Secrets of happy wives. About husband and wife: statuses, beautiful expressions She thanks you

Sometimes men complain about the lack of attention from their wife or that she grumbles too often. But do they do everything to make the wife happy?

Here are 10 signs of a happy wife that all husbands should consider.

1. She enjoys being around her husband.

If a woman most often easily agrees to go somewhere with her husband on his business, even to the store for a new fishing rod or a pack of nails, this means that she wants to be there, no matter where and under what circumstances. Not happy wife will not look for a reason to stay with her husband.

2. She smiles a lot

Happiness is a very specific emotional state when inner joy cannot be hidden. The woman seems to glow from the inside and this is reflected on her face in a smile. Of course, she won't smile all the time, but it happens quite often. If the wife often looks gloomy, reacts nervously to everything and grumbles, then such a woman is hardly really happy.

3. She loves hugging her husband

If a woman happily reciprocates the hugs of her husband, then everything is fine in the couple. An unhappy woman will be very reserved or even look for excuses to avoid hugs, citing busyness or other reasons.

4. She likes to kiss her husband

Kissing can also speak volumes. Let not every time, but most often the kiss should be gentle and long, at least for a few seconds. If the husband sees that the wife is enjoying the process at this moment and is not in a hurry to interrupt it, this is a clear sign of a loving and happy woman.

5. She likes to talk to him about everything.

A happy wife will be happy to chat with her husband about everything - about breaking news, favorite movies, family affairs, etc. This is a sign that for a woman, communication with her husband is comfortable and pleasant. Most likely, such a wife feels happy.

6. She thanks her husband

A happy wife appreciates and loves her husband. This also manifests itself in gratitude - she is genuinely glad if he does something for her and always thanks him, trying to show that she appreciates his desire to please her. Of course, for this, the husband should try to please his wife, help her or arrange some kind of pleasant surprise.

7. She cooks his favorite meals

If a wife often cooks her husband's favorite dishes or tries to please him with new culinary delights, this is an important sign that she is happy. So the wife tries to show her husband her love and care.

8. She enjoys spending time with her husband.

Of course, the wife can sometimes meet with her friends and spend time with them. But if she too often prefers their company to the company of her husband, then everything is not so good in marriage. In a happy marriage, the husband likes to arrange dates, and the wife gladly accepts his offer to go somewhere together.

9. She supports her husband if he is ill.

A husband will always feel care and love if his wife is happy. She will look after and treat him if he gets sick, will cook delicious meals and worry about him. She will sympathize and support if he has problems or just Bad mood. A happy wife is always caring.

10. She compliments him.

If the wife is happy, she will definitely tell her man when he looks especially good, and will certainly praise him if he manages to cope with any difficult task.

Every man wants to see his wife happy, to feel her love, care and attention. However, for this, a man himself must try to please his wife, surround her with care and love. If many of these points do not appear in the family, then the man should think about whether he is doing everything to make his wife happy.

A man will never give up his dominant position in the family. Never! Even if he gives in to a woman, he will internally resist her with the help of alcohol, a mistress, indifference. Often men become quiet, lethargic and useless. And not some exhortations like: "You're not a man" will not help! Words don't work here. First you must become real woman and only then a real man will appear next to you. I have had many such results. If a woman accepts her feminine nature (more on that in a new post) develops its feminine qualities, husbands stop drinking, start earning money, buy a long-awaited car, apartment, etc.

Real woman will never get angry, provoke and humiliate a man. She knows that only a woman can provoke a quarrel. She will always give in and obey, because the main thing for her is not to prove to her husband that she is the main one and establish herself, but to maintain harmony in the family, nerves for herself and her husband. The practice of “yielding” was the most difficult for me. Before, I didn’t even notice that it was I who kindled quarrels and often insisted on my own. My principle was to prove and stay right. Today I choose to be happy, so I keep giving in.

Here, in fact, simple mathematics, if you blame, if you humiliate a man, if in the pursuit of family happiness you forgot about a man, then you will get a conflict. There is no need to try to change the formula, saying that the time is different now, and we do not live in a Muslim country. The Laws of Nature work everywhere. Otherwise, you will experience disappointment and failure.

Do you want to be happy wife?

If a woman does not act feminine methods in a relationship and does not remember men's needs, then her husband will never support her initiatives. Women are often carried away by external achievements while maintaining the family and hearth, which they completely forget about the man who is nearby. All their attention is directed to the purchase new apartment, repair, furniture, cars, for the upbringing of children. And the husband, meanwhile, ignores all this. Because he doesn't need it. A real woman knows that everything what a man does, he does for a woman. And if there is no woman nearby, but there is only a leader and initiator, the man gives up. And such a man will not do anything.

So, you have decided to become a happy wife. I think that these examples will help you internally agree with this secret and begin to live in accordance with it.

I would be grateful if you leave your comments at the end of the article.

I collect such quotes and such examples.

These are the words of Yulia Vysotskaya: “I had one passion - theater, and I only dreamed about this - to become an artist. But Konchalovsky broke it in me. Now the most important thing for me is the children and he, the husband.

And here is what Alsou says: “We do not welcome Western equality, the man is considered the main one in the family. I will never give my husband an ultimatum: “If you can, then I can!” It is clear that he respects my opinion, but in everything related to global decisions, the main word remains with Jan.”

Draw your own conclusions. And most importantly, make the choice to be right or happy.

And remember happy wives know the secret. Relationships are the main value of a woman, so she protects them and is responsible for them.

Tatyana Dzutseva

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1. If you want to be his queen, treat him like a king. Let him get the better of you in most matters.

2. In Islam, the husband has a very high status. So it is your responsibility as a wife to give him the proper respect and make sure his needs are met.

3. Gladly meet him after returning from work or from some business trip. Try to look fresh and happy. A pleasant smell and a smile can work wonders.

4. Whining and complaining are extremely unpleasant things. Don't let them dominate your behavior as they can destroy your marriage. These things are very disliked by most men. This does not mean that you cannot show your feelings at all, but you need to do it carefully and intelligently.

5. Make an effort to learn how to cook the way your husband loves. No wonder they say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. When your husband is full, he will be pleased with you.

6. Give your husband pleasant surprises from time to time. Why should only husbands come up with surprises for their wives? Men don't fewer women love pleasant surprises. Don't wait for any special day - make your every day special.

7. Try to be in the group of those women who make life easier for their husbands, and not among those who make life difficult for them. It was about such wives - who give men the right to talk about marriage as something difficult and unpleasant, that one man once said: “I was unlucky with both my wives: one of them left me, and the other, on the contrary, did not doesn't want to do it!"

8. Disputes and disagreements are inevitable in marriage and even bring some variety to it, if they happen in moderation. However, be careful when you once again want to object to your husband - is this issue really worth it to quarrel over him? Is this annoyance worth your annoyance? And it is absolutely wrong to express dissatisfaction when the husband just came tired from work.

9. Do not be like demanding and eternally dissatisfied women, who are always not satisfied with what their husband does for them. To do this, try not to make friends with women who are higher than you in property status, so as not to be imbued with envy for what they have. Look not at those who live better than yours, but at those who may have been less fortunate - here the best remedy from envy. And contentment and gratitude to her husband is the key to a happy marriage.

10. Almost all women dream about marriage before marriage. ideal husband, ideal home and marriage. However, when we get married, we realize that life is far from ideal. So try to be happy with what you have. When you accept your husband and your marriage as they are, then your marriage will be perfect.

11. Try to forget and not remind your husband of any unpleasant moments in your life. family life- his mistakes or your quarrels. Let the past stay in the past.

12. Try to be not only a wife, but also a friend to your husband. Show interest in his affairs and work if he needs it, give him good advice if he asks you about it (or you feel the need for it). Appreciate his trust if he shares his secrets with you and do not tell anyone else about what is happening between you, so as not to let down his trust.

13. Praise him often and thank him for all the good things he does for you.

14. Encourage your husband to better observe religion: pray regularly, wake up on time for morning prayers, attend the mosque on Fridays and holidays. If parents strictly observe religion, then children, inshaAllah, will follow their example.

15. Try to create the most pleasant atmosphere at home: a clean house, Tasty food, contented and obedient children, and your husband will thank Allah for a good and wise wife.

16. Create an Islamic atmosphere at home: read religious literature at home, listen to Quran recordings and lectures on Islam. This will fill your house with barakah.

17. Do not panic and despair, if even at the beginning of the marriage, the husband or his parents do not show due attention to you or are not always friendly. Try not to discuss your family problems with someone else (except when really necessary) to avoid the sin of backbiting, but instead, be kind and friendly to your husband and his family, this will help you win their favor and respect.


1. Try to be friendly with your wife. Give her small tokens of attention - in such matters, even small things matter.

2. Tell your wife that you love her more often. Three words "I love you" mean a lot to a woman!

3. Happy marriage based on trust and mutual respect. Discuss and agree - sincerity and sincerity are always better than secrecy and silence. Any problem can be solved by talking and discussing contentious issues.

4. The Shari'ah gave the husband the right to divorce. Do not abuse this right and do not threaten them in vain (“if you do not do this and that, I will divorce you”): you can give your wife a divorce if you have really exhausted all the possibilities of reconciliation. After all, divorce is the most hated thing for Allah.

5. Try to make your family have more of an advantage for you than your friends if you want your home to always be good and pleasant. Your wife and children will always be happy if you spend your free time with them.

6. Never go to bed when you are in an argument. Try to resolve this issue amicably. If you think that you were to blame, apologize, but sincerely, and not in this form: “Of course, I am also guilty, but if you hadn’t done this and that…”

7. Do not let your wife feel like something unimportant and second-rate for you. Let her feel her importance and importance to you.

8. Be observant - notice if your wife has prepared a new dish for you or put on a new dress and praise her for it. Unfortunately, it often happens that wives dress up for their husbands and try to please them, but they do not pay attention to their efforts.

9. Help your wife with household chores if possible (go to the store, take out the trash, put away your things, sit with the children so that the wife can rest): do not consider this shameful for a man. Our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) of Allah is reported to have repaired his shoes and clothes, helped his wives, and he was the best of people. Don't think of a wife as something like household appliances, which exists to serve you and your guests. She, too, may feel unwell and tired.

10. Spare no effort, come up with pleasant surprises for her - let it be cute little things, it's always nice.

11. Even if you are unhappy with something, try to express it gently, without rudeness, without humiliating your wife and not comparing her with other women.

12. Even being alone with your wife, express your dissatisfaction without rudeness, caustic reproaches and barbs. And even more so, do not do this in front of strangers.

13. Many husbands are often kind and friendly with strangers - with friends, colleagues, but returning home, they turn into tyrants and rude people. This behavior is destroying your family. After all, whoever you communicate with, you have to return home. So make sure that your arrival is expected with joy, and not with fear and disgust.

14. Do not reproach households with good deeds that you do for them: “I earn money and provide for all of you, and you ...”, “I have done so much for you, ungrateful ...”. Good deeds and care are then good when they do not turn into means for reproaches and humiliation.

15. Pay special attention to the language you use at home. Foul language, insults, swearing create a very unhealthy atmosphere at home and set a bad example for your children.

16. Your parents have a lot of rights over you, but try to smooth things over between your parents (especially your mother) and your wife. Be impartial when dealing with conflicts, do not take sides, show your wife and mother that you love them both and value them equally (Also remember that often your mother can be jealous of your wife and be picky and partial to her actions).

17. A man is the guardian and shepherd of his family, he is responsible for the religious education of his wife and children. Try to set an example for your family in the observance of religion, do not be careless and frivolous in these matters. However, here you need to remember what was said above - when encouraging your wife to observe some religious duties (wearing a hijab, regularly performing prayers), be gentle and patient. Surely you have not always been punctual and obligatory in these things either, so be indulgent.

Revive the spirit of the Sunnah in your home. It is reported that the reward for the revival of the Sunnah in the days of turmoil is equal to the reward of a martyr for the faith.

And may Allah help you to create harmony and harmony in your home. Amine.

According to his unique psychology, a man can only feel fulfilled with a woman for whom he is the best. Husbands often leave disgruntled wives. How to be?

After all, there are no perfect people. Before getting married, a wise woman will analyze whether the “cons” of a man are acceptable to her or not. To get a clear picture, take a piece of paper and make two graphs - pros and cons.

Will you be comfortable living with his negative qualities on a daily basis? Is it possible for you to avoid the irritation and condemnation of your husband? It is important to answer these questions for yourself if you love him. After all, this feeling implies the desire to see a person happy.

Praise your husband as often as possible -
because there is always something for it.

If you are dissatisfied with something, organize a romantic dinner and from a position weak woman tell me what upsets you. Attention! Disappointing, not disappointing! Reproaches and a mask of disappointment on the face can lead to a lack of motivation in a husband.

There are examples when an uninitiated, rude, unemployed man showed new personality traits in a short time. The reason is the praise of a woman for the most “insignificant” achievements. Will he be able to be rude if, in your words, he is “the most gentle”? How not to make money for the family if: “darling, you spoil me so much” (and let it be a bouquet of chicory for a start). Is it really possible to waste days if “how do you manage to do everything”?

Wife can give strong motivation
to the prosperity of the family, husband.

Respect is an important component of family well-being. All people are visited by a feeling of irritation. And raising your voice, using jargon in such a situation is unacceptable. Having failed to cope with your emotions one day, you will cross the line beyond which he can begin to behave identically.

Initially, keep track of such moments and if your husband is the first to offend you, talk. There are many ways to deal with emotions. Ideal - to deploy and remember the brightest, most romantic moments from your history. If this is not possible, do it while looking at the beloved who is letting off steam of anger. The main thing is to watch your tone and choose your expressions carefully. Love is a fragile thing. And every scandal in which you looked like a peasant woman driving a herd of goats will shake the romantic feelings of your husband. Remember - "a wife is for a husband, not a husband for a wife."

Traditions are the magic of the family,
provided by a smart wife.

In addition to the birthdays of your second cousins, there is the date of your meeting with your husband, the day of the first kiss, the holiday of all lovers in the city, which does not exist - the list is endless. The task of the wife of a happy husband is to organize such events at least once a month.

The tradition necessarily includes spontaneous evenings. You can even rent an apartment for a day in the Dubrovka metro station, with a beautiful interior, to spend an unforgettable evening. Every woman knows that having met her husband in a trite in beautiful underwear, leaving only candles from the lighting, your pastime together will help him get rid of unpleasant thoughts and daily fuss.

An important psychological nuance- sometimes a man can be frightened that you expect "cine" actions from him. Subconsciously, he may experience tension, fearing to disappoint. Therefore, be sensitive - if you feel that your husband is embarrassed or not quite in the mood for a romantic dinner, translate the communication into a playful form.

Just having dinner in your underwear is pretty fun and just as relaxing. In this case, you can buy him funny underwear, for conceptual completeness theme party. And continue by bathing in a foam bath or massage with fir oil.

The best hobby for a wife - family traditions and the organization of such joint leisure, which includes the breaking of patterns and remains invariably amazing.

Today I wanted to talk about a very important issue - the happiness of a woman or how the happiness of a family depends on the state of a woman.

I can say with confidence that the happier the woman, the better the internal emotional state of the family. We can say that a happy wife is a happy family.

After all, I have written more than once that the well-being, abundance and comfort of the family depends directly on. After all, it is to her, she gives strength to achieve her husband. If it is not enough, the husband begins to look to the left, he subconsciously looks for a source of energy and love. After all, the more dissatisfied a woman is with herself, the less she can give something to her family.

An ideal picture of a family (of course, this does not always happen and not for everyone, but this must be strived for), a man provides for his family, gives everything his family needs, he draws strength and energy from his wife, who loves herself and her husband, children . She is satisfied with herself and her world, thus she does not waste her energy on fighting with herself and does not scold her life, but directs it to a “peaceful channel” - the comfort of all family members and comfort in the house. A man, knowing that everything is fine in his house, his children and his wife are happy, can thereby spend his strength on achieving more serious goals. But the condition of a woman contributes to all this.

So it turns out that if a wife is not happy with something, constantly nags her husband, is not happy with herself, scolds her children, thereby she wastes her energy, directing the energy of all family members to destruction and also spends on swearing and worries.

So, my dear women, first of all, you need to take care of your state of mind, of course, you can say that this is selfishness, but I will argue with you. After all, if you are unhappy, it will affect all family members, and in a negative way. And if you are beautiful and happy, then I think your loved ones will receive a lot in the form of your love and care.

Of course, I understand that in every family different situation and sometimes it is very difficult to find a happy state in yourself, because there are so many worries and problems, but taking care of yourself should be your very first duty, first a duty, and then a pleasant habit.

And then self-love will not be selfishness, but care for the family. After all, what can a wife give, wrapped up, tired and angry from overwork? Nothing but problems. So we think about it more often, and remember our loved ones.

Daily care for your beauty, 30 minutes of meditation in the morning or evening, several times a week doing sports or yoga at home or in the gym (for example, I do yoga on video - recordings at home, and the child is engaged with me and I, and we don’t spend the family budget , everyone is better for it), 30 minutes of solitude in the evening (bubble or salt bath or just reading your favorite book is just time for yourself). I think it is possible for all women, the main desire.

And the result is you are much happier, thus much more you can offer your family.

So I am for the fact that a happy wife is a happy family.

What do you think? Your opinion is very interesting.
