Will pensioners work in a year. The latest news about the pensions of working pensioners - will pensions be kept at the salary, and will there be indexation? Decisions of authorities

System pension provision is the most relevant, burning and controversial topic over the past few years. Throughout its history, Russia has already experienced several pension reforms, which are getting tougher and tougher every year.

Until now, we can observe an acute shortage of funding for this system, which affects the amount of payments to people who have retired. Therefore, the government wants to introduce another cardinal decision - to cancel pensions for working pensioners already in 2017.

Characteristics of the pension system of the Russian Federation

The current pension system is going through hard times. Comparing deductions from wages, the Pension Fund of Russia is obliged to pay decent material support to persons who have lost their ability to work.

Starting from January 2002, the pension system, within which it was supposed to “move away” from the principles of distribution to methods of accumulation. Now all pensions can be conditionally divided into two categories: state and labor.

Labor pension involves the accumulation of funds throughout labor activity. Every Russian has a special insurance accumulative individual account.

The state pension It was created so that citizens who, for some reason, could not participate in the funded process, received payments after they lost their ability to work. This is such a category of citizens as the disabled and the military.

The law on the abolition of pensions for working pensioners

At social security there are enough difficulties, they can also be attributed to the lack of funding for payments and timely indexation of pensions, which are required to ensure the life of citizens of the Russian Federation. This was due to the widespread use of “grey” wages, as well as low level employment of the population.

On this moment the state is trying to find ways to optimize the pension system and find a single solution that will help save on social benefits Oh. More than once they tried, as well as to cancel additional support for working persons.

The Russian Ministry of Labor has repeatedly discussed the idea of ​​suspending pension payments people who have retired but continue to work.

Starting in 2015, with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Finance, officials undertook to create an appropriate bill.

Monitor the size of payments of labor income of citizens who have reached retirement age is planned to be implemented through amendments to the legislation regarding the reporting of employers to the Pension Fund.

It may happen that the data will be transferred to the PF not every quarter, as it happens now, but monthly. Naturally, such an approach will have a negative impact on the work of organizations and individual entrepreneurs, because the load with such reporting will increase significantly.

But these forced measures will allow you to monitor income in order to understand when to suspend the payment of pensions. However, if it is found that the number of pensioners whose incomes exceed the allowed limit is not so large, the new rules for reporting to the Pension Fund will affect all business entities, while the costs of implementing this project will increase.

Pension benefits for working pensioners

Currently, there are no restrictions on the payment of pensions. Each participant in the process receives them, even those who are still working. Such citizens also have the right to count on an annual pension supplement, which is obtained from employers' contributions, while all their pension accruals are preserved.

Of course, if informal employment is practiced, no indexation is required for such an employee. In the near future, it is planned to recalculate (automatic) payments for working pensioners, taking into account the years of work experience. This increase is purely individual and depends on the performance of a single person.

The future of pensions

The difficult economic situation in the country, the required optimization of budgetary funds, as well as the growth in the number disabled citizens obliges the government to look for unpopular methods to solve problems with social payments.

Most likely, in 2017 they will stop paying pensions to people who are already in retirement. Such innovations are expected to affect those people whose annual income exceeds more than 1 million rubles. I would like to note that this is a rather small category of citizens, so the main category of citizens can breathe easy - the bill will not affect them.

According to preliminary data, the pension for working pensioners will be canceled for 220 thousand people, with a total of about 40 million people of retirement age. This is slightly less than 1%.

In addition, the country's leadership has repeatedly returned to the issue of raising the retirement age. At the moment, men go on a well-deserved rest at 60, and women at 55. So far, this idea has not found zealous support, but legislators do not miss the opportunity to constantly return to it.

Whether the planned measures will be productive, and how long they will last, we will be able to find out after a while. The only thing I would like to talk about is the moral responsibility of those employers who do not pay insurance premiums in full.

Because of this, most workers are deprived of the opportunity to receive decent pension payments in the future.


In 2016, legislators took the initiative to abolish pension payments to working pensioners. By 2017, this initiative had not been adopted, but working citizens of retirement age are increasingly wondering if they will be able to receive their earned pension and continue working at the same time, or will they have to choose one thing? We will try to answer this question in this article.

What benefits do retirees get by continuing to work?

Undoubtedly, it cannot be said that all working pensioners have chosen this path solely because of the lack of money. Everyone has their own reasons: for someone it is a calling; for someone - a duty; for someone - an opportunity to help future generations (scientists, teachers, researchers, inventors). In addition to moral satisfaction, this category of pensioners also receives a number of additional material benefits. They:

  • receive the prescribed old-age insurance pension;
  • receive wages, which in most cases are several times higher than pension payments;
  • continue to form a pension through contributions to the PFR and an increase in the individual pension coefficient;
  • receive for additional experience bonus points, which are significantly higher than usual.

Cons of the new pension system for working pensioners

By continuing to work, a citizen receives a serious increase in pension, in most cases several times higher than the accrued pension. But since January 1, 2016, all employed citizens of retirement age have lost the opportunity to index their pensions.

For example, a capable pensioner decides to extend his employment for another 5 years. During this time, the state will index pension payments by at least 4% per year. On average, a citizen will lose about 20% of the pension increase. Of course, he will then be recalculated and compensated, an increase in the pension and bonus points accumulated during this time. But in the end, they will not be able to fully compensate for the lost profit.

Help! The ban on indexation is set for a period until 2019. Depending on the new economic situation, the indexation of pensions of working pensioners can be restored. Until 2016, there was no such thing as the abolition of indexation, and everyone, without exception, received annual compensation from the state.

Will pensions be canceled for employed pensioners?

In 2015, the first proposals appeared to abolish the payment of pensions to working pensioners. Of course, among the authorities, opinions are divided: some believe that payments simply need to be stopped, so that the state can save these funds and reduce the budget deficit; others are strongly opposed to such an initiative; still others propose to make these payments partially, leaving pensioners with only a fixed payment, and insurance part to freeze.

Attention! According to Olga Golodets, there will be no cardinal changes in the conditions for paying pensions in the near future. The reason for this is the upcoming elections in the government. If global reforms take place, then only after the new government receives authority in 2018. According to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the issue of abolishing pension payments to working pensioners remains open, and there is constant debate on this matter.

Not much time has passed since the next pension reform, and civil servants are already dreaming of new changes. The crisis has made its own adjustments, money was not enough for everyone. What income will working pensioners receive in 2017?

Last news from government offices are very contradictory:

  • Dmitry Medvedev urged officials to do everything to restore full indexation of pensions in 2017.
  • Alexey Ulyukaev said that in 2017 "with a high degree of probability" they will return to indexing payments according to actual inflation.
  • Olga Golodets recommends raising pensions by 12% in 2016.

What wonderful words and aspirations, it remains to be hoped that this will all happen. And what is actually happening:

  1. The payment of pensions to working pensioners who earn more than 1 million rubles a year has been stopped. On the one hand, they seem to have enough money anyway. On the other hand, these people honestly earned the right to this allowance, so why were they deprived of it? Maybe this is just a test of the mechanism, and will all working pensioners receive money from the state in 2017?
  2. There was a freeze on pension savings. The state saved 324 billion rubles. talking in simple terms, pensioners will receive 324 billion less. In a year. And this is the third year in a row.
  3. In 2016, indexation was carried out by only 4%, with the promising wording “to consider the possibility of another indexation following the results of the first half of the year.”
  4. Even the indexation of 4% passed by those who continue to work. So should we expect that the pension in 2017 for working pensioners will increase? The government explained that such a step was made "to stimulate citizens." That is, in their own interests, apparently.

Yes, this can be explained by steps taken to lower the unemployment rate so that "the old do not take the place of the young."

Demographic picture

The demographic situation is developing in such a way that in Russia there are only 83 million people of working age, and 42 million pensioners. That is, less than 2 working people "feed" one old man. According to the law of the Russian Federation, pension contributions are 22% of wages. If we calculate pension contributions, it turns out that on average a pensioner can receive about 40% of what he earned. The average salary in Russia was 27 thousand rubles after taxes. The old-age pension is 12,600 rubles, so everything agrees in terms of numbers: how much you have earned, so much you have received. So will pensioners work in 2017 or will they reduce living standards by 60%? And what stimulates in this case the refusal to index?

According to forecasts, the number of pensioners in the Russian Federation in 2017 will increase by 500 thousand, and will amount to more than 43 million people. At the same time, the number of working-age citizens will decrease.

Why is all this happening

The reason for fluctuations in pension policy is simple - the state does not have money to maintain the living standards of the elderly. Not to mention improving their well-being. The global crisis and the difficult geopolitical situation led to a sharp collapse in the country's economy. Oil prices collapsed, which led to the formation of a hole in the budget of the Russian Federation in 2.3 trillion. rubles. The transition to a new economic model due to an increase in the level of production did not take place, a Russian produces as much goods and services per hour of work as the inhabitants of Mexico or Chile, and 4 times less than a worker from a highly developed country.

As long as the state had the opportunity to maintain the standard of living of the elderly, it did so. It is no longer necessary to expect that pensions for workers in 2017 will correspond to the income level of European residents. Even in the foreseeable future, a return to the fat years is not expected; the economy will not reach the pre-crisis level until 2018-2019.

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Changes since January 1, 2017

There are a number of important changes that have taken place since the beginning of 2017:

  1. Increasing the minimum number and required for the appointment .
    • 1st of February- by the amount of inflation of the previous year;
    • April 1- depending on the growth rate of the subsistence minimum over the past year.

    Recall that in 2016, para. 4 articles 25 of the law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation", part 21 of article 15 and part 6 of article 16 of the law "About insurance pensions", in connection with which insurance and state pensions were indexed by only 4% with significantly higher inflation in 2015 - 12.9%.

    Unlike the previous 2016, from the new 2017 the members of the Government have repeatedly promised to restore the legal order of indexation and carry it out in full, as required by law, in the amount.

    “We have decided that in 2017 pensions will be indexed in full.”

    Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev

    Thus, already now the draft budget includes the necessary funds to increase pensions, which indicates the serious intentions of the state in this direction.

    Pension increase in 2017 for old-age pensioners

    Labor (after the pension reform insurance) pensions are increased by indexation (SIPC) and (PV) - the components of the insurance pension after the pension reform in 2015. After the increase on February 1, 2016, these parameters were set at the following values:

    • the cost of a pension point is 74.27 rubles;
    • the amount of the fixed payment is 4558.93 rubles.

    The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development predicted an inflation rate of 5.8%, in which case indexation coefficient would be 1.058. However, the published data of the Federal State Statistics Service indicates the consumer price index for 2016 in the amount of 5.4%. In this regard, Maxim Topilin (Minister of Labor and Social Protection) stated that the coefficient of indexation of insurance pensions and social payments in February 2017 will be 1.054 (with SIPK = 78.28 rubles, FV = 4805.11 rubles). However, the Federal Law on the Budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation notes that as of April 1, 2017, the cost of a pension point will be set at 78 rubles 58 kopecks, and therefore must pass second indexation of insurance pensions, which in total will be 5.8%, resulting in April 1 insurance pension additionally increased by 0.38%.

    Table of indexation of insurance pensions by years

    YearPrevious year's inflation rateIndexing percentageIndexing coefficient
    2011 8,8% 8,8% 1,088
    2012 6,1% 10,65% 1,1065
    2013 6,6% 10,12% 1,1012
    2014 6,5% 8,31% 1,0831
    2015 11,4% 11,4% 1,114
    2016 12,9% 4% 1,04
    2017 5,4% 5,8% 1,058
    • SIPC 2017 = 78.28 × 1.058 = 78.58 rubles;
    • FV 2017 = 4805.11 × 1 = 4805.11 rubles.

    On April 1, only the cost of the pension point increased, the amount of the fixed payment remained without changes.

    Indexation of pensions for working pensioners

    As one of the anti-crisis measures, a decision was made to raise pensions for working citizens in connection with the annual increase in their number. According to Rosstat for 2016, the share of working citizens amounted to 36% of the total number of pensioners.

    It is believed that the material security of pensioners who continue to work is higher than those who do not work, since in addition to pensions they have additional financial income in the form of wages.

    Thus, the law of December 29, 2015 No. 385-FZ came into force, which, from 2016, pensions of working recipients until they leave their labor activity. After the dismissal, they will be returned to the usual indexation procedure, taking into account all the increases that took place during the implementation of the work.

    • For working pensioners from January 1, 2017 this restriction will not be lifted and in February their pension was increased will not.
    • Moreover, as Maxim Topilin (Minister of Labor from Social Security) stated, in the draft law on the federal budget not provided return indexing up until 2019, as otherwise it may lead to significant additional costs that the State cannot afford at the moment.

    The adopted restrictions do not apply to pensions (including social pensions), regardless of whether the pensioner works or not.

    Indexation of social pension provision April 1

    Social pensions are not calculated according to a formula, but are set in a fixed amount, unlike insurance pensions, and depend on the category of the recipient. They should, depending on the change in the level of the subsistence level of the pensioner. Over the past 8 years, one can observe fluctuations in the level of indexation of pension provision, both up and down.

    YearIndexing level
    2010 12,51%
    2011 10,27%
    2012 14,1%
    2013 1,81%
    2014 17,1%
    2015 10,3%
    2016 4%
    2017 1,5%

    The head of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Anton Drozdov, said earlier that indexation of social pensions in 2017 2.6% is envisaged - this is the level predicted by the Ministry of Economic Development. However, on March 16, Dmitry Medvedev signed, according to which social pensions will be increased only 1.5%, which represents the increase in the PMF in 2016 relative to 2015. In accordance with this, it is possible to calculate the indexed amount of pension provision for each category of recipients.

    Recipient categoriesUntil April 1, 2017, rub.After April 1, 2017, rub.
    • citizens aged 60 and 65 years (women and men);
    • persons from among small peoples Severa, ages 50 and 55 (women and men);
    • disabled people of the 2nd group (with the exception of disabled people from childhood);
    • children left without one parent who have not reached the age of 18, and for full-time students - 23 years
    4959,85 5034,25
    • disabled people of the 1st group;
    • disabled people of the 2nd group since childhood;
    • children under 18 years of age or in full-time education - up to 23 years old, left without both parents, and children of a deceased single mother
    11903,51 12082,06
    • disabled children;
    • disabled people of the 1st group since childhood
    9919,73 10068,53
    disabled people of the 3rd group4215,90 4279,14

Changes in pensions for working pensioners in 2019 are a long-awaited event, because you can stop going to work every day and devote more time to your favorite hobby, loved ones and just relax.

In European countries, older people actively travel and engage in self-development. However, in our country, older people postpone their vacation for more late deadline or continue to work.

The reason lies in the small pension payments, which are barely enough for the bare necessities.

The concept of pension payments

Today in Russia there are many social benefits from the State.

Pension benefits are paid to a person upon reaching a certain age (men - 60 years, women - 55), regardless of whether the person continues to work or not.

Pension payments are made up of amounts deducted in Pension Fund during the course of a person's work.

If the pensioner continues to work, then he is not paid the social part of the pension, but only the funded one.

Latest news about pension payments in 2019

The government continues to "please" pensioners with new reforms.

For working pensioners, the indexation of pensions and the recalculation of pension benefits were frozen, so they did not receive this compensation.

If a pensioner stops working, he will be indexed pension benefit taking into account the period when the recalculation was not made.

Will pension benefits for working pensioners be canceled from January 1, 2019?

Over the past few years, the country has been disturbed by news that the government intends to abolish pension payments for working pensioners. In order to save budgetary funds, a proposal was considered to abolish the pension benefit for working older people.

Representatives of the Ministry of Finance confirmed this information, but clarified that the adjustments made will affect the category of older people whose annual income is more than a million rubles.

Later, amendments were made to the effect that changes in the payment of pension benefits will affect citizens whose official annual income is 1.2 million rubles.

In their latest clarifications The FIU said that there will be no cancellation of pensions for working older people, and their pensions, as before, will be recalculated on August 1, 2019.

The payment of a fixed part of pensions for working pensioners who are affected by these changes will be resumed in the following cases:

  • The pensioner will stop working;
  • The level of annual income of a working pensioner will be reduced to the specified bar.

The changes introduced will not affect those older people who are employed informally. Pension payments will be made to them in full.

Will working retirees have benefits?

  1. Labor veterans still have a 50% discount on housing and communal services, benefits for dental treatment, and the purchase of railway tickets;
  2. Labor veterans living in Moscow can count on free sanatorium treatment;
  3. An employed Veteran of Labor can count on a vacation of 30 days.

Video: The Big Lie of Pension Reform: Why Raise the Retirement Age?

Is there an increase in pension payments for working pensioners?

Following the sad news about the abolition of pension benefits for some categories of citizens, there were also rumors about an upcoming increase for working pensioners.

The government approved a resolution to increase the amount of payment for each working pensioner on an individual basis. The gain factor is calculated as follows:

  • The age of the pensioner;
  • salary level;

If a person stops working as soon as possible, then the accumulated insurance premiums will be divided into a smaller number of years. This will increase the amount of the pension benefit.

Every year, in August, there is an increase in the cost of a pension point for working pensioners, but no more than three points.

The price of one point is 87.24 rubles. Thus, a working pensioner can count on an increase in payment by 261.72 rubles in 2019. Working pensioners who receive a salary of more than 30,000 can count on an increased increase.

On the official website of the PFR, you can use the online calculator to calculate your pension.

What can retirees look forward to in 2019?

The next innovations affected the pension system. The calculation of pension payments for people leaving for a well-deserved rest is now made according to a formula consisting of the salary level, the total number of years of service and the number of points earned.

People who postpone retirement will receive additional retirement points.

It also continues to stimulate the duration of labor activity among citizens who have reached retirement age:

  • If seniority is 35 years for men and 30 for women, then they expect an increase in pension payments;
  • With an experience of 40 years for men, and 35 for women, an increase in payment is also due.

Such innovations will increase the pension benefit by 500-600 rubles.

Is the retirement age expected to be raised?

In 2019, the government launched pension reform which initiated a gradual increase in the retirement age.

Despite the numerous protests that swept across Russia, the President approved the main provisions of the new reform, so we can only see what it will bring, including to working pensioners.

There is hope that the upcoming elections will force officials to reconsider their attitude towards the elderly, because they are the main part of the voters.

Video: A new pension reform begins in Russia. Who needs it?
