Funny poems for children. Children's poems An interesting rhyme for a child of 5 years

Geese, geese.
- Ha-ha-ha.
-Do you want to?
-Yes Yes Yes.
So fly home.
- A gray wolf under the mountain.
Sharpens teeth, drinks water
Doesn't let us pass.
- Well, fly as you wish.
Just take care of your wings.

The hen went out for a walk
Pinch fresh herbs.
And behind her guys
Yellow chickens.
- Co-co-co, co-co-co
Don't go far.
Row with your paws,
Look for grains.
Ate a fat beetle
Earth worm.
We drank some water
Full trough.

A frog came to our house
Scattered all the toys
Looked around the mess
And she said softly: "Kwak ..."

Ate on the edge -
To the top of the sky -
Listen, be silent
Look at grandchildren.
And the grandchildren are Christmas trees,
Fine needles
At the forest gate
Lead a round dance!

Once - jump!
Two - jump!
High ceiling!
I jump, I fly
I want to be tall!

Poems for memorizing the name of the fingers.

Finger Thick and Large
I went to the plum garden.
Pointer from the threshold
Showed him the way.
The middle finger is the most accurate,
He picks plums off the branch.
The nameless eats
And little finger mister
Plants bones in the ground.

If the frost ends
The snow will melt white
What is Santa Claus
The poor will do?
Water will run from it
Brooks on the floor.
From his beard then
It will also drip.
Good Santa Claus
Dear, darling
Hide Santa Claus
In our fridge!

The cat had a dream
Count up to 100 in your mind.
Choose a quieter place
The cat thinks
But the mice come out again
And start a round dance.
To a difficult task
No one bothered to decide
The cat behaved differently...
And mice in the old dacha
It turned out exactly 100!

The mouse spoke to the mouse:
“How much I love books!
I can't read them
But I can eat them!

Ay choo-choo-choo-choo-choo
I'm milking peas.
I'm milking peas
On the lilac current.
The chicken is running towards me.
The caulker is in a hurry.
Oh, she's running, she's in a hurry
Does not say anything.
A feather from a chicken
It flew far.
Flew far
in Ivanovo village.
At Ivanov's yard
The water burned up.
The fire was extinguished in the whole village,
But the fire was not extinguished.
Grandfather Foma came
Growing beard...
He drove people to the barn,
Put out the fire alone!
How Thomas put out the fire
He didn't say anything about it.
Only heard from the side:
He smothered his beard)

I am a magic comb
I'm friendly with any hairstyle
All me, brothers, on the shoulder,
I want to decorate you.

The word is like a key
Golden and fabulous
Like the brightest ray
Call him "Please".
In the yard, in the family, in the garden,
The word works
The one who is in harmony with him,
Everything in the world will come true.



Sat down at noon sparkling
Bee in fragrant clover.
Took off the naughty cap
And covered them with a flower.
"W-w!" - and a little bee
Bitten in the hand.
Don't break my flower
Let me collect the honey.
They are all and you
I will serve!
V. Paspaleeva

"In the evening"

Kiv-kiv-kiv, trouble, trouble! -
Indians are crying. -
Hiding our mother!
We can't get home
We will please the wolf in the mouth!
Suddenly from rotten to a knot
Jumping brisk firefly:
I'm running, running, running
Help, protect
I will illuminate the dense forest, I will find your mother!
M. Mrevlishvili

Are you to us?
To you, to you
To you, to you!
I jump to the water
I want to catch.
And who, whom, godfather?
Cancer, carp and catfish.
How will you catch, will you give us?
How not to give?
Of course, ladies!
S. Marshak


"Gold fish"

Goldfish scales sparkle:
Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah.
Tail like a veil
Gently dissolves
So-so-so, so-so-so.
Waves its fins, barely moves.
Don't sleep, don't sleep, don't sleep.
hide in seaweed
Hurry up quickly.
Hurry, hurry, hurry.
E. Alyabyeva


We are frogs
The night is blacker than wax...
The grass rustles. Qua!
Open your mouth -
More, more passion!
Louder! One, two! Qua!
red tomato
The moon rose above the forest.
An owl is hooting... Kwa!
Under the feet of bumps
The pond has flowers.
The sky is blue. Qua!
The moon is climbing higher.
Hush, hush, hush
A little bit - just a little:
Kwa-kva, kva-kva-kva!
A. Black

"Wooden old man"

An angry wind blows
Noise, breathe boron
And you will hear a creaky
Wooden conversation.
Ooh, ah, ah, ooh
How old and bad I am!
Silently listen to the aspens,
They, aspens, are unaware,
What once
was branchy,
young, green
This decrepit and hunchbacked
Bald grandfather Penyok!
N. Podlesova

"Poplar fluff"

poplar fluff
Light as fluff.
Scattering everywhere
Like a swarm of flies.
Fluff-fluff-fluff, fluff-fluff-fluff.
Flies are white on the roof.
In the park on the grass
On roads, sidewalks,
Grandma groans and groans:
- Oh! My underwear will sink.
Oh! I got into trouble.
Oh! Save! I'm lost!
S. Mikhalkov

"Blue Mittens"

Blue mittens.
Mom sewed, embroidered,
Where it's hard, where it's easy.
Sewn with strong thread
Nastenka's name.
Name mittens.
A. Prokofiev


We asked our oven:
What are we going to bake today? -
We asked the stove
The dough was kneaded.
The dough is rolled out with a rolling pin,
Rolled out - not tired.
Stuffed with cottage cheese
And they called it a pie!
Come on, stove
Give the cottager a place!
(Hungarian song)

Boom Boom! Tra-ta-ta!
The drum rumbles in the morning -
The bunnies are playing.
They hit with a paw.
The little bear took the harmonica,
Decided to play a little.
One, two, turn.
He dances and sings.
B. Tolkachev

Dance my doll
Dance more merrily
Dance more merrily
Don't feel sorry for the heels.
Dance, my sweet doll!
Dance my doll
Dance without worries
And shoes
Dad will sew new ones.
Dance, my sweet doll!
(Norwegian song)

Poems for children to memorize 5-6 years old

Learning poetry with children is not an easy task! To begin with, it is important to give the baby time to calm down after active games. After that, you need to come up with a good enough reason why he needs to learn this or that rhyme at all.

The argument "for the development of memory" of the child is unlikely to convince. From memorizing poetry, you need to make a fun and exciting game, giving this process a competitive character, or stimulating the baby in another way suitable for him. You can say that you need to learn poetry so that the child will then be taken to school. Naturally, it is important that the child really wants to go to school as soon as possible.

In the process of memorizing poems, you can use your child's favorite toys, play role-playing with them or among themselves. Pretend to be actors learning a play or play "school" together. The most important thing is that the child should be interested and have fun, and children's memory, which is distinguished by a very strong susceptibility, will do its job by itself!


The snowmen have arrived!
How many of them: one, two, three!
sat on a tree,
Looked out the window...
Come out, Andryusha,
Look, listen
Count us quickly:
How many guests do you have?
invite us to your house
Treat with grain.
Let's eat wheat
And let's drink some water...
Let's wave our wings -
And thanks!" let's say.

Z. Orlova


Kindergarten, kindergarten!
You are always happy guys!
Books and toys are waiting for us,
And balls and rattles...
We go to kindergarten in the morning.
Very happy kid.
We lead, we lead a round dance:
Possibly backwards.
You can - jump and jump,
And invite your friends.
Played and sang
Relax on the bench sat down ...
And now, kids
It's time to dine!

Z. Orlova


We are at the cottage to help
Let's go with my brother again!
Just came to the garden -
Oh, the nettle burned!
It hurts, but I don't cry.
We are working in the country.
Field, field in order ...
Exhausted from the heat.
We looked at the garden
No carrots, for herbs ...

Z. Orlova


What will you give me, summer?
- Lots of sunshine!
Rainbows in the sky!
And daisies in the meadow!
- What else will you give me?
- The key ringing in silence,
Pines, maples and oaks,
strawberries and mushrooms!
I will give you a cuckoo
So that, going out to the edge,
You shouted louder to her:
"Guess me quickly!"
And she answers you
Guessed for many years!



If I were a girl
I wouldn't waste my time!
I wouldn't jump on the street
I would wash my shirts
I would wash the floor in the kitchen,
I would sweep the room
I would wash cups, spoons,
I'd peel the potatoes myself
All my own toys
I would put it in place!
Why am I not a girl?
I would love to help my mom!
Mom would have said:
"Well done, son!"

E. Uspensky


Sunday is lucky!
Sundays are needed!
Because Sunday
Mom makes pancakes.
Dad washes cups for tea.
Wipe them together
And then we the whole family
We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.
And a song flows through the window,
I'm ready to sing myself
It's good when we're together
Even if there are no pancakes.

Oleg Bundur


Rain, rain, where have you been?
- I floated in the sky with a cloud!
- And then you crashed?
-Oh, no, no, it spilled with water,
Dripped, dripped down, fell -
I went right into the river!

And then I swam away
In the fast, blue-eyed river,
Loved with all my heart
Our Motherland is great!

Well, after it evaporated,
Attached to a white cloud,
And swam, I tell you
To distant countries, islands.

And now over the ocean
I'm drifting away with the fog!
Enough, the wind, continue to blow -
You need to sail back.

To meet the river
To rush with her to the native forest!
To love so that the soul
Our homeland is big.

So, wind, my friend,
With a cloud, we hurry home!
You, wind, drive us -
Send the cloud to the house!

Cause I miss home...
Well, I'll shake the cloud!
I'm in a hurry to get home...
I'll be back to you soon!

Kirill Avdeenko


Sailing, sailing boat
golden ship,
Carry, carry gifts,
Gifts for you and me.

Sailors on deck
They whistle, scurry, rush.
Sailors on deck
Fourteen mice.

Sailing, sailing boat
To the west, to the east.
Ropes - cobwebs.
And the sail is a petal.

A duck is leading a boat
Experienced sailor.
- Earth! said the duck. -
Moor! Quack!

S. Marshak


Little Mary
Big loss:
Her right shoe is missing.
In one she jumps
And weeping piteously,
It is impossible without another!

But, dear Mary,
Don't cry for the loss.
Right foot boot
We'll sew you a new one
Or buy ready
Yes, just look - take care!

S. Marshak


Here is a forest bird -
It's called a cuckoo.
In the forest, she is a branch of every girlfriend.
She eats caterpillars in a day
No less than it weighs itself!
These caterpillars are called "hairy",
They are not eaten by other birds!

According to well-known child psychologists and specialists with extensive teaching experience, memorizing poems for children contributes to the harmonious upbringing of a small child and improves the memory of the baby. Reading children's poems with expression, memorization short verses (as well as separate paragraphs of long works) contributes to the development of imagination and speech abilities, broadens the horizons and improves the understanding of the baby with his parents.

You can easily and simply interest your child in plot nursery rhymes. to get his attention. The kid can easily remember a short poem if you read it to the baby for several days in a row (preferably at the same time - for example, in the evening, before going to bed). For a child to be interested , enthusiastically. It is highly desirable to accompany the reading with facial expressions, to emphasize intriguing, funny moments in the text.

Fortunately, in Lately there are a lot of instructive, interesting and funny poems for children different ages. Children's authors compose poems that will be interesting even for very young children. preschool age and elementary school students. On the pages of the site you will find many for children 3, 4, 5-7 years of age and some of them are sure to please your boy or your girl.


Your attention is invited to the 2nd part of poems for children written by children's author Kirill Avdeenko from the city of Kyiv (you can read the first part of the poems on our website at the link -).

The collection includes interesting and informative poems for preschool children on a variety of topics - about love for the Motherland;
about how good and useful it is to go to kindergarten;
about how harmful it is to smoke;
what to give mom on March 8 and on some other topics.
The poems are illustrated with colorful illustrations by illustrators from Kiev. We wish you a pleasant reading.

Avdeenko Kirill Leonidovich was born in 1977 in the city of Leninsk (now - the city of Baikonur) of the Kyzylorda region (Kazakhstan) in the family of a military man.

Graduated from the Kiev Military Institute of Management and Communications, 1999-2009. - military service in the communications troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in officer positions. He retired from the army with the rank of major. Since 2009, she has been working in the field of telecommunications in Ukraine and is engaged in literary activities (the main direction is poetry and fairy tales in verse for children of preschool - primary school age).

1. Rain, rain, where have you been?- for preschoolers about the Motherland ...

2. Forest Kindergarten- about how good and useful it is to go to kindergarten ...

3. Important meeting, or what to give moms- about what you can give moms on March 8 ...

4. Monkeys in a cage- about how the monkeys asked the children to bring them cutlets ...

5. Uncle-smoker - about the dangers of smoking ...

6. Raindrops - about not being sad when it rains...

8. Goat-goat - for those who cannot calm down before going to bed.


Rain, rain, where have you been?
- I floated in the sky with a cloud!
- And then you crashed?
-Oh, no, no, it spilled with water,
Dripped, dripped down, fell -
I went right into the river!

And then I swam away
In the fast, blue-eyed river,
Loved with all my heart
Our Motherland is great!

Well, after it evaporated,
Attached to a white cloud,
And swam, I tell you
To distant countries, islands.

And now over the ocean
I'm drifting away with the fog!
Enough, the wind, continue to blow -
You need to sail back.

To meet the river
To rush with her to the native forest!
To love so that the soul
Our homeland is big.

So, wind, my friend,
With a cloud, we hurry home!
You, wind, drive us -
Send the cloud to the house!

Cause I miss home...
Well, I'll shake the cloud!
I'm in a hurry to get home...
I'll be back to you soon!


Along the forest path in a row
A large detachment hurries into the distance:
Bears, pigs and crickets,
Behind them - hamsters!

And ducklings rush after them,
Hurry after, kittens run,
And just like that, they all rush in a row -
So where is the squad going?

And the squad hurries there,
Where is the hut by the pond,
Where they sing merrily
Where compote is served
Where they feed delicious porridge,
Introduce doll Masha!
So where are they all headed?
Well, of course - in kindergarten!

Everyone will have fun there
Run, jump and learn!
And there are toys there - well, the sea!
Everyone is playing in the open
So the little animals rush in a row -
Hurry to kindergarten!

So good guys
Be, be like animals
As they march in line
With mom, dad in kindergarten.

They are waiting for you there! You are missed
You will be welcomed there!
Everyone will be glad to see you there -
Love your kindergarten!

Copyright © Kirill Avdeenko, 2013
Illustrator: Elena Novik


Everything in the forest makes noise, sings -
Mother's Day is coming!
We all need to talk about:
What will we give mothers?

Monkey dads will say:
- We will buy bananas for moms!
To cook all year round
We have a banana compote.

Hamster dads will say:
- We will buy hooks for moms!
To day-to-day to night
We knitted sweaters!

They will say, daddy bears will say:
- Buy-buy mothers covers!
We will buy jars, roots -
Let moms cook jam!

Well, a bunny on the edge
Rushing into the distance, spreading his ears,
Hey, wait! Where are you?
- I'm in a hurry to buy flowers!
After all, why donate hooks?
Oh, you bears, hamsters!

For moms to rest
So that they flutter like little birds,
Let's love moms!
Let's give them flowers!

So stop thinking too much!
All follow me on the road!
For a gift - the most hour!
They are waiting for us with mom's flowers.

And where to get flowers - we will find!
Let's go to the forest with their mothers,
Mom's Day is a big day...
We love mom with all our hearts!

Copyright © Kirill Avdeenko, 2013
Illustrator: Elena Novik


- Children-children! We're in a cage here
Bring us meatballs!
We are at the zoo
What they bring us, we eat.

- Monkeys in a cage,
Don't eat meatballs!
We know this for a long time
Seen in movies, in movies!

Eat, monkeys
You are nuts and bagels,
Fruits, berries, halva
And green grass.

And don't get mad in a cage cage
That we did not take cutlets,
What are we laughing here, sitting
We've been watching you all day.

Brought to you, monkeys,
We are fruits and bagels,
Pears, apples, halva,
Got the juicy grass!

You eat everything in a cage-cage!
We rarely visit you
Because later in the day
We will bring you berries.

So that you know, monkeys -
Let us go to you early in the morning,
Let's make noise! But we love you
Don't get mad at us.

Copyright © Kirill Avdeenko, 2012
Illustrator: Elena Novik


Like at a buffet table
Uncle smokes - a pillar of smoke!
Throw away, uncle, a cigarette -
Smoked all around!

Well, why are you smoking, uncle?
And you don't listen to the doctor;
You turned black like a storm
Like locusts in the south!

You poison everyone, uncle,
And you don't take care of yourself
You smoke all the time, looking at the wall!
You will burn everything inside yourself.

Better, uncle, would the kids
You fed the homeless!
How many money, rubles
Did you smoke for nothing?

I learned, uncle, firmly -
We need to take care of ourselves!
And one thing I know for sure
I'll throw cigarettes in the oven!


Veronica got sad
The rain is pouring - and drip, and drip!
Sweet strawberry dish
Do not raise at all
Her mood is so boring!
And it's getting dark outside.
Well, why are you like this, clouds,
Are you watering my house?

Look, Veronica, -
These are raindrops
Wanting your strawberry
They ask for a visit, waking up.
On the window - knock and knock -
There is a booming sound;
Knock them back
Smile, say hello!

Bored in a gloomy cloud,
Raindrops in the sky;
Because they jump on the roof
And they rage, waking everyone up;
Play, Veronica,
With them fun in return;
Treat them with strawberries
Smile at them - hello!

Copyright © Kirill Avdeenko, 2008
Illustrator: Daria Maksimova


Let me be a little eroshka
Let me twist the words!
But I dream a little
Be bolder than a gray-haired lion.

Mom wants a diplomat
Make me in the future;
Dad wants a lawyer
To become me once.

I listen to them seriously
And I nod back at them;
And then skipping to the grandfather,
Ask him for advice.

"I don't want to be a diplomat,
I don't want to be a lawyer!
I will be a soldier of the Motherland! -
I will shout out loud to my grandfather.

Well, you, beloved grandfather,
Smile as always
“Oh, my dear fidget!
You will be an officer - yes!

I will hear you, grandfather,
I will become a general!
Let me be a fidget now -
Now that's my dream!

And I'll tell you at dinner
Mom, dad and cat
What will I go, my dear grandfather,
I'm at the military institute.

I'll be busy there -
All sciences to study!
There they will teach me boldly
Mom, dad to protect!

And shoulder straps on the shirt,
Dark leather belt
Both boots and cap
I'm not too lazy to clean!

And all the girls are fervently
Will smile at me
How do I go home in uniform
To uncle, aunt - all relatives!

Let me be a little eroshka
Let me not be an adult!
Here's a little like this
Defend the country dream!

Copyright © Kirill Avdeenko, 2008
Illustrator: Elena Novik


Oh you goat-goat!
You're all playing, dereza!
You are chewing all the grass!
You don't give rest
You goosebumps and bugs -
You trample your feet here and there!

Do you want to sing songs, play
Yes headbutting;
It's just time to sleep!
From dew the earth is cheese,
River in the haze of a blanket
Sweet sleep - cold!

The noise died away behind the hill;
Here is an autumn leaf with a curtain
At night, the mushroom wrapped in the forest,
And without legs snores inflated
Kind grandfather bear;

Enough, goat, make noise!
Stop jumping!
Time to sleep…
Mother nature sleeps for a long time.

Copyright © Kirill Avdeenko, 2008
Illustrator: Daria Maksimova

Poems for the youngest children (age: 3 to 6 years)

It already smells like summer outside, now is the time to talk to the children about this wonderful time of the year and offer to learn one or more beautiful poems about summer.

We prepared and made a small selection of beautiful poems about summer for children. Here you will find short poems about summer for children 3-4 years old and longer poems for children 4-5 and 6-7 years old.

Teaching beautiful poems about summer with children is one of the better ways development and training of memory.

Short and beautiful poems about summer for children 3-4 years old

wears a dandelion
yellow robe.
Will grow up to dress up
In a white dress.

Summer is a hot time
The sun shines in the morning
Even if it rains -
Everything around shines, sings.
In summer - blue river
And the clouds float in it
Ruby berries burn
Vacation time for the kids.

-Why for all the guys
Is summer missing?
Summer is like chocolate
Melts very fast!

We walked, sunbathed,
They played near the lake.
Sat on the bench -
Ate two meatballs.
frog brought
And they grew up a little.

June has come.
"June! June!" -
Birds are chirping in the garden.
Just blow on a dandelion
And it will all fall apart.

Haymaking takes place in July.
Somewhere, thunder grumbles at times.
And ready to leave the hive
Young bee swarm.

We collect in August
Fruit harvest.
Lots of joy for people
After all the hard work.
The sun over the spacious
Niwami is worth it.
And sunflower seeds
Filled with black.

I draw summer
And what color?
Red paint -
Roses on the lawns
And green is the field,
Mowing in the meadows.
Blue paint - the sky
And a melodious stream.
And what kind of paint
Will I leave the cloud?
I draw summer
It's very difficult…

Poems about summer for children 4-5 years old

"Step!" - beckoned
Forest path.
And so he walked
On the path Alyoshka! ...
After all, in the summer in the forest
Interesting, like in a fairy tale:
bushes and trees,
Flowers and frogs,
And green grass
Softer pillows!…

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
great time,
When summer comes
And it's hot.
I'm on fine days
I don't like sitting in the shade
I love to swim here
There is a beach, sand and a pond.
I swim, I swim
And I dive and splash
I'll rest a little
And I'll start all over again!

Accidentally, unexpectedly
Suddenly, summer has arrived.
On the street and in the park
It's already quite warm.
The leaves have all blossomed
The streams dried up.
funny kids
They play by the river.
Why so much light?
That sun is up!
It's already summer
Warm outside!

The sun is shining brightly.
The air is warm.
And wherever you look
Everything around is light!
They dazzle in the meadow
Bright flowers.
covered in gold
Dark sheets.

Heat stands in the middle of the yard,
Stands and roasts in the morning.
Climb into the depths of the yard -
And in the depths stands the Heat.
It's time for the heat to leave
But all out of spite is the Heat!
Today, tomorrow and yesterday
Everywhere Heat, Heat, Heat...
Well, isn't she lazy?
Stand in the sun all day?

Summer laughs again
In an open window
And the sun and the light
Full, full, full!
Again panties and t-shirts
They lie on the shore
And the lawns bask
In chamomile snow!

Poems about summer for children 6-7 years old

The blue cloud walked
In a clear blue sky
Suddenly it fell like rain
And the summer thunder rang out.

Where the drops have fallen
Sea of ​​blue cornflowers
Where the lightning flashed
There are no traces left.

Again the sun in the sky is clear
Illuminated white light.
Daisies bloomed in the field
And there is no more bad weather.

colorful arc
Rainbow blooms in the sky
Barely audible steps
The July day is upon us.

- What will you give me, summer?
- Lots of sunshine!
In the sky, rainbow-dygy!
And daisies in the meadow!
What else will you give me?
- The key ringing in silence,
Pines, maples and oaks,
Strawberries and mushrooms!
I will give you a cookie,
So that, going out to the edge,
You shouted louder to her:
"Guess me quickly!"
And she answers you
Guessed for many years!

I woke up early in the morning.
Only the sun rises
And with its ruddy beam
Calls to travel.
Past dad, past mom
I'm walking on tiptoe.
And behind the door the chirping of birds
Rustling deciduous in the garden.
What a summer! How much light!
In our morning garden!
And I'm not happier!
I'm going to travel!

golden sunflower,
Petals are rays.
He is the son of the sun
And a cheerful cloud.
Wakes up in the morning
The sun shines
close at night
Yellow eyelashes.

In summer, our sunflowers -
Like a colored flashlight.
In the autumn we are black
Give a seed.

Children grow up so fast .. Sometimes you are surprised at how rapidly a child grows up, how he develops, learns something new and learns things unknown to him before. It would seem that just yesterday the baby took his first steps, and today he is already, and you are thinking about finding a couple for him short rhymes. Yes, on the one hand it is sad that time is so fleeting. But on the other hand, the child is growing, and the pleasure derived from listening to verses performed by him overrides any sadness.

So, you set out to pick up short poems for children 5 years old. Great. You are on the right track. This means that you have decided to make every effort to expand the child's horizons, increase the baby's vocabulary, and just give a little bit of joy, both to yourself and to him. You may think that the child will not be interested in telling rhymes, but this is far from the case. He will show reluctance at school, and school is still far away. At least for today.

On the Vlio website you can find suitable short poems for children 5 years old. You can easily pick up some interesting poems and instill in your child an interest in poetry. Isn't it wonderful? Of course it's great. Great and, most importantly, easy!

My funny ball
Jumping and jumping:
Jump-jump - into the corner,
And then back.
That's how we party
Had a nice time!

The cat is sitting on the window
The cat washes the spoon with its paw.
And then go for a walk
Vorobyov, count the tits.

Long legged, barefoot
It was raining down the road.
Rogue just in case
He was attached to his mother-cloud.

Rain, rain, what are you pouring?
Why don't you let us walk?
That's when we go to sleep
You can pour and pour again.

Monkeys are very fond of
Eat sweet bananas.
We are like monkeys
And we love bananas too.

Parrot Petya walked
On the path, I found the ruble.
He put a ruble in a piggy bank,
To buy a car later.

In the meadow by that path
