Let the wife of easy virtue speak comments. Let them say: Wife of easy virtue (06/21/2016)

Valery Zudin, a 50-year-old former police officer from Podolsk, is raising three children alone. mother of children, ex-wife Tatyana Zudina, the man put on the federal wanted list. According to Valery, he met her ten years ago on the panel, she was only 18 years old, and he fell in love. Ten years ago, Valery hoped that love and family would make an exemplary wife and mother out of a woman of easy virtue. They signed at the registry office and after happy husband, met his wife from the hospital with a third child. In our issue, Tatyana Zudina, mother of three children, whom the program tracked down in Odessa, as well as the results of a DNA test.

About transmission:“Let them talk” - a talk show by Andrei Malakhov - the leading figure of a bright and enchanting evening air. The guests of the “Let them talk” program are interesting and famous, the topics discussed are relevant and original. The show participants leave boring phrases outside the set and engage in heated debates. The program claims to be information-analytical, therefore the discussions are no less meaningful than emotional. “Let them talk” is a place where real metamorphoses take place - politicians turn into ordinary people, and simple people- in politicians. No matter what the conversation is, everyone has the right to vote.

Genre: TV show
Year of issue: 2016
Released: Russia, Channel One
Leading: Andrei Malakhov

Valery Zudin, a 50-year-old former police officer from Podolsk, is raising three children alone. The mother of the children, his ex-wife Tatyana Zudina, the man put on the federal wanted list. According to Valery, he met her ten years ago on the panel, she was only 18 years old, and he fell in love. Ten years ago, Valery hoped that love and family would make an exemplary wife and mother out of a woman of easy virtue. They signed at the registry office and after a happy husband, he met his wife from the hospital with a third child. In our issue, Tatyana Zudina, mother of three children, whom the program tracked down in Odessa, as well as the results of a DNA test.

About transmission:“Let them talk” - a talk show by Andrei Malakhov - the leading figure of a bright and enchanting evening air. The guests of the “Let them talk” program are interesting and famous, the topics discussed are relevant and original. The show participants leave boring phrases outside the set and engage in heated debates. The program claims to be information-analytical, therefore the discussions are no less meaningful than emotional. “Let them talk” is a place where real metamorphoses take place - politicians turn into ordinary people, and ordinary people into politicians. No matter what the conversation is, everyone has the right to vote.

Genre: TV show
Year of issue: 2016
Released: Russia, Channel One
Leading: Andrei Malakhov

Genre: TV show

The plot is that..

One of the most rated and, without exaggeration, in-demand television programs of our time for almost fifteen years now has been the project "Let them talk" with Andrey Malakhov as the host. By this, the program was called "Big Wash" and "Five Evenings", but in early 2005, the management of Channel One decided to rename the talk show and change the format slightly. So, for example, if the previous talk shows were entertaining and even public direction, then since 2005 the project has become a kind of social drama, ordinary and not so people, famous personalities with their tragic stories, dramatic and tragic everyday cases and the difficult reality in which the heroes of the program have to exist.

Original name: Let them talk

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Valery Zudin, a 50-year-old former police officer, is raising three children alone, and their mother Tatyana has been put on the federal wanted list. Valery claims that he met her at the panel 10 years ago. Then the girl was 18 years old and the man fell in love with her. At that moment, he hoped that love and family would change her, make her an exemplary wife, however, according to Zudin, Tatyana remained a girl of easy virtue. What will Tatyana herself answer to his words and what are the results of the DNA test? See Let them talk - Wife of easy virtue 06/22/2016

Valery Zudin talks about his children: “Children are the best thing I have. They will come and hug me. I love them very much.". However, the man speaks extremely negatively about his wife: “Unfortunately, simpletons remain them ... So, guys, before you connect your life with such a girl, think a hundred times! My son told me a lot about her. It turns out that she brought men home, arranged drinking parties and slept with them. Even her pimp advised me to leave her.” Tatyana Zudina was found in Odessa. What will she say on the program? And what are the results of the DNA test? Is Valery really the father of the children that his “wife of easy virtue” gave birth to?

Let them talk - Wife of easy virtue

Valery Zudin came to the program to tell everything about his wife of easy virtue:

I met her in 2006. I was driving and saw “moths” on the highway. I was married then, but my relationship with my wife was not very good ... there was almost no intimacy. So I decided to use the services of simple * here. I paid with a friend about 5,000 rubles for it and the three of us went to the sauna.

- She began to talk about her difficult life, about her slavery. My friend Sergei took pity on her and promised to help her. The next day I went to the pimp and began to talk to him about Tatiana ... She already had a child then - daughter Alina. When we began to live together, I adopted Alina. Tatyana gave birth to my son Maxim, and then my daughter Veronica.

Sergey Dudkin, the same friend of Valery:

Valera fell in love with her. I advised him to think carefully, but he no longer listened to me. Then his wife found out about everything and left.

Valery Zudin continues:

- After the birth of Veronica, she began to walk. Could not be at home for two days. In 2008, she also had a spree when we went to Ukraine for some information. She lied, deceived, booze ... And once she told me that she was much better on the panel than with me. The last time she called me was two years ago.

Alena Vodonaeva in Let them talk (broadcast "Wife of easy virtue"):

- I think it's your own fault that you left your family and took such a girl of easy virtue. What were you thinking?! In this situation, I do not respect you. This is your cross and your burden.

Singer Lyudmila Sokolova:

- And I respect you if you really stayed with your children and are now raising them.

Wife of easy virtue: Tatyana Zudina

The ex-wife of Valery Zudin Tatyana was found in Odessa. What will she say in her defense? Tatyana came to “Let them talk” (issue “Wife of easy virtue”) to fight for her children.

- I broke up with Valera, because he beat me, extinguished bulls on me, rushed with a knife and handcuffed me to the radiator. The kids are with him because he stole them from me. He illegally took me out of Ukraine and threatened me so that I would never approach the children and try to pick them up!

The girl assures that she did not work as a “night butterfly” and that Valery is brazenly lying:

- How we met: he was a taxi driver, gave me a lift and gave me his phone number. Then he gave me another ride and we started dating. And I'm not an alcoholic or a drug addict. I came to Moscow with a man with whom I have my first child. This is where we parted ways.

Valery's mother, Lydia Vasilievna Zudina, comes into the hall, ready to tell the whole truth about her former daughter-in-law:

— Cuckoo! She couldn’t cook porridge, she didn’t raise children, she poisoned them! She wanted to throw the children off the tenth floor, and poison me with mushrooms! I do not justify my son, he is very nervous, but kind! And she only needs our "three-ruble note"!

The children of Valery and Tatyana talk about their mother:

- She always treated us badly, drank, smoked, beat with a stun gun, with sticks, put us in corners. We slept in the entrance, they gave us vodka to try, we ate raw meat from the refrigerator. Now we are better off without mom.

Wife of easy virtue: new details of the story

In the studio Let them talk - Alexander Zudin, younger brother Valeria. He has something to say about his close relative:

There is a video of my brother beating me. He kicked me out, survived from the apartment. I came with the bailiffs to the apartment where I was registered, but he began to beat me even in front of the bailiffs. As for Tatyana, he told me a completely different version: he allegedly met her in a cafe where she was trained to be a “priestess of love”.

Valery Zudin and his children

Close friend of Valery Sergey Akulov:

- Valera has a very difficult fate. At the age of 5, his father dies, at the age of 18 he flies to serve in Afghanistan in the landing force. Then my stepfather dies. Yes, sometimes nerves give up, but he needs help.

— I have been living in Barcelona for 15 years. Ex-husband I was also beaten, as Tatyana says, but, unlike her, I did not abandon my children. I don't want to talk about Tanya at all! She is not a mother.

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Valery Zudin, a 50-year-old former policeman from Podolsk, is raising three children alone. The mother of the children, his ex-wife Tatyana Zudina, the man put on the federal wanted list.

According to Valery, 10 years ago he met Tatyana on the panel - the girl was only 18 years old and he fell in love. Valery hoped that love and family would make an exemplary wife and mother out of a woman of easy virtue.

However, after 10 years of marriage, Tatyana left her husband and children. Correspondents "Let them talk" found a woman in Odessa. Why did Tatyana run away from home and who is really the father of all her children?

Everyone is talking: eyewitnesses, neighbors, distant and close relatives, opponents and supporters. Famous politicians say the best psychologists, celebrities, show business stars, journalists. Ordinary spectators present in the hall speak. They say people with great worldly experience. And all this makes the discussion in the studio as objective as possible.
The best ending of our programs is concrete help to people, correction of mistakes and search for compromises.
