave the feeling of "tightness" - your skin is dry.

You need to buy creams and masks with this feature in mind. On the means for the care of dry skin of the face, there must be a mark informing about this.

Facial care for very dry skin includes the following daily rituals:

  • washing with tonic, milk;
  • moisturizing before applying decorative cosmetics;
  • periodic moistening during the day with thermal water;
  • removing make-up in the evening, applying night cream.

Of great importance is the use of moisturizing and nourishing masks at least 2 times a week.

In the morning, in order to soften the skin, you can wash your face from time to time with water diluted with some juice (cucumber, apple, sauerkraut brine).

The purpose of caring for dry (especially if it is also sensitive) skin of the face is to prevent increased loss moisture. Attention! Many cosmetics manufacturers indicate that their cream fills the skin with moisture. In fact, this is not so: it is impossible to make up for the loss of moisture with the help of a cream, but it is quite possible to reduce this loss. Therefore, do not neglect high-quality industrial cosmetics. It doesn't have to be expensive. Suitable creams and masks "Clean Line", "Black Pearl" and others.

Proper care for dry skin: masks

On the face of a woman, even if it is covered with wrinkles, it is always clear whether she took care of herself and whether she was used to doing it regularly. Proper care leads to the fact that the skin, even with some imperfections, looks smooth, soft, and its color is even. Wrong leads to aggravation of existing problems.

Masks are not part of daily facial skin care, however, the skin needs to be nourished and toned 1-2 times a week.

Take on board a few simple, affordable recipes that will help restore elasticity, restore color.

Very good honey mask. It saturates the epidermis with useful substances, vitamins, fights micro-inflammations. To prepare it, we take:

  • honey (a tablespoon);
  • oatmeal (tablespoon);
  • a couple of tablespoons of fresh milk.

After mixing everything, apply on the face and neck. Keep the mask on for about 20 minutes. After removing, you need to moisturize your face with cream.

A mask with sour cream is also useful. You need to mix:

  • yolk;
  • sour cream (2 tablespoons);
  • carrot juice (teaspoon).

The mask helps even out complexion and nourish dry skin.

You can apply a ripe peach, mashed into gruel, as well as the pulp of watermelon and melon, on your face. During the action of the mask, it is advisable to lie quietly, not being distracted by conversations and thinking about something pleasant.

Having overcome the 30-year milestone, many women note the appearance of "crow's feet" - one of the first signs of aging. Another manifestation of the withering process that has begun is nasolabial folds.

At this age, there are still no real, deep wrinkles, the oval of the face does not yet “sag”, you can still fearlessly open your neck, putting on dresses with a deep neckline. However, it is necessary to take care of yourself daily in order to detect signs of aging on your face as soon as possible.

After 30, facial skin needs to be monitored more closely than in youth. Regular hygienic massage and obligatory scrubbing should be added to the use of masks.

The main rule of facial skin care after 30 is regularity. Now it is not enough just to use creams. The skin is updated more slowly, so it is necessary to help it get rid of dead cells. Scrub should be applied once a week.

It can be a commercial or homemade dry skin care product. So, you can sometimes use sea salt with base oil. But you can not rub the scrub into the skin too much.

An excellent tool is sleeping coffee. It is perfect for very dry skin. Apply some coffee on your face and rub in gently. After washing off, lubricate your face with a moisturizer.

It is good to use a scrub before masks - in this case, their effectiveness will increase.

The requirements for caring for dry skin of the neck and face are not too different from those that are desirable for 30-year-olds. Upon reaching the age of forty, you are unlikely to see deep skin folds in the mirror, but you need to be prepared for certain troubles. In particular, these are:

  • small wrinkles around the eyes, near the lips;
  • slight overhanging of the eyelids, wrinkling of the eyelids;
  • the beginning "sagging" of the face: the oval has ceased to be clear, the line of the chin "blurs".

Facial skin after 40 must be looked after especially carefully.

Let's add some more masks.

Take some olive, peach or jojoba oil. You can warm it up a little. After soaking cotton pads with oil, put them on the face and neck and hold for about 30 minutes. The mask can not be washed off, but simply carefully remove the excess with a napkin.

Apple mask: rub a piece of apple on a grater, add a bed of sour cream or olive oil. You can also add a teaspoon of starch. Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.

In order to make it easier for the skin of the face after 40 to absorb moisture, you can sometimes use a linen mask. Soak the seeds in hot water until a sticky mass is obtained. We apply it on the face, cover it with a towel. You have to lie down for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

After 40 years, the skin rapidly loses moisture, especially when a woman enters the age of hormonal changes that precede menopause. Any carrier oils at this time are extremely beneficial for dry skin: they maintain a balance of nutrients.

It is useful to do contrasting compresses, changing cold to hot. But this is allowed only if there are no signs of rosacea.

Massage becomes very important in adulthood. You can do it at home by yourself, having mastered the simplest techniques.

Beforehand, you can lubricate your face with cream or - quite a bit - base oil. This is necessary for a good glide. All movements are performed along the massage lines, moving from top to bottom. First, you should warm up the skin a little, for which we make strokes with the whole palm.

Then, with rotational movements, we work out the area around the eyes: along the eyebrows from the nose to the corners of the eyes, along the lower eyelid - on the contrary, to the nose.

Either rotational or smoothing movements work through the entire face along the massage lines. We must not forget about the neck: after a chin massage, it is necessary to stroke the neck on both sides, without touching the thyroid gland. Not bad if the muscles around the collarbone are affected.

Finish the massage by tapping with your fingers and again with light strokes. If in youth one session per month is enough, now you need to resort to this method of maintaining muscle tone 1-2 times a week. Massage perfectly tones dry skin, activating blood circulation.

Dry skin ages earlier than all other skin types. This is an established fact, but do not despair: with proper care, your face and neck will look younger, fit, no matter how old you are. The main thing is to carry out all procedures regularly, and in addition, to establish healthy lifestyle life, drink plenty of unsweetened green tea, always get enough sleep. Love yourself and maintain natural beauty - believe me, this does not require expensive plastic surgery and salon procedures. Just take care of yourself - and the skin will respond with a healthy glow.

Dry skin of the face and body can bring a lot of inconvenience to its owners - peeling and itching, a feeling of tightness. These are all symptoms that may indicate that you have dry skin and you need to urgently start caring for it accordingly.

Dry skin is not a problem at all in terms of rashes or acne - the skin looks matte and tender. But because of inability to retain moisture, it is very sensitive to the influence of the environment, therefore it requires attention - proper cleansing, protection, moisturizing.

The sudden decreased activity of the sebaceous glands(as a result, the skin becomes dry) may occur due to metabolic disorders, hormonal changes, lack of vitamins, etc. In any case, there are reliable ways to deal with such skin and make it beautiful and radiant. Let's delve into simple rules dry skin care!

Air conditioners and heaters dry out the air in the room too much. Connect a special humidifier at home or just put a bowl of water next to the battery or heater.

Such a vessel can be beautifully decorated with natural or artificial flowers. It will be both good for the skin and beautiful!

Forget about these cleansers:

Soaps, alcohol and products containing aromatic fragrances, contraindicated for dry skin. Gel, foam or milk should be hypoallergenic and very soft. Look at the composition!

Only warm

Cold and hot water dry out the skin! Therefore, wash only warm. The same goes for taking a shower - after all, skin type usually extends to the rest of the body.

If you want to avoid feeling tight skin all over your body, do not get carried away with a boiling water shower - in general, you should spend no more than 10 minutes in water, and then be sure to rinse the skin with flower water or herbal decoction to equalize the PH of the skin after tap water.

Do not use tap water!

Try to wash your face with soft water whenever possible, usually tap water dries out the skin too much and can cause irritation. Use for washing mineral water or herbal teas.

Dry skin on the face can be the result of excessive passion for chemistry

washing powders, detergents and air fresheners - all household chemicals can make our skin dry, especially if you use these tools often even without gloves.

As for the face, chemistry in this case can be called any cosmetics, both care and decorative, which contains toxic artificial preservatives (nipazol and paraform, etc.) are all mass-market cosmetics.

Oils help!

To care for dry skin, you can even use baby oils - do a gentle massage of your face and body with them every day. Natural vegetable oils also moisturize and nourish the skin well.

Cocoa butter, shea butter, avocado, coconut, macadamia, sasanqua, apricot, jojoba, evening primrose, black cumin, wheat germ are ideal for dry skin. Use these oils for a base, in which you can add a few drops of essential oil (2-3 drops per 30-50 ml). For thin dry skin sandalwood, rose, neroli, carrot, jasmine, adana, ylang-ylang oils are suitable.

ATTENTION: Just don't put it on essential oils directly on the skin - their concentration is too strong, it can cause dryness and irritation.

Read labels!

Preferred Ingredients for Dry Skin:

  1. Ceramides. (Help skin retain water and soothe dry skin. Synthetic ceramides can mimic natural substances in the top layer of skin that help retain moisture.)
  2. D-panthenol and squalene.
  3. Hyaluronic acid.
  4. Aloe Vera.

All these components help to retain moisture in the skin.

Eat and drink

To help dry skin look better and not dry out, drink plenty of water and include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids(fatty fish, nuts, linseed and safflower oil).

As well as products containing the necessary for the skin vitamins A(liver, apricots, carrots, pumpkin, spinach and parsley), IN(dairy products, fish, brown rice, cereal bread, melon, green apples and cabbage) E(seeds and nuts, cucumbers, broccoli, radishes, potatoes), F(fish, corn, vegetable oils, cereals, blackcurrant).

Moisturizing cream

After washing and cleansing the face (and body), apply a moisturizer specifically for dry skin. Apply it on wet skin - it will work much better!

If you regularly moisturize and nourish the skin, and at the same time eat right, then no peeling will occur. But if this problem has overtaken you, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

Oil-based creams are suitable for eliminating peeling, for example, on natural oil- creates a waterproof barrier between the skin and the air, so that moisture does not evaporate from the skin.

ADVICE: In extreme cases, you can use a cream with a small (0.5%) content hydrocortisone- but remember that this is not a cosmetic, but a remedy, they need to lubricate the face 1 per day for 2 weeks, not more.

Makeup removers

Before cleansing the pores, it is necessary to wash off cosmetics every evening and in case of dry skin it is better to do this with hydrophilic oil. It gently removes all makeup (even from the eyes and BB cream) and does not dry out the skin.

Hydrophilic oil can be bought and can do it yourself to be sure that there are no preservatives.

To do this, mix the following ingredients:

  • Polysorbate 80 (10%).
  • Rice bran oil (20%).
  • Peach oil (40%).
  • Sweet almond oil (30%).
  • 2 drops of tea tree essential oil.

COOKING: Pour the components in the above sequence and mix thoroughly, stir in until a homogeneous oily white milk is formed. It is recommended to apply with dry hands on dry face to remove make-up, and then rinse with water. The skin is then ready for a deeper cleansing of the pores.

Don't get carried away with scrubs!

Dry skin does not tolerate mechanical influence - therefore, you need to choose only gentle scrubs, with small grains, and they also need to be cleaned for no more than a minute - this is enough to remove the upper stratum corneum. Scrub is recommended no more than 1-2 times a week.

Masks for dry skin


  • 1 st. spoon of aloe vera gel
  • 1 mashed avocado
  • 1 st. a spoonful of cottage cheese

APPLICATION: Grind the avocado in a blender or mash in a mortar until creamy. Add cottage cheese and aloe vera gel. If there is no ready-made gel, then you can replace it with fresh aloe juice. Mix all the ingredients and apply evenly on the face for 20 minutes. Then gently rinse with warm water.


  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1. h l. liquid honey
  • 1 yolk

APPLICATION: We mix the components and apply with a cotton swab on the face in several layers (2-3). Hold for 20 minutes and wash off with warm water. If you apply the mask 1-2 times a week, it will eliminate skin peeling and tightness.

Features in cold and heat

In the hot season, dry skin should be protected from ultraviolet radiation better, as we know it is thinner, so the remedy must be selected accordingly, stronger. When it's hot use thermal water to moisturize your face.

Dry air and lower temperatures in winter reduce our skin's production of lipids, which are supposed to form a protective film and retain moisture. That is why in winter the skin of any type becomes drier, to say nothing of the skin that is initially prone to dryness.

ADVICE: In winter, it is advisable to apply under makeup thick fat creams, which would protect the skin from overdrying in the cold.

Natural cosmetics for dry skin

Dry skin, like no other, requires careful treatment. Therefore, in order not to harm her, choose natural cosmetics.

Most of the products, some of which we described above, can be made independently at home from ingredients purchased at a pharmacy and on the market. If you do not want to waste time on such experiments, then you will have to buy cosmetics that are more expensive than those presented in the mass market.

IMPORTANT! The base should contain the above ingredients: urea, hyaluronic acid, plant extracts, natural plant and essential oils. Such cosmetics can be sold in a pharmacy or in specialized online and offline stores.

Dry facial skin is characterized by increased sensitivity, so care for it must be competent. Beauticians recommend using different products in accordance with the season of the year, not forgetting about general rules. Most caring procedures are carried out using homemade masks, lotions and creams, and the effect of them will be no less than professional cosmetics and salon services.

This type of facial skin has its own distinctive features: it looks thin, almost "transparent", in adolescence does not cause problems with rashes of acne and blackheads, in the older one, small wrinkles appear on it, dark spots.

Any external irritant can have a negative effect on dry facial skin - even a short exposure to the sun or wind, washing with poor-quality water provokes the appearance of foci with intense peeling, redness.

To care for dry skin at home was correct and effective, you should follow the recommendations of cosmetologists:

For the type of skin under consideration, cosmetic products with cellulose substances, hyaluronic acid, chitosan, collagen and algae polysaccharides will be effective and safe.

  • Deep cleansing of dry facial skin should be carried out regularly, at least 1 time in 10 days. For this, the use of scrubs is allowed, but they must be made of soft abrasive components. The presence in them of fruit acids, sucrose crystals would be appropriate.

Secondly, you need to adjust the drinking regime: in winter, when you have to stay in rooms with dry air for a long time, the skin becomes thin and prone to cracks, inflammation and rashes. At least 2.5 liters of clean water should be drunk per day, and in the evenings, treat the skin with a moisturizer. It is highly desirable to always have a small vessel with water with you, which is periodically irrigated through the sprayer on the skin.

Third, will require the use of specific masks. They can be prepared at home, especially since all the ingredients are usually "at hand". Here are just a few effective recipes face masks for dry skin in winter:

Masks for winter care should be used at least 2-3 times a week, one recipe should be chosen, it is allowed to change it after 3 weeks, before that the skin “rests” for 7 days.

As for the choice of professional cosmetics for dry skin in the winter season, you should pay attention to those that contain hyaluronic acid and ceramides.

These components form lipid layer and provide protection for sensitive skin from low air temperatures, its dryness, and winds.

Take care of yourself in spring

In the spring, the body undergoes dramatic changes - metabolic processes begin to work in an accelerated mode, there is a lack of vitamins, and immunity decreases. This, of course, is reflected in the condition of the skin of the face, and if they are of the dry type, then they will appear:

  • excessive peeling;
  • dull color;
  • small wrinkles;
  • foci of inflammation - redness, rashes;
  • freckles, age spots.

Freckles and age spots appear under the influence of the sun.

You can solve these problems by regularly using homemade masks:

  • pulp of ½ grapefruit + 1 tablespoon of olive oil - cleanses and softens;
  • pureed fruits (any) + cream in equal amounts - nourishes and moisturizes;
  • lemon, crushed in a blender + potato starch in equal proportions - whitens and cleanses;
  • 30 g of rye bread + 50 ml of low-fat kefir - tightens, tones, moisturizes.

These funds are applied to a pre-cleansed face for 10 minutes, washed off with warm water. After the procedure, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with a moisturizing cream, and instead of washing your face in the morning, you should give preference to wiping with an ice cube from a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

In order for dry facial skin to remain beautiful, fresh and problem-free in the spring, you should follow the recommendations of cosmetologists:

  • drink 100 ml of sauerkraut brine daily or eat at least 3 tablespoons of this product - this will prevent the appearance of freckles and age spots;
  • you need to get used to the sun gradually, so in the spring it is appropriate to wear wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses;
  • drink at least one and a half liters of pure water per day;
  • you can wash your face in the morning and evening with water with the addition of a small amount of honey or milk (1 teaspoon per glass) - this will soften the dermis and make it smoother;
  • cleansing of the skin should be carried out only with soft scrubs, aggressive agents can increase the susceptibility of the epidermis to ultraviolet rays.

It is quite acceptable to use in the care of dry skin in the spring and professional cosmetics.

It is advisable to choose moisturizers that contain cocoa butter and aloe extract, vitamins A, C, E. Masks and cosmetic gels, serums with amino acids, and selenium will be useful.

Dry skin care in summer

Sun rays, sea water, heat air, wind - absolutely all factors have a negative effect on the skin of the face. If it is dry, then in the summer you will need to pay special attention to it. Beauticians identify several basic recommendations for care:

  • Protection. It is required around the clock, so before going out, be sure to apply a protective cream that will prevent the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on dry skin. When choosing such products, you need to pay attention to the composition and give preference to those where there is a minimum of chemical additives.

Be sure to take care of the lips, because they are weather-beaten and flaky, they will not add beauty to the appearance, therefore hygienic lipstick must be used continuously.

  • Moisturizing. Fluid loss in the summer occurs very quickly and it will not be superfluous to replenish it - 2 liters of water per day must be drunk. In addition, you must constantly irrigate or wipe your face with ice cubes.
  • cleansing. Any exfoliating procedures should be carried out at least 1 time per week. With dry skin, you can’t use aggressive products, it’s better to cook scrubs yourself, and by and large, even pureed fruits and berries can rid the epidermis of extra scales. After such procedures, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.
  • Nutrition. Here is where to "turn around"! Fruits and vegetables are freely available, so they need to be entered on the menu in large quantities. From some vegetables and most fruits / berries, you can make quick masks that will saturate the dermis with essential vitamins and trace elements in just 10 minutes.

Summer is not a reason to forget about masks, which should be applied at least 2 times a week. The most relevant during this period of the year will be:

  • Nutrients. Berries or fruits are taken as a basis - apples, strawberries, peaches, apricots, currants and so on. They need to be turned into puree and add cream or sour cream to it - all components in equal proportions. Are applied nourishing masks on previously cleansed facial skin, exposure time - 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

With excessive dryness of the dermis and existing peeling, it is recommended to add 5-10 drops of vegetable oil to nourishing masks, for which you can use olive, flaxseed, wheat germ, grape seeds, walnut.

A mask based on whole milk also has moisturizing properties: 1 teaspoon of aloe leaf pulp and the same amount of oatmeal are added per 50 ml. Such funds have their beneficial effect within 15 minutes - this is the time of the procedure.

  • Cleansing. They can replace scrubs, and the effect will be no less high. It is enough to mix 1 tablespoon of ground almonds (powder with small grains) with the same amount of liquid honey. The mass is applied to the face, and after 10 minutes a light massage is performed. After such a cleansing procedure, the face is washed with warm milk and lubricated with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Experts recommend not using decorative cosmetics in the summer, or at least limiting yourself to blush, mascara and lipstick. Anyway, foundation creams and powder will definitely be out of place.

By following all the tips for caring for dry skin of the face, there will be no problems with it even in the summer, and the transition to autumn days will pass more painless.

Maintaining beauty in autumn

And during this period of the year, care for the dermis is required, although it is nourished with vitamins, and constantly moisturized, and cleaned with the “right” means. In autumn, the biological rhythm of the body changes, the reduction of the light period of the day and the increase in the dark do not have a very positive effect on people. Because of this, immunity, the psycho-emotional background simply “rebel”. Therefore, competent caring procedures will be very appropriate.


It should be carried out with soft means and with the addition of vegetable oils to them. This will help retain moisture in the dermis and narrow the pores, which means that the risk of inflamed areas of the skin of the face becomes minimal. The most efficient and Safe recipes for cleansing masks for dry skin in the autumn:

  • 1 tablespoon oatmeal + 1 tablespoon milk + 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of finely ground salt + 1 teaspoon of almond oil + 1 tablespoon of kefir;
  • 1 teaspoon chopped almonds + 1 tablespoon sour cream + 5 drops of peach essential oil.

Watch the video on how to properly care for dry skin:

These products are applied to the skin with soft circular rubbing movements - this period of the procedure lasts 3-4 minutes. Then the mass remains on the face for another 8 minutes and the remaining 3 minutes is again rubbed over the surface of the dermis. Only after these manipulations can you wash yourself with warm water and treat the skin with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Cleansing procedures in the fall should be carried out at least 1 time per week.

Hydration and nutrition

In autumn, creams and masks with such properties should be used more often than in summer. Creams are better to choose with natural composition, they should contain cocoa and jojoba oils, glycerin and extracts of chamomile or calendula. A nourishing cream is applied to the skin in the evening after mandatory cleansing without alcohol in the composition, and a moisturizing cream is applied twice a day.

As for homemade masks, in the fall you should pay attention to the following recipes:

You can apply the composition 2 times a week, and rinse with warm milk.

  • Grind pear, grapes, apple and white cabbage into puree. Take 1 tablespoon of the finished mass, add any moisturizer to it in the amount of 1 teaspoon, stir everything and apply on the face. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

In autumn, you can actively apply lotion to cleanse your face from decorative cosmetics, dust and dirt. It is prepared from 3 parts of water and 1 part of aloe pulp, stored for no more than 10 days in a cool place, and used 2 times a day. This composition is suitable for the preparation of ice cubes - they wipe the skin in the morning, replacing the usual washing with the procedure.

Dry facial skin with proper and regular care at any time of the year will remain fresh, toned and without any external changes. Peeling and redness, pigmentation and early wrinkles appear only if a person forgets about the recommendations of cosmetologists.

Useful video

Watch the video about masks for dry skin of the face - advice from a beautician:

The key to beauty and youth is a well-designed daily facial that will perform all the necessary functions. In order for cosmetics to have the maximum effect, it is necessary to select the appropriate products, taking into account the needs of your own skin.

Dry dermis is not so common, but many girls mistakenly classify themselves as owners of this type of skin. The misconception is that it is the dehydrated appearance of the epithelium that is most often mistaken for dry skin, choosing as a result completely wrong care. Avoiding such mistakes is very easy if you learn how to correctly determine your skin type.

Signs and possible causes of dry and sensitive facial skin

Dry skin is the type of epidermis that is endowed from the very moment of birth. At the same time, it practically does not change throughout life, with the exception of the appearance of any signs of age. Of course, under the influence of external factors, the skin condition may worsen or improve, depending on whether cosmetic care products are chosen correctly. However, the general features characteristic of the exclusively dry type remain unchanged.

These include:

  • pale skin tone;
  • feeling of tightness after washing;
  • the presence of redness and peeling;
  • insufficient elasticity;
  • reduced pores;
  • the appearance of early facial wrinkles;
  • tendency to form allergic reactions;
  • thinning of the water-fat film;
  • excessive sensitivity to weather conditions.

In youth, the dry type of skin does not cause almost any significant problems. Its owners can boast of a beautiful clear skin without any inflammation and enlarged pores. However, closer to adulthood, it is on dry skin that the first signs of aging appear most quickly. The main reason for this premature aging is insufficient secretion of the sebaceous glands.

The situation is aggravated:

  • Wrong diet and lack of water in the body.
  • Bad habits such as alcohol and smoking.
  • Unstable emotional state.
  • Abuse sunbathing and solarium.

How to care: step by step care

If pick up proper care, dry skin retains its attractive appearance for a long time appearance. It is worth making some mistakes or not paying due attention to this type - after a short period of time you will notice quite pronounced wrinkles in the reflection. In order to prevent the appearance of premature signs of aging, it is necessary to responsibly approach the choice of cosmetics.


The dry type of the dermis reacts equally negatively to both cold and hot water. washing hot water promotes dehydration of the upper layers of the skin, while cold water provokes the appearance of rosacea.

It is best to carry out the cleansing procedure with water at room temperature, and before washing, apply nourishing oils with herbal ingredients to the face.

Care cosmetics

A properly selected cream for dry skin will help restore the barrier layer of the dermis after cleansing, and will also have an intense moisturizing and nourishing effect.

  • Moisturizing. The cream contains moisturizing components that retain moisture in the epithelial cells. These include hyaluronic acid and glycerin. Moisturizing formulations have a light texture, so they are ideal for applying under makeup. It is best to use this cream in the morning, when you need to nourish the skin with useful substances very quickly.
  • Nutritious. It is made on the basis of animal and vegetable fats. It has a thick texture, reminiscent of fatty sour cream. Due to the thick consistency, the nourishing cream needs time to be completely absorbed into the skin structure. At the same time, after application, some formulations leave an uncomfortable film, over which it is difficult to apply decorative cosmetics. That is why creams with a nourishing effect are recommended to be used at night or during the cold season, when dry skin needs more intensive care. Read about Himalaya Herbals Nourishing Cream at.

Incorrectly selected skin care cosmetics can provoke premature aging, acne, dermatitis and allergic reactions.

Sun and dust protection

In summer, hot heat and pollution provoke clogging of hair follicles. As a result, even dry skin type, under the influence of heat, begins to produce an excessive amount of sebum, which leads to the formation of acne and comedones.

In addition, the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation affect the health of the skin. Wrinkles, age spots appear, and in some cases an allergic reaction is observed due to excessive exposure to the sun. To protect dry skin spring-summer period, it is very important to have special products with a protective function in your cosmetic bag.

  • Sunscreens. Their action depends on the spf factor included in the composition. The higher the index, the more pronounced the protective function of this remedy. In summer, it is recommended to use formulations with an spf of at least 30. You can learn more about creams with SPF 30 at.

Sunscreen is applied half an hour before sun exposure, after which the layer is updated as needed.

  • Makeup bases. The base for dry skin of the face contains moisturizing ingredients that saturate the epithelial cells with the necessary moisture. In addition to the caring effect, a high-quality foundation evens out the overall skin tone, smoothes the relief and increases the durability of makeup in the hot season. How to choose decorative cosmetics for dry skin can be found in.

Makeup base should match your natural skin tone. It is best to choose a product during the day, when you can easily notice the differences between the chosen color and your own face tone.

What does complex daily care include: rules of application

Complete dry skin care includes three main steps: cleansing, toning and moisturizing. In this case, all procedures should be carried out using products that do not contain alcohol or other components with a drying effect. Dry epithelium needs daily care, but you should not overload it with frequent application of products or a constant change in cosmetic formulations.

At home folk remedies

Nutritious masks and creams prepared independently at home have a beneficial effect. In combination with home remedies, it is recommended to systematically perform facial massage, which increases the blood flow of the upper layers of the epidermis and stimulates the production of collagen.

The procedure should be performed exclusively along the muscles of the face in the direction of the massage lines. Improper technique can aggravate nasolabial folds and provoke the appearance of new wrinkles.

  • Moisturizing masks. The main nutritional components in are plant extracts, base and essential oils. Light oils of grape and peach seeds, as well as esters of lavender, ylang-ylang, and chamomile have a moisturizing effect.

Nourishing olive, coconut, shea and jojoba oils restore the dehydrated epithelium more intensively. In addition to oils, various dairy products, such as yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese or kefir, are added to homemade masks for dry skin. As plant components, aloe leaves, decoctions based on linden, chamomile, calendula are used.

  • Eating homemade creams. The composition of store products often includes various preservatives, emulsifiers and flavors. Therefore, purchased funds have a long shelf life from 6 months to several years. We offer you a simple recipe nourishing cream.

In a non-metallic bowl, combine beeswax with shea butter, heating the components in a water bath. As soon as the mixture becomes liquid, add aloe juice and oil to it. grape seeds. Blend the ingredients thoroughly with a blender. In the process of cooling the mass, it is necessary to constantly stir the cream, after which the thickened mixture is placed in a glass container with a lid and sent for storage in the refrigerator.

Homemade moisturizers are less stored, but do not contain chemicals that adversely affect the condition of the skin.

Features of care by age

Throughout life, our skin undergoes some changes. Therefore, when choosing the right cosmetics, it is necessary to take into account not only the type of dermis, but also your age category. Usually on the packaging, the manufacturer indicates for what age this or that cosmetic product is intended.

After 25

Having crossed this digital frontier, dry skin begins to rapidly lose its elasticity and firmness. This is especially true for the area around the eyes, lips, as well as the zone of nasolabial folds. After 25 years, comprehensive care, in addition to moisturizing creams, should include the use of active serums, concentrates and serums.

The main property of such products is to enhance the effect of subsequent products applied to the skin of the face. For example, owners of a dry type are recommended to use intensive moisturizing serums that can increase the effect of a daily cream. It is also important to regularly apply the appropriate one.

Cream "Garnier" for dry skin care after 25 years with an average cost of 200-250 rubles.

After 35

Age takes its toll and after 35 years there is a more intense aging of the skin. Crow's feet appear around the eyes, nasolabial, interbrow folds are aggravated. It must always be remembered that it is much easier to prevent the appearance of wrinkles than to fight the signs of aging that have already appeared.

The composition of anti-aging products includes collagen and elastin hydrolysates, which mature skin needs so much. In addition to cosmetic products, it is necessary to use procedures aimed at intensive restoration and hydration of the epidermis. These include biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid, botulinum therapy and others. modern techniques, which effectively fight mimic wrinkles. Also find out recipes for masks at home after 35.

Cream "Clean Line" from 35 years old costs from 100 rubles.

After 50

At this stage of life, age-related changes are due to hormonal changes in the body. Insufficient amount of sex hormones, lack of reproductive function - all these factors contribute to the intensive aging of the dermis. Despite this, one should be very careful about innovative methods based on the use of hormonal components. It is also worth learning recipes for anti-aging masks at home after 50 years.

Such procedures can provoke a cancellation effect, after which the epidermis will lose its tone much more rapidly. Cosmetics should act on the deep layers of the dermis, activating the production of structural proteins. For this, in anti-aging creams retinoic and hyaluronic acids predominate, as well as silk proteins and collagen. One of the most popular creams -.

The cost of a rem from 46 years old from the Chistaya Liniya company is approximately 150 rubles.

Diet and lifestyle for dry skin

Smoking, alcohol abuse, and excessive sun exposure further aggravate the condition of dehydrated epidermis. Apart from bad habits a sedentary lifestyle, devoid of active pastime and sufficient physical activity, has a negative impact.

To normalize the balance of water in the body, you must:

  • refuse to eat fatty foods such as lard, pork or chicken legs;
  • drink enough water per day, at least 1.5 liters;
  • use olive, linseed or sunflower oils in the daily diet;
  • restore the natural level of hormones through systematic sports, yoga or any other physical activity.

Video: the right approach to restore problem skin: the main steps

This video will show you how to take care of dry skin.


  1. In order for the selected care to be as effective as possible, choose cosmetics based on the needs of your type of dermis. The main thing is to know all the secrets of that.
  2. Cleanse dry skin with special cosmetics that do not contain harsh surfactants.
  3. After washing, apply a sufficient layer of moisturizing or nourishing cream to restore the protective functions of the skin.
  4. And remember, skin health depends not only on well-chosen care. Proper nutrition, sufficient water intake, the absence of bad habits and good sleep - all these components will help preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin for many years.
