Rauchtopaz. sacred buddha stone

Smoky quartz or rauchtopaz, properties which they talk about its powerful energy is the topic of today's post on my blog. I will tell not only about its properties, but also how to work with it (spiritual practice).

Back in the summer I bought beads from rauchtopaz. They have a dark brown color and a glassy sheen. Although I saw both light gray and golden brown stones. After this event, my life became much easier, since all the grievances, Bad mood and negative emotions he absorbs. It's enough for me to clean it under the stream cold water how he is ready to protect me again.

The magical properties of rauchtopaz

This is the stone of the Buddha, as well as sorcerers and sorcerers. Why? The ancient Hindus always knew that he was able to raise a person's thoughts from the subconscious to the surface for their awareness. Thus, jewelry with it helps to cleanse the soul, by getting rid of resentment, anger and misunderstanding. In addition, it was the favorite stone of the Buddha and apparently not in vain.

A powerful stone attracts and at the same time accumulates the strongest energies of the Cosmos. Therefore, some will like it because it is connected with the world of the spirits of the dead. Other practitioners will be delighted with how he allows you to look at least one eye into the future.

Medieval manuscripts contain many references to magical rituals associated with the participation of smoky quartz:

  • decryption of information packets sent to Earth from higher worlds and other universes;
  • a stone is able to attract the forces of evil to a person if he, in turn, does bad things to other people;
  • used in the conduct of sessions of black magic.

The energy of the stone is used positively for their own good. thinking people. They become cheerful, do not see any obstacles in their path and absolutely do not get tired at work.

Do you feel the strength to tame the energy of rauchtopaz? Find a stone or a product with it, which will be the first to “stretch” into your hands.

Additional properties:

  1. In stressful situations, smoky quartz will not let you lose your composure and faith in your abilities.
  2. It absorbs electromagnetic radiation like a “sponge”.
  3. Releases from attachments on the physical and mental level. You will breathe freely, and feeling unwell or a drooping mood will dissipate by itself.
  4. It will teach you to accept yourself, your lifestyle and you will gradually be imbued with love for yourself and your body.

Who, first of all, should wear rauchtopaz, whose properties are simply amazing?

If you have high expectations, you can’t measure up to the reality in which you live, be sure to buy this mineral. It will give you a powerful impetus to realize whatever you want. You won't care what anyone thinks of you. You will learn to live by your own standards.

Are you often depressed? The stone will magically help you get out of depression.

Are you too irritable person? Perhaps now. But after wearing it on yourself for at least 2 weeks, you will notice how calmly you began to react to everything that happens around. Believe me, this property is confirmed by my own work with the stone.

Have you had nightmares for a long time? Put smoky quartz under your pillow and fall asleep. It will attract amazingly beautiful dreams.

Do you want to learn how to be focused? Do not be a redneck to "your beloved" and buy at least a small pebble. But remember that those stones that have big sizes. At least 3 cm x 4 cm.

How do I work with rauchtopaz?

I hold it in my hand when everything “boils” inside and I want to say something bad to someone. This rarely happens, but with the help of a stone it passes quickly. Once it warms up, count it sure sign the fact that smoky quartz "dragged" all your negative emotions into itself: fear, resentment, hatred, etc. In return, you will feel relieved. Over time, you won't experience these "low" emotions at all. You will understand what it means to become wiser and wiser every day.

Zodiac signs

Perfect for Scorpio and Libra.

I am a Cancer and I was just drawn to this stone. And now he helps me a lot. So rely on your inner instinct.

Rauchtopaz is a variety of quartz. The color of the gem can be of varying intensity - from light smoky to brown.
Cairngorm, "Scottish topaz"- a few more ancient names of the stone. The first images of smoky transparent quartz in Western Europe were found in Scotland - in the Cairngorm Mountains. Rauchtopaz was worn by Scottish highlanders on their clothes.

It is rauchtopaz - talisman stone, a period of correct completion of affairs, understanding one's mistakes. This means that rauchtopaz acquires the greatest strength on the 8th day after the Full Moon, and all rituals with it will be more effective at this time.

What is the lunar day today?

Rauchtopaz in the history of different countries

IN Tibet and India it was called the "stone of the Buddha", believing that it has magical properties.

ancient indians it was believed that rauchtopaz removes negative energy from the body.

In Russia XVII-XVII centuries rauchtopaz was not particularly popular due to its dark color and the supposed “dark” nature in connection with this. It was believed that the stone could become a guide to the other world.

Exactly this magical meaning smoky quartz made it very popular in the 19th century, when spiritism became fashionable. So, the gem was used many times in rituals with love spells and conspiracies, and with its help they made a connection with the souls of dead people. Smoky quartz has become the talisman of philosophers, healers, mystics, astrologers. But if the owner could not cope with his inner strength, then the stone destroyed it. Rauchtopaz was especially popular among the female representatives.

The girls used the stone for love spells of their chosen ones and for the fullest impact on them.

Today, the main deposits of smoky quartz are located in Swiss Alps, Spain, USA, as well as in Brazil, Namibia and Madagascar.

Rauchtopaz in lithotherapy

The stone is often used to treat:

  • addiction;
  • alcohol dependence;
  • In the fight against smoking.

Lithotherapists also advise people with paranoid and suicidal tendencies to wear rauchtopaz. This stone will set you up for positive thoughts, raise self-esteem.

It is believed that rauchtopaz has a beneficial effect on the reproductive organs. He "helps" women to conceive a child. In men, it helps to restore potency.

The energy of rauchtopaz and its effect on humans

Rauchtopaz is considered a stone of calmness and meditative contemplation.

Helps relieve irritability and anger. Eliminates jealousy and pride, which is important for health. To do this, firmly squeeze the gem in your hand. Imagine how the stone sucks negativity and worries out of you. Unclench your hands when you feel that it has warmed up.

According to our ancestors, water (in a bowl made of rauchtopaz) removes toxins and cures most serious diseases.

Smoky crystal also immerses its owner in a world of illusions and helps to survive difficult situations. But this stone is not for every day. Decoration is necessary only on those days when you want to forget.

Other magical properties- the ability to attract prophetic dreams.

It is believed that the darker the stone, the more energy is accumulated in it. So for young female representatives, a light mineral is recommended.

When we need to analyze the work done, even a small crystal of rauchtopaz can help! Don't miss this magical time of mineral power with Lunar Calendar.

There is in the world great amount various minerals, and jadeite occupies a rather important place in this list. It began to be mined long before our era, people initially made tools and hunting tools from it, later the beauty and fragility of the stone contributed to the creation of jewelry from it. A special attitude to jadeite has been preserved in China, where it is considered a truly sacred stone, a large statue of Buddha was made from it, which already speaks of the special significance of the mineral for this people. .

It is believed that the mineral jadeite gives good health and longevity.

If we talk about its qualities and properties, then you should know that:

  1. This type of fossil belongs to the class of silicates. It is a complex compound of aluminum and sodium.
  2. The mineral is very similar to jade, so until recently they were united under one common name - jade. Nevertheless, there are differences between them, and significant ones. Jadeite is a rarer and therefore more valuable mineral, and it is also much harder and stronger than jade.
  3. The most valuable and expensive type of this stone is jadeite imperial. It has a rich emerald tone, sometimes lighter shades are found, but its color density, a certain brilliance and even mother-of-pearl remain characteristic. This view can be transparent or translucent.
  4. This rock is formed under the influence of low temperatures and high pressure in the bowels of our planet. This species belongs to igneous and metamorphic groups. In other words, there is a variety that includes not only 2 main components (sodium and aluminum), but also other impurities of minerals and gases that accumulate in certain soil layers. These impurities are often found in in large numbers and even replace either aluminum or sodium. For example, sodium can be replaced by manganese, calcium. Iron, chromium and magnesium can be found instead of aluminum. The main component plays an important role and determines the type of mineral and, accordingly, its value.

Physical properties of stone

So, jadeite stone is a dense granular rock, which usually contains a small amount of impurities. Its density is quite high, in the range of 6.5-7 units on the Mohs scale. The shiny surface refers to glass, the density is in the range of 3-3.5 g / cm³, in its structure it can be from transparent to a dense background that does not have translucence. The most common mineral found in nature color palette which varies from light green to dark emerald green.

The color is directly affected by the chemical properties of jadeite, green color it is provided by the presence of chromium, but lighter and diluted tones are obtained due to the admixture of iron.

Jade stone properties (video)

Locations of the mineral

This species can safely be called rare. Its largest mining sites today are in Myanmar, China, Kazakhstan, Japan, USA, Mexico and Russia.

In Russia, the richest place for the extraction of this precious stone is the Polar Urals, as well as the Krasnoyarsk Territory. At each location, different types of minerals can be mined, but, as a rule, according to certain geological features of the area, the rock of this mineral will have a certain type and belong to a specific group. It is probably impossible to say that a more valuable and pure stone is mined in one place or another, since each of them has its own characteristics and properties, which are valued primarily by jewelers.

It is believed that the mineral jadeite gives good health and longevity.

The main properties of jadeite

The main properties of jadeite are its density and viscosity, which is very important when finishing and processing stone. First of all, it is worth considering its main application in jewelry art. Due to the unusual and bright color of this mineral, its diversity and good physical characteristics, it is used for the manufacture various kinds jewelry. It can be bracelets, necklaces, beads, rings, earrings and even watches. These green pebbles are masterfully decorated with products of extraordinary beauty, which are in great demand. For example, in China, representatives of the upper class without fail wear jadeite jewelry on their bodies, rosaries and various figures are made from it. In every house in the Land of the Rising Sun there are miniature Buddha figurines made of this stone.

Gallery: jade stone (30 photos)

If you look at the use of a mineral in jewelry from a professional point of view, it is useful to know that it is the transparent mineral that is considered the most expensive and valuable. Jewelers have a specific table and requirements for the density, transparency, brilliance and shades of this stone.

There are 3 main, most popular types of this stone:

  1. Imperial, exclusively jewelry stone. Distinguished by its rich color in emerald tone. The most common is a transparent or translucent specimen.
  2. Utilities. This ornamental stone, transparency is either absent or very low. The color is most often grayish green or dark green.
  3. Cammercial. They can be used both for high-value crafts and for making jewelry. Its color palette ranges from dark gray to deep green.

The value of this material was revealed in antiquity. The Aztec tribes were the first to appreciate it on a par with gold, exchanging it with the conquistadors.

The main properties of jadeite are its density and viscosity, which is very important when finishing and processing stone.

Medicinal properties

It should be noted medicinal properties stone, since its name carries exactly this information. Falling from Central America into the hands of the Spaniards, it acquired its modern name. In literal translation from Spanish, it means "lumbar stone", "stone from colic", "pain reliever". Since ancient times, the glory of healing from kidney diseases has been attached to this stone. Since renal colic is localized precisely in the lumbar region, hence the consonant names. It is noted that it is the wearing of jade products that has a great influence on the health of the kidneys.

  1. Violation of blood pressure.
  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Spinal problems, salt deposits and arthritis.
  4. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Headaches and insomnia.

For various diseases, it is recommended to wear certain types of jewelry. For example, in order to get rid of a headache, it is best to wear earrings; for men, an amulet or a talisman around the neck is suitable. To restore the work of blood vessels, a bracelet on the wrist is best.

The mysterious properties of jade stone

It is believed that there are magical properties of jadeite stone. In ancient times, it was believed that with its help you can influence the weather.

Today, this magical gem is used in oriental types of non-traditional therapy, namely in stone therapy. Massage is performed with smooth, polished and heated stones, believing that at the same time they are able to cleanse the body of negative energy and various diseases. The stone is quite resistant to temperature changes, and therefore it is ideal for such procedures. Jadeite saunas are incredibly popular today.. In Eastern culture, it symbolizes longevity and eternal youth.

But the ancient magicians attributed to him the ability to unite the hearts of lovers, 2 identical amulets were made for the newlyweds, which they put on on the day of their engagement. In addition, talismans with jadeite were worn to protect against evil energy and enemies. Merchants asked craftsmen to create bracelets with this stone, believing that it would increase profits and attract good luck.

Astrologers advise to buy it, since according to the horoscope it suits almost all signs of the zodiac, but it carries its own message for everyone. It is worth knowing for whom this product is suitable, and for whom it is better to refrain from contact with it. So, It will have the most favorable effect on such signs:

  1. Virgo. Promotes the acquisition of inner strength and peace. Develops intuition and improves relationships with loved ones.
  2. Scales. It will help overcome indecision and strengthen willpower.
  3. A lion. For this sign, the stone carries the greatest positive energy, contributing to good luck and the accumulation of internal forces.
  4. Fish- get rid of apathy and gain the ability to enjoy life for real.

For other signs, the mineral carries more neutral information.

stone care

Like any gem, jade requires proper care and storage. They take care of him in the same way as for jade. It is worth saying that no stone can be worn on the body for too long, as it has the ability to accumulate negative energy in itself.

To purify the mineral, it is enough to remove it from yourself and put it under running water or, if the type of stone allows, immerse it in a container with salt for a certain time.

Basic rules for care:

  1. Do not subject to mechanical stress.
  2. Avoid sudden changes in temperature. True, this does not apply to all varieties of jadeite.
  3. Do not use chemicals when cleaning.

How to determine the authenticity of a jadeite stone (video)

To remove dirt and dust, the product is washed in soapy water, then rinsed under running water, and then wiped. soft cloth dry.

Attention, only TODAY!

Sometimes, looking at the minerals, I imagine what kind of person he could be. What kind of soul would he have. I always have this stone - a calm person of 40-45 years old, who has seen and understood a lot in life. He has no need to fuss and build something out of himself. He is what he is. Rauchtopaz

Smoky Quartz is rock crystal, colored in all shades of smoke, from purple and golden greenish to rose brown. By chemical composition is silicon dioxide. Belongs to the 3rd group of precious stones that are used in jewelry.

Rauchtopaz is practically the only stone that got its name by mistake. This variety of quartz, due to its brilliance, was classified as topaz.

The unusual color of the gem was the reason that the stone was called smoky (rauch).

Later, the researchers of the mineral officially renamed it smoky quartz. However, everything somehow got used to the original, so to this day, jewelers around the world refer to the gem as nothing more than rauchtopaz.

According to the myths, there is a bowl carved from a single crystal. Drinking water from it, anyone could be cured of various ailments. (Well, that's what the east is for, to grow into legends)

Rauchtopaz usually has a range of shades - from grayish brown to chocolate chestnut; has a characteristic glassy luster. Its color becomes deeper from the bottom up, and all the roughness and defects are closer to the base. There is also a rare color of the mineral - black. This is a very hard crystal, so mechanical damage does not threaten it.

Smoky quartz is no stranger to stones. In India and Tibet, smoky quartz has long been considered the sacred "stone of the Buddha." In Tibet, this stone was used in meditation, because it is able to open doors to other worlds, I don’t know, I didn’t go. maybe it opens something.

It was a sacred stone, which was especially valued in a religious society - it helped in carrying out rituals that cleanse the mind, after which a person felt harmony and peace. The mineral was also used for meditation and entering a trance state. (We meditate differently)
Looking at a stone, a person freed himself from negativity and stress

Dark brown and black varieties of quartz are called morion (the old Russian name is tar), the stone of magicians and sorcerers.
The smoky color of the mineral is unstable - at a temperature of 300-320 ° C, it completely disappears.

The smoky color of the mineral is unstable - at a temperature of 300-320 ° C, it completely disappears. After careful heating in an electric furnace to 350°, the veil (colour) of smoky quartz disappears and it becomes colorless and transparent like rock crystal. This property was used in the Urals as early as the 17th-19th centuries, where morion or smoky quartz was baked in bread to obtain citrine.

During the reign of Catherine II (1762-1796), this stone was in fashion among the court nobility. Calcined smoky quartz was supplied in large quantities to the imperial court under the guise of golden topaz. (There is nothing new under the sun!)

Do not keep smoky quartz in the sun for a long time. Under direct sunlight, it fades, like all the minerals of this group: amethyst, rose quartz, citrine ... But even losing color in some sense, it is beautiful in capable hands ...

In sculpture.

In jewelry...

Mineral with a clear soul.

For my taste - it suits more men, let them choose their jewelry.

In cabochon cut.

Or sparkling edges...

Smoky quartz is considered the best assistant in relieving daily stress. Jewelry with it or just stones in the form of crystals or balls neutralize anger and relieve irritation.
So if someone is pissed off by colleagues or a boss, this can be checked.

Here he is in the women's ring. Not bad either.

Medicine Buddha (Healing Buddha, Healing Teacher, Bhaishajyaguru, Healer Guru, Spiritual Healer Teacher, Healer Mentor) - Buddha, the head of the eight Medicine Buddhas. His other name is Bhaishajyaguru Vaiduryaprabharaja - literally "King of Beryl Radiance", "King of Azure Radiance". He is also called the "Master of Healing Lapis Lazuli". It is especially revered in Tibetan and Japanese Buddhism and in Tibetan medicine.

According to Mahayana Buddhism, the Buddha has an absolute nature. By embodying his various aspects in a multitude of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and other deities, he thereby manifests this nature. The Medicine Buddha in some forms of Buddhism is thus the outward manifestation of the healing aspect of Shakyamuni Buddha and is associated with the healing of the sick. In order to rid all living beings of their diseases and various physical ailments, Shakyamuni Buddha manifested in the form of the Medicine Buddha and transmitted various methods of treatment, as well as teachings on how to get rid of these diseases. In this regard, the Buddha manifested himself in the form of the Medicine Buddha and taught the Chud-shih, that is, the four medical tantras. They outline the methods of curing more than 400 types of physical diseases, explain their sources and give the symptoms of these diseases.

The Medicine Buddha is the ideal of the Buddha nature that everyone should strive to achieve. This refers to the achievement of a state of enlightenment, which frees a human being from physical and mental suffering, and one of the ways to achieve enlightenment is to constantly recite the Medicine Buddha mantra, with the help of which it is possible to gain tremendous healing energy to heal oneself and to heal others.

The Medicine Buddha is also called the Healing Buddha. In Tibet, there is a belief that just touching with faith the image of the Medicine Buddha is enough for healing to occur. It also emphasizes the effectiveness of the practices (sadhanas) associated with Bhaishajyaguru. The daily recitation of the Bhaishajyaguru mantra is also useful as a preventive measure against various contagious diseases. The Medicine Buddha practice is very powerful. Prayer to the Medicine Buddha is effective in case of serious illnesses; it is also carried out for gaining success in various matters. With this method it is even possible to acquire the ability to clairvoyance. The recitation of the mantra also cleanses a person of negative karma, eliminates suffering from diseases and pacifies harmful spirits. Her reading brings success and fulfillment of desires.

With the spread of Buddhism through China to Korea, Japan and other countries of Southeast Asia, the level of health of the population of these countries has significantly increased. Inside the Buddhist monasteries, hospitals, leper centers, and public dispensaries soon appeared. Thanks to the Buddhist religion, such institutions did not have much difficulty in obtaining funds for their operation, due to the fact that the monks encouraged believers to make generous contributions in order to show their spirit of compassion for their neighbor.

In Tibet, Bhaishajyaguru is depicted as either the Buddha or the Bodhisattva Bhaishajyaraja.

Usually Medicine Buddha depicted in the clothes of a Buddhist monk, his dark blue (lapis lazuli) body symbolizes the wisdom of Dharmadhatu and radiates lapis lazuli radiance (according to the Bhaishajyaguru Sutra). Lapis lazuli(Skt. vaidurya) - a mineral with a deep blue color, with tiny golden veins, which has been associated with the healing of the sick since time immemorial.

The Buddha sits in a lotus position on a lion throne. In his left hand, the Medicine Buddha holds a bowl of immortality nectar made of lapis lazuli. Lapis lazuli in all cultures of antiquity was considered the bearer of powerful healing powers and was highly valued. The only source of lapis lazuli mining available to the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean (and India) was Badakhshan, a mountainous country located north of the Hindu Kush. Despite the difficulties of extracting this stone, the deposits of which were the most inaccessible of all deposits of valuable minerals in antiquity, lapis lazuli amulets were extremely common in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. The frequent mention of lapis lazuli in the Mahayana sutras indicates that Buddhists also shared similar ideas about its healing power. It is likely that this stone has been associated with healing since the time of the Sumerians and goes back to the legend of the goddess Ishtar who descended into Hell to save her brother. According to legend, Ishtar took with her a necklace of lapis lazuli, which protected her from all dangers in her journey through the afterlife and allowed her to gain the ability to heal.

Bhaishajyaguru's right hand is lowered on his right knee, her fingers are folded in varada mudra (protection gesture) and hold between the thumb and forefinger a branch of myrobalan with three fruits (Skt. haritaki; lat. terminalia chebula) - a plant that is extremely common in Indian pharmacology. These 3 fruits have the power according to Buddhist belief to neutralize the 3 inner poisons (anger, attachment and ignorance). According to another version, in right hand The Medicine Buddha holds the stem of an arura plant. In the bowl for offerings, which is depicted in the hands of the Buddha of Medicine, there is just this medicinal plant. Arura looks very similar to nutmeg and is considered very valuable. medicine, because it is used in the manufacture of many medicines, for almost all diseases.

Among other things, a medicine box is often depicted as an attribute of the Medicine Buddha. IN Chinese tradition images are known, where the attributes Bhaishajyaguru is only a crock or pagoda.

In the halo around his body, six Buddhas of the Teachers of Medicine and Shakyamuni can be depicted. The cult of these seven Buddhas became widespread at the beginning of the 8th century, when the monk I-ching, at the behest of Emperor Zhong-tszyna, was transferred to Chinese Bhaishajyaguru sutra. The six Buddhas of the Masters of Healing are the brothers of the Buddha Lazyrite Radiance. Each of them reigns in his own paradise country. Perhaps, in earlier editions of this sutra, it was not about seven articles of the same Buddha, but about seven articles of different Buddhas:

Central Medicine Buddha - Bhaishajyaguru Vaiduryaprabha- lapis lazuli;

Buddha Shakyamuni- golden color;

Buddha Suparikirtita Namashri (Sunamana)- yellow color;

Buddha Swaraghosharaja- sand color;

Buddha Survanabhadravimala- pink, i.e. red-white, in which there is more of a red tint;

Buddha Ashokashri- light pink, or white-red, in which white predominates;

Buddha Abhijnanaraja- coral;

and Buddha Dharmakirtisagaraghosha.

Buddha Bhaishajyaguru endowed with thirty-two major and eighty minor attributes of the Buddha. Like any Buddha, he has a small round bulge above the nasal septum - the urn, and at the top of the skull there is a large bulge - the ushnisha. His hair is short and curly, his earlobes are elongated and pierced.

Sometimes the Medicine Buddha is depicted next to Shakyamuni Buddha and Amitabha Buddha.

The Capital Museum of Art of China has a standing image of the Medicine Buddha (c. 500 AD) accompanied by Moonlight Bodhisattva (Chinese Yue Gyang Bianzhao pusa; Skt. Candraprabha bodhlsattva) and Sunshine Bodhisattva (Chinese Zhi Gyang Bianzhao pusa; Suryaprabha bodhisattva), as well as the seven Masters of Medicine and the seven apsaras.

The most expensive Medicine Buddha statues are made in Nepal, they are covered with gold foil, especially on the face, out of respect for the Buddha. IN Blue colour statues are rarely painted, as blue is less valuable than gold.

Bhaisajyaguru is mentioned in the Saddharma Pundarika Sutra (the text of which belongs to the 1st century AD), where chapter 23 is dedicated to him. The 23rd chapter of the Lotus Sutra is also dedicated to him.

The only original Sanskrit Bhaishajyaguru Sutra known to date was found in 1931 by Nalinaksh Dutt in the Giljit region (India, Kashmir).

The Medicine Buddha Sutra was translated into Chinese in the 4th century. Later, the teacher and monk Xuanzang in the 7th century. translated this sutra again in a more adapted form for China, after which it gained great popularity. This version is called Sutra of the Essential Vows, Merits and Virtues of the Buddha Master of Healing Lapis Lazuli Radiance and is one of the sacred books of Buddhism, revered today throughout China.

There is also a Tibetan version of the Medicine Buddha Sutra which matches the Chinese interpretation and was translated in the ninth century.

According to the Chinese calendar medicine buddha day the 30th day of the 9th month is considered.

According to the description of the Bhaishajyaguru Sutra, Bhaishajyaguru, after attaining enlightenment, became a Buddha in Heaven in the region of Vaiduryanirbhasa (literally, "The Shine of the Vaidurya Jewel", Vaidurya - lapis lazuli), which are located in the east direction. In this world, the Medicine Buddha preaches the Dharma.

Before reaching enlightenment, the Medicine Buddha made 12 solemn promises in which he swore to free all the ignorant, disabled and sick from their shortcomings. The Medicine Buddha has the power to cure all diseases, including the diseases of ignorance. Its task is to heal a living being from 3 spiritual poisons (ignorance, attachment and aggression). These poisons cause in living beings, according to Buddhist teachings, a restless spirit, and, accordingly, physical and mental illness, and therefore suffering.

The healing power of the Medicine Buddha is one and more directed towards spiritual healing, which plays an important role in overall health. This concept is closely related to the principles that operate in Ayurveda - the traditional system of Indian medicine, which considers treatment as a process that covers both the physical and psychological and spiritual aspects of human health.
