Rules of the road for children in the nursery. Synopsis of the open lesson "Rules of the road for preschoolers" in the middle group

Website "Mom can do anything!" collected the most interesting poems about traffic rules for children. They will help kids remember the rules traffic. And in order to make learning even more interesting, we have prepared poems in pictures.

Reading a book stupid elephant
On the bridge itself
And he doesn't know that he
Risking his head.

You have to listen without argument.
Traffic light indications:
Need traffic rules
Perform without objection.

Everywhere and everywhere the rules, they must always be known:
Without them, ships will not set sail from the harbor.
The polar explorer and the pilot go on a flight according to the rules.
The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules.
Like a multiplication table, like a lesson
Remember the traffic rules by heart!
They don’t just walk around the city, along the street:
When you don't know the rules, it's easy to get into trouble.
Always be careful and remember in advance:
The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules!

At any intersection
We are met by a traffic light
And starts very easy.
Conversation with a pedestrian:
Light green - come on!
Yellow - better wait!
If the light turns red -
Moving is dangerous!
Let the tram pass
have patience.
Learn and respect the traffic rules.

And avenues and boulevards -
Everywhere the streets are noisy
Walk on the sidewalk
Only on the right side!

Here to play pranks, interfere with the people
Be a good pedestrian

If you are on the tram
And the people around you
No pushing, no yawning
Move forward quickly.

Ride a "hare", as you know,
Make way for the old lady

If you're just walking
Look ahead anyway
Through a noisy intersection
Walk carefully.

Red light crossing
With green even for children

There is an underground passage
And an overpass.
On it we go boldly
He will save from cars!

Wheels rush
On the way to.
Over the road
Legs are shaking.
This is me going
This is me running
On horseback!
Me and sitting
I'm running!
And I'm sitting
On the run!
And I roll cars
And I roll
Where I want!

Here on post anytime
A dexterous sentry is on duty.
He manages all at once
Who is in front of him on the pavement.

No one in the world can do that
With one hand
Stop the flow of passers-by
And skip the trucks.

Traffic light - road friend-
Rules everything around.
Red light is a menacing sight.
He poses danger.
If the light is on like this
So, like a soldier, stop!

Here on post anytime
Duty dexterous - sentry.
He manages all at once
Who is in front of him on the pavement.

No one in the world can do that
With one hand
Stop the flow of passers-by
And skip the trucks.

Zebra lives in Africa
Very striped.
Drinking water, chewing grass
Wants to frolic.

And on our street
Here at the crossroads
Like a zebra just right -
Transition to stripes.

Sends a green ray of light
He is like a mother to you.
Taking by the hand, will hold
Straight across the stripes.

If the sign is in a red border -
So - you can't do that!
So - the action is dangerous!
Listen to him, friends!

You have to listen without argument.
Traffic light indications.
Need traffic rules
Perform without objection.
This will confirm everything for you.
Good doctor Aibolit.

Hidden under the snow lawns with grass,
Slippery cars on the pavement.
Ice covered the riverbed
Teddy Bear is on skates.

Only rides not on a cat:
He went out into the street with a stick in his hand.
Cars are driving in the distance.
It is difficult for cars to slow down in winter,
Tires will slide on snow.

How long, children, is it up to trouble here ?!
There are ice rinks and ponds for hockey.
Just put on your skate boots
The ice will sing under your feet all day.
And the pavement is a dangerous skating rink,
We need to get back to the yard, my friend.

Pedestrian, pedestrian
Remember about the transition!
deep underground,
Like a zebra, ground.
Know that only the transition
Will save you from cars!

Here on post anytime
Duty dexterous - sentry.
He manages all at once
Who is in front of him on the pavement.

No one in the world can do that
With one hand
Stop the flow of passers-by
And skip the trucks.

Where there is a noisy intersection,
Where cars can not be counted
It's not so easy to go
If you don't know the rules.

Let the children remember firmly:
He does the right thing,
Who only by the green light
It's coming across the street!

Where there is a noisy intersection,
Where cars can not be counted
It's not so easy to go
If you don't know the rules.

Let the children remember firmly:
He does the right thing,
Who only by the green light
It's coming across the street!

traffic rules,
All without exception
Animals should know:
Badgers and pigs,

Hares and tigers
Ponies and kittens.
you guys too
All of them must be known.

Brake driver. Stop!
The sign is a ban in front of you.
This sign is the strictest
So that you do not enter into a mess.
You must follow the sign
"Under the brick" do not call.

We give the guys a warning:
Learn the rules of the road urgently,
So that parents do not worry every day,
To calmly raced the street drivers!

The city in which we live with you
You can rightly compare with the primer.
The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads
The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet, above the head:
The signs are hung over the pavement.
Always remember the alphabet of the city
So that trouble does not happen to you!

Children's playground near the house
According to the Rules - a residential area.
Will prompt a sign to the driver -
In the yard - be vigilant.
Drive quietly, carefully
Park where you can.

A person is drawn.
Man is digging the earth.
Why is there no way?
Maybe they are looking for treasure here?
and old coins
Are they in a big chest?
They are here, probably old
Hid a very greedy king.
They told me: “What are you, what are you!
There's road work here!"

Round sign that looks like a ball
He forbids movement.
He won't make it to the match
Who breaks the rules.

Road rules
Not so complicated
Only rules in life
Everyone needs it very much.

Wonderful sign -
Exclamation mark!
So you can scream here
Sing, make noise, play pranks?
Or run barefoot!
Or go with the wind!
The people answer sternly:
"This is a dangerous road!"
Very requested road sign
Ride quietly, be careful!

Here on post anytime
A dexterous sentry is on duty.
He manages all at once
Who is in front of him on the pavement.

No one in the world can do this:
With one hand
Stop the flow of passers-by
And skip the trucks.

Twisted head
In a circular motion.
The kids played -
In the amusement park.
And the driver does not play -
In a circular motion
The path continues along the arrow -
Driving Rules.

Sledges, skis and skates
Brighten up winter days.
But ride, it's clear
You need to be in a safe place.

Talking to a crane in the distance
In some foreign language.
It sounds amazing:
"Vira! Mayna!
Vira! Maina!
"Maina" - the cargo went down.
"Vira" - he hung at the top.
Crane understands perfectly.
Lowers, raises.
Anything the crane operator says
Performs at the same time.

Cars need to eat too
Gasoline, gas fill.
And then he won’t ride, listen,
Without fuel they will start to sneeze.
From the doctor prescription and help,
They won't help, they won't save.
Salvation - gas station - gas station,
Gasoline will pour, you, only here.

Girls and boys,
All, without exception,
Learn the rules
Road traffic!

They gave the guys a warning:
“Learn urgently, traffic rules!
To not worry
Every day parents
To calmly rush
Street drivers.

Dad goes hunting
Rides in the Niva - "Russian Jeep".
Suddenly grabbed his head
I forgot my gun - here I am!
Direction only,
Can't turn back home
Mom told dad
What a hurry he is in vain.

Red - "Stop!" "Get ready!" - yellow.
And the green light is "Go!"
Be careful and persistent
Don't run - wait for the signal!

Ekaterina Kholodenina

With the development of technology in our country, as well as throughout the world, the number of traffic accidents is increasing: according to statistics, every tenth victim in them is a child. More often it associated with non-compliance with the rules of the road: after all, it is difficult for a child to understand what a stopping distance, driver reaction time or traffic flow is. Children often suffer from a lack of understanding of the danger posed by a car.

It is known that habits fixed in childhood remain for life, so one of the important problems in ensuring road safety is the prevention of child road injuries in preschool institutions. The study of the Rules of the road is one of the main tasks today, because it is in before school age lays the foundation for life orientations in the environment, and everything that a child learns in kindergarten will remain with him forever.

Considering the special significance of work in this direction, and the fact that kindergarten is the very first step in the system of continuous education, in our kindergarten and group, work is constantly being done on the topic: "Safety of children through familiarization with the rules of the road."

We try to teach children the rules of safe behavior on the roads through didactic games and exercises, outdoor games, role-playing games according to traffic rules, entertainment, excursions, creativity.

I express my deep gratitude to the creators of the MAAM portal for the opportunity to share their ideas and developments. Also to talented colleagues for their imagination and creativity. All of these are of great help.

I would like to bring to your attention some moments of work on this topic, and first of all, to bring to your attention the game "Collect a traffic light", which appeared thanks to the MAAM portal.

The guys have circles on the tables: red, yellow and green - they are made from old plastic napkins and pasted over with a self-adhesive film, which makes them flexible and easy to process. With their help, you can solve didactic problems and organize an outdoor game.

Mobile game "Collect a traffic light" - educates children's attention, concentration, observation, forms orientation in space, teaches them to act on a signal, develops dexterity.

Game progress: The circles are laid out on a table (mat, the children move freely throughout the site, depicting transport, at the "TRAFFIC LIGHT" signal, quickly take the circles and make up a traffic light. Children can be given an installation for whom the red circle stops by lifting the circle up, the rest complete the traffic light. (Variants of the game can be varied)

Learning road signs with a didactic game

A model of the city on the veranda that helps children through game to learn the rules of the road

This wonderful traffic police inspector came to our kindergarten for sports entertainment, which was organized by our wonderful colleagues - physical. head Lukyanenko Elena Ivanovna; music directors Oleinik Tatiana Alexandrovna and Zaliskaya Victoria Viktorovna

The group also created a layout of the city, it is easily transformed and not only boys, but also girls play there with pleasure

City tours are a great way to explore this topic.

We consolidate the acquired knowledge through creativity

Actors of the theater "Smile", who were invited by the administration of our garden, showed the guys a wonderful performance: "Well, wait a traffic light!"

The wolf showed in practice what a stopping distance is!

And what happens to those who do not follow the traffic

Related publications:

"Leisure activities as a means of effective assistance in learning the rules of the road" Roads, transport - the realities of today's life.

Tournament of connoisseurs of the rules of the road state budgetary educational institution of the Samara region, secondary school No. 14 named after the full cavalier.

Leisure "Connoisseurs of the rules of the road" Leisure according to traffic rules in the compensatory group: "Experts on the rules of the road" Purpose: to form the basics of safety in children.

Purpose: - to consolidate the knowledge and ideas of children about road safety; - continue to acquaint children with the rules of the road;

There are so many of our movements on the streets, There are so many all kinds of cars everywhere, But don't get lost, don't be afraid of the road, And hurry to learn these rules.

The manual is made with your own hands from an old table and a wooden town constructor. We use it in the classroom circle work, independent.

Dear parents, remember!

The child learns the laws of the road, taking an example from family members and other adults.

Learning the rules of the road does not begin when the child takes the first steps. Much earlier, he remembers how his loved ones behave (as well as positive and negative behavior). Therefore, the study of the rules of behavior on the road begins with how adults behave in similar situations - yourself, grandparents, brothers and sisters, as well as everyone with whom your child comes into contact in one way or another. Before you cross the road for the first time with a baby in your arms or in a stroller, learn how to behave on the street the way you would like your child to do it.

Remember these simple rules:

* On the sidewalk should go as far as possible from the carriageway;

* When crossing the street, you should stop at the roadway and look to the left, then to the right and again quickly to the left;

* Start crossing the street only when the traffic light is green;

* Cross the street whenever possible in safe places - at a traffic light, at a zebra crossing or at least at an intersection - car drivers are more attentive here .;

* Never rush headlong into traffic.

At preschool age, the child should learn:

* Traffic Laws;

* elements of the road (road, carriageway, sidewalk, roadside, pedestrian crossing, intersection);

* vehicles (tram, bus, trolley bus, passenger car, freight car, motorcycle, bicycle);

* means of traffic control;

* red, yellow and green traffic lights;

* traffic rules on roadsides and sidewalks;

* rules for crossing the carriageway;

* without adults it is impossible to go out on the road;

* Rules for boarding, behavior and disembarkation in public transport.

For this you need

1. to acquaint with the rules only to the extent necessary for assimilation;

2. for familiarization, use traffic situations when walking in the yard, on the road;

3. explain what is happening on the road, what vehicles he sees;

4. when and where it is possible to cross the carriageway, when and where it is impossible;

5. point out violators of the rules, both pedestrians and drivers;

6. teach your child the rules of cycling (where you can ride and where you can’t, how to signal a turn and stop);

7. when riding a bicycle with a child, stay behind to control the child and note his mistakes;

8. to fix visual memory (where is the vehicle, road elements, shops, schools, kindergartens, pharmacies, pedestrian crossings, traffic lights, ways of safe and dangerous traffic to kindergarten);

9. develop spatial representation (close, far, left, right, in the direction of travel, behind);

10. develop an idea of ​​the speed of movement of vehicles of pedestrians (drives fast, slowly, turns);

11. do not intimidate the child with the street: fear of transport is no less harmful than carelessness and inattention;

When leaving home

If traffic is possible at the entrance of the house, immediately pay attention to the child if there is any approaching transport. If there are vehicles or trees growing at the entrance, stop your movement and look around for danger.

When driving on the sidewalk

Stick to the right side. An adult must be on the side of the roadway. If the sidewalk is next to the road, parents should hold the child's hand. Teach your child, walking along the sidewalk, to carefully observe the departure of cars from the yard. Do not teach children to go out onto the roadway, carry strollers and sleds only along the sidewalk.

Getting ready to cross the road

Stop, look around the road. Develop your child's observation of the road. Emphasize your movements: turn your head to look at the road. Stop for inspection of the road, stop for passing cars. Teach your child to peer into the distance, to distinguish between approaching cars. Don't stand with your child on the edge of the sidewalk. Draw the attention of the child to the vehicle preparing to turn, talk about the signals of the direction indicators for cars. Show how the vehicle stops at the crossing, how it moves by inertia.

When crossing the road

Cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing or at an intersection. Go only to the green traffic light, even if there are no cars. Stop talking when you get out on the road. Do not rush, do not run, cross the road measuredly. Do not cross the street at an angle, explain to the child that the way to see the road is worse. Do not go out onto the roadway with a child because of traffic or bushes without first inspecting the street. Do not rush to cross the road, if on the other side you see friends, the right bus, teach your child that it is dangerous. When crossing an unregulated intersection, teach your child to carefully monitor the start of traffic. Explain to the child that even on the road where there are few cars, one must cross carefully, as the car can leave the yard, from the alley.

When boarding and disembarking from a vehicle

Get out first, ahead of the child, otherwise the child may fall, run out onto the roadway. Approach for landing to a door only after a full stop. Do not get into transport last moment(may squash doors). Teach your child to be careful in the stop zone - this is a dangerous place (poor view of the road, passengers can push the child onto the road).

While waiting for transport

Stand only on landing pads, on the sidewalk, or on the side of the road.

Street Switching Skill: When approaching a road, stop, look around the street in both directions.

The skill of calm, confident behavior on the street: when leaving home, do not be late, leave early so that you have a margin of time when walking calmly.

The skill of switching to self-control: the ability to monitor one's behavior is formed daily under the guidance of parents.

Danger Foresight Skill: The child must see with his own eyes that danger often hides behind various objects on the street.

It is important that parents be an example for children in observing the rules of the road!

Don't rush, cross the road at a measured pace!

When you go out onto the carriageway, stop talking - the child should get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.

Do not cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light.

Cross the road only in places marked with a road sign "Pedestrian crossing".

Get out of the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run into the roadway.

Involve your child in your observations of the situation on the road: show him the cars that are preparing to turn, go at high speed, etc.

Do not go out with a child from behind a car, bushes, without first examining the road - this is a typical mistake, and children should not be allowed to repeat it.

Dedicate a separate walk to the rules of crossing the road. Check if your child understands them correctly, if he knows how to use this knowledge in real traffic situations. To do this, practice walking together at a pedestrian crossing through a carriageway with one-way and two-way traffic, through regulated and unregulated intersections.

During the holidays, it does not matter whether your child stays in the city or leaves, you must use every opportunity to remind him of the rules of the road. Do not leave children unattended on the street, do not allow them to play near the roadway.

Teach children with early age follow the rules of the road. And do not forget that personal example is the most intelligible form of learning.

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The child must be introduced to the rules of behavior on the roads, starting from kindergarten age. This does not mean at all that the baby should be forced to memorize everything. road signs taught by adults in driving schools. Each age has its own set of knowledge.

Dear parents! Do you follow the rules of the road? You can not answer, I know myself - not all and not always.

It is so scary to watch how a young mother drags her child by the hand, crossing the street in the wrong place, or dad, having put the baby on a bicycle, rolls in the general stream of cars, not even bothering to put a helmet on the child ... But children copy their parents in everyone. And then, a little grown up kid, without hesitation, runs across the street anywhere or rides a bicycle along the roadway.

Everyone is sympathetic to the fact that car drivers are taught for a long time and hard not only to drive a car, but also to follow the rules of the road. But after all, pedestrians are exactly the same traffic participants as motorists, only more vulnerable, more unprotected.

And children, due to their age and development of the mind, the inability to correctly assess the speed of moving cars and the environment, are all the more at risk as soon as they go out into the street.

Therefore, observance by adults of traffic rules is a necessary condition for children's safety on the roads.

Necessary, but not sufficient.

The child must be introduced to the rules of behavior on the roads, starting from kindergarten age. This does not mean at all that the baby should be forced to memorize all the road signs that adults learn in driving schools. And this is a large amount of knowledge that can be obtained at the EU driving school at Each age has its own set of knowledge.

What should a preschooler know about traffic rules?

  1. Walking on the streets should be on the sidewalk.
  2. Keep to the right on the sidewalk.
  3. Toddlers under 7 years old can only ride a bike on the sidewalk and accompanied by an adult.
  4. Children from 7 to 14 years of age have the right to ride on sidewalks, bike and bike paths. Drive slowly and on the right side of the sidewalk or path.
  5. The presence of a bicycle helmet is mandatory.
  6. When riding a bicycle, be sure to hold on to the steering wheel with at least one hand (you can show turns with the other).
  7. When crossing the road, get off the bike and drive it alongside.
  8. Cross the road only in places specially designated for this - along the "zebra".
  9. If there is a traffic light at the crossing, follow the rules of the transition "green - go, red - stop".

It seems that everything is easy and simple. But for a child, this is new information. And these coloring pictures will help you remember it.

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How to correctly explain the rules of the road for children so that they not only understand and remember them, but also observe them daily and without reminders?

And how appropriate it is to talk about the importance of traffic rules for children, the statistics of accidents speak for themselves.

According to the traffic police, in Russia, the death rate of children in car accidents exceeds the death rate due to fires and floods, air and railway accidents. Even due to illness, children die less often than from accidents on the road.

Such statistics should make adults seriously think about how to protect their child from tragedy.

Mistakes of parents explaining the rules of the road to children

It often happens that many parents, even those who have a driver's license, cannot correctly convey to the child elementary knowledge about behavior on and near the roadway, at stops and in transport. Limiting themselves to the phrases “Stop, there is a road”, “Walk with me by the hand” and “It is impossible”, they bring up an illiterate pedestrian. And then all hope for kindergarten and school, they say, they will teach there.

The process of understanding and assimilation of the rules of the road is a very complex and long process, which should consist not only of explanations from mom and dad, "How can you" and "How can you not." Traffic rules for children should become an important part of education in every family.

When and how to start explaining traffic rules to children?

Teaching children so important rules possible and necessary already from a year and a half. Usually begin to give it great attention when the baby can move independently. Of course, at this age, the child will not yet be able to remember where to look when crossing the street and which light to stop at. This does not mean that there is no need to learn.

Teach your children about the rules of the road, based on the following recommendations:

  1. Look at the pictures with your children various types transport, teach them to call them, show them, recognize them on the street. It is important to know and distinguish the sounds of various vehicles, to be able to pronounce them.
  2. Good helpers in learning will be books with stories and stories about the road, transport, as well as cartoons on these topics.
  3. With kids 2 years old you can already play in simple games simulating situations on the road. So, for example, children will be happy to remember the colors of a traffic light and how to act when a light is on. To do this, adults can show the child mugs of red, yellow or green colors and combine them with movements (stand still, clap or walk).
  4. With a child from 3 years old, it will be useful to draw, for example, the road from home to a store or kindergarten, read and learn simple rhymes about the rules of the road for children, solve riddles, look at road signs on the street and special toy road signs for children at home.
  5. It is necessary to develop in kids ideas about space and speed of movement. This will help exercises to determine the remoteness of the object. Choose for the child any object or object in sight and ask him to describe in words far or near, front or back, right or left. Teach your child to determine whether he is walking fast or slow (a car is driving).

What should contain traffic rules for children?

By the age of three, a child should know and understand the following concepts:

  • road, carriageway
  • Sidewalk, sidewalk
  • crossroads
  • Transition (pedestrian, underground, ground)
  • A pedestrian
  • Driver
  • Vehicle (car, bicycle, bus, tram, trolleybus, motorcycle, moped, etc.)
  • Traffic light
  • Road sign
  • Stop

At preschool and primary school age, it is necessary to form children's knowledge about the basic rules of the road. This knowledge can be conditionally divided into four groups.

  1. Rules for crossing the road

  • Cross the street at the crossing (pedestrian, underground, elevated).
  • If a pedestrian crossing has a traffic light for pedestrians, cross when the light is green.
  • If there is no traffic light for pedestrians, cross when all cars have stopped (for them, the traffic light will turn red).
  • If there is no special crossing, look first to the right, then to the left, and if there are no cars, go.
  • Never cross the road. Walk quickly and calmly.
  • Do not talk while crossing the road, be careful.

Adults need to remember the most important rule. Not a single rule of the road for kids will make any sense if you yourself do not adhere to them or start breaking them. Only by setting the right example will you be able to keep children safe on the road.

Cartoon about the rules of the road for children
