Holidays of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Police Day

Happy Police Day!
May the service and fate be successful.
All crime will disappear like smoke
May you be happy, love and be loved!

You serve in the police with us,
And there is no order on earth without you.
Always obey the laws
In all matters, both in life and in work.

I want to sincerely tell you
That I will wish you good luck.
Let the dream come true soon
I wish you to truly fall in love!

Dear police officers and veterans of the internal affairs bodies!

Congratulations on your professional holiday! A holiday of strong and selfless people on whom the peace of the citizens of Russia depends.

On this day, we honor those brave and courageous people who always come to the rescue in the most difficult circumstances. For the most part, the police are dedicated specialists, for whom duty and justice are not just words. Today, the well-being, safety and tranquility of an individual, society and the state as a whole depend on each employee, from an ordinary to a general.

We sincerely wish you good health, happiness and success in your difficult but noble service. And for your families, personal well-being and peace of mind for loved ones.

Employees of the internal affairs bodies
We wish you successful, brilliant service!
To stand guard over order is your lot,
Before your courage - the enemies are unarmed!

The police are hard work.
Criminals, danger is near.
Still badly called
Send more where they don't need to.

Well, today is your holiday
And I congratulate you on it.
You, most importantly, be proud of yourself,
After all, there is a reason - I know for sure!

Congratulations on your professional holiday - the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies Russian Federation! On this day, we honor courageous and courageous people, those who are entrusted with protecting the life and peace of citizens, the interests of the state. Citizens turn to you for help at critical moments, you are looking for support and protection in the most difficult situations. The fight against crime, ensuring law and order and the rule of law - this is just one side of the dangerous, responsible service of employees of the internal affairs bodies. You give a lot of time and effort to preventive work to prevent illegal and unlawful actions.

On this day, we express special appreciation and gratitude to veterans, whose personal qualities and invaluable experience are always in demand and allow us to educate a new generation of professionals.

We wish you good health, good spirits, confidence in the future! Patience, health and prosperity to you and your families!

Day and night, rain and snow
Protects our peace!
It's in the shape of a man
Every day he goes to battle.
At the police station today
Their honorable, glorious day.
It's like a birthday
Up another step.

There are many wonderful holidays
But there is one favorite of all -
The one that suddenly became the police,
Celebrate your success!
Employee of the bodies of the brave,
Accept today a toast from us,
Everyone needs you and it's clear
You saved people many times!
Let it be hard in the service of that
Are you ready to do your duty?
Your health! Be okay!
Save you from grief, God!

On the day of the internal affairs officers
Congratulations to all those whose destiny
To protect peace of peaceful citizens,
Protect them from criminals!
We wish you health, warmth,
Life to be light and bright,
Every year - in pursuit of a star,
And good luck always and everywhere!

On this festive day, we praise lovingly,
Gathering a feast here
General li, sergeant, we praise you
For hard, but righteous work!
With you next to me - calmness, silence,
Let the path of struggle with the lads only be begun,
You will protect mothers from punks,
From rapists - our girls;
Establish order in the country
Know a lot about victories over the mafia! ..
Be loved and completely happy
Fulfilling your duty to us!!!

Even though you call the police now,
Your service has not become easier.
You are also bravely rushing into battle
Protect us all from crime!
Round the clock stands guard over the truth
Your strong and friendly family.
Policemen, we are very glad to see you all,
Happy Police Day to you, friends!

Glorious employee of internal affairs!
You are impeccably honest and brave,
Our support, protection forever,
Wise, always worthy man!

We select the words of congratulations,
So grateful for your work without laziness,
Happiness, good luck, less work -
Let only worries be pleasant!

Let luck and success
They go through life with you
Today is a holiday of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
The whole Fatherland will celebrate!

And I, my love, will say
You are my best man
I appreciate and love you
And it's all mutual!

Today you are elegant, beautiful,
Let crime fall asleep forever
We say to you for everything: "Thank you!",
We are grateful to you, gentlemen!
You are the protection of the people,
You stop crimes
And you are engaged in solving cases,
You are in perpetual motion...
And on your day - from the bottom of our hearts we wish
To make the country calmer
So that you are at home more often,
To appreciate you in your family!

Who walks together in a row?
Our Police Squad!
Everyone is beautiful and smart
Honest, modest and slender.

We are everywhere, always and everywhere
Helping good people
If something suddenly goes wrong -
We'll call you an outfit.

But today is a special day
Because on the threshold
Dear Police Day -
Happy Holidays, dear friend!

I congratulate my colleagues!
So that you do not know all the troubles,
To increase wages
And crime has gone down!

On the day of police officers
Today I wish uncle
All the best in your work,
You don't work for money

And for the honor of the native country,
Be worthy of a policeman
Let good dreams dream -
Sleep peacefully with a clear conscience!

Times, names changed, -
You have always worked well
Fought valiantly against crime
To live in peace in your native country,
And today you are the bulwark of order,
Solve complex problems
Let things go smoothly in the service
And luck accompanies everything!

Let me congratulate you on Police Day!
And wish you success from the bottom of my heart!
Today, according to the established tradition, we
Let's celebrate the holiday together!

We wish you ups at work,
Promotions, all kinds of awards!
And so that in his personal life - like clockwork -
Everything went smoothly, smoothly, without obstacles.

Who protects
Our restful sleep?
Who brings peace
In every house?
Faithful Police
Bold guards
Like medieval
Warriors and Riders
You are on watch
Every day and night
Ready every day
Something to help
Be you happy
Peace to your homes!
Health and good luck
We wish you!

Happy Police Day, I want to congratulate
The most reliable man!
Let friends be with you shoulder to shoulder
Conquer a new peak!

Honey, on Police Day, I want to say
It is difficult to find what is stronger than a defender!
I am calm and always warm with you,
I'll be with you next to all the winds in spite!
I will surround with care, I will give my heart,
After all, I love you more than anyone in the world!

Let the most recent bully
Do not dare to hooligan on this holiday,
Let him lift a hundred grams for you,
And it will never fail again.
We wish you easy service and success
We are in every day and every hour of service.
Let the authorities notice as soon as possible
Let him sign an order for an increase!

You are the guardian of our life,
Protecting my city
Serve the Fatherland with honor
Heart, body and soul,
Don't let words describe everything
But the whole country is proud
daily feats,
Fully saluting!

Happy police day, I congratulate
Noble work of a fighter!
I wish you infinite luck
A lot of happiness, love without end!

I wish you patience and strength
Many small stars and big ones,
Thanks, certificates and awards,
New titles, cool finances!

And I wish you health
May your life path succeed!
Let the insidious criminal be afraid
You don't let him rest!

There is the tenth number in November,
We must not forget him
And the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a wonderful date
It's time to congratulate.
You are strong and brave people
And don't be afraid of anything
You are doing something important
And thank you for it!

The native militia became the police,
However, she did not change her position:
For a brave deed stands a mountain,
Catch up, neutralize the bandit in a hurry!
Decision can be made quickly
And give the victim a hand!
On your holiday, of course, we want to wish
Responsible affairs, promotions,
Strong family and devoted friendship!

I'm on the country's police day
I want to wish my beloved
So that you, full of dignity,
Were able to achieve goals.

With friends - do not spill water
You stay forever.
Help each other in business
And never be discouraged!

This is the job of the police.
To eradicate crime in Russia,
On a festive day of success and good luck
A huge country wishes you
people are saying thank you
For difficult and very important work,
Let more days will be happy in life
And troubles will bypass you!

I wish you today
Victory in your work
Let there be true friends -
After all, life is more beautiful with friends

So that the opera shoulder to shoulder
Fighting crime
I sincerely wish -
So that sorrows rush away!

The history of the emergence of the public order service dates back to 1715, when Peter I created such a service and called it "police", which means "government of the state". In subsequent years, this service changed its name many times until it came to its modern name. There are two directions - this is the criminal police and the public security police. On November 10, 1917, a decree was issued on the creation of a workers' militia, and since 1962, this day began to officially celebrate the Day of the Russian Militia. The police in our time is busy with a very important matter - it ensures the peace and security of the citizens of our country, therefore the state constantly provides an increase in the level of knowledge of employees, conditions for improvement in the profession, and supplies a modern material and technical base. For many years, large festive concerts have been shown on the main channels of the country on this day.

On Police Day I wish
Many different perspectives:
And career, and success,
And a great team.

Honor, courage, courage,
So that the beast ran to the catcher.
Well, at home to wait
Hearts that love you!

Allow me to apply
Read congratulations?
On Police Day, on your holiday,
We want to wish you
On the shoulder straps of new stars,
Strength, accuracy, health,
For an increase in wages.
To take less risk
For crime to go down.
So that in the family and at work
You were valued like a treasure.

Congratulations on your professional holiday - Happy Day Russian police! I wish you great prospects, career growth, opportunities for implementation and development. Let working days be safe, reliable - the partner's shoulder, strong - willpower and convictions. Health, prosperity and all the best!

Your work is not easy
You are trusted for a reason.
Let your hard work
Always respect and protect.
Let the salary be worthy
So that vacation is somewhere in the Emirates,
Less stress, more laughter.
In all matters, always success!
And so that always, everywhere, in everything
Be ahead and behind the wheel!

At the keepers of order
Everything will be smooth in life.
Less evil and crime -
More happy moments.
Peace, miracle, laughter, sun!
Let grief not touch you.
Quiet days at work
Don't let your friends let you down
Let faith not fade in goodness -
Happiness bright without measure!

Happy Police Day cordially
I congratulate you!
Your work is infinitely important
May fate keep you.

May success be near
Peace reigns at home, peace.
Let the angel with an invisible look
Keeps you calm.

Congratulations on Police Day.
Let the career only go up
Doesn't let you get bored and inspires
There will be honor and respect.

Hooligans will all leave without a trace,
On shoulder straps the stars will shine.
Let the boss be not malicious,
And colleagues just have fun!

Let the wallet fill with greenery
So as not to measure the money, not to count,
Life always makes you laugh
Gives positivity and grace!

There is an important day in the calendar -
It's called police day.
Let everyone who serves in it
The sun will smile today!

Order, honor, law of the Russian Federation -
All this is your life credo.
So let the service bring
Peace, prosperity from the fatherland!

Health, ease in everything
Today we wish you
And Happy Police Day dear
We sincerely congratulate you!

I wish your shoulder straps
Decorated with three stars
To the rank of colonel,
You got it sooner.

So that things are revealed,
You showed ingenuity.
And your courage, courage,
Save for years.

So that reliable colleagues
The family was there too.
Stay human
Happy police day to you.

Happy Police Day to you
Happy holiday!
Without work you and the day
Don't sit still:
law breakers
You catch everyone personally
So that your area
Everything was great
Keeping our peace
From trouble, misfortune!
I wish on your holiday
More happiness for you!

Cop, congratulations!
We respect very much
For your profession
Yes, because you are in the ranks.
You zealously keep order
And this work is not so sweet.
After all, he is dangerous and difficult,
We will pray for you.
Go to the new "stars"!
A number of successes on the way!
Smile and don't be sad!

Every year on November 10, our country celebrates a professional holiday dedicated to employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (until 2011 - Police Day).

The history of this holiday dates back to 1715. It was then that Peter I created a service for the protection of public order in Russia and called it "police", which in Greek means "government of the state."

In 1917, on November 10, immediately after the October Revolution, by a decree of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR, a workers' militia was created "to protect the revolutionary social order".

At first, the police were under the jurisdiction of local Soviets, then in the structure of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, and since 1946 - in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

For many years the holiday was called "Militia Day". After the entry into force of the new law "On Police" on March 1, 2011, the name of the holiday became obsolete. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2011 No. 1348, the holiday became known as the "Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation."

It so happened that the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs celebrates their professional holiday at the post, reliably guarding the quiet life and creative work of citizens. Employees of the internal affairs bodies successfully solve everyday tasks to protect the state and society from criminal encroachments.

For many years, one of the gifts for this professional holiday has been a big gala concert on television. Also on this day, many solemn and commemorative events take place, when they not only honor distinguished employees, but also congratulate veterans - former police officers and honor the memory of those who died in the line of duty.

The day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies was established only in 2011, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13. It turns out that the workers of the organs simply did not have their own holiday before? Not at all! It’s just that the well-known Police Day was renamed in 2011, since its name sounded out of date.

The history of the holiday has its roots in the distant past. The first police service in Russia was created by order of Peter the Great, back in 1715. The main task of the police was the protection of public order and the fight against its violators. Served in the Peter's police officers of lower ranks and soldiers. Among the first policemen there were many foreigners, Peter invited them from Germany and other European countries to transfer experience. I must say that the tsarist police worked as a well-oiled mechanism: the crime rate in the country, immediately after the creation of the police service, decreased several times.

In 1917, on November 10, V.I. Lenin signed a decree on the creation of the Workers' Militia, which was part of the structure of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs. After the Great Patriotic War, in 1946, the militia was taken over by the Ministry of the Interior.

It is curious that the Soviet police did not have their own for a very long time. official holiday. Only on October 26, 1962, a decree was signed establishing the official Day of the Soviet Militia on October 10. Of course, after the collapse of the USSR, the holiday was renamed again: it became the Day of the Russian Police. And after the reform of the structure of internal affairs in 2011 and the renaming of the police to the police, the holiday acquired its current name: Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. The only thing that has not changed is the date of the celebrations. The day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies, like the Day of the police, is celebrated on November 10.

Traditions of the Day of the Internal Affairs Officer

Traditionally, the celebration of the Day of the Soviet Police took place very solemnly, at the highest level. Numerous government meetings, concerts were held, new films and performances were released for the holiday. Even the release of the cult film "The meeting place cannot be changed" was also timed to coincide with November 10!

The traditions of the holiday are carefully preserved to this day. Solemn events are held in all Russian cities. The best employees awarded medals and valuable gifts, they are given new titles, veterans of the internal affairs bodies are honored, wreaths are laid at the graves of those who died while performing their civic duty.

On this day, be sure to congratulate the people of this courageous and, at times, dangerous profession. Not only friends and acquaintances who serve in the authorities, but also his district police officer. May you always bear with honor such a high rank as the Russian Policeman.

Date in 2019: November 10, Sunday.

Not everyone is able to raise public issues, other people's problems are higher than personal ones. Not everyone will be able to risk their health and life, fighting criminals and defending the law. We will talk about the police, whom we, out of habit, congratulate in early November every year.

To work law enforcement ordinary people have always had an ambiguous attitude. Some with pride and hope look at people in uniform, from which emanates calmness, protection, confidence. Others are afraid and dislike representatives of the law. But everyone respects the policemen and do not forget to congratulate them on their professional holiday. Police Day is invariably celebrated in November.

Who celebrates the holiday?

The word "police" itself has ancient Greek roots and means "city" in the interpretation. Therefore, the first policemen were any people who belonged to the city government.

In Russia, the idea to impute police duties to protect law and order belongs to Peter I. A similar service was created in 1715, first in St. Petersburg, and later in Moscow. In 1718, a secret office appeared as a prototype of the Ministry of the Interior, whose duties included control, surveillance, and search.

A directly similar ministry appears during the reign of Alexander I. Since 1802, the duties of the ministry have been significantly expanded. Now people of this profession are responsible for peace and order in cities, for fire safety, they are looking for deserters and criminal fugitives. In addition, there were also not quite characteristic duties in the form of arranging roads, supervising shelters, controlling the post office, medicine, trade, and paying taxes.

But just a few years later, a narrower ministry was created. Since 1810, the police have been led not by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but by the Ministry of Police. And since 1908, search departments have been created at city and county governments.

Everything changes after the revolution. The police as such is abolished. A Workers' and Peasants' Militia is being created. November 10 is considered the birth date of the police. It was on this day that later became the Day of the Police, when for decades all policemen have been congratulated on their professional holiday.

Initially, the militia was created immediately after the coup to protect the revolutionary order. Citizens over the age of 21 who are loyal to the Soviet regime are accepted into the ranks of the militia. The policeman had to serve at least six months.

In addition to the official police units, voluntary ones were also created, which contributed to authorities. The exploits of the "Voluntary Police Detachments" and "Friends of Public Order" and other organizations of this kind are well known.

Soviet militiamen take an active part in the civil war. And in 1920, a Decree was issued, in which all structural subdivisions of the RCM were registered, which were classified as bodies of special importance.

Today, the profession of a policeman as such is absent, since the structure was reorganized with the renaming of the historical name "police". But Police Day remained unchanged. The holiday is still celebrated in November.

Therefore, Police Day in 2019 will be celebrated by officers and soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Glasses will be raised by all employees who wear police shoulder straps, as well as employees who ensure their work.

And since there are no former policemen, both retired employees and those who served even the minimum term in the police or police will celebrate their unchanging Police Day in 2019.

history of the holiday

Historically, the holiday is associated with the adoption of the NKVD resolution of November 10, 1917, which formed the power structures. Celebrating the holiday of policemen began in 1962. But for a long time the celebrations were unofficial. The holiday was legalized in 1980 by the relevant Decree issued by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

The country fell apart, but traditions and holidays were preserved. Therefore, when asked when the Police Day is in 2016, what date, many out of habit will answer that November 10th. And they will be absolutely right. Despite the renaming of bodies in 2011, the date of the holiday remains unchanged by the decision of the government. This is what the Decree signed by the President in 2011 says.

Therefore, Police Day in 2019, which number cannot be confused. The holiday, as usual, will be celebrated on November 10th. Traditionally, employees gather for festive table accept congratulations from friends, colleagues, management. Some police officers receive a promotion in honor of the holiday and traditionally wash new stars in a glass of vodka.
In the Kremlin Palace, like many decades on a holiday, solemn events with speeches by representatives of the government, performances by stars, creative teams.

About the police profession

The profession of a police officer can be safely called an important, responsible and rather dangerous one. A person of this profession has certain leverage, which is given to him legally.

He maintains order, detains offenders, conducts explanatory conversations. Sometimes the policeman has to resort to more radical ways to restore order.
The policeman is responsible for order not only on the streets of the city, but also in any residential, public, industrial premises. Therefore, he legally has the right to enter any place if he is suspected of wrongdoing.

He has the right to use special ammunition, and, if necessary, a club, and even firearms. All the rights and duties of a police officer are spelled out in a special Charter, laws that employees must strictly observe.

No matter how strange the stereotypes associated with the personalities of the police, these people put forward special requirements. These features of police officers are spelled out by the life, years of work of Soviet policemen and Russian policemen.

In addition to the requirements for the presence of professional education, the police are required to constantly improve their skills. Only physically hardy, strong guys and girls with excellent reaction can become a police officer. They must have good hearing and vision.

Among the psychological qualities necessary for a policeman, adherence to principles and stress resistance are important. A professional in his field is ready to help at any time and even sacrifice his own health. This is a responsible, logically thinking, calm person.

Special requirements are also put forward for legal literacy. To maintain order, the policeman must clearly understand the limits of what is permitted and know the legal explanations for any action.

Congratulations to the police

Dear policeman, every day you solve difficult problems, ensure order. And on a holiday, every inhabitant is ready to thank you for your brave work, for your courage and vigilance. May there be fewer threats and troubles in your work, may there always be mutual understanding with colleagues and friends, and love and happiness with your family.

As usual, on November 10, we will raise our glasses. He will toast the policemen, for their hard work. They daily protect the sleep and peace of all citizens. We wish every policeman faith in their work, perseverance and strength to fulfill their duties.

Congratulations to the police
On a glorious holiday.
And pour the glasses to the brim
We wish you not to lose heart.

Police Day in Russia
Wei country holiday.
Congratulations are accepted
Brave sons.
Your glory and courage
Glorifies all the people
Let the merry march sound
On our police holiday.

Larisa, October 25, 2016.
