What darkens the silver ring. Why does the chain and cross made of silver around the neck darken

Recently I was reviewing my silver jewelry and saw that some of them began to take on a darkish tint. The appearance, of course, was not the same, I no longer want to wear a ring and a chain. A friend scared me, said that something was wrong with my health. Naturally, I got upset. I cleaned the products, but decided to find out all the information about why silver turns black on a person and what to do. I share with everyone who is interested, because silver jewelry worn by many men and women.

When beloved and familiar jewelry loses its former gloss and luster, acquires a dark coating, this trouble can be explained by several reasons. Let's try to understand these issues in more detail. It turns out that there may be several such factors.

Magic and energy impact

  • If you believe folk signs, it is believed that the darkening of this noble metal from which the product is made (not only jewelry, but also dishes) signals that evil spirits have wound up in the house.
  • Some psychics immediately offer to perform rituals of purification not only of the human biofield, but also to clean the energy of the house.
  • If a young unmarried girl turned dark silver ring, then it means that there is a crown of celibacy on it. When the pectoral cross, which is connected with the owner in the most intimate way, darkens, it means that a person succumbs to energy negative impact. It can be damage or the evil eye.
  • What to do in such cases? You need to go to church, be sure to confess and take communion. Some people don't mind repentance. After that, you need to visit 3 churches, and put a candle in each of them.
  • After all the procedures, you need to throw the jewelry into the river so that all troubles and curses are carried away by the current. Then purchase a new product.
  • It has long been believed that silver is an excellent metal that protects against evil spirits. In ancient times, silver bullets were made to protect warriors in battles from death, silver bells protected family members and the house from evil spirits, an anchor made of this metal served as a talisman for sailors going on a voyage, and a silver month saved from insomnia and anxiety.
  • When there is an inscription “save and save” on a ring or bracelet, a cross, it greatly enhances the protection of the owner from damage and the evil eye. Therefore, when the decoration darkens, it is additionally necessary to call a priest to the house to consecrate your home.

Many keep other amulets in the house. Holy water helps a lot, bunches of garlic and wormwood in the home, and other talismans designed to protect the family and home from evil, envious people and negative influences. But modern scientists have found other explanations that have absolutely nothing to do with magical spells and corruption.

Darkening of silver due to perspiration

If a person wears jewelry directly on the body (for example, a ring, a pectoral cross, a bracelet), then the product is constantly in contact with the skin.

  1. Human skin constantly emits sweat, which reacts with silver. And it, being a metal, is subject to various chemical reactions.
  2. It turns out that sweat contains sulfur, which reacts with silver to form silver sulfide. This compound has a dark, blackish tint, which, when worn for a long time, stains it.
  3. Silver sulfide tends to accumulate gradually, so at first it is almost invisible. However, later it becomes denser, and it can already be seen with the naked eye.
  4. Thus, the darkening process scientific point vision is a completely understandable phenomenon. But not everything is so simple.
  5. If the days are not hot outside, and the lifestyle cannot be called active, there is also little physical activity, and silver still darkens quickly enough, then perhaps there really are health problems. You should go to the doctor and check the condition of your body.

Experts in jewelry do not advise wearing silver jewelry in places where a person may sweat a lot. Before going to the beach, to the bathhouse, sauna or before traveling to hot countries, it is better to remove silver. Moreover, it can be simply accidentally broken or even lost.

What is a silver item made of?

  • Everyone knows that silver is a metal that has a fairly soft structure. Any jewelry made of silver can be bent without much difficulty. To give more density and hardness, at least 5 - 8% of other compounds are added to any decoration.
  • Among them are copper, which also tends to oxidize when in contact with air. A special sputtering is applied to high-quality products - a film of radium. Over time, it gradually collapses. The result is a darkening of the decoration.
  • Sometimes seemingly solid and expensive looking chains, bracelets and rings lose their decorative effect and shine very quickly. In this case, we can talk about a rather low quality: a small silver content and a large percentage of various impurities.

Darkened silver - health problems?

In some cases, there are no special diseases, and a sharp darkening of a silver cross or ring is a consequence of pregnancy. In this state, a woman completely changes the work of almost all internal organs. The acid-alkaline balance also changes. Therefore, when sweating, your favorite silver things begin to darken quite quickly.

Well, if there are problems in the work of the liver and kidneys, then the silver product, on the contrary, begins to acquire a light shade, and even shines. It is explained simply. In case of violation of the functions of these organs, nitrogen is released, which causes such chemical reactions.

Do not worry too much if your favorite jewelry has begun to lose its luster and darken too often. It is enough to go to the doctor and check your health (the endocrine or genitourinary system may fail, so the composition of sweat changes).

If the product was in the box, and no one wore it, then perhaps the darkening is due to its contact with other jewelry, as well as dampness and high levels of humidity.

Silver can be affected by some chemicals. For example, when you do not remove the silver ring when cleaning and use various means, then the decoration may darken literally before our eyes.

Also, silver can enter into a chemical reaction with certain foodstuffs and cosmetics for the face and body. Carefully read the composition, as the sulfur included in the product causes darkening of the silver jewelry.

We clean silver - common methods

First of all, you need to contact the jeweler, since self-cleaning with products containing abrasives can lead to damage to the product. This is especially true for blackened silver, which will simply peel off and completely lose its attractive appearance.

  1. Each jewelry store will prompt and offer tools that will affect the jewelry gently and carefully. If the silver is matte, then it is better to immediately contact the professionals.
  2. There are also folk remedies that have been known for a long time, and really help to put silver in order. The most famous can be called tooth powder or paste. The product is applied to a toothbrush or a napkin. Then the product is rubbed and left for a while. Then you need to rinse everything and wipe it dry with a towel.
  3. It can be very useful for cleaning a solution of salt or soda, ammonia. It is enough to lower the products for a short period of time.
  4. But it is undesirable to use citric acid, especially if the jewelry is with a precious stone. After processing citric acid stones such as amber, pearls or coral may lose their attractiveness and luster.


  • You can treat the darkening of silver jewelry differently. Some believe in signs, and immediately go to church, clean the house and themselves from negativity. But in the modern world, there is the simplest explanation for the process of darkening silver.
  • If the jewelry darkens too quickly, then it is quite possible that there are health problems. You should go for a consultation with a doctor and determine the reason why the amount of sulfur in sweat exceeds the permissible level. Silver will immediately react with blackening in this case.

Silver items - great way gracefully and elegantly complement any outfit, whether Evening Dress or a formal pantsuit. But, unfortunately, over time, silver jewelry can lose its luster and iridescent color and become covered with the so-called patina (dark coating).

Why does silver darken on the human body? This happens due to chemical reactions between silver and skin. However, in addition to strictly scientific explanation of this phenomenon, there are many signs indicating the causes of the darkening of the metal.

Why does silver darken on the human body?

If your silver is blackened, yellowed or oxidized, it means that it is time to clean the jewelry. Additionally, a silver product can be coated with rhodium - it prevents blackening of the metal. So, let's figure out why silver turns green on the human body, why your favorite jewelry can turn black or oxidize - both from a scientific and from a philistine point of view.

Why silver turns black on the body: the main reasons

As a rule, silver blackens from sweat. But in order to understand why a patina appears on silver, you have to go a little deeper into chemistry.

Blackened silver rings

Silver in pure form- the metal is soft, malleable and practically unsuitable for making jewelry. Therefore, in the process of creating a new product, silver is mixed with harder metals - for example, copper. And copper reacts strongly with the sulfur found in human sweat and develops a patina over time.

If you see that someone's silver rings on their fingers have turned black, or the pendant around their neck has darkened - most likely this is due to the fact that a person often sweats and wears jewelry without taking it off.

Why silver turns yellow on the body

If your favorite silver chain suddenly turned yellow, the same sulfur is to blame. However, do not rush to get upset - yes, your decoration has faded, but you were able to notice it in time!

Silver turns black only as a result of a long exposure to sulfur - at the very beginning of the reaction, it turns yellow. Therefore, if the silver has turned yellow, hurry up to clean it to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Signs about darkened silver

In folk legends, silver has a special place - it protects from evil spirits, protects from the evil eye and plays a big role in magical rites. The blackening of silver is explained by signs in different ways. Everything is important here - and the part of the body on which the decoration was worn, the gender and age of the owner, and even the type of product.

So, if a silver chain with a pectoral cross turned black around your neck, signs will say that you have been damaged, or they have jinxed you very much. If the silver chain around the child’s neck is getting dark, you should go to the priest as soon as possible and once again consecrate both the cross and the chain in order to protect the child from evil spirits.

Chain with pectoral cross blackened around the neck

If silver turns black on a man's body, it means that someone's malicious intent dooms him to the life of a bachelor. The same with a young girl - if silver jewelry suddenly turned black, it means that she has a crown of celibacy.

Not only jewelry, but also household products can turn black. So, if silverware turns black, then according to signs, evil spirits appeared in the house. To get rid of uninvited neighbors, sprinkle the house with holy water and read a prayer.

What to do if the silver turned black

Do not despair if the silver has faded or darkened. Unfortunately, a similar fate awaits many jewelry made of this metal - especially those that we wear without taking off. Even if your favorite jewelry is covered with a patina, washing silver from blackness at home is not difficult. Choose any convenient way:

With lipstick

Oddly enough, the usual lipstick- one of the best silver cleaners. It contains a lot of fat and titanium dioxide, which not only help to cleanse silver from plaque, but also give the jewelry a beautiful shine.

Cleaning silver with lipstick

Smear the jewelry with lipstick, take a brush, rub the product until it squeaks. The decoration will brighten before your eyes! However, it should be borne in mind that this method is only good for smooth jewelry without precious stones.

With soda

Every housewife has soda in her kitchen. So why not use it to save your favorite pendant or ring?

How to clean silver with baking soda

Boil water and add soda to it at the rate of 50 grams per liter. Wrap the jewelry in foil and dip into the boiling solution for 10-15 seconds. Then rinse and dry the item.

With toothpaste

Toothpaste contains polishing (abrasive) microparticles that will help you remove the patina from silver.

Clean silver jewelry with paste

Apply the paste to a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid damaging your jewelry when brushing. Polish the product, rinse it in cold water, and then wipe it with a microfiber cloth.

With egg yolk

Our ancestors used egg yolk long before there were lipsticks or toothpastes. The yolk will not only help clean silver, but also protect it from new plaque for a long time.

To clean the jewelry, soak a cotton pad in the yolk and rub the surface of the product. Let the yolk dry and then rinse it off with cold water.

With the help of ammonia

The most reliable way to clean jewelry is to treat silver with ammonia or ammonia.

How to use ammonia to clean silver

Pour a little ammonia into the jar and put the blackened product there. Leave on for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, rinse the jewelry with water and dry thoroughly.

How to care for silver

To prevent silver from turning black, jewelers cover the product with rhodium. This material protects silver that is susceptible to sulfur compounds and helps it stay shiny.

Caring for silver jewelry

In addition, in order to protect the precious metal from patina, it is worth taking proper care of silver jewelry - regularly clean and polish them, take them off when showering or washing dishes, and do not play sports in jewelry.

You need to store silver in a special box or case with soft upholstery. It is best to fold the jewelry so that they do not touch each other - this way you will avoid scratches and chips.

Silver has been very popular since ancient times precious metal for the production of a wide variety of jewelry. The main advantage is the relatively low cost, which makes them accessible to a wide range of consumers.

However, the white noble metal has one significant drawback - over time, under the influence of the environment, silver turns black, oxidizes. This becomes an unpleasant surprise for the owners of such products, but there is no need to worry, such a process can be called natural. Particularly susceptible to darkening on the body of the chain, consider the main reasons for this phenomenon.


On the chest and neck of a person is located the most a large number of sweat glands through which a variety of salts and other chemical compounds are excreted from the body. All of them are very detrimental to silver, causing darkening. That is why quite often there is a situation when a chain and a bracelet made of the same alloy turn black at different speeds, the chain on the neck is much faster than the bracelet on the arm.

Intensive physical exercise , regular trips to the sauna, very soon can ruin the appearance of the chain. In such cases, it is necessary, if possible, to remove silver to preserve the beauty of the products.

Stress- a serious shock for the body, it leads to the release of a large amount of hormones into the blood, cause increased sweating, frequent stress leads to the chain quickly turning black.

Diseases and medicines taken during treatment also significantly affect the appearance of silver. Most diseases are accompanied by an increased body temperature, and, accordingly, the amount of sweat increases. That is why a silver chain around the neck is often an indicator of the health of the wearer. Composition of modern medical preparations- solid chemistry, the remnants of all these, not very useful, substances are also excreted from the body with sweat, the result - the chain turns black on the neck.


Air pollution with sulfur compounds and other harmful substances very detrimental to chains. Sulfur acts aggressively on copper, which is part of silver. The same effect is produced by chlorine, which is used to purify water.

Cosmetics and detergents

Most cosmetics, shampoos, soaps have a neutral acid to alkalinity ratio, so chemical exposure silver is not produced. However, they remain on the chain, which leads to serious pollution, tarnishing, loss of original luster. It is advisable to remove the chain before bathing or when applying creams and other cosmetics.

Silver quality

IN jewelry stores can be found . Fineness is the percentage of pure metal in an alloy. The purity of 99.9% does not oxidize or blacken, but is not used for the production of jewelry. It is very soft, deforms at the slightest impact, rubbed off, losing its original luster. To increase the strength of the alloy, copper is added, but this significantly reduces the resistance to impact. external environment. The most popular is 925 alloy, containing no more than 7.5% impurities - this is an ideal composition in terms of strength - corrosion resistance, it is sometimes also called sterling.

  • This is interesting:

Based on this, the conclusion is simple - the lower the sample, the stronger the influence of all the above factors and the chain on the neck turns black faster.

Evil eye

Silver has long been considered the most reliable protector of the human energy field. An attempt to inflict damage in the form of an evil eye or damage is instantly reflected in the appearance of this noble metal. It is the sharp darkening of the chain around the neck that can signal encroachments from bad people.

The fact that a silver chain turns black around the neck should not be an obstacle to those who wish to wear it. There are simple and effective methods cleansing, the regular use of which makes it easy to restore the original beauty.

Modern corrosion protection technologies help to solve the problem. However, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Rodation- deposition of a thin layer of rhodium. Rhodium is a platinum group metal with high hardness, good anti-corrosion properties, which protects silver from blackening and scratches. However, it has more grey colour, over time, the coating can be wiped off, restoration is required.

Silvering– protection by a covering of a product by pure silver. It has practically no drawbacks, but such products are quite rare.

blackening- the most ancient way to prevent corrosion, the chain is artificially oxidized with chemical sulfur compounds, and then the protruding areas are bleached. Products look very impressive due to the contrast black - white. The disadvantage is that the highlighted parts darken over time and require cleaning.

Silver jewelry is popular due to the attractive appearance and properties of this noble metal. But over time, jewelry can change, lose its former gloss. An unpleasant coating appears on it, visually similar to artificial blackening. So why does silver darken on the human body? What is the cause of such a transformation, and how to avoid it?

Silver cleaning cloth as a gift

What do the omens say

In folk tales, legends and other stories, silver is often mentioned as a powerful energy tool. It kills werewolves, protects from evil spirits, plays an important role in magical rituals. The church rite of consecration of water is also carried out using Argentum spoons, pre-charged with special prayers. Therefore, believers and people inclined to magical thinking take the change in the state of the metal very seriously. Here's how they explain the reasons why silver can darken.

On the limbs

Most often, jewelry can be seen on the hand: fingers or wrist. But there are also bracelets on the legs. The latter option does not have a special sacred meaning, since from ancient times it was used exclusively as a symbol of human wealth. But the silver ring darkens for a reason. It is believed that a crown of celibacy was placed on a girl with a blackened decoration on her finger. If a man wears a ring, then the life of a bachelor awaits him. Turning to the medium for help, you can avert misfortune from yourself and return the former gloss to the metal.

The darkening of the bracelet on the wrist is not considered separately from other jewelry. According to folk signs, in this way the metal protects its owner from evil forces, damage, evil eye, failures or diseases. If the color changed, then the person was attacked by magic, but silver saved him from trouble. It is for this reason that amulets and charms are often made from argentum.

On the neck

Why does it turn black in a child or an adult? Our ancestors explained this by the intervention of the dark magical powers. Someone jinxed - in ancient times representatives were sure of this different peoples and cultures. Modern psychics, sorcerers and healers also see in such a transformation the action of an unkind look, or deliberate induction of damage. The strength of the cast spell depends on the speed and degree of darkening.

On the chest

In their own way, people interpret why a silver cross turns black on the body. In Christianity, this item is God-given protection from the devil and his minions. The inscription "save and save" is a kind of amplifier of this weapon against demons. And if the consecrated pectoral cross or icon is sooty, then serious damage must have been inflicted. The wearer of such an ornament is in danger, it is necessary to turn to a strong priest for prayerful help.

Not only jewelry, but any silver items can turn black. Dishes changed in this way testify to the presence of evil spirits in the room. The best option getting rid of uninvited neighbors - sprinkling with holy water. Not without reason, on the feast of Epiphany, Christians have a custom to call a priest to conduct the rite of purification of the house. The ancient Slavs used wormwood and garlic for this purpose, hanging bundles and bundles of plants at doors or windows.

Scientific arguments

Progress contributes to the formation of other, more mundane versions of many misunderstood incidents to mankind. So there is a new explanation of why the silver on the human body turns black. At the same time, the opinions of scientists also do not always coincide. But in one thing they are in solidarity: an unpleasant gray-black color is associated with sweating.

Silver itself is a soft substance. So that things made from it do not crumble and do not break, argentum is mixed with other metals. Copper is present in all alloys, and it oxidizes when interacting with sulfur.

In turn, human sweat is a waste product of the body. Among other components, it contains sulfur. In contact with earrings in the ears, chest or other jewelry, it enters into a chemical reaction. In this case, it does not collapse, but is covered with dark silver sulfide. Therefore, blackening is not an inevitable or irreversible problem. The main thing is to find and eliminate those affecting the state appearance product factors.

Reasons for darkening:

  • diseases of the internal organs
  • stress
  • alloy composition and quality
  • hormonal changes
  • high air humidity
  1. Doctors believe that the color can change with problems with the kidneys, liver or gallbladder. In such cases, the sweat becomes more acidic and caustic, so the silver reaction is enhanced. This also includes the reaction of the body to the use of certain types of drugs, the remains of which are excreted through the sweat glands.
  2. The amount of sulfur also increases during training in the gym, lifting weights, playing sports. The body tenses up, makes a lot of effort to perform certain actions. There is no need to think for a long time why the silver chain with the pendant darkens, because there are a large number of pores on the chest.
  3. In stressful situations, the body also reacts violently. Sweating profusely, it tries to get rid of excess negativity, to calm nervous system. This reason should not be overlooked in the busy pace of life.
  4. The more impurities in silver, the more often and stronger it darkens. This way you can determine the quality and sample of metal products. Sometimes blackening is applied on purpose, to create a special effect of jewelry.
  5. The ratio of sweat components also changes during periods of hormonal surges. Pregnancy or problems with the endocrine system can lead to such not very pleasant consequences. The unattractive dullness worn on the body will disappear after the restoration of the natural level of hormones.
  6. Another reason why silver changes color when worn is atmospheric conditions. Plaque forms with high humidity or prolonged contact with water. Therefore, it is not recommended to bathe in the bath or swim with any jewelry on the body.

How to clean silver

Now you know why a silver chain turns black, or any other creation of jewelers. But what if it has already happened?

In some cases, the metal may brighten suddenly, without third-party intervention. After all, sweat also contains nitrogen nitrates, which destroy argentum sulfide. If their concentration increases, then a kind of cleaning of products will occur.

Do not wait until the silver itself becomes light. It may not happen soon, or never at all. After all, it is impossible to predict the reaction of the body. It is better to get down to business as soon as the first raid appears. Then it will be easier to remove it. But even with strong oxidation, it will not be difficult to fix the problem. You just have to choose one of

Ancient people attributed to silver the ability to purify everything that this material touches. White metal was the personification of pristine undefiled beauty, virginity, purity. Therefore, church attributes were made from it: crosses, salaries, bowls, and so on.

Many women prefer silver jewelry, jewelry and jewelry from other materials. But sometimes the surface of your favorite thing suddenly darkens. Why the silver ring on the finger turns black, magicians and scientists know. If silver darkens on you, listen to the opinion of both.

The magical properties of silver

Blackened silver causes alertness. In ancient times, white noble metal was actively used against witches, vampires and other evil spirits. Today, silver is used to make amulets.

Magical abilities of silver:

  • purification of the human aura;
  • stimulation of spiritual development;
  • accumulation of negative influences from outside;
  • absorption and storage of magical effects;
  • healing of wounds, curing of diseases;
  • rejuvenation and strengthening of the body;
  • protection from the evil eye, damage, malicious intent of enemies, love spell.

Darkened silver jewelry indicates trouble in the human aura. This may be a consequence of the evil eye or an emerging disease that does not yet show clear symptoms. Silver jewelry also turns black on people who are often angry and in a bad mood.

Silver jewelry has a beneficial effect on the beautiful half of humanity. The impact is activated at night under moonlight.

Silver - "Yin" metal resonates with female energy, enhances sexual attractiveness, intuition, the gift of clairvoyance and others paranormal abilities jewelry owners.

But with representatives of the stronger sex, the situation is different. A man must definitely combine white metal with gold jewelry so as not to become too sensitive and sentimental when wearing silver gizmos.

The main causes of darkening of the metal

If the silver ring has darkened, it has always been considered a bad omen, a sign that there was trouble next to the person or he was subjected to magical influences. Silver actively absorbs the energy of the surrounding space. And since the metal has darkened, it means that the energy is not favorable.

Folk signs why the silver thing turned black:

  • The silver ring on the finger of a young woman or girl has darkened - an indicator of the presence of a “crown of celibacy”, stable bad luck in love.
  • Blackened earrings - a consequence of the evil eye.
  • The pectoral cross darkened - the thing averted damage or a curse. Often after this, the cross is lost,.
  • Silver decor items or cutlery changed color, dishes - evidence of the presence of evil spirits in the house.

It is believed that when the damage or the evil eye stops, then the metal will brighten. But it is better not to sit idly by, but to clean the silver and remove the curse.

There is an opinion among the people that darkened silver is a sign of health problems.

There is some truth in this. Jewelry comes into contact with the skin, which is covered with sweat. While a person is healthy, there is little secretion, copper in the composition of silver oxidizes slowly. But under the influence of hormonal disruptions (for example, during pregnancy or menopause), stress, taking specific medications, the amount and composition of sweat changes, so silver quickly becomes covered with plaque and even turns black.

Even superstitious people believe that silver darkens due to liver and kidney disease, but scientific confirmation of this hypothesis has not yet been received. Still, pay attention to which of the jewelry has darkened, and where you usually have them. After that, the correct conclusion can be drawn.

Silver Care

If it was possible to establish the cause of the darkening of silver jewelry, you can begin to clean the item. There are special chemical compositions for cleaning jewelry.

Silver items are easy to clean at home:

  • Rub with regular toothpaste or wet powder.
  • Hold it in salt water and not wear it for a while - in this way they do the energetic cleaning of the metal from the accumulated negativity.
  • Soak for 30 minutes in a mixture of soda solution and detergent for dishes, and then polish with a cloth.
  • Apply a solution of ammonia (1 teaspoon per 170 ml of water).

All of the above methods can be used if the product does not contain stones that can be damaged. The proposed methods are not suitable for rhodium-plated metal either.

Modern silver jewelry is plated with rhodium. They can be rinsed with warm (not hot) water and then cleaned with a special jewelry cloth.

If you use a silver item as an amulet and you feel that it magical properties weakened, the power of the amulet can be restored. Hold the amulet on the windowsill during the entire period of the growing moon, starting from. Then rinse the thing in running water, the magic item will again protect you.

Silver jewelry should be treated like jewelry. Do not wear them for sports or dirty work. If silver things have turned black, you need to pay attention to health, undergo an examination by a doctor, and reconsider your habits. Believers should visit the church, confess, take communion and read more prayers.
