Vladimir Putin signed two laws concerning pensions: major changes. Transition period

286 amendments were made to the original text of the law prepared by the Ministry of Labor. Most of them were rejected, but some still entered the document. What is the final version of the new law on pensions?

When insurance and social?

Under the new law, the retirement age in Russia has increased by 5 years. From now on, women will go on a well-deserved rest at 60 years old, men - at 65. But "in full" the new age will begin to operate for women born in 1968 and younger. For men - born in 1963 and younger. All who are older are subject to the so-called transitional period - over the next 10 years, the retirement age for them will be raised gradually (see infographic).

However, all this applies only to those who earn insurance pension- now for this you need to accumulate at least 30 pension points and have at least 15 years insurance experience. If there are not enough points or experience, if a person worked illegally or did not work at all, you will have to rely only on a social pension. For her, the age also increases by 5 years. Women will be able to receive a social pension at the age of 65, men at 70. And this “social” retirement age will also increase gradually over 10 years.

What awaits teachers, doctors and northerners?

Retirement for teachers, doctors, artists and other creative workers is also postponed for 5 years. According to the new rules, they must work out their special experience (from 15 to 30 years, depending on the category of the beneficiary), but they will be able to retire only after a five-year period. An exception, like for everyone else, is made for a 10-year transition period - from 2019 to 2028, the period for applying for a pension for them will be postponed for a period of 1 to 5 years (see infographic). For example, if school teacher in 2021 will develop the required 25-year teaching experience, he will be granted a pension in 3 years, that is, in 2024.

For residents of the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them, the retirement age is also increased by 5 years. Northern women will be able to retire at the age of 55, men - at 60. But on condition that by this age they managed to work out the necessary northern experience. The changes will not affect only the small indigenous peoples of the Far North. For them, the retirement age was left unchanged: 50 for women and 55 for men.

Who is early?

Nothing changes for workers in hazardous and hazardous industries - miners, chemists, etc., as well as police, military and other employees of law enforcement agencies who receive pensions outside the line pension fund.

The conditions for mothers with many children with 5 or more children remain unchanged - if they have the necessary insurance experience of 15 years, they will still be able to retire at 50. But now right on early exit appeared in mothers with 4 children - for them it will be 4 years earlier, that is, at 56 years old. If a woman has three children, she will be able to retire 3 years earlier than the new retirement age, that is, at 57 years old.

Early retirement 2 years earlier will also be able to go to those who have managed to work out a long insurance period by this time (the official one, for which contributions to the Pension Fund were deducted). Women, in order to start resting at the age of 58, need to work for 37 years. For men, to retire at age 63, you need 42 years of insurance experience.

When will the funded portion be released?

Unlike the insurance pension, the funded pension will be paid according to the old age - from the age of 55 for women and from 60 for men. We are talking about people born in 1967 and younger, whose employers for 12 years - from 2002 to 2013 - expelled insurance premiums on funded pension- first 3% of earnings, then 6% (then the state "signed" everyone to make savings). In NPFs, the average bill per person is now 71 thousand rubles. How people aged 55 and 60 will receive their savings - one-time or in parts, the legislators have not yet decided.

When do officials retire?

Raising the retirement age for civil servants began back in 2017 - every year for half a year to 65 years for men and up to 63 years for women. Now it has been decided that from January 1, 2020, the step will “accelerate” - the age of officials will increase year by year.

Who are pre-pensioners?

A new concept has appeared in domestic legislation - “citizens of pre-retirement age”. This age begins at 55 for women and at 60 for men. Together with the pension law, a package of documents protecting the interests of pre-pensioners was adopted. First, they introduced administrative and criminal liability for the dismissal of such workers and for refusing to hire them. Secondly, employers were obliged to provide pre-retirees 2 days annually for a free medical examination with pay. Thirdly, for people over 55 and 60 years old, unemployment benefits were set at 11,280 rubles. But it will be paid no more than one year. Fourthly, pre-pensioners will be able to undergo retraining and advanced training courses - 5 billion rubles are allocated in the budget for special employment programs.

Fifth, all the benefits that are currently provided to pensioners will be preserved for pre-retirees. We are talking about both regional benefits (each subject makes changes to its legislation), and federal ones - exemption from taxes on an apartment, house, cottage, garage and 6 acres of land. Pre-pensioners will not have to pay property taxes. But! This right will only be maintained for a transitional period of 10 years. It will end in 2028. This means that women born in 1973 and younger and men born in 1968 and younger will no longer be able to use benefits.

What else do they want to change?

The law on pensions will be considered in the Federation Council and then sent for signature to the president. But, apparently, these are not the last changes in the pension legislation. Tatyana Golikova has repeatedly voiced the idea of ​​abandoning the point-based pension formula that has been in force in Russia since 2015. “This is a very difficult decision, but we will have to make it,” the Deputy Prime Minister said the other day, explaining her position as follows: “The scoring formula has not worked in full. The calculation is carried out in a slightly confusing way, and then the result is indexed to the inflation rate. This raises many questions. The pension should depend on the length of service and the earnings that the employee received during his labor activity.

Another innovation that may appear in the coming years is individual pension capital (IPC). The Ministry of Finance plans that it will work from January 2020. What is it? The IPC will replace mandatory pension savings that have been frozen since 2013. But, unlike the previous system, the deductions will be made not by the employer, but by the employee himself in the amount of 1 to 6% of earnings. Moreover, the connection to the IPC is supposed to be made voluntary-compulsory, when silence means consent. If the employee does not want to give part of the salary to future pension, he must write a letter of refusal to his employer (and repeat after 5 years). If he does not do this, deductions to the NPF will go automatically. This story will affect all, without exception, officially working citizens of the country. However, as reported by the Central Bank, the final version of the draft law on individual pension capital is not yet ready.

Laws on improving the pension system adopted

A package of laws on changing the pension system was adopted, signed by the president, and on Friday, October 5, it was published by Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Amendments were made to several basic laws at once: the Criminal, Labor, Budget Codes, the law on employment in the Russian Federation, most of the new rules will come into force on January 1, 2019. What awaits us?

From 2019, the country will begin a phased increase in the retirement age. At the same time, a package of measures protecting the rights of older workers will come into force.

1. One of five adopted laws amended the Criminal Code: now for the illegal dismissal of workers of pre-retirement age or unreasonable refusal to hire them, criminal liability will be threatened. On the part of the employer, responsible persons who have committed such violations will be responsible. By a court decision, they can be punished with a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles or in the amount of their salary, or with compulsory work for a period of 360 hours.

2 . Amendments approved Labor Code. They are aimed at protecting the health of workers and relate to the rules for undergoing medical examinations. Now the employer is obliged, at the request of the employee, to provide him with free days with the preservation of average earnings for preventive visits to doctors, testing and diagnostic studies. All employees are entitled to one such day every three years. And employees of pre-retirement age receive such days more often and in more- Two paid days off annually.

3. The law with amendments to the Budget Code is aimed at replenishing the budget of the Pension Fund of Russia. Now all funds seized in the fight against corruption, as well as proceeds from the sale of confiscated property, will be sent to the FIU. According to preliminary estimates, as a result of this measure, the fund's budget may receive an additional 1.8 billion rubles in six years. According to Anton Drozdov, Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund, this initiative has "moral and ethical" significance.


4. The package includes another important document: the law on ratification of the 102nd ILO Convention on Minimum Standards social security which was adopted in 1952. This international Convention has established the level of minimum guarantees that all countries that have signed the document are required to comply with. After the ratification of the Convention, our country reaffirmed its obligations, in particular, on pensions, according to which the pension should not be lower than 40 percent of lost earnings.

5. Changes in the procedure for assigning pensions are determined by Federal Law N 350. This law amended several "social" laws at once: on employment, on insurance pensions, on the procedure for financing payments from pension savings, and on state pension provision. He determined additional guarantees of social support for citizens of pre-retirement age (including in connection with dismissal), conditions for early retirement. What kind of innovations await the Russians from 2019?

How will the retirement age increase?

The President did not support the original option to raise the retirement age for women to 63 years. As a result, the increase will be the same - for five years: men in 2028, when the transition period ends, will retire at 65, and women at 60.

In addition, in the first two years of the changes - in 2019 and 2020 - the right to apply for a pension six months earlier than the new age limit will apply. The president proposed such a mitigating measure.

Who will keep early pensions

Benefits for mothers with many children are expanding: the retirement age for having three children is reduced by three years (up to 57 years), four - by 4 (up to 56 years), five or more - as now, will retire at 50 years.


For older employees

What age is considered pre-retirement?

This is the age within five years of the age at which a worker is eligible for an old-age insurance pension or, in some cases, early retirement.

Study with a scholarship

During the passage of additional professional education in the direction of the employment service, citizens receive a scholarship:

If the dismissal occurred less than 12 months before the start of studies, and the citizen managed to work at the enterprise for at least 26 weeks before dismissal, the scholarship will be 75 percent. from the average earnings for the last three months of work (but not higher and not lower than the maximum and minimum unemployment benefits, taking into account the district coefficient);

The same procedure applies to those demobilized from military service, if they managed to work at least 26 weeks before the call, they will also receive 75 percent of the salary at the last place of work before the call for the duration of training;

For those who worked less than 26 weeks before dismissal, the scholarship is paid in the amount of the unemployment benefit due to a particular citizen on the day preceding the start of training;

For those who have not worked before (for the first time looking for a job), or want to resume work after a long (more than a year) break, as well as people who have lost their jobs due to violations of labor discipline or other faults, the scholarship will be equal to the minimum unemployment benefit. District coefficients apply;

If a person undergoes retraining due to the fact that he cannot perform his previous job due to loss of health due to an accident at work or an occupational disease, the employer pays him 100 percent of the average salary for the last three months before the termination of work (but not more than the maximum unemployment benefits).

Infographics: "RG" / Leonid Kuleshov / Irina Nevinnaya

Unemployment benefit

The unemployment rate in most cases is calculated as a percentage of the average earnings for the last three months at the last place of work. In the first three months they pay 75 percent of the average salary, in the next three months - 60 percent. But not more than the maximum amount of unemployment benefits and not less than the minimum amount of such benefits. The allowance is paid for no more than six months during the year. And for those who are looking for a job for the first time, those who have had a break in work for more than one year, and also if a person was fired "under the article", the allowance will be paid only for three months during the year. For such citizens, the amount of benefits will be less - at the officially approved minimum level.

Additional guarantees for retirees

The period of payment of benefits compared to ordinary citizens for pre-pensioners is doubled: a maximum of 12 months within 18 months. Moreover, if a person has a long experience (25 years for men and 20 for women, or an experience that gives the right to apply for an early pension), the period for receiving benefits increases by two weeks for each year in excess of the length of service. At the same time, the maximum limit is 24 months of payment of benefits within 36 months.

Benefit amount:

75 percent of the average earnings at the last place of work in the first three months;

60 percent of average earnings in the next four months;

45 percent - in the future.

At the same time, the maximum amount of the allowance is set annually by the government. In 2019, it is planned to increase the allowance for pre-pensioners to 11,280 rubles.

Infographics: "RG" / Alexander Chistov / Irina Nevinnaya

Early retirement

If the unemployed cannot be employed, he has the right, on the proposal of the employment authority, to issue an insurance pension ahead of schedule - but not earlier than two years before the generally established retirement age. At the same time, for men, the insurance period must be at least 25 years, and for women - 20.

What effect is expected from the adoption of new laws

Government proposing a project pension changes, indicated that the main goal is to ensure the stability of the pension system and the growth of pensions for current pensioners, outpacing inflation.

The government calculated: the changes will increase monthly payments non-working pensioners 1 thousand rubles each per year over the next five years. And bring the average pension to 20 thousand rubles by 2024.

It is planned to increase pensions ahead of the growth of consumer prices in the future.

Fulfillment of social obligations of the state requires additional resources

In addition, by adopting a law on the ratification of the ILO Social Security Minimum Standards Convention, our country confirmed not only the obligation to maintain a certain level pension provision, but also a number of social guarantees: in terms of medical care, material support for workers due to illness, as well as social insurance in connection with industrial accidents and occupational diseases. In addition, we are talking about providing for the disabled, socially unprotected citizens who have lost their breadwinners and supporting motherhood and childhood.

The fulfillment of the social obligations of the state requires additional financial investments, and the adopted changes in the pension legislation help to redistribute resources.

At the same time, the very need to raise the bar for working age was not disputed by experts during heated discussions. Almost all states took this measure, and much earlier than Russia. But we, following the population of developed countries, have actually begun to live longer, and the ratio of pensioners to workers is getting worse every year. Therefore, the demographic situation also required changes in pension rules.

Infographics: "RG" / Leonid Kuleshov / Irina Nevinnaya

Retirement bank questions

Will I be able to retire under the old rules?

I, like my peers, friends, had a question. I turn 60 at the end of December and plan to retire immediately. But sometimes the registration procedure is delayed, the Pension Fund requires the documents to be "delivered". What happens if I suddenly find myself in the same situation and do not have time to complete the registration before the end of the year? Doesn't this mean that in the end I will be able to apply for a pension only in a year, because from January 1 the age will be raised?

The possibility of such cases is taken into account in the new pension law(N350-FZ). In Art. Clause 10, paragraph 2 of this law states that for citizens who have reached the age before January 1, 2019, giving the right to an old-age insurance pension (including early), but who did not apply for its appointment or did not have time to issue it before January 1, 2019 year, "the right to an old-age insurance pension is retained ... without taking into account the changes introduced by this Federal Law." That is, you can, having submitted documents for the appointment of a pension in December, calmly wait for its appointment, even if you have to submit some documents to the pension fund later. The same procedure applies to the design early retirement and social pensions.

We are talking about federal laws on changing pension legislation, on criminal liability for the dismissal of people of pre-retirement age, on the transfer of funds confiscated from corrupt officials to the Pension Fund, on days off for medical examination and on the ratification of the convention on the standards for replacing earnings with pensions.

The documents will come into force on January 1, 2019, a number of clauses of the main pension law - on January 1, 2025.

The basic Law

The main pension bill prepared by the government initially provided for a gradual increase in the retirement age to 65 for men and 63 for women. However, the president has proposed softening some of the measures. In particular, he advocated lowering the retirement age for women to 60, early retirement for mothers of many children and the introduction of measures to protect people of pre-retirement age, including increasing unemployment benefits for them and introducing liability for employers for dismissal before retirement. .

The adopted law provides for a phased increase in the retirement age by five years - up to 65 for men and 60 for women. The length of service that gives the right to early retirement for men will be 42 years, for women - 37 years.

The funded pension will be paid, as now, from the age of 55 for women and from 60 for men. At the same time, it is provided as one-time payments for those who have a funded pension of five percent or less of the total pension, and urgent payments. In addition, the right to continue to appoint a funded pension at the appropriate age is fixed.

An increase in unemployment benefits for persons of pre-retirement age is envisaged. A preferential retirement regime for mothers with many children is being introduced. Support measures for rural pensioners are being established. Tax incentives for land and real estate are also preserved.

Penalties for dismissal

The second law introduces amendments to the Criminal Code that provide for fines of up to 200,000 rubles or 360 hours of forced labor for an unreasonable refusal to hire or for the dismissal of persons of pre-retirement age.

Such responsibility is introduced in connection with a change in the retirement age of citizens.

Refusal to hire or dismissal of a person of pre-retirement age will be punished either by a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles or in the amount of the convicted person's income for a period of up to 18 months, or by compulsory work for up to 360 hours.

Pre-retirement age - a period of time up to five years before the appointment of a pension.

From Corruptionists to Pensioners

Amendments to the Budget Code allow the funds confiscated from corrupt officials to be transferred to the budget of the Pension Fund. The document refers to the income of the fund since 2019 the confiscated funds of bribe-takers and money from the sale of property confiscated from them.

The pension fund will be able to use this money to pay pensions and solve the problems that it faces in the light of the upcoming changes in pension legislation.

The Federal Treasury, at the request of the developers of the law, predicted the possible receipt of such Money in 2019-2024 in the amount of 1.8 billion rubles.

Earnings Replacement Convention

The International Labor Organization Social Security Minimum Standards Convention was adopted at the 35th session of the organization's general conference on June 28, 1952 in Geneva. It has already been ratified by 55 states. It assumes that the replacement rate for lost earnings labor pension old age should reach 40%.

The Convention covers all major areas of social security, including medical care, sickness, unemployment, old age, industrial accidents and occupational diseases, family benefits, maternity benefits, disability, survivors.

At the same time, according to Andrey Pudov, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Russia, sections of unemployment insurance and family support have been withdrawn from ratification.

In accordance with the requirements of the convention for national systems of compulsory pension insurance for employees, the Ministry of Labor of Russia has developed a methodology for calculating the replacement rate for previous earnings for social security for old age, disability and in case of loss of a breadwinner.

Clinical examination

Another law assumes that employees, when undergoing medical examinations, have the right to be released from work for one working day every three years, while retaining their place of work and average earnings.

Pre-retirement age workers and retirees will be eligible for a two-work day exemption once a year.

Now the standard retirement age is 60 for men and 55 for women, it was set decades ago. The question of changes in pension legislation has been discussed for a long time. The need for amendments is due to increased life expectancy and the inability to provide a decent pension in a situation where the number of employees in the country is decreasing, while the number of pensioners, on the contrary, is growing.

Today, in most states, the retirement age is 60-65 years.

On October 3, 2018, Vladimir Putin signed Law No. 350-FZ amending pension legislation. Initially, the old-age insurance pension was proposed to be set at 65 for men and at 63 for women.

However, on September 6, 2018, the President introduced a number of amendments to the bill, according to which the retirement age will be increased by 5 years for both sexes(up to 65 and 60 years for men and women, respectively). Also for those citizens who, according to the old law, had to reach retirement age in 2019-2020 will have the option to retire six months earlier new retirement age.

According to the provisions of Article 8 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ, in 2018 men were entitled to apply for an insurance pension from 60 years old, and the women from 55 years old.


The retirement age will be increased only for those whose pension not assigned yet. It should also be noted that the law does not provide for changes regarding persons working - the retirement age for them will remain the same.

Law on raising the retirement age

The law on changes in the procedure for assigning and paying pensions came into force January 1, 2019. However, the retirement age will not be raised immediately, but in stages - year by year. Thus, men and women will reach a new retirement age in 2023. Despite this, the transitional period will end only in 2028. The fact is that during the transition period, Russians will retire in a year - in even years starting from 2022. However, those citizens who, under the old legislation, could apply for a pension in 2019 and 2020 will be able to do this six months earlier than the new retirement age.

  • First under action pension reform will fall men born in the first half of 1959 and women born in the first half of 1964- they will start receiving pension payments in the second half of 2019.
  • Men and women born in the second half of the year are next eligible to retire 1959 and 1964 respectively,- in the first half of 2020.

The table below shows the citizens of which years of birth will fall into the transition period:

Men Women year of retirement
Year of birth Year of birth Retirement age under the new pension reform
1st half of 1959 60.5 1st half of 1964 55.5 2nd half of 2019
2nd half of 1959 60.5 2nd half of 1964 55.5 1st half of 2020
1st half of 1960 61.5 1st half of 1965 56.5 2nd half of 2021
2nd half of 1960 61.5 2nd half of 1965 56.5 1st half of 2022
1961 63 1966 58 2024
1962 64 1967 59 2026
1963 65 1968 60 2028

Who will be affected by the new pension reform?

The pension reform will affect not only citizens who draw up an old-age insurance pension. Term of appointment social old age pension will also be changed. Disabled persons and those who did not have time to work out the necessary length of service will be able to enter the social pension not at 60 (women) and 65 years (men) as before, and at 65 and 70 years old respectively. These changes will also be introduced in stages. Social disability pension, as before, will be assigned regardless of age.

The working age will also be increased for some categories of workers retiring earlier than the generally accepted terms:

  • For Far North workers("northerner"). Previously, for this category of citizens, the retirement age was set at 55 and 50 years for men and women, respectively, after the end of the transition period, it will increase up to 60 and 55 years.
  • For employees of the pedagogical, medical and creative fields. The main condition for retirement remains the same - it is necessary to develop the required professional experience (25-30 years). However, according to the new reform, after reaching required seniority 5 more years must pass(or less if the citizen is in a transitional period). This condition is the same for both women and men, and in fact also significantly postpones the retirement period for these categories of workers.


The law also provides for changes regarding the retirement age of civil servants. From January 1, 2020 its growth rate will increase up to a year, as well as for other categories of pensioners. Recall that for civil servants, the retirement age already rising since 2017, but at a slower pace for six months every year.

For whom the retirement age will not be increased?

The changes will not be applied to those citizens who have already retired, they will continue to receive all the required pension and social payments. They will also retain all existing benefits. In addition, the following categories of workers will continue to retire under the same conditions:

  1. Citizens who worked under severe and harmful conditions if the employer paid in their favor regular premiums calculated in the course of a special assessment of working conditions:

    • men and women who worked underground or in hot shops;
    • men and women who worked in difficult conditions as part of locomotive crews or involved in the organization of transportation and ensuring the safety of movement in railway transport and the subway, as well as former drivers trucks in mines, mines or ore quarries, etc.;
    • women employed in textile industry at work of high intensity and severity;
    • men and women employed in field geological exploration, prospecting, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and survey work;
    • men and women included in the crew of sea vessels, river fleet, as well as the fleet of the fishing industry;
    • men and women employed in mining operations for the extraction of minerals;
    • men and women from civil aviation who participated in flight control, as well as in aircraft maintenance work;
    • men and women who worked as workers and employees in places of deprivation of liberty;
    • women who worked as tractor drivers or as drivers of construction machines, as well as road and loading and unloading machines;
    • men and women who participated in logging and timber rafting;
    • men and women who worked as drivers of urban transport: trolleybuses, buses and trams;
    • men and women- former rescuers from professional services.
  2. Persons retiring earlier than usual for social reasons or because of the deterioration of health:

    • mothers who gave birth to 5 or more children and raised them until each of them is 8 years old;
    • men and women(one of the parents) who raised a disabled child before the age of 8;
    • men and women who are or were guardians of a disabled child, if they raised him or her before reaching the age of 8 years;
    • mothers who gave birth to two or more children, if they have worked out the required length of service in the regions of the Far North or in areas equivalent to such regions;
    • men and women who received a disability due to a military injury;
    • men and women with visual impairment of group I;
    • men and women diagnosed with pituitary dwarfism (midgets) and disproportionate dwarfs;
    • men and women- permanent residents of the Far North who worked as reindeer herders, fishermen or hunters.
  3. Citizens affected from radiation or man-made disasters.
  4. The men and women who worked in flight test crew if they were involved in testing flight equipment.
A complete list of the relevant categories of workers for whom the new law no increase in the retirement age from 2019, is given on the official website of the FIU. 2019-07-17


Bryansk, Ulyanova street, house 4, office 414

On this page we have collected all the most last news on pension reform as of November 2019. Everything about raising the retirement age, increasing pensions, etc.

According to the director of the Ministry of Finance Vladimir Nazarov, there is no alternative, only raising the retirement age will save the situation.

In the second reading, the State Duma Russian Federation approved the "age reform" bill. The changes will affect certain categories of citizens. People serving in law enforcement agencies should not be afraid of innovations. 326 deputies supported the new retirement procedure, one abstained from voting, 59 people did not agree with the new trends.

During the consideration, the deputies approved the draft with amendments from the President of the Russian Federation. Resonant hearings were held and seven amendments proposed by senators from United Russia. The date of the third hearings has been set, then the President of the Russian Federation will sign the bill.

Basics of the bill

According to the new bill, the retirement age on general terms is raised to 60 for women and 65 for men. Social pensions will be paid to women upon reaching the age of 65, to men, respectively, 70 years. It was decided to gradually introduce the age reform. The benefit is provided to citizens who, as a matter of priority, are subject to the innovations of the pension reform.

Working citizens who have the right to retire in the next two years will do so six months earlier than the new term. People will retire two years earlier if they have a set number of years worked. A woman with more than 37 years of work experience will take advantage of this right. For men, the limit is 42 years of service.

Changes to the draft law were adopted at the suggestion of the President, initially the new bill provided for figures - 45 years for men and 40 years for women. The amendment is effective upon reaching the retirement age of 55 and 60 years, taking into account the conditions of the transition period.

The changes will also affect early retirees. Labor pedagogical, medical experience is determined at 15-30 years old, the pension for seniority will be paid not from 50, but from 55 years. The retirement age will also increase for those working in the regions of the Far North, it will be 50 years for women and 55 years for men, respectively.

There will be a gradation of the right to retire for mothers with many children. Under the law, citizens have this right from the age of 50, this category includes mothers who have raised more than five children. The benefit will remain. After the introduction of the change, early exit is provided for mothers who have raised:

  • Three children - 57 years old;
  • Four children - 56 years old.

Under Russian law, pensioners enjoy federal benefits when they reach the age of 55 and 60. Due to the increase in the retirement age, the deputies decided to maintain the provided benefits for citizens. Pensioners will be able to take advantage of land tax and real estate tax benefits upon reaching this limit. The amendment will be valid for 10 years, during the transition to new conditions - until 2028.

Will the pension increase?

In order to avoid a sharp decline in the standard of living of a person who has completed work, it is proposed to set the replacement rate of previous earnings at a minimum level of 40 percent. Additional funds for the payment of pensions are supposed to be formed through mechanisms for creating individual pension capital. By 2024 it is planned to raise the size pension payments one and a half times, minimum size will be 20,000 rubles.

What do they say about the thousand rubles a month promised by the president? The Prime Minister said that the main goal of the pension reform is to improve the living standards of people of retirement age.

The main task of the Government of the Russian Federation is to increase pensions relative to the level of inflation. Every year until 2024, an increase of 1000 rubles is expected. The first increases are expected in 2019.

In the second reading, there was no talk of an increase in pensions by a thousand rubles. The law mentions information that from February 2019, pensions are indexed to the consumer price growth index in 2018. An additional increase is possible if the wage growth index for the previous year is higher than the consumer price index for the same period. The increase is planned from April 2019.
