The name of the jewelry stone on t. Varieties of black stones: description and properties

(taaffeite) - the original name (1951) of the BeMgAl 4 O 8 oxide class mineral; in 2002 IMA revised its name to magnesiotaaffeite-2N'2S (magnesiotaaffeite-2N'2S) and composition to Mg 3 BeAl 8 O 16 .
TABASHIR- amorphous opal, opal-like silica of organic origin, found in the knees of bamboo.
TAVMAVIT- a dark green variety of epidote, rich in chromium (chromepidot).
TAVUSIT- Labrador.
TAGANAIT- the local name of aventurine mined in the Southern Urals. The name is given according to the place of discovery - the Taganay Range.
TAGESTEIN- the traditional name for ornamental stones, the merits of which are better seen in daylight than in artificial lighting.
TAI-PEARL- freshwater pearls found in the bed of the Scottish River Tay, this is a giant pearl, which is often called royal, with a diameter of up to 12.7 mm and a mass of about 8.6 carats, a geographical name.
TAYRA MARBLE- pink marble with noticeable diopside crystals, mined on the small island of Tyree (Inner Hebrides) off the coast of Scotland.
TAIRUM GEM- synthetic rutile.
TAKIN- a trade name for a faceted emerald with a recessed or convex ornament, used in the countries of the Far East, mainly in India.
TAXOIT- green serpentine from Pennsylvania (USA), local name.
TALTALIT- green tourmaline from Taltala (Chile), local geographical name.
TALC- a mineral of a subclass of layered silicates, Mg 3 Si 4 O 10 (OH) 2.
TAMA is the Japanese name for jade.
TAMPANIAM- the ancient name of button pearls (Pliny the Elder).
TANGANITE- tanzanite.
TANGIVAIT- antigorite or translucent dark green bowenite from Mildford Sound in western Otago, New Zealand.
TANZANITE- transparent bluish-violet zoisite from Miralani Hills, Tanzania.
TANYA-59- synthetic rutile.
TANTALITE- a mineral of the oxide class, iron and manganese tantalate with a small content of niobium.
TAPROBANIT- sapphire-blue taaffeite.
TARNOWITZIT- tarnovskite.
TARNOVICITIS- tarnovskite.
TARNOVSKIT- a variety of aragonite containing lead.
THAUMASIT- a mineral of the island silicate group, forming needle-like or columnar crystals, dense, earthy and fibrous masses.
TOWSONITE- mineral, strontium titanate SrTiO 3 .
TAHILIT- dark basalt glass.
TASHERANIT- one of the numerous modifications of ZrO 2 .
TV STONE (TV STONE) is a television stone.
THEKLA-EMERALD- imitation emerald, quartz and aquamarine triplet or only quartz with green glass inlay.
TEKTIT GEORGIA- crater glass from the state of Georgia (USA) from yellowish green to olive green.
TEKTIT- the general name of natural glasses with a high content of silica (more than 75%).
TELEVISION STONE- thin polished plates of ulexite.
TELESIA- cornflower blue sapphire with a silky black luster.
TELKIBANYASTEIN is the geographic name for a yellow wax opal from Telkibány, Hungary.
TENIX- cellon.
tenorite- a mineral, copper oxide CuO, in structure resembles cuprite CuO 2, is formed in the oxidation zones of copper ores.
THEOTETEL- Aztec name for obsidian, meaning "sorcerer's stone".
TERRALIA- red Mediterranean coral, as well as the trade name for usually very thin coral twigs.
tesselite- apophyllite.
TIGERITE- the same as the tiger's eye.
TIGER- the same as the tiger's eye.
EYE OF THE TIGER- pseudomorphosis of quartz after asbestos-like riebeckite (crocidolite), which has golden yellow or yellow-brown shades of a predator, often with a wavy tint. Trade name for a gemstone.
TINCENITE is a honey-yellow variety of axinite mined in Franklin Furnace, New Jersey, USA.
TITANIUM STONE- synthetic rutile.
titanioferrite- old, currently not used, the name of ilmenite.
TITANITE- sphene, a mineral of the island silicate class (titanium-calcium silicate).
TITANIA- synthetic rutile, trade name.
TITANIUM BRILLIANT- synthetic rutile with a brilliant cut, used as an imitation of a diamond.
TODOMUNDO is the local name for dark green, pale yellow and brown tourmaline from Barra de Salinas, Brazil.
THOMSONITE- a mineral of the zeolite group.
TONPAZ is an obsolete name for topaz.
TOPAZ- a mineral of a subclass of island silicates, aluminum fluorosilicate.
TOPAZ ORIENTAL- yellow sapphire, as well as Indian topaz.
TOPAZ HAWAIIAN- green labrador.
TOPAZ SMOKE- trade name for smoky quartz (rauchtopaz).
TOPAZ WESTERN- citrine or amethyst
TOPAZ STAR- polished yellow corundum with asterism effect.
TOPAZ GOLDEN- golden quartz, as well as citrine or amethyst with thermally changed color.
TOPAZ IMPERIAL- white wine-colored topaz from Brazil or wine-yellow topaz.
TOPAZ INDIAN- yellow sapphire from India.
TOPAZ SPANISH- light yellow citrine.
TOPAZ QUARTZ- citrine or heated amethyst.
TOPAZ COLORADIAN- local name for yellow quartz, incorrect name.
TOPAZ ROYAL- transparent yellow-orange corundum (king topaz) or blue topaz (royal topaz).
TOPAZ FALSE– citrine or yellow fluorite, an ambiguous term.
TOPAZ MADEIRA- brown quartz from the island of Madeira, as well as heated amethyst and golden brown synthetic sapphire, an ambiguous term.
TOPAZ NEVADA- yellow-brown obsidian from Nevada, USA.
TOPAZ ORANGE- brownish-yellow quartz, incorrect name.
TOPAZ PALMEIA- brown synthetic sapphire.
TOPAZ PALMIRA- brownish synthetic sapphire and pale yellow heated amethyst or citrine.
TOPAZ PEREDELSKY- yellowish-green topaz.
TOPAZ SAXONIAN- yellow quartz.
TOPAZ OF SALAMANCA- citrine or heated amethyst from Salamanca (Spain), trade name.
TOPAZ SAFIRAS- light blue topaz from Marambay, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
TOPAZ SAFFRONITE- yellow-brown quartz.
TOPAZ serra- citrine or amethyst with thermally changed color.
TOPAZ SIBERIAN- dark blue natural topaz, geographical name.
Topaz Uruguayan- yellow-brown quartz.
TOPASION- at different times of antiquity and the Middle Ages, this term was referred to different stones.
TOPAZOLITE- garnet, a yellow variety of andradite.
TOPAZ-SAPPHIRE- yellowish to yellow corundum.
TOPTIUS is the ancient name for olivine.
TOSA CORAL- Japanese coral.
TRAVERSELLITE- green, partially uralitized diopside from Traversella, Piedmont region, Italy.
TRAVERTINE- a dense variety of calcareous tuff with a banded structure.
TRAINIT(trainite) is an ambiguous term: (1) a trade name for polished, highly impure, banded variscite from Nevada and Utah, USA; (2) "trainite" was used as a trade name for the mineral vashegyite Al 11 (PO 4) 9 (OH) 6 .38H 2 O from Hesse, Germany and (3) as a synonym for vashegyite. Since variscite and vashegiitis occur in association, and vashegiitis was discovered later (in 1909), it is possible that vashegiitis caused the banding in (1) case.
TRAYMOND- one of the names of synthetic yttrium-aluminum oxide.
TRANSVAAL-TURMALINE- emerald green tourmaline from South Africa.
TRAUTVINIT- greenish-black uvarovite with a significant admixture of chromite.
TREMOLIT- a mineral of the amphibole group, forms an isomorphic series with actinolite and ferroactinolite (actinolite series).
CRACK- opal.
TRILITIONITE- lithium-containing mineral KLi 1.5 Al 1.5 (Si 3 Al)O 10 F 2 of the lepidolite group.
- a dark green variety of fluorapatite.
Trimontite- a synonym for scheelite.
TRINITITIS- green silica glass, an artificial product that arose from a nuclear explosion in New Mexico, USA.
TRIOPHTHALMOS- the ancient name of stones with the effect of a cat's eye (Pliny, Agricola).
TRIP- yellow-brown tourmaline.
TRISTIN- two-tone amethyst and citrine quartz from La Gaiba (Santa Cruz, Bolivia).
TRIFAN- spodumene, obsolete unused name.
TRIFILITE- perovskine, a mineral of the class of anhydrous phosphates, a representative of the continuous isomorphic series of triphylite - lithiophylite, the extreme members of which are not known in nature.
TRICHITS- hair-like crystals in rock-forming minerals, often found in tourmalines.
(troilite) - a very rare mineral of the earth's crust, ferrous sulfide. It is found mainly in iron meteorites. The IMA "inherited" and lists troilite FeS and pyrrhotite Fe 7 S 8 as two minerals in its official list of minerals. However, according to modern ideas IMA both of these minerals are polytypoids (that is, one mineral) in the composition range Fe 1-x S, where x= and belong to the same mineral species - pyrrhotite.
TRUST- a pink variety of willemite with a significant admixture of manganese.
TSILAIZIT(tsilaisite) - a manganese-containing variety of elbaite (a mineral of the tourmaline group); maroon, chestnut color. Since tsilaizite was discovered on Mount Tsilaizina of the island of Madagascar, in Russian it would be correct to call it cilaizin and not tsilaizite. This variety was declared as a new mineral with the composition Na(Mn,Al,Li) 3 Al 6 (BO 3) 3 Si 6 O 18 (O,OH,F), but was rejected by the IMA.
TUGTUPIT- beryllium-containing mineral of the silicate class Na 4 BeAlSi 4 O 12 Cl.
TUXTLIT- jadeite diopside.
TULIT- rosaline, pink dense variety of zoisite.
TUMIT- axinite from Tum (Saxony, Germany).
TUMPAZ- an outdated Ural name for smoky quartz (rauchtopaz) or topaz.
TUMPASIA- an obsolete name for topaz, the same as tumpaz.
TUNGSTEIN- a synonym for scheelite.
TURKISH STONE- turquoise.
TOURMALINE(tourmaline) - a group of minerals-boron-containing ring silicates, similar in composition and structure (

The dark color of gems attracts people with beauty and scares away the unknown. These minerals are endowed magical properties. Black stone is loved by psychics and strong natures. Dark gems are considered a source of spiritual power. They help find correct solution in a difficult life situation. Precious and semi gems black color is very popular among connoisseurs. Products and jewelry made from natural minerals are called talismans.

List of popular stones dark colors:

  • sapphire;
  • diamond;
  • opal;
  • onyx;
  • nephritis;
  • tourmaline;
  • spinel;
  • pearl;
  • obsidian;
  • jet.

Dark gemstones

Black sapphire is considered a sign of wealth. It is given to influential persons in gratitude for their deeds. This stone has strong magical properties. A talisman with a sapphire brings good luck and heals from many diseases. It encourages charity, diplomacy, spiritual purification.

IN jewelry stores you can find products with a black diamond. This is the name of a dark-colored processed diamond that harmonizes perfectly with transparent stones. It absorbs light and captivates with its appearance. According to some scientists, this diamond is formed from cosmic dust. He is the conductor between people and the cosmos. Jewelry from this diamond endows its owner with extraordinary energy.

Spinel with a sparkling black sheen is considered a noble mineral. This gem helps in love affairs and eliminates diseases of the circulatory system. Rings with a large spinel will help the owner find their soulmate. Noble minerals have the ability to heal. Wear the amulet closer to the sore spot, and it will direct all the forces to get rid of the disease.

The black gemstone opal is a powerful talisman. It protects from troubles and negativity, has a wide range of therapeutic effects. Alternative medicine even uses the water in which the opal lay. It is believed that the contemplation of the gem will lead to a cure, if you give it at least a few minutes a day. Receiving a stone talisman from opal as a gift is considered a great success. He will bring love and happiness to the house.

Black tourmaline is considered a masculine gem. It relieves timidity, gives determination. Tourmaline has a positive effect on all body systems. Products and jewelry made from this gem are in demand among connoisseurs. Tourmaline pleases with variety colors. But the black stone is considered the strongest mineral.

Pearls are a creation of nature, which is quite rare in in kind. Black pearls are valued just like diamonds. This is a female stone that prolongs beauty, improves the quality of life of the owner. Pearls have a beneficial effect on the entire body. If it faded, then this is a signal of the presence of a serious illness. Black gemstones should be given with pure intentions. In this case, they will bring joy and benefit to the owner.

semi-precious gems

It is interesting to know the name of the stone of the dark night. This is obsidian, which is widely used by psychics in magical rites. This mineral was used in the past to make lethal weapons and medical instruments. Obsidian is able to keep its owner in good shape all his life.

Black jade patronizes travelers. About it natural stone there are legends, it protects from violence and the imposition of someone else's opinion. In times of war and crisis, the gem helps to get rid of feelings of fear. Jade helps to raise morale. This black gemstone is recommended for older people to avoid disappointment in life.

Ornamental dark minerals

Men and women who are in search of truth prefer black stone rings. For males, a ring with a large dark-colored mineral becomes a symbol of power. Black onyx beads were popular among chiefs. It was used to remove damage or the evil eye. The black necklace scared away evil spirit. Onyx is considered a faithful assistant in any endeavors, in business. It brings good luck and happiness to its owner.

Often used in jewelry is a black ornamental stone called jet. It is easy to process and has a low price. After polishing, jet figurines and jewelry acquire a beautiful sheen. A variety of forms of products makes them attractive as souvenirs and mascots. Gagat carries the secrets of generations. With it, you can correct generic mistakes and change your destiny.

There are several theories about the origin of the black stone. Some scientists consider them fragments of meteorites. Muslims interpret this phrase in their own way. The main thing is that natural black stones are part of nature. They are endowed with miraculous properties that have been tested for thousands of years. Jewelry with black stones add elegance. They are popular because they are suitable for any clothes and accessories. Trust the choice of precious stones to professionals. Jewelers will help to avoid fakes.

TAAFFEIT- a mineral of the oxide class, BeMgAl 4 O 8.
TABASHIR- amorphous opal, opal-like silica of organic origin, found in the knees of bamboo.
TAVMAVIT- a dark green variety of epidote, rich in chromium (chromepidot).
TAVUSIT- labrador.
TAGANAIT- aventurine. Name after Mount Taganay in the Urals.
TAGESTEIN- the traditional name for ornamental stones, the merits of which are better seen in daylight than in artificial lighting.
TAI-PEARL- freshwater pearls, found in the bed of the Scottish River Tay, this is a giant pearl, which is often called royal, up to 12.7 mm in diameter and weighing about 8.6 carats, a geographical name.
TAYRA MARBLE- pink marble with noticeable diopside crystals, mined on the small island of Tyree (Inner Hebrides) off the coast of Scotland.
TAIRUM GEM- synthetic rutile.
TAKIN- a trade name for a faceted emerald with a recessed or convex ornament, used in the countries of the Far East, mainly in India.
TAXOIT- green serpentine from Pennsylvania (USA), local name.
TALTALIT- green tourmaline from Taltala (Chile), local geographical name.
TALC- a mineral of a subclass of layered silicates, Mg 3 2 Si 4 O 10.
TAMA is the Japanese name for jade.
TAMPANIAM- the ancient name of button pearls (Pliny the Elder).
TANGANITE- tanzanite.
TANGIVAIT- antigorite or translucent dark green bowenite from Mildford Sound in the west of Otago (New Zealand).
TANZANITE- transparent bluish-violet zoisite from the Miralani Hills in Tanzania.
TANYA-59- synthetic rutile.
TANTALITE- a mineral of the oxide class, iron and manganese tantalate with a small content of niobium.
TAPROBANIT- sapphire-blue taaffeite.
TARNOWITZIT- tarnovskite.
TARNOVSKIT- lead aragonite, a variety of aragonite rich in PbCO 3, found in Lazarovka in the vicinity of the Tarnovsky mountains and in Tsumeb (Namibia).
THAUMASIT- a mineral of the island silicate group, forming needle-like or columnar crystals, dense, earthy and fibrous masses.
TOWSONITE- mineral, strontium titanate, SrTiO 3 .
TAHILIT- dark basalt glass.
TASHERANIT- one of the numerous modifications of ZrO 2 .
THEKLA-EMERALD- emerald imitation - a triplet of quartz and aquamarine or only quartz with a green glass inlay.
TEKTIT GEORGIA- crater glass from the state of Georgia (USA) from yellowish green to olive green.
TEKTIT- the general name of natural glasses with a high content (more than 75% of the composition) of silica.
TELESIA- cornflower blue sapphire with a silky black luster.
TELKIBANYASTEIN- the geographical name of the yellow wax opal from Telkibanya (Hungary).
TENIX- cellon.
tenorite- a mineral, copper oxide CuO, in structure resembles cuprite CuO 2, is formed in the oxidation zones of copper ores.
THEOTETEL- the Aztec name for obsidian, meaning "sorcerer's stone."
TERRALIA- red mediterranean coral, as well as the trade name for usually very thin branches of coral.
tesselite- apophyllite.
TIGERITE- Tiger's Eye.
TIGER- Tiger's Eye.
EYE OF THE TIGER- golden yellow or golden brown quartz with a wave-like sheen.
TINCENITE- a honey-yellow variety of axinite mined in Franklin Furnace (New Jersey, USA).
TITANIUM STONE- synthetic rutile.
titanioferrite- old, currently not used, the name of ilmenite.
TITANITE- sphene, a mineral of the island silicate class (titanium-calcium silicate).
TITANIA- synthetic rutile, trade name.
TITANIUM BRILLIANT- synthetic rutile with a brilliant cut, used as an imitation of a diamond.
TODOMUNDO- the local name for dark green, pale yellow and brown tourmaline from Barra de Salinas (Brazil).
THOMSONITE- a mineral of the zeolite group.
TONPAZ is an obsolete name for topaz.
TOPAZ- a mineral of a subclass of island silicates, aluminum fluorosilicate.
TOPAZ ORIENTAL- yellow sapphire, as well as Indian topaz.
TOPAZ HAWAIIAN- green labrador.
TOPAZ SMOKE- smoky quartz (rauchtopaz).
TOPAZ WESTERN- citrine or amethyst
TOPAZ STAR- polished yellow corundum with asterism effect.
TOPAZ GOLDEN- golden quartz, as well as citrine or amethyst with thermally altered color.
TOPAZ IMPERIAL- white wine-colored topaz from Brazil or wine-yellow topaz.
TOPAZ INDIAN- yellow sapphire from India.
TOPAZ SPANISH- light yellow citrine.
TOPAZ QUARTZ- citrine or heated amethyst.
TOPAZ COLORADIAN- local name for yellow quartz, incorrect name.
TOPAZ ROYAL- transparent yellow-orange corundum (king topaz) or blue topaz (royal topaz).
TOPAZ FALSE- citrine or yellow fluorite, an ambiguous term.
TOPAZ MADEIRA- brown quartz from the island of Madeira, as well as heated amethyst, and golden brown synthetic sapphire, an ambiguous term.
TOPAZ NEVADA- yellow-brown obsidian from Nevada (USA).
TOPAZ ORANGE- brownish-yellow quartz, incorrect name.
TOPAZ PALMEIA- brown synthetic sapphire.
TOPAZ PALMIRA- brownish synthetic sapphire and pale yellow heated amethyst or citrine.
TOPAZ PEREDELSKY- yellowish green topaz.
TOPAZ SAXONIAN- yellow quartz.
TOPAZ OF SALAMANCA- citrine or heated amethyst from Salamanca (Spain), trade name.
TOPAZ SAFIRAS- light blue topaz from Marambay (Minas Gerais, Brazil).
TOPAZ SAFFRONITE- yellow-brown quartz.
TOPAZ serra- citrine or amethyst with thermally changed color.
TOPAZ SIBERIAN- dark blue natural topaz, geographical name.
Topaz Uruguayan- yellow-brown quartz.
TOPASION- at different times of antiquity and the Middle Ages, this term was referred to different stones.
TOPAZOLITE- garnet, a yellow variety of andradite.
TOPAZ-SAPPHIRE- yellowish to yellow corundum.
TOPTIUS is the ancient name for olivine.
TOSA CORAL- Japanese coral.
TRAVERSELLITE- green, partially uralitized diopside from Traversella (Piedmont, Italy).
TRAVERTINE- a dense variety of calcareous tuff with a banded structure.
TRAINIT- polished, heavily contaminated variscite with a banded structure, found in the USA (Nevada and Utah).
TRAYMOND- one of the names of synthetic yttrium-aluminum oxide.
TRANSVAAL-TURMALINE- emerald green tourmaline from South Africa.
TRAUTVINIT- greenish-black uvarovite with a significant admixture of chromite.
TREMOLIT- a mineral of the amphibole group, forms an isomorphic series with actinolite and ferroactinolite (actinolite series).
CRACK- opal.
TRILLIUM- a dark green variety of fluorapatite.
TRINITITIS- green silica glass, a man-made product that arose from a nuclear explosion in New Mexico in the United States.
TRIOPHTHALMOS- the ancient name of stones with the effect of a cat's eye (Pliny, Agricola).
TRIP- yellow-brown tourmaline.
TRISTIN- two-tone amethyst and citrine quartz from La Gaiba (Santa Cruz, Bolivia).
TRIFAN- spodumene, obsolete unused name.
TRIFILITE- perovskine, a mineral of the class of anhydrous phosphates, a representative of the continuous isomorphic series of triphylite - lithiophylite, the extreme members of which are not known in nature.
TRICHITS- hair-like crystals in rock-forming minerals, often found in tourmalines.
TRUST- a pink variety of willemite with a significant admixture of manganese.
TSILAIZIT- a mineral of the tourmaline group.
TUGTUPIT- a mineral of the beryllosilicate group, sodium beryllosilicate, containing additional chloride and sulfur ions.
TUXTLIT- jadeite diopside.
TULIT- rosaline, pink dense variety of zoisite.
TOURMALINE OF SARAPUTK- Ural tourmaline of carmine-red or violet-blue color.
TOURMALINE CHROME- chromdravite, dark green dravite with a high content of chromium and vanadium impurities. It is also called the emerald green grossular from Tanzania, a misnomer.
TOURMALINE MOOR HEAD- colorless or light green tourmaline crystals with black tops, mined mainly on the Elbe.
TOURMALINE TURK HEAD- colorless or multi-colored tourmaline crystals, the ends of which are colored red, are mined mainly in Brazil.
TOURMALINE SUN- columnar aggregates of tourmalines with a concentric-radial structure.
HEAVY WEIGHT - Ural name

Sophistication, minimalism, classics - all this describes decorations and decor made of dark gems. The group brings together several different types: from precious to used for crafts. Black stone looks presentable and luxurious, in combination with other minerals it creates a contrast.

Black stones can be transparent and opaque, shine or remain matte, but their color symbolizes the same concepts. He has always been popular, hence the many interpretations:

  • In ancient times, it was called a messenger of troubles, and only widows and sorcerers could wear jewelry. The latter used crystals in ritual ceremonies, considering them to be elements of magic and mystery.
  • Symbolizes restraint and secrecy.
  • For people who teach others, dark gems are favorable, accompanying success.
  • Demonstrates the reliability of a person in a relationship with his companion.
  • The nature of black is the negation of other colors that it absorbs. It is used to draw attention not to color, but to form and content.
  • In clothes means conservatism and adherence to traditions.

Overview of stones

Color combines three large groups of minerals: precious, semi-precious, decorative (ornamental). Black stones from the first category are used to create jewelry high quality and value.

Jewelry, amulets, amulets are made from semiprecious stones. The ornamental category is indispensable in interior design, in the creation of figurines and figurines.


The most expensive and unique black gems are diamonds, sapphires, opals and pearls, all of which are included in the list of precious minerals.

Diamonds and diamonds

Such black stones are called "carbonado" in jewelry circles. They differ from transparent white specimens in birthplace and depth. They are found on the surface of the Earth, and the high cost of diamonds is explained by the difficulties in cutting. Gems are processed using a second stone.


Black sapphires are a unique variety blue mineral. Natural crystals with a hint of black sky make up 5%. The remaining 95% turn dark in color after heat treatment.


Small spheres with a diameter of 10 mm are valued at several thousand dollars, and all because this color is very rare for them. In medieval Europe, pearl jewelry was revered on a par with diamonds.


Gems are different wide palette shades, but it is the dark-colored specimens with even tints that are sold the most. Rainbow blotches look incredibly bewitching and mystical. Mining is carried out in third world countries with the harsh exploitation of local workers, so everything large quantity the mines are closed.



Morion and black quartz are the names of the same stone. This mineral is very rare, so it is often faked. The color of quartz is formed due to the natural irradiation of mineral rocks. Transparent specimens, being near uranium or granite deposits, acquire dark shades.

Black gems are checked for naturalness with the help of light: a real stone retains its luster, an artificial one is absolutely matte. Morion, with prolonged exposure to the sun, begins to lose saturation and turns gray, with high temperatures becomes colorless. Due to inclusions of titanium and iron, it may have brown inhomogeneous stripes.


TO semi-precious stones includes spinel, which is a transparent, perfectly black crystals. It has four "noble" varieties with a dark color: pleonast, ganospinel, galaxite, hercynite. The specimens are easy to cut and are used as inserts in jewelry. They are also used to make beads or bracelets.

Ornamental and decorative


Black or grayscale opaque gem. Arabic onyxes have an alternation of white and dark layers, especially noticeable on the cut. Fakes are not uncommon, when marble onyx, which is not related to this class.


The mineral is coal-colored, opaque, often having a heterogeneous color. Black gems are unique in that each of the pieces of agate is unique in shape. There are translucent specimens.


A stone formed when volcanic lava solidifies. It has a crystalline amorphous structure. The translucent mineral is personified in many cultures with the power of the gods.


The name of the black variety is stantienite. After polishing, specimens are easily faceted. But amber is a rather fragile mineral, so it requires special care when inserted into a frame.


Black-red smooth stone with a metallic sheen and high brittleness. The dark gem is used for making souvenirs, creating jewelry.


Jet black crystal with luster. It is very fragile, therefore it is difficult to cut and any other mechanical processing.


Black stones have magical and medicinal properties. Both ornamental and precious dark gems can benefit their owner, the main thing is that they are natural. Minerals have high energy and efficiency, but at the same time they act differently on a person:

  • Agate. Protects from negative energy and evil eye. Directs the owner in a productive direction, makes it more sociable. Saves from poisoning, thirst, diseases of the heart, joints, inflammation of the lungs and toothaches.
  • Obsidian. Great power protects and purifies the owner of the black stone, which carries positive energy. Used by esotericists to enter the astral plane. Obsidian will protect against colds, help with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, joints and nervous system.
  • Onyx. Bestows strength to defeat the enemy. Lithotherapists believe that onyx clears the mind and helps to find out the secret plans of ill-wishers. Jewelry is desirable to wear for people with mental disabilities, experiencing constant stress. The gem contributes to the treatment of diseases of the ears, kidneys and liver, heart, reduces appetite.
  • Hematite. An excellent talisman for men, as it gives its owner courage, strength and invulnerability. Removes negative energy from the owner, relieves stress. For medicinal purposes, it is used as a wound healing agent that saves from fractures and other injuries.
  • Sapphire. It helps to restore inner harmony and gives strength that can positively influence others. It alleviates the condition with sinusitis, pathologies of the respiratory system.
  • Black Pearl. Gives its owner confidence in new acquaintances, helps to benefit from any situation. Clears the mind and allows you to see the picture of life clearly.
  • Diamond. It defeats nervous disorders, tobacco and alcohol addiction. Increases the susceptibility and sensitivity of its owner.
  • Morion. Relieves stress and negative energy. Helps a person to calm down and recover. It has a positive effect on the hematopoietic system.


Jewelry black stones are used to create rare and expensive pieces of jewelry. Precious specimens of small size are set in platinum or gold. The cost of the finished product depends on the weight and condition of the gem.

Rings, earrings, bracelets, rings made of semi-precious pieces, set in silver, look contrasting, elegant and stylish. Because of their massiveness, the rings look impressive and solid. They are chosen by those who want to show their power or connection with mystical forces.

natural ornamental stones black colors are popular for creating decor items.

They make figurines of various shapes, souvenirs, magnets, as well as jewelry: bracelets, rings, earrings. They are used to create a stylish interior, making fireplaces, facing plates, table clocks, lamps.

Black gems symbolize wisdom, some secret knowledge and abilities, therefore they will become a good talisman for strong man or a powerful woman. But many lithotherapists advise not to wear them too often so that the energy of the stone does not harm the owner.

  • Minerals and stones on the letter AMinerals starting with the letter A Minerals starting with the letter A. Stones starting with the letter A. Catalog of stones starting with A. Directory of stones starting with A. Description of stones starting with A. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter A
  • Minerals and stones with the letter JMinerals starting with the letter G Minerals starting with the letter G. Stones starting with the letter G. Catalog of stones on G. Directory of stones on G. Description of stones on G. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter J
  • Minerals and stones with the letter ZMinerals starting with the letter Z Minerals starting with the letter Z. Stones starting with the letter Z. Catalog of stones starting with Z. Directory of stones starting with Z. Description of stones starting with Z. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter Z
  • Minerals and stones with the letter MMinerals starting with the letter M Minerals starting with the letter M. Stones starting with the letter M. Catalog of stones starting with M. Directory of stones starting with M. Description of stones starting with M. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter M.
  • Minerals and stones on the letter NMinerals starting with the letter N Minerals starting with the letter N. Stones starting with the letter N. Catalog of stones starting with N. Directory of stones starting with N. Description of stones starting with N. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter N.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter OMinerals starting with the letter O Minerals starting with the letter O. Stones starting with the letter O. Catalog of stones starting with O. Directory of stones starting with O. Description of stones starting with O. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter O.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter PMinerals starting with the letter P Minerals starting with the letter P. Stones starting with the letter P. Catalog of stones starting with P. Directory of stones starting with P. Description of stones starting with P. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter P.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter TMinerals starting with the letter T Minerals starting with the letter T. Stones starting with the letter T. Catalog of stones starting with T. Directory of stones starting with T. Description of stones starting with T. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter T.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter UMinerals starting with the letter U Minerals starting with the letter U. Stones starting with the letter U. Catalog of stones with U. Directory of stones with U. Description of stones with U. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter U.
  • Minerals and stones on the letter FMinerals starting with the letter F Minerals starting with the letter F. Stones starting with the letter F. Catalog of stones in F. Reference book of stones in F. Description of stones in F. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter F.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter XMinerals starting with the letter X Minerals starting with the letter X. Stones starting with the letter X. Catalog of stones starting with X. Directory of stones starting with X. Description of stones starting with X. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter X.
  • Minerals and stones on the letter CMinerals starting with the letter C Minerals starting with the letter C. Stones starting with the letter C. Catalog of stones starting with C. Reference book of stones starting with C. Description of stones starting with C. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter C.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter HMinerals starting with the letter H Minerals starting with the letter H. Stones starting with the letter H. Catalog of stones starting with H. Directory of stones starting with H. Description of stones starting with H. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter H.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter ShMinerals starting with the letter Sh Minerals starting with the letter Sh. Stones starting with the letter Sh. Catalog of stones starting with Sh. Reference book of stones starting with Sh. Description of stones starting with Sh. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter S.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter WMinerals starting with the letter Sh Minerals starting with the letter Sh. Stones starting with the letter Sh. Catalog of stones on Sh. Reference book of stones on Sh. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter S.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter EMinerals starting with the letter E Minerals starting with the letter E. Stones starting with the letter E. Catalog of stones starting with E. Directory of stones starting with E. Description of stones starting with E. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter E.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter UMinerals starting with the letter Yu Minerals starting with the letter Yu. Stones starting with the letter Yu. Catalog of stones in Yu. Reference book of stones in Yu. Description of stones in Yu. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter Yu.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter IMinerals starting with the letter Z Minerals starting with the letter Y. Stones starting with the letter Y. Catalog of stones starting with Z. Directory of stones starting with Z. Description of stones starting with Z. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter Y.
